The Manor

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Aug 16, 2023 2:15 am
The first thing Etcher was aware of was pain. Owww. The first though was Where does it hurt, why is it hurting, how do I make it stop? Owwww. Slowly his thought become more clear. Echer is in the mud, cold, in pain, and with a slight movement he concludes he was likely caucused. Carefully assessing his wings he is comforted to conclude they are fine some how. His head is definitely not fine. As opening his eyes reminds him of trying to outstare the sun Echer focuses on listening and smelling. A bit of wind, some rustling of leaves, mud, already knew that was there, but no imminent danger.
Welcome to your characters life @Solidgobi
You got a tough start but is all up from here, first perhaps a bath? :)
Aug 16, 2023 2:24 am
Fuzzy image's of a sudden storm flit though Etcher's memory. He should have had time to descend safely but then . . . Wham!!! He didn't hit anything but it sure felt like he had. A sudden though makes him shudder. He must have flown through a Barrier. They are usually noticeable and not a big thread, when crossed properly. Etcher has done it twice himself but this is his first crossing mid air. The storm must have somehow obscured the border, though he is not sure about that. Nothing else makes sense. Unless he was struck by lightning and somehow survived. The little storm should not have done that but then it also should not have obscured any Border. But he is alive and has his wings. Next step, make the pain stop and get out of the mud.
Aug 16, 2023 4:09 am
Etcher slowly stands and attempts to brush off any mud he can. He checks for any serious injuries, and double checks to see if he still has what is important to him. Shiny bouncy rock? Check. His sword? Check. His headband that makes him look tough? Check. Etcher lets out a small happy squawk. He looks around intending to get his bearings hoping to find people in this strange place he has found himself in. He speaks, his voice is shrill and high pitched. "Friend?"
OOC: Etcher is going to scan the area for any signs of other living people. If he spots any sort of building or camp he will head directly towards it. He will not hide his presence when approaching any other people.
Aug 16, 2023 1:53 pm
Looking around Etcher stands in a muddy clearing the woods. He remembers following a road before the storm and subsequent crash landing here so over should not be too far away. And water would be good to.

With that last thought he picks up the slight sound of running water and turning his head to locate the source he spies a strait line standing out in the lush foliage of the trees. Hoping to one side to get a better angle Etcher confirms there is a structure about a quarter mile from him. The trees hide most of it but the part he can see is section of roof.
Aug 16, 2023 11:51 pm
Etcher squawks in delight in seeing both the water and roof. Lucky! He still was hazy on where he was, but he remembered the road. Not yet trusting his wings, Etcher decides the best course of action is to walk by foot until he can remember or find out what caused his crash in the first place. Probably hit a barrier, the boss always said Etcher was stupid, it was most likely Etcher’s fault for the crash. Etcher nods to himself, proud he was able to solve the mystery so quickly. Best wash up, get some directions, and be on his way. Etcher, still a little woozy from the fall, makes his way to the water source.
OOC: Etcher will make his way to the water source to clean up the best he can. He’s out in the open to just a few splashes here or there to look presentable. If there is nothing of note at the source of the water he will head in the direction of the roof.
Aug 17, 2023 2:47 am
As etcher wanders over to the sound of water he passes into a thicker part of the forest. He can tell these woods are old and look untouched by hands that shape things, which bring to question what the building is doing out here? The water sound lead him a bit away from the structure and he soon arrives at a small stream that burbles over rocks. Finding a small pool where the water splashed down into it over a rocky outcropping Etcher is able to use his wings to deftly flick the water over himself after rinsing his wings first. A few moment are all it take to clean his glossy feathers but he sighs upon getting the worst of the mud off his cloths. It looks like he lay in the mud some time and it will take soap and effort to get his jerkin truly clean.

Satisfied at being at least presentable, and actually quite cleaner than most he has grown up in the company of. He flings the water from his wings and a few strong flaps dry his cloths a bit, before heading back to the building. Soon the roofline of the building is in sight and he gets a better view of the structure.
Though still standing the building does not appear to be currently inhabited. The yard shows signs of having been well organized and cared for but has grown wild and Etcher estimates a couple of years at least have passed since this place was cared for. Feeling a bit disheartened he almost lets his hope fade but then a flash of movement from one of the window catches his eye. Was that a face?
Aug 17, 2023 3:43 am
Etcher cocks his head to the side, seemingly befuddled. Old house, abandoned, but people are inside. Etcher recalls how he and his brothers used to lay in wait in similar structures. Sometimes they would wait for days, in order to catch those who didn’t follow the Brotherhood's codes. His old companions would tell him that they needed to maintain order, there were rules, and the Brotherhood should be praised for providing protection to those who passed through their jurisdiction. It was to make sure the area was safe, if there was no order people could get hurt! Alfred was very kind to only impose fines for such transgressions. Etcher always admired the Brotherhood’s mercy. His shoulders slumped, he was no longer a member of that brotherhood. Etcher needed to find a new home. Whoever was in there, would provide him a new start. One way or the other.

Etcher approaches the house, "Hello." His voice sounds almost parrot-like. High pitched almost like a screech. He moves closer to the building. "Friend." He raises his two hands, to display he is holding no weapons.
OOC: Etcher will move towards the house, making his presence known. If he is not stopped he will loudly knock on the front door of the house.
Last edited August 17, 2023 3:43 am



Aug 17, 2023 4:31 am
As Etcher approaches the house the front door creak open several inches and a tiny figure steps out. With a graceful bow the creature introduces herself. You may call me Witic. How may I call you?
The tiny figure is a fey of some kind that looks Etcher over as she talks. Though not coming even to Etchers knee this creature may be friend of foe, harmless or mighty of magic, for fey are wild and fickle creatures.
Be ye welcome indeed. But alas you will no find many a friend here anymore. The family has grown old and thin leaving the house to this little one. But if you have a mind to help then I may help you
Aug 17, 2023 1:40 pm
Etcher stares in disbelief, he kneels down to meet the little one at eye level. Fey are dangerous, but this one bowed. Etcher recalled one of his brothers saying only fancy nobles bowed. So this little one must be important. Etcher nods to himself, he’s a quick learner. He points towards himself. "Etcher". The small noble stated it needed help. Etcher is a man of justice, he should help. Etcher gestures towards his sword that keeps on his waist. "Hero. Help." The Brotherhood always stood for justice, even if he was banished he could still live by their codes. Justice however was not free, Alfred was always saying that. Etcher should get something in return. "Bath, shinies." He couldn't help but let out a small squawk of delight. He was proud, he was acting like a real hero.



Aug 18, 2023 12:17 am
Witic chuckles at Etcher, revealing tiny but sharp looking teeth. My my, a true hero here to save the day and grins bfore sighing. Well, I do hope you are ablee tot help. As I said the family is old, and they were great powers once, but they are not here now. Unfortunatly much of the enchantments of the house are tied to the family blood. So while one lives none else may claim the house. However the magics have grown a bit wild. I have a bit of control but mostly all I can do is guarantee my own safety. and known the state of all things tied to the manor. I am content to stay here till one of the blood finds their way here but would appreciate your help in trimming back some of the wild growth. To make it fair why dont you tell me what you would like and based on the reward I can propose a task.

The litle fey tells you a little about the manor and it facilities.
1. The observatory can view places near or far
2. The coach house houses the griffons that will cary guests for 12 hours flight.
3. the kitchens can create a variety of foods as well as a few minor potions
4. The library has an extensive collection of books
5 The parlor allows you to comunicate to any place or person known

I can problably get two of the rooms to work for you depending on how much you are able to help me. So what is it you are in eed of. If you need nothing but still offer to hep then I suggest th ekitchesn. A nice warm meal with a cool dring and deserts to follow topped off by a select potion may be just what a brave adventurere like yourself needs out in the wilds.
Aug 18, 2023 4:37 am
Etcher scratches his chin listening to the offers,one of his brothers, Fredrick, told him that you should do that to seem like the thinking type. Etcher nods as the little fey finishes speaking. "Yes, help." The little fey was right, he should go to the kitchen. Also all this talk of family blood sounded like whoever had lived here before was important, maybe nobility! It made him think that a few of the utensils could be valuable. He could help himself to those surely. He would also need to get a clear vantage point. He doubted he could fly freely out here, whatever had struck him down from the sky was still unknown to him. Best get a lay of the land and walk the rest of the way. "Eat. Look." He wondered what the little one wanted of him in return.
OOC: Just in case it wasn’t clear. Etcher would like to use both the Kitchen and Observatory. As a bit of an aside, I’ve heard flying is a major headache for GMs. I don’t plan to have it be a major feature of Etcher’s character. I mainly chose Avian because being a silly raven man seemed fun. Maybe because of the fall he is somewhat limited in how much he can fly?
Aug 18, 2023 2:18 pm
I've had a couple of fliers and been one myself. I have no problem with you flying. Most of the trouble I head is from DnD where there are a lot of monsters without ranged attacks. This game keeps things simple and flexible so I encourage you to use all your tools. Fly free StanleyEtcher!
Grea! I'll go get the cook to start working. While I do that why don't you get to work on the garden. If you can weed it and collect any ripe fruits as well as some of these hers it would be greatly appreciated
With a wave of her hands several images float over he head and she points out several herbs and how to collect them as well as several nasty weeds that need to be removed. With another wave the images swirl together forming a single sheet of paper with herbs diagramed on one side and weeds on the other. Pulling a large basket out of thin air she puts the paper in it and pushes the basket over to you.
The garden is around back. Be careful, some of those weeds are nasty. Just come to the kitchens back door then the basket is full or you wok 1 hour. I will keep watch from the house and call you in if I think you have done enough early. Now, any question? If not I realy need to go oversee the kitchen. Like much else in the house it has gotten a bit out of hand without any real use.
Aug 19, 2023 4:17 am
OOC: Awesome I didn’t want to be disruptive. Totally makes sense you included them because you don’t mind flyers!
"Weed. Garden" His brother Wilhelm had always told Etcher he was the only one good at the hard chores. This type of job would be easy, and Etcher only had to do it for an hour. He was used to this kind of work. Seemed simple enough, pull some weeds and fill the basket. "Bye." Without another word Etcher headed out to the garden. He didn’t even wonder about what the little fey meant by nasty weeds...
OOC: Etcher will head out to the garden.
Last edited August 19, 2023 6:27 am
Aug 19, 2023 6:21 pm
Etcher flaps his wings and flits around the building and spot what must be the "garden" A wall, he assumes is stone under the vines and other things now sprouting from it, surrounds about an acre of land. The inside if full of trees and from the air he can see outlines of paths and planter boxes. However the entire thing has been over take by the plants. Only a single path has been kept clear between a door on the back of the building and a small well several yards away. Landing on the path near the well Etcher looks around.
Comparing what he sees with the paper listing his duties Etcher is pretty certain a month would not be long enough to fully get the garden back in shape. Still an hours work for a good meal does not sound like a bad deal. What to start with first? Weeding or pruning?
Give me a rough outline of planned activates and priorities along with a couple rolls to determine how successful you execute the plan. Remember standard roll is just 2d6, you get advantage (3d6) with acrobatics and sword work. If it is an activity totally foreign to Etcher roll with disadvantage.
Ex identifying weed without the cheet sheet the fey gave you would have been at disadvantage.
Aug 20, 2023 1:33 pm
Etcher surveys the garden, whomever used to live here had long since passed. The little one is no master of this place. It mattered not to him, time to get to work. Etcher looks down at the list the small fey gave to him.
OOC: Etcher will first attempt to identify the weeds and the herbs that he needs to gather via the cheat sheet. If he is successful he will gather the weeds and herbs accordingly. If he is unsuccessful Etcher will still do the task, even if he can’t make heads or tails of the cheat sheet. Randomly plucking plants by feel alone.

After he is finished with weeding, Etcher will use swordplay to cut down as many plants as he can before the hour is over. If he was unsuccessful with identifying the herbs and the weeds he would just start hacking away randomly at any plant that seems too tall to him.

When he is finished he will attempt to head back into the kitchen.


Identify Plants - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Hacking Down "Weeds" - (3d6)

(446) = 14

vine weeds


Aug 20, 2023 8:37 pm
With the plant life so abundantly proliferating Etcher decides to work near to far, big to small. Easily identifying a few weeks Etcher begins following the instructions to remove them. His birds feet and talons prove adept at uprooting some of the smaller, hand or leg sized, weeds. The larger one fall to the blade! Imagining the weeds to be evil villains Etcher is slightly surprised when one of the weeds he slashes, strikes back!
vine weeds
A pair of thorn covered vines slash at Etcher, one of witch slashes him on the thigh. 1 damage
You are now in combat.
[ +- ] Combat
Let me know if you have any questions on how this works


weed attack - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (15) = 6

2d6 : (24) = 6

Aug 21, 2023 1:42 am
Etcher squawks in surprise. Jumping back, looking down he notes the cut on his leg. No time for that. Kill this and care about your wound later. Etcher uses his sword to respond in kind. 1 Damage.
OOC: Oh exciting my first combat! Etcher will attack twice in response.
Last edited August 21, 2023 1:43 am


Etcher's Attack - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (311) = 5

3d6 : (452) = 11

Aug 21, 2023 2:41 am
I will skip going into too much detail and depth here in the intro but you got the idea, so I will narrate this fight
Now aware of the threat Etcher is able to take to the air and use his superior mobility to fight off the magical weed. After a couple of minutes and another slash or two Etcher manages to prune the last of the deadly thorn tipped vines leaving only the task of digging up the root to prevent the week from growing back too fast. As the is doing this he hears a bell jingling from behind. Turning he sees the fey pointing to some a tiny shed.

There are some gardening tools, including herbicide to pour where the weeds are removed to ensure they do not grow back, in the garden shed. Having seen your fine blade work I am sure you can handle the Dimndank scarabs. Thank you so much for your help and she smiles at you before heading back inside. You see one of the chimneys coming from that back room is now wafting smoke from its chimney.
Aug 22, 2023 6:03 am
OOC: Thank you for all of your excellent GMing so far! I have a question about rolls. Should I narrate what happens on a success or should I leave those details to you? When should I roll? When you tell me to or can I roll more independently?
Etcher sheaths his blade. The cut on his leg although a bit sore is manageable. He does his best to wrap the wound with his bandana. Still somewhat concerned about the potential of more killer vines he creeps slowly towards the shed. To retrieve the herbicide.
OOC: Etcher will go to the shed and use the herbicide. If there is nothing waiting for him in the shed he will finish up and attempt to enter the kitchen.
Last edited August 23, 2023 5:58 am


Scanning for Trouble by the shed. - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Aug 22, 2023 12:55 pm
I am more familiar with GM narrating results but am learning to co-narrate with player so feel free to describe your results. If anything needs adjusting I can always add to it. Co-narration seems fun as there is more ad-lib and riffing off of other players.
This would be an example of a narrative correction. You or I can change you post, or just leave it as is
The shed is the size of a large closest or small room though the vegetation now grown over it makes it a bit bigger. The door is still mostly covered but easily cleared. As the door swings open only a little light spills into the gloomy interior. Shelves line 2 of the walls with a workbench attached on the third. The las wall holds several tools hanging from pegs on the wall.

The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Fortunately there are labels on the shelves indicating the items purpose. Stepping in to look for the herbicide he hears a clicking from all around and the rustle of movement. Whirling around he sees nothing but a flash of something small and dark behind the objects on the far wall, only to then hear movement behind himself again Surrounded by, something, Etcher decides to do this quick. Spotting a label with the image of a small pant with a slash through it he grabs the large sack and watering can next to it with a similar label. As he does the wall erupts in a fountain of dark shape that flit and fly about the room, cutting off the light. Etcher divs for the door, only to finds he can no longer locate it or any part of the sheds contents. And to make matters worse his feet are getting cold and wet as he feels water

Etch is surrounded by a swirly flying mass of some sort of flying insects, by the sound of it, with water creeping up his ankles

Roll a Save test (2d6) and explain Etcher's attempts to fight off the bugs, escape, call for help, etc
Aug 23, 2023 6:12 am
OOC: I can leave the narrative of the results to you then. I’m more comfortable rolling dice when I’m told, and someone else telling me what happens makes a lot of sense in a PbP format. Sorry I’m still figuring out the ebb and flow of the format, thank you for the clarification. I will follow your lead!
Beetles! Out! Out! Etcher’s eyes widen and panic hits the young Avian. His brother Ralph always told him, when in doubt, run. He didn’t know where the exit was, but he knew the one exit that was always available to him. Etcher launches himself into the air, drawing his blade in an instant. He blindly slashes into the air above him hoping he can weaken the ceiling enough to crash through it.
OOC: Etcher is going to try and escape through the roof, hopefully the ceiling is made of sliceable material or poor Etcher is going to have a second concussion!


Save Roll - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Aug 23, 2023 12:51 pm
Etch slams into the ceiling and using the sword to lead the way has a moment of victory as he feels it shatter the wood and glroious daylight fills his sight. Unfortunately the old shed has gained a second skin of vines and plants that catch Etcher like a web. Hacking his way free Etcher clambers up and once he frees his wings pulls himself out of the structure.

As daylight poors down into the structure he hears a buzzins hissing noise. Looking down he sees the last of the beetles scurry behind any object they can find to get out of the light. sighing in relief he lands with his prize in one hand and his sword in the other. Getting some water form the well, which is still servicable, he mixes in some of the pellets from the bag and proceeds to weed the garden for th next hour. Scratched, tired, and hot Etcher is given a nice cool drink of flavored water half way through and by the end has removed several of the larger dangerous "weeds" near the kitchen.
Declaring results is a bit of an art. Jusut remember not to change scene and leave final conclusions to the GM and there should not be a problem
Good job, come on in for some food and a rest. Witic calls fom the kitchen doorway
Aug 24, 2023 7:29 am
The Avian stretches his arms and wings, and rolls his neck twice in a clockwise direction. He had done harder work, but this was most definitely the most eventful day of his life. Rest! He squawks excitedly. Etcher follows the tiny fey into the kitchen. His wound on his leg doesn’t affect his stride as he somewhat excitedly enters the kitchen. He knew what he was promised. Rest, a meal, and potions. Etcher didn’t see why he couldn’t help himself to any particularly shiny utensils. After all, didn't heroes deserve a reward? Food, potions!
OOC: Etcher will follow the fey into the kitchen. He will begin to rummage around the kitchen for anything that looks valuable. He won’t hide that he is doing it, he reasons he is free to do so. If stopped he will attempt to grab a few things more discreetly…
Aug 25, 2023 12:28 am
As you enter the kitchen it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust ot the dim lighting inside the room. A large wood burning cast iron stove emits a comforting heat that is quickly disipated by the cool stone floors. The room is imaculately clean and as you step into the room a horifying screech almost makes you jump back out
Whipe those feet and go wash yourself before you DARE come int here.!
Curse you Witic. Do not invite guests into MY kitchen if they do not even have basic manners

A short mean ooking creature steps out from behind a counter glaring at you balefully. A quiver over one shoulder holds sevreal kitchen implements and you are sure a knife would not be too hard for the cook to produce should any not abide by their rules.

A quick retreat to the well and a bucket of water washes most of the dust, blood, and splatterd plant pulp from Etchers legs and clothes. Luckily Etcher is fastidious in keeping his feathers clean so there is little problem there. Satissfied he has done all he can Etcher returns and only gets a snarling glare as he makes his way to the counter where the meal has been laid out.

A clean bowl of a thick stew with a fresh loaf of bread encrusted with a variety of seads and a small dish thick with creamy butter is laid before Etcher. Slipping an un-needed fork into his belt pouch Etcher beginss consuming the lovely food. The atmosphere of the room would be perfect for relaxing and enjoing the meal, if only the cook would stop staring so intently at him. Their scowling face and eles that glow fainly red, combined with the hint of fangs visible despite the this pressed lips does little to comfort Etcher.

As Etcher eats he decides the knife is no longer needed and drops it in he pouch as well. Before he can move to other nearby items hs attention is caught by a loud crack as the cooks snaps their fingers. The purloined items imediately fly up and out of Etchers pouch and sail through the air and into the sink. Kitchen and dining implements done being used are to be cleaned and stored properly The cook snaps at you.with a glare.

The potions will be ready in a bit. Witic says to give you your choice du to the "excelent" work you provided the manor. the goblin like creature snarls at you. Placing 4 vials on the counter they expaing the 4 potions use and say you may take 2
+ Healing Salve : 1 minute after aplication it heals 1 hit point per dose. 4 doses
+ Hot CoCo : drinking this grants resitance to all cold for 1 hour, reducing damage by 1/2
+ Anti-Itch cream : Cures any surface infection or reaction. 2 aplications
+ Chemical Attraction : When opened and applied to any creature, living or dead, all other creatures of that type are drawn by the resulting aroma: This lasts for 10 minutes and the area increases by 10' every 10 seconds for the first 5 minutes.

During this entire time Witik is nowhere to be seen.
Aug 25, 2023 7:15 am
Etcher squawks in disapproval as the utensils fly out of his pockets. He attempts to grab them but they are yanked out of his grasping talons. Shines! Etcher caws in what is clear frustration. He feels cheated. His brothers always told those that they protected that they had to give them valuables in return for their services. That was the hero’s code. These are strange folk that live in these walls. They know nothing of how the world is supposed to function. The cook would need to be corrected, but for now Etcher turns his attention to the four potions.

Looking down at his leg, the obvious first choice is the healing potion. Health is very important out in the wilds his sister Remy used to say. He would also take the Anti-Itch cream. He may need it for whatever lay in the observatory. He thought for a moment to abandon this place. Surely he didn’t need to risk it anymore. Yet he knew that whatever struck him down was still out there and he needed a better view. He would do one more job for the strange fey folk that claimed the house.

Heal. Itchy.

He glances about, before finally squawking. Witic?
OOC: Etcher will choose the healing salve and the anti itching cream. And has asked where to find Witic.



Aug 25, 2023 8:41 pm
Taking back the other two containers the cook waves a hand and one of the kitchen doors opens to reveal Witic who glances into the kitchen then waves for you to join them. Etcher is guided to a small sitting room.
Now I believe next you said you wanted to "look"? So the observatory is a bit of a special case. Inside the room is previously tame and controlled magical creature. To use the observatory you will need to get it back into its much smaller room located in the attic space. To be honest I am not sure how you can accomplish this. I have only been up there once since it got free. Before that I didn't even know it was up there!
Witic seems quite upset.
[ +- ] If questioned further Witic shares the following information.
Aug 26, 2023 2:22 pm
Etcher stares at the small fey for a moment. Then after a time he kneels down next to Witic. He places a hand on the little one’s shoulder. An attempt to comfort the fey. Etcher speaks, but this time his voice sounds…different. It is deeper and more human devoid of his characteristic high pitched caws. I gave you my word that I would help you. As long as I am here you have nothing to worry about. I will subdue this beast, and you will no longer have to fear entering that room ever again. Etcher stands up. Giving the fey a final pat on the shoulder. His voice takes on his more familiar speech pattern. Go.
OOC: Etcher will ask for directions to the observatory, and then head to the observatory. Etcher will also use one of his charges on his healing salve to regain his lost hit point.



Aug 27, 2023 6:25 pm
Witic looks at you for a moment startled, confused, and then a great bit smile forms before she twirls and starts skipping down the hall. I am so glad I asked you for help. You are a true Knight-Errant! As she leads the way she explains a bit more about the observatory. The entire room is part of the enchantment. It is on the top floor and actually outside of much of the magics that protect the house, though it does have it's own magics to protect it. I am sure the creature was trapped while young and use somehow as part of the scrying enchantment. As it is not technically part of the house or household, or I would know it though the house magics, I don't need you to be mindful of it. You can kill it, drive it off, or negotiate. In the brief encounter I had with it I got the sense it was intelligent but I have been so scared of something like that being in the house but not where I can do anything about it that I never went back.

You follow along as Witic leads you up the stairs to the second floor then down a long hallway. The walls are covered with murals of wild lands, hilds, forrests, the sea-side, and rolling desert dunes. Ocasional portraits or other paintings adorn the wall but always placed to as to not disrupt the flow of the mural. Several doors are passed, on either side of the hall and a bay window where the hall turns to the right is the only source of light.
Witic leads you around a corner then down another short hall to the door at the end.

The house magic extend to the next door beyond this. Mostly. I know the second door is closed at the moment and the creature is still in the observatory. Once you are in the stairs leading up remember that only one door can be open at a time and I will not allow this door open if the creature gets into the stairwell.

Witic rings her hands nervously before pulling out a small charm on a thin metal chain. This will protect you from a single magical attack. It is all I can do for you at this time. Good luck and she steps back away from the door nervously.
Aug 28, 2023 7:29 am
A Knight Errant? It had a nice ring to it. After he had been excommunicated from the brotherhood he had lost meaning, family. If he couldn't be one of the brothers perhaps he could be a Knight, if just for the day. This thing, whatever it was, scared the little one. That made Etcher upset, the fey had been mischievous sure, but no one deserved to worry about their safety inside their own home. He would solve this problem, one way or the other. He looked at the sword at his side, Witic said it was intelligent. He could use that. Why fight when you can talk? That’s what his brother Berry had told him. The creature was also alone, Etcher could relate to that, maybe he could try something, even if just something little, to save the house.

Etcher takes the charm eagerly and wraps it around his left wrist. Shiny! Finally things were finally looking up for him! Wearing it like a bracelet. He inspects it for a moment and seems pleased. He glances down at the little fey once more. Knight Errant. Safe. He nods at her as if he had just said something profound. He would make Witic’s life safe once more, because that’s what Knights right? So of course he gave his word, he was really good with words. He had a job to do and he planned to do it. He opens the door and steps through.

OOC: Etcher will wear the charm and enter the room quietly, closing the door behind him.
Aug 29, 2023 3:17 am
A narrow circular iron stairway, illuminated by tiny windows about a hands span wide, leads you up to the sound of the door behind you closing. At the top of the stairs is another door. Bracing yourself you open it and look out cautiously.
Inside is a round room with a pedestal in the middle with a curved stone atop. The peak of the stone is a pale crystal the flickers with inner lights of varied hues. The only light in the dim room is from an opening in the ceiling that though only dimly lighting the room is blinding to stare at directly. The surrounding walls have intricate mechanisms inset into them. Small and neat runes cover much of the area around the mechanisms and the mechanisms themselves. As you look around the room a shadow blocks some of the light from the hole above an a form floats down.
Come in. It has been some time since I had a guest to talk with The voice enters your mind directly and as the form drops lower you make out a floating eye with four eye stalks. The main eye and a couple smaller ones look you over You are not of the manor born. What brings you here? I assume that silly little Witic let you in. What did she say about me? Come, come, step out from the shadows.
As you hear this last sentence you feel your body begin to move on its own.
Roll a Save test (2d6) to resist the urge to enter the room.
Aug 30, 2023 7:23 am
OOC: Etcher will attempt to resist stepping out of the shadows.
Etcher understands why Witic fears this creature. They have just met and it already seeks to control Etcher by force. He clenches his jaw trying his best to resist the being’s control. He needed to communicate with it. If he fails in that, at least buy enough time to find the orb. He was certain he could seize it if given a chance. For now negotiations must be possible.

Etcher will attempt to establish rapport with the creature, he was always an excellent communicator. THats what his sister Isabella always used to say. He would announce his peaceful intent, and ask for the location of the orb. Friend. Shiny? He glances around looking for the orb.
OOC: I'm on fire! Since Etcher passed the roll he will stay hidden in the shdows slowly circling the creature. Is Etcher able to see where the orb is currently?
Last edited August 30, 2023 7:24 am


Save Roll - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Aug 30, 2023 1:04 pm
Just to clarify, is Etch in the room or still in the stairs?
Looing up into the opening in the ceiling Etch can barely make out a curved outline off center. The orb looks to be sevral feet wide. He can imagine an orb filling much of the are of the vaulted dome.

The seer staires at Etch and replies ins a somhow amused, though totally alian feeling, tome
If you wish to be a friend I am not disinclined. As for shiny one of the eye stalks glances back over the creature and up into the domed opening Yes, it is quite well illuminated above in my domicile. You can calm yourseelf. I will not hurt you, so long as you respect my house rules. First of all is common courtesty. I shall start the introductions.

You may call me Seer, and this is my home. Who might you be and why have you come?
Aug 31, 2023 2:15 pm
OOC: If possible Etcher has entered the room and is attempting to stay within the shadows. I’m willing to make a roll for him to stay hidden if it's not that easy. If the room is fully lit, then Etcher is still at the top of the stairs.
Etcher squints at the strange creature. Well he seems polite and friendly. The Avian has lowered himself into a crouch silently creeping around the Seer making a slow circle around it. A seer is someone that is wise, if Etcher remembered correctly and Etcher had a very good memory, so it must be so. If the creature proved to be hostile it would be a battle of wits. So far the creature's demands seemed reasonable. Disappointedly this thing also did not seem to have shinies, this house was proving to be somewhat of a failed business adventure. No matter, time to start negotiations. A simple introduction would be sufficient, it seemed the creature went by titles. He should give his title too in that case! Knight Errant. Good, good. Now what to do? It might even become angry if Etcher announced his true intentions. Yet, a hero is honest. Alfred used to say that. See. You. Go. The little one didn't want it here, and he needed to use the observatory.
Last edited August 31, 2023 2:15 pm



Sep 1, 2023 1:08 am
The round room means there are no dark corners but the light is mostly shining only in the middle, below the vaulted opening. As you move into the rooms and slip to the side the seer turns to follow you, though you notice one of the eye stalks stays firmly pointed at the doorway leading to the stairs.
Ah, you claim to be a knight Errant? How gallant of you. See you go? Hmm me, leave? I think not. Though I am not bound to the house and thus not under witics influence, I pity the cook having to listen to that annoying little fey, neither do I have a reason to leave. I a quite comfortable here and see no reason to leave.

As you move around the room you note that the opening above is not quite part of the original architecture. The vaulted upper recess shows signs of being crudely remodeled. You get an occasional glimpse into a small area above, about half the area and heigh of this room. Etcher can not help but wonder why the seer chooses to stay in such a small home and wonders if it has some secret way out of the building. If it does then he has not spotted it yet.
Sep 2, 2023 10:52 am
Etcher stops. Slowly reaching into his pack he pulls out a round smooth stone. The stone has an unusual polished surface, that when angled correctly, almost glitters in the sunlight. Etcher’s head hurt, was the little fey bossing people around here? Did this Seer wish to claim this tower for its lair? It was too much for the Avian to comprehend, also he was convinced the Seer kept its valuables upstairs. He could make it, he was positive. He just needed a distraction. Catch! Etcher with almost supernatural speed launches the rock at the Seer, he is not aiming at the Seer but rather a wall behind the Seer. He hopes to distract the Seer for a moment, in that moment he launches himself into the air. Twirling, he lands on the wall hurling himself at the gap in the ceiling. With any luck he will catch the rock on his way up.
OOC: Etcher plans to throw his rock that bounces off of anything an inch from the Seer’s head/body. Hoping for it to momentarily look in that direction. He will then attempt to fly into the hole with a little bit of aerial acrobatics. His throw has angled the rocks bounce to enable him to catch the rock in midair. To save time I will roll for the throw with 2d6 and the flight with 3d6. If I need to modify my roll just let me know after you get back from your vacation. Have fun!
Last edited September 2, 2023 10:56 am


Throw - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Flying Through the Hole - (3d6)

(366) = 15

Sep 5, 2023 3:51 pm
The seer flinches away then relaxes as it realized the stone will miss Realy now . . . it begins to say, only tracking the rock with one or its eyes. At Etch's sudden motion it pulls further back narrowing its eyes, that begin glowing, only to once again realize it is not the target of the attack. Wait! Stop, don't break anything! It cries as Etch launches himself upwards.

Catching the cleverly thrown rock on the way, Etch pulls in his wings and passes through the opening and is temporarily blinded but manages to pull in his wings and land on something as his eyes adjust to the glare. Etch stands in a small buble barely 6 feet in diameter. The bubble is made of polished crystal cut into myriad shapes, triangles, circles, squares, diamonds, octagons, and each facet contains an image. Not just images but they are like windows looking out onto different parts of the world. As Etch stares in awe, he shifts his feet and all of the images suddenly shift chaotically flaring in brilliance. Startled Etch flares his wings and tries to find better footing but each shift of his feet causes additional flashes and shifts of the brilliant images.

Ahhhh! My windows! You wretched bird get out of my house! You are no longer welcome! the seer shouts up at Etch, who feels magic gather below him. A snap at his feet then 2 pulses of magic strike at Etch. The seer clamps onto Etch's leg and pulls him out of the upper room and swings him down to fall onto the floor. The seer is visibly upset and pulls back up to the dome entrance to the upper room as Etch is thrown down.
Take 1 damage from the bite.
Roll 2 Save Tests (2d6 each) The first is against Paralysis, the second is against Fear that will cause you to be unwilling to approach the Seer and have disadvantage on all rolls while you can see it.


Seer Bite to throw Etch down - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Sep 6, 2023 6:36 am
Well, well if it isn't the consequences of my actions! I'll roll the Save Tests in order to figure out Etcher's options. Should I declare if I want to use my anti magic charm before or after a roll?


Save Roll Paralysis - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Save Roll Fear - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Sep 6, 2023 6:53 am
Etcher for the second time during what he now considers the longest day of his life, sees himself slamming into the ground once again. He ironically, bounces, just like his rock did. He is unable to move his body. The floating man has powers that Etcher barely understood. Yet all he could think of was the shimmering images he saw. Shinies! Etcher manages to sputter while still on the ground. It was careless and stupid, he should have been more patient. While his body had failed him, his spirit had not. Etcher’s eyes still held in them a determination that the spell could not undo. He was a knight, and he had a task to do.

He strains all of his muscles to get anything to move. He fails. Wait. He squeaks, Etcher. Help. Knight. Maybe he could talk himself out this still, clearly the Seer had overreacted. Etcher would make him see that. See! Help. The creature was alone and was once looked after. Etcher would offer to do it a favor. The avian had for a moment wondered, if it wanted him to go so badly, why could he not move…

OOC: I’m not too sure how status effects work, Etcher will attempt to regain mobility whenever or however he can. He wants to trade a favor to look at the mirrors one more time.



Sep 6, 2023 1:38 pm
If you are wearing the carm its affect is automatic and will instantly negate the paralasys
Seeing Etch remaining passive despit it's agressive behavior the Seer pauses to listen as it grumbles something unitelligable.
You wish to "help" and to "see"? It mutters something else to itself while it glares at you. One of the eye stalks is glancing up into the upper chamber and nudging the edge of the opening causing sections of the light to shift. I can help you to "see" but no touching! As for help I need nothing but for that anoying fey to leave me alone. You tell her that until a new master of the manor is present I will continue to opperate independantly. I will fulfill my contract but that does not include listening to twittering tiny fey I would rather eat than listen to.. Now wait a momoent

The Seer flips over so that all 4 eye stalks can access the upper chamber and they wrigle aroudn the edge causing the light to shift further as it grubles for several minutes.
Now what exacley is it you would like to see?.
Sep 7, 2023 5:06 am
No. Touch! The Avian quickly agrees. Etcher lies there for a moment. He slowly stands up, he hadn’t realized he could move until now. The gift that the small fey had granted him had worked as promised. He glances up. Yes. See. Etcher dutifully follows the Seer making sure to mantain a hover. It was glorious, and so so shiny... the young birdman resisted the temptation.

It was his, Etcher for the first time in his life could choose to do or be anything he wanted. He should of course look for shines, live like a king, be a historic adventurer. Or maybe he should ask for family, the Seer could find him a group to start a new life with. A Sword! A magical sword that would make him a true knight. He could be anything… but was that was justice? His feathers ruffled for a moment. His wings flexed. He remembered his promise. See. New Master. The Avian would bring peace to this strange house, he had promised that. Justice.
OOC: Etcher would like to use the observatory to see where a potential master of the house is located. He wants to try and bring back harmony to the house.
Last edited September 7, 2023 5:07 am



Sep 7, 2023 12:54 pm
The sseer has a short exchange to clarify, and grumbles about Etcher's clipped vocabulary but soon understands your request. The problem is that there are no clear claimants. The household magic requires a least a trace of the founders lineage to recognice a new master. All direct descendants that knew of this place passd during the Dawn War. Those who knew of this place stopped coming after the Shattering.
I will show you those I am aware of
The seer flips so that his eye stalks are all up in the chamber above and it central eye points down into the observatory.. The light from above dims and a cone of light is projected from the central main eye and Etcher sees a series of 6 men and women elves and half-elves.
If you are willing to help us by fetching one of these that would deeffinitely help things. Though if that is the case I would like to observe them to find one who would not simply loot the place and leave us even worse off. If you can get that pipsqueak fey Witic to allow you to stay in residance I think 2 or three days should be enough time to filter out the really bad options. Though getting to them will require a bit of a journey. Luckily the taijitu matrix shoul allow a portion of the travel to be bypassed. Go see Witic now unless there is something else you require at this time and I will start reviewing candidates.
The seer seems excited at the prospect of Etcher helping out but concerned ofer potential complications and drifts higher to focus more of his attention onto the crystal screens above.
Sep 8, 2023 5:28 pm
Finished! Find Master! Etcher squawks. He seems oblivious to the Seer's complaints about his vocabulary, clearly they both understood each other! He would find the fey and tell Witic his plan. The Seer would take orders from the Master. Etcher would most likely have to convince the little one that having someone to look after them wouldn't be as bad as it seemed. Witic most likely enjoyed being the informal master of the house, he would have to make Witic see. The house needed to be a family.

The Avian turns to leave, walking slowly to the door. He stops at the entrance, and turns his head. I do not know what sort of feud you and the fey are engaged in, but talk of eating Witic ends today. I will find you your master, and bring them to you. When I return, if I find out that you have harmed the little one in anyway. His eyes seem to darken. I’ll kill you. The young Bandit disappears into the shadow of the doorway to find Witic.
OOC: I’ll try out my new skill if that's ok! Seems the Seer is less than impressed! I’m thinking that when the Voice talks I’ll use a different font color. After Etcher declares his threat he will leave to tell Witic his plan.
Last edited September 8, 2023 5:29 pm


The Voice - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Sep 8, 2023 10:51 pm
The seer seems a bit startled by the voice but shrugs it off and continues his search as you head down stairs. As the door closes you hear Not my master, just the master of the house

After a few attempts at explaining the situation Etcher finally gets Witic to understand his new objective to find a "master" for the house and that the seer will be helping in this endeavor. Witic guides you to a library and says you are free to read anything in the room you like, the books can not be taken out, and she will arrange a place for you to rest. She then hurries off to brave the seer up in the observatory to "ensure he is evaluating the candidates using proper qualification."
Let me know if there is anything else you want to do while in the manor. I will set the stage for the next adventure over the weekend or on Monday.
Sep 8, 2023 11:40 pm
Awesome! Thank you so much for the game so far. It has been a blast. I imagine Etcher over the following days will mainly just follow around anyone that will let him, doing any chore ask of him.
Last edited September 8, 2023 11:41 pm
Sep 9, 2023 4:23 pm
Etcher spends the next couple of days sleeping in a small but comfortable room (It looks like a servants quarters with a simple bed, night stand, and dresser), enjoying the occasional visit to the kitchen where the cook entertains (threatens) him, and helping around the house. During this time he hears several arguments as Witic storms out of the screaming at the seer about the unsuitability of this candidate or how that other one is totally being overlooked. In the early morning of hist fourth day at the manor Witic finds Etcher and takes him up to the observatory to talk with the seer.

I have managed to locate two viable candidates who seem likely to be able to help restore the manor to its proper state of functioning order instead of this improperly chaotic state it suffers in due to current management.
Witic harumphs at this but the seer continues on. Luckily one of them is quite close to an active public matrix point. Witic will take you down to our matrix room and I will assist from here in establishing the proper connection which will send you to the other point where you will then have to find your way out and then locate the candidate.

Witic interrupts at this point

Once you leave we will not be able to assist you. However I prepared a house crest and holds forth a small amulet. This will help you to locate the prospective house mistress. To us it you set this on a flat surface then spinning it. When it stops moving the tip that glows will point to the closest household descendant. You can do this once a day. However when you are close to a household descendant it will let you know as long as you are wearing or holding it.,c-at_max



Sep 9, 2023 4:42 pm
You are guided down several flights of stairs by witic deep underground. Through several heavy iron doors and into a plain stone room with a grey stone box covered in runic etchings encases black and white tiles that forms a checker pattern. You can feel old traces of magic from the tile floor that hint of greater power. The tiles fell receptive to magical selves, as is awaiting a command. Witic explains the tiles can be used for a variety of purposes including communication and teleportation. She explains the seer will be watching you and should you need to talk or send the manor house prospective mistress back simply return to the matrix tiles and the seer will initiate the tile communication magic to guide you as needed.

Once you arrive you will be inside some caves. Use the amulet and it will point towards the heir. That will also be the direction you will need to head to get out of the caves. Seer says it should be easy to find the way out and that a settlement is at the cave exit and the potential heir is in the settlement.

Witic begins singing and you feel the power beneath your feet begin to grow. A light then shines down from above and the tiles rearrange themselves and the power surges and you are momentarily blinded.
[ +- ] Matrix Pattern to point near Target
Sep 9, 2023 4:44 pm
As you blink away the temporary blindness you feel cool air all around. A dim glow from the tiles and runes around the tiles is fading quickly but provides enough light to see you are in a large cavern
[ +- ] map
This cavern is an intersection for several major tunnels, leading back north-west, south-west, north-east, and south-east that forks to the south and another to the east just at the edge of the facing light. In the middle of the cavern is a large flattened area of black and white tile that forms a checkered pattern.

