The stable-master is only all to willing to fly you to the mountains, a several days walk but mere hours by flight, and even has a spot in mind for your investigation.
The region has multiple caves, some natural while others show signs of being expanded by tools.
Plans are made to set out the next day at dawn so that you will arrive shortly before dusk to allow you a glimpse of the area and time to prepare a camp before nightfall. Magian arranges to be in the area every half-week (5 days, twice per 10 day week) and as long as you are able to make some kind of signal will likely spot you even should you move miles from where you were dropped off. You begin making preparations of your own and soon have craftsmen working on climbers kits, a harness, extra rope, and rings and clips to secure items should you need to climb either in the mountains or depts of caves.
You are free to request additional supplies to be sold to you. The climbing kits are a gift of good will and a hope for potential trade agreements from Elyse's family. During your preparations you are approached and asked if your expedition is open to an additional member. Though dangerous, the life of an adventurer often appears glamorous to many, especially the young, and is seems at least one of the locals has worked up the courage to join you.