The Manor

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Aug 7, 2024 2:17 am
Well, if you'll have me stick around, I will. :)

I like the 3/w option. While the multiple posts/day adventures were great early on, it got to be a bit of work to keep up, especially when the group expanded in size. I can only imagine what it was like for you.

What sort of role do you envision for Blornvid should he join the Stormy Beginning group? I don't mind playing a support role (guardian?) so that the newcomers can enjoy developing their characters and exploring the world.
Aug 7, 2024 4:07 am
Well there is a wandering swordswoman and a merchant spelltouched/craftsperson so a bit of the grizzled veteran blacksmith should bridge the two nicely. I can move then to intercept the manor but think it might be easier if you explore the area and encounter then beyond the cultivated grounds. Why don't you wrap up anything you have left in the monor/guardhouse and put yourself out on patrol/exploration or some such. I may give you a story hook to further lead you out but go ahead and kick yourself out of the house :)
Aug 7, 2024 5:22 pm
Blornvid's meeting with Danol goes well. The Manor's recovery is going as well as can be hoped for. The stables will no doubt remain off limits for its bipedal residents for some time. Maybe they can co-exist. Who knows? Diplomacy was never Blornvid's strong suit. He was the sort of guy they called in when diplomacy failed.

Blornvid secretly hoped that either Skeeve or Ealdwig were able to take a break from their adventuring to address their respective rooms and workshops in the gatehouse, but it didn't happen. No big deal. It could wait.

The gatehouse restoration was close to completion. The forge worked well. Rooms were clean, beds made. The wooden ballista parts were being grown. It was "homey." He never saw Darian the ghost. He wondered if he approved or found some way to move on.

The smithy work backlog was taken care of. Danol had seen fit to assign regular guards to keep an eye on things and oversee the training of the lads and lassies who were inclined to defend their new home. There was little left here for Blornvid to do.

"I s'pose that it's time for me to head back into the world," he said to the empty gatehouse one evening. He toasted the idea with an ale.

The next day he packed his things and informed Danol of his decision. "Me or one of the lads will be back. Don't know when. If you should be needin' me for anything, just send a message back to the base and I'll be back as soon as I get it."

He thanked Danol and gave his regards to the Lady of the Manor and sought out the Matrix node in the cellar.
Ok, over to you. :)
Aug 8, 2024 5:06 am
I was actually thinking of having you encounter the duo closer to the manor, so . . . . Narrative powers activate, form of a re write :)
As you are heading to the manor you hear a commotion around the back of the building and several shouts tinged with panic pull you to quicken your step as you make your way through the building and out to the gardens. There you see the shaggy figure of the Houndmaster with more of his pack in tow than you have ever seen at once. The twenty large hounds are obviously on edge and as soon as he sees you the man heads straight for you.

Something is changing in the plains to the south. The pack came back from the hunt last night with several wounded. They know better than to bother those that are a threat to them. I followed them back to where they fought and found tracks that are not normal. I was on my way to talk with Magian to see if he would accompany me. You would be a welcome addition.

Your presence calms the panicking people and you encourage them to retire inside the house for a while and get the Keeper to send most of the pack to back into the woods while you accompany him to go see Magian. There the Keeper explains more on what he found. Far to the south the pack encountered something with tracks indicating it is far larger than any beast he had previously seen. He intends to go out with the rest of the pack and hunt down this new threat.

Magian listens intently to the Keeper but looks to you as he responds. I agree we should investigate but if it already faced the pack do you think returning to the hunt immediately is the best option? If we take the griffins we can get there quicker and together we can search the area.
If it is truly soo large then we will likely be able to easily find it form the sky.

Turning to look to you. Would you accompany us? I believe I can get a couple of griffin to bear the both of you and this would be a good test for them. What say you?
Aug 8, 2024 9:24 pm
Psybermagi says:
Narrative powers activate, form of a re write :)
LOL: Wonder Twins reference.