Sep 10, 2023 2:46 pm
Etcher makes a sound like a crow’s caw as he blinks away the blindness. Not the most pleasant experience for the young Avian. He walks forward giving the checkered pattern floor a wide berth. Looks like a puzzle, Etcher wasn’t any good at puzzles, his brother Cecil had said so. He suddenly remembers, that must be where he can talk to his friend the Seer! Etcher turns back to the squares stopping before them. He rocks back and forth on his feet, no no don’t call him yet! Etcher already hated being alone again, he will make sure to not be alone much longer. The Avian pulls out the amulet, raising it into the air with his left hand. Mistress!
OOC: Etcher will attempt to activate the amulet and will head towards the direction that it points him to. I am currently at 4/5 HPs, do I recover HP during downtime in Tinyd6, or is healing a more direct action?
Last edited September 10, 2023 2:47 pm
Sep 10, 2023 11:07 pm
This system keeps it simple and you are fully healed after a good night sleep
Etcher finds a flat surface, but not the tiles he arrived on, and set about spinning the amulet. It soon stopped spinning and pointed to one side of the cavern (up/north for the image). As he mark the direction is his head and looks around to cement the place in his mind he observes one section of the cave suddenly ripple as an old man stepped through chanting a spell followed closely by an armored warior.

Roll a save test, 2d6, or be paralyzed.
Sep 11, 2023 5:35 am
The magic envelopes the Avian, and for an instant he is lost from view. Suddenly a single blade emerges from the magic slicing it in twine. In an instant Etcher bursts from the cloud, he hurdles himself directly at the robed man. His blade fast, almost supernaturally so as he cuts at the figure. As he does so he turns his head towards the armored man. A deep voice filled with judgment escapes from the Avian's mouth. All that training, and you still rely on others?
OOC: Etcher will attack the magic user directly. If I’m being too liberal with my actions please let me know and I will edit my response. Etcher will charge the magic user and use the Voice on the armored figure.
Last edited September 11, 2023 5:46 am


Save Test - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Attack - (3d6)

(345) = 12

The Voice - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Sep 11, 2023 12:39 pm
Nah, your story additions are fine. I really need to get you in a group so you can pay off the others as well
Etcher pokes teh mage an at his use of teh Voice the armored man looks to the wizard in confusion who snap Well?!? back at him. The wizard then chants a couple of splls and Etcher feels his strength being sapped and a shimmering field appears around the mage.
Another save test. If you fail you only have 1 action next round
The armored man moves to attack Etcher along with another armored man who steps out of the concealing illusion. The quavering guard seems to hit more out of fear and desperation than anything as his fellow show that they bloth lack the skill of Etcher with the blade.
2 damage to Etcher


Guard attacks - (1d6, 1d6, 2d6, 2d6)

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (6) = 6

2d6 : (13) = 4

2d6 : (41) = 5

Sep 11, 2023 12:51 pm
OOC: Yeah totally understandable! Thanks for all the extra time you took for my story. Etcher will continue to try to take out the magic user.
The second guard catches Etcher by surprise. He deflects the blows coming from the new guard but the wild fear filled swings of the first get by his defenses. As he stumbles back he sees another spell being cast. He attempts to slice the spell as he did before. This time the Avian is too slow. The spell slams into him. He visibly slows. He makes one last desperate attack at the magic user, bringing his sword down with both hands. All his strength into this last attack.
Last edited September 11, 2023 12:55 pm


Save Roll - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Attack - (3d6)

(254) = 11

Sep 11, 2023 7:51 pm
The wizard hastily back of after getting jabbed a second time while chanting the paralysis spell again and snapping at the guard Grab him fools. We need to take him alive.. The guards move to block you from reaching the wizard as they try and grab you.
Roll another save vs paralysis
Both guards manage to grab you making it impossible to chase the wizard and will overpower you next round if you cannot break free or get paralyzed.


Guards tackle Etcher - (1d6, 1d6, 2d6, 2d6)

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (4) = 4

2d6 : (34) = 7

2d6 : (61) = 7

Sep 12, 2023 4:14 am
Etcher, even constrained by two men, proves to be a difficult opponent. The wizard's magic is simply dodged by a small head movement by the Avian.With supernatural skill he twists his arms leaving the two guards with nothing in their hands. As they look to find Etcher, he has his sword drawn, he is behind the wizard with the sword to the wizard’s throat. His voice is shrill and high pitched. Why?! Surrender! He is attempting to hold the wizard hostage and looking for answers.
OOC: OMG so sorry the dice rolls are not making this easy! If they need to take me somewhere to meet up with the others I can do what I have to to move the story along. Thank you for all the time and effort so far. You have been great. If I need more to roll to attempt to take the wizard hostage I can edit and redo the roll.
Last edited September 12, 2023 4:27 am


Save Roll - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Break Free - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Take Hostage - (3d6)

(535) = 13

Sep 13, 2023 1:26 am
LoL go go go!
As Etcher weaves through the clumsy guards and lunges to grab the wizard you hear a snort to the side. Back from teh illusary wall a beam on light bursts forth striking Etcher and he finds himself in a magicla 4 foot diameter buble. From out of the illusion steps a laughing gnome
You're getting old Wizard! I can't believe you couldn't hanlde a single avian swordsman, underground no less! and he continues laughing

I was trying to simply slow the fool. You know I could have blasted him is a heartbeat. The old man snaps back at the still chuckling gnome. Now see here you. I will have you know you interupted a very important set of tests! and scowls at Etcher though you can easily see he is more embarased and anoyed than angry How exacly did you get here? Who sent you? What are you doing here? Hmm? Hmmm?

Back of Fiznik.
This is my guest!
and the gnome laughs again at the wizards scowl. Turning to Etcher he introduced himself My name is Valpip. As I have many questions for you. But firt off the most important If I drop my Resiant Spere and set you free will you attack us or run away? I must point out that should you attempt either poor old Fiznik other there will likely up his game and start lobbing fireballs at you. Not a threat just an acknowledgment of my exteemed compatriots great skill and he gives a slight bow to the wizard, who harumphs.

The guards are looking almost as ashamed as the wizard and move to stand next to the wizard and gnome, all eyes on you.
Sep 13, 2023 6:13 am
Etcher looks around counting the number of opponents. Four is a bigger number than three. He nods slowly. Sheathing his sword. No fight. He squawks. He pulls out his pendant. Find Mistress. He points to the sigil as he does so. He looks at the two guards staring at the guard that was affected by the Voice. Good. Train. His voice high pitched and shrill. He nods seemingly in approval. He turns and looks at the Gnome waiting for him to speak.
Sep 13, 2023 1:06 pm
The gnome looks at your for a moment concidering and shrugs Right then. I'll let you out, you answer a few questions and we'll take you out of here and you can go look for your mistress. With a wave the spherre dissapears and Valpip proceedes to ask Etcher several questions about the tiles, how he activated them, where he came from, what he knows about the tiles. etc. Other than some cursory questions about Etchers current quest he has little interest in his history and after getting as much as he can from Etchrs short ansers he sends him off in frustration.

Tyren (Captain)
Some time during this another pair of guards showed up out of the dark from the north. One steps forward and commands Come this way.

This pair seem a bit more experience and allert that the pair with the wizard and gnome and guide Etcher through a series of tunnels heding in the direction the pendant indicated. The rough caverns eventually lead to rooms cut into the stone or build into it with brickwork. Through a new iron bar gate and several rooms you are led to a ladder and up into a small town.

Rigt. Now stay out of trouble. My man will accompany you for the day to make sure you dont get into any trouble the commander tells you and stalks off after passing instructions to the guard.

As Etcher looks around he and notes that though there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

The base, as Etcher learns it is called, has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local hangout, the tavern. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
Sep 14, 2023 7:25 am
Etcher sits down at the bar, alone again. He is slumped in his chair drinking a pint of whatever was the cheapest drink to order. He has never been in a city before, his life mainly on the roads and wilderness of the wildlands. The Base had everything, jobs, coin, and drink. He could start his life here. Take what he wants, go back on the road. Fly wherever the winds would take him. You promised them. He heard Alfred's words in his mind, his old boss. A man is nothing if he doesn't follow his word.

Etcher slowly takes old the sigil once again. It was obvious to him, if he was going to do this he would need a new family. He couldn't do things by himself, he never could. The Avain stands up and walks to the barman. Where, heroes? He would find a group of adventurers, a new family they could help him find the mistress, together.
OOC: Etcher will ask about and rumors of groups of adventures. He will try and find such a group and join them.
Sep 14, 2023 1:41 pm
You just missed the daily group who left on the tiles but there is another daily thread in the Base I will have you two meet up now.
Story moving to the Base thread

Thread is now locked and will be archived



Sep 26, 2023 1:34 am
Etcher and Ealdwig tour the Manor
As you blink away the temporary blindness you feel cool air all around. A dim glow from the tiles and runes around the tiles is fading quickly but provides enough light to see you are in a plain stone room with a grey stone box covered in runic etchings encases black and white tiles that forms a checker pattern. You can feel old traces of magic from the tile floor that hint of greater power.

Nearby stands a tiny fey figure. Welcome back Etcher and welcome to the manor the last is directed to Eadwig. I am Witic and am the current caretaker of the manor. Tell me how I may assist you in convincing the descendant of the family to return to the manor and help us restore it to glory. the fey is obviously overjoyed and quite excited.
Sep 26, 2023 2:05 am
After getting his bearings, Ealdwig looks around and smiles wide. That was amazing. Where am I?.

Ealdwig looks at Witic, he pauses for a second she is even smaller than me. Oh, hi. I am Ealdwig Swiftfoot, nice to meet you Witic. That was a hell of a thing. One minute I am there now I am here. Still amazed and excitedly Ealdwig continues, Witic, I have a ton of questions? Where are we? How does that thing work? Pointing at the tiles and runes. Can they hear us back at the base like we were hearing you? How come everyone couldn't come? You should have seen the look on Fiznik's face, he was disappointed for sure. Hey Etcher, that was amazing, how many times have you don't that? Still smiling like a kid in his first toy or candy shop.

Looking back at Witic, Sorry, I get excited sometimes and when I do I can ramble. Looking at Etcher for any help he can provide, honestly, I don't know what they are looking for, what will convince Sylfir to come here. Would she be safe? I don't believe she knows anything about this place. So I guess the more you can tell me the more I can tell her. If you are the caretaker, why do you need Sylfir to come here. Where is here? What manor are we talking about? How can we prove she is the descendant of a once great house? How do we restore it to glory? Lots of questions.

Ealdwig pauses and looks around again, and addresses Witic, I have to say that Etcher's story was a little out there. I can't blame anyone for being skeptical. He looks at Etcher, and who are you in relation to this great house? Why were you on the mission?

Back to Witic, can I meet The Seer? Or is it just Seer?



Sep 26, 2023 3:05 am
Witic calmly answers all of Ealdwig's questions and he chatters on.
We are currently below the manor is the Matrix Node chamber.
I have no idea how it works, human magic and fey power are not very similar.
The communication was cut once the transportation was activated.
The Seer felt that a group of powerful individuals entering the Manor would constitute an attack and so refused to allow anyone deemed a threat.
As the caretaker I can only help maintain thing to keep them running but even in that much of the house maintenance is beyond me. When we have a descendant once again managing the house they can make decisions, that are beyond my preview, that should hopefully let us get things working once more. Seer claims the wealth of the household should be more than sufficient and once a mistress or master is appointed they can bring over more people, preferably family or those sworn to their service.
The house is set in the countryside and was located about a days ride north west of Paphos but I don't think we are that close anymore. We will likely need to use the Matrix to bring in additional help but that is a decision for the head of the house.

As you talk she lead you upstairs and gives you a brief tour.
[ +- ] The Manor
Sep 26, 2023 5:38 am
Etcher caws in excitement seeing Witic once again. He starts pantomiming what has happened to him since he left the house. Portraying a wizard shooting spells at him, from what the fey can gather from the impromptu performance, the wizard is bad and stupid. After he finishes he points to himself, interjecting as Ealdwig bombards the fey with questions. Bodyguard! Seemingly proud of himself, he considers this is an upgrade from his previous title of Knight-Errant. He follows the fey upstairs and talks while walking.

Etcher ponders Ealdwig’s first question. How many times have I been through the portal… Two! Etcher strikes a pose leaning against the nearest wall, arms folded. Yeah I look tough. As for the second question, Etcher stands up straight and places a hand on his chin. Who was I in relation to the house? No relation at all really. I crashed and found it randomly. I agreed to do some chores for them in return for a bath and a chance to use the observatory.

I was just passing through. But the house is wild, dangerous. Witic was scared of the Seer and I felt like I had to return the house to its rightful owner before the Seer or the little fey got hurt. They needed help so I helped them. That’s what heroes do. At least that's what my brother Alejandro told me. He always laughed afterwards when he told me this. I’ll do the same! No relation. Help, justice! Etcher again strikes his pose and lets out a monotone laugh.
Last edited September 26, 2023 5:40 am
Sep 26, 2023 9:07 pm
Ealdwig, to Etcher, that was only your second time through the portal? Once to get to the base and once to get back. Frowning, and where are we exactly? Etcher looks proud of himself. Good for him.

Ealdwig smiles while touring the house. This house is pretty amazing, old and dusty, but amazing. I've never seen a place so big. Can you call a place this big a house? Seems more like an estate or something. My whole village would fit in here.

During the tour of the "house", Ealdwig looks around for windows to see what is outside.
Do I recognize anything? Any idea as to where I was teleported to? Feywild?
To Witic, this place is amazing. Straining to look up at all the paintings of the family, being short can suck sometimes. What happened to the people? Where is everyone? Are you here alone?

Looking confused wait, huh? Where is Paphos, never heard of it? And what do you mean "but I don't think we are that close anymore"? Incredulously Ealdwig asks, Does the house move?!

So, you believe that you'll need additional help, or The Mistress will and you plan to use the matrix, that's what we used to get here, right, to get that help? What do you need help with?

I really don't understand any of this. Tell me a story, what's going on here?

Etcher, how did you get here? If you aren't part of the house, how did you get involved in finding the Mistress?
Sep 27, 2023 3:16 am
Out the windows can be seen trees of a great forest looming high in the sky beyond the manors grounds. The grounds have a few smaller buildings and walls but they have fared far worse to the ravages of time than the house itself.

The last of the family was called up to aid the war effort. A few staff stayed on for a while but when the Shattering occurred they fled through the Matrix. Without a family member in residence the house reverted to a defensive state and the Node was lock as private to prevent any entry. If Etcher had not found a house descendant Seer would not have been able to bring you here at all. As it is, the mistress will have to be the next to come or both Seer and myself will be removed from accessing any household magics.

Though all the people of the house left there are still a few fey attendants in residence. Myself, the cook, a gardener, and one of the stable hands. The gardener comes around occasionally but I rarely see the stable hand though I do see him releasing some of the beasts from time to time to hunt and catch their own meals. I doubt they will let anyone ride them anymore. It would be best no one go to the carriage house until we have the house settled and it's magic put back in order.

When asked about the house moving Witic gives you an odd look. No, but the Shattering did move many places. The magic of the house helped preserver much of its structure but after everything settled down the lands beyond the manner walls looked very different.

As you ask about what help will be needed she shrugs The mistress will have to determine that. But obviously we will need help. I am not enough to manage the house and keep it clean. I mean the mistress could just come and take everything of value but the house itself is more than half the wealth the family had. A private Matrix Node, the observatory with the Seer, the wards built into the grounds, the garden that quite frankly produces far too many things for a few simple fey to eat. But that is something she will have to decide.
You can read this thread from the beginning if you want the full story. Etcher can give you a reacap.
Sep 27, 2023 4:13 am
As Ealdwig moves around the house, he touches a few things here and there, trying to be discrete. As if to make sure everything was real. Wow Witic, this place is great! I can't believe you can keep this up by yourself, it's huge. I imagine in it's prime it was a wonderful place to be. You've done a great job looking after the place while the family is gone.

Ealdwig listens intently and nods along. Witic seems like a nice and honorable fey. Oh ok. I think I am starting to understand. So, if an ancestor of the existing came back to the house, the house would regain it's magic? That's pretty amazing. Is the house currently dying, for lack of a better term?

When Witic give Ealdwig the odd look, he looks around sheepishly, yeah sorry, what was I thinking houses can't move. That was dumb. Sorry, I am a little out of my element here. I normally do some acrobatic work maybe a few slight of hand games, then it's off to find food and bed. This is the biggest adventure I've ever had. Ealdwig smiles wide, and states sincerely Witic, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am glad that I did.

Are you bound to the house and it's Masters or Mistresses, Witic? How long have you been here?

Continuously moving, with nervous energy, Ealdwig asks Witic, Are you sure you've got the right person in Sylfir? She doesn't seem to have any magic that I noticed.
Sep 27, 2023 5:12 am
Etcher gives Ealdwig a short performance to explain how he got to the house. He conveys his meaning through a series of, what some people who are polite would call an "interpretive dance". Ealdwig is able to suss out Etcher’s view of the events so far.

After he was abandoned by his brothers and sisters, who from what Ealdwig can surmise seem to be more of a group of "adopted brothers and sisters". This group that Etcher was a part of were obviously bandits, though Etcher portrays them as wandering heroes. Etcher was traveling towards the Base to find "Justice and Shinies". He seemed to have slammed into something or was shot down. He crashed and lost consciousness. When he awoke he found himself near the Manor. After a brief negotiation with Witic, Etcher agreed to do some "chores" for the fey since the house had grown wild.

Etcher’s first task was to garden, Etcher’s eyes go wide while he explains this part. He attempts to show his skill as a swordsman, it takes a moment but Ealdwig figures that some sort of giant plant attacked Etcher. After Etcher had defeated the plant, he went to a shed to get pesta…Etcher calls it, "Water, bug, kill." In the shed Etcher barely manages to escape a swarm of insects. He manages to finish his first chore and enters the kitchen where his "friend" the cook lives.

Etcher wanted to find a vantage point to figure where he could fly to in order to join a new group of "brothers and sisters". He soon realized that the Seer and Witic have a somewhat uneasy alliance and that the small fey was quite afraid of the Seer. Etcher swears an oath to the fey that he would make sure no harm would come to her. Etcher confronts the Seer and after a brief misunderstanding, (Ealdwig suspects that Etcher didn’t win this fight) the Seer reveals a room of as the avian describes it "magic mirrors." Etcher in his opinion was able to settle the feud between the Seer and Witic.

Etcher was told he could look for anything he wanted, but he chose to honor his promise to the fey. He said he would make sure Witic was safe and restoring the house by finding the mistress was the most obvious way to do so. Etcher does not seem to understand why he needs more motivation than that.

After he is done with his performance, the Avian holds his final heroic pose for a moment, expecting applause. Whether or not he gets it he caws afterwards, seemingly happy with his explanation. Etcher proclaims, Sylfir, best! Wise! She is the one, both the fey and the Seer chose her.



Sep 27, 2023 12:04 pm
With the tour over you have retired to the drawing room to chat. The old sofa turns out ot be quite comfortable and witic steps out to get the cook to prepare some refreshments while you talk.
Are you bound to the house and it's Masters or Mistresses, Witic? How long have you been here?
Are you sure you've got the right person in Sylfir? She doesn't seem to have any magic that I noticed.
You can tell Witic is getting a bit flustered by the chatter and questioning but tries to kep a profesional calm as she answers I am boind to the house but is is a magical contract if you will. Both parties must keep the contract of it failes. Technically the family failed to uphold their side many years ago and I could have left anytime I wished. However, not all bonds are odius. I have served thie house for over a century now but since the Shattering and the loss of the family it has been hard.

The mistress doe not need to be magical nor does the house's magic need to work for it to be restored. All she has to do is come here, accept her birthright, and decide what to do. I am sure someone will want the house if she does not and she can simply sell it. Should she do that i will leave. The cook, gardener, and stablehand will likely stay no matter who runs the house and I didn't even know the Seer was attached to the house intil Etcher told me. It is something that will just have to be discovered though the passage of time.

Witic pauses and looks both of you over for a minute Are you familiar with Sylfir? She will likely want to come to the house with someone she knows and I doubt Seer will let that wizard in until the house has a new head. Once the house is claimed it will take some time and effort to restore it. Etcher helped a bit already but there are still things that will need bravery and skill to resolve. But that is a decision for the new head of the house, whomever it may be.

Do you have anymore qeations from Sylfir? What is it she wishes to know before coming here to make a decision?
Sep 27, 2023 12:42 pm
Ealdwig climbs up onto the sofa. He looks like a small child with his legs dangling, so he decides to sit all the way back against the back of the couch. It doesn't look much better.

Watching Etcher's interpretative dance routine Ealdwig smiles along, loving it. He gets the idea of Etcher's story. Ealdwig ask Etcher with concern Are you ok? Based on your story it looks like you crash landed here. I hope you weren't hurt.

Looking at Witic to answer your question, I have no idea what information Sylfir needs. She didn't give me a list of questions or anything. I think her first thought was Ealdwig with excitement "wow, really, yeah let's do this," right Etcher? Ealdwig looks over to Etcher for confirmation. Then with consultation from the others, got more cautious. I think her first and only concern is, is it safe for her to come here? Apparently, she heard some stories growing up, but that is what they were stories, nothing more. She was surprised to learn some might be true.

Thinking thought Etcher's story, Ealdwig frowns a little it seems safe here. I see no reason for her not to claim her birthright. But what is up with the Seer. Looks like he and Etcher had a fight and from the story Etcher thought Witic was scared of him.

Smiling wildly, This place seems great, and Sylfir should claim her birthright, but that is up to her. More seriously In Etcher's story it looks like he and the Seer got into a little bit of a disagreement. Was there a fight, Etcher? Ealdwig looks to Etcher for confirmation. Why did you try and fight him? From your story I got the impression that you lost, true? Ealdwig waits for an answer. Sorry buddy.

I have a feeling she is going to ask me about him. Can you tell me about him and his place here? Bottom line is will she be safe?
Sep 28, 2023 1:56 pm
Guys, I am going away for the weekend to see some family. I should be able to check in, just not sure how much or often, tomorrow and Saturday. I'll be home at some point on Sunday. Just wanted you to know.
Sep 28, 2023 3:50 pm
Hey I'm in a similar boat! Hope things go well. I have family visiting so I'm a bit slow on my updates for the next 5 days or so. I'll try and keep my daily post going, but I apologize if I'm a bit slow.
Etcher slowly nods. Yes. Fight. It was sort of my fault I suppose. He seems to be VERY protective of the shiny room. I lost my patience and tried to fly past him, but he didn't kill me. Seems like a nice enough fellow. I’d hate for that stupid wizard to hurt him. The Seer at least had the guts to handle his problems on his own. That room sure was something else. Lots of windows… Etcher’s voice is the usual monotone high pitched cry. Seer, protect, room. The Avian points to his arms and then to his sword. No! No! Draw! I never lose, not counting the times that I did lose! Etcher crouches into a battle stance and pretends to draw his blade and slice in the air. He stands up seemingly pleased.

Maybe Ealdwig could talk with the Seer and get an agreement with him. OH A LETTER, Sylfir likes letters. Etcher tugs on Ealdwig’s sleeve, leaning in attempting to whisper his voice echos through the room. Meet Seer! Get Letter!

He turns the Witic. Things that require more bravery? What has this little fey gotten herself into. I better make it clear that I am willing to help…. But why? My obligations are over right? Etcher’s right eye twitches for a moment. What might be interpreted as a sigh, escapes from his beak. What chores? I’ll keep helping them, someone’s gotta clean up this mess, it's the right thing to do…the just thing to do.



Sep 28, 2023 4:07 pm
Witic explains that the Seer is "trapped" in the observatory. She didn't even know it was there until the family all left and it broke out of it's own little chamber above some time latter.The cook gets a bit surly when people enter the kitchen and prefers doing all the chores there itself but wont complain to having staff to boss around should the manor be resorted. The carriage house and garden are not safe but those are things that can be rmodies with time and help may be forthcoming from the gardener and stable boy
.Any further chores will have to be assigned by the mistress or master now that I know there are some candidates the only job I can assign is to help bring them here.
Sep 28, 2023 11:59 pm
Ealdwig, watches Etcher's miming and smiles wide. He is growing to like the Avian and his performance art. Draw, huh? Hum. Really?

A little confused Ealdwig asks, the Seer is "trapped"? What does that mean? Like... incredulously a prison?"

Ealdwig, feeling a little self-conscious tries to mime his statement by moving his hands around in a grand gesture Etcher, what do you think? Do you like this place? Is it safe? Yeah that didn't feel right. Probably didn't look right either, ugh! Idiot.



Sep 29, 2023 2:37 am
I am not sure he is trapped, but he can not come downstairs.
The fact I did not know he was there and then he opened his room into the observatory's indicates to me at least that he was not so much cages as quartered, or possibly confined to quarters.
she says speculatively and shrugs.
Sep 29, 2023 4:17 pm
Not safe! Etcher squawks. Bring Mistress, safe! The magic will become less wild once the ruler of the house returns, that is what Witic promised right? Do I like this place? It’s big and fancy and has a room that houses infinite possibilities, but it does have bugs. Lots of bugs. Etcher feathers ruffle a bit and he seems to shake his head slightly as if trying to forget something. I need a new family and home, maybe this is my new home? Make safe! Etcher points once again to his sword. Promise! Give letter! Sylfir loves letters, she will join us here if she gets one. The Seer needs to find one. Or make one I suppose. Seer give letter!
Sep 29, 2023 8:42 pm
Ealdwig smiling, Etcher, you think the Seer should give a letter to the Mistress? Ealdwig cocks and scratches his head thinking about this for a few seconds. You think that'll work? Hum, maybe.

Witic, do you have anything that can prove this is Sylfir's house, that she is a descendant? What about something to prove that she will be safe here? Etcher doesn't seem to confident in this place at the moment. Looking at Etcher, "Not safe", right? But you do think the Mistress, Sylfir can make it safe? How would she do that?
Sep 29, 2023 8:43 pm
Sorry, I keep forgetting to change the "Post As". Any way to make it default to the character?



Sep 29, 2023 10:04 pm
I have the same problem and dont' know of a way to change default post as. i asked the comunity, so we will see if there is a way out there. Or maybey they can add one?
The tiny fey shrugs I don't knwo what else to do or say to prove she will be safe. If she will not come we will have to move to the next candidate. You came here Do you feel safe?
She does not have to stay here. Once she is recognized by the house the pendant we gave Etcher will allow her to command those aspects of the house magic that are still active, including the Matrix Node. She is free to leave once she takes her place on the head of the house seat for the magic to recognize her.

She fetches some paper and ink and quill. Drafting a short message she hands teh supplies to Ealdwig ans says You will have to talk with Seer about geting him to write a letter. and she guides you upstaris to a door that leads into a tower structure at a corner of the manor. She explains that she still does not feel comfortable with the seer so will lock you in the stairs until you are done and have closed and locked the upper doorway to the observatory after talking with Seer.
Sep 30, 2023 5:54 am
Yeah, I feel safe here. Etcher?

The pendant will react to her if she touches it? That's good information.

Locked in? That doesn't sound good.

Ealdwig nervously takes the materials and follows along. Great, I personally would like to meet him. Hope this isn't a mistake.
Sep 30, 2023 3:47 pm
The self proclaimed Knight Errant and bodyguard supervises the drafting of Witic’s letter, cawing occasionally and pointing dramatically at empty parts of the paper while the fey writes. Do I feel safe here? I suppose I do. Though I feel safe everywhere I go. I can provide my friends with the same feeling. As long as I am here no one under my protection will be unsafe. Yes. Safe. The avian caws, his monotone voice echoing throughout the empty manor. Promise! He runs a bit ahead of the Ealdwig and Witic, waving them to follow after him. Seer here! Come. Let’s see if the Seer is feeling cooperative today.



Oct 1, 2023 4:55 pm
You ascend the stairs as Witic closes the lower door behind you and you hear it click as it is locked. Reachign the top you open the door to the observatory
[ +- ] The Observatory
The floating ball like creature mainly consists of a large eye and mouth with four eye stalks protruding from the top of it. As you get a better look once it is out of the bright light coming down from above a voice enters both of your minds. Welcome back little bird. I see you brought a friend. I watched some of what transpired so know you are in contact with the first candidate but much of the place you went has wards against or detecting scrying and I can not observe anything in the manor grounds themselves so do not know what you expect of me.
Oct 2, 2023 2:34 am
Has Ealdwig ever seen anything like the Seer before?
Oct 2, 2023 3:01 am
Stories of magical creatures run through Ealdwig's mind. Most are of evil creatures or servants of wizard, which are also usually evil. Many magical powers are attributed to these creatures and though this one is not comforting, at least it isn't being cruel, domineering, manipulative, or sneaky.
Oct 3, 2023 2:40 am
Is that in my head? I've heard of creatures that can do that. It's strange.

Nervously Ealdwig smiles, out loud he says, oh, hi. Neat trick. Wish I could do that. Seems like it would be fun.

My name is Ealdwig Swiftfoot. How are you today? It seems Witic sent my new friend Etcher here,
gesturing to Etcher, I've heard you've met. Anyway, Witic sent Etcher with a pendant to try to find a descendant of the house. And to his credit he succeeded. She asked me to visit the manor to make sure everything was what it seemed, you can see what she was thinking right. It's a crazy story, someone out of the blue tries to tell you, in limited words no less, looks at Etcher sorry, no offense and shrugs. You know, that you're the rightful owner of a mansion somewhere you've never heard of. Seems out there, so she asked me to go and take a look. As an outsider, she thought it would be best.

Personally, it seems legit. I met Witic and I wanted to meet you.

Gaining some confidence Ealdwig starts his rambling questions, what is you're role here? Witic said you are stuck in the Observatory, is that true? And if so why? Ealdwig stops realizing he was rambling again, clears his throat and asks, basically, are you friendly to the family?
Oct 3, 2023 12:31 pm
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, it was the last day with my family and I simply didn’t have the time to post. I should be back on my regular schedule from now on.
The avian seems happy to see the Seer. He squawks. Seer, good! I’m glad he has held up his end of the bargain and he has not harmed the little fey. A being of his word this Seer is. The swordsman continues speaking in his high pitched monotone voice. Give letter. Mistress. The Seer needs to give a promise to the mistress that the Seer will not harm her. Promise, no hurt! He caws. Etcher holds up the letter that was given to him earlier by Witic. We don’t need your eyes Seer, at least not yet.



Oct 3, 2023 1:11 pm
The Seer rolls to the Austin's from Ealdwig I was contacted to serve the house and family for a century to act as a living focus for the house observatory. I control and enhance the divination magics here. I am contractually bound to the observatory and can not leave until my contact is complete unless the family breaks their side of tht contact. Which they have. However should i finish my cigar despite this i can claim a bonus, which i intend to do. My contact expires in 23 years.
While under the contract I must obey any reasonable request by ghost members that do not go against the house master. This does not mean I like them, only that i will be polite.

In response to Etcher it pauses then floats up, returning a moment later with a scroll. This is a copy of my contract. The house original is inside their vault and the candidate can access it after claiming the house
The scroll floats over to you as the Seer watches you.
life happens, don't worry about it
Oct 3, 2023 7:13 pm
He can move stuff with his mind as well? Wow impressive.

Smiling Ealdwig speaking to the Seer, oh, so you have a contract and are under the family employ. That's good. A century seems like a long time. I trust it was worth it. What's it been like without the family around?

Ealdwig finds a place to sit, then looks to the Seer ok to sit here? So how did you come to be in the family employ, if you don't mind me asking? You seem pretty powerful; talking into peoples minds, moving items without touching them, seeing things that ordinary people can't see. What do you get out of the deal, coin or shines as my friend likes to say? Motioning towards Etcher.

You might like Sylfir, she seems nice. I don't know her well though.

I've had a few small contracts in my time, nothing like 100 years or anything, much smaller. Etcher mind of I take a look?
What do I notice, anything out of the ordinary? Is the bonus listed?
Looking up from the contract to the Seer, What's a bonus, I've never seen that in a contract before?
Oct 4, 2023 6:39 am
Wow, Ealdwig is so smart! I didn't even think to ask how he got the bonus. Maybe he gets it by eating people.. Didn’t he say he would eat the fey?

Etcher hands his companion the scroll, as Ealdwig examines the scroll the Avian kneels down next to him.

Etcher’s face has the look of concentration and his feathers seem to ruffle and unruffle every five seconds. Upon hearing his friend mention shinies, the birdman repeats along with Ealdwig, Shines! Seemingly excited. He mimics Ealdwig, squawking, What Bonus?
Oct 5, 2023 3:19 pm
The contact is a scroll filled with in small neat but flowing script. As you unroll it you eyes cross and mind fogs up with the technical details. You are sure if you spent a couple hours you might be able to decipher the legal intricacies of the document. You do not there are several points regarding compliance, work requirements, remuneration, and boundaries. Morr than that and you are unsure.

the bonus is to be paid in magical lore, which the library and vault contain
Oct 5, 2023 9:37 pm
Looking up from the scroll and trying to clear his head, you don't have anything to eat or any water, do you?

Shaking his head, Ealdwig asks you said this was a copy, right? Can I take it with me? It might help Sylfir make her decision. Yeah I could use a drink.



Oct 6, 2023 1:44 am
My needs are met through the magic of the manor. You may take the scroll. If you require sustenance I suggest talking with the cook.
Oct 6, 2023 2:41 am
Ealdwig rolls up the scroll, looks to Etcher for confirmation and hops down from his perch. Holding out the scroll in the direction to the Seer, thanks. This may come in useful.

Yeah I think we'll go and find the cook, I don't feel 100% at the moment.
Ealdwig, heads for the door and as he is opening it, turns to the Seer It was nice meeting you. Maybe we'll see each other again in the future.

Ealdwig holds the door for Etcher, then he follows. Just before closing the door he stops and turns toward the Seer (Colombo style) and asks oh, how do you feel about the potential of a descendant, maybe the last descendant, finally coming back to claim the house and bring it back to it's... he pauses looking for the word and smiles as he waves his hands in a gesture of large grandeur?

Leaving he asks Etcher, how are you feeling? For some reason I feel off. It seems to be wearing off, slowly. I could use a drink. As a thought, almost to himself Think it was the scroll? Hopefully, one of those other guys can read it. I didn't catch any of it when I glanced at it.

Walking aimlessly through the house, Ealdwig turns around slowly, looking around, lost do you know where the kitchen is?
Oct 6, 2023 3:50 am
The seer sends you off with words to the effect that it looks forward to a proper manner head to finish out his sevice to.

Witic guides you to the kitchesn where a glass of cool water helps setle your nerves. You both sit at a small table "out of the way" and the cook ignores you as you discuss things.
I did not mean to imply any force was affectin you other than the anoyingly complex legal language of the scroll but we can play with it as you portrayed it .
Oct 6, 2023 6:18 am
As Etcher walks into the kitchen he pockets whatever he can find that looks particularly valuable.

He sits down across from his companion, his eyes and face as always are a blank canvas. There is little emotion when gazing into Etcher’s eyes, they are blank. He squawks at his "friend", Find Mistress? He points to both of the letters. House safe? I wonder what Ealdwig thinks? Is this place safe enough for Sylfir? Or is there more that we need to do?
Oct 6, 2023 2:49 pm
Ealdwig downs his water, and looks around for more. The cook, doesn't seem to appreciate outsiders, does he?

I don't understand any of that nonsense pointing at the scroll, do you? Ealdwig, doesn't expect much of an answer.

Seems pretty safe, just a large, somewhat strange Ealdwig makes a "strange" face house. If that pendent of your actually works pointing at Etcher's pendant around his neck then it is her house. Nothing to be afraid of right. Might as well come and claim your birthright.

The Seer is interesting? Not sure of his purpose here, why he was contracted or why he would take the actual job? He could probably be doing anything at the moment. I guess the job was lucrative.
Ealdwig rubs his fingers together indicating shinies.

Whispering out of the side of his mouth Ealdwig looks around to see that no one is paying attention to them you shouldn't take from your friends if you want them to remain your friends. They might not like it. Ealdwig smiles and winks.

Ready to go? Let's see if we can find our way back to the base and let them know what we found out.
Oct 7, 2023 2:47 pm
Etcher picks up a few items of payment from the house sure in his knowledge that he has done a good job and earned his reward.
[ +- ] items lifted
If you want to be unknowntices when "pocketing" items then roll for this in the future.


Secret Roll

pocketing items - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

Oct 7, 2023 3:05 pm
You shouldn't take from your friends if you want them to remain your friends. They might not like it.

The Avian fidgets in his seat, he seems to be trying to say something, but he keeps shaking his head. You shouldn't take from your friends if you want them to remain your friends. They might not like it.

He looks down at his pockets and a small caw of distress escapes his beak. Shinies. But I earned them! I did a job and I deserve it! Heroes get rewarded! We always get what we deserve! That's what my brother Issac said!.. Issac stabbed that man after he told me that.

Etcher slowly takes out the various trinkets he had gathered. His voice changes as he speaks, for a moment it almost sounds like..Ealdwig. You shouldn’t take from your friends. He places the trinkets on the table. A caws again, he nods to himself. His voice returning to his usual monotone squawk

No take. Go base!
Oct 7, 2023 4:20 pm
Ealdwig still discreetly talking with Etcher, you do you Etcher, I am not judging. Just letting you know some people, if they notice, aren't going to like it. We did a job, we can ask for payment of some kind. That seems fair, no?

Personally, I try not to take from friends. If they don't remain friends then that is a different story. People we don't know and can definitely afford to lose it, fair game. Just be careful not to get caught. Prison doesn't sound like fun, I've been lucky enough to avoid it so far.

Ealdwig getting up and looking around for more to drink, says to the cook with his patented grin, got anymore lying around he shakes his cup a little.
I assume he find some more to drink.
Grinning widely, thanks. Etcher, want any more?

Finishing up, ready, ok let's get back to the base and tell Sylfir what we learned.

Certainly, we've earned some kind of payment.
Walking back to find the portal, looking around to see if anyone is paying attention, whispering and if not we'll figure out a way to get what is owed. Wink and grin.
Oct 8, 2023 11:45 pm
The two of you are escorted to the Matrix chamber and Witic contacts the Seer who assists in configuring the tiles to connect to the node in the cavern below the expedition base. With another flash and wave of energy you are transported back to the cavern.

A waiting guard quickly hustles over to a tent that has been erected nearby in your absence. Soon Valpip, Fiznik, and Sylfir return and after a brief exchange you all retire to the tent.The inside seems oddly comfortable and you are pret sure it is larger inside than out. The wizard and artificer take back the items they lent you to ensure your safety during the investigation then proceed to verify your identities and that you were not influenced before your return. As you all sit in various chairs and stools a series of questions and answers, with Ealswig doing most of the talking with Etcher piping in as he deems it important and your account of the manor is unfurled. Valpip primarily focuses on taking and organizing notes while Fiznik advises Sylfir on important details. As the discussion goes on she seems more and more interested and takes control over the flow of it. Soon most of the general points and key concerns are addresses.

Sylfir Alderdrim
I would like to thank you both for your assistance in this matter and if you are interested would like you to accompany me to to manor. I understand that neigher Fiznik or Valpip will be allowed in until I have taken control of it but have convinced a friend to accompany us for the initial transfer of ownership. Once that is done both Fiznik and Valpip will likely join me at the house for some time as I learn more about it and my family. If you are willing then I would like to hire you to help with such tasks as you are capable of handling. If not then once I have access to the vault I am sure I can secure you an appropriate reward.
I would like to get your group together with the other daily post group that is using the tile Matrix. Neither is in the middle of anything too deep at the moment so once it get you all together you can talk options.
Oct 9, 2023 2:39 am
OK. So we'll just hold here till everyone get together.
Ealdwig looks at Etcher an give a look that conveys "what do you think?"
Oct 9, 2023 3:03 am
Story moved to the Base Thread
Oct 10, 2023 4:39 am
Retaking the Manor grounds

You arrive without trouble in the manor and Witic takes Sylfir on a grand tour. At the kitchens your troup picks up the cook who if deferential and polite to Sylfir. He follows along adding an occasional comment to Witics running dialog on the house and it's history.
[ +- ] The Manor
The Seer joins the group at the observatory at the end of the tour an leaves the tower for the first time. It is very polite to Sylfir but mostly ignores the rest of you. Together you all make you way back to the Dining Hall. The three house members take up posts around the chamber and the table fades as if an illusion turning the room into a hall that can be used for small dances or in this case formal ceremonies. The fireplace expands and a chair rises up from the floor. Following Witics directions, with some encouragement from Danoll, Sylfir sits on the high chair.

An orb rises from the ground in front of her held by three sets of carved griffons wings. The griffons are raised on their hind legs with their talons stretched up and out making the scepter look like a fancy mace though it's delicate details and thin handle argue it is more ceremonial. Taking the scepter in her hands by pressing her pams around the talons Sylfir stifles a slight whimper as they dig into her flesh and a few drops of blood flow onto the griffins. As this happens there is a griffon cry followed by an illusion of the beast bursting from the scepter to surround the chair and new head of the house. As the magic fades Sylfir stands with the pendant around he neck sparkling and shifting to reveal three gryphons clasping a small jewel in their talons.

Witic cries It is done! as tears fall down her tiny cheeks. The cook bows and the Seer closes all its eyes and drops to the ground for a moment.

The ceremony done the cook rushes off to prepare his ladies first meal, and something for her companions as well. Sylphir seems to be a bit exhausted by bonding with the house. Bonding is a process like attunement to magic items except there are usually higher requirements and once an item is bound it is usually very difficult or even impossible to transfer to another while the current bonded individual lives. Despite her exhaustion she insists that Etcher and Ealdwig are rewarded and is guided by Witic to retrieve a few items from the house vault that they might find useful. Sylphyr retires to her chambers with Danoll, while Witic presents the options to the two young adventurers.
[ +- ] Reward options for Ealdwig and Etcher
Oct 10, 2023 11:57 am
Solidgobi sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos
Last edited October 10, 2023 11:57 am
Oct 10, 2023 1:44 pm
After the reward are handed out you relax in the parlor for a bit before joining Sylfir in her feast. And a feast it is. Several courses of fine food are served by the "chef" as he starts to call himself and the meal lasts a couple hours as you sit and chat. Witic explains much of the family and house history during the course of the meat and finishes with the sad ending during the Shattering before desert is served.

Sylfir and Danoll have spent much of the day talking with Witic, the Seet, and Chef leaving you free to wander. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the work but for now you are free to look around.
house and familiy history can be provided along with details of wandering as you ask for them.
Oct 10, 2023 2:43 pm
Skeeve asks for access to the private study in the Library. He wants the chance to poke around and see what he can find. He will also look for more information on the Matrix, hoping to find more patterns. He'll basically spend all of his time that day there. I'll make a few rolls, just for fun ...

