Skeeve laughs good naturedly at Kaarik's greeting. He says, "No, I am not the lord of this Manor. The Lady Sylfir is the master of the Manor. (And she does have elven heritage.) I am merely the one here to greet you. I can take you up, however.
"As for the former city, it is just an outpost. The city itself is long dead, but there are still a lot of opportunities for exploration. As for important things to find, do you mean in the old ruins, or here in the Manor? If you mean the Manor, expect some unhappiness if you try to take things. You'll be better asking nicely, though still expect a no. If you mean the old city, it's just a bunch of dangerous ruins. If you have any way to magically detect for and get guided to them, then you have a chance if they still exist. Otherwise, you'll just have to claw your way through like everyone else does."
Turning slightly to talk into the air, Skeeve says, "I think we're good here. Please unlock the door."
When the door unlocks, Skeeve opens it and introduces Kaarik to Blornvid, a dour looking dwarf who is only now finally relaxing, and Ealdwig, a happy-go lucky Duende. "This is Blornvid and Ealdwig. The three of us are helping reclaim and explore the Manor grounds. We'll take you up to meet the Lady." He pauses for a second and says, "What name should I use when I introduce you?"
Figuring he will answer along the way, Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig lead Kaarik up and into the Manor.