The Manor

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Feb 14, 2024 8:00 pm
Psybermagi says:
@MoyenBateau : I would like Kaarik to play with this group a bit. No one is really in the city at this time but they all have access and this group is low on body count and I need to condense the number of threads running.

I will do Sylfir after work but feel free to chat till then
Sorry I missed this post while answering to the thread somehow.
Sure, really happy to play with this group!
Feb 14, 2024 8:59 pm
And we're happy to have you! It will keep you busy while the city ruins are otherwise inaccessible. Give you a little experience and maybe even a little loot along the way.
Last edited February 14, 2024 9:09 pm
Feb 15, 2024 3:29 am
Welcome aboard!

Sylfir Alderdrim


Feb 15, 2024 5:26 am
Sylfir Alderdrim
You find Sylfir in a somewhat heated discussion with Danoll and the two fall silent as you enter. Sylfir walks up to Kaarik smiling and greets him warmly Greetings. I am Sylfir Alderdrim. I am glad to meet another of my kin. According to Seer the mage tower you came from was related to this manor and my family before the Shattering. May I know your families' name and the name of the mage who is master of the tower you arrived from?
Feb 15, 2024 9:38 am
Kaarik bows respectfully and does his best to show the most reverence as he can. Kaarik also makes sure that Skeeve, Blornvid and Ealdwig enter the room as well.

It is an honor to meet you my dear lady Sylfir. I have heard that you retook possession of these lands and I am really glad to hear that. I am Kaarik of the Malthen family.

Our cousin Skylla is the mage who sent me here today. She was originally planning to send me to the city but it seems that there was some interference. I have talked to our good friends already and they warned me of the dangers of the city. That's why before taking any decisions I wanted to talk to you. Have you heard of any artifacts in the region? The fey are fearing that darker forces are trying to retrieve them.
Feb 15, 2024 1:42 pm
Darker forces! Did I hear that right?



Feb 15, 2024 1:44 pm

Sylfir looks over to a older human make that stands to one side of the room. Pushing himself off the wall he walks over and asks The fey of your lands fear this or are your people in contact with the fey of the city?

Danoll inroduces himself and explains that he was one of the first people to find the city, Paphos, and helped scout it out and assit in the founding and expantion of the expedition base. They have encountered multipe "artifact" but there are some that seemed unusually powerful. The are has alrady come under contention by both goblinoid, mostly the hobgoblins, and orc races.

If the things I am thinking of are what they fey fear then you will not be able to do much on your own. They are rather big and difficult to control. But if you have any specific informatino on them then I can ensure it gets to the expedition leaders.
Feb 15, 2024 3:14 pm
Skeeve, possibly oddly, has little to add to this conversation. While he is interested in one particular kind of artifact, the Matrix Node, it is primarily for its utility. For whatever reason the Matrix Node does seem to have any nasty side-effects that most artifacts have. He is generally leery of very powerful artifacts. He remembers, from his time with the fey, that often it is an open question of which is in control: the user or the artifact.
Feb 15, 2024 3:31 pm
Kaarik is unsure about who provided this information to Skylla and realizes that he probably should have asked more questions before setting out.

I am sorry Danoll, I haven't been thorough in my study of the situation and I have no more information, I do not know who informed Skylla and which item they meant.

I would be happy to serve in any way possible though.
Last edited February 15, 2024 3:31 pm
Feb 15, 2024 3:35 pm
When he gets a chance, probably after this main meeting, Skeeve will approach Sylfir on a one-on-one (or one-on-two if Danoll is present; either works) and make a request. Thus far, I am assuming that the three (Skeeve, Blornvid, Ealdwig) all have a room somewhere. Skeeve's request is for those room assignments to be permanent. He is quite happy for them to be small and way out of the way from the rest of the Manor. (In fact, he'd prefer that.) But he would like for them to be able to use those rooms as a safe base, where we can leave things and know they will be safe. And to always know that there is one place they can always come back to for a safe place to sleep and recover.

If no, then no. But he does ask.
Feb 16, 2024 2:15 pm
Dannol asks a few more questions about your family and Skylla but does not probe further when you skirts what you feel is internal family business. Now that the manor is in contact with Skylla via the Matrix he informs you that you are welcome to stay or move on to the city. He seconds Skeeves comments about needing a good party for some of the situations likely to occur in Pashos.

