Darian takes you through the first floor pointing out a trap you missed between one of the front rooms (10) and the stairs leading down to the basement. He also helps you to uncover the vault in the room with the undead/construct training creatures. Darian says it is of little use to him and you would likely find it eventually anyhow.
vault says:
30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; Full Plate (1500 gp); 4000 cp; Hourglass (25 gp); Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp);
The upstairs has a similar layout, though fewer and less deadly trapps. It has a large barracks room for up to 20 guards, an armory of gear in need of repair and polish, several commons areas, and a few officer quarters and offices. Here there is evidence of a hurried departure. Fortunately there is a set of keys to the building. There should be three but the other 2 sets were probably taken when the family left.
The basement is less impressive with storage rooms, the cell Skeeve dropped into, and is home to many rats and smaller pests but nothing of interest.