All assume Focus. All are advantage due to Perception (from armor).


Skeeve: General Investigation - (3d6)

(365) = 14

Skeeve: General Matrx Research - (3d6)

(314) = 8

Skeeve: Matrix Pattern Research - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Oct 10, 2023 3:19 pm
Blornvid wanders into the Conservatory just to have a look around, admiring the plants and the fountain.
Oct 10, 2023 7:08 pm
Arkmenos sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos,Solidgobi
Oct 10, 2023 7:27 pm
Arkmenos sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos
As for the trait, I suppose we'll do Acrobatics as we discussed before the adventure. Seems to fit the character.

Do you have a suggestion for the "reward". Not sure what is best for the character of Ealdwig. The Chromacloth seems good, since a torch for him would be difficult to carry and would probably be in other peoples faces, and healing is always nice. The whip seems good to, as he doesn't have a weapon at all, and if it can be used for him to swing or other kinds of dex things that could work nicely.
During the walk Ealdwig, realizing that the Seer is ignoring everyone but Sylfir, decides to talk to him as much as he can. Everything from the Seer's talents, to how he got here, to why, to Ealdwig's past, present and future plans. He is trying like hell with his boyish charm to make friends. Ealdwig seems oblivious to the Seer's opinion of his ceaseless chattering.

After the feast Ealdwig walks up to Witic when he sees a lull in the conversation, Witic, hi, did you or someone else mention a barn with creatures? Would anyone mind if I went to check that out. I've not been privy to many creatures in my life. Can you point me in the right direction? Looking around to see if Etcher wants to join him, Ealdwig wanders off to search the grounds for the creatures.

They have to be Griffin's, based on what we saw earlier today. This place is amazing.
Oct 10, 2023 7:43 pm
Ealdwig can ask the others what tests to take as the gods care little about these petty matters
Oct 10, 2023 7:50 pm
Not sure who you are asking, so I'll give my opinion. I'd definitely recommend the chromacloth. It is very versatile and flexible. The other two options (the whip and gloves) seem pretty specific in their use.

I'm assuming the swordsbird is locked in on the sword. That is a very cool sword, though!
Oct 10, 2023 8:09 pm
I believe everyone here was ok with the optional rules. Unless I hear a No from anyone, send in private if you want, we will start using these.
[ +- ] Proposed Optional Rules
Oct 10, 2023 8:26 pm
daryen says:
Not sure who you are asking, so I'll give my opinion. I'd definitely recommend the chromacloth. It is very versatile and flexible. The other two options (the whip and gloves) seem pretty specific in their use.

I'm assuming the swordsbird is locked in on the sword. That is a very cool sword, though!
ok thanks. We'll give it a shot.
Oct 10, 2023 8:37 pm
For the record, I am good with both of those rules.
Oct 10, 2023 8:44 pm
Let me clear on my recommendation for the magic item. I think the coolest item for you for yourself is the chromacloth. It is cool, versatile, and covers a lot of abilities. It even heals damage (for you) as well as the gloves. Honestly, I like it a lot.
On the other hand, the most useful item for the group is likely the gloves, as it just dawned on me that our healer is still back at the base. So ... there's that. On the other other hand, Skeeve can just ask Sylfir if we can borrow the gloves if we're gonna be facing any combat. Not keep them, but borrow and return them.
Oct 10, 2023 9:01 pm
daryen says:
Let me clear on my recommendation for the magic item. I think the coolest item for you for yourself is the chromacloth. It is cool, versatile, and covers a lot of abilities. It even heals damage (for you) as well as the gloves. Honestly, I like it a lot.
On the other hand, the most useful item for the group is likely the gloves, as it just dawned on me that our healer is still back at the base. So ... there's that. On the other other hand, Skeeve can just ask Sylfir if we can borrow the gloves if we're gonna be facing any combat. Not keep them, but borrow and return them.
Borrow and returning is a good idea.

I sent over my choice to the GM, the Chromacloth. It did sound versatile and I didn't fancy myself a healer, maybe more of a run and hider.
Oct 10, 2023 9:12 pm
Arkmenos says:
I sent over my choice to the GM, the Chromacloth. It did sound versatile and I didn't fancy myself a healer, maybe more of a run and hider.
Nice! :-)
Oct 11, 2023 2:46 am
daryen says:
For the record, I am good with both of those rules.
As am I.
Oct 11, 2023 3:03 am
The house shows its former wealth as you spend more time there. Though ragged and worn the house is remarkably sound as it is built of quality materials and was obviously built by skilled craftsmen. You learn that though the house has been kept up somewhat the outlying facilities have fallen to ruin. This includes the gardens, orchard, field house, coach house, kennels, and extensive basement.

Skeeve is allowed to access the library but is informed the private study will remain private. The library itself holds many books on nature, magic, medicine, beast lore, and many other topics. He is able to find one bood that goes over magical theory which has a chapter on ritual magics and it contains several diagrams showing tile arrangements. He copies some of the passages and arrangements into his own notes for later reference. From what he reads the more common patterns are reserved for basic ritual practice. To activate the MAtric communication and teleportation functions it must first activate those magic then shift to the address Apparently there is a shortcut that the spell storing gem takes advantage of to bypass the first step. He gains a better understanding but learns his current magical powers are still insufficient to make much use of the Matrix at this time other than for practice.

Blornvid enjoys his time examining the Conservatory. There are several fruit bearing and root type plants that have been well tended, likely by witic and the cook, or chef if you will please. There is a nice bench and the dwarf nods off as he sits and listens to the fountain burble and splash.

Witic suggests you wait before heading to see the animals, indicating they have grown wild without being tended to and used regularly. There is still a single attendant that cares for the kennels, field house with its mew, and the animals in the carriage house. The caretaker has grown erratic and set the beasts on Witic several years ago. She has not gone out there since then.

Sylfir Alderdrim
The day passes and you have an evening meal where Sylfir presents her plan and asks your help. Before we can bring in other to help with the house we should secure the area. After consulting with Witic and Danoll we visited the Seer to look over the estate. There are several areas that need work and while all must be cleared there are a few that are easier or more pressing. These I would like you to help me with if possible first. Pick one and after breakfast in the morning Witic and the Seer can give you additional details.
1. The garden
2. The Basement
3. The Gatehouse

Once those three are resolved we can work on the other facilities including the carriage house, fieldhouse, and kennels. If you are willing I can pay you what the expedition was offering as well as room and board for the duration. I hope to be able to call on my family before the arrival of winter and to do this there is much to do in preparation. Will you help me
and the half-elf maiden looks at each of you in turn.
Oct 11, 2023 4:06 am
Skeeve says, "We can do them in whichever order you think best. Though I think we'll make better time if we tackle things one at a time together. Some of these seem actively hostile, so numbers may be necessary. Especially the dungeon.

Also, if I may so bold, I would like at least the chance to talk with the animals to get their story before we do anything with or to them. Sometimes these things can have straight-forward solutions."
My character was literally built to deal with animals. It'd be cool to finally be able to do so.
Oct 11, 2023 6:00 am
Oh yeah the sword is awesome! Thanks @Arkmenos! Sorry the game has moved so fast I didn't see your roll earlier @Psybermagi about the items. Etcher did not keep anything but I will remember the pocketing roll from now on! Also I’m in the East Asian time zone so if I fall behind assume for the time being Etcher is attached to Ealdwig’s hip!
During the past day while Etcher isn't following around Ealdwig cawing "Bodyguard!" dramatically at the slightest of Ealdwig's inconveniences, he can be seen practicing with his new blade. The frost was a surprise to him, during his first moments with the blade he nearly froze the entire room as the sword shot out an arc of ice. The Avian looked somewhat excited and started to try and freeze anything that annoyed him. He soon realized that he could do it once a day (thankfully).

Sitting at the dinner table, his companions are relieved to know he seems to get the concept of utensils, he quite literally pecks at his food. I have unfinished business in the garden, and now I have a way to deal with those awful bugs. Etcher pipes in his own opinion. Garden! Kill Bugs!
Last edited October 11, 2023 6:01 am
Oct 11, 2023 11:59 am
I was just trying to get the two groups together Solidgobi. So I sped through some of the story to make it happen. Skeeve and Ealdwig are more loquatious so there will likely be more chatter with the two of them together. This will let Etcher pipe in ocasioinally, as is his forte, and just chill with Blornvid who is a bit more mellow. That my guess on the future but we'll have to wait and see. With the larger group I will let you interract a bit more before moving things along but this will take some experimentation to get the righ pacing so feel free to let me know in/out of character when you need a pause or to move ahead.

FYI : With more than 2 in the group now I tend to wait for a directive and anyone to aggre/support it fefore taking it as a group decision.
Sylfir has no problem with, and would prefer it,you being able to calm the beast outside. The griphons are intelligent but after 50 years have had a couple generations of only a single person handling them. The hounds are even worse as they were bread and trined as guard dogs. You may encounter some as you excplore and clear the guardens but by and large they mostly stay in the outer grounds though they return to their buildings to sleep.

Etcher has already done some light "gardening" and proudly shows the now healed scars left by some rather nasty thorns on a magical plant that he has to weed from the plot it was overtaking. He got some suppplies from the gardening shed whish was infested with some beetles and he ended up breaking through the roof to escape their swarm.
Oct 11, 2023 12:22 pm
Bugs! What bugs? Ealdwig shutters a little. Maybe I'm more of a raising his voice in a questioning way gatehouse, guy?

Swarms of beetles, ugh. more shutters. But he goes along with Etcher anyway, not liking it one bit. Ok, Etcher, how can I help?
Oct 11, 2023 1:32 pm
Yeah, both I and Skeeve can be chatty. And I do like to keep things moving. So, if I am dominating the conversation, if I need to back off, or if I am being too pushy, just tell me and I will take no offense.
Skeeve says, "I'm up for some gardening. I think both Blornvid and I would prefer to start above ground as we have done way too much underground recently. And this garden, no matter how nasty, still looks better than an overgrown city we got a good look at. Despite Ealdwig's concerns about the bugs, I'm up for taming the garden first.

"One request though: may we borrow those healing gloves? I know it wasn't taken as a reward, but I request the use of the gloves while we handle tasks that involve physical danger. They will still belong to the manor, and won't leave the grounds, but I'd like to make use of them while we are here."
Oct 11, 2023 3:07 pm
"Aye. The conservatory was nice. Would be good for the place if the gardens could match or surpass it." He chuckles, then says, "And if any of the shrubbery gets too unruly, well, there's always my axe."
Oct 11, 2023 4:14 pm
Skeeve smiles back at Blornvid's comments and says, "Yeah. You can prune them, and I can ..." Skeeve presents his hand before him in view of everyone, palm up, "... burn out the roots as needed." As he says that a small, harmless flame appears just above his palm for a few seconds.
Oct 11, 2023 10:14 pm
And, in case anyone thinks that Skeeve is full of himself, he will dismiss that by pointing out that there is a pad with 36 tiles and a stick he carries with him that are both continual reminders of how little power he actually has.
Oct 12, 2023 1:22 am
Ealdwig watching Skeeve create flames in his hands looks impressed and smiles wide niiice. That should come in handy, as will the huge axe Blornvid carries and Etcher's fancy new sword.

With a little concerned look on his face, I wonder what I can do to help? Hum...maybe this new magic cloth will come in handy. Just try not to get in the way. He fiddles with the magical cloth he received earlier.
Oct 12, 2023 6:22 am
Not complaining! Just felt bad I missed a bit of info that you had put a lot of thought in. Totally understandable to speed things up when needed in a play by post game! It’s been great and I’m excited to be a part of a big party!
Etcher caws in delight after witnessing Skeeve’s flame. Wow, a real wizard! Time for some payback. Etcher eyes narrow, and squawks. Bugs burn!

He turns to Ealdwig. Probably going to need someone who can climb to scout around. I guess he’s a bit overwhelmed, he said he was new to adventuring. I guess I’m new too, but I’ve had time with the brotherhood. I’ll need to provide him with some guidance.

The Avain places his hands upon Ealdwig’s shoulder and looks directly into his eyes. Ealdwig, look. Ealdwig, brave. His voice is high pitched yet monotone. The swordsman pats Ealdwig three times on both shoulders. Together safe!
Oct 12, 2023 1:12 pm
There are several sections of the gardens. The vegetable garden out behind thee kitchens, the scenic garden wiht a hedge maze for pleasent strolls to the west, and an orchard to the east. The cook asks you to help finish "taming" the vegetables so he can get the lady some proper meals, though he hasn't had too much trouble form what you can tell.
Hectic morning will add more and start you on the vegetables in a bit
Oct 12, 2023 2:09 pm
[ +- ] The Manor grounds
Witic seems apprehensive as she talks about the garden If you can weed it and collect any ripe fruits as well as some of these herbs it would be greatly appreciated
With a wave of her hands several images float over he head and she points out several herbs and how to collect them as well as several nasty weeds that need to be removed. With another wave the images swirl together forming a single sheet of paper with herbs diagramed on one side and weeds on the other. Pulling a large basket out of thin air she puts the paper in it and pushes the basket over to you.
Be careful, some of those weeds are nasty. There are some gardening tools, including herbicide to pour where the weeds are removed to ensure they do not grow back, in the garden shed. I am sure that all of you can handle the Dimndank scarabs that gave Etcher some trouble last time.
Stepping out to the vegetable garden you are assaulted by the sense of life run amok. The shed to one side has a hole in the roof that looks recent. The paths are overgrown but a small section closer to the manor looks to have been receiving done care of late. The first task is to clear the shed of its infestation so you can access the tools easier.

The shed is the size of a large closet or small room though the vegitatian now grown over it makes it a bit bigger. The door is still mostly covered but easily cleared. As the ddor swings open only a little light spills into the gloomy interior. Shelves line 2 of the walls with a work bench attached on the third. The last wall holds several tools hanging from pegs on the wall. The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Fortunately there are labels on the shelves indicating the items purpose.

Somewhere in here lives the Dimndank scarab swarm.
Oct 12, 2023 2:53 pm
I like the note about the freshly made hole in the roof. :-)
Skeeve, after seeing the hole in the roof, asks Etcher, "Do the scarabs fly?"

He also asks Ealdwig, "Do you have a ranged weapon?"

If the scarabs don't fly, and if Etcher is willing, Skeeve's opening idea is to send Etcher in to draw them out. When they appear, he needs fly out through his hole so he doesn't get overwhelmed. At that point we can attack the scarabs as they are then in the open. All Etcher has to do is then loop back around and join the fight.

This does all assume we can squish them one-by-one. Skeeve would rather use an area-of-attack route, but that would damage everything we're trying to get to, which would be counter-productive.
Nice pictures!

Also, I assume his request to borrow the gloves was rejected, but no one said that.
Last edited October 12, 2023 2:54 pm
Oct 12, 2023 4:22 pm
"How big are these scarabs?"
Oct 12, 2023 4:34 pm
Ealdwig give Etcher a look when he pats him on both shoulders. He smiles and with determination, Ok, let's do this. Let's burn some bugs! Ealdwig ties on the red Chromacloth as a headband. He takes a deep breath.

Standing with the group outside the shed Ealdwig answers Skeeve's question well I have my acrobats pole and a sling. Ealdwig pulls out the short pole first and shows it off. I could use this maybe, but it's only good for about 10'. He opens it up to it's full size. Then he pulls the sling out of his backpack. It has some range to it but not much. Ealdwig puts the pole back and begins to look around for rocks to use with the sling. The sling will probably work better.
Oct 12, 2023 5:35 pm
Skeeve says to Ealdwig, "I agree that starting with the sling is a good idea."

Skeeve says to Etcher, "Blornvid has a great point. How big are these scarabs? Are they this big?" He shows two fingers about two inches apart. "Or are they this big?" He shows his two hands about nine inches apart. "Or maybe this big?" He shows his two hands about two feet apart. "How big do you remember them?"

When he gets a one word (or zero word with hand gestures) answer, he follows up with, "And how many do you remember seeing?" At that he shows 1 finger; then shows 10 fingers; then waves his hands to show too many to count.
Given Etcher's one-word approach, Skeeve is trying to make it easy for him to answer. If he is doing this wrong, tell him not to and he will change approaches.
Oct 12, 2023 7:44 pm
Yeah definitely upon first meeting him, I believe, recapping and using multiple choices is a good way to do it. Early on I recapped and waited for a yes or no answer. It took a little longer to play, but because he gave his "thoughts' I felt I could move forward a little, since I knew the answer and it worked well, in my opinion. Solidgobi let me know if you thought differently, plus it was fun to play into.

I think the way Etcher talks is great, and the approach that Solidgobi took is fantastic. As we all hang out with Etcher more I think we'll all get to know what he means most of the time. As was said earlier, like Groot.

Solidgobi, I do have a question, early on in Etcher's thought, he said he was good with words. Is that his belief or did something happen that changed it.



Oct 13, 2023 2:20 am
Witic steps out from the kitchen holding a book Perhaps this will help
Note, in my game the basic language in the setting is derived from a language with a low and high form. Most only master the low form of the language which is comprised of ideogramic symbols, like they use for the olympics nd bathrooms, though some master a bit beyond that and can read simple words (modern 1st or 2nd grade level)
However anyone who has masters some form of magic has had to study more so has a better grasp of the written language.

Inside the book, which is about animal, habitants, and nature, Skeeve reads a section about the Dimndank

These beetle's love dark and avoid light, heat, and fire. Living in dim and damp places near large sources of vegetation for food. Once such a place is located they will eat and bread, creating larger swarms that can be deadly to larger creatures. The Dimndank scarabs are about the size a duende palm and have wings though they seldom fly except to flee light ro fire or attack as a swarm. Individually they are mild and passive but when a swarm has enough numbers they become very territorial and can even be aggressive and turn to hunting. As they often live off of rotting animal and vegetable matre they are highly resistant to poisons. The book says that large infestations are usually burned out with oil. Other options include removing the food source, increasing light and heat while reducing moisture levels to induce the swarms to migrate elsewhere.

Witic describes a bit of what she saw saying I had seen some in the shed but they usually left me alone and even hid at first. But in recent years they started attacking me if I went into the shed.
Oct 13, 2023 3:29 am
I wanted to let everyone know that I am headed to Upstate NY tomorrow through Sunday. Not sure how often I will be able to get online. We have a pretty busy weekend planed with my daughter. I'll do my best to get on once a day.
Ealdwig tries to look at the book, but is unable to get a good look at it. He looks around for something to stand on. What does it say Skeeve? Does it tell us how to deal with these things? Do they fly? How big are they? ... Ealdwig continues with the rapid fire questions.

I assume fire will work well. It does against most small creatures that I've dealt with in cities. Man, I hope it does. Another small shutter.
Oct 13, 2023 4:27 am
Skeeve answers, "Yeah, fire will work, but the last thing I want to do is burn the building down." He stops for a moment, then fumbles around his bag some and pulls out one of the scrolls he wrote and says, "This might do the trick. It shouldn't start any fires, but it will do radiant (or light) damage to anyone in the blast radius. I am sure it won't be good for the building, but it shouldn't burn anything down and won't be wack-a-bug, either.

"So, new idea: Again, if Etcher is willing to lure them out, I should be able to trigger the spell while most of the swarm is out and active. If I fail to cast it (which is always a possibility), we can back off and try again as needed."

To Witic he does confess, "I don't know what the collateral damage will be. I honestly have never used this spell before, but it seems like our best bet to be rid of them."
I am not sure if the "two word" scroll is too much. I do have supplies for four "one word" scrolls, so if I need to scale it down, I can just go write one while the rest hack on some weeds for a bit. I really don't want to destroy the building and am looking for guidance to not do that.
Oct 13, 2023 5:33 am
Daryen, I like his approach to talking to Etcher, there is no real wrong way to talk with him, I think it fits Skeeve’s more analytical style to try and lead Etcher to an answer he is looking for.

Good question Arkmenos! Etcher believes he is good with words from past experiences. The people he used to live with were not the nicest people. They treated him fairly badly but since Etcher is painfully earnest he took any sarcastic quips at his expense at their face value. A lot of his morals come from misunderstood sarcasm or irony from his old "friends". I also had way too much fun with our meetup at the tavern haha.
Etcher glances back and forth at his two companions. There were a lot and I couldn't see. They came from a tunnel. I flew out and they didn’t chase me. Etcher copies Skeeve’s tinier indication of size. The avian starts out holding ten fingers but then almost to the exact millimeter copies Skeeve’s indication for a swarm. Small, lots! No fly!

He slowly walks to the door, he hesitates. I really don’t want to go in there again, I had to destroy the roof to barely escape…

You gave your word you would restore the house!

Etcher clutches his head for a moment as if in pain, but seemingly shakes it off. Etcher turns to the party. Etcher go. Knight-Errant! I will go in there to lure them out, it's a good plan. Wizards are smart, that's what Allie used to always say.
I’m ok with Etcher and Ealdwig attempting to lure the bugs out together. I like the plan.
Oct 13, 2023 1:00 pm
Assuming that Skeeve's understanding doesn't say, "Hold on, let's scale back to one word!" and assuming Witic doesn't object, I guess that's our plan: Etcher draws them out and Skeeve blasts them with the scroll. I really, really hope I don't blow up the building, but I'm think that would require at least three words, if not four.
Oct 13, 2023 3:07 pm
Have a good time, Arkmenos!
Blornvid listens to the exchange and realizes that axes and arrows really won't work on the bugs. "When you're about to do this, let me know. Don't I can do much other than wave a torch around to keep dem bugs from attacking us."
Oct 13, 2023 3:11 pm
Skeeve says, "Ooo. That's a good idea. We can have you and Ealdwig with torches by me as I cast the spell. That way if the spell doesn't go off on the first try, we can keep them at bay so I can have a second try."
Last edited October 14, 2023 7:25 pm
Oct 14, 2023 5:34 pm
With a couple lit torches for Ealdwig and Blornvid you advance on the shed. Etcher leads the way, pausing at the door as the others get into position, then steps inside. The shed is the size of a large closest or small room though the vegetation now grown over it makes it a bit bigger. The door is still mostly covered but easily cleared. The door stands slightly ajar from Etcher's last foray inside and spills light into a small area of the gloomy interior. Shelves line 2 of the walls with a workbench attached on the third. The last wall holds several tools hanging from pegs on the wall.

The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Familiar with the bugs Etcher steps deeper within to lure the bugs out of hiding he is ready when the walls, shelves, and various items suddenly erupt forth streams of dark shape that flit and fly about the room, cutting off the light. Etcher dives back for the door.

Etcher needs to roll, with advantage (3d6) to escape the swirling darkness of the scarab swarm.

The others witness the interior suddenly fill with a swirly cloud or moving darkness that is oddly discomforting and dizzying to look at. The edges of the swam come up the the door and the light it lets in but instantly turn back in to the shed, offering you only brief glimpses of the small fast flying swarm of beetles.
Oct 14, 2023 7:23 pm
Honestly, I expected Etcher to escape through the roof, not the door.
Since I see this now, I will go ahead with my part. As soon as Etcher escapes, Skeeve attempts to cast the spell from the scroll. This is done with Focus, so it takes both Actions.

EDIT: Thank the gods for Focus!
Last edited October 14, 2023 7:24 pm


Skeeve: Cast scroll spell Sunburst - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 15, 2023 3:04 am
Thanks. it's been a blast so far. Saw a dueling piano concert last night as well as a comedian. And RIT hockey is two and 0 this weekend. Women won yesterday against Union and the men won today against Notre Dame.
Ealdwig waves the too large torch back and worth trying to keep the swarm at bay. Holy crow! These things are everywhere, oh my God. Ealdwig waves more furiously while taking a half step back. Taking a breath and while waving the torch, Ealdwig resolves himself and takes a step forward willing to kill anything that moves to protect Skeeve and Etcher.

I look over a Blornvid, and give a look to suggest, not sure this was the best idea, but we're in it now.
Oct 15, 2023 2:30 pm
Etcher had seemed calm and resolute. Then the bugs came. As the Avian is engulfed by the darkness of the swarm the party hears a very clear and not confident at all yell. BUGS! BUGS! BUGS! The plan had been for Etcher to escape via the roof, he instead barrels straight through the door which he had entered. In full retreat, he manages to land behind Skeeve. FIRE FIRE! The Avian yells.
Last edited October 15, 2023 2:34 pm


Escape the Swarm - (3d6)

(516) = 12



Oct 15, 2023 4:27 pm
Skeeve has to pause only a moment before Etcher burst backwards out through the door. He quickly reads the scroll, not quite panicking, and a sudden flare of brilliance fills the interior of the shed. Meanwhile Ealdwid and Blornvid stand to either side of the door and wave their torches in front of it. The humming buzz raises to a frantic while as you hear thousands of tiny popping noises. Some of the Dimndank scarabs fly out the door and others out of the hole in the ceiling while a few other crawl out of small holes around the shed. However this is only a fraction of what must have been the swarm inside and you get to work swatting and stomping those that linger.

After getting those you can on the outside you peak inside. The interior of the shed smells awful as the tiny smoldering corpses of thousand of the beatles lie scattered on every surface. You are forced to wonder how and where all fo these hid in the small shed. Swatting any that twicht you note that the spell lightly seared the interior of the shed and all the tools but luckily no real harm was done. Witic joins you as you look around and comments that she and the cood can take care of cleaning the shed in a couple of days. Unfortunately the spell has burned away all the paper labels on the stored potions in the shed, though a few had theirs painted or etched into the clay containers and you recover some of the herbicide to prevent any nasty weeds from growing back. A point Etcher squawks with joy over as he pantomimes his great battle with those he had to weed out earlier.

You get to work and hack several "weed" that throw thorns, attack with vines, spray noxious clouds at you and generally give you a bad impression of magical plants in general. All that remains is the the Vicious Creeper that serves to deter unwanted guests from entering. Witic explains that the grounds keeper would have kept it in hand by feeding it potions mixed with a drop of blood from those who live and work in the manor. After a few months of this the plant recognized the locals and leaves them alone provided it is fed regularly. However 50 years without attention has turned it feral.

You will have to find each walls main stalk and cut it off.
This will mean we will have to nuture it back to health but that will allow us time to re-tame it.

You look over the three walls that need to be fought. Thick growths of leaves with pleasant looking flowers hide threats that Witic has detailed to you . Thick vines with nasty thorns on vines that can shoot out from the tangled mass. Seed pods can shoot deadly thorns if the plant is attacked from a range. And word of all, if any attack hits you too much it's poisons will cause you to fall asleep and the vines will wrap you up as it's next meal.
Oct 15, 2023 6:25 pm
Skeeve is beyond thrilled that his first written scroll worked so well! He is very happy about that.
Question: can anti-toxin be taken preventatively, or only as a cure? If preventative works, how long do we have? How many hits can it counter? Also, they never said if we could borrow the gloves.
Assuming that the anti-toxin won't work like I hope, Skeeve suggests we tackle the vines in teams of two. Blornvid and Etcher take the brute force method of chopping it out and be ready to pull the other out if they get in trouble. Skeeve and Ealdwin take a different vine. Skeeve uses Onyx Shield and his blast to work on it. Ealdwin uses his sling, but uses Skeeve as a shield. He will pull Skeeve out if he's hit too many times.

Just an idea. Hopefully someone has a better plan.
Oct 15, 2023 6:48 pm
antitoxin will work for 10 minutes to give you advantage on all poison saves.
each antitoxin can cure a single poison
no borrowing the gloves, you have to come back to the house to use them
Oct 15, 2023 9:56 pm
Blornvid gives Ealdwig a reassuring nod as they set to work on the scarabs. Afterwards, he says with a wink, "See? Nothing to it."

Having moved on to the Vicious Creeper, he says to Ealdwig, "This might take a bit more work." He says to Skeeve, "I imagine that that if we'd stayed in the overgrown city, we woulda had to face a whole lot of something like this." He adds, "I've got two poison antidote potions for after this thing pricks us."

He rubs his beard while Skeeve lays out his plan. "Aye, we're definitely going to have to work in pairs. One fellah goes down, the other pulls him out of reach of the vines."
Oct 16, 2023 2:34 am
How big is Skeeve? Will I be able to pull him out?
Not totally convinced he says to Blornvid yeah, piece of cake, as he stomps out a few beetles. That did work better than I anticipated when we thought. Looking at Skeeve with a smile, you've got good plans. Keep it up. And that spell, that was fantastic. Never seen anything like it before. Looking and gesturing at the feral plant, with a frown he asks. got any spells to take care of that...thing?

Skeptically, Ealdwig asks Skeeve are you sure you want me gesturing to his lack of physicality to pull you out of there? And before you ask, no I don't really have any better ideas.

Looking around at the shed, within close proximity to the door and the hole in the roof, thinking out loud, hum, do we have any extra strength weed killer that is capable of taking care of that? Maybe I can climb to the roof and poor it on the vines, through the hole. That might work, if it can't reach me up there.

Whatda you think? Will that'll work?
Oct 16, 2023 3:42 am
The vines are outside, not in the shed. It was only the beetles in the shed.
Skeeve answers, "We can make sure first. I'm not that heavy.

"Also, we can't poison the vines because they want to use the base plant. We are only supposed to prune it. A lot."
Oct 16, 2023 6:21 am
Etcher slowly stands up brushing off the dirt from his clothes, the avian had dove to avoid both the bugs and the fire. While the spell went off he hadn’t moved while being face down and covering his head. He dutifully joins the group as Skeeve begins to speak.

Etcher nods along with the plan. Seemingly delighted when he is finally mentioned. Immediately copying Skeeve, squawking, Brute force! He walks next to Blornvid, cawing Partners! Pointing back and forth between the two. He places his hand on his sword hilt. I’ve always been good at chores, and taking down that plant will restore order around here. Cut plant!
Oct 16, 2023 1:30 pm
Ealdwig looks skeptically at Skeeve Ok let's test it. Let's see if I can move you. Ealdwig tries to drag Skeeve


Strength to pull Skeeve - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Oct 16, 2023 2:33 pm
Skeeve compliantly gets on the ground so they can test it.
I was assuming it was possible without a roll. If it isn't, then we will just tackle the vines one at a time as a group. Let's not be too fancy then.
Oct 16, 2023 3:02 pm
Blornvid nods in agreement with Etcher and raises his axe to emphasize the point.
Oct 16, 2023 4:00 pm
Ealdwig struggling to move Skeeve, sarcastically thinks to himself yeah I wish I had and axe.
Maybe a roll isn't needed if you are going to be helping to move. If you are dead weight then I don't know. Up to the GM.
Well are you going to help or not? You're heavy!
Oct 16, 2023 6:07 pm
Skeeve says, "Well, if you have to drag me, then I am guaranteed to be dead weight because I'll be out cold. So ... let's just work on one vine at a time. We'll just need to be vigilant to how many hits each of has taken so we can pull anyone who is drowsy out."

With that, Skeeve pulls out his goblin sword and says, "Ready to have at it?"
Last edited October 16, 2023 6:12 pm
Oct 16, 2023 7:50 pm
Hum, yeah sorry. I am not the biggest guy Ealdwig smiles apologetically.

Ealdwig pulls out the sling, looks at it quizzically, not sure how this is going to help us, then puts it away again. Anyone see any sharp gardening tools around here? Ealdwig looks around for sheers or something that can cut. If we can find something sharp, I am sure my agility can help me get close enough to cut that thing.
Anything nearby Ealdwig can use to cut the vines?
You see Ealdwig change the Chromacloth to green. That'll help if I get hit. Looking around at the group, I can change it to red, which will do some fire damage, but that might not be a great idea if we are only trying to trim the vines not kill them.
Oct 16, 2023 9:33 pm
Skeeve says, "Here, use this. I'll use something else instead." With that, he flips the goblin sword around and offers the hilt to Ealdwig. "It isn't the prettiest thing, but it is sharp and it will cut."

Skeeve will just use his magic blasts instead.
Oct 17, 2023 12:58 am
Ealdwig grabs the sword handed to him by Skeeve and waves it around like a "pro". Everyone scatters. Wow! Thanks. This is great, continuing to wave the sword around. I've never used one of these before. Smiling, Can't tell can you?
Oct 17, 2023 4:47 am
As the sword goes whizzing by Etcher's head he moves slightly back, the blade mere inches from his face. After Ealdwig stops his wild swinging, the Avian deftly moves next to his friend. Etcher slightly moves Ealdwig's arms a bit higher and mimics a forward slash with his own arms. Cut plants! He slightly adjusts Ealdwig grip, and shows the downward motion again, this time guiding Ealdwig's arms. Cut plants!

He looks at Skeeve, staring into his new compainion's eyes. After a moment he caws, Careful. He nods at Blornvid, copying him by raising his sword as well.
Last edited October 17, 2023 4:48 am
Oct 17, 2023 4:50 am
Just to clarify things for Ealdwig
Skeeve is human and weighs at least twice as much as Ealdwig.
Blornvid is a dwarf and though shorter weighs more than Skeeve.
Etcher is a avian which are about as tall as dwarves, but with light bones, so weight less than most humans.
I imagine the best melee line up would be Blornvid and Etcher in front with Skeeve and Ealdwig in back supporting with ranged attacks. Or Skeeve can just pull everyone out with his magic with Blornvid as the main attack/deffence and Etcher and Ealdwig skirmishing with their agility and flight.

This system is simple so unless it is a boss creature any attack will hurt it.
Oct 17, 2023 2:51 pm
Skeeve looks back at Etcher and shrugs his shoulders. I had no idea.

So, I guess our plan of attack is to go one vine at a time. Blornvid leads the attack, with Etcher and Ealdwig supporting as opportunity allows. Skeeve stays back and "reserves" his actions. He'll fire off a bolt when opportunity presents itself, but will make sure he always has an action that will allow him to pull out anyone that succumbs to the sleep.

"Ready to get started?"
Oct 17, 2023 3:36 pm
Oh, sorry guys. Ealdwig grins sheepishly.

Looking at Etcher, like this? Although not an expert swing, it is much better and controlled. When done with this maybe you can give me some lessons.

After a few more practice swings, well away from the group, Ealdwig resolves himself, thanks guys. Ok I think I've got the hang of this. Let's take down that vine.
Oct 17, 2023 5:32 pm
"Right then. Let's get on with it." Blornvid takes a few steps forward to assess where he should strike. Once he has a good idea, he strides forward purposefully with his axe, and starts swinging.
I'm going to assume that this will be like regular combat: 2 actions. Both will be to strike with the axe, hopefully working fast before the plant can react.


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(643) = 13

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(136) = 10

Oct 18, 2023 12:01 am
You move close to one of the walls and each find a coice target before slashing in unison.
Yep, now in combat. 2 actions each then the vine gets to go.
Oct 18, 2023 12:48 am
Skeeve stays back and "saves" his second Action just in case. So, only one bolt to start.


Skeeve: Bolt Attack on Vine - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Oct 18, 2023 2:19 am
Ealdwig, with his "new" sword in hand, walks up to the vine and picks what he believes to be a good spot. Holding the sword, stance and slashing motion just as he was shown by Etcher.
Do I just do two attacks? Will I be able to try and avoid an attack by the vine as a reaction or can I do one attach and one movement to avoid an attack? I'll roll two attacks and one dodge. You use what you deem right.


Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(21) = 3

2nd Attack - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Dodge using agility - (3d6)

(224) = 8

Oct 18, 2023 3:14 am
For most characters, it takes one of your two actions to use evade. However, duende agility gives you the effect of evade for free. So, you can make two attacks, but still have your agility to avoid attacks. But, unless you have something special, you only use one die when rolling for evade/agility. Shield Master gives you two dice. I have no idea how to get three dice for evade/agility. (And if you do have something that gives you all three dice, I really wanna know what it is!)
Oct 18, 2023 12:26 pm
Honestly, I don't know this system at all. I figured my trait gave me advantage. What I thought I knew about the system was a standard roll is 2 dice, disadvantage is 1 die and advantage is 3 dice. But I could be way off.

I guess either way I failed. Miserably!
Oct 18, 2023 1:45 pm
Etcher slices with precision, his two attacks landing cleanly. He positions himself in front of the back line.
I kind of love how Ealdwig miss both times! Totally follows the story, the hero's journey is real! Skeeve loves his 4s! Rough!
Last edited October 18, 2023 1:50 pm


Sword Attack - (3d6)

(462) = 12

Sword Attack - (3d6)

(416) = 11

Oct 18, 2023 3:04 pm
That particular trait (Duende Agility) does not give advantage. Instead it basically gives you the Evade action for free. The Evade action uses a single die, and the Agility trait also uses a single die. If you add the Shield Bearer trait on top, you get two dice for either Evade or Agility.

You perfectly understand Standard, Advantage, and Disadvantage tests. The misunderstanding was only on how the Duende Agility trait works. Not a biggie. Not all traits give advantage to something, though many do. Some just give an ability you otherwise wouldn't have.

I don't know of a way to get advantage on Evade/Agility tests. Maybe you can talk the GM into allowing the Acrobat trait to give advantage to Evade/Agility, but I wouldn't count on it. :)
Oct 18, 2023 8:13 pm
daryen says:
That particular trait (Duende Agility) does not give advantage. Instead it basically gives you the Evade action for free. The Evade action uses a single die, and the Agility trait also uses a single die. If you add the Shield Bearer trait on top, you get two dice for either Evade or Agility.

You perfectly understand Standard, Advantage, and Disadvantage tests. The misunderstanding was only on how the Duende Agility trait works. Not a biggie. Not all traits give advantage to something, though many do. Some just give an ability you otherwise wouldn't have.

I don't know of a way to get advantage on Evade/Agility tests. Maybe you can talk the GM into allowing the Acrobat trait to give advantage to Evade/Agility, but I wouldn't count on it. :)
Ok thanks.
Oct 18, 2023 8:50 pm
As far as failing miserably, in the Tunnels thread, on page 34+, Skeeve kept trying to scan and figure things out about some pools and a trident. I made lots of rolls and failed them all. Every. Single. One. Skeeve avoids that room now. He considers it cursed towards him.

But, as long as someone is succeeding and hacking through it, we'll all be good.
Oct 19, 2023 2:27 am
daryen says:
As far as failing miserably, in the Tunnels thread, on page 34+, Skeeve kept trying to scan and figure things out about some pools and a trident. I made lots of rolls and failed them all. Every. Single. One. Skeeve avoids that room now. He considers it cursed towards him.

But, as long as someone is succeeding and hacking through it, we'll all be good.
LOL! The room must be cursed
Oct 19, 2023 3:49 am
Blornvid leads the assault on the first wall. Moving up cautiously he carefully aims as he waits for the others to get in positions as well. The on his command they lash out. Blornvit hacks 2 of the thicker vines clean through with his ax.

Skeeve hurls his magic at the leaf covered wall singing leaves but doing little real damage.
@daryen I am not aware of a saving mechanism so I assume you meant to declare a dodge?
Ealdwig hacks wildly with his sword, uncomfortable with its larger size and weight, managing only to trim a few leaves and smaller vines. Etcher moves up with his sword and flourishes it with deadly accuracy slicing a couple thick vines.

The wall suddenly sprouts dozens of thorn covered vines, hidden beneath their leafier counterparts, and they lash out at the party. A few bulbs begin to bloom and strange pulsating blobs begin peeing about and focus on Skeeve and the rest. Other pods begin inflating ominously.
each vine is 1d6 and can deal 1 damage, I just grouped them by target at this time. Any 6 rolled by a vine indicates it starts to wrap around the target. This has no affect at this time but if another 6 is rolled you will be entwined in vines and be unable to move about.
Using Ealdwigs earlier rolls for the dodge.
2 damage to each of the attackers. The wall looks only slightly hurt with the 4 points of damage you have dealt.
Two of the vines slash into Blornvid. Ealdwig tries to dodge but his nerves get the best of him causing him to stumble and get slashed twice in turn. Etcher Squawks in dismay as he is likewise cut by the thorn wielding vines.


Vine Attacks vs Blornvid, Ealdwid, Etcher - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (2564) = 17

4d6 : (1625) = 14

4d6 : (5632) = 16

Oct 19, 2023 5:50 am
I wanted to wait to see if Skeeve needed to pull someone out. But since that isn't a thing, we'll just go with the Onyx Shield/Evade action this turn so we don't have to do a redo.

How many hit points does Ealdwig have?
Oct 19, 2023 12:37 pm
Ealdwig has 4 so is down to 2 now
Arkmenos Remeber you can use your Chromacloth to flare. Fire will deal 4 damage to the vines, blue would drop the damage to 1 instead of 2
Oct 19, 2023 1:35 pm
Would Etcher be able to use his sword's ability or would being wrapped in the vines prevent him from doing so for the time being?
Oct 19, 2023 2:03 pm
Skeeve will fire off another bolt as his first action of turn #2. He'll then either defend with Onyx Shield for his second action, or he will magically retrieve Ealdwig's body if he drops.


Skeeve: Magic Bolt - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Oct 19, 2023 2:35 pm
Etcher will continue to attack the vines, obviously prioritizing the vine that's grabbed a hold of him. If he can he will activate his sword's ability to shoot a wave of fire at the vines. I'm not sure how many dice I roll for the sword's ability or if it's automatic. I'll roll for all three actions just in case I am unable to shoot off the ability.
Etcher swipes at the vine that has started to latched onto him in a desperate attempt to free himself before he is caught by the vine.


Attack against Vine thats grabbed him - (3d6)

(512) = 8

Flame Wave - (2d6)

(33) = 6

2nd Attack if he cannot fire the sword. - (3d6)

(351) = 9

Oct 19, 2023 4:40 pm
The Chromacloth takes an action to change the color, correct? It is currently green, which will provide healing. But it can only be used once per day if I understood it correctly.
After taking two lashes to the torso and shoulder, Ealdwig watches in horror as the vines seem to sprout from nowhere. As they reach for the small man, Ealdwig slashes at the vines as he tries to avoid them.

Due to the adrenaline, he almost forgets his magical cloth. On instinct, it flairs to life healing him of his injuries.


Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Evade using agility trait - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Chromacloth flair to heal - (1d3+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Oct 19, 2023 4:44 pm
Does that work? Trying to figure this out as I go.