You private quarters are currently on the second floor of the manor. They are finalizing preparations to bring in more staff and family. They Plan to house them in the manor and hope to restore it to a self sufficient holding. While you are welcome to stay for at least the next season or two Sylfir is reluctant to permanently assign rooms in the manor to you but is perfectly fine with you taking a number of rooms in any of the outbuildings. The fieldhouse, gatehouse, or carriage house all have plenty of room. But she will talk with Wittic to see if there are any quarters that could be reserved for your groups use while you stay.

By time you finish talking and giving a brief tour of the manor to Kaaric, who finds the house oddly more human in its basic design than elvish though it does incorporate many elvish styles, it is time for the mid day meal. Retiring to the dinning hall you have a meal prepared by the cook and served by Wittic, in honor of the new guest/member, while you get to know each other better. During the meal Danoll points out that the trio who arrived from the city and have been helping Sylfir to secure and safeguard the grounds. Most of it has been scouted but there are a few more places to explore. He suggests Kaarik work with them for a day or so while Valpip tries to reestablish passage with the Seer to the city.
[ +- ] The Manor
[ +- ] Mannor Grounds
Plans says:
Gatehouse, mews, orchard, probably finishing with the basement and its connection with the Underdark before revisiting/exploring Matrix addresses. Kaarik would like to go to Paphos when possible.
Feb 16, 2024 3:34 pm
Sylfir is reluctant to permanently assign rooms in the manor to you but is perfectly fine with you taking a number of rooms in any of the outbuildings. The fieldhouse, gatehouse, or carriage house all have plenty of room.
Hmm. Skeeve is all-in on the idea of using one of the outbuildings. Not wild about the fieldhouse idea. That was a pretty dicey encounter, and it would take a lot of time to get that blue dot under control. (He'd want to figure out how to do it without the badge.) However the carriage house is a possibility if its master agrees. Since all of them would be in and out, they shouldn't mess with each other, and his presence alone should discourage visitors. But, before negotiating with him, let's go check out the gatehouse. So, now Skeeve really wants to investigate that gatehouse next!

Skeeve also says to Kaarik, "Do take the opportunity to speak with Valpip. He has been at the settlement longer than most and if there are any artifacts of relevance in the ruins, he would likely know about it. This is a great opportunity to ask." As he says this, Skeeve discretely points out who Valpip is.
Skeeve is assuming the others are all-in on this idea. It just seems like having a private space that is relatively secure that isn't just a cot in a barracks would be heavily advantageous. It certainly doesn't need to be in the Manor. The carriage house would be great if Magian agrees. But we have a day or so before he leaves, so let's do a quick check on the gatehouse to see who currently owns it ...

If I'm wrong and we don't have time, then Skeeve will quickly head over to the carriage house and see if Magian is willing to tolerate some flatmates.
Last edited February 16, 2024 3:36 pm
Feb 16, 2024 4:23 pm
After hearing Skeeve's discussion with Sylfir, Ealdwig contemplates the idea of a more "permanent home". He likes the idea of a place that's his and doesn't have to worry about where he'll lay his head next. Although, he isn't 100% happy to be relegated to an out building. Totally understandable, he isn't a member of the family and barely knows Sylfir but it still stings a little. It's still better than any other prospects he has. Maybe he can save his gold and get his own place some day.

Quietly speaking to Skeeve, trying not to draw too much attention, so, we can stay? Looking around, I'd rather stay here, in the main house, but a permanent place is good, no matter where it is.

Should we check out the other buildings. I don't think I'll want to stay with those, um...dogs and I don't think Magian is going to be interested in company. Even if I got him a book or two.
Feb 16, 2024 4:32 pm
Kaarik enjoys the meal and is a bit ashamed of the welcome he is receiving while he has nothing to offer in exchange.

As Skeeve points him towards Valpip, he makes sure that his new friends are aware that he can help with anything. I really feel bad staying idle while you obviously have so much to do. I will be here for a few days at least so use me as much as you can.

