The Manor

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Mar 3, 2024 3:04 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to daryen
While trying to decide the best method to bypass or lock upen the trap the topside trio hear muffled shouting from Skeeve. The words are lost but do not sound panicked. When you call back Skeeve gets a similar result. You exchange shouts a bit and by using simple single syllable words you manage to establish communication of sorts. Tapping the floor/ceiling, with Skeeve using telekinesis, is also useful.

Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos,MoyenBateau
Mar 3, 2024 6:54 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Skeeve is waiting for the rest of the to open the trap door.
Last edited March 3, 2024 7:49 pm
Mar 3, 2024 7:37 pm
MoyenBateau sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos,Psybermagi


Rope test - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Climbing test - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Mar 4, 2024 12:44 am
"Whichever one of you lads wants to try and make it across, be my guest. Let me know if you need me to do anything."
Mar 4, 2024 2:24 am
Responding to Kaarik, sure, I'll try and trigger the trap. Let me know when.

Ealdwig tries to trigger the trap without stepping on it.


Trigger trap (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(445) = 13

Mar 4, 2024 3:07 am
Triggering the trap is easily accomplished with the assitance of the weight Blornvid has gathered. Tying the logs to a rope and securing them so that they do not fall in when the trap is triggered you drop them on the floor and it opens. What ensues is a cycle of the trap dropping open then after a couple seconds swinging back up into place, shoving the logs up as the floor swings back into place, only to have the entire process repeat every 6 seconds of so. As this is going on Skeeve gets a good look at how the gate works from below as it turns out to be a set of bars 20' tall that spin like a windmill or water wheel as the trap move to close. the spinning of of the bars 2 arms forces any near the gate back as the bars in the room spin into the room and up into the ceiling and the other half of it moves out into the chute, forcing any that are in the chute into the room.
Mar 4, 2024 4:05 am
Can Skeeve use his Realign power to UNfix something. Not break it entirely, but at least gum up the works? Specifically the axis of the spinning bars? I just need it to slow down. Also, during the short period it is open, can Skeeve see up through the chute to the upper room? If so, he'll try to Blink up.
Skeeve calls up, "Let it keep cycling. I'm trying a couple things with it! It won't take long."
Mar 4, 2024 12:59 pm
No. Realign can only restore a previous state. However "Apophenia" can help analyze the mechanism as it is a system to let you find what to break with other mean . Or, how about using "Affix" to lock it in place?
Mar 4, 2024 2:19 pm
Ealdwig says to the Blornvid and Kaarik, I guess this is the back door from now on. This is ridiculous.
Mar 4, 2024 2:42 pm
I didn't think Affix would work as it only takes a single HP to break. But I should try. Never assume. :)

And good point on Apophenia ...
First, he will try Affix.

"Please stand back a bit so I have a clear open target!"

He positions himself so that he has a good view up to a good landing spot. Then he generates a thin transparent wall sufficiently large to maintain that good view. If it holds, he will then Blink up to the landing spot. Assuming the Affix holds, he should be able to retry until it works for each power, so no rolls here.

If that doesn't work, he will try to us Apophenia to understand the mechanism enough to find a weakness. Maybe a pin he could pull, or an axle rod he can pull out or something like that. Here, however, I assume there are a limited number of chances to make this work. So, I include a couple rolls just in case.

Also, if he was injured, he has already fixed that.


Skeeve: Apophenia Test 1 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Skeeve: Apophenia Test 2 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Mar 4, 2024 6:07 pm
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig says to the Blornvid and Kaarik, I guess this is the back door from now on. This is ridiculous.
"Agreed. But if we can find the controls, we can shut this contraption off until needed. Then again, we still have to find a way to evict Momma Spider." Blornvid suddenly has an idea. "If we can lure that spider here, I'm sure she weighs enough to fall in. But I've got no idea if there's another way out down there. Guess we'll have to wait and ask Skeeve when he gets out."
Mar 4, 2024 7:04 pm
It's a great idea Blornvid! We could try to smoke the building to lure the spider in that direction.
Mar 4, 2024 8:12 pm
MoyenBateau says:
It's a great idea Blornvid! We could try to smoke the building to lure the spider in that direction.
That sounds like a good idea! Where do we get that much smoke without setting the building on fire? Think it'll work? Ealdwig furrows his brows, but, couldn't a spider climb out pretty easily? Maybe we'd be able to burn it while it's at the disadvantage of being down a pit. Hum...

You know, I almost forgot, I could use the homunculus to see if I can find it. Of course it can't go through walls and would require access to wherever it is.
Mar 4, 2024 8:39 pm
Skeeve will have inputs to this plan ...
Mar 4, 2024 9:39 pm
With the bars sweeping the chute clear every couple of seconds Skeeve tries to set up a barrier to block it but the first wall only slows it for a moment before shattering. Shifting his senses Skeeve analyzes the trap movement, timing, and based on those factors makes another attempt. As soon as the bars have room behind them for him to stand and before they start swinging up with the next trigger he blinks through them to look up and crates another fixed field flush with the bars to hold them in place. When the trap opens up he blinks up to the doorway and is helped out of the building by his companions.

Gathered together once more, not outside the front door you consider your options. The idea to smoke the building out seems very doable. There is a ready amount of dry wood to burn and green wood and leaves for smoke. It may also affect any other pests that have moved in while the house was abandoned.
Mar 4, 2024 9:51 pm
Once up, Skeeve fills the other in on the two rooms down there. "The first one is a holding cell with a bar door. The second one is probably the guard's room or an interrogation room. The guard's room has two doors in different walls that I didn't investigate. So, there is likely a pretty decent basement down there. If there are no rooms around the other three walls of the holding cell, then the spider many not be able to phase through them, thus actually serving to hold it, even if only temporarily. I'll probably have to try to set up a force wall against the gated wall to prevent escape from that direction. However, I have to set that up beforehand, and I am not sure how long I can keep it up, and I'll be pretty useless in the fight while keeping the wall up. I might not even be able to effectively read a talisman while maintaining the wall. Plus it will be broken through quickly, so we'll have to kill it quickly."
Mar 4, 2024 9:52 pm
Psybermagi says:
When the trap opens up he blinks up to the doorway and is helped out of the building by his companions.
And there was much rejoicing. Yay!
Mar 4, 2024 9:55 pm
Skeeve thinks for a bit, the asks, "Ealdwig, could you use your homunculus to go scout the roof? Have it fly up there and see if the roof floor looks solid and if there are any trapdoors or anything like that? If we want to try that approach, it will be good to know what that looks like before we try to get on it."
Mar 4, 2024 9:58 pm
Blornvid listens to Skeeve as he explains what he saw of the basement. "Maybe we should just try to drive it out of the house. If we're constantly worrying about it phasing through walls, getting it outside may afford us a chance to strike at it without fear of it dropping on us from above. Otherwise, we may have to investigate the basement to determine if we can trap it there."
Mar 4, 2024 9:58 pm
That sounds like a lot of if's. Lots that can go wrong.
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