Skeeve immediately thinks of the dice he and Ealdwig split up. He pulls out his pair and says,
"So, something that would look like this? I have only half of the set, but know where the others are. Or are these just dice?"
He continues,
"I know of three locations besides this one and the one at the base. I imagine the one at the base is off-limits, too, as I would not want to mess up what Fiznik and Valpip are doing. I also don't want to use one of the other three because I don't want to draw undo attention to those who reside nearby. After helping clean up here, I will seek out some more new patterns. I will look for those tomes in the library in the meantime."
Skeeve thinks for a couple minutes and says,
"Yes, if you teach me how to use the nodes, I will carry a seer stone with me. My only request is that I will occasionally ask for you to leave a particular node alone in deference to those who are nearby. That will be rare though, and I will still share my findings, even of those places." As an act of good faith, he shares his notes on those three places they have already been to.
Finally, if there is a "trick" to recognizing the minor nodes, he asks how to do that so he has a better chance to find them. And if what he split with Ealdwig is actually such a set, he's gonna have to figure out how to bribe Ealdwig for the other pair.
After this, he either hunts down Ealdwig to get the other pair of dice (if I just got super lucky) or heads to the library as suggested until Valpip gets there, and the cleanup continues.
Last edited February 10, 2024 4:55 pm