Skeeve politely ignores the side conversation. 😊
He says,
"Let's walk around the outside of the building to the door what we left Edair just inside and see what is there now. I don't trust the blue psychopath to not do something stupid if we try to cut through." He assumes Etcher was otherwise released independently, but will ask if he showed up when they get back to the manor.
And, hey, at least we looted the ghast's equipment! Nothing magic, but at least we should be able to trade it in for something. Maybe.
Anyway, Skeeve would like to go retrieve the body (if it can be found without going into the building) and heading back to the manor. Once there, he would like to:
1) Get those stupid signets (or whatever).
2) Heal up.
3) Study a bit. (I feel a new Trait coming on ...)
4) If I have the gold necessary, I'd like to write a couple more scrolls. They came in very handy. I want more. I'll swap out a gem if necessary.
Oh, yeah:
5) Have Blornvid repair his and Skeeve's armor. (BTW, let me know if Blornvid needs anything in return for all the armor repair!)
Last edited January 5, 2024 6:20 pm