He then goes to have a chat with Valpip to try to have more information about the artifacts.
Feb 16, 2024 4:47 pm
To Ealdwig, Skeeve says, "I don't mean for us to always stay here. I just mean as a base that we can always safely return to. That way, no matter what, no matter where we wander to, we have a place we can come back to for rest and recovery. With the Matrix Node, and with the Seer here, it should always be a reasonable destination. Plus, isn't a bed better than a cot in a dormitory?"

If there is enough light left in the day after Kaarik finishes talking with Valpip, we head over to the gatehouse to check it out. Conveniently, the carriage house is on the way back, so we can always stop there if the gatehouse isn't working out.
Last edited February 16, 2024 4:48 pm
Feb 16, 2024 4:47 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
A bit embarrassed Sylfir tries to comfort Ealdwig You are welcome to stay here for some time. It was Skeeves request for a "permanent" residence that made me mention the other buildings. The manor will be reserved for family and those who work for us. While you are assisting, and some time after, you are welcome to stay in the manor house itself. I simply meant that if you wish to claim a portion of one of the out building as your own I see no problem with that. You did help reclaim this place after all. I hope by keeping others nearby, such as Malgrim and the the keeper, as neighbors and potential allies it will feel more like a community with others beside my family and staff.

The gnomish artificer is quite excited to talk shop with an up and coming artificer such as Kaarik and goes over what you already know to establish a basis of understanding. The orbs are likely the "artifacts" the fey mentioned to your cousin. Each alone is a great artifact of immense power tied to a specific outer realm and the forces they regulate in the universe. There is a tower, The Infinite Tower, that has 2 wardens that claim the orbs are a part of the tower and should be returns. My research reveals that their story is possibly true as the Infinite Tower was a massive undertaking of all the mortal People in the Dawn age. Some of our scouts have assisted the tower in reclaiming one of the orbs and the warden was able to control it and reverse much of the effect it had created, which lends credence to their claims. However I myself am hesitant to give such powerful items to the "wardens" without more information.

Date&Time(Alpha): 16@12:30
to the gatehouse later today
Feb 16, 2024 4:51 pm
So, she's willing to treat us like Magian and the kennel keeper? Sweet! Skeeve is so down for that!
Also, on the way to the gatehouse Skeeve will take the opportunity to show Ealdwig how to use the Rope Caster crossbow. I am sure he can come up with some devilish uses for it!
Last edited February 16, 2024 4:58 pm
Feb 16, 2024 6:11 pm
daryen says:
Sylfir is reluctant to permanently assign rooms in the manor to you but is perfectly fine with you taking a number of rooms in any of the outbuildings. The fieldhouse, gatehouse, or carriage house all have plenty of room.
Hmm. Skeeve is all-in on the idea of using one of the outbuildings. Not wild about the fieldhouse idea. That was a pretty dicey encounter, and it would take a lot of time to get that blue dot under control. (He'd want to figure out how to do it without the badge.) However the carriage house is a possibility if its master agrees. Since all of them would be in and out, they shouldn't mess with each other, and his presence alone should discourage visitors. But, before negotiating with him, let's go check out the gatehouse. So, now Skeeve really wants to investigate that gatehouse next!
Skeeve is assuming the others are all-in on this idea. It just seems like having a private space that is relatively secure that isn't just a cot in a barracks would be heavily advantageous. It certainly doesn't need to be in the Manor. The carriage house would be great if Magian agrees. But we have a day or so before he leaves, so let's do a quick check on the gatehouse to see who currently owns it ...

If I'm wrong and we don't have time, then Skeeve will quickly head over to the carriage house and see if Magian is willing to tolerate some flatmates.
"The fieldhouse is a non-starter for me, Skeeve. Nothing short of purging that place down to the studs would get me to stay there. And I don't really want to bother that Magian fellah. He's fine a chap and all, but I get the feeling that we'd—scratch that, make that me—would just get in his way. If we can make the gatehouse our space, I'd prefer that."
Feb 16, 2024 7:04 pm
"Well, let's hope for the best!"
Feb 16, 2024 8:15 pm
Not realizing he was talking loud enough for everyone to hear, Ealdwig blushes totally embarrassed. Sorry Lady Sylfir, Ealdwig remembers some of Skeeve's manners and gives a slight bow of his head. I didn't mean to offend. Your offer is more than generous. You honor me. I've grown very fond of this place.
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