FYI wife and I are going away again this weekend to a game convention in Allentown PA. Leaving tomorrow morning and should be home Sunday. I'll be able to check in Friday morning and Sunday night, not sure about inbetween. This is weird for us, we're usually home all the time. This should be it till the first weekend of December when we go away again.
Oct 19, 2023 5:44 pm
Have fun, Arkmenos!
First Action: Blornvid hacks at the vine that grabbed him.
Second Action: Blornvid goes back at the main branch.
Last edited October 19, 2023 5:45 pm


Hacking vine that grabbed him. - (3d6)

(541) = 10

Hacking main stem. - (3d6)

(664) = 16

Oct 19, 2023 7:59 pm
Oooo. Our first Critical Success! Hopefully it does some extra damage.

Have fun Arkmenos!
Oct 20, 2023 8:49 pm
@daryen As this is side initiative you can go any time during your teams turn but as soon as the last of you responde I will move on. Preposting action options works for me for letting you interact more without me having to wait on your second post. Thanks.

Vines do not incapacitate or hinder your character on a single hit of 6. The second 6 is when you get in trouble.
Skeeve sends a burst of flame at the plant, scoring on one of the waving seed pods.

Etcher Hacks at the vine that was grasping him, freeing himself from danger. He then sends forth the wave of fire that washes over the vine that writhes and twitches in agony as it burns
Frost Flame Wave says:
Each creature in the wave must make a Save Test or take 2 damage, only taking 1 damage is they pass their save test.
@Solidgobi You simply activate this attack and I roll a Save Test to see how much damage is dealt.

@Arkmenos Correct it is only useful once a day. I was just reminding you as new things get overlooked a times.
Ealdwig waves his sword at the vines and manges to hack one of them but misses the 2nd as he activates the Cromacloth and is completely healed.

Blornvid moves in, ax whirling, and hacks of one branch exposing a thick gnarly pulsing mass at the center of multiple vines which he sinks his ax into causing the entire wall to shudder.


Plant Save - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (65) = 11

2d6 : (16) = 7

Oct 20, 2023 8:54 pm
As the fire wave washes over the wall and Blronvid hack the heart of the plant large sections go inert and only a few vines remain to harass the party. However the seed pods start spitting out thin barbed darts to drive the party off.
again each dice over 4 is 1 point of damage, any 6 on the darts indicates poison affects the character and they need to roll a save test or have disadvantage next round
Blornvid is swarmed by vines as he stands next to the plant heart and etcher is scratched again as the plant seeks to end the source of the fire afflicting it.
2 damage Blornvid, 1 damage Etcher

PC turn


Thorn darts : Skeeve, Ealdwig - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (21) = 3

2d6 : (23) = 5

Vine Attack : Blornvid, Etcher - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (55) = 10

2d6 : (45) = 9

Oct 20, 2023 9:41 pm
Oh. Let me make sure that I'm getting this right. If a vine rolls a 5, it lacerates Blornvid. If a vine rolls a 6, it lacerates AND grabs Blornvid. Is that correct?
Oct 20, 2023 10:33 pm
Essentially but it takes 2 6's to grab you. The first 6 and it is wrapping around but you can easily pull away, the 2nd and you are grabbed much tighter, Better hope that doesn't happen. :)
Oct 21, 2023 1:23 am
Since the battle isn't over, Skeeve does two attacks, hoping to help knock out some seed pods.


Skeeve: Attack 1 - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Skeeve: Attack 2 - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Oct 21, 2023 2:39 am
Psybermagi says:
Essentially but it takes 2 6's to grab you. The first 6 and it is wrapping around but you can easily pull away, the 2nd and you are grabbed much tighter, Better hope that doesn't happen. :)
I was just trying to figure out if I needed to expend a dice roll on chopping a vine.
Despite his and the group's success so far, there's still more chopping to be done.
Damn. Looks like he's off-balance. :(
Last edited October 21, 2023 2:40 am


Hacking main stem. - (3d6)

(241) = 7

Hacking main stem. - (3d6)

(231) = 6

Oct 21, 2023 1:26 pm
Etcher stumbles back as he is hit by a seed pod. He focuses on the main stem along with his dwarf companion.
Ooof looks like Etcher's sword arm was hit!
Last edited October 21, 2023 1:27 pm


Attack main vine - (3d6)

(141) = 6

2nd Attack - (3d6)

(343) = 10

Oct 21, 2023 3:18 pm
The poison in the thorns is affecting your motion. LoL
Come on Ealdwig finish it off!
Oct 23, 2023 1:30 am
Ealdwig, luckily dances around vines and thorns avoiding them all. He does a twirl and runs in ducking and dodging until he get an opportunity. Alright guys, I've got this. And he hacks twice.
slips and falls
Last edited October 23, 2023 1:33 am


Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(22) = 4

evade using agility trait - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Oct 24, 2023 12:59 am
Tattered as the vines havebecome so too have you become a bit roughed up and only Skeeve who has stood back and hurled magic is able o land a hit on the vines. The vines seem to become frantic lashing out at eveyone close while sending all its thorns at Skeeve. Two of the thorns strike Skeeve piercingg him deeply and he feels the poison begin to take affect. Blornvid and Ealdwig get raked by the vines but Etcher manages to twirl and flutter out of the way

Skeeve takes 2 damage and need to pass a saving Test vs the poison or become paralyzed. If he pssses the test he still only has 1 action next round.
Blornvid also takes 2 damage and Ealdwig takes one.


Vines attack Blornvid, Etcher, Ealdwig - (2d6, 1d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (65) = 11

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (6) = 6

Thorns shot at Skeeve - (4d6)

(6264) = 18

Oct 24, 2023 1:39 am
Ealdwig tries to roll away from the swinging vines. OW! Sonofa... Once out of range of the vines Ealdwig collects himself and assesses the damage. Mumbling almost to himself, man, this stupid plant doesn't want to go down. And I wanted adventure. What a stupid, gullible, idiot I am.
If I see Skeeve get hit, Ealdwig will run over to see if he can help. If not Ealdwig will resolve himself and tear back in to the fight.
Oct 24, 2023 1:41 am
Blornvid is grateful for learning how to become an armor master, otherwise he would've had to quit this fight. Still, the armor is beat up, so when this is over, he's going to have some smithy work to do. In the meantime, there's still more chopping to do be done.
Ugh. Looks like there's going to be even more to do.
Last edited October 24, 2023 1:42 am


Hacking main stem. - (3d6)

(342) = 9

Hacking main stem. - (3d6)

(122) = 5

Oct 24, 2023 2:16 am
Technically, one of those hit my armor, not me. Does that help?

Here is a Save Test, followed by an Attack, assuming the save succeeds. If not, ignore it.

Edit: Well, that didn't work. The first roll was supposed to be the save test, the second the attack. Unless the armor saves me, the attack doesn't matter as I failed the save test.
Hopefully Ealdwig can keep any tendrils away from me. I guess we're gonna need those gloves when we get back in the manor.
Last edited October 24, 2023 2:21 am


Skeeve: Test DC: 5 - - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Skeeve: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Oct 24, 2023 5:41 am
Etcher manages to avoid the plant's attack. He flies defiantly directly at the main stem, his momentum enabling him to land a solid hit upon it. He is unable to manage his speed. The Avian is able to stop in front of the plant, but his second attack is unbalanced, he misses by mere inches.
Last edited October 24, 2023 5:46 am


Etcher's Attack - (3d6)

(542) = 11

Etcher's Second Attack - (3d6)

(241) = 7

Oct 24, 2023 1:01 pm
Skeeve is saved from being fully paralyzed as his enchanted armor blocks one of the darts from doing more than scratching him. However he is a bit slow as the other darts toxins flow into his system.
Yep, armor blocked 1 damage and 1 poison so Skeeve still needd a save but the failur only results in the loss of 1 action untill he passes a save test at the begiining of each round after this.
Oct 24, 2023 7:17 pm
Did I notice Skeeve go down?
Oct 24, 2023 9:09 pm
I already committed to firing my bolt, which hits, so I'll stick with that. If that action was cancelled for whatever reason, then he simply put up his Onyx shield.
Last edited October 24, 2023 9:10 pm
Oct 25, 2023 1:27 am
The small area make it easy to keep track of each other. Ealdwig plainly sees Skeeve struck hard but still fighting.
Oct 25, 2023 2:33 am
Not sure if it happened behind me. Thanks.
Ealdwig watching Skeeve take a hit but stay up decides he's ok and charges back into the fray. Keep your feet, dammit!


Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Attack vine with sword - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Evade using agility trait - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Oct 25, 2023 4:31 am
Ealdwig jumps between the thrashing vines and slashes twice, complexly rupturing the heart of the plant. All the vines sag and begin wilting.
Oct 25, 2023 4:58 am
You quickly search the rest of the wall, without getting too close to it's neighbor, and "trim" back any other active vines or dart seed pods. Jubilant at your success but a little rattled at how deadly the plant had been you take a break and get a mug of iced fruit juice from the chef and sit under the shade of a nice normal tree and relax for a bit.
Oct 25, 2023 12:58 pm
How many of these vines are there?

Also, I assume I eventually make my save.
Skeeve says to Blornvid, "When you work on your armor, can you fix mine back up, too?"
Oct 25, 2023 1:52 pm
After downing his class of iced fruit juice, Ealdwig smiles and relives the encounter in his head while sitting under the tree. When he looks over at Skeeve and Blornvid examining their armor, the smile leaves his face. That was pretty close, we got lucky. Everyone got dinged up pretty good. Glad we're all ok for the most part.

Smiling and in his usual cheerful demeanor great work guys. Blornvid, glad you're ok, looks like you got hit pretty hard. Same for you Skeeve, that's a decent size dent in the armor. Looking over at Etcher Etcher, you good?

Ok fellas, one vine down. How many more to go, 2 or 3? Dismissively, whatever,

Smiling with his mischievous grin that he has, he look at the guys, Ok, I've got a plan that I think will work. Etcher, you run in there first, kill all the remaining vines, and we'll wait here. Raising his glass in a "cheers" motion, whatdya say? We'll make sure we have plenty of drink for when you come back.
Oct 25, 2023 5:14 pm
Etcher looks a bit worse for wear, but seems in good spirits. He raises his own glass. Cheers! he caws. More vines? How are we going to take down the next three? They will need me to stay sharp. Etcher downs his juice, and stretches. He lays down and closes his eyes. I’ll take a break while I can. We got lucky, I need to be better next time.
Any sort of short rest mechanic in this game by any chance?
Oct 25, 2023 5:19 pm
there were 3 vines, so 2 left.
Rest 1 hour recovers 1 HP
Oct 25, 2023 5:24 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve says to Blornvid, "When you work on your armor, can you fix mine back up, too?"
Arkmenos says:
"great work guys. Blornvid, glad you're ok, looks like you got hit pretty hard. Same for you Skeeve, that's a decent size dent in the armor."
He turns to address Ealdwig. "Well done, lad! You came through for us! You must be paying attention to Etcher's training." He adds a wink.

He savors his fruit juice. When Etcher caws "Cheers!" he raises his glass to him.

After a bit, he says, "Considering what that thing took out of us, I'd like for us—and our armor—to be in tip-top shape before we go after the next one."
Oct 25, 2023 6:48 pm
Tiptop. Good idea. Ealdwig lays down and closes his eyes to rest. Quietly tiptop, I like that.
Oct 25, 2023 9:49 pm
Skeeve just enjoys the juice and the company. Taking it slow while the poison works its way out of his system.
Oct 26, 2023 3:59 am
Since the next 2 are the same as the first i am skipping the actual combat.
You rest the remainder of the day and spend the next two days working on the other two walls. Wth the shed recovered and the vines cut back the garden is slowly being reclaimed by Danoll, Witic, and Sylfir. After 3 days of intense fighting you take a day off to rest and relax. With all the work underway, people coming and going both for work and leisure the manor is slowly regaining the feeling of being lived in.

With the garden hazards removed you are free to pick your next target. The dungeons, the scenic garde with the hedge maze, or the grounds including the orchards, gatehouse, carriage house, and other buildings.
I assume you want to do the grounds based on the last discussion but let me know OOC or in character
Oct 26, 2023 5:21 am
Skeeve says, "I'd prefer to work through the grounds first. I'm still not ready for a dungeon and we just did a garden, which leaves the grounds. Then again, we have to do them all at some point, so I can easily be talked into any of them."
Oct 26, 2023 3:08 pm
Etcher seems all but overjoyed reclaiming the garden. He has even started calling Skeeve and Blornvid "friends". His day of rest is spent practicing swordplay, or it would have been if he had not continued to be distracted by the new arrivals. Whenever Etcher spots someone new he excitedly runs towards whatever "friend" is nearby and demands to know if his companion knows anything about the new arrival. The Avian seems perplexed why people who were not "family" would visit the house, but looks to be happy seeing the manor thrive once again.

Once the group reins Etcher back in, his focus returns and he eagerly joins the conversation. He listens quite seriously to Skeeve nodding along. Wow Skeeve is good at thinking! Grounds! Etcher squawks in agreement
Oct 26, 2023 3:56 pm
Skeeve thought about trying to use his day off to do some more research, but decided he would spend most of the day looking around the manor some more to get a better feel for it. He does take a half hour in the library to give himself two chances to make new two-word Sunburst scrolls. I am going to assume that he can convert gold to resources to make the scroll. (He will borrow from Blornvid since he technically doesn't have enough gold on hand.)

Edit: Thank the gods for focus!
Last edited October 26, 2023 4:44 pm


Skeeve: Create Sunburst Scroll 1 - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Skeeve: Create Sunburst Scroll 2 - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 26, 2023 4:14 pm
Ealdwig takes the day off to relax and asks Skeeve permission to practice with the sword. When Etcher isn't distracted by the newcomers Ealdwig asks him for pointers.

The rest of the time, he wanders around, eats and relaxes. Being the curious sort, he looks around the manor trying to find anything of interest and locations or items that might be hidden.

Other than the things that can kill us, this place is pretty great. I could get used to being in a place like this.

When Ealdwig bumps into his companions, we're hitting the grounds next? I wonder what "fun" waits for us out there?
Oct 26, 2023 4:43 pm
Skeeve tells Ealdwig to keep the sword. It was just a backup for Skeeve, so he's happy that Ealdwig can make actual use of it.
Oct 26, 2023 5:00 pm
Smiling broadly. Thanks! Are you sure? Never know when you might need it. Knocking over stuff as he wears it on his build. Picking that up and knocking something else over. Sorry, not use to it yet. I'll get the hang of it. Bangs into something else. Looking sheepish, Maybe I should take this off, especially inside. Belt might not be the best place. Maybe I can fashion something so it is on may back.

Wow, good man Skeeve. That's the first time anyone has given me anything.

This might get in the way of acrobatic, stealthing, hum... I'll have to keep practicing with this thing. I guess I could always ask someone to hold it.

Ealdwig carrying his new sword, thanks to Skeeve, heads outside to practice, moving, hiding, climbing, etc, with the new equipment.
Oct 26, 2023 5:22 pm
Let me know what I should deduct from his cash stash to pay for the materials to repair the armor.
After the group's success at cutting back the vines, Blornvid savors the day off. Given the difficulty of the job, he has a new respect for plants. Someone should forge magical pruning shears or loppers, maybe even a pole saw. He chuckles at the thought.

The new guys proved their mettle with the job. He hopes that they stick around a while. He's seen so many adventurers come and go that he can't remember all of their names. As it is, he almost forgot about Gardakhan, the rightfully arachnophobic, spirit-communing goblin. He wonders if the fellah is working with Valpip and Fiznik to figure things out.

Skeeve suggests tackling the grounds next. "Works for me," he says.
Oct 26, 2023 6:37 pm
To be clear, this is a goblin sword. So, it should be about the correct size for Ealdwig and should not be awkward for him to use. This is not a human sword which would be like a great sword to him. This is an appropriately sized weapon for Ealdwig's size.

Just saying.

And you are quite welcome!
Oct 26, 2023 6:42 pm
Speaking of cash, I can trade in my Jasper to pay for the other scroll and armor repair if needed.

One problem of cleaning up the manor is that anything we find belongs to someone else. It isn't as lucrative ... ;)
Oct 26, 2023 8:13 pm
daryen says:
To be clear, this is a goblin sword. So, it should be about the correct size for Ealdwig and should not be awkward for him to use. This is not a human sword which would be like a great sword to him. This is an appropriately sized weapon for Ealdwig's size.

Just saying.

And you are quite welcome!
I understood that. Still figured it would be awkward on his hip due to never having one before. When he bent over or even standing, it wouldn't be straight down, so I went with it.
Oct 27, 2023 1:02 pm
So, after our restful, but productive, day off, we head out to face the challenges of the grounds ...
Oct 27, 2023 2:31 pm
FYI, feels like a cold coming on. So, I wanted to apologize in advance, if I write anything that doesn't make sense.
Oct 27, 2023 2:38 pm
Having cleared the back garden you now have access to the fron and the area to the back of the manor. In the front is a large yard, sections of which indicate is was paved but the weeds have grown through the grack, the separates the manor propper from the carriage house and beyond that still the gatehouse. Back behinds some trees a ways and off to one side between the carriage house and the manor are the kennels. Out beyond the vegetable garden you Witic explains you will find the fieldhouse mew and orchards.

Picking the carriage house and hoping to meet the stablehand who stayed on you make your way to the building. The carriage house is well built but showing the lack of recent care. Large double doors allow access to the main carriage space with a smaller side door, though even this is much larger than normal households doors. Circling the building before entering you see that behind some screening trees and shrubs is a large paddock and stables that are connected to the carriage house. Several doors between the stables and paddock are open but you see no creatures out at this time. In fact you have not seen or hear any animals moving around the area since coming to the manor.

Where do you want to enter the stable or carriage house from
1 carriage house side door 2 carriage house main double sliding doors 3 enter the carriage house via the paddock 4 enter the stables from the paddock 5 enter the stables from the side door
Oct 27, 2023 3:11 pm
If we're just meeting the stablehand, maybe we knock on the carriage house side door. Are we expecting the stablehand to have gone feral too?
Oct 27, 2023 3:42 pm
Skeeve is definitely not up for just throwing open the double-doors. That seems ... unwise.

He agrees with Blornvid, steps right up to the carriage house side door and loudly knocks on the door, and calls out loudly, "Hello! Is anyone here?" He does not open it.
Last edited October 27, 2023 3:42 pm
Oct 27, 2023 4:31 pm
As the group walks to the carriage house, Etcher is quite. No random squawks or excited one word phrases. He seems elsewhere as if concentrating on something. Something's not right here. No animals anywhere, I thought this place was suppose to be overrun? No one to greet us either. Reminds me of how my brothers use to lie in wait for travelers. The swordsman glances around searching for any signs of ambush. While Etcher is concentrating elsewhere, he hears Skeeve call out a greeting. Etcher perks up and seems to snap out of his quite funk. Etcher's head pops up behind Skeeve's shoulder. Friends! The Avian calls out.


Spot Ambush - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Oct 27, 2023 7:14 pm
Maybe, no one's home. Should we just go in. Ealdwig tries to find a way to look inside.
Oct 27, 2023 8:30 pm
There is no response to the call. Seeing an hearing nothing moving you approach and find the door unlocked, and a bit rusty. You open the door cautiously to expose a dim interior. The room looks to be a combination between a workroom and waiting room with a couple chairs, tables, benches with tools, a small fireplace, etc. The room looks to have been used somewhat recently but upon entering you find the fireplace cold. The rooms has an open doorway to the main chamber of the building that would have housed the carriages. There is also a stairway leading up. Though the place is not clean it is mostly neat and lacks the layers of dust to indicate a lack of recent use. Peeking into the carriage room you see a few vague shapes you take as a carriage and another you are unsure of.
Oct 27, 2023 8:34 pm
Skeeve will summon a light and use it to shed light (no roll; just a simple torch-like light) on the shapes to make sure one is a carriage and see what the other one is. Once we have done a cursory check on this room, I guess we'll head upstairs to see what we find.
Last edited October 27, 2023 8:34 pm
Oct 27, 2023 9:11 pm
Smiling and calling out, Hello! Anyone here?
Oct 27, 2023 9:39 pm
The one is definitely a carriage, the other shape is similar but has aspects more reminiscent of a boat. The room is very large and open with what looks like scaffolding that can be rearranged to work on the two vehicles. This rooms shows more signs of neglect with traces of paths to and from cupboards and work areas but otherwise covered in dirt, dust, and decay. The work benches and cupboards look to have been stripped of some thinge while others were left. Most of what you find are old broken tools but there are also a few storage areas that hold wood, metal fittings, and cans of what was mostly likely paint at one point.

At Ealdwigs call you pause to listen but hear nothing in the building.

Moving to the stairs you make your way up noting the stairs are worn and well used. At the top is a short hall with 3 doors, left right, and straight ahead. A window at the top of the stairs allows some natural lighting into the hall. Moving down you come to the first set of doors left and right . . .
Oct 28, 2023 12:40 am
Being polite, Skeeve again knocks on the door on our left and calls out, "Anyone in here?" if not, he slowly opens the door to see what there is to see.
Oct 28, 2023 1:17 am
With caution, and manners, you examine both rooms. They are mostly bare of anything useful and hold odd scraps. Aged wood, tattered cloth, and bits of pottery and glass. Moving to the last room you pause as you notice this door is in better condition and with a quick check you can tell it has been locked shut.
Oct 28, 2023 3:22 am
Skeeve again knocks on the door, saying "Hello! Is anyone in there?"
Oct 28, 2023 3:46 am
There is no response
Oct 28, 2023 7:34 am
Did Blornvid or Skeeve ever buy a set of thieves' tools? I'm not particularly interested in breaking the door down.
Oct 28, 2023 5:15 pm
"Aye, lad. I've got set of lockpick tools. Haven't really used it, so if someone else has the skills but not the tools..."
Oct 28, 2023 6:54 pm
I think there is a basic level of assumed competence and the tools simply give advantage. But we've lost some sneaky types along the way.
Skeeve says, "Etcher or Ealdwig, are either of you familiar with picking locks?"
Oct 28, 2023 10:44 pm
[ +- ] my impression of the thoughts running through their minds
Oct 29, 2023 12:55 am
If no one volunteers, he continues, "I'm not breaking down the door right now, and we have a whole building here to check out. Let's check out the rest of the building first and come back to the door after that."
Obviously, if either volunteers, we'll do that and check out the room.
Oct 29, 2023 2:29 pm
Sorry I got busy on the weekend! I'd like to think that Etcher might know how to pick a lock based on his background if needed!
Etcher caws. Open Lock! My brothers used to help open houses for those who went away on vacation and left stuff for us to collect but the other people always forget to leave the keys. That was always so funny. Well I suppose no one would mind if I tried to open this lock instead!

The Avian rummages around his pockets for anything that might help him try to open the lock. He settles on a small thin piece of metal that he finds in his left pocket. He looks at Skeeve holding the small piece triumphantly. Open lock! The Avian gets to work.
I don't have tools in my inventory, so if I have to roll at disadvantage let me know. I figured this system lets us play a little more fast and loose with smaller things.
Last edited October 29, 2023 2:30 pm


"Open Lock" (And totally not picking it) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Oct 29, 2023 4:36 pm
Blornvid puts a hand on Etcher's wing as he rummages through his pockets. "No need. Here." With his other hand, he holds out the lockpick set that he's been carrying around with him. "Try these."
Oct 29, 2023 10:47 pm
With a slight click the door unlocks then opens at a gentle push. These hinges have been oiled and the interior of the room is neat but simple. A bed, a wardrobe, a chest, and a table with parchment, ink, quill, and sand arranged neatly atop it. The window is currently shut but unlike the other two rooms this room is only slightly musty and there is little to no dust anywhere in the room. The bet is a bit large and the blankets are old and patched but look thick and comfortable for cool nights. One one wall is a small framed drawing of a woman's face. The artist captured a smile that fills her face and soften her eyes. Long hair curls loosely around her face and neck. The drawing is behind a sheet of glass and the simple oval frame is lacquered a deep brown with a hint of red.
Oct 29, 2023 11:24 pm
Skeeve says, "As expected, this must be the grounds keeper's personal room. Let's make sure to not touch anything and leave everything where it was before we opened the door.

Skeeve will take a couple minutes to try to commit the picture to memory before getting everyone out and closing the door.
If Skeeve knows about Etcher's pilfering tendencies, he will look at Etcher while making the comment about leaving things alone. If not, we'll have to trust Ealdwig to do so. :)

Also, does the woman in the picture look anything like Sylfir?
Oct 30, 2023 5:36 am
Etcher’s hand slowly reaches back as Skeeve glances towards him. While the Avian’s face remains ever expressionless, his body seems to shrink just a little bit. He looks like a child whose hand was caught in the cookie jar. He does point at the chest, Look? Could there be something like a clue inside it surely? Or shinies! Maybe if Skeeve sees the shinies he will change his mind. We are helping! Why is it so quiet here?
Oct 30, 2023 2:44 pm
Skeeve replies, "Look. No touch." He makes sure to follow this rule himself as he tries to get everyone to move back out.

I don't know why, but Skeeve just really doesn't want to violate the grounds keeper's room. Particular since it is obviously lived in and recently used. It feels like an invasion of privacy or something. As a result, he doesn't want to investigate the room deeply. Just try to remember the woman's picture and move on to the rest of the building. He will explain this if queried as to his odd reaction, even if he can't justify it.
Last edited October 30, 2023 2:44 pm
Oct 30, 2023 3:01 pm
Upon realizing that this is someone's private quarters and not some nefarious lair, Blornvid heads outside to keep watch for the room's occupant. Not a good look for us.
Oct 30, 2023 4:36 pm
Hey, we're used to being grave-robbers, not a legitimate clean-up crew! :-D
Oct 30, 2023 4:59 pm
I'll gladly be accused of being a grave robber over an apartment thief! ;D
Oct 31, 2023 1:35 am
The chest is not locked and a quick peek reveals it only contains a few sets of rough cloths from homemade leather that is devent but a bit ragged and worn threadbare cloth of extreem age. There are a few other small odds and ends in the chest, socks, a small pouch with a tool sticking out, and a small wooden box.. The room has a few other personal effect but noting eye catching or revealing about the owner. With nothing shiny to catch his eye Etcher soon looses interest.
Oct 31, 2023 1:50 am
Sorry guys, very sick this weekend. Didn't do anything. Better today, still not 100%.
Ealdwig looks around and tries not to let the curiosity get the best of him. About to open a drawer when Skeeve calls out to "look. No touch", he cocks his head and smiles shyly, realizes where he is and stops himself. Yeah this is the place for that.

Does anyone know the grounds keeper? Wonder where he is? Looking around, maybe we should leave a note apologizing for entering his room, not knowing this was his personal space.
Oct 31, 2023 3:11 am
Skeeve says, "Honestly, it's probably better not to. We'll just explain we were looking for clues for where they went to when we find them. Let's go check the rest of the building."

We'll go check out the rest of the house. Skeeve will make sure everything is back in place before leaving and closing the door.

I think there were only three rooms upstairs, so we've covered them all. So, back downstairs we go.
Oct 31, 2023 1:53 pm
Psybermagi, I so happy that you understand Etcher! Nothing interesting to take, so he listens to Skeeve.
With nothing of interest upstairs, Etcher starts to lose focus. He wonders downstairs and looks at the paths on the ground that have been wore into the dusty floor. Time to find where our friend has gone. Etcher kneels down glances at the floor doing his best to see if he can pick up the groundskeeper's trail.
As always if I attempt a roll that should be at disadvantage please let me know.


Tracking Attempt - (2d6)

(44) = 8



Oct 31, 2023 1:58 pm
Deciding there is little in the carriage house upper floor and with the only other space being the common room and garage you move to head to the back to check out the stables. As you pass through the common room you hear Whitic calling you from the house.

Witic stands on the porch of the manor house with a man you have never seen before. New guard or a new companion?
Oct 31, 2023 2:16 pm
Hearing Witic call out for us, Ealdwig walks outside to get a look. Replying hey, Witic. What's up?

Who's that guy?
Last edited October 31, 2023 2:17 pm
Oct 31, 2023 4:44 pm
Edair Duril
A middle aged human of average height with long black hair and a beard. He stands with a scowl on his face and a greatsword on his back.
@Elysium777 Welcome to the party :)
Oct 31, 2023 4:51 pm
Blornvid whispers to Skeeve, "Is that the groundskeeper?"
Oct 31, 2023 5:41 pm
Skeeve whispers to Blornvid, "If so, I hope he doesn't find out we picked his lock."

Skeeve walks back to the manor towards Witic and the stranger. When he gets there, he says, "We're still trying to figure out what is going on with the ground's keepers house and the stables. What can we do for you?"

To the stranger he says, "Hello, my name is Skeeve." He gestures toward Blornvid, Ealdwig, and Etcher in order and continues, "And this is Blornvid, Ealdwig, and Etcher. We're currently trying to clean out any dangers around here so the manor can be fully reclaimed. Or immediate question is finding the ground's keeper."
Nov 1, 2023 2:41 am
Ealdwig, looking up at the new guy, smiles and give a little nod of his head good to meet you. Gesturing at the new guy, I assume you've come to help with that. We could have used you with that vine the other day. That was one dangerous plant.
Nov 1, 2023 3:03 am
Edair looks at the group of adventurers and sizes them up, he looks at Blornvid first, his scowl unchanging. "Well, at least we have another mercenary in this group. It appears you guys need all the muscle you can get."

He extends a handshake out to Skeeve, "Nice to meet you all, name’s Edair. Former mercenary or camp guard, whatever title you prefer."

He turns his sights to Ealdwig and points to his great sword with his other hand, "Yup, that's why I brought my weed cutter, it should get the job done." Edair chuckles at his own joke, he thought he was funny, at least.
Last edited November 1, 2023 3:04 am
Nov 1, 2023 3:52 pm
Weed cutter? Etcher looks his new companion up and down. Well I suppose having a gardener is a good idea. Can't be too careful after our previous weed problems. The Avian's feathers ruffle a bit. Or did he say he was a guard? My brothers and sisters used to say the best guard was the kind that knew when to look the other way. Really bad luck to meet a guard when we are trying to find someone!

Etcher extends his hand. He lets out what Edair can only interpret as a high pitch squawk that somehow forms a word. Friend! Etcher waves his arms seemingly pointing towards the ground's keeper's house. He lets out a second caw. No Keeper!
Nov 1, 2023 4:24 pm
"Well met, Edair." Upon hearing Edair's joke, Blornvid grins and nods his head.
Nov 1, 2023 4:37 pm
With a wide smile, Ealdwig looks around at the group, Hey guys, we have a comedian joining the group. Excellent, we can use one of those around here.

To Witic any idea where the grounds keeper is? He isn't around from what we can tell. When was the last time you saw him?
Nov 1, 2023 6:56 pm
Skeeve gladly accepts the handshake. He says, "Glad to have the help! While you would have been a great help on the vines from earlier, I am sure we're going to find some more dangerous stuff. And, yes, we are always happy to have more muscle to tackle the problems!" And Skeeve does smile at the weed cutter joke, which he enjoyed.

To Witic, he says, "Well, if you have nothing else for us, I guess we'll get back to the grounds keeper's house and the stables."

And with that, it is off to finish exploring the house and stables.
Nov 2, 2023 1:42 am
Edair accepts Etcher’s handshake, he looks over at Skeeve and says,

"So, how far have you guys explored? This manor appears to be pretty large. Have you guys checked the basement or attic?" he puts a hand on his chin, preparing to follow Skeeve and the group.
I’m assuming this place has a basement and an attic
Nov 2, 2023 2:52 am
Skeeve replies, "The attic is inhabited by a giant floating eye. But it works for the manor, so it's apparently cool. There is reference to a dungeon, which I assume is attached to the basement, but we thought we'd check out the above-ground places first. Blornvid and I have had been doing a lot of underground stuff before and thought above ground would be a nice change. If you came from the outpost, you must have used the tile pad. We cleaned down to it. We did find a passage going lower, but we ended up seeing where the tile pad could take us.

"Here was have just finished killing the giant vine plant terrorizing the garden and cleaned out a bug infestation in the adjacent shed. Now we're checking out the grounds keeper's house and the stable area. So, we still have a lot to investigate here, including a dungeon.
I teed you up to tell us your exploits. :)
Last edited November 2, 2023 2:54 am
Nov 2, 2023 3:14 am
Edair becomes curious when Skeeve mentions underground, he replies, "I did come from the outpost. Did they also send you guys to the Underdark? I went there recently, almost got my arms bitten off by lizard, thankfully I had backup. We found a ship with, and I swear on my sword arm, friendly undead sailors. They waved at my companion and we just decided to leave them, and the Underdark."

Edair’s eyes light up, "A dungeon, eh? What are they paying you guys to investigate this? If it’s a paltry sum, you should negotiate for more!" he thinks of all the treasure that might be in the dungeon.
Nov 2, 2023 3:32 am
Listening to Edair speak of undead in the underdark you went where?! Undead?! You mean dead people, who are, um, no longer dead but alive? That sounds terrifying. Doesn't sound like a place I'd want to visit.

Did you find anything of interest or just lizards and undead?

Carefully, pulling out his small sword that Skeeve gifted, you seem to know what you are doing with one of these. Do you have any tips? Etcher has been giving me pointers, but other perspectives are good to hear.
Nov 2, 2023 3:51 am
Edair nods, "Yes, I went to the Underdark, have you ever been there? It’s not as bad as you think, it’s pretty cozy down there. Just gotta watch out for the lizards, those things are nasty." he chuckles and shrugs, "That’s all I found, lizards and undead. They did say they’d be recruiting for a group expedition later."

Edair looks at the small sword with a bit of a scowl and says, "Honestly, practice makes perfect. I don’t know if you’ve been in a life or death sword fight, but don’t hesitate when fighting humans. In a real fight, hesitation is defeat. He scratches his beard and continues, "One final piece of advice: Don’t underestimate anyone."
Last edited November 2, 2023 3:54 am
Nov 2, 2023 4:16 am
Skeeve replies, "Blornvid, I and others only cleared out the dungeon under the outpost and explored the first level of caverns. We didn't even clear out the caverns; we only explored them. We found a king fisher that we learned to avoid, lost out to a room of non-giant spiders, and got our butts kicked by some dark mantles we decided to just leave alone. When given the opportunity to check out some locations with the tile teleportation pad, we decided to give that a try.

"Using the pad we found an overgrown city killed by plants, a vast underground cavern populated by civilized intelligent spiders, and an isolated valley of duende. Etcher is the one who found this place, bringing Ealdwig with him. Blornvid and I got sent here, and now you're here."



Nov 2, 2023 1:11 pm
The tiny fey seems a bit confused then replies appologetically Umm, the stable hand has been managing the carriage house and stables. It is his room you likely found.
He at leaast talks with me, sometimes. I know he often takes trips out with the griffons to let them hunt. He should be back in several days. We can have the seer watch for him and let us know when he returns. There may still be beast in the stables as the entire pride does not always go out on hunts but without the stablehand they may attack on sight as they have grown wild and concider that building and its area their teritory. Please dont kill them if possible.
The groundskeeper is out back with the kennels and mew. He is always about but I no longer seek him out since he set the beasts on me several years after the Shattering.

Taking Witiks advice you circle around the stables and do indeed see evidence they are not compely abandoned.
I just delayed the stablehand encounter to get you to a place where Edair could join the crew. I will add another post later tonight gettingyou out back and into the expansive grounds or if you ask will move you back to the stable encounter
Nov 2, 2023 1:32 pm
No, no. We're good. Thank you for clearing things up.
Skeeve replies, "Ohhh. We were in the stablehand's building, not the grounds keeper's. Gotcha. Thank you for clearing that up. That helps.

"OK, we'll skip the stables for now until the stablehand gets back and go check out the grounds keeper's area."

We do as you describe and give the stables a wide berth and go to the grounds keeper's area and the kennels.
Nov 2, 2023 2:41 pm
Blornvid nods along as Skeeve recounts their adventures.
Nov 2, 2023 3:19 pm
You take a short break and familiarize yourselves with each other and the situation before heading out back, through the much tamer, though not fully cultured at this time, gardens and to the expansive grounds behind. There are traces of old trails but time and a lack of use has made many disappear or become overgrown. In the distance your spot the tower of the mew and long low building of the fieldhouse. The orchard to one side and the scenic gardens with their maze to the other.
The kennels are further away from Witic's description.
Nov 2, 2023 10:19 pm
Skeeve suggests going to the fieldhouse and the tower before checking out the orchard and garden maze.
Nov 2, 2023 10:28 pm
Edair nods his head at Skeeve’s tale and says, "Whatever you guys want to do. Lead the way."
Nov 2, 2023 11:49 pm
Walking down whatwas likely a magnificent lawn but is now just a large field you make you way towards the field house, the closest of the structures. You find yourselfes following one of the pathways but are forced to skirt it much of the time as the plants tha likely bordered it havelong since grown to form thick brambles making it more of a barrier than a path.

Around the field are a wide veriety of plants, many that flower in glroius color while others have grown to form small thickets or clumps of brush. A small stream cuts through a corner of the field and head between the fieldhouse and mew. After several minutes of walking you reach the fieldhouse.

The long low building is about 30 feet tall and you can tell from the windows that sections of it are a single large room that stretched up to the ceiling while other sections are spit into two floors. Most of the windows have shutters on the outside that have been closed but there are a few on the gorund floor next to some of the doors that remain open. There are several doors into the building with the paith leading up to what was would have been an elegent pair of wood and glass doors. The doors have been shattered and as you get closer you can tell they were broken out from the inside. Looking into the entryway you see a marble fllored room with several display cases and toppled tables and shattered chairs. This building is in start contrast to the carriage house where though things were old they were mostly maintained. This place seems to be worse than neglected, looking more like someone intentionally destoyed what you can see of it.

As you stand there a slight noise causes you to turn. About 20 feet form you stands a large hound. Its head is as high as Ealdwig's and its long legs and big chest make you think of it as a hunting hound, maybe for chasing down giants, trolls, or other "large prey". It stares at you a moment, sniffs, then emits a low growl before trning to leave. Only as it turns is seems to twist into space and vanishes from the spot appearing tens of feeet from where it stood moments before. As it twists back into reality it breaks into a runn with an occasional bould that flickers with it moving tens of feet again.
Nov 3, 2023 2:08 am
Oooo! A blink dog! Sweet!

The impression I am getting is that the dog is leaving. The below is based on that understanding.
Skeeve immediately turns back around towards the building to see what the hound was warning of. He is preparing to act, whether for defense or attack. I am rolling for perception to detect any imminent threats.
Also, I just watched the latest episode of Loki. Your description of the blinking makes me think of Loki's time-slipping.
Last edited November 3, 2023 2:09 am


Skeeve: Detect threats - (3d6)

(253) = 10

Nov 3, 2023 2:33 am
Ealdwig smiles talking softly oh hi there. He reaches his hand out for the dog to sniff, and has a small start when it disappears and reappears 10 feet away. Smiling like a kid wow that was great! Never seen that before, have you? This place is amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Glad I came here.

I wonder what happened in there? Looking at the rubble and broken doors.
Nov 3, 2023 12:52 pm
The large hound is now far off and runs behind a bush out of sight. Looking around the building is normal save the destroyed lobby entry room being smashed up. There are three doors, left, right, strait ahead, leading from the room but all are closed. The amount of dirt, leaves, and other bits of nature indicate the room was smashed up a long time ago. You move to look into the other glass windows down by a far door and see a similar but simpler room with stone benches inside. It has a single door leading strait ahead into the center of the building.
Nov 3, 2023 1:12 pm
If I understand correctly, the doors to the lobby are smashed outward and the lobby is a mess. Inside the lobby are 3 closed doors, left, right and center. Where is the window? Inside the lobby next to one of these doors or around the side of the building?
Ealdwig picks up a chair (or bench) and tries to put it right. He'll play with it a little if one leg is shorter than the other teetering it back and forth. Man this place is a mess. What happened here? And why does that one room seem undisturbed when this one is a wreck? Doesn't make sense.
Nov 3, 2023 2:43 pm
OK, let's see if I have this straight.

We are at an opening in the building that used to be a lobby of some kind, but this room has been destroyed quite some time ago. Inside the destroyed lobby are three doors, one each left, center, and right. While we are taking a good look, we haven't actually gone inside yet. (Except for Ealdwig now.)

Moving along the outside of the building, we come to another set of windows we can look through. Looking in, we see a smaller lobby with some benches. This one, being smaller, has but a single door within it and the single door in this simple lobby seems to lead to the center of the building.

Is this all correct?

If so, which direction is the undamaged room? Is it to the "left" or "right" of the destroyed room? So, in the destroyed room, which of the three doors would seem to lead in the direction of the undamaged room and its door?

Also, did the blink dog/hound sense danger from *us* or from something else? I was taking it as from something else, but it appears that we were the danger. Just trying to get a sense around that, too.
Last edited November 3, 2023 2:44 pm
Nov 3, 2023 3:44 pm
Windows are next to doors to let light onto the lobbies

Will get a map for you tonight

Blinks dog seemed to be talking about the building
Nov 3, 2023 4:13 pm
Skeeve says, "Before going in to this room, do we want to instead try the undamaged room? If I am right about those creatures, they are as intelligent as we are. I am pretty sure they were trying to warn us of something. So, rather than walk into the teeth of it, I think we should consider using the other un-destroyed entry."
Nov 3, 2023 6:09 pm
"Seems like sound reasoning."
Nov 3, 2023 6:30 pm
"Let’s try that door, then."
Last edited November 3, 2023 6:31 pm
Nov 4, 2023 4:21 am
Sorry to be MIA for the last two days I also caught a bit of a cold. I can't post today because I'm visiting the in laws. Etcher will catch up tomorrow! SOrry I should have said something yesterday.
Nov 4, 2023 6:16 pm
The below all depends on whether Ealdwig went into the destroyed lobby, or if he did and immediately left with no ill effects.
Once Ealdwig turns away/immediately exits from the destroyed lobby, Skeeve moves to the other external door and tries to open it. If it is locked, we'll need Etcher to pick it for us.

