The Manor

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Jan 31, 2024 4:12 pm
Ealdwig making sure his pendant is away under his shirt and new armor, smiling and good humored as always, Sylfir, Magian, stumbling and stuttering a little trying to find the right word, the, um, guy, um, person, uh, yeah, that we met...he asked if he might borrow a book from the library. Seems he likes to read histories and natural philosophies. Not sure what natural philosophies are but apparently he does. Think there is anything like this in the library? Mind if I get one for him?
Jan 31, 2024 7:20 pm
Skeeve says to Sylfir, "Or, perhaps you could pick a couple books, with Ealdwig's help, and bring them with you when you go to meet him. That might help present a good first impression."

Outta curiosity what is in the scroll case that was mentioned? Or is it empty?
Last edited January 31, 2024 7:24 pm
Jan 31, 2024 7:38 pm
And I still want to check out the kennels. Skeeve is literally built to talk to the hounds. I really, really want to try.
Feb 1, 2024 5:00 am
LOL, relax'll get to play with the doggies, soon enough.
Last edited February 1, 2024 12:11 pm
Feb 1, 2024 2:13 pm
Wittic grumbles something about "dirty paws" and "books leaving the library" but Sulfir seems excited about meeting Magian and enlists wittic and Ealdwig in selecting a couple of books before heading off to have the cook prepare a picnic basket to take lunch when they visit to the carriage house.

The scroll case is simply a permanant mark of official communication with the crest of the house on it in brass. The manor is in between the cariage hoouse and the kennels so you passed through it on your way to the kennels.

After you finish relaying all the information and aswering questions you make your way back to the fields and wood at the back of the manor. Knowing that you will likely have "opfficial" emblems of the house tomorrow you still can't wait and so move to scout out the area arround the kennels.

The large field that lies betweeen the mannor and fieldhouse is as it was before but this time you follow a branch in the overgrown path that lead north towards where you understand the kennels to be.
More later today/tonight. Let me know any plans
Feb 1, 2024 2:58 pm
I just looked at the map I had for the Manor grounds and realized I posted 1 version but was thinking of a different one. I will straiten it out this weekend.
Feb 1, 2024 3:17 pm
While Skeeve, Sylfir and Danol continue their discussion, Ealdwig heads off with Wittic to the library. Wittic you've been here a pretty long time. How is Sylfir doing? I assume she is learning the manor and what is required. She seems like someone who has it together.

And how are you, by the way? I bet it's nice having someone from the family back to look after the manor. This place is looking great. Keep up the good work.

Ealdwig seems to be walking for a while Wow this place is big, isn't it? Hard to get over when you never had much.

Upon entering the library, he asks Wittic so, do you know what books, um, he might like? Do we have any history or "natural" philosophy books here somewhere?
I assume we would have some kind of conversation and Ealdwig likes to chat, if even to himself. So I tossed in some conversation during the walk. Figured this would speed it up then waiting for the back and forth.

Assuming we find a book or two.
Ealdwig grabs the two books. Don't want to bring too many in case, um, he doesn't bring them back or take care of them. And besides, these are heavy.

Heading back to find the group. Wittick, do you think, um, he will like these? It's good to make a friend and have some allies. Never know when they might be needed. I didn't have too many fiends, allies, hum, or acquaintances for that matter, before I got to the base. Now, I've made a great deal of friends. Smiling as always, you included. I hope.

So what are the plans now that Sylfir is here? There must be some big plans in the works.
Feb 1, 2024 5:17 pm
Don't forget to give a very brief apology for that charm thing. You don't have to mean it. Just use it to smooth things over.

Worst case, just blame Skeeve for not warning you. :-)
Feb 1, 2024 6:43 pm
daryen says:
{Skeeve's plan snipped}

Obviously, Blornvid and Ealdwig will do what they want. :-) This is just the general plan that Skeeve has for approaching and investigating the kennels.
Works for Blornvid.
Feb 2, 2024 1:41 pm
Ealdwig says:
Wittic you've been here a pretty long time. How is Sylfir doing? I assume she is learning the manor and what is required. She seems like someone who has it together.
Witic replies The ladies is doind well but will do better when we are able to bring in more of her family as well as others to help run and manage things here. Fortunately she is touched with a gift of magic and has awakend her bloodline. Some day she will become a grand sorceress and witics eyes gleam with her dreamy vissions of the future.
Ealdwig says:
And how are you, by the way? I bet it's nice having someone from the family back to look after the manor. This place is looking great. Keep up the good work.
I a fine, Thank you
Ealdwig says:
so, do you know what books, um, he might like? Do we have any history or "natural" philosophy books here somewhere?
Wittick, do you think, um, he will like these? It's good to make a friend and have some allies. Never know when they might be needed. I didn't have too many fiends, allies, hum, or acquaintances for that matter, before I got to the base. Now, I've made a great deal of friends. you included. I hope.
I am sure I have no idea what that little scamp might like and she huffs in annoyance.

