The gnome looks at your for a moment concidering and shrugs
Right then. I'll let you out, you answer a few questions and we'll take you out of here and you can go look for your mistress. With a wave the spherre dissapears and Valpip proceedes to ask Etcher several questions about the tiles, how he activated them, where he came from, what he knows about the tiles. etc. Other than some cursory questions about Etchers current quest he has little interest in his history and after getting as much as he can from Etchrs short ansers he sends him off in frustration.

Tyren (Captain)
Some time during this another pair of guards showed up out of the dark from the north. One steps forward and commands
Come this way.
This pair seem a bit more experience and allert that the pair with the wizard and gnome and guide Etcher through a series of tunnels heding in the direction the pendant indicated. The rough caverns eventually lead to rooms cut into the stone or build into it with brickwork. Through a new iron bar gate and several rooms you are led to a ladder and up into a small town.
Rigt. Now stay out of trouble. My man will accompany you for the day to make sure you dont get into any trouble the commander tells you and stalks off after passing instructions to the guard.
As Etcher looks around he and notes that though there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.
The base, as Etcher learns it is called, has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local hangout, the tavern. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.