Edit: If Ealdwig does trigger something, please remember my perception roll so Skeeve can quickly react to any looming threat or attack.
Last edited November 4, 2023 6:18 pm
Nov 5, 2023 6:39 pm
Ealdwig upon entering looks through the rubble a moment but after noticing no one else enter wanders back out. You move down the building and down the way to the other door. The door proves to be unlocked and opens to a simple room a few stone benches and with many cubbies cut into the north wall. The walls are of superior masonry and the floors are flagstone. The air inside is cool and the room is dimly lit by light from outside through the windows and open door.
Nov 5, 2023 9:58 pm
Edair walks into the small room and inspects the cubbies. "Maybe we'll find a note… or something."


Search - (3d6)

(213) = 6

Nov 5, 2023 11:18 pm
Skeeve follows in and looks around. He will lookin the various cubbies, but won't stick in any body parts.


Skeeve: Looking for something useful - (3d6)

(265) = 13

Nov 5, 2023 11:58 pm
You look around the room and inside the cubbies and under a bench or two you find items that have been left here a long time
[ +- ] items found
Nov 6, 2023 3:23 am
Skeeve makes sure everyone sees what has been found. He hands the money to Blornvid, saying, "We'll figure this out when we get back to the main building." He picks up the vial of oil and prayer beads, saying, "Maybe these will be useful later."

He also scans all of the items to see if he can detect any magic.
I have no idea what we'll need, but Skeeve has seen how not ignoring little things like this can help later. He does try to identify what deity is associated with the beads.


Skeeve: Detect magic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Nov 6, 2023 3:54 am
Sorry guys, busy weekend.
Ealdwig, wanders into the room behind the rest of the group. This room is in much better shape. Wonder what happened over there that didn't occur here. He looks around touching just about everything he comes across.
If I remember correctly there is a door that leads into the interior, correct? If so...
Ealdwig walks over to the door, puts a hand on the knob and starts to turn it.
He doesn't turn it all the way, giving everyone a chance to notice him.
Looking back at the guys, maybe we should go inside since there is nothing of interest here.
Nov 6, 2023 5:06 am
Edair quickly moves behind Ealdwag and has his hand on his greatsword. He's tense, but he speaks calmly, "Slowly now, we don't know what's in that room. Be ready for anything."
Nov 6, 2023 5:14 am
Weekends are lax. I add details but tend to not move things unless everyone posts
Skeeve detects no magic from the items in the room be he does feel some sort of enchantment deeper within the building. Now that you are in the room you see another door to one side.
[ +- ] map
Entered room from West / Door on East Wall / Alcoves on North wall / Door in SW corner
Nov 6, 2023 12:33 pm
Just to be clear, is the green diamond the door we entered from or the interior door we saw while outside looking through the windows?
Skeeve is cool with Ealdwig opening the door the saw from outside.
Nov 6, 2023 1:51 pm
Green diamon is entranc
Nov 6, 2023 3:12 pm
Great. So the door on the rightis the one we saw from outside, and the door at the bottom is the one we didn't see until entering. Makes sense. I am assuming Ealdwig is at the door on the upper right/NE because he didn't know the other door existed when he made a beeline for it.

One more question: Does the door on the lower left/SW head toward the destroyed lobby or in the opposite direction?
Nov 6, 2023 5:10 pm
First room (5) is up/north
[ +- ] map
Nov 6, 2023 5:48 pm
"I'd rather know what's behind this door," he indicates the one on the south wall. "I don't want to risk something sneakin' up behind us."
Nov 6, 2023 6:47 pm
Edair nods, "I agree, let's check it out." he walks over to the south door and puts his hand on the knob, he turns the knob slowly.
Nov 6, 2023 6:52 pm
The door opens to a long narrow hallway
Once I am more familiar with your characters methods of play I can FF through some basic tasks, like exploration, if you say things like
we carefully the area stopping at signs of danger of items of interest
Let me know if your want this or if you prefer not direct control to manage reach step
Nov 6, 2023 7:08 pm
Skeeve is cautious enough that he will want to do a casual magic scan each room (or long hallway). He will also be looking as much as the group's speed allows, using his Perception advantage due to the armor.

As an immediate interest, Skeeve does want to see what the source of the magic he detected is, but he is quite happy and willing to be as thorough on the way there as the group wishes to be. So, while he was there with Ealdwig to go through the NE door, he's willing to wait until after we check the SW door.
Skeeve joins the group to see what can be seen down the long hallway. Are there any observable doors?
Nov 7, 2023 3:10 am
Ealdwig slowly opens the door a couple of inches and hears Blornvid mention the other door. Looking over his shoulder as the others head toward the south door. Ealdwig closes the door and follows along. Taking Edair's comment's to heart, Ealdwig pulls his goblin sword and readies himself.
Nov 7, 2023 2:27 pm
Ealdwig peeks into the next room and quickly closes the door. However as soon as he opens the door the floor beneath him drops out.
Save test from Ealdwig or he falls in the pit and takes 1 damage
As the pit opens under Ealdwig the door you entered in from vanishes.
[ +- ] map
The magic gets stronger the deeper into the building you move.
Nov 7, 2023 2:45 pm
I am assuming that we heard the drop. However, it is now an open pit, or did the floor snap back into place? Also, is the door actually closed, or did it stay open because he fell?
Skeeve whips around to see what is going on.
Nov 7, 2023 2:58 pm
A large pit fills the space on either side of the door between 13 and 14 with Ealdwig suspended mid air waiting to fall or leap to safety. .
Nov 7, 2023 3:10 pm
If Ealdwig fails his Save, Skeeve will rush over and pull him out with his Onyx magic. He'll also take a good look at the pit and the next room over from his side of the pit.
Nov 7, 2023 7:53 pm
Not sure can I use Acrobat trait as advantage?
Ealdwig let's out a small scream as the floor opens up.
Last edited November 7, 2023 7:54 pm


Save test (without Acrobat Trait) - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Save test (with acrobat trait) - (3d6)

(212) = 5

Nov 7, 2023 8:17 pm
technically no a save test is not an action so no advantage
I laugh at the results. Good thing it was the 2d6
Ealdwig massages to jump back and catch the lip of the trap. Quickly scrambling up with Sleeves help he looks into the 15 foot pit and swallows . Well at least there were not spikes at the bottom.

The next room over looks empty other than some equipment tracks on the walls. The scraps that remain are to far gone to determine what they were without a closer look. The door remains open and the trap door to the floor open.
Nov 7, 2023 8:29 pm
"Are you alright, lad?" Blornvid says to Ealdwig. He peers past him and looks at the pit below.
Nov 7, 2023 10:47 pm
Skeeve says, "OK, so are we gonna jump the pit and go that way, or go back to the corridor and see where that goes? I'm up for either."

Skeeve figures it doesn't matter too much, as we're probably going to check out the whole building anyway.
Nov 8, 2023 3:03 am
"Well, we know no one's gonna come through this door without making a ruckus getting over this pit. Let's continue with the hallway. Maybe we can circle back around."
Nov 8, 2023 3:24 am
Edair whistles at Ealdwig’s agility, "Good reflexes too, that'll definitely help you in combat. Obviously, I'm glad you're okay, Ealdwig."

He nods at Blornvid's suggestion, "Aye. That's a sound plan. We’ll jump over this pit as a last resort."
Nov 8, 2023 3:48 am
Turning back to the hallway you make your way down its length and carefully peer around the corner to see.... more hallway. You move down to the next intersection with equal care and examine it as well.
[ +- ] map
@Solidgobi Etcher has being quiet for a while, all ok?
Nov 8, 2023 12:15 pm
A little shakily, thanks guys. I got lucky. Let's hope I don't push my luck too far. That hole looks like it can fit a giant. I coulda been killed.

Thinking about the trap as we move down the hallway, Ealdwig frowns, I wonder why they put a trap there. What were they trying to protect?

Let's be more careful, eh.
Last edited November 8, 2023 12:18 pm
Nov 8, 2023 3:21 pm
Skeeve says, "Do we want to check out the dead end to see if there is a secret door, or do we want to just try the door we can already see?"
Nov 8, 2023 3:38 pm
"Let's go with the door we can see. This time maybe we check for traps."
Is checking for traps a special skill, or do we just roll for it? Assuming that's an option at all.
Nov 8, 2023 4:25 pm
Skeeve says, "Well, let's see if we can do some good ol' fashioned checking ..."

With that he pulls out his Stick, elongates it to around ten feet and uses it to tap along the floor leading to the door, listening to see if the sound changes along the way.


Skeeve: Listening for Changes in Sound - (3d6)

(615) = 12

Nov 9, 2023 3:30 am
if in doubt roll 2d6. disadvantage(1d6) on foreign activities, advantage (3d6) on familiar/practiced activities (background or trait)
Skeeve begins poking and prodding the solid stone to no noticeable effect. Just as he is about to stop tapping, with the pole extended to its maximum length you all hear a faint clicking and clacking noise. It sounds mechanical and originates from somewhere further down the hall.
Nov 9, 2023 5:11 pm
So, just to be clear, Skeeve's tapping triggered something?
Skeeve has everyone back up a bit, then taps harder on the point that triggered the noises.
Skeeve's armor gives him the effects of Perception. As a consequence whenever he is searching, looking, listening, or the like, I roll three dice. I am pretty sure that's the only time I get to roll three dice for something.
Nov 10, 2023 3:14 am
Uh, guys? What's that noise?
Nov 10, 2023 4:09 am
Additional pokes and tapps where you triggered thing, down the hall to the east past the intersection, have not affect on the faint mechanical sounds
Nov 10, 2023 3:17 pm
Blornvid heads back down the corridor to where the yellow eye-thing is on the map to have a look.
Nov 10, 2023 3:28 pm
Just to make sure of things, we were heading to the door just north of the yellow eye. While tapping away on the floor plates, we heard a mechanical sound from behind us, towards the dead end to the east of the yellow eye. Is this correct? Just wanna make sure!
Nov 10, 2023 5:53 pm
The party is the yellow eye. If I forgot to explain that earlier I am sorry. I had you searching around the intersection the sounds came when you searched the east section
Satisfied the intersection is clear you head to the north door, tapping as you move. You reach the door without incident. It is a heavy Iron door.

Nov 10, 2023 7:23 pm
Is it locked?
Skeeve reshapes his stick to fit back around his waist. Since it didn't sound like there was another pit trap here, Skeeve tries to open the door if it isn't locked.
Nov 10, 2023 8:53 pm
Opening the door you see a large room with a tattered carpet, the remains of several chairs, couches, and small tables, with the walls lined with covered bookshelves. The air is musty and stale and dust covers everything in the room. Ahead of you there is an open archway on the east wall. Moving cautiously into the room you look around. The furniture is old and show signs of being smashed but a blunt object. The bookshelves however, other than the dust, are in good condition as are the books on them. Peering through the dust to read the titles on the spines you see they are mostly book on history, theory, and practices of various practices including horsemanship, fencing, falconry, hunting, training hounds, climbing, wrestling, and many other physical activities.
[ +- ] map
Looking though the archway, whis is sealed by a closed polished wooden pole gate, you see another large room with several thick wooden beams with short rods sticking out of them. Along the walls are racks of weapons, armor, and a few manquin looking figures of wood and metal.
Nov 10, 2023 10:53 pm
Skeeve says, "Interesting. It appears to be a library for the study of the physical arts, and an adjacent room for its practice. Hopefully none of the practice pieces are automatons."

Skeeve will scan for magic in both the library and the practice room.


Skeeve: Scan for Magic - Library - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Skeeve: Scan for Magic - Practice Room - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Nov 10, 2023 11:01 pm
Skeeve can still sense faint magic somewhere in the building and traces from the bookshelves and the wooden pillars and equipment.
Nov 11, 2023 1:56 am
Skeeve is surprised to detect magic from the pillars and equipment and says, "They might be automatons!"

He then turns back to the bookshelves to see if he can detect the source of the magic. It'd be cool to find a magic tome. Unless it is the bookshelves themselves that are magic.


Skeeve: Test DC: - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Nov 11, 2023 4:15 pm
You examine the bookshelves closer but conclude none of the books to be magical but the magic comes from the shelves themselves. The magic preserves the books and the shelves themselves. Otherwise the shelves and books would likely be in as bad of condition as the carpet and furniture.
Nov 11, 2023 6:05 pm
Blornvid asks Skeeve, "I know that magic-users can enchant an item to make it magical, but do you folk ever cast a spell to remove the enchantment? Like 'Dispel Magic' or something like that."
Last edited November 11, 2023 6:05 pm
Nov 11, 2023 7:18 pm
I am ok with test to disrupt spells. Permanent enchants are beyond your current ability. A scroll could do that
Nov 11, 2023 11:01 pm
Hmm. I was always thinking of Sunder in a physical sense. Could it be used in a metaphysical sense?
Replying to Blornvid, "I never really thought about doing that. My source of magic is from wild fey magic, and I never really tried to diversify my use of magic until I met Rikia and learned magic words and spell reading from her. Now I'm trying to learn more, but I've only really just started.

"No reason to worry about the bookshelves. We might have to if the training equipment activates.

"I am willing to bet that we won't activate anything if we stay along the wall going to the door," he points to the door in the practice room, "but if we want to check out the exercise room, we will definitely risk activating stuff."
Nov 12, 2023 12:24 am
Ealdwig checks out the books. He pulls one off the shelves, anything on swordsmanship, and puts it in his pack.
Nov 13, 2023 12:01 am
Once everyone finishes looking through the books, Skeeve says, "Let's see if we can get to the other door without activating anything. I can go try the other door as long as someone else makes sure this door stays open so I can get out if needed."

Once the first door is unlocked, Skeeve will stay along the wall, check back into the main room to see if anything is moving. If it is, he dives back to the library room. If not he will make sure there aren't any other hidden features to the room. Finally, he'll check out the other door and see if he can open it.
Nov 13, 2023 3:35 am
As Skeeve enters the next room the two practice dummies along the far wall stand to their feet. Skeeve instantly turns to dive for the door but the word shifts around all of you and you find yourselves in a new place.
The large dark chamber has multiple level all open to a central area.

Skeeve finds himself face to face with one of the practice dummies that is holding a large bladed staff. It instantly starts twirling the pole as it advances on Skeeve.

Blornvid stands in a alcove with the 4 pillars with the attached rods that begin spinning slowly as they slide around the room with the rods extending and retracting randomly. One of the pillars heads towards Blornvid.

Ealdwig finds himself sitting on a bench in a small round room with odd image's forming, changing, and vanishing all around him. The chaotic images collapses into a bright blue dot that speak to him Good day young guest. You have not been registered with this facility so are not authorized to participate in the training. You are free to watch your companions through the windows or read your selected book. I am also available to answer any of your questions.

Etcher appears atop a large round platform in the middle of the room facing off with another practice dummy, this one holds a sword. The dummy stands in the classic guard stance, sword to the fore with the point high up, and it free hand behind. It takes a half step forward.

Edair Duril is in a open space facing another practice dummy, this one holds a sword. The dummy stands in the classic guard stance, sword to the fore with the point high up, and it free hand behind. It takes a half step forward.
Nov 13, 2023 3:50 am
Blornvid wonders, What in blazes is this?
Is he supposed to dodge these pillars and get to somewhere else, or is he supposed to smash them to bits with his axe?
Nov 13, 2023 3:58 am
Not what Skeeve was expecting. Can we see and hear everyone else? So, for example, can Skeeve hear what was said to Ealdwig?

Is Skeeve on a platform, too, or just on an open floor? Gonna try some of my new moves, but want to make sure of what can work.
Nov 13, 2023 4:03 am
How you react is up to you.

Everyone can see each other including Ealdwig in the small central room but they do not hear tho voice

Skeeve is on the floor outside the small round room holding Ealdwig (Skeeve facing off is represented in the image)
Etcher is on top of the room holding Ealdwig so can not see him but can see everyone else
The pillar and/or the rods jutting out from it will strike Blornvid if he doesn't do something
Nov 13, 2023 4:20 am
Well then I can't ask for Ealdwig to ask certain questions. Bummer.
Skeeve tries to telekinetically grab the dummy with Onyx magic, then launch it into the far wall. His second action is to use Onyx shield.


Skeeve: Telekinetically grab the dummy - (2d6)

(24) = 6

golem wizard


Nov 13, 2023 1:09 pm
golem wizard
Skeeves opponent shifts its stance as the magic starts to form and manages to avoid being thrown. As this happens the pole in its hands shifts form, loosing its blades, and it soves the thick staff at Skeeve as the tipe emits a cone of light that strikes his chest. . .


Light Attack - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Nov 13, 2023 1:18 pm
... which Skeeve attempts to block ...

... and succeeds!!
Last edited November 13, 2023 1:18 pm


Skeeve: Onyx shield defense - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Nov 13, 2023 4:11 pm
I assume I don't see whatever is talking (just a blue dot), that's it's just a disembodied voice.
Ealdwig is startled and confused to see himself sitting on a bench in an entirely different space, drops the book. Huh, what? Where am I? Where are my friends? Why do I only see two of them out there? Where is Etcher and Edair?

Ealdwig stands up, pulls out his sword and starts looking around for an exit. How do I get out of here? My friends need help?

He stops for a second, looks around and says what do you mean not authorized?
Nov 13, 2023 5:01 pm
Missed Edair earlier but added him in above.
The others hear Ealdwig's voice muffled from within the room. Adair is in a large space towards the back of the room so that he, Blornvid, and Skeeve make a rough triangle around the central room
[ +- ] Room conversation
Nov 13, 2023 6:32 pm
Edair draws his greatsword and gets into a defensive stance, he takes a step back (move) and readies him to evade a possible attack from the dummy.
Nov 13, 2023 6:44 pm
Blornvid readies his axe.
Nov 13, 2023 7:52 pm
Well, that didn't work for Ealdwig ... or us.
Nov 13, 2023 8:09 pm
Not sure what you mean. Who doesn't like live fire training exercises 😊 At least one of you gets to ask questions. An as a bonus they can volunteer you for additional free training. Isn't that great!?! 👍

Etcher/ @Solidgobi is mia 7 days now so I will sideline him for now
Nov 13, 2023 9:03 pm
To be clear, I am NOT blaming Ealdwig for any of this. Skeeve is the one to tripped the trap. No denying that!
Nov 14, 2023 1:54 am
As Edair faces off against his "dueling partner" the dummy lunges fowards, missing as Edair esily side stps the attack, before the golemn returns to gurd position.

Meanwhile off to the other side Blornvid has an entire collemn slam into him pushing him back as two of the poles swing for hiim. The first high, the second low. 2 save tests please
You are good to go again


Sword attaack vs Edair - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Nov 14, 2023 2:05 am
I’m going to assume I can use my opportunist trait here, " If an enemy within range fails to hit with an attack against you, you may immediately make an attack with Disadvantage against that enemy."
Edair dodges the lunge from training dummy and, noticing an opportunity for a counter attack, attempts to slash the dummy. Then, he lunges at the dummy, attempting an overhead slash.


Opportunist attack - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Regular attack - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Nov 14, 2023 2:20 am
Perfect use, yes
Edair stikes the dummy twice with th blade barely biting into the tough wood. As he does so he sees three green dots appear above the dumies head. Two bink the turn red.
Nov 14, 2023 3:35 am
Blornvid grunts and curses as he's whacked twice.


1st Save - (2d6)

(53) = 8

2nd Save - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Nov 14, 2023 3:48 am
Ealdwig, looking skeptically at the blue dot, sword hanging down by his side, so you're saying these are training exercises? How did we all of a sudden end up in a training simulator? Well, they... how did they?

Too young?

Ealdwig being a little miffed at what is happening, so this is the classroom? What am I going to be learning? Being forced or tricked into this "training" isn't cool. You know. Maybe ask next time. I've already had a lesson or two with Etcher and Edair. I asked them. You could have done that.

Should I mention my previous experiences? I can't say I am overly happy with the way this played out.

I must be crazy, talking to a blue dot.
Last edited November 14, 2023 3:51 am
Nov 14, 2023 1:19 pm
Skeeve will try his approach again. First telekinetically grabbing and slamming the dummy into the far wall and the defending with the Onyx shield.

Edit: Also, I assume my last defend action prevented the actual hit.
Last edited November 14, 2023 2:15 pm


Skeeve: Grab and slam - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Nov 15, 2023 12:38 am
@ForeverDED Does Blornvid want to act?
Nov 15, 2023 12:55 am
Blornvid swings his axe at the pillars, hoping to disarm or disable them.


Attack with Axe 1 - (3d6)

(442) = 10

Attack with Axe 2 - (3d6)

(462) = 12

Nov 15, 2023 4:55 am
Skeeve knocks his opponent back with a simple blast of energy. As he does so he sees three green dots appear above the dummies head. One blinks then turns red.

Though one of the poles knocks Blornvid back he manages to avoid both of its poles and is not really hurt. He retaliates with his ax striking one of the rods. As he does so he sees three green dots appear above the dummies head. One blinks then turns red.
[ +- ] Ealdwigs Class Time
The golems strike back. The swordsman speeds up and slashes at Edair twice while Skeeve's sends two blasts at him. Blornvid watches as the thick pillars sudenly bend at various points and move more like limbs to strike at him than simple mechanisms. Blronvid is struck once by the large wooden mechanical limbs and is surrounded by a yellow halo.

Skeeve and Edair need to roll to Evade


attacks vs Edair - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (66) = 12

2d6 : (44) = 8

attacks vs Skeeve - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (36) = 9

2d6 : (65) = 11

attacks vs Blornvid - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (24) = 6

2d6 : (63) = 9

Nov 15, 2023 1:05 pm
OK, here is my evade roll.

Skeeve says, "Hey! You're supposed to be melee, not ranged!" The point of throwing it back was to get it out of melee range, which is what happened. But then it turned ranged, which is ... inconvenient.

Assuming we can roll on to the next attack, Skeeve is changing approach and shooting off two normal force blasts. No shield this time.

... At least he avoided one of the incoming attacks. No success on his own attacks, though. At least he didn't shoot himself ...
Last edited November 15, 2023 1:06 pm


Skeeve: Onyx Shield - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Skeeve: Attack Bolt #1 - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Skeeve: Attack Bolt #2 - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Nov 15, 2023 2:13 pm
On evade/shield/etc, do I make one roll against one attack, one roll against all attacks, or one roll per attack for each attack. If I need another roll for the second successful attack against me, let me know and I can spit it out fast!
Nov 15, 2023 2:34 pm
Incredulously, what do I want to study? No one has ever asked that before.

Starting to understand what this place is about Ealdwig looks around. OK, so this is is a training center. It was created by the family of the manor to train their people in combat and other skills. Nodding his head, alright, I think I get it.

More confidently, well, I am pretty good at acrobatics, been doing that to try to make a living. When not available to me, I've, uh, um... played a few slight of hand games to make ends meet. My feet and fingers are pretty quick and agile.

Looking at the sword in his hand, what I don't know is how to use this? Don't get me wrong, I know how to swing it. Swinging the sword a bit wildly, but I don't know how to use it effectively. I need to be able to help my new friends. I don't want to be a detriment to them and put them in danger. I know there are other ways I can help, slight of hand, pick-pocketing if necessary, lock picking, climbing, but none of that has been useful so far. Looking out the window at the group muttering mostly to himself these could be my first real friends, I certainly don't want to be the reason anyone gets hurt, or Gods forbid dead.
Nov 15, 2023 6:17 pm
"Aren't we fancy," Blornvid mutters sarcastically.


First attack - (3d6)

(516) = 12

Second attack - (3d6)

(243) = 9

Nov 16, 2023 3:18 pm
waiting for Edair Duril / Elysium777 a bit longer
Nov 16, 2023 3:39 pm
Etcher was a good character. Know what happened to Solidgobi?
Nov 16, 2023 9:16 pm
Psybermagi says:
waiting for Edair Duril / Elysium777 a bit longer
Sorry! Been busy with work
Edair grimaces and attempts to evade the other strike


Evasion - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Nov 16, 2023 9:44 pm
Again, do I need to make a second evade roll to have the second hit miss?

Also, Edair can probably make his next attacks already, as Blornvid and Skeeve have.
Last edited November 16, 2023 9:47 pm
Nov 17, 2023 1:59 am
yes, you get 1 evade roll at disadvantage per attack if you evad.
@Elysium777 Lucky Edail'rs first d6 was good. you dodge. You still get 2 actions this round.
@daryen Skeeve gets to use 2d6 to block with his spell, so another 2d6

Solidgobi has been off sight for 10 days. My guess is life happened. I sent him messages. If he does not come back by 14 days I will pull his character from the story and let him back in if he comes back.
Edail manages to avoid the golems blade as they face off.
Nov 17, 2023 2:04 am
Edair strikes the golem with the pommel of his great sword and gets into a defensive stance, preparing to evade any attacks


Attack - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Nov 17, 2023 2:40 am
Skeeves attacks fail to land on his opponent. The golem aims its pole at Skeeve and releases a series of rapid fire blasts at him daryen roll 2 save tests to avoid the incoming arrage

Blornvid manages to get a second strike in and a second dot changes color. The arms move in agina with one striking at him while another spins at great speed as it moves at him. ForeverDED Roll 1 save test

As Edair strikes the golem again the third light changes and the golem collapses to the ground. As it does A door facing Edair appears in the central chamber.


attack Blornvid - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Nov 17, 2023 3:09 am
Blornvid tries to dodge.


Dodge? - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Nov 17, 2023 4:12 pm
Quick recap for Skeeve:
Round one:
Skeeve makes a single telekinetic attack and uses his shield magic. The attack fails.
The dummy spends an action to change its weapon and then attacks and hits.
Skeeve makes his shield roll, avoiding damage.

Round two:
Skeeve makes a single telekentic attack and uses his shield magic. The attack succeeds.
The dummy attacks twice and both hit.
Skeeve makes his first shield roll, avoiding that hit.
The second shield roll is below, results to be seen.

Round three:
Skeeve changes things up, and makes two attacks with no shield magic this time. The two attacks fail miserably.
The dummy has not made its attacks yet.

So, below, I am just making the second shield magic roll for Round Two. Waiting to see how successful the dummy's attacks in Round Three are.
Here's the second defense roll for Round Two.

... success!

No defense rolls for me in Round Three, though. I took a risk and failed in my attack. Waiting to see how badly I lose that gamble ...
Last edited November 17, 2023 4:13 pm


Skeeve: Onyx Shield #2 (rd 2) - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Nov 17, 2023 4:41 pm
Psybermagi says:
Skeeves attacks fail to land on his opponent. The golem aims its pole at Skeeve and releases a series of rapid fire blasts at him daryen roll 2 save tests to avoid the incoming arrage
@daryen Since you kept blocking all its attacks the dummy went form direct attacks to an area attack that requires 2 save tests for you to avid damage.

We should be on round 4 so everyone can go again
Nov 17, 2023 7:29 pm
Oh! OK! Thank you dummy!
Here are two rolls for the save tests.

And here are two more magic bolt rolls for Skeeve's round 4 attacks.


Skeeve: Save Test #1 - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Skeeve: Save Test #2 - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Skeeve: Attack Bolt #1 - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Skeeve: Attack Bolt #2 - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Nov 21, 2023 1:56 am
Going to be scarce the next several days. Kids coming home from college for Thanksgiving. Will post when I can.
Blornvid takes another crack at the pillar.


First attack - (3d6)

(156) = 12

Second attack - (3d6)

(663) = 15

Nov 21, 2023 2:53 pm
Edair walks through the door.
Sorry for the late ish response, work has been busy recently
Last edited November 21, 2023 2:53 pm
Nov 21, 2023 9:49 pm
Blornvid finishes off his opponent and a few moments later Skeeve manages to take out his as well. The scene around you fades and you are left in the training room and sitting room as if nothing ever happed. Until you notice the blue orb still hovers in the air near Arkmenos. Skeeve wanders over and looks through the eastern doorway, though the wooden latticework door and sees the room you peeked into earlier.
[ +- ] map
Don't worry too much about posting during holidays. As I said in the general chat I don't know what my schedule will be like so posting may be affected. But do please let us know if you expect to be offline more than a couple days. Happy holidays everyone :)
Nov 22, 2023 3:38 am
Sorry, been MIA the last few days. I forgot what the last thing that transpired between Ealdwig and the blue dot.
Ealdwig gives a start, noticing that Skeeve and Blornvid just showed up in the room. What? Are you done with the training? I never even started. Cocking a thumb at the blue dot, this thing told me I was too 'young'. Scoffs, can you believe that?
Nov 22, 2023 7:48 am
Skeeve takes a good look through the latticework door to try and see if anything sticks out about the room, particularly since this is a new angle. Roll below.

He then returns to the control room and says, "Sorry about that guys. I honestly thought that by staying away from the equipment I wouldn't set it off. I hope no one got hurt."

He then sees Ealdwig point to the blue light and mention it said something. Taking the opportunity he addresses the blue light, saying, "Uh, Controller? Are you still active?"
Last edited November 22, 2023 7:53 am


Skeeve: Checking out room past door. - (3d6)

(423) = 9



Nov 22, 2023 4:19 pm
Your companions finished their initial evaluation. Additional tests and practice sessions will commence as you move through the field house.

I am active. The youngling has yet to be individually evaluated. This is being scheduled before the cooperative training takes place. Current testing scheduled includes mobility, object interaction, and basic combat. Appropriate games are being arranged.
The youngling's chaperones will be included, with a higher difficulty, so that the youngling can learn from their activities.
Nov 22, 2023 6:33 pm
Skeeve sees where this is getting annoying for Ealdwig.
Skeeve is going to pepper the blue dot with as many questions as he is allowed. I am putting several of them into one post to make things easier for you, but he is intending to wait for an answer before moving on to the next question.
He says, "Being new to the experience, I have some questions for you:
- Is this entire building just different training rooms, or is only a portion of the building used for this purpose?
- When activated, where are we? Is it a transdimensional place, or are the actual rooms transformed?
- Is there a way to temporarily pause the tests?
- Is there a way to check all of the rooms without going through testing?
- Is there anyone one else (i.e. a living person) here besides us here in this room?
- What is at the core of the building?
- Who controls the administration of the testing and challenges?
- And can you please stop calling our friend a 'youngling'?"
Also, did Skeeve see anything noteworthy in the other room?
Nov 22, 2023 6:36 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve says, "Sorry about that guys. I honestly thought that by staying away from the equipment I wouldn't set it off. I hope no one got hurt."
"Just my pride."
Trainer says:
"Your companions finished their initial evaluation. Additional tests and practice sessions will commence as you move through the field house.

I am active. The youngling has yet to be individually evaluated. This is being scheduled before the cooperative training takes place. Current testing scheduled includes mobility, object interaction, and basic combat. Appropriate games are being arranged.
The youngling's chaperones will be included, with a higher difficulty, so that the youngling can learn from their activities."
"This whole building is a training facility? How do you get it to stop?"



Nov 23, 2023 12:17 am

- Is this entire building just different training rooms, or is only a portion of the building used for this purpose?
When activated, where are we? Is it a transdimensional place, or are the actual rooms transformed?
That information is counter productive to the full evaluation of your abilities but can be provided by an authorized household member
Is there a way to temporarily pause the tests?
Yes. This requires an authorized household member
Is there a way to check all of the rooms without going through testing?
Yes, if you are able to do so then this will be added as part of your skillset in the evaluation results
Is there anyone one else (i.e. a living person) here besides us here in this room?
There are no other People within the Field House
What is at the core of the building?
Please restate your query. This building's purpose is the training and development of individual and group survival and competitive skill sets
Who controls the administration of the testing and challenges?
The field house is currently under the control of Tutor, a construct bound to house Alderdrim and the fieldhouse. They assigned my to this assessment and to oversee the youngling.
And can you please stop calling our friend a 'youngling'?"
Certainly. The youth has not set an appropriate designator for use. What would you like to be called?
Nov 23, 2023 3:46 am
Two more questions:

- "How do we show we are an authorized household member? Or at least an authorized representative for a household member?"
- "Where is Tutor? I would like to speak with them."

I'll let Ealdwig answer what his preferred designator is.
Nov 23, 2023 6:33 pm
Ealdwig, a little miffed asks, how old do you think I am? Have you never seen a Duende before? I doubt you're being rude on purpose since you're only an entity, but I am not a 'youngling'! My name is Ealdwig, you can call me that. Maybe next time you can ask my name. Pointing at the other guys, do you know their names? Or were you going to call them old man and mage? No offense guys.

What is the age limit here?



Nov 24, 2023 2:57 pm
How do we show we are an authorized household member? Or at least an authorized representative for a household member?
Tutor is tied to the households magics and automatically aware of all household members. To be an authorized representative you would need a house signet or crest or to be introduced to the Fieldhouse as such by a leading household member.
Where is Tutor?
Tutor is preparing your next lesson. You will meet them when you find them.
how old do you think I am? Have you never seen a Duende before?
I have no idea how old you are but the fieldhouse magic I am bound to recognizes you as not having reached adulthood. You, Ealdwig, are the first 'Duende' I have ever seen as I was only summoned here as we met.
What is the age limit here?
The number of years is not the issue. It is a matter of maturity and experience. A house member or staff member can authorize you to be classified as adult if you so desire.

As you speak the orb grows dimmer and dimmer. Class time is almost up. I wish you well in you further efforts here. I have power to answer 1 additional question.
Nov 25, 2023 2:55 am
Skeeve has monopolized the questions thus far. I didn't realize it was a limited resource.

When we get out of here, the first thing we need to do is get some of those signets.
Nov 26, 2023 1:02 am
You know I am 25 years old! Only a slight lie. Little white lie can't hurt I've been around the block a few times already. I haven't needed anyone to vouch for me in, well forever. No one needs to vouch for me. I'll take care of myself, thank you very much. Ealdwig leaves by whatever door is available.
Last edited November 26, 2023 1:03 am
Nov 26, 2023 1:49 am
Well played. It probably won't work, but well played. If it does work, please come back with signets.
Nov 26, 2023 9:47 pm
[ +- ] map
on to 14?
Nov 26, 2023 10:27 pm
Honestly, i thought magic was going to start up again and nail us with the next challenge. The last time, it is true I triggered the test, but I was the only one in the room. The others were pulled in separately. So, I figured it wasn't necessary for us to trigger the next challenge and that it would be triggered automatically when the blue dot was finished with its answers.

I gotta admit that if we are free to move on our own, Skeeve is going to immediately recommend beating a hasty retreat so we can go back and get signets or whatever. I am assuming the new mistress won't know what we are talking about, but Witic should and can coach her through what to do about it.

But, I don't know if that is short-cutting the adventure or not. So, what I am asking for here is a little guidance in what will play best before directly saying what Skeeve thinks is the best next action.
Nov 27, 2023 12:33 pm
Quickly retracing your steps reveals that the door out no longer exists. Skeeve is able to detemine that the enchantments of th building have beeen active in the room but the now wall does not feel magical itself.
[ +- ] map
yeah, no, it's not that easy. It's all part of the pan :)
Nov 27, 2023 2:52 pm
I'm cool with that, but Skeeve wasn't going to miss the chance to try and get out to try again "better armed"! :D
Seeing that they are completely thwarted from taking the simple solution, Skeeve says, "Well, I see a few options for us: 1) We see if we can chop through the wall. 2) We can go back to the dead end and see if we missed a secret door at the very end. 3) We can just accept our fates and enter this next room."

Skeeve is ready for room #14, but wanted to mention other options that occurred to him if anyone else is hesitant.
Nov 27, 2023 3:53 pm
I guess it's onward to 14, but let's watch our step so as to not fall into that trap.
Nov 27, 2023 4:32 pm
Yea, let's not die lol
Nov 27, 2023 4:40 pm
What the Hell?! Where did the door go?!
Nov 27, 2023 4:51 pm
Skeeve chuckles as Ealdwig's comment and says, "I know, right!? But I promise you that trap door is still there!"

So, I guess we work to open the door and get into the next room without falling into the trap. We do check to make sure there isn't a trap door on the other side of the door, too.
Nov 28, 2023 12:52 am
Exasperated don't think I like this place much.
Nov 28, 2023 2:31 am
You esily navigate the exposed pit and get into the next room. Other than the two woodn doos, to the west with the still gaping pit and to the north, along with the wooden laticework door to the south, to the training room, this room is empty and devoid of any features. With the accss to the training room and its equipment you guess that perhaps this was a sparring room or open area for other training. But with noting in the room itseld you can not say.
Nov 28, 2023 2:55 am
Well, given that we know what are behind the west and south doors, to the north door we go!

Assuming it isn't locked, Skeeve will let everyone get ready, then open the north door.

Before that, he will try to make sure there isn't another pit trap or anything.


Skeeve: checking for surprises - (3d6)

(416) = 11

Nov 28, 2023 3:17 am
Arkmenos says:
Exasperated don't think I like this place much.
"Aye, lad. There hasn't been much to like. I s'pose that library might be fine, but that'll be for others to find out."
Nov 28, 2023 5:53 am
As skeeve checks the door, which is not locked he pauses before opening it, and steps back looking closer around the door and notices the door frame has dozens, or hundreds, or tiny holes.
Nov 28, 2023 3:52 pm
Without sticking his head in the doorway, Blornvid attempts to discern whether the holes are large enough for needles.
Nov 28, 2023 3:53 pm
As Skeeve breathes a small sigh of relief for checking before opening, he quickly steps back from the door and says, "I really don't like the looks of this door. I am not sure what all of these holes are for." He points to the long row of holes around the door. "But, I assume they aren't good for anyone trying to open the door."

Skeeve thinks, What's the point of being a sorcerer if you don't use your magic!
OK, I have to ask two questions first:
1) Can Skeeve tell how the holes are "oriented"? Are they angled at where a door-opener would be, are they angled outward, are they not angled at all and just point straight out, or are the angles indeterminate?
2) Does the door open back into this room, or push open into the next room?
Nov 28, 2023 4:12 pm
"Poisoned needles? Gas? Lightning discharge?"
I'm assuming that the concept of electricity is known but not the word itself, so "Lightning discharge."
Nov 29, 2023 1:57 am
The tiny wholes appear random but looking over the entire frame you get the idea that anything shot out of them, a large needle or tiny dart is your best guess, would pepper the entire area near the door but focus in on anything directly in front of it as the door opens inwards away from you.
Imagine a sprinkler archway that sprays in all directions. Anything in the middle gets it from top, left, and right
Nov 29, 2023 2:22 am
Skeeve moves everyone to be outside the target area and joins them. He then uses onyx magic to twist the knob and push the door open. (It should just be one motion to twist the push the knob, just like one would with their hand. He isn't trying to push the door directly.) Since this should fit under the weight limit and isn't combat, it shouldn't require a roll.
Nov 29, 2023 5:09 am
"Get ready, you never know what's behind these things."
Nov 29, 2023 5:27 am
The door easily opens as a veritable explosion of steel pins clouds the area in front of the door and ricochet around the room off of the stone floor and walls. The needles are numerous and ejected at high speed but look to small to have killed any of you even if you had opened the door by hand. Though you can only imagine the pain it would have brought you had you not noticed the trap.

Looking through the now open doorway you see another large and empty room. To the NW is an open archway leading to another room and on the opposite corner is a heavy wooden door. A faint odor permeates the room
You can roll a test with disadvantage to determine information on the scent
Nov 29, 2023 2:11 pm
Well, let's get arollin'!
Here is Skeeve's roll ...

... Skeeve says, "I wonder what the strange odor is. I can't place it!"
Last edited November 29, 2023 2:12 pm


Skeeve: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Nov 29, 2023 4:36 pm
ForeverDED says:
Arkmenos says:
Exasperated don't think I like this place much.
"Aye, lad. There hasn't been much to like. I s'pose that library might be fine, but that'll be for others to find out."
Still feeling a little down, yeah maybe

Alright, shake it off! Nothing can be done about ignorance. You've been underestimated all your life, why would that stop now? So be it. You know what you're capable of.
Nov 29, 2023 4:39 pm
Anyone know what that smell is? It kind of smells like...
Last edited November 29, 2023 4:39 pm


Recgonize the smell - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Nov 29, 2023 5:51 pm
Blornvid takes a whiff.


identify mysterious odor - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Nov 29, 2023 6:23 pm
Ealdwig sniffs and oddly enough the faint scent reminds him a bit of the slaughter district back home.
FYI : I will not always point out when you can roll. So if I say something like that "A faint odor permeates the room" again you can ask questions but feel free to throw rolls in with the question
Nov 29, 2023 7:02 pm
A slaughter house? Oh, now that bodes well!
Skeeve stands directly in the doorway, closes his eyes, and tries to "feel" for any specific magic in the room. (First roll.)

After that he will reopen his eyes and see if he can see anything that looks "wrong" or out of place. (Second roll.)

Both rolls with focus.
Last edited November 29, 2023 7:05 pm


Skeeve: Magic detection - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Skeeve: Looking closely - (3d6)

(243) = 9

Nov 30, 2023 2:13 am
Can I tell where the smell is coming from?
Smells like the slaughter houses from back home. That's not great. What can they be slaughtering in the training facility? Cringes, not sure we want to know, it's can't be trainees...can it?
Nov 30, 2023 2:19 am
Skeeve senses the same basic background enchantment over the entire building and the smell can not be localized this side of the door. Other than the smell the room is unremarkable.
Nov 30, 2023 2:52 am
Skeeve sighs and says, "It's probably a trap, but unless we plan on doing something very drastic, it's our only way forward. Anyone want to go first?"

Suddenly a thought hits him. Without stepping into the room, he runs the fingers of one of his hands along the far side of the door frame to see if it has holes along it, too. (So his hand does enter the room, but he doesn't step on the floor until after checking.) Assuming not, he'll step into the room first if there are no volunteers. Before fully entering the room he will stomp just inside the door to test that part of the floor, then fully enter when the floor shows solid.
Nov 30, 2023 4:32 am
Ealdwig speaks up, Skeeve, hold on a second. Did you notice any traps on the other side of the door? Maybe I should go in first, the room seems empty so no, direct threat right? I am pretty agile maybe that'll help.

Hum, does anyone have anything to toss into the room to see if something gets triggered? Caltrops, rocks, dirt, something like that?

If nothing is offered, I'll pull out the pole from my pack, extend it to it's 10 foot length and try to use that to see if there is a trap waiting on the other side of the door.

