However, I am afraid to be a little confused, do you want us to leave or to talk to you?"
The Manor
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However, I am afraid to be a little confused, do you want us to leave or to talk to you?"
Original three: You see three people entering the area. They are a dwarf (whom Kaarik recognizes as Blornvid), a female duende, and an elf.
Newcomers: You enter an area that looks quite ... odd. The area is like a lurid version of reality, with brightly colored plants that are the wrong color, but still vibrant and vibrating with life. But, before you can really take in your surroundings, you see what looks like kind of a stand-off. Closest to you, but facing away, you see an avian, an elf who was just talking, and a badgerkin. Facing you is a young woman who has an aggressive stance and green eyes, with a butterfly of very unusual size sitting next to her. The woman is wearing a very nice dress, but it is disheveled and dirty from being out and about for longer than it was designed to be worn. Her features are also smirched with some dirt. Van recognizes her as one of his fellow refugees who has always been known as a bit of a loner.
The sudden arrival of new interlopers snaps her back. "More invaders!? If you will not leave my realm, I will throw you out!" she stands fully upright to face you. As she does, the butterfly lifts into the air and you see three more appear out from the foliage surrounding the young woman. However, despite all of this, she does not make an attack. Yet.
Yes, the source of the magic seems to be coming from them. I am concerned for the woman's safety and so far we have not been able to calm her down."
To Karrik: "This here is Elyse," introducing the duende woman. "She knows a thing or two about magic. Not the grand wizard level of our good friend Skeeve, but she can handle her own."
He turns to Elyse. "Can you make sense of this girl and her butterflies, lass?"
Charismatic, attempt to calm Kaleen and de-escalate the situation - (3d6)
(454) = 13
He approaches the girl with confidence and huge happiness to see a known face "Hello Kaleen! how nice to see you again! Hey you don't need to shout like that, I'll help you! what's going on? And who are our winged friends?" He approaches her unarmed, with his usual friendly demeanor.
Of course Fur, his ferret companion, is already running around free. If she reacts somehow to either Kaleen or the butterflies, Van should notice it.
The next thing you know, the four butterflies let loose with magical bolts! Arc, Elyse, Kaarik, and Van are the targets.
Arc takes one HP damage.
Kaarik takes three(!) HP damage.
Van takes two HP damage.
Elyse gets away unharmed.
Magic Bolt 1 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(43) = 7
Magic Bolt 2 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(55) = 10
Magic Bolt 1 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(34) = 7
Magic Bolt 2 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Magic Bolt 1 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(66) = 12
Magic Bolt 2 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Magic Bolt 1 at Van DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Magic Bolt 2 at Van DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)
(64) = 10
intiative - (2D6)
(53) = 8
Magic Bolt - (1D6)
(5) = 5
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Dis - (1d6)
(5) = 5
And shoots to the butterfly that Elyse shot.
Shot 1 - (3d6h1)
(142) = 4
Shot 2 - (3d6h1)
(134) = 4
But as soon as he sees a fellow elf get shot, he jumps to help.
Then uses Healer trait: it cures for 2 HP each try.
As the first attempt was successful, he uses his 2nd action to cure himself.
Edit2: Sorry for the typos, I'm not sure how to read that, so I'm rolling again.
Cure Kaarik - (2d6)
(64) = 10
Cure self - (2d68)
(5927) = 86
Cute self - (2d6)
(66) = 12
For Van, well ignore the screwed up roll and let him use the roll that makes him look absolutely fabulous!
That is such a totally awesome typo!