Ok, that's fine. Assumed he was heading back to base. This is more dramatic.
Magian says:
Would you accompany us? I believe I can get a couple of griffin to bear the both of you and this would be a good test for them. What say you?
"Of course!"
Aug 9, 2024 5:28 am
The three of you quickly make arrangements and with a bit of encouragement and reassurance from Magian the Keeper is persuaded to stay close while you and the stable master fly out to investigate. Flying south for about an hour you spot a rather odd transition that Magian says was not there before. Gliding low you land and quickly dismount form the only partially trained and domesticated griffin to look out across a swath of the plains that looks to have been plucked from a distant land. While still consisting of rolling hills the grass of this section has grown to over 4 feet in height and exceeding 6 or even 8 feet high in places. Trees of the area are usually scarce and scattered but in this odd region they are taller and clustered in groves and thickets dozens of feed wide. It is only now as you look out over this area that you realize how much you did not understand the Keepers description of where the pack encountered the large creature.

You reluctantly allow Magian to help you once again mount up onto the griffin and take to the air to begin searching the area for the signs of conflict. It does not take too long for you to find the site and upon landing once again realize you failed to fully understand the Keepers description. The print of whatever fought the pack are larger than a griffin and deep enough to make you think dragon or dinosaur but the shape is all wrong. Magian is equally stumped, not having any ideas what the thing might be.

Give me a plan of investigation with test rolls to support it.
Aug 9, 2024 9:12 pm
Blornvid asks Magian, "Do you think the change in the landscape is some ripple or echo from the Shattering?"

After looking over the tracks, Blornvid says, "Hunting isn't my specialty, so I have no idea what this may be. However, if we can measure the size of these footprints and sketch them, we should be able to bring them to a hunter or some mage that specializes in the study of living things. And if we can identify a matching pair of prints, a left foot and right foot, we should measure the gap between them. Taller creatures have a wider stance."

Another idea comes to him. "If you spot any blood on a leaf or branch or the ground, we should try to collect that as well. Might be useful for identification."
Is this what you had in mind?


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Aug 10, 2024 2:00 am
That works. If you are unfamiliar with aspects of the game feel free to give broad stroke ideas and/or questions and throw in a roll or two and I will go with best interpretation. I;m no woodsman so make most of my facts/skills/lore up :)
You search the area for clear signs and make some rough sketches and use a length of rope to record measurements. Once done you approximate the creature to have legs well over 20' long so the creatures is likely 30' tall and even longer. The tracks are odd but it does not appear bipedal but beyond that you are not sure.

Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED
Aug 11, 2024 1:25 am
Deciding to see if you could track the strange creature you return, somewhat reluctantly, to the air to try and track it. You spend some time following the track, an easy task due to their size and depth, despite staying higher in the sky than you would like. Fortunately the creature does not seem to like the more heavily wooded region around the Manor and eventually wanders back to the south. It is just as you are about to turn back and head towards home that you catch sight of what you can only assume to be the creature in the distance. It begins to stand, which is why you noticed it at all as while it was laying down it looked much like any other hill nearby. Then you spy a lone wagon with moving away from the thing you guess to be a massive earth elemental.

Go ahead and join the duo of newcomers in the Stormy Beginning
Aug 11, 2024 6:09 pm
Heading there after this.
Blornvid points at the hill-creature and says to Magian, "Let's get down there and see if we can help those folks."
Aug 29, 2024 4:01 am
Getting down to business
The story of @Turanel2,@desekat is continued form HERE
With the arrival of a merchant traveling the old road by wagon the manor is put into a frenzy of speculation and chatter as the residence, both old and new, wonder as the arrival. Along with the merchet are a couple guards and companions, a strange beast of burden, and a telepathic insect a bit bigger than a duende.

Aug 29, 2024 4:11 am
Danoll (Manor)
Danol escorts you into the manor, through the interior of the once prosperous manor house which exudes an air of faded grandeur and eerie enchantment, frozen in time from its glory days. Freshly cleaned there are still signs of neglect, such as cracked windows and weathered tapestries that hang from the walls. The scent of aged wood and a hint of magic permeates the air.

You are guided to the drawing room, which showcases worn but still luxurious furnishing. Threadbare velvet sofas and chairs surround a marble fireplace, adorned with aged family portraits in gilded frames. Faded drapes frame the windows, revealing overgrown gardens outside. A grand piano sits in one corner, its keys untouched for years, but the music it once produced still lingers in the air. Gilded frames hold paintings of idyllic landscapes and family members from generations past. He tells you to make yourselves comfortable and that drinks will arrive shortly before excusing himself to fetch the lady of the house.