Smiling again, whadaya think?
Nov 30, 2023 4:44 am
The inner door frame does not have any of the tiny holes and a bit of examination and experimentation gives you the confidence to step into the next room, without incident. However after Skeeve enters the room you all hear faint clicking coming from the open archway to the northwest. The sound gets closer and a strange figure comes into view as it advances towards you.
The thing is about 3 feet tall as it scurries across the floor, over 10 feet long, and made of various metals
Nov 30, 2023 2:43 pm
@Arkmenos, looks like things advanced faster than your post. But at least this way Ealdwig isn't the object of the creature's desire.
@Psybermagi, I assume this means we are now in combat ... ?
Skeeve says, "Well, I did say I was walking into a trap ..."

He then walks backwards through the doorway from which he entered and stands just inside. His plan is to force the metal monster to stay in the doorway to limit it's options. At that point all four of us should be able to attack it, but hopefully it won't get to use all of its attacks. (Those spike wheels and tail look pretty nasty. I'm sure the bite and claw attacks are bad enough.) His second Action is to activate his onyx shield. (He is counting on the others to make attacks this round.)
Let me try this again in a following post. I thought it was way closer.
Last edited November 30, 2023 4:05 pm
Nov 30, 2023 2:53 pm
I missed Ealdwig's post somehow but it doesn't change anything really.

In combat? that's up to you. It is getting closer. Try giving it a hug 🤗 maybe it wants to be friends 😁
Nov 30, 2023 4:17 pm
We are the EYE between room 14 and 10 and the scarab icon is the creature scurrying across the floor?
Nov 30, 2023 4:21 pm
Holy Hells... What is that?! Ealdwig looks at the pole in his hands, I don't think this is going to have any effect on pointing THAT!
Nov 30, 2023 4:22 pm
When it gets a little closer and we all try and enter the room, can I use the pole and my acrobatics ability to try and vault over it? This way we can surround it?
Nov 30, 2023 5:01 pm
Arkmenos says:
We are the EYE between room 14 and 10 and the scarab icon is the creature scurrying across the floor?
Arkmenos says:
When it gets a little closer and we all try and enter the room, can I use the pole and my acrobatics ability to try and vault over it? This way we can surround it?
should be fine
Nov 30, 2023 7:05 pm
"Let me take a crack at it." Blornvid loads up his crossbow, aims, and fires.
First time using something other than the axe. Using one action to aim (focus) and the second to fire. If that's wrong, please feel free to correct me.


Crossbow - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Dec 1, 2023 4:59 am
Great, i'll give it a shot when the creature reaches the middle of the room.

FYI, I am heading away for the weekend, going to PAX Unplugged in Philly. I don't know how much time I'll be online. I've schedule a game of Shadowdark. Never played it, seems like it should be fun.
Hold action until the creature is in the middle of the room.

Ealdwig things to himself, Ah Hells, just go for it.

After Blornvid arrow is released, Ealdwig runs into the room carrying his acrobats pole extended to 10', screaming ahhh, here goes nothing trying to pole vault over the creature, to hopefully surround it.
On a success, he'll pull out his sword and attack.
I assume it'll be 3d6 using my acrobatics trait. Do I get a second attack or was the charge and vault my first action? i'll roll it, but don't use it if it's not applicable.
Last edited December 1, 2023 5:04 am


Pole vaulting over creature - Agility - (3d6)

(632) = 11

Attack creature from behind after vaulting with sword - (2d6)

(52) = 7

second attack - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Dec 1, 2023 5:14 am
Skeeve and Edair are up
Dec 1, 2023 4:10 pm
Skeeve pops off a couple magic bolts ...


Skeeve: Magic Bolt 1 - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Skeeve: Magic Bolt 2 - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Dec 1, 2023 6:05 pm
"Here we go!" Edair yells as he charges the creature and slashes it with his greatsword.


Attack - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Attack - (2d6)

(13) = 4



Dec 1, 2023 6:13 pm
Focus and Fire of a ranges is fine, just remember that it takes 1 action to reload so to fire again take and entire round reload/attack
Blornvid fires off his bolt but the thick metal armor deflects the bolt. The creature scuttles forwards on its mechanical conveyance and is vaulted by Ealdwig as it nears followed up by two strikes from his sword. As the sword strikes the construct but the blade seems to slide off the thing without leaving a mark. Skeeve's magic attacks strike the ground around the hing as he tries to hit it without endangering Ealdwig.

The mech-arcane creature flashes its tail at Ealdwig and opens it jaws to release a flash of lightning that fans out to strike at the other three through the doorway.
Ealdwid takes 1 damage
Skeeve, Blornvid, and Edair roll a Save Test, 2d6. Fail take 2 lightning damage, Pass take only 1
[ +- ] map


Tail Blade attack to Ealdwig - (3d6)

(652) = 13

Dec 1, 2023 6:39 pm
Thanks for the explanation regarding crossbows.

When it's possible, Blornvid will drop his crossbow, draw his axe, and charge into the room to attack. If that isn't too much activity for one combat round, he'd like to attack as well. But will wait for ok from you.


Lightning save roll - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Dec 1, 2023 6:43 pm
Skeeve thinks, "Well, this isn't good."


Skeeve: Save Test against Lightning - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Dec 1, 2023 6:54 pm
Everyone can go ahead and act again. I am just declaring Edair did not react before this point in time so we can keep it moving.
Shuffling weapons is a free action so no worries for Blornvid
Dec 1, 2023 7:00 pm
Cool, thanks.
Blornvid tries to get to the creature's left flank, the smell of ozone still in his nostrils, to strike it with his axe.


Attack with Axe 1 - (3d6)

(616) = 13

Attack with Axe 2 - (3d6)

(156) = 12

Dec 1, 2023 7:17 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos
Dec 1, 2023 7:59 pm
Blornvid strikes the creature in what he thought for sure was a weak spot. Instead, he gets a tingling sensation running up his arms and into his teeth. "Argh! This thing's enhanced. My axe isn't going to have any effect on it."
Dec 1, 2023 11:38 pm
Elysium777 is leaving the game due to time constraints so Edair Duril is getting a shocking ending :)
Blornvid will only take 1 damage due to his noble sacrifice
As the lightning arcs out Edair tries to block it with his blade but instead directs a larger portion of it into his body and the swordsman's body spasms as he is thrown back and falls unconscious.
Dec 2, 2023 1:58 am
Skeeve says, "It seems like it has some electrostatic charge that repels metal attacks. It may even be affecting my magic bolts.
When he made is two-word radiance scroll, he also successfully made a two-word sunder scroll. Skeeve had intended to use it one a structure or cavern or something like that. Since this is a construct, and not a living creature, it should be a valid target. Does that seem reasonable?
Dec 2, 2023 2:03 am
Sunder will work yes
Dec 2, 2023 2:07 am
Skeeve calls out, "I'm trying something different. Be prepared if it is bigger than expected!"

With that he pulls out his scroll and reads it with focus (using both actions). He targets the spell directly on the mechanical monster trying to rip it apart.

... read it wrong. Will have to try again. :(
Last edited December 2, 2023 2:08 am


Skeeve: Cast Sunder Scroll - (2d6)

(32) = 5



Dec 2, 2023 5:13 am
The mech-arcane creature presses it's advantage, slashing its tail again at Ealdwig and snapping its jaws at Blornvid


Tail Attack - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Bite Attack - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Dec 2, 2023 5:25 am
Ealdwig hearing Blornvid Oh, Hells! I'm in trouble. He remembers his Chromacloth and tries to change it's color. Nothing happens. Hells, why isn't this thing working?!

Because you already used it today, dummy. Ealdwig groans loudly. Now what?

Ealdwig tries to evade the tail from the construct. Then he will try to get as far away from the creature as possible as to not get hit again. Uh, guys...I don't have anything that's going to do any damage to that thing. I head toward Edair to see if I can help him in any way.


Evade attack using Agility trait - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 2, 2023 5:34 am
Psybermagi sent a note to Arkmenos
Ealdwig almost evades the bladed tail but is scratched none the less. 1 point damage
Dec 2, 2023 2:55 pm
Since the thing attacked again, I assume I can try again.
Again, with focus.


Skeeve: Read Sunder Scroll - (2d6)

(15) = 6



Dec 3, 2023 3:53 pm
Yeah, in combat after the opponent acts the characters are free to respond
Blornvid and Ealdwig can act still. The thing is definitely damaged but not completely destroyed
As Skeeve reads from his scroll the magic imbued into the paper is successfully unleashed and a loud crack resounds through the room .

The metal creature shudders and large cracks appear all over its surface. Through the gaping holes you see cogs and gears along with crystals and arcane glyphs within its body. It shudders and move to attack


Decapede Save - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Dec 3, 2023 4:53 pm
Blornvid hopes that whatever spell Skeeve used is enough for him to use his axe again.


First Attack - (3d6)

(623) = 11

Second Attack - (3d6)

(315) = 9

Dec 3, 2023 7:13 pm
Blornvids ax digs dep into the crack on his first hit shattering some of its inner workings while the second only crashes against the side of the thing though this does chip off a bit of the outer metal shell enlarging the gaping wound in its side.
Dec 4, 2023 1:04 am
Well, I have the chromacloth but I used it. I have a pendent that would help against bugs in the swamp. That's all I remember ever getting or finding. There is nothing additional on my character sheet. I believe I also have a dagger and the goblin sword. I have the pole, I can try that.
Ealdwig, being unable to revive Edair, picks up his acrobat pole, stands, spins and strikes at the construct.
Last edited December 4, 2023 1:06 am


Attack with acrobat pole - (2d6)

(15) = 6

second attack - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Dec 4, 2023 1:40 am
Skeeve says, "Nice work guys! Let's get this thing stopped!

Skeeve's outta scrolls now. Hopefully any more obstacles don't need a scroll to defeat. Unless we can conveniently find one.
Dec 4, 2023 5:34 am
Ealdwigs strikes against the side of the thing into the gap breaking it open more and he is sure that the simple enlarging enchantment on it seems enough to bypass its magical protections. But his second strike make the matter one for latter debate as it blasts strait through the gap and out the far side of creature. The construct immediately ceases functioning.

You take a moment to verify the fallen metal creature will not pose a threat while also looking into the area it came from. The open archway reveals another large room with a door on the west wall, toppled statue adjacent to it, and a sundered shield lies in the south side of the room. The status depicts a tall muscular elf, or half elf, dressed in light armor with weapons sheathed.
Dec 4, 2023 5:03 pm
Even though we know the meta-reason why, Skeeve doesn't, so he has to check.
Once the construct stops, Skeeve rushes over to check on Edair, to see if he can be revived. When they see he is completely gone, I assume they all take a moment to mourn their fallen comrade.
As a side note, what happened to Etcher? I know the player is gone, but what about the character. I know that many of them are wandering around the base, but did he get consumed by the building's apparatus or is he still knocking about the manor somewhere? I suppose it doesn't really matter, but I was just curious what you did with him.
Skeeve says, "While entering a new room seems to be a new chance to accidentally activate something, do we want to check out the room and statue?" Then with a smirk, he continues, "Or do we just assume the statue will animate and attack?"
Dec 4, 2023 5:59 pm
As the Player just faded I archived the character for reference
Etcher as a character would rather stay in the Manor where he can be heroic. Danol can be training him to be a knight of the house or some such. And maybe explaining the intricacies of property and untangling his messed up understanding of honor and how the rest of the world vies things :)
Dec 4, 2023 6:27 pm
Upon witnessing Ealdwig's killing stroke upon the mechanical beast, Blornvid shouts, "Way to go, lad! That'll show that stupid blue ball that size doesn't make a warrior." He's about to thank Skeeve for his quick thinking with the scroll, but he sees that his friend is kneeling over the motionless Edair. His smile evaporates as he charges over. Upon confirmation that Edair has fallen, he bows his head. Solemnly, he says, "Fare thee well, Edair."
Skeeve says:
"While entering a new room seems to be a new chance to accidentally activate something, do we want to check out the room and statue?" Then with a smirk, he continues, "Or do we just assume the statue will animate and attack?"
"Aye. That seems to be the rule for this place. I thought we were being cautious after that training room, but Edair has fallen and Etcher has vanished." He pauses a moment to collect his thoughts. "Maybe this metallic scorpion knocked it over in haste." He stares at the dead contraption, reflecting. "A lot of valuable metal in that thing. And the magic to animate it is something else."
Dec 4, 2023 7:10 pm
Danol will definitely have his work cut out for him! :-D

Also, before we charge into the next room, how are we looking for damage? I think I'm doing good with only damaged armor. But I think both Ealdwig and Blornvid got hit. I'm only concerned because we keep losing our healers.

Does this mean I need to make Healer my next Trait ... ?
Last edited December 4, 2023 7:11 pm
Dec 4, 2023 7:26 pm
Just damaged armor over here... I think. It's definitely going to need to be repaired when this is done.
Dec 4, 2023 7:32 pm
Blornvid has armor master so he is fine, Ealdwig only has 1 damage so far so is mostly good and can recover with an hours rest if you like. I am sure sitting around for an hour will be TOTALLY fine. :)
As for a healer, I am not sure what you guys keep doing to chase them off. I try to give them plenty of opportunity to contribute so it can't be me :)
Dec 4, 2023 8:23 pm
Nope can't by you...
Ealdwig standing with the remainder of the group, compacts his acrobat pole and says quietly what do we do with Edair? We can't just leave him here.
Dec 4, 2023 8:58 pm
Skeeve responds, "Well, we have a few choices. First is to indeed leave him here. It is quite likely we are the only intelligent people in the building, with everything else being some kind of automaton. The body should not be messed with while we are here, and we pick him up on our way out. Second is to proactively move him back to the entry room, figuring that even if we leave the building from a different room, the door should reappear and we can reach in and grab his body after we escape. Third, is to take his body back to the control room and see if the annoying blue dot will let us out since it's idiocy killed someone. At a minimum, I think taking it back to the entry room is a good idea."
Dec 4, 2023 10:25 pm
Psybermagi says:
As for a healer, I am not sure what you guys keep doing to chase them off. I try to give them plenty of opportunity to contribute so it can't be me :)
It's Blornvid's fault. Not bathing enough. Dwarves are sweaty. ;)
Dec 4, 2023 10:27 pm
Blornvid listens to Skeeve's suggestions. "If anything, putting Edair's body by the front door will serve as a proper warning for anyone foolish enough to enter this building unprepared."
Dec 5, 2023 12:04 am
OK, so we take Edair's body back to the front room, working around the pit. I was going to say that Skeeve uses Onyx magic to carry the body over the pit, but, heck, he might as well just use the magic for the whole trip, if it isn't too much!

Once we get him back to where the front door should be, Skeeve lets his inner mercenary show a little: He scans Edair's body for magic to see if he has any magic items. He figures anything major he finds is likely a loaned item, so he isn't planning on keeping it. But he isn't going to let it go to waste, either.
Dec 5, 2023 12:25 am
You notice Edair's armor is magical in nature. It is remarkably clean and free of blemish after the electrical attack. He also has a pask with a bedroll, flint & steel, a belt pouch, a lantern, waterskin, oil, a rope (50 feet), rations, a torch, and a cloak.
[ +- ] Everfit Armor
Dec 5, 2023 1:38 am
If it is magical, does it resize to the wearer? Depending on if it would be an improvement for Ealdwig. Blornvid's and Skeeve's armors are already better.
If the armor works for Ealdwig, he can use it if he wants to. We'll leave the rest by the body for when we can get out. We lay the body down respectfully for later retrieval.

Skeeve then says, "Do we go back to the control room to see if we can interrogate the blue light some more, or do we continue to dive in deeper?"
Last edited December 5, 2023 1:39 am
Dec 5, 2023 3:13 am
"I honestly don't know, Skeeve. I'm worried that the blue orb will just kick you and me to the next level of the training while Ealdwig will be forced to watch."
Last edited December 5, 2023 3:13 am
Dec 5, 2023 3:54 am
"Then let's delve deeper and see what we can find."

Unless Ealdwig objects, we head back to where the construct was destroyed, and then we go into the statue room and check it out.
Dec 5, 2023 4:43 am
Ealdwig, unsure how he is feeling about all this, doesn't say much. Never having people to worry or care about, all of this is new to him. He's never lost anyone before. And to loose someone during a "training" exercise has him, sad, upset and angry. He leaves Edair with armor and all his possessions intact. Maybe after we're clear and Edair is properly laid to rest he'll consider seeing if he has anything of use to him.

Not knowing how to act or caring where is best to go, he follows his new / only friends back into the house of horrors. Mumbling how do we kill that blue dot?
Dec 5, 2023 5:31 pm
OK, the poor guy is developing PTSD, but we have a building to escape.
Skeeve pats Ealdwig on the shoulder and says, "Don't worry. Well get through this. We just have to figure out the puzzle it is presenting and beat it."

Back to the statue room, then! At least to the entryway to that room.
Dec 6, 2023 1:55 am
Oh hells! Let's go kill something!
Dec 6, 2023 5:36 am
______Map______ Making your way back you return to the room your fought the mechanical beast, with one unopened door, and on to the next room with the fallen statue. This room you learn has 1 additional iron door that out of your earlier sightlines in the south west corner as well as the stone door in the middle of the west wall. A quick check by Skeeve in each room reveals that the iron door contains a magical aura but the other doors and statue do not.
Dec 6, 2023 3:08 pm
"Well guys, any preference on the doors? If we go back to the door in the previous room, that would take us deeper into the building. If we take the west door in here, it would take us closer to the outside wall. Or, we can risk this magic iron door. Any preferences? I'm up for any of them."
OK, for the next few doors until we feel like the pressure is up, Skeeve will insist on remotely opening any door with his Onyx magic. I don't want any more pit traps or sudden surprises for the poor fool touching the door.
Last edited December 6, 2023 3:11 pm
Dec 6, 2023 5:51 pm
"If we go through the stone door and something comes out of the iron door, then we're cut off if we need to escape. But the iron door has some magic aura about it, so I'm a bit leery of it. It's probably another 'training exercise' room." Blornvid sighs. "Let's go with the stone door."
Dec 6, 2023 9:18 pm
That iron door? What's so scary about it? Seems like every other door in this place. I move toward the door.
Dec 6, 2023 9:31 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,daryen
The Iron door and frame both have magical glyphs engraven on them and the door has no handle.

The stone door has a large bronze lock set into it and is otherwise plain.
Dec 6, 2023 10:01 pm
Blornvid reaches out and firmly grabs Ealdwig's shoulder. "Hold up, lad. Magic doors are nothing to do be trifled with. That's why I want to go with the stone door. Let Skeeve examine the iron door before we go in."
Dec 6, 2023 10:29 pm
Skeeve will try a deeper magical scan of the iron door and see if he can recognize the magical glyphs.

I'll do two rolls: One for the scan and one for the glyphs. Both with focus.


Skeeve: Deep Magic Scan - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Skeeve: Recognize the Glyphs - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Dec 7, 2023 2:52 am
Oh. OK. Thanks. Now noticing the writing around the door frame. You think it dangerous? Maybe it's nothing. Why not try it? We'll probably have to go through there at some point anyway.
Any chance I recognize any of the glyphs.


recgonize glyphs at disadvantage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Dec 7, 2023 3:50 am
The magic on the door feels much like his sunder scroll, destructive. The glyphs indicate to Skeeve the door is trapped against intrusion but you feel confident you can open it.
Magic Test with advantage to open the door without triggering its trap
Dec 7, 2023 4:53 am
Skeeve says, "I think I can open this without triggering anything. But, just to be safe, go back to the other room just to be safe."

Once they are out of the blast zone, Skeeve attempts to open it magically. With focus.

Well, that's a bummer. Hopefully it does less than six damage.
Last edited December 7, 2023 4:54 am


Skeeve: Safely open magic door - (3d6)

(312) = 6

Dec 7, 2023 1:32 pm
The Good new is that Skeeve is pretty sure he knows what he did wrong. The bad news is, welll, the door gave birth.

The door stretches and flows taking shape into soething familiar before the door returns to its previous state and the decapede snaps it's jaws at you, with what you somehow feel to be malicious glee.
Dec 7, 2023 2:15 pm
Well, now we know where the thing came from. Assuming they did what I asked, they are back in the room of the first one of these, so they are reasonably safe.

Skeeve yells, "Stay back and hit it with ranged weapons!" He himself pulls out his Stick, mentally turning it into a club (I assume this doesn't cost an action). He then activates his Onyx shield and tries to hit it with his Stick.


Skeeve: Attack with Stick - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Dec 7, 2023 2:17 pm
As an aside, the creature seems to have some kind of electrostatic protection that makes metal, and maybe magic, ineffective against it. He is trying to see if something wooden will do the trick to cause damage.
Dec 7, 2023 3:38 pm
You discussed its resistance and concluded it resistance was to mundane damage. Thus Blornvid only did damage after the scroll broke it open. Even the little magic on Ealdwig's pole allowed it to harm the thing. Knowing such resistance is difficult to create your assume it only negated a portion of mundane damage (1point per hit)
Skeeve's club dents the snout of the golem
Dec 7, 2023 3:43 pm
Well, it *is* a magic Stick. It should be able to do damage, then.

BTW, Blornvid and Ealdwig should feel free to hang back. It was Skeeve's hubris to think he could succeed on a Focused roll with Advantage. Foolish young man!
Last edited December 7, 2023 4:02 pm
Dec 7, 2023 4:33 pm
Following Skeeve's request, Ealdwig turns and heads out of the room.
I assume with Blornvid.

Blornvid, you know we need to get you a nickname, that's a mouthful. How about Vid or Blorn? Blorn sounds kind of wierd. Ealdwig talks slowly and exaggerates it Balllllooooorrrrrnnnna. Smiling and giggling, yeah that's not gonna' stick.

As we move out through the door way, Ealdwig says to Vid
see it's catching on :)
um, I am pretty sure that writing just said "Welcome Please Come In."
Not sure if we can hear the door stretching and turning into the creature.

Hearing Skeeve yelling about ranged weapons, that was fast, I guess that's our cue. Ealdwig gets up and heads for the doorway. Seeing this second construct and not having any ranged weapons Ealdwig pulls out the pole says the command word and runs in. Another one! Smiling a devious smile and calling back over his shoulder Vid! You with us?

Remembering his success from last time, if possible, Ealdwig uses his pole to vault over the creature trying to surround it. He'll then take two wacks at it to see if he can hurt it.
Advantage for surrounding a creature? Guess I didn't need it.
Last edited December 7, 2023 4:34 pm


Pole vaulting over creature - Agility - (3d6)

(256) = 13

Attack creature from behind after vaulting with pole - (2d6)

(55) = 10

2nd attack - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Dec 7, 2023 7:32 pm
Arkmenos says:
Following Skeeve's request, Ealdwig turns and heads out of the room.
I assume with Blornvid.
Arkmenos says:
Blornvid, you know we need to get you a nickname, that's a mouthful. How about Vid or Blorn? Blorn sounds kind of wierd. Ealdwig talks slowly and exaggerates it Balllllooooorrrrrnnnna. Smiling and giggling, yeah that's not gonna' stick.
Blornvid cocks an eyebrow at Ealdwig. Perhaps we should call you 'Wig.' " A grin emerges from his beard.
Arkmenos says:
As we move out through the door way, Ealdwig says to Vid
see it's catching on :)
um, I am pretty sure that writing just said "Welcome Please Come In."
"I doubt that, lad. Magic doors have been a pain since I arrived at the camp. And I do mean 'pain.' "
Arkmenos says:
Hearing Skeeve yelling about ranged weapons, that was fast, I guess that's our cue. Ealdwig gets up and heads for the doorway. Seeing this second construct and not having any ranged weapons Ealdwig pulls out the pole says the command word and runs in. Another one! Smiling a devious smile and calling back over his shoulder Vid! You with us?
Blornvid growls. "Nothing I have works!" He lunges into battle anyway, hoping that the creature will attack him instead of his companions.


Attack with Axe 1 - (3d6)

(636) = 15

Attack with Axe 2 - (3d6)

(266) = 14

Dec 7, 2023 9:37 pm
Geez! If I had gotten literally any of your guys' rolls, there wouldn't be a second monster!
Dec 8, 2023 3:44 am
Maybe, just maybe we'll make quick work of this one.



Dec 8, 2023 2:16 pm
[ +- ] Critical Success :
Skeeves heroics galvanize his companions into action, into totally ignoring his words. Ealdwig leaps over the decapede followed closely by Blorn(?Blornvid) before smacking the thing hard with his stick, no, staff, adding additional dents to the creatures metallic hide. Vid(?Blornvid) is up next, and though he feels the tingling though his weapon again he notes that though the blades bite fails to cut deep into the thing it does leave 2 rather satisfactory large dents. BV(?Blornvid) growls in satisfaction.

The newly formed decapede is almost instantly trashed and lunges at Skeeve as it collapses into a clicking and grinding heap


last attack vs Skeeve - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Dec 8, 2023 3:56 pm
Yay! All those 6s didn't go to waste!
Dec 8, 2023 3:59 pm
Smiling and cheering, ALRIGHT! We killed it! Just noticing that Skeeve took a hit, oh Hells, Skeeve, you ok?
If Skeeve is not ok.
I'll help Skeeve out and tend to him the best I can.
If Skeeve is ok.
While helping Skeeve up, smiling to Blornvid, what about BeeVee? That's a good one. And no, Wig doesn't work, but Eald or El does. He seems to look back into a memory for a second. Dusting off Skeeve, You alright there buddy? Skeeve already has a nickname kind of feel, doesn't it? Where did you get a name like that, Skeeve?
Dec 8, 2023 5:55 pm
Skeeve is OK. That was his first post-armor hit.

Oh, wait! I had my onyx shield up. Let's see if I avoided that damage ...

Nope, didn't avoid it. Still just his first post-armor hit.
Skeeve is still annoyed at himself for screwing things up with the door. Despite that he says, "That was great guys! Thank you for bailing me out like that."

To Ealdwig, he responds, "I'm good. It's just a flesh wound.

"My name? Have you ever heard of foundlings? You know, where fey steal a baby and replace it with something else? Well, I was one of those stolen babies. The name 'Skeeve' was given to me by my fey masters. Since it is the only name I have know, it's the one I still use. I honestly have no idea what my original name was."
Skeeve will wait for a response and finish that thread if Ealdwig wants to.
Skeeve also says, "The reason I was trying to open the door is because usually something locked that hard is hiding something interesting. The fact that it spawns out those metal monsters makes me want to open it even more, now!"
Last edited December 8, 2023 6:10 pm


Skeeve: Defense roll against successful attack - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Dec 8, 2023 6:23 pm
Feeling a little insecure and unsure of himself, You were stolen from your mother? That's horrible. Sorry about that. That's not something anyone should have to go through.

I have tons of questions? It looks like he is going to talk some more then stops. Maybe now's not the best time. Um, uh. Again he looks like he is going to speak, thinks better of it and turns toward the door.
I need to remember to go back to this line of questions later. Need to make a note.
Well Skeeve, since you seem fine, tis just a flesh wound, after all. How do we open it? There has to be something good behind it, no?
Is this chamber just empty? Nothing in it but the doors?
Dec 8, 2023 6:27 pm
"Yeah, but those glyphs aren't one and done. We got lucky with this one, but the first one killed Edair. I really don't want to push our luck and fight another one of these things. Are ya sure you got the hang of it this time? If not, the stone door awaits."
Dec 8, 2023 7:32 pm
I should have an 87.5% chance of success. I have to roll a 4-6 on one of three dice. That's .5*.5*.5 = 12.5% chance to fail, giving 87.5% to succeed.
Skeeve replies, "I am willing to wait. I was honestly hoping to find the 'Tutor' mentioned by the blue dot in there. Also, there is no guarantee we won't trigger another one of those things again no matter what, considering we didn't even enter the room to trigger the first one. Then again, maybe the room is just filled with them. Or something worse. Maybe it isn't even a room, but rather a teleportation portal or something. I dunno."
Dec 8, 2023 9:48 pm
Alarmed a what?
Dec 8, 2023 10:05 pm
"I mean a door that doesn't open into a room on the other side, but rather and magic surface you can walk through and you end up somewhere else entirely. Think of the tile pad that brought us to the Manor, but instead of standing on it and activating it, you just walk through it like a door.

But don't worry. It probably isn't that."
Dec 8, 2023 10:25 pm
The iron door is shut. The stone door is shut. The remains of two iron golems litter the floor. You're getting hungry after all the running around and fighting. mmmmmm ...... Pie ......
Dec 8, 2023 10:45 pm
LOL. Yeah, pie sounds good right about now.
"Let's pick a door. I'm saying stone, but you two seem hellbent on the magicked iron door. So let's have at it."
Dec 8, 2023 11:20 pm
"Let's try the stone door. We can always come back to this one."
Dec 8, 2023 11:54 pm
My earlier post was a hint I was waiting for an action statement or roll.
[ +- ] authors rambling
Dec 9, 2023 12:34 am
While the guys are discussing doors and and trying to open them, Ealdwig starts looking around at the remains of the iron golems. Do I find anything of interest or value other then broken junk?


search golems - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Dec 9, 2023 4:30 am
Psybermagi says:
My earlier post was a hint I was waiting for an action statement or roll.
[ooc]Yeah, I picked up on that.
"Fine then." Blornvid walks over to the stone door and examines it for traps.
And by that, I hope focus comes to play.


Focused search for traps around stone door - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Dec 9, 2023 5:24 am
Blornvid's examination reveals the door to simply be locked and he is very confident there are no traps.
Sorry about earlier post. I was not sure how to proceed and posted as I was unsure if you were waiting on my part
Dec 9, 2023 5:35 pm
So ... who's gonna pick the lock. The guy why did it last time is still stuck somewhere else in the building. Is Ealdwig up to it?
Dec 9, 2023 7:33 pm
Psybermagi says:
Sorry about earlier post. I was not sure how to proceed and posted as I was unsure if you were waiting on my part
No worries. It's all good. :)
Daryen says:
So ... who's gonna pick the lock. The guy why did it last time is still stuck somewhere else in the building. Is Ealdwig up to it?
Blornvid still has lockpick tools on his character sheet. I don't know if that's because the other guy had his own set or if I forgot to delete it from mine. GM's call on that. But Blornvid will give this set to Ealdwig if he wants to give it a go.
Last edited December 9, 2023 7:36 pm
Dec 9, 2023 9:59 pm
My understanding was that it has always been Blornvid's set. He just let the winged one use it for that door. I was kinda assuming that here. It's your set. You just let others use it. Until you outright give it to someone. Which I didn't think you had done.

If, for no other reason, that means you are caring it, so they don't have to deal with the encumbrance. Which isn't overtly in the game, but is still kinda there, anyway.
Last edited December 9, 2023 10:01 pm
Dec 10, 2023 5:17 pm
While Ealdwig is examining the construct on the ground looking for anything of interest. Finding nothing
I suppose
he wonders over to Blornvid who is examining the stone door. Is it locked or something?

Examining the door, I think I can open it. He looks around his pack, not having anything specific he pulls out his dagger.
I assume Blornvid seeing me do this would offer the lock picking tools (based on the OOC above).
Oh, thanks. These should help. And sets to work


lock picking (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(325) = 10

Dec 10, 2023 5:19 pm
Hearing the lock open, Ealdwig pulls out the tools, slowly, stands up and moves away from the door. Anyone know if it's trapped? Handing the set back to Blornvid. I wouldn't put it past this place to lock a trapped door
Dec 10, 2023 5:29 pm
"Good work on the lock, lad. And I'm sure there are no traps."
Dec 11, 2023 2:07 am
Who opens the door?
Dec 11, 2023 1:24 pm
Smiling widely, hey, Skeeve. Blornvid said he's sure there are no traps. Why don't you go first?
Dec 11, 2023 2:15 pm
Skeeve rolls his eyes and opens the door. Hopefully it doesn't try to eat him.
Dec 11, 2023 2:39 pm
The door opens to a marble floored room with several display cases and toppled tables and shattered chairs. This building is in state contrast to the carriage house where though things were old they were mostly maintained. This place seems to be worse than neglected, looking more like someone intentionally destroyed what you can see of it. It is the first room you entered when you found the fieldhouse. However, like the southern entrance, the door is no longer visible and only a simple blank wall exists where there should be a door. The door on the north and south walls are still there, as you saw them previously.
[ +- ] map
Dec 11, 2023 3:31 pm
Skeeve would like to check the door on the south wall of room 5. He is curious how that space fills out and to see if we can approach the iron door from the other side. Unless, of course, the southern door of room 5 is just a duplicate of the iron door in room 6.
Dec 11, 2023 8:13 pm
Exasperated, this place is crazy. How is this a training facility?
Dec 11, 2023 11:56 pm
Skeeve replies, "Honestly, I think the magic is broken. It might have originally been a training facility. But now it's just a malfunctioning magical device we're stuck in.
To keep things moving.
Skeeve steps into the room. Assuming that doesn't activate anything and he isn't attacked or whatever, he investigates the southern door in the room.


Skeeve: Investigate Door - (3d6)

(153) = 9

Dec 12, 2023 12:42 am
Blornvid follows Skeeve into the room and has a look around.


Search with focus - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Dec 12, 2023 2:27 am
Ealdwig will look around the room for any hidden doors, switches, cubbyholes, etc...


search - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Dec 12, 2023 5:44 am
The stout mapple door set into a dark chestnut frame is unremarkable and has a simple latch to open it. There are no tiny rune, glyphs, symbols, holes, pressure plates, or magical auras. Blornvid and Ealdwig see all that the others found before. the previously open environment has had a detrimental effect on the furnishings, or rather what is left of them, but nothing left in the room stands out.

Opening the southern door leads to a short hallway with two doors to the south. the one to the west is another set of bars and lets you look into the room. Beyond the bars you see labyrinth of 2 foot high walls covers the floor, and in the back south east corner floats a glowing object that pulses and changes color. Craning to see as much as you can of the room you estimate that this room can be accessed by both doors in the hallway as well as by the iron door.

Dec 12, 2023 6:28 am
Can we have more context on the map? I'm not seeing the correspondence between the maze shown and the description given.
Dec 12, 2023 7:04 am
White is the path, black is the walls, Top left corner is the entrance beyond the currently closed bar door.
Dec 12, 2023 2:37 pm
Sorry I was not clear. I meant what is between the "stout maple door" (the south door in room 5 on the big map) and the "closed bar door" (that leads to the maze image)?
Dec 12, 2023 3:39 pm
OK, got it now. Thanks!
Skeeve checks the other door in the corridor.

Skeeve says, "Wasn't the last iron bar door we went through what first activated this whole thing?"


Skeeve: Check the "other" door in the corridor - (3d6)

(456) = 15

Dec 12, 2023 4:58 pm
A simple wooden door with springs to close after use
Dec 12, 2023 5:18 pm
Skeeve turns to the others and says, "I'd like to open this door, if that's OK with everyone."
I mean the wooden one, not the see-thru one.
Last edited December 12, 2023 5:21 pm
Dec 12, 2023 7:21 pm
Blornvid scratches his head. "If this one leads to the same room as the iron door that gave rise to those metallic scorpion things, why isn't this door similarly magicked?"
Dec 12, 2023 8:14 pm
Skeeve says, "And that's why I want to try this door."
Dec 12, 2023 8:17 pm
"Alright then. Go for it."
Dec 12, 2023 10:28 pm
Oh boy! Here we go. Ealdwig takes out his sword and readies himself.
Dec 12, 2023 10:36 pm
Skeeve opens the door to find out what they see ...
Dec 13, 2023 4:40 pm

Opening the door you see the maze. Above the short walls you now can tell there is a faint shimmer and after a brief experiment determine that simple stepping over the walls is not possible.
White = path, black = wall, blue X = Party, yellow $ = glowing object
Dec 13, 2023 4:45 pm
Skeeve looks in this door for a minute, then goes back to the door with iron bars and looks in it for a minute, then comes back and says, "I don't think the mazes are the same. They look different."
Dec 13, 2023 4:47 pm
Going back to the gate and looking through you see
Dec 13, 2023 4:50 pm
Blornvid groans. "More tests."
Dec 13, 2023 4:53 pm
So they are different!
Skeeve says, "I don't trust this. These are two different mazes. The magically protected door likely reveals a third maze. This is like stuff I saw the fey do. You have misdirection like this that leads you to a false prize, but you have to find the correct entrance to actually get the prize. Assuming you can even get to it. Experience tells me that the real maze is behind the magic iron door, but I have also see that simple be a misdirection, too.

"We have other doors we haven't opened, do we want to check them before playing this maze game?"
Dec 13, 2023 4:57 pm
What?!?!?!? Totally skip the fun little game I created just for your? Sigh, No one wants to play my game. . . Woe is me :( No worries, there's always the next door! :)
[ +- ] map
Dec 13, 2023 5:19 pm
Skeeve says, "Wanna check the north door on room 5 or the remaining door in room 10?"
OK, I have a new question for you: What are the walls in the building made of? Stone, I assume? Or something else?
Last edited December 13, 2023 5:22 pm
Dec 13, 2023 5:25 pm
LOL. Sad GM will get revenge on PCs who don't want to play in his maze. I sense traps at every door until we do. ;)
"I guess we can go check out the north door on that last room we were in."
Room 5.
"Unless Ealdwig wants to run through the mazes."
Dec 13, 2023 5:40 pm
The exterior walls are made of thick stone, likely to help keep the fieldhouse cool win the warm summers and help keep the heat in in the winter, though from what you have heard they do not get too much snow here. The interior walls are wood decorative panels, shiplap, plaster, and painted brick.
Dec 13, 2023 10:57 pm
Skeeve says to Blornvid, "Before we try the next door, would you like to try an experiment? From what I can see, these walls are just normal interior walls. What if we go down to where the room outside where the golden glow is seen as we make a hole in the wall? Initially, just a small hole to see what can be seen, but if it's interesting enough, we can always try to make a bigger hole to go through.

Probably won't work, but it shouldn't hurt to give it a try."
Dec 14, 2023 4:00 am
sorry guys had to go to the office today. No opportunity to check in.
Dec 14, 2023 4:08 am
No problem. Gotta wait for the GM to tell us my out-of-the-box idea is a bad one. 😬
Dec 14, 2023 4:10 am
After Skeeve opens the door, Ealdwig looks inside. Seeing the maze, he thinks he can climb the short wall (probably still taller than him) and walk along it. After he fails, he notices the glow in the corner of the room. As Skeeve walks out of the room to check the gated opening, Blornvid follows. Ealdwig stays and looks around.

What's glowing in the corner? Maybe it's treasure or a key that opens the other door. Jumping to try and get a look at the glow.

He takes a step or two in the direction, then thinks better of it and turns back a little but never leaves the room. He calls out to the guys maybe it's treasure or a way into another room? Let's go find out! The excitement is starting to get the better of him. He is getting tired of the same ol' nonsense.

Peaking his head out, common guys, whadaya think? Let's go see what it is. Totally forgetting that curiosity killed the cat. We'll have to go through here at some point anyway. Smiling, no time like the present. His head disappears from the doorway. He doesn't stray far though, waiting for the guys to make up their minds.
Dec 14, 2023 4:24 am
Ok, does Ealdwig's presence trigger anything? If it does, we'll have to engage the maze to get him back out. Otherwise Skeeve tries to coax him back out to try his idea. I'm assuming we can pull him back out.
Skeeve says, "I agree we should find out what is in there, but let's try something different."

We go back around to room 10 and go to the most southern portion of the west wall of room 10. We then hack a hole into the wall to see what things look like from there. This is basically a request of Blornvid since he's the one with the axe. Ealdwig is encouraged to help with making the hole.
The southern most segment of the west wall of room 10 should be right where the golden glow in the made room is.
Last edited December 14, 2023 4:25 am
Dec 14, 2023 4:41 am
Gotta wait for the GM to tell us my out-of-the-box idea is a bad one. 😬
Since when have I shot down ideas? It's not my job to police ideas. I just tell you what happens when you try. Nothing wrong with thinking things. If you want to know if an idea is bad pick up the Precognitive trait.
Ealdwig steps into the maze (blue X) and looks around moving back and forth around the intersection without anything happening to him, the room, the door, or maze. Yet. After several moment and inactivity he grows impatient with the stodgy/hesitant/experience others.
[ +- ] maze
[ +- ] map
Moving to room 10 you go to work on opening a passage through the wall. As the ax bites into the wall you see . . .
Blornvid sees a brick wall behind the wood facade.
Skeeve sees a swilling black void.
Ealdwig sees the maze room through the hole in the wall.
Dec 14, 2023 4:50 am
Skeeve says, "OK, that's interesting. What are you two seeing through the hole?"
Dec 14, 2023 7:51 pm
Slightly agitated and impatient, The maze stupid room where we should be right now. What else would I see?
Last edited December 14, 2023 7:53 pm
Dec 14, 2023 8:04 pm
"Brick wall. What do you see?"
Dec 14, 2023 8:15 pm
"I see a swirling black void. That is just not a good thing to see."

Skeeve thinks for a couple minutes, then says, "Let's open the hole higher up in the wall. I want Ealdwig to get a higher view of the maze he sees. Is it the first one, the second one, or something different from the other two?

"If it matches one of the two, I want to do a second experiment."
Dec 14, 2023 9:03 pm
"How much higher up? There's only so high I can swing me axe. Unless you want to push these broken metal scorpions together to make a platform for me to work on."
Dec 14, 2023 9:28 pm
Skeeve says, "Good idea! Let's bring one over here."

After a couple tries, Skeeve is able to use Onyx magic to pull the metal monster in this room over by the wall so that Blornvid can get more height on his axe swings on the wall.

Last edited December 14, 2023 9:30 pm
Dec 14, 2023 9:30 pm
After a bit more work you expand the hole but the view doesn't change for anyone and Blornvid begins complaining about the brick chipping and dulling his ax though the pets do not see it.
Dec 14, 2023 9:39 pm
"Thank you for the bigger hole. Now, let's figure this out."

Skeeve takes a piece of the mechanical monster that will fit through the hole, but is still relatively big. If necessary, he'll go back to the trashed room and get an appropriate piece and bring it back. (It needs to be relatively narrow, but at least three feet long.) He then picks up the item with Onyx magic and pushes it into the hole in the wall into the swirling void.