When Ealdwig tries to take the books Witic sternly forbids it. Stating that the lady will take the suggestion under advisement before makking her own coice then taing them to Magian herself when she goes visiting in a bit. It is important the lady give a good first impression. I am sure she will convey your interest and assistance with the book selection

[quote"Ealdwig"]So what are the plans now that Sylfir is here? There must be some big plans in the works.[/quote] I am sure the lady will reveal her plans in time

You get the impression that Witic tends to carry bad impressions and Magian and Ealdwig have both fallen out of grace with her.
Feb 2, 2024 1:42 pm
Skeeve goes ahead and borrows the scroll case.

As they go through the fields and woods, they do keep an eye out for anything coming in, stopping occasionally to let things be still so they can hear better. When they get in the vicinity of the kennel, they will slow down significantly to try and determine if there is any activity going on. Sounds of life, sounds of activity, any movement; that type of thing.

If there are indications something is there, Skeeve will step forward by a range band and call out to whomever/whatever is there. The intention is go non-threateningly attempt to communicate.

If there are no indications something is there, they will all slowly approach the kennel, confirm nothing is there, then explore a bit to see what can be seen.

Obviously, Blornvid and Ealdwig will do what they want. :-) This is just the general plan that Skeeve has for approaching and investigating the kennels.
Feb 2, 2024 1:55 pm
As you near the kennels you note an increasing number of dog tracks in the area, some of which are alarmingly large. It is not ultil you approach the structure that you catch sight of anything. Like the fieldhouse, the kennels are built of stone and wood. This structure, however, has been severly vandalized. All exterior doors have been removed as have all window coverings. It is through one of these gaps into the darker interior that you spot movement.

At Skeeves call you hear movement inside but no imedite responce. Stepping closer however does get a reaction. Almost simualtaniously several large canine beaste loom to almost fill several of the doorways. Long of leg and jaw, with two heads, these "dogs" are lean but well muscled and a low cautionary rumble is emitted by several, increasing in volume until you stop advancing in reaction.
Feb 2, 2024 2:24 pm
Are these things intelligent? Does he need to use Beastspeaker or just speak? I'll assume the former for the purpose of this post.
Skeeve puts out his open hands to show no weapons and to make himself bigger. Using Beastspeaker, he says, "Peace. We no attack. This your home?" He presents confident curiosity, but not hostility. Fundamentally, he wants to see if they will parley.


Skeeve: Attempt to be friendly with Death Dogs - (3d6)

(511) = 7

Feb 2, 2024 2:40 pm
Smiling and joking, sorry. You're wound a little tight Wittic. I think this place is taking a toll on you. Maybe you need a vacation.

We'll let Sylfir know then and she can bring them but I am pretty sure we were told to pick them out. I was just going to bring them to Sylfir and save the Lady a step.
Feb 2, 2024 2:49 pm
beast speaker works on anything without a language of its own, and then some. Ex : it will work on dolphins and whales and apes but not trolls or elementals or dragons. Brings up a good point. Griffins are intelligent but have no structured language, so I am thinking it would partially work with them. Ie as good as basic animals but you may miss some nuance
The growling pauses and a couple look at reach other before the third disappears back inside. One of the remaining ones looked at Skeeve and grunts and he understands it's intent
Ours. You back. Wait
Feb 2, 2024 3:00 pm
Skeeve responds, "Understand." He then takes a couple of steps back to demonstrate he understands.

Without breaking eye contact with the death-dog, he tells the others what was said. He then adds, "Please don't do anything rash, but do keep an eye out to make sure there's no ambush or anything going on."
EDIT: Approximately how many death-dogs has he seen?
Last edited February 2, 2024 3:01 pm
Feb 2, 2024 7:40 pm
Blornvid nods and backs up, not making any sudden moves, but keeping his eyes open for a potential ambush.
Rolling, just in case.


Awareness of ambush - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Feb 3, 2024 2:37 am
The 3 deathdogs were the only ones actually seen. Movement and shadows could have been these or other dogs. After several tense minutes with neither the large dogs or the party relaxing you hear movement from withing the building again. Heavy footfals announce the arival of a large man.

As he steps up to the door but not beyond you are slightly shocked by his size. Over 8 feet tall and probibly weighing more than all three of you put together. The mand is dressed is leathers, a vest, breeches, and soft boots. with a prace of knives at his waist. Two are likely short swords but next to him just look like slightly larger knives.

The mans face is sitll hidden in sahdows and his deep rumbling voice emits a growl as he skeaks a single word. What

His voice is slightly threatening and ealdwig shivvers as the man feels more like a beast or monster to him thant Magian ever made him feel.
Feb 3, 2024 4:48 am
Looks like we found the groundskeeper!
Skeeve calmly says, "There is a new Lady at the Manor. We've been sent out to see the state of the whole grounds. We just wanted to see if anyone was out here.

"We bring a message of peace and friendship. The Lady just wants to know better about her neighbors. We'd love to take any message you have back to her."
Feb 3, 2024 4:50 am
In case a roll is needed


Skeeve: Being friendly - (3d6)

(665) = 17

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