You all get comfortable and Ambasador begins inspecting all the fabricated goods and you are brough drinks of either cool water or chilled mild wine. A few minutes pass before Danoll returns with a young half-elven lady.

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)
Greeting! I can not tell you how surprise I am to learn that the wheels of commerce have found their way to this remote settlement. I have so many questions for you and can not wait to hear how you found us. The lady is a mixture of polite grace and youthful exuberance and bubbling curiosity, and awaits your tale to be shared with her.
Aug 30, 2024 9:15 pm
Elyse introduces herself and the ragtag group aligned with the Merchant. She uses her spell touched ability to paint the scenes of their adventures from when she first met July and Hazel, just illusory stills that fade from one image to the next to enhance the story being told.

So Lady Alderdrim, this all brings us to your parlor...


spell touched story telling - (2D6)

(45) = 9

Aug 31, 2024 4:48 am
Your story goes well and is well received. After you chat for a while you are allowed to freshen up and rest for a time before dinner, where Sylfir tells you that you may be asked for a bit of your tale again as many of the communities leaders are eager for news. The building continues to reveal its age, but it's quality seems up for the task and the care it is now receiving make it quite comfortable. You spend the rest of the day getting clean and a bit of rest before joining the dozens of locals in the dining hall. Hear you learn that most of the people were recently rescued from the city Eldergrove, which fell during the Dawn War. Its protector cursed the city and remaining inhabitants to defeat the demon attackers and protect as much as possible. Now free of the curse they are staying at the manor, some in hope of returning to reclaim the city while other are content in this new home. They are in contact with Paphos but only via magic as the road between the manor and city passes through territory claimed by aggressive and contending forces.

Though Paphos was Hazel's original destination she is only all too happy to forgo that opportunity for one closer and safer to reach. She and Sylfir chat much of the night about possible trade arrangements while you talk with Danolle and others of this odd settlement.
Feel free to interact with the NPC, ask questions, etc as you wish. Let me know of any interests you have. Your characters can stay around the manor, which Belonid is familiar with, or continue on to Paphos. Both locations will have opportunities for exploration, interaction, and conflict.
Sep 3, 2024 12:59 pm
In the morning you learn that Zeva has set out as her sword claims to have recognized something from last nights talk and is leading her to where they believe the grave to be. Hazel informs you that she will be staying here a couple days before heading back to the towns you came from. A couple of the local plan to go with her so they too will know the way and there are plans to begin work on restoring the roads fur future travels.
Sep 3, 2024 2:47 pm
Perhaps Ambassador could be bargained with to help restore the trade route? There may also be opportunities for them to guard the trails that run though their lands... Elyse explains to Sylfir and Dannol what she witnessed of the Formian's ability for craftmanship and the speed at which they restored the roads through their lands to help us arrive here.

To Blornvid: So, do you think you might want to help me find some raw gems in the area? If we can find some before Hazel packs up to go, I could bundle them up and ship them back to the family business? Any old mines or caverns that we could explore around the manor?
Sep 3, 2024 5:20 pm
Blornvid scratches his bearded chin. "I don't recall any old mines or caverns near the Manor, but my explorin' has been admittedly limited. After me and the old lads cleared out the problem areas, I've been primarily working on the gatehouse and its immediate surroundings. Perhaps Danol knows of some." He smiles. "Either way, I'd be quite willing to help you track down some gems."
Sep 3, 2024 5:41 pm
What about it Danoll, any ideas where we might go looking?

Danoll (Manor)


Sep 3, 2024 10:26 pm
Danoll (Manor)

The retired rogue replies quickly. I know of 2 possible sourcs of gemstones. The city of Paphos has tnnels leading from its cewars and basements that wind and eventually lead to the underdark. As I understand it even the caverns above the true depths of the underdark has some crystals. The manor itself has a passage that may lead to the underdarkas well but none have ventured down its winding length.

In additin Magian tells uf mountains to the north where he and the grifons spend much of their time. The are is rough and filled with caves. Though neither he nor I are great experts on locating the treasures of the earth I am sure that there must be someoportunities there in the mountains.

The mountains are an unknown but all I know of the unddark says that it is the more dangerous of the two options.
Sep 4, 2024 2:28 am
"Aye. Danoll is certainly correct about the danger of the Underdark. You'd need more than just me to venture there."
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