So, can Skeeve shove the item through the hole in the wall?
Last edited December 14, 2023 9:40 pm
Dec 15, 2023 3:09 am
Ealdwig, getting impatient, heads back to the maze.
Dec 15, 2023 5:10 am
Skeeve, while trying to shove something through the hole, says, "Which maze? There are two. Which one did you see? Do you even know?"
Dec 15, 2023 3:44 pm
The scrap metal bounces off the brick wall, that you all now see as the illusions seen by two of you fade. Ealdwig saw the maze he stepped into, the one from the door, not the gate.
Sorry, not letting you guys tunnel through the walls to by pass perfectly working doors.
Dec 15, 2023 4:00 pm
My desire was to shove the tail of the metal construct into the hole so we could see it from the door.
Skeeve sighs and says, "Well, if we have to walk into a maze trap, we have to walk into a maze trap."

Looking at the impatient Ealdwig, he says, "You humored me. It's now my turn to humor you. Lead the way."
Dec 15, 2023 4:26 pm
You don't have to do the maze but then you don't get the cheese :)
2 questions I need answered, 1st person to answer wins contort of the parties fate. Well for now :)
Do you stick together? Which door do you enter by?
Psybermagi sent a note to Psybermagi
Dec 15, 2023 6:10 pm
We stick together.
The one off of the gate.
Dec 15, 2023 6:16 pm
We stick together. Don't split the party!
I was going to let Ealdwig choose, but Skeeve doesn't care which door, as he figures it's a trap either way. :)
I always remember two rules for adventuring:
1) Don't split the party!
2) Don't get on the boat!
Dec 15, 2023 6:20 pm
As an aside, Skeeve has not been particularly concerned about treasure in this part of the adventure because he figures everything already belongs to someone else. I mean, in the dungeon/caves, it was no one's dungeon/caves, so we could keep what we found. But, here, this is all part of the Manor. So, I figure everything we find is basically Sylfir's, not ours. Did I get that wrong?
Dec 15, 2023 6:28 pm
Well, that's my impression too.
Dec 15, 2023 7:22 pm
You enter the maze (A) and begin moving cautiously. Upon reaching your first intersection and turning the corner you see a new maze (B)
[ +- ] The Amazing Maze of Aing
The objective of this puzzle is to get to the reward (yellow $). At each corner , or dead end, the maze will shift to the next maze, A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> A. If the space is into a walled off section then skip to the next map. Post solutions in a "Note" using the page icon above the message text box.
Lets see how many of you can get there and then on to the next event. :) Thankyou for playing :)
Dec 15, 2023 8:14 pm
Let me get this straight. So ...

Whenever we hit a corner or dead end, the map shifts. So, we entered map A and hit a corner at point B on Map A. We were immediately shifted to the same relative location on map B, indicated by point B on Map B. Now that we are on Map B, we can either move to box 6L or 8J. Once we hit either of those points, since it is either a corner or dead end, we will shift to Map C in the same location. (Both locations are open, so we don't skip ahead either way. Then it continues on from there, correct?

Also, do we need to get to any of the gold $, or do we need to get to ALL of the gold $?
Dec 15, 2023 8:31 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Dec 16, 2023 12:39 am
I will leave this over the weekend for those interested
Dec 16, 2023 3:03 am
If the walls were solid, then I'd loosen the rules so that you had to find the golden $ to advance the map, meaning you would have to find ALL of the golden $ to complete the puzzle. Keeping the same rules but needing to map the puzzles would make things a LOT harder.

But the way presented, the cascading mazes are really a logic puzzle. And I love me some logic puzzles.
Dec 16, 2023 5:25 am
Sorry guys, it's been a busy day. Going to be a busy weekend as well. I'll see what I can do with these maps. Should be fun to try and figure out. Although Impatient Ealdwig, might not be the best a figuring out a crazy maze....
Ealdwig goes into the maze with the guys. turning the first corner, huh? What just happened? This looks different. Hitting the next corner, the same thing happens. Alright, I know this place plays "tricks" but this is ridiculous.

Hey, guys. What's going on here? Each time we hit a dead end the room changes? Do you think we are bouncing between mazes or something?

Alright. So how do I get that treasure? And believe me, if I do, I am keeping it. This place OWES me. I mean us.
Last edited December 16, 2023 6:37 am
Dec 16, 2023 4:26 pm
daryen says:
Let me get this straight. So ...

Whenever we hit a corner or dead end, the map shifts. So, we entered map A and hit a corner at point B on Map A. We were immediately shifted to the same relative location on map B, indicated by point B on Map B. Now that we are on Map B, we can either move to box 6L or 8J. Once we hit either of those points, since it is either a corner or dead end, we will shift to Map C in the same location. (Both locations are open, so we don't skip ahead either way. Then it continues on from there, correct?

Also, do we need to get to any of the gold $, or do we need to get to ALL of the gold $?
you win by getting to any of the $, they are all the same thing but move with the maze. After getting the $ retrace to any exit and leave
Dec 16, 2023 4:33 pm
At each corner , or dead end, the maze will shift to the next maze
Every corner? As in, every time the maze makes a turn? Or just at the four corners on the map?
Dec 16, 2023 5:46 pm
Yup. Every corner or dead end.
I figure that it would take us a couple cycles to figure out how many mazes there actually are. Skeeve would initially assume there was only three mazes. Once disabused of that notion, he'd have to reassess and figure out it is actually six. I also assume that during this exploration we end up back at the beginning so we can then use my idea in the note above, if we don't figure a different way through before that point.

The big thing that Skeeve does when we enter the maze is to encourage Ealdwig (as much as he wants) to lead where we go. Ealdwig was patient with Skeeve on his hair-brained idea with making a hole in the wall, so he is genuine in wanting to repay that by pushing Ealdwig to explore the maze as he desires. Skeeve's only insistence is that we have to stay together. (Which both Blornvid and Skeeve stressed before entering.)

After however long that takes, if we haven't found a golden $ by then, Skeeve will figure out a path from where we are to the nearest one. (Nearest meaning within the maze. It may require some maze cycling to get there.)
Dec 16, 2023 6:13 pm
Ok, let's go. I've got this! Outwardly secure and inwardly insecure and doubtful, Ealdwig moves into the maze. Oh Hells. Here we go. This should be interesting. Here goes nothing. Hopefully, we don't get totally lost in here.
Dec 17, 2023 9:08 pm
Just a reminder

The objective of this puzzle is to get to the reward (yellow $). At each corner , or dead end, the maze will shift to the next maze, A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> A. If the space is into a walled off section then skip to the next map. Post solutions in a "Note" using the page icon above the message text box.

Skeeve has a solution so I will be moving on with the story based on a single solution tomorrow unless another solution or two is provided
Dec 17, 2023 9:52 pm
For the record, my stated solution only works starting from map B at the position noted. But that assumes a lot of information we wouldn't really have. Like knowing there are six maps, not three. So, if we need a solution from a different starting position, I'm game for that. Also, if solving the solution doesn't stop the shifting, Skeeve will try to exit from the eastern-most exit (on map E), if the door isn't locked from this side.

Unless Ealdwig comes up with his own solution.
Dec 18, 2023 3:36 am
Unfortunately, it was a really busy weekend and I haven't been able to look at the maps. Sorry for the inconvenience. I thought it was be fun to try and figure out, but I just never got a chance. Lots going on this month.
Dec 18, 2023 4:47 am
no worries. I have just been trying to think of puzzles or other challenges that might work over play by post. My history with rpg is not tactical but I'm trying to branch out. Anyhow I will move thing on in the morning
Dec 18, 2023 9:03 pm
After a few minutes of wandering back and forth, trying to figure out what is going on. A smile crosses Ealdwig's face, alright, I think I get it. Follow me. He starts off down the corridor. Talking back to the guys as we walks, it seems the room changes each time we come to a corner or a dead end. So I think that if we keep walking in the same direction pointing to the southeast corner while still on Map A toward the treasure, whether it is there or not when the room changes. Sooner or later we'll get to to it. Let's keep walking South or East. I think we'll get to the corner where we first saw the treasure if we continue doing that.

Hopefully, that's right.

Shrugging, and if not we'll try something else out.
Dec 18, 2023 9:11 pm
daryen says:
Assuming the above is correct, here's my suggestion:
[ +- ] route
Arkmenos says:

Ok so I think I've got it. I guess we will see
[ +- ] route
I'll get the results later after work
[ +- ] The Amazing Maze of Aing
Dec 19, 2023 2:08 am
You spend some time analyzing the patterns of the maze and soon realize they repeat. After relizing this you make you way through the maze following Ealdwigs suggestions and make it to the SW corner and the glowing item. As you reach it the glow fades and a heavy mace drops to the ground.
The leavy metal weapon has some runes on the head and base of the handle that Skeeve interprets into the following
(Mace, Ax, Sword, Spear, Trident, Flail) Blornvid notices that the base of the handle appears to be able to rotate and after doing so the mace changes to an Ax, another shift produces a sword, and so on as the metal flows from shape to shape.

Intrigues you move through the maze to find the other glowing items only to learn that there is noting else in the maze. Skeeve leads the way out to the metal door. The runes on the door glow and the Liquid Metal weapon does as well and then the door opens. You all shudder at the thought of having one of those metal monsters in the maze with you as any of you or the golem could trigger a maze shift and possibly seporate the group.
2 valid solutions got you a magic weapon!
Dec 19, 2023 2:09 am
[ +- ] map
Dec 19, 2023 3:24 am
Psybermagi says:
The heavy metal weapon has some runes on the head and base of the handle that Skeeve interprets into the following
(Mace, Ax, Sword, Spear, Trident, Flail) Blornvid notices that the base of the handle appears to be able to rotate and after doing so the mace changes to an Ax, another shift produces a sword, and so on as the metal flows from shape to shape.
Psybermagi says:
2 valid solutions got you a magic weapon!
Dec 19, 2023 3:26 am
maybe Blornvid can give Ealdwig the clockwork homunculus and he can take the weapon?
Dec 19, 2023 3:31 am
Well, that's cool by me, but let's see if Arkmenos is fine with that.
[ +- ] Homonculus
Dec 19, 2023 3:37 am
Astonished by the magic weapon that appeared in the glowing area. Smiling, Oh Hells! That wasn't so difficult. I knew we could find it. Blornvid, it looks like this weapon was designed for you. Make sure to keep the constructs away from me. Ealdwig gives a little snort laugh, thanks.

Mischievously, I wonder what else we can find in this place. If this pointing at the weapon is here, what else might we find?
Dec 19, 2023 3:39 am
Ealdwig doesn't expect or need anything. The mace was way too big and meant for Blornvid. Totally ok with that.
Dec 19, 2023 6:10 am
Oh, crap! I entirely forgot we still had the homunculus!
Dec 19, 2023 6:19 am
I thought Ealdwig would think it cool and could make use of it, but it's up to you guys
Dec 19, 2023 1:19 pm
Back to the matter at hand. "We have two doors available, the one on the north wall of room 5 or the remaining door on the north wall of room 10. Any preferences? I suggest trying the one in room 10, as that leads us deeper into the building."
Dec 19, 2023 4:05 pm
As for the homunculus, Ealdwig will find a way to use it. But, no one needs to give up magical items just because they got a new one. However it plays out I am fine with it. Who doesn't like cool magical items?
Quietly, sarcastically and making a face (like any teenager might make), oh yes please, let's go further into the building. What could be better?

Where is the exit? That's where I want to go. Maybe there are more vines we can kill.

More upbeat, alright guys, let's do it. Room 10. Maybe we need to go deeper into the building to find the way out. Sounds weird but this whole place is weird.

Ealdwig heads off, totally in the wrong direction. When he realizes it, he turns walks past the guys, giggling, and heads toward room 10.
Dec 19, 2023 5:28 pm
Arkmenos says:
As for the homunculus, Ealdwig will find a way to use it. But, no one needs to give up magical items just because they got a new one. However it plays out I am fine with it. Who doesn't like cool magical items?
Please take it. It's just collecting digital dust. I still haven't used my magic dowsing rod which I started the game with.
Arkmenos says:
Quietly, sarcastically and making a face (like any teenager might make), oh yes please, let's go further into the building. What could be better?
Blornvid chuckles. "Oh I would've been good with room 5. Would've preferred to find an exit, but I don't think we can until... I don't know, satisfy some sort of magic quest that we've been compelled to complete since we entered the building."
Arkmenos says:
More upbeat, alright guys, let's do it. Room 10. Maybe we need to go deeper into the building to find the way out. Sounds weird but this whole place is weird.

Ealdwig heads off, totally in the wrong direction. When he realizes it, he turns walks past the guys, giggling, and heads toward room 10.
Blornvid picks up the new weapon. "It seems to do everything but fire arrows."
Dec 19, 2023 5:31 pm
Skeeve replies, "Nothing in this place makes much sense. My hope is that we can eventually find this Tutor that was mentioned by that little blue light. I figure we're more likely to find them/it/whatever by going deeper in rather than playing in the periphery. It's just a working theory, though.

"I am *so* getting one of those sigils when we get out of here!"
And, it must me noted, my theories in this building have *sucked* thus far ...
Dec 19, 2023 7:44 pm
At least you have theories...
To Blornvid, Ealdwig says incredulously, whadaya mean, it doesn't shoot arrows? Smiling, Piece of junk.

Ealdwig takes the homunculous from Blornvid, thanks. Have you used it? What does it do?
Dec 20, 2023 3:16 am
You make your way back to where you fought the decapede and look at the NE door. It is a simple yet stout wooden door with a handle.
Dec 20, 2023 3:37 am
"Nah, haven't used it. Never found the right time." He pulls a little metal figurine from out of his pack. It's a foot tall with wings. "I was told that it has two functions.

"If you wind the key in the back of the figure then use the strap that holds the key as a headband, you can project your mind into the figurine and control it for 10 minutes. During that time you control the figurine and see and hear everything it does. However during this time you can not see or hear anything from your own body and only your sense of touch remains. It can fly and even swim.

"The other function seems to be only usable once. You pull this small ring out of the back of the figurine and give it a single command, like fight or protect or something. The thing then suddenly grows to 8 feet in size. It will stay animated for 2 minutes after which it crumbles to dust. It can fight, fly, and swim."
In the first form, it can take 2 HP. In this second one, in can take 8 HP and attack for 2 damage. You can copy & paste the formal info I received. It's in the Clockwork Homonculus spoiler tag above. Let me know when you put it in your character sheet so I can delete it from mine.
Dec 20, 2023 3:53 am
already added it to his sheet
Dec 20, 2023 4:25 am
Wow! Thanks. This thing is huge. Putting it on the floor and comparing it's height to himself. It's almost to my waist! If all the doors in this place were not closed we could use it to scout.
Dec 20, 2023 5:09 am
If the homunculus is only a foot tall, it is noticeably shorter than your waist. And at a foot tall, it is likely not useful for turning door knobs it can't easily reach the knob.
"We might still be able to use it to scout in some of these circumstances."

Skeeve examines the door for traps and such before we try to open it. Detect for magic, too.


Skeeve: Examine door - (3d6)

(346) = 13

Dec 20, 2023 1:34 pm
hyperbole. But i am only 3'-3" so it'll be close. yeah i get that too, which is why i said the doors were an issue.
Dec 20, 2023 2:53 pm
Gotcha. Guess I was being too literal. Gotta work on that ...
Dec 20, 2023 4:09 pm
not sure why doors are an issue. it flies
Dec 20, 2023 4:46 pm
Fair, but in that case, it wouldn't have found the trap door on that first door! 🙂
Did Skeeve find anything with the door? If not, we'll open it or, just for fun since we forgot about it, have the homunculus open it.
Dec 20, 2023 6:59 pm
Roll for checking traps, as opposed to the general look I had before.

Oooo. That's not good ...

Well, if it was trapped, I'm just gonna assume it went off. Lemme know how it goes for me ...

OK, from now on, if a door is unlocked (which he can detect with Perception), he will just move everyone back and use Onyx magic to open the door. I don't want to even risk the little robot; he'll just TK the door open.

If it is locked, then things get interesting.
Last edited December 20, 2023 7:03 pm


Skeeve: Check for Traps - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Dec 20, 2023 7:16 pm
The door itself is simple and the latch is unlocked. Skeeve notes however that there appears to be some sort of mechanism in the door frame that the door handles latch is locked into. Beyond that he is unable to determine what it might be related to.
No worries this time we are going with a well founded hunch there is something that will happen when the door is opened.

So, who wants to open the door? Skeeve via magic, Ealdwig via homunculus, or the strait forward and tough Blornvid?
Dec 20, 2023 7:47 pm
Skeeve recommends opening via magic to keep Blornvid and the homunculus from potentially getting damaged. But that's just his suggestion.
Dec 20, 2023 8:25 pm
Cool, it can open a door? I didn't get the impression it could do that when I read the description. It felt like a familiar. I guess some familiars have hands to open doors. Then yeah we can use it to scout the whole place.
Seeing Skeeve be a little leery of the door, is the door trapped? Can you do some of that magic stuff to open it? If not we could use the homunculus. Smiling, Or Blornvid could do it. He has stout armor. It should keep him safe, enough.

Only kidding BV.
Dec 20, 2023 9:15 pm
"Lad, if you'd seen me the time when I opened a door and a fireball roasted us, ya wouldn't be kiddin' about that."
Dec 20, 2023 9:22 pm
In this game familiars are spiritual in nature and can touch nothing. The homunculus is more like a remote control drone.

As for that fireball I shall site one of my favorite movie quotes
Azeem(Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves) says:
You whine like a mule. You are still alive.
Not that you are whining. It just brought the quote to mind due to the situation of nearly dying, which happens often in RPG. :)
Dec 20, 2023 9:26 pm
Using his magic Skeeve opens the door as you all stand back. As the door opens it is forced all the way open and the floor spun like a massive clock of a hand. If anyone had been standing there they would have been flung into the next room. You only caught a brief view into the room but are pretty sure you saw a large pit beyond the door. As soon as the floor completes a full rotation it locks into place and the door automatically swings shut.

Now, how do you open the door and get through it without getting flung into the pit?
Dec 20, 2023 9:44 pm
Skeeve breaks into a huge grin and says, "That was cool! Let me try that again!"

He will then open the door another time to see if it does the same thing again. Assuming it does, he'll move up closer, but still outside the action of the moving wall and do it a third time, hoping to get a better view into the next room, and to also get a better view into how the wall moves to see if there is a center point that isn't subject to the full force of the movement. He will then activate it yet another time if he needs to: once to see into the other room and once to see if there is a safe point to ride it out in.

Heck, he'll activate it a couple more times, claiming he is checking for the safe point, just because it gives him joy.

Oh! Wait a minute! After having fun with a few spins of the wall, he'll remember the two metal centipedes. "We can drag them up next to the wall and see if we can use them to jam the mechanism!" We'll put both of them together along the seam in the wall on the side where it closes again* and see if the combined bulk of the metal constructs can stop the rotation. (Worst case, it'll shear through them both and that'll still be cool. Not useful in that case, but still cool to look at.)
*I am visualizing that the section of the wall containing the door is actually on a circular base that rotates a full 180 degrees so that the opposing side of the wall is now facing us, but the wall is completely closed. So, if, let's say the edge to the left side of the door whips around and locks into place on the right side of the door, we'll want to put the monsters predominantly outside the right edge, but make sure the thickest piece is right along the right wall edge so that when the wall tries to slam shut, it gets caught on all that metal and mechanics.
Last edited December 20, 2023 9:46 pm
Dec 20, 2023 10:11 pm
The room beyond the door is empty save the pit just beyond the doorway. The floor beyond is covered by spirals of blue stones.
Dec 20, 2023 10:25 pm
Can we jam the mechanism with the metal constructs?

Is there a relatively "safe" pivot point one can stand at?
Dec 20, 2023 10:32 pm
The floor rotation is 5'wide x 10'long/tall. Jamming it with scraps of the defeated construct seems a viable plan.
As I have said you can try anything. Results may vary. :)
Dec 20, 2023 11:09 pm
As I said earlier, I have no idea if this will actually work. But, I figure even if it fails, it should be quite the show!

Skeeve (and hopefully Blornvid) will drag in as many large pieces as they can find to see if they can interfere with the rotation of the wall. Then we step *way* back to watch the fun. In fact, Skeeve will use one Action to trigger the door, but the second action to put up his magic shield.
Dec 21, 2023 4:42 am
To Blornvid, sorry, I didn't know. No I probably wouldn't have said that then. Smiling again, good news is you're ok now.

To Skeeve, you want to what? Try and jam the floor with the constructs? Hum, sounds like it could work, but what do I know. Great idea, let's give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?

Ealdwig does his best to help drag the constructs into the space.
Dec 21, 2023 3:47 pm
Grabbing the largest and most solid pieces of scrap you can find. Blornvid hammers a few thing to create overlapping folds of metal as the segmented body was thoroughly smashed by you. Bracing it in the corner as best you can you stand back and trigger the door.

Use the shield first, it last 1 round

The quick snap of the door shifts the metal, almost flinging it free but pinches is when the floor is about 2/3 of the way upright. You now can see under the floor into a gap that connect to the pit beyond the door. The spinning section of the floor is a flat 5x20 section, 10' on either side of the door. The 20' stone pinwheel is pointing at 1 and 7 on the face of a 12 hour clock, creating a small gap you can climb though.

Ealdwig is sure he can get past the door but the speed of its movements and the power it crushed the metal with makes the move a bit risky if anything goes wrong. Once through Ealdwid can help the other to reach the far side. Alternately you can check out the pit with a rope.


jamming the door DC 4 - (3d6)

(462) = 12

Dec 21, 2023 4:22 pm
So, if we go down into the pit, it will take us to the pit it would have thrown us into? How deep is the pit? Is the pit reasonably safe if the metal gives way?

I figure the fastest way to get down there is to TK the other two down, then Skeeve would just jump and take the hit. On the other side, he can TK them up and use a rope to get him up the other side.
Dec 21, 2023 6:33 pm
Psybermagi says:
Not that you are whining. It just brought the quote to mind due to the situation of nearly dying, which happens often in RPG. :)
Right. Not that Blornvid would know. Was just having an in-character moment as Blornvid, relating a story to the less experienced Ealdwig about the perils of taking doors for granted. :)
Dec 21, 2023 8:55 pm
The pit is over 20' deep and it's base is lined with sharp spikes. The section under the trap floor is carved in a curve to allow it to swing. It curves down to 10' below the door then angles down the rest of the way. If you enter the pit in a controlled manger you can avoid the spikes.
Dec 21, 2023 9:53 pm
Skeeve says to the other two, "I can lower you down to the pit with my magic, then you can catch me as I slide down after you. Once we're down there, we should be safe from the wall flipping."

Assuming they are willing, I quickly lower them down into the pit, then I slide down the side after they brace for me. That should keep all of us out of the spikes, though I might take some damage from the initial drop. We negotiate our way into the new room, I magic them out of the pit with one end of a rope. They then pull me up out of the pit.
Dec 21, 2023 10:21 pm
"I guess so. It's either this or backtrack to room five."
Dec 22, 2023 4:04 pm
Lowering his companions to the base of the pit then sliding down after them, to be caught by them in return. Skeeve then lifts the pair up and out of the pit to the far side of the pit where they lower a rope and after gingerly navigating the spikes climbs up and out. The area beyond has 3 doors. To the north a polished wooden door, to the east a more basic wooden door, and on the south this side of the pit is an iron bound heavy wooden door. Other than the spirals of blue stones covering the floor, and the pit, the room is bare.
Dec 22, 2023 4:09 pm
"Magic stones, Skeeve?"
Dec 22, 2023 4:29 pm
Skeeve checks and is confident the stones are just decorative. But why put them here in a trapped room? Some things in this building just dont make sense, yet.
Dec 22, 2023 6:29 pm
Blornvid recommends the north door, but will wait for the others to voice their opinions.
Dec 23, 2023 5:39 am
Sorry guys been busy lately. Probably going to continue till Christmas. Have a busy few days.
Ealdwig would have given it a shot to vault over with is pole, but the TK was less risky.
Nice spell. You can do any weight or size?
Any idea what these blue stones are for? Ealdwig inspects the decorative stones. Strange. Just like everything else here. Ok so which door? The iron one is probably trapped like all the others, right? I like Blornvid's idea of the polished door. That looks important. Has to be locked right? Maybe trapped as well.


check door to see if trapped - (2d6)

(66) = 12

check door to see if locked - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Dec 23, 2023 6:42 am
On the TK, I can do roughly my weight or less with no roll. More than me requires a roll. Much more than me is at Disadvantage. Too much and I can't do it. The dividing lines are a bit fuzzy and subject to GM call.

I specifically got it for the utility, not the combat abilities. The inspiration for me wanting it kinda funny. I played the video game LEGO Skywalker Saga, and the Jedi characters basically had this ability (though only on droids and objects) and it was incredibly useful. So I got it for here.
Skeeve is cool with the chosen door and does his check and magic scan. He can open it with TK, if it isn't locked.
Last edited December 23, 2023 6:42 am


Skeeve: Checking Door - (3d6)

(265) = 13

Dec 24, 2023 3:37 am
daryen says:
On the TK, I can do roughly my weight or less with no roll. More than me requires a roll. Much more than me is at Disadvantage. Too much and I can't do it. The dividing lines are a bit fuzzy and subject to GM call.

I specifically got it for the utility, not the combat abilities. The inspiration for me wanting it kinda funny. I played the video game LEGO Skywalker Saga, and the Jedi characters basically had this ability (though only on droids and objects) and it was incredibly useful. So I got it for here.
Sounds like a perfectly valid reason to me.
Dec 24, 2023 3:40 pm
As Ealdwig examines the door, checking the simple latch, hinges, and frame, he is looking up and notices the ground in front of the door has an odd marbled pattern. Upon further inspection it becomes plain that there is something off with the area and he suspects a trap tied to the door somehow triggering a reaction from the floor. His best guess is more darts or spikes erupt from the floor when the door is opened. With this bit of distraction he becomes a bit nervous and can't tell if the door is locked as he is a bit hesitant to actually move the latch. Best leave the experimentation to Skeeve. Skeeve scans the door and surrounding area and feels no magic.
Dec 24, 2023 10:29 pm
Can we have a map update of the room?
We back up to what is hopefully a safe distance, Skeeve pulls up his magic shield and the tries to open the door with TK. Basically what is becoming our new operating procedure.
Since we don't have a trap master, this is how we try to avoid getting flamed by a door again. :)
Dec 25, 2023 12:07 am

Select all that interest you Multi

Social Encounters
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Involved Story Arcs
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Go Fetch
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Big Bad Evil
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Travel the World
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Visit other Plane
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Moral dilemmas
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World Building (PC impact on the world)
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Dec 25, 2023 2:05 am
Honestly, the only two that I am not interested in at all are BBEG and moral dilemmas. On the other hand, telling an involved story is cool. Really, anything but the two I listed I am up for.

Obviously, I am interested in the teleport pads, which includes both the "travel the world" and "visit other plane" options. It is part of Skeeve's background, too. However, I am more than willing to just stay on this one particular plane/planet/place, too. Really, continuing to set up the Manor is good for me, too.

Edit: To be clear on moral dilemmas, I am not asking for good/evil, black/white situations. I am all about shades of gray and moral ambiguity. I am just not into no-win situations or "make the Paladin fall" type scenarios or "trolley problems".
Last edited December 25, 2023 2:09 am
Dec 25, 2023 5:08 am
Select any / all we are interested in? Ok. Not a fan of riddles, I am generally terrible at them. Otherwise, all seems like it could be fun. I am pretty easy with this kind of stuff and generally up for anything.
Dec 25, 2023 10:06 pm
Skeeke has to open the door (A) latch then slam it with his magic to force the door open, only for long thin spikes to erupt from the floor and ceiling to piece the air in front of the door. Still able to see the door through the deadly spikes Skeeve experiments with its postilion and soon finds a way to retract the spikes and look into the room beyond.

A tile mosaic of a feral god covers the floor, and a pile of sundered shields and animal skeletons lies in the north side of the room.
Dec 26, 2023 5:57 am
"Why is there a mosaic to a feral god in a training facility? What are they training for?"
Dec 26, 2023 6:14 pm
"So that when their feral god returns, they can fight for it, take over the world. Typical world domination stuff."
Dec 26, 2023 6:21 pm
Just to clarify. Feral : resembling a wild animal:
Dec 26, 2023 6:35 pm
Yes, but ...

To use Pathfinder mythos as an example, when I think "natural" I think of Gozrah; when I think of "feral" I think of Lamashu. Feral, in my experience, usually has a predatory, if not malevolent, implication to it. Thus thinking the worst.
"Before navigating the spikes, let's at least check the other doors."

Skeeve leaves the door open (I assume that the door stays in place unless moved) and investigates door B. "I still think we need to go deeper into the building, at the feral room looks to be a dead end."

Ealdwig should probably check it, too ...
Last edited December 26, 2023 6:36 pm


Skeeve: Investigate door B - (3d6)

(312) = 6

Dec 27, 2023 5:10 am
As I use it : Predatory yes, but not malevolent. Wild, uncaring, fierce, teritorial, survival of the fittest, law of the wild/pack, etc.
Moving to the other door it looks much like the northern door. . . .
Dec 27, 2023 5:19 am
Skeeve would still like Ealdwig to take a look, too.
Dec 27, 2023 7:51 pm
Looking at the mosaic tiles, either of you know who that is?
The spikes are gone from the door and the door is still open?
Lots of thoughts are going through Ealdwig's head. Are those animals? Offerings? Maybe the God is a good God? What is it doing hidden here though? Isn't this a training facility?

I wonder if the only way out of this place isn't just deeper into the building, but "conquering" every room. If we don't clear them all then no "exit" will appear. So, maybe we should see what this room is about? Ealdwig is gesturing to the room. Skeeve you cleared the spikes, right? So we should be able to get in and out of the room without incident.

Maybe the feral God is a good God. Maybe if we pass whatever test there is, we'll get a boon or treasure out of it. Whadaya think?


Traps on door b - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Door B locked - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Traps door C - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Door C locked - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Dec 27, 2023 7:55 pm
Blornvid makes a scoffing sound. "I doubt that, lad."
Dec 27, 2023 9:16 pm
Skeeve responds to Ealdwig with, "Honestly, I hadn't thought of that. That is always a possibility.

As for the spikes, they are retracted for now, but do not touch that door!"
Last edited December 27, 2023 9:18 pm
Dec 27, 2023 10:35 pm
The spikes are retracted and Ealdwig and Skeeve are confident they will remain so, as long as no one touches the door.
Dec 27, 2023 11:55 pm
"Is everyone ok with peeking behind the eastern door?" (I.e. door B.)

If so, everyone pulls back and Skeeve opens door B after pulling up his magic shield.

We are intentionally leaving door A open.
Dec 28, 2023 12:40 am
Ealdwig determines the other door (B) is just stuck and after a bit of oil and magical muscle you pop it open with no other result. Phew Only to see a short hall immediately turn south and stop at another door. This one is iron. ohhh, more fun? :(

While Skeeve works on the wooden door Ealdwig tinkers with the other southern door (C) and not finding any traps almost has it unlocked it before being stopped by the others, just in case. But with the news of another iron door he flips the last latch and unlocks the door (C) before stepping back. The party confers a moment and decide not to bother with the iron door in the short hallway and Skeeve opens the wooden door Ealdwig just unlocked. the door opens to another chamber. This one is illuminated by an iron chandelier that hangs from the high vaulted ceiling. As you scan the room you hear an odd scratching sound from somewhere within.

[ +- ] map
Dec 28, 2023 1:48 am
From the doorway, Skeeve tries to follow the scratching sound to see what it is.


Skeeve: See source of scratching - (3d6)

(551) = 11

Dec 28, 2023 2:17 am
The scratching echoes around the chamber and you can not locate the source without entering the room. . . dun dun duuuuuuuuuu but it sounds like I may be coming from up above?
Dec 28, 2023 2:22 am
Skeeve turns to Ealdwig and says, "So, you wanna check out the predator god or the ominous scratching.l

Skeeve doesn't ask Blornvid because he already knows his answer is "neither". 😄
Dec 28, 2023 5:15 am
Hearing the scratching noise coming from the ceiling of the room, Ealdwig makes an assumption. Oh Hells, another construct?! Well I must say that I am tired of those things, but we do have an idea how to deal with them.

Is that a door at the other end of the room? Looks like a door from here.
Ealdwig points to the far side of the room.

Skeeve, if your theory is correct and we need to get into the building before finding a way out, I guess we'll have to venture through this way. Or we could check that iron door down the little hallway. Ealdwig give a little shiver.

And if my theory is right about clearing every room, we'll need to clear the God room before leaving her, anyway. Exasperated, oh Hells! What does it matter? We'll probably never get out of here.

Looking around trying to see if he can tell what time it is or how long they've been in here, any idea how long we've been in here? I'm starving! Ealdwig rummages around his pack looking for something to eat.

Still rummaging. You know the God room might have some treasure, like the maze. Just something to consider. If we do find a way out some treasure would be beneficial.
Let's roll and see if we can guess properly...


Insight or intuition roll to see which room to choose - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Dec 28, 2023 5:36 am
Bones vs scratching noise . . . yeah, you're on your own. Instinct and intuition agree "get out"
Dec 28, 2023 2:00 pm
🙄 😂
Dec 28, 2023 2:07 pm
It appears the iron door simply leads to this same scratching room.
Skeeve decides he'd rather face an imposing monster than a god. So, he steps into the scratching room and tries to launch a light up into the ceiling to get a better view and possibly flush out the scratcher.

Note that he only takes one large step in and he first checks for Cave Fisher/spider strands first.


Skeeve: Launch light - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Dec 28, 2023 2:59 pm
Psybermagi says:
Bones vs scratching noise . . . yeah, you're on your own. Instinct and intuition agree "get out"
LOL! Thanks!
Dec 28, 2023 3:02 pm
Watching Skeeve slowly and tentatively walk into the room with the scratching noises ok, scratching it is. Ealdwig pulls out his sword and follows Skeeve into the room.
Dec 28, 2023 3:03 pm
Skeeve steps forwards and throws a shining light up towards the ceiling causing a screetch as a figure drops from above to land before him snarling.
mixing things up for the classic jump scare. Roll initiative = 2d6 add them together and if you beat my roll you can go :)


Initiative - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Dec 28, 2023 3:10 pm
LOL! I assume with that roll, the creature tried for a "hero's landing" and got a face plant instead!
Ok, here's my initiative roll. Assuming success, Skeeve fires off a pair of magic bolts.


Skeeve: Initiative - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Skeeve: Magic bolt #1 - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Skeeve: Magic bolt #2 - (2d6)

(41) = 5



Dec 28, 2023 3:38 pm
well 2,2 is only slightly better than 1,1 but yeah, slightly less than epic :)
Monster acts then everyone can go
The beastial looking man-thing takes Skeeves magical attack and launches itself at him. As it does Skeeve notices dark vapors wafting off of its form.
Anyone who attacks or who is attacked by the creature must roll a Save Test or have Disadvantage on all rolls the next round.


Claw Attack - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (652) = 13

3d6 : (642) = 12

Dec 28, 2023 5:12 pm
Oh, swell ...
Cool! I saved!

Skeeve switches tactics a bit and uses his magic shield and one bolt this time! BTW, I'm down to 3 points now.
Last edited December 28, 2023 5:14 pm


Skeeve: Save Test - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Skeeve: Magic Bolt - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Dec 28, 2023 8:03 pm
Ealdwig, jumps backwards when the creature jumps down from the ceiling. What is that thing?

Seeing Skeeve take two attacks, he rushes forward to help.
Of course the save was the worst roll...
Last edited December 28, 2023 8:04 pm


Initiative - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Save test - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Sword attack - (2d6)

(45) = 9

second attack - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Dec 28, 2023 8:57 pm
Skeeve responds, "It looks like some kind of ghoul, but way nastier!"

I forgot the next save throw ... and next turn is bad for me.

On the other hand, that's four hits on the creature. Hopefully Blornvid can finish it off.
Last edited December 28, 2023 9:00 pm


Skeeve: Stench save - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Dec 28, 2023 9:07 pm
Psybermagi says:
Bones vs scratching noise . . . yeah, you're on your own. Instinct and intuition agree "get out"
Thus justifying Blornvid's take.

Busy day on my end. Couldn't get here any sooner. Looks like I missed everything... except some foul smelling thing.


Stench Save - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Ax Attack - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (321) = 6

3d6 : (423) = 9



Dec 28, 2023 9:44 pm
Taking the two strikes from Ealdwig and another arcane blast from Skeeve the Ghast looks hurt but not critically so yet. Snarling it lashes out as Ealdwig.
Busy day on my end. Couldn't get here any sooner. Looks like I missed everything... except some foul smelling thing.
No worries mate. Year end schedules get messy

I though you forgot to attack so added rolls for Blornvid


Attack - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (554) = 14

3d6 : (465) = 15

Dec 28, 2023 9:45 pm
@Psybermagi I was coming back to that roll. Sorry for holding things up.
Last edited December 28, 2023 9:46 pm
Dec 28, 2023 11:09 pm
Skeeve is affected by the stench, so it's all disadvantage for him right now.

Making my next attacks and next turn's save.


Skeeve: Magic Bolt #1 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Skeeve: Test DC: - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Skeeve: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Dec 29, 2023 1:44 am
Stench save first. Before rolling to hit.


Stench Save - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Axe Attack 1 - (3d6)

(355) = 13

Axe Attack 2 - (3d6)

(432) = 9

Dec 29, 2023 4:30 am
Is it one damage per hit? That makes two, and I think there was one earlier in the building, correct?
Ealdwig taking two vicious claw attacks, one to the body and one to the upper right arm. The stench is overwhelming and he isn't feeling too well. He meagerly lashes out with is sword one last time before he tries to retreat and get away.


Agility trait to avoid one attack - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Lashes out with sword (disadvantage) - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Retreat - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Can agility or acrobatics get me advantage on retreating? If so use this roll - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Smell test - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Dec 29, 2023 4:52 am
Coughing Skeeve strikes the creature as he backs off. Blornvid follows up with a solid solid strike to the ghast while managing to avoid its foul miasma. Gagging on due to the vile presence Ealdwig tries to dodge the vicious claws but can not quite make it out of the way but he is able to to prevent himself from being affected by the ghasts gasses.
Skeeve needs no Save as he is not attacked or attacked by the ghast
Ealdwig gets a free evade for each hit, so I am counting the 1st evade and the retreat roll both as Evades. You do not need to roll to move away from the creature so I and just treating your 2nd action as a Move to get away.
Now severely wounded the ghast seems not to notice or care and it continues it assault lashing out at Skeeve and Blornvid


Attack - (Skeeve:3d6, Blornvid:3d6)

Skeeve:3d6 : (235) = 10

Blornvid:3d6 : (341) = 8

Dec 29, 2023 6:02 am
Skeeve is down to two HP. So he is backing up and moving to a support role for this combat. If he can safely take a pot-shot without being attacked, he will do so. Otherwise, he backs up farther. I assume I can make a safe ranged attack.


Skeeve: Attack roll - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Dec 29, 2023 6:03 am
New question: how many HP does a potion heal?
Dec 29, 2023 2:11 pm
Ealdwig backs away to stay out of it's reach. Seeing the creature looking hurt and remembering his acrobatics pole, he extends it to it's full 10' length and strikes at the creature from behind.


Attack with acrobat pole - (2d6)

(55) = 10

attack with pole - (2d6)

(53) = 8

smell test - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Dec 29, 2023 5:39 pm
Potions heal 2, the same as a standard healing trait
Ealdwig twirls his pole and jabs the ghast hard, twice, and the thing collapses. The room is still as you make sure there are not threats. As things settle down you realize that the ghast was actually wearing gear but it was so filthy and tattered that you didn't think much of it earlier. Under its tattered shirt you find it was wearing a breastplate and with further examination find a necklace and a couple rings.
[ +- ] map
Dec 29, 2023 6:22 pm
First, Skeeve asks for a healing potion from the team kitty. He has one on his person, but he wants to save that in case of another combat situation. He chugs the potion and is now back up to 4 HP. He contemplates downing a second, but decides to wait it out for a bit. He is starting to feel pretty beat up and hopes Ealdwig is wrong about having to check every room.

That done, he scans the items for magic. He'll do a initial cursor pass (no roll) to see what "pings" as magic, then do a deeper scan on anything that detects for magic. I'll provide a couple rolls just in case.

All that said, he'll recommend they check out doors B or C. (Again trying to go deeper into the building to find the "endgame". Hopefully the "endgame" doesn't entail a big battle because he is running out of health and I don't know how many potions we have left.)
Dec 29, 2023 7:13 pm
By "team kitty" I'm assuming you mean the group stash that Blornvid is carrying. I have now deleted it. For the record, that's it. But he's still carrying two poison antidotes.
Blornvid examines the necklace and two rings to ascertain their value.
Do I need to roll for each one?
"Hey Skeeve, sit down and take a breather."


Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Dec 29, 2023 7:52 pm
None of the items are magical but the breastplate is of good quality and worth about 100 Gold?. Blornvid determines the jewely is worth about 70 gold.
FYI : Ealdwig is down to 1 HP
Dec 29, 2023 8:08 pm
Psybermagi says:
None of the items are magical but the breastplate is of good quality and worth about 100 Gold?. Blornvid determines the jewely is worth about 70 gold.
FYI : Ealdwig is down to 1 HP
In that case, Ealdwig should really get a healing potion.
Blornvid says, "You two are pretty ragged. Maybe you should consider hanging back and letting me take the brunt of combat for a while."
Kind of wishing that Blornvid's magic dowsing rod was more like Jack Sparrow's magic compass.
Dec 29, 2023 8:21 pm
Ealdwig could probably use some water, if you want to use your dowsing rod.
Ealdwig, takes a seat and assesses the damage, its not good. He tends to his wounds the best he can. He pulls out the waterskin, not much left but he finishes it off.

Guys, I think I am just going to sit here a while. Blornvid, make sure to take that crap on him, I am not leaving here with nothing to show for it. Ealdwig, smiles, giggles and coughs a few times.
Dec 29, 2023 8:52 pm
"Already loaded up, lad. Say, do you have a bow or some other weapon you can use at a distance?"
Blornvid can loan Ealdwig his crossbow to keep him out of melee combat if he doesn't have anything.
Dec 29, 2023 9:55 pm
Nope nothing like that. I can throw my dagger. Smiling once.

All this fighting is new to me. I usually do acrobatic shows and, um... slight of hand another smile to make a living. And although it can be fun, dying certainly isn't. Ealdwig chuckles then grimaces.

Anyone got water?
Dec 29, 2023 10:25 pm
You can recover health at a rate of 1 HP an hour or rest, if you are left alone >:)
Dec 29, 2023 10:31 pm
We're not on a deadline, right? Maybe we do that then. Rest up for a couple of hours. Skeeve's got the last healing potion, which we either use later or give to Ealdwig now.
Blornvid passes Ealdwig his waterskin, "Ere you go, lad." While Ealdwig drinks, he says to the two of them, "Maybe we rest up here a bit. A couple of hours. I'll keep watch. What say you?"
Dec 29, 2023 11:10 pm
As you sit and discuss your situation you review what you know of where you are. At your best guess you are more than half way through the fieldhouse.
Dec 29, 2023 11:18 pm
I didn't realize Ealdwig is down to one. Skeeve immediately hands over the last potion to Ealdwig upon realizing that. So we are down to zero potions. I hope we can find more or get out soon. If Skeeve can just get some time to study a bit, this will be a lot more sustainable!

As he hands over the potion, he says, "I am sorry. I didn't realize you were that low. Had I, I would have given it to you first. I apologize for the thoughtlessness."

If we could rest up for just an hour, that'd put Skeeve back to five and Ealdwig to four. We can probably snack a bit while resting. I am sure we're all pretty hungry and thirsty at this point.

As an aside, Skeeve is sure to burn up. the Ghast's corpse. Don't want that coming back or anything.
Dec 30, 2023 2:44 pm
He takes the waterskin from Blornvid and drinks deeply. Handing it back, thanks.

Taking the bottle that Skeeve offers, thanks. Yeah, I am not feeling too well at the moment. What is it?

I think I just need to rest.
Dec 30, 2023 4:31 pm
"It is a healing potion. Same thing I just drank, so it's completely safe and will give you some strength back."

While discussing plans, Skeeve offers, "Since the god room appears to be a dead end, I'd like to investigate the other three doors to see what's behind them."

Also, are we resting for one or two hours?
Dec 30, 2023 4:34 pm
You move out of the room with the ghast after striping it of valuables and Skeeve experiments with light and fire to incinerate its remains with as little smoke as possible then you settle down to rest for an hour, eat, and plan you next action.
Time: 14:30Conditions : Blornvid:8, Skeeve:5, Ealdwig:4
Dec 30, 2023 6:16 pm
"Well if we take the southwest door (D), we'll be thorough in our mapping, but if we take the southeast door (C), we may be plunging closer to an exit, assuming that one doesn't need to explore every square foot of this place to trigger the exit."
Last edited December 30, 2023 6:17 pm
Dec 30, 2023 7:46 pm
"I figure we should at least look into all of the rooms. Maybe we'll be lucky and door B and door C will lead to the same room. Any order works for me."

So, once we rest, we'll go back to the ghast room and investigate each of the doors, then open them. What we find with the doors will likely determine the order we choose.

BTW, what is Ealdwig's max HP? After one hour we're at the level listed above. If his max is 4, we don't need the second hour and Skeeve is good with five. If his max is higher, then we probably should rest for the two hours.
Dec 30, 2023 8:03 pm
daryen says:
So, once we rest, we'll go back to the ghast room and investigate each of the doors, then open them. What we find with the doors will likely determine the order we choose.

BTW, what is Ealdwig's max HP? After one hour we're at the level listed above. If his max is 4, we don't need the second hour and Skeeve is good with five. If his max is higher, then we probably should rest for the two hours.
Blornvid is good with all of this.
Dec 31, 2023 12:11 am
Duende have a base HP of 4.
Are you guys checking the doors or just opening them? I assume searching but we have not typically had me roll for you before so . . . .
+N> Strong Wooden Door (common lock) into 8
+N> Iron Door (superior lock) into hall
+E>B Simple Wooden Door
+E>C Strong Wooden Door
+S>D Simple Wooden Door
Dec 31, 2023 1:02 am
Ha! We have to check them! This place is full of too many surprises.

Are those the results? No magic? No traps?
Dec 31, 2023 1:14 am
those are the filtered results
I can roll a bunch of checks and give results if ya want 😁
Dec 31, 2023 2:02 am
I have a max of 4 hp. I am not stout. About 3'-3" and 35 lbs of pure muscle. LOL.

Alright guys, thanks for letting me get a little rest. Feeling better.

Skeeve, here you go. Thanks.
I hand over the potion bottle.

Ok guys, where to?
Dec 31, 2023 2:14 am
Ok. After the hour long rest, we get up and go back to the ghast room and check out the three doors.

Below are Skeeve's rolls ...


Skeeve: Check Door B - (3d6)

(526) = 13

Skeeve: Check Door C - (3d6)

(145) = 10

Skeeve: Check Door D - (3d6)

(615) = 12

Dec 31, 2023 2:20 am
Arkmenos says:
I hand over the potion bottle.
Hmm. Does the place we buy potions from return a deposit for empties?

Last edited December 31, 2023 2:21 am
Dec 31, 2023 4:03 am
These doors all seem to be simple and trap free.
We will open the doors Monday then. Take a day off for all your hard work :)
Dec 31, 2023 3:11 pm
I didn't actually say that I drank it. Not sure if i recuperated by the rest or the potion. If it's empty, i'll actually hold on to it. Never know when you might need it. If I didn't use it, I'll try and hand it back.
Dec 31, 2023 3:40 pm
you need it to get your health back. I assumed you used it already
Dec 31, 2023 3:55 pm
You used it. Otherwise we'd have to cool our jets for three hours, which I assume we don't want to do.

So you still have the empty bottle.
Dec 31, 2023 6:04 pm
Before starting on the ghast room, Skeeve goes back to the god-room door and fully closes it (remotely, of course). There is no reason to leave an open path behind us like that.

He suggests that we try all three doors from a distance before entering any rooms. Then we can choose the room based on what we see.
Jan 1, 2024 5:38 pm
With the door to the other room closed you check each door in turn.

Room 12 : Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and a mural of a legendary battle covers the ceiling
Room 15 : A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the east side of the room, and someone has scrawled "Stay low" on the west wall
Room 16 : The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white and black.

Finding no danger you continue exploring, first to the south

Room 19 : An iron chain hangs from the ceiling in the west side of the room
Room 20 : The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and a large kiln and coal bin sit in the east side of the room

then to the north

Room 7 : A stack of rotting wooden crates stands against the south wall
Room 3 : Someone has scrawled an arrow pointing left on the east wall, and a sulphureous odor fills the west side of the room.

You have found what you believe to be a door (A) on the outside of the building where those that you previously entered by were gone.
[ +- ] map
Jan 1, 2024 6:50 pm
"Meat shield" is back. ;)
Upon seeing the door in the east wall in room 3, Blornvid says, "That looks like it could be our exit. Shall we try to get out? Maybe we can prop it open, unless some magic makes it totally disappear of course."
Jan 1, 2024 7:48 pm
There is not just one, but two demon altars with ruby eyes? I have some questions when we get out.
Jan 1, 2024 7:55 pm
copy post fumble. Corrected
Jan 1, 2024 9:27 pm
No problem. Still have questions as one evil god idol is too many.
Jan 1, 2024 10:18 pm
"Sounds like a trap, but, sure, let's see if the door lets us out."

Also, in room 3, which side of the door is the arrow on? Is it on the right (south) side of the door so that it points toward the door? Or is it on the left (north) side of the door and point away from the door?

And we enter on the west side, so we're in the sulfurous side to start. Do we see an obvious source of the smell?

I'll toss in a roll to try and see or detect something. Skeeve also checks for magic.

In fact, before room 3, he will detect magic on the demonic idol and on the rotting boxes in room 7.
Jan 1, 2024 11:01 pm
"Well, by my estimation, there's still two rooms we haven't explored. We could check them out first. One of you put forth the idea that we had to visit every room before we could exit this place."
Jan 1, 2024 11:01 pm
The room with the demonic alter has enchantments all around the room on the walls.

The arrow it to the left/north of the door. You look the west wall over and are able to locate multiple small holes in the wall where the smell is stronger.
Jan 2, 2024 1:20 pm
Well, let's see ...

We never went through Door C. But to get back to it, we'd have to assume that the jammed flipping door between rooms 8 and 10 is still holding. We'd have to check that.

We've never properly entered room 4.

There are two "cavities" (between rooms 7 and 8, and south of room 19) we can check out.

Other than those, I think we've at least walked through all of the rooms.

Skeeve says, "I was actually hoping to find this Tutor character, but having found a door that seems to take us out, we might as well give this a try. We need to rest and restock. I need to do some research. We need those pendants or whatever that mark us as official manor representatives. Let's give it a try."

Assuming we do give it a try, do we want to directly open it, me remotely open it from within room 3, or me remotely open it from the little cubby just outside room 3?
Jan 2, 2024 4:32 pm
Sorry it seems I missed a lot yesterday. I wasn't online at all yesterday.

Alright I put the empty bottle in my bag. Didn't know how long we sat around for.
Ealdwig makes a face. Man some of these rooms stink. Sure we want to go that way?

Skeeve, do you think its possible that the "Tutor" your looking for is the idol with red eyes or the feral God?
Looking around, I haven't seen any more blue dots. Maybe we need to call out for it?

Ealdwig a little louder than normal speaking but not yelling, excuse me, blue dot, Tutor, are you available? We're just looking for an exit. And doubting it as soon as he finishes he shrugs and looks at the guys, couldn't hurt?

Did the Idol room say "stay low" on the wall? Squinting, what did they write that with? Hope it wasn't someone's blood. Ealdwig gives and involuntary little shiver, If you want to me to check it out, I shouldn't have too much of a problem staying low.
Jan 2, 2024 5:15 pm
"If the Tutor is the idol or feral god, the desire to find it just left."
Jan 2, 2024 5:17 pm
"Let's give the exit a try. Re-stocking sounds like a good idea."
Jan 2, 2024 5:26 pm
"To me, the arrow seems to imply that we could be hit by something coming from that direction. Presumably when we open the door or step on something going to the door. I figure I can remotely open the door from outside the room and if it looks like it goes outside and it actually opens, I figure we make a break for it.

"I figure you go first, Ealdwig second, and me last. We don't wait for each other to make it, just run at the same time in that order."

And to Ealdwig he says, "Don't worry about the unexplored rooms. I plan to come back and finish checking out the building. I just want that signet (or whatever) first. At the least, we have to retrieve our fallen compatriot's body."
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:28 pm
Jan 2, 2024 5:34 pm
That's for room 15. We don't need to go through that room to get out. Should just be 12, 7, 3.
Jan 2, 2024 5:51 pm
To be clear, I was referring to the arrow on the wall by the (hopefully) exit door in Room 3. Room 15 has the "stay low" message.

The idea is that I figure the arrow is a warning that something will hit you from that direction (from the north). We entered the room (in order to check the sulfurous wall), so entering the room didn't trigger anything. Presumably, it is opening the (presumptive) exit door that is the trigger.

My plan, such as it is, is to stand in the little space outside Room 3. Then I remotely open the door. If 1) there is still a valid path to the exit door, 2) the open door seems to show the outside, and 3) death isn't continuously raining from the north wall, then we make a break for the exit door. The stated order is so that if running to the door triggers anything, Blornvid takes the first shot. If nothing hits him, then the safest slot is probably second, so Ealdwig goes. I go last so that if anything does happen delayed or if Blornvid falls into a pit or whatever, Skeeve can try to quickly magic up a solution. Probably not the greatest plan, but still, a plan.
If we go with Skeeve's plan, he will stand just outside Room 3, with his magic shield up, and open the exit door. If it looks clear, he will step aside so Blornvid can go, immediately followed by Ealdwig. Skeeve will follow on Ealdwig's heels. The whole run, Blornvid should be looking out the exit door and, if he sees something "wrong", he should stop and make us all stop. (Which, yes, would cause Ealdwig to run into him, and Skeeve to run into both.)
What does "wrong" mean? I dunno. You can only be so discerning when running. But, if it is on fire, is a desert, open water, a brick wall, pretty much anything that shouldn't be right outside the building, then the door isn't the exit and we probably shouldn't go through it.
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:53 pm
Jan 2, 2024 5:57 pm
daryen says:
To be clear, I was referring to the arrow on the wall by the (hopefully) exit door in Room 3. Room 15 has the "stay low" message.
Sorry. Thought you were replying to Arkmenos' post.
daryen says:
The idea is that I figure the arrow is a warning that something will hit you from that direction (from the north). We entered the room (in order to check the sulfurous wall), so entering the room didn't trigger anything. Presumably, it is opening the (presumptive) exit door that is the trigger.
Unless this door disappeared for a previous visitor and they're merely marking where it should be to future visitors.
daryen says:
My plan, such as it is, is ... (snip)
Works for me.
Jan 3, 2024 1:23 am
Ealdwig says:
excuse me, blue dot, Tutor, are you available? We're just looking for an exit.
Nothing is happening . . . .

Standing in the short hall between the two rooms (7 & 3) Skeeve tries to open the door but it is locked and must be unlocked before being opened. You search the door and Ealdwig is convinced it is trapped but the trap trigger is opening the door and does not see a way to disable the alarm on the door. After unlocking the door he retreats and Skeeve again tries to open the door.

As soon as the door is opened the entire western wall spouts gouts of flame and shoots them across the entire room, filling in and overflowing into the open doorway. The flames persists and after several seconds the door swings shut and the flames abate.
Jan 3, 2024 2:06 am
Oh Hells! I try to stay out of the way of the flames coming through the door.

A little more sarcastically than expected Ealdwig says got any better ideas? Then realizing that was, maybe uncalled for, tilts his head and smiles a little, sorry. More upbeat, Ok, so what else can we try? There has to be a way to disable it, right? Anyone see an off switch? And Ealdwig gives a small giggle.
Jan 3, 2024 2:53 am
With a mark, Skeeve replies, "Actually, my plan worked! We didn't get out, but we also didn't get burned alive. I'm counting that as a win."

Thinking for a few minutes, Skeeve says, "Let's find out how bad the flames actually are ..."

He goes back to the previous room, retrieves some of the rotting crates and places them in the flame room. He has the other two stand back in the previous room, opens the door again, and retreats when the flames spit out. When done, he goes to check on the boxes.
The real question, of course, is how bad are those flames? If it's just a point or two, we could just open the door at the door and jump out for minimal flame exposure. And how long does it take the flames to reach the door? Honestly, we might be able to suffer the flames with minimal damage.
Last edited January 3, 2024 2:56 am
Jan 3, 2024 3:46 am
The flames writhe around the crates as if alive and reduce them to cinders in mere moments. Of course, they weren't that sturdy to begin with. Right? Sure, you might survive, with 3rd degree burns. I am sure you can crawl back to the manor and get healed before the smell attracts local wildlife to the barbeque on the go. Though the entire room if filled with the flames the doorways and beyond get the worst of it. It is definitely above the level of Skeeve's standard magic. Likely more like a 2 or 3 word scroll effect.

The trigger is mechanical so there should be a way to disable it but to figure out how additional investigation is required. . . .
If you investigate roll and explain what/where you do/look etc
Jan 3, 2024 4:43 am
How much structural damage can a sing word Sunder scroll do?

Also, that door seems to be surviving horrific fire pretty well? Does it detect as magic?
Actually, Skeeve scans the entire room for magic, moving throughout it as needed.

As for investigation, Ealdwig saw some kind of "wiring" attached to the door. Skeeve would like to trace it and see where it goes, if it isn't completely covered and hidden. (I am using Perception for this, as he is just trying to find it and see it, not figure out how it works.)


Skeeve: Magic Scan - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Skeeve: Investigate "wiring" - (3d6)

(465) = 15

Jan 3, 2024 1:57 pm
Oh Hells! Those crates didn't stand a chance. No way I am going in there. I'll take my chances out here.

Ealdwig paces around Room 12, walking in circles. His small hands are moving around like he is putting a puzzle together or something. Speaking softly almost to himself, ok, so what do we know. I checked the door and it was locked. The door is trapped, we know that for sure. When you open the door flames, huge, hot flames shoot out and sunder the whole room and part of the little hallway. No way to get through there. We think there is a door that leads outside the building.

Ealdwig, making doubly sure there are no flames and the door is closed, goes back to investigate the door again.
Are there runes around the doorway? Any sign of mechanism that may stop the flames, similar to a book that opens a secret door behind the bookcase, or a torch on the wall? Is the lock a standard lock using a standard key? Is there a key hanging anywhere? Seems easy but I figured I should ask.
What if we need a key? Maybe turning a key in the lock will turn off the flames? Anyone see a key? Figuring if you have a key, you belong here. And if you belong here the flames aren't needed to protect anything. Ealdwig shrugs, I don't know just guessing.


Check around the door - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Check for hidden mechanism - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Search for key in hall and Room 12 - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Trying to remember if I saw a key or something that could hold a key anywhere in the building - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jan 3, 2024 2:49 pm
One more question, are the flames themselves magical? The way you describe them makes them sound rather "active". Also, flames general do not leave behind a sulfur smell. Things like that are more associated with "hellfire" rather than normal fire. So, in addition to checking anything else, Skeeve will also see if the flames are magical. Yes, he will trigger it a third time if needed to do the check.


Skeeve: Check Flames for Magic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jan 3, 2024 6:43 pm
Psybermagi says:
I am sure you can crawl back to the manor and get healed before the smell attracts local wildlife to the barbeque on the go.

Are the flames in room 7 or 3? I think 7 but want to be sure. And is it the door that opens into room 3 that triggers the flames, or is it the door from 7 to the little nook before room 3?

Blornvid is heat-adapted so he gets to roll at advantage for heat and fire saves. If we come up with a plan, he should be the one to give it a go.
Last edited January 3, 2024 6:44 pm
Jan 3, 2024 7:15 pm
It's all room 3. Skeeve stands in the little one-box corridor between room 3 and room 7 and telekinetically opens door A. At that point ridiculous flames shoot out of the west wall of room 3 (eight next to where Skeeve is standing while remotely opening door A. The flames shoot out, then bounce around, apparently driving us out of the little one-box corridor. (Fortunately, the flames give us enough time to escape while bouncing back.) Skeeve and Ealdwig are both trying to see if they can either trace the leads or figure out how the linkage works so we can disable/short-circuit the flaming device.

The boxes are only involved because Skeeve intentionally took some out of room 7 and moved them into room 3 to make sure the flames were real.

Based on how the flames are being described, Skeeve is starting to think they are magical, at least to a certain degree. (Which is why he wants to find out.) The self-destructive part of Skeeve now wants to take the demonic idol, put it into room 3, then trigger the door again. It'll either completely destroy the idol, or animate it. I don't know which.
One more question Skeeve tries to answer: when the flames are triggered, how long does it take the flames to cross the room? I assume it is virtually instant. But, if it isn't, could a character not get through the door before the flames full reach them? (I assume not, but have to ask.)
Last edited January 3, 2024 7:18 pm
Jan 3, 2024 8:02 pm
Get through the door and into the space? Would that do any good? I assumed the whole room filled with flame not just the doorway. I could be wrong about that though. It's hard to keep everything straight without scrolling through dozens of texts.
Jan 3, 2024 11:14 pm
Lemme try to clarify a few things, as I understand them:

1) When we tried opening door A to this point, we were standing in the little one-box corridor between rooms 7 and 3 and Skeeve opened door A with TK. He's done that twice now. Once was the first time just to find out what would happen. The second time was with the boxes in the room (that are now ash). My understanding is that the entirety of room 3, and maybe even the little one-box corridor between rooms 7 and 3 are filled with flame. We were able to get out of the way quickly enough on the first attempt. Skeeve knew it would happen on the second and (if any) later attempts, so he can stay clear more easily.

2) Ealdwig and Skeeve are trying to figure out if there is an obvious way to disable the trap. Both characters have a few rolls each to try out different things and see what works. If we can, great. If not, we have problems.

3) Skeeve's last question is how fast the flames move. What he's thinking is that if the flames are not effectively instantaneous, then one person can go directly to door A, physically stand right next to it, as close as possible, open it, dive through it, and avoid almost all or all of the flames. Now there is no run across the room. It is just a literal open door and leap. We could even have Skeeve open the door remotely with TK so the person standing next to the door only has to worry about leaping. If it works, we might even have Blornvid open the door (from the outside) for Skeeve when it is his turn. I am assuming it doesn't work as the flame is instantaneous, but I do have to ask.

4) I am serious about the demon idol. Assuming we can move it, I wanna know what happens if we can put it in room 3. (I am not sure how big the idol is. Is it large like the idol from the old original edition AD&D 1e Player's Handbook cover? Is it small like the golden idol at the start of the original Indiana Jones movie? Somewhere in between? Is it built into the wall? Is it free standing? Honestly, assuming we can't get past the flames, that's where Skeeve wants to go next.)
Last edited January 3, 2024 11:17 pm
Jan 4, 2024 6:41 am
Ealdwig finds a hidden a locked cupboard door in the NE corner. Give me a couple rolls if you want to access it
The flames themselves are not magical though Skeeve suspects they may be crated or enhanced somehow by magic. There is a slight delay in opening the door and the arrival of the flames there so one person might be able to exit before being burned. If they are really quick?
Jan 4, 2024 2:23 pm
Ealdwig checks out the cupboard more closely.
Well hopefully it isn't trapped.
Last edited January 4, 2024 2:24 pm


Check traps - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Pick lock - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Jan 4, 2024 2:40 pm
Skeeve provides whatever help he can to Ealdwig on the cupboard. (I am just using a normal roll for this one.)


Skeeve: Help on the Cupboard - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jan 5, 2024 7:05 am
You manage to open the small hidden door and find a simple handle that connects to a thick pipe running under the floor.
Jan 5, 2024 12:49 pm
Ealdwig, being the impatient one, pulls the handle. Maybe that will turn off the flames?
Jan 5, 2024 2:07 pm
Since Skeeve was helping him, that means he is right there. When Skeeve sees him go to pull the handle, Skeeve attempts to grap him and pull him away before he can do it. Assuming he succeeds, he says, "Hold on a minute! How about if I pull it from back over there?" Skeeve points to the entry doorway. "Alternatively, wait a minute and let me and Blornvid leave the room first."

If Skeeve succeeds, he does whichever choice Ealdwig chooses.

If Skeeve fails, he looks on in horror.


Skeeve: Grab Ealdwig before he pulls the handle. - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Jan 5, 2024 3:31 pm
The impetuous duende is too quick for Skeeve to stop, and nothing happens. Still Alive!!!!
Jan 5, 2024 3:38 pm
Psybermagi says:
The impetuous duende is too quick for Skeeve to stop, and nothing happens. Still Alive!!!!
Turning around Ealdwig gives a quizzical look at Skeeve, what's wrong? A little impatiently, well, open the door. Let's see if we turned off the flames. What?

I ask Blornvid, what's going on with Skeeve? He looks...weird.
Jan 5, 2024 3:40 pm
With a sense of relief that he can't even hide, Skeeve breaths out, realizing he wasn't breathing while Ealdwig pull the handle. Quickly gathering himself back together, he says, "Well, let's find out if that worked!"

He quickly gets everyone back to the one-box corridor and remotely opens the door again. Assuming no flames, they all make a quick scamble to get out of the building!
Jan 5, 2024 3:55 pm
The door opens and you see the light of day
Jan 5, 2024 3:55 pm
Grass, bushes, trees, birds, crickets, a lovely open sky . . .
Date&Time(Alpha): 12@15:30



Jan 5, 2024 3:58 pm
Congratulations on completing the initial assessment. I am sorry that two of your party failed to complete this. Please gain approval of a house member before using these training facilities again in the future or the difficulty will be increased and all safety precautions removed. The glowing blue ob appears behind you all, startling you as it speaks.
Jan 5, 2024 5:22 pm
Skeeve fumes, "Safety precautions!? Someone died in there!

"Also, can we at least retrieve the body of our dead companion without you trying to kill us again?

"And where is the other one? Did you kill him, too, or is he at least alive after all of this?"



Jan 5, 2024 5:50 pm
When you mention someone dying the orb flickers and pops out of existence for a second before returning

You are free to move about the facility. As long as you do not touch anything that you did not bring in with you the facility will remain inactive.

Again at the mention of killing the orb flickers, changes color, and pops out of existence for several more seconds.

Other than the 3 individuals present there are no other being within these facilities.
If you plan to return I suggest you first contact the owners as regular maintenance on these facilities has not been completed in several decades and there have been a few minor glitches.

flicker, pulse, flicker
Jan 5, 2024 6:02 pm
Arkmenos says:
I ask Blornvid, what's going on with Skeeve? He looks...weird.
"He's just very cautious."

Later, after they've been freed from the Field House of Fear and listen to the twitchy Trainer, he says, "Yeah. One dead; one lost. But these were just 'minor glitches.' I think we're wasting our time talking to this broken blue ball. Let's just find Edair and get back."
Jan 5, 2024 6:15 pm
Skeeve politely ignores the side conversation. 😊

He says, "Let's walk around the outside of the building to the door what we left Edair just inside and see what is there now. I don't trust the blue psychopath to not do something stupid if we try to cut through." He assumes Etcher was otherwise released independently, but will ask if he showed up when they get back to the manor.

And, hey, at least we looted the ghast's equipment! Nothing magic, but at least we should be able to trade it in for something. Maybe.

Anyway, Skeeve would like to go retrieve the body (if it can be found without going into the building) and heading back to the manor. Once there, he would like to:
1) Get those stupid signets (or whatever).
2) Heal up.
3) Study a bit. (I feel a new Trait coming on ...)
4) If I have the gold necessary, I'd like to write a couple more scrolls. They came in very handy. I want more. I'll swap out a gem if necessary.

Oh, yeah:
5) Have Blornvid repair his and Skeeve's armor. (BTW, let me know if Blornvid needs anything in return for all the armor repair!)
Last edited January 5, 2024 6:20 pm
Jan 5, 2024 7:47 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve says, "Let's walk around the outside of the building to the door what we left Edair just inside and see what is there now. I don't trust the blue psychopath to not do something stupid if we try to cut through."
daryen says:
5) Have Blornvid repair his and Skeeve's armor. (BTW, let me know if Blornvid needs anything in return for all the armor repair!)
Nothing for labor. If there's a material expenditure, he'll take it out of the group fund. Speaking of which, might have to disburse some of that between the three of us.
Jan 5, 2024 9:07 pm
I'll assume we are able to retrieve Edair's body (or maybe even him if he isn't really dead, though I assume he is). I'm guessing it is where we left it, as I figure a dead body doesn't count as a "being". Just to be safe, Skeeve will remotely retrieve the body and his equipment using TK. I really don't want to step back in the building again without a signet.

On the way back, Skeeve asks Blornvid, "I remember earlier you said you had a divining rod. What exactly does it do?"

After covering that, he'll ask Ealdwig, "Do you have a little magic device, too? What does it do?"
Skeeve figures every trick he knows about is another tool we can try to use when needed. Might as well know the options available!
Jan 5, 2024 9:54 pm
If we walk around the outside of the building and try to go in to get Edair won't that stupid blue dot just close the door and make us do this crazy maze again? I guess there is nothing stopping it, but it's word of course, for starting the maze all over again if we go back the way we came. Hells, I really dislike this place.

Reacting to Skeeve's question, Who me? I've got this pretty cool headband. Saved my butt in there at the beginning. It does a couple of cool things. It only seems to work once a day though. Ealdwig explains what he knows about it.
This silken cloth is enchanted using a unique blend of magic, allowing it to be used for a number of purposes. At any one time it can be one of four colors: red, yellow, green, or blue. You can change the chromacloth’s color to another one as an action. The chromacloth can be worn as a headband and will emit light dim light on command. In addition once let day it can have an additional affect with the following options that can be activated at any time and the effects are applied for 1 round.
Color Effect
Red/Fire non ranged attacks that damage you deal double damage to the attackers
Yellow/Lightning Fly twice as far as you can normality move
Green/Wood Heal 1d3+1 damage to yourself
Blue/ Water Reduce all damage taken by half

Of course, I've got my acrobats pole, which you've seen. That also came in handy with the constructs. Stupid things. And the homunculus Blornvid gave me. That would be all of it.
Jan 5, 2024 10:01 pm
daryen says:
On the way back, Skeeve asks Blornvid, "I remember earlier you said you had a divining rod. What exactly does it do?"
"It's supposed to help me find water, metal, stone, oil, and so on. Basically any kind of mundane material that I need. It never lies, but its accuracy and range shrink if I stray beyond simple things. I really haven't used it since I came to the base, but I've kept it since it's worked in the past and I never know when it might come in handy."
Jan 5, 2024 10:02 pm
To Ealdwig: "We're not going into the building to get Edair's body. I'm going to float it out so we don't have to go inside. Besides, the first room or two were 'free' before, so it's probably safe. I'm still not taking the risk without an 'approved resident' signet."
It was the acrobat pole I was curious about. I forgot you used it. I remembered the other two. 🙂
To Blornvid: "Ah, OK. I can see where that'd be very useful at times!
Last edited January 5, 2024 10:04 pm
Jan 5, 2024 10:13 pm
You circle the building and find both doors where they were originally and retrieve Edair's body. You chat as you head back to the manor, happy to be free and alive but the corpse of your companion a somber reminder that not all is well. You are given food and bathe before resting for the night and spending several days reviewing the events with Sylfir and Dannol, who seem to be getting closer to each other. Everyone returns to the fieldhouse and Sylfir manages to disable all magics until she can hire a qualified enchanter to fix it properly. Skeeve studies both the fieldhouse enchantments and theoretical texts in the manor library while Blornvid repairs the armor and practices with his other skills.
Field house is done and XP awarded
Let me know in your personal threads what traits or weapons skills you are taking.
Jan 5, 2024 11:24 pm
OK, got some serious questions for you ...

1) Who is Dasyra? Do you mean Sylfir? The barmaid who became the designated heir? Did she change her name and I missed it? And, honestly, I thought they were already, uh, involved. That's why she picked him from the start.

Also, is Dasyra/Sylfir now magically adept, or does she just use her magical authority to make the stupid blue dot shut everything down?

2) I assume you meant "Skeeve" rather than "Etcher" above ... ?

Just checking, since the names got me all confused at first.
Jan 5, 2024 11:52 pm
Aside from all the other things going on, Skeeve wants to try to create a sunburst and tremor scrolls again. Can he do that at the manor, or would it require going back to the base camp? I figure there are resources here to do it, the question is if Sylfir and Witic will allow Skeeve to use them to create his scrolls. If so, he can sell off the Jasper or a Diamond, depending on how many tries I need to create one of each.

Also, will Sylfir and Witic allow us to use or buy potions from them? Blornvid and Skeeve each have an anti-toxin potion, but I think it would be good to get one for Ealdwig, and then to give the three of us a 'cure disease' potion, too. Just in case, mind you ...

If we can't get or buy the supplies from the manor from Sylfir and Witic, can Skeeve use the tile tablet to "order" supplies from Fiznik and Valpip, then have the beholder zap me there and Fiznik zap me back? (Or, I guess, just put the stuff on the pad and zap it to us. One less zap that way.)

On a different subject, Skeeve does ask Slyfir and Witic for the "approved agent of the manor" signet. Whether we need one or three, he most definitely asks for it/them so we can avoid getting trapped like that again (at least for that reason).
Jan 5, 2024 11:55 pm
perhaps I am in too many games. I have always had trouble keeping names strait. sigh. Fixed earlier post
Sylfir Alderdrim
Sylfir is able to shut down the fieldhouse using a signet ring and amulet along with here authority as the current head of the household.

As for a valid signet, they begin working on it. As it is technically a magic item, though minor, it will take about a week to create. Between Witic, Dannol, and the Seer they figure out how to do it but none of them are true enchanters or craftsmen. Blornvid can help with the smelting portion and Skeeve can help a bit of some of the minor enchantment but there are portions of its crafting that will require a higher level of arcane knowledge.
Jan 6, 2024 12:20 am
LOL! Not a problem, I figured it out. Just a little jarring at first.
Well, Fiznik and Valpip are our "higher level of arcane knowledge". We can consult with them, either through the Seer's connection, or through the tile tablet on what is the best way to accomplish this. Then do it. And Skeeve is willing to be the errand boy if needed.

And if there is a week for all of this, then in addition to making his two scrolls, he's gonna go and see if he can find any more runes in the library.
Jan 6, 2024 4:39 am
Ealdwig uses the time to rest, recover and explore the manor and grounds. He keeps a wide birth around the field house. Over the next week he take a little time to visit Edair and drop off "gifts". Never having lost anyone before he is having a little issue dealing with it. He hopes to put it behind him soon.

He spends time at the library and practicing with the sword.
We can pick a new trait?
Where can I find the options available?
Last edited January 6, 2024 4:40 am
Jan 6, 2024 5:36 am
Look at you character sheet. At the lower right edge, you will see your Experience Point totals. If the "Remain" number is high enough you can improve your character. As long as you have 10, you can select a new trait. Alternatively, you can get an extra HP for 6 or improve your weapon expertise for 8.(Do note you get two HP with the Tough trait.)

For traits, go here. This gives a list of potential traits. Alternatively, tell us what you wanna do new and we can help you pick something appropriate. I can explain the standard options. However Psybermagi is very open to custom traits, too. So, really, you have a lot of options open to you.
Jan 6, 2024 7:37 pm
Blornvid repairs his and Skeeve's armor (materials' cost deducted).

Assuming that it's possible to do here, he looks to sell the breastplate (100 gp) and jewelry (70 gp). Combine that with 10 gp from petty cash and we can distribute 60 gp to each of us survivors.
Blornvid will bank his XP for now.

Do we have access to stores here? I'd like to look into buying stuff.
Jan 7, 2024 1:55 am
Thanks for the list. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain them. It's just a list.

Probably going to go with Sneaky. If I survive till the next one, i'll probably go with tough. The more knocks I take the tougher I'll get right?
Jan 7, 2024 2:14 am
Given your demonstrated proclivities, here are some options:
Acrobat - you already have this, correct?
Charismatic - gain advantage when trying to influence or convince people.
Fleet of Foot - gain advantage when running, fleeing, or chasing.
Lucky - free reroll once per session.
Nimble Fingers - gain advantage when trying to steal, pick locks, pick pockets, or do sleight of hand. (Do you already have this?)
Sneaky - gain advantage when trying to hide or sneak around.
Trapmaster - gain advantage when creating, locating, or disarming traps.
Vigilant - gain advantage on initiative tests.

Those are all standard traits. Not sure on any custom ones. But, again, if these don't do it for you, ask for something different. The above should give guidelines for scaling.

Just some things for you to think on ...
Jan 7, 2024 5:38 am
I have Acrobat, Lucky and Nimble Fingers already.

So I think Sneaky and Trapmaster sound pretty good. I'll think on those.

I guess you've played this game a bunch.
Jan 7, 2024 6:16 am
I've read this game a bunch. I haven't been able to play it until this campaign. So, I have decent game knowledge, but it's mostly theoretical. Practical is finally coming into play!

Also, I have the rules, so for the standard ones, I just had to look them up. It certainly wasn't from memory!
Jan 7, 2024 5:17 pm
Yeah, Trapmaster seems like it will definitely come in handy.
Jan 7, 2024 6:57 pm
Pick what you want, but Trapmaster would be a great choice!

I'm picking some more magic toys, but part of it will give us HP healing so we can fix ourselves up as we go.
Jan 8, 2024 12:11 am
Both are good choices. Since I don't know what the future holds, I don't know what will work the best. Hummm, they both work well for an adventurer. Maybe I'll flip a coin....
Jan 8, 2024 12:21 am
Lemme put it this way: you are wandering around with an armor-clad dwarf and a blast-y sorcerer. How many opportunities are there going to be for Ealdwig to be sneaky? On the other hand, how many doors do you think we're going to run into? Every single one of those doors will need to be checked. Plus, you then get the chance to actually disable them, instead of Skeeve just remotely triggering them all the time. And ... you also get the chance to try and set some, too, if you want.

Just sayin'. 😁
Jan 8, 2024 1:01 am
Setting them, that's new and pretty cool.

True what you are saying, but if no one is sneaky than that could blow up in our face as well. What if we need to steal something or try and find info? Blornvid isn't going to do it.
Jan 8, 2024 1:02 am
With the work needed on the field house you are sent to the expedition base via the matrix node and arrange to have an afternoon or two there as well as a night at the tavern to take in the lively atmosphere full of other people with stories to tell
Still reading through posts but for future reference any Manor downtime > 1 day allows you to visit the base.
Jan 8, 2024 1:54 am
Excellent, after a all that, a night at the tavern is just what I needed. I'll be ready.
Jan 8, 2024 2:42 am
Skeeve and Blornvid say, "Shopping trip!"

While Skeeve will use the shopping trip to get supplies for making new scrolls, he's gonna actually (try to) write them at the Manor's library. He's also going to do some research to see if he can find more runes. Please let me know if I can make some rolls for that kind of research. Or if it is even possible?

He will also gladly ferry whatever he needs to back and forth to get Fiznik and Valpip to help with that signet.
Jan 8, 2024 3:07 am
Blornvid sells off the goods at the base with little trouble and Ealdwig catches a few greedy eyes on the fat purses you carry. But a nudge to his companions who glare at the offenders with ax and spell to hand causes the would be opportunists to fade quickly to the back of the tavern or around the closest corner on the streat.
I forgot about Ealdwig being lucky. I put a Checkbox on his sheet and a note that it can be used weekly
That means I can throw nastier things at you guys. Thanks for the reminder! >:)
Jan 8, 2024 3:30 am
Arkmenos says:
What if we need to steal something or try and find info? Blornvid isn't going to do it.
You got that right. ;)
Psybermagi says:
Blornvid sells off the goods at the base with little trouble
Ok, so as stated above, taking some gold from the group fund to round our haul up to an even 60 gp each. I'm updating my character sheet accordingly.

I'll have a look at what's available at the shops. Will let you know what Blornvid is buying tomorrow.
Jan 8, 2024 3:52 am
Are there any "cure disease" potions or scrolls? There is anti-toxin for poison, but I want something for disease. Also, what does a remove curse scroll cost? I assume there is no potion for that!

Skeeve is gonna spend out for supplies for five 2-word scrolls. He won't write them until getting back to the manor, however. (He still has supplies for four one-word scrolls.) That leaves him with 10 gold, plus whatever he had before. If there is a cure disease potion, he'll sell a gem for it.
Jan 8, 2024 4:26 am
Skeeve looks over and find the following
antitoxin is common 50gp
Potion cure disease is uncommon 250gp
Scroll of cure disease (2 words) is only 150gp
This is due to the fact that it is easier for temples to craft scroll than potions and are better at that than alchemista are a potions to heal.
Jan 8, 2024 6:16 am
In that case, I'm only spending 30gp for supplies for three two-word scrolls talismans and saving the rest until our discussion on runes is done.
Last edited January 8, 2024 5:53 pm
Jan 8, 2024 6:16 pm
Unless a healer is joining our group, Blornvid is going to buy 2 healing potions.
Jan 8, 2024 6:39 pm
My new magic trait will give us some healing. It is half-speed (1 point per try, not 2) so it won't work great during combat, but it will definitely help between combats. As long as we have a few minutes between fights/encounters, we should be able to start fresh each time. It does NOT have any utility past pure healing, so the anti-toxin and any cure disease capabilities will still be very useful.

That all said, a couple of healing potions for using during a fight would be useful. Especially for Ealdwig, who has such a tight window between full health and death's door.
Last edited January 8, 2024 6:42 pm
Jan 8, 2024 8:37 pm
Ealdwig's eyes widen at the sack of gold that is handed to him. He's never seen that much in his life. Uh um, thanks. Not sure I earned all this though. Holding it up and weighing it in his hand. We barely found anything in the field house. Thanks guys.

Ealdwig chips in for healing potions let me know what I owe, we may want extra. And he gives a small smile. Handing over some of the gold for extra potions.

He can't decide what to do with all the left over gold. He could blow it on drinks and gambling or he could save it. Never having money before he is unsure. He sits at the bar with a beer and some food, chats with the bar keep and anyone around, and thinks about his new found collection of gold. Smiling the whole time.

I guess it was a good call coming out to the island.
Last edited January 8, 2024 8:40 pm
Jan 8, 2024 8:42 pm
Ok been thinking about it. We'll go with Trapmaster. We can say I got some good experience with them at the Field House and I can use that experience in the future.

I updated my sheet for the gold. Let me know, were potions 30 gold? I'll delete it if we need another one. Also whatever the food and drink costs.
Last edited January 8, 2024 8:43 pm
Jan 8, 2024 9:26 pm
Potions are 50GP a pop. As far as I can tell, barring something special or exceptional, food and drink are basically free. Room and board is part of the package for our employment.
Jan 8, 2024 9:29 pm
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig's eyes widen at the sack of gold that is handed to him. He's never seen that much in his life. Uh um, thanks. Not sure I earned all this though.
"Sure you did, lad. I seem to remember some really good whacks you had on the metal scorpions."
Arkmenos says:
Holding it up and weighing it in his hand. We barely found anything in the field house. Thanks guys.
"Eh, it's feast or famine on treasure. So enjoy it when you get it, but don't go spending it all at once. You never know how long you have to make it last."
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig chips in for healing potions let me know what I owe, we may want extra. And he gives a small smile. Handing over some of the gold for extra potions.
Blornvid holds up a hand. "Keep it. You can chip in on the next round. Get yerself some good gear." He gestures to himself and Skeeve. "We need you to stick around. We're gettin' tired of burning through new recruits." He adds a wink.

He raises his pint glass and toasts his friends. "Cheers!"
Jan 8, 2024 10:09 pm
Skeeve adds, "Yes! We are very glad you joined the group!


Now that I think we have the whole Scroll Reader thing nailed down for now, Skeeve will get supplies for four Talismans* and just keep the other 20GP for the future. The Cure Disease Scroll is a bit pricey, so I'll risk not getting it.

* The scrolls I made before were actually "talismans".
Jan 9, 2024 12:09 am
Ealdwig looks quizzically at Blornvid, gear? What gear would I need? Sword, check, dagger, check, acrobat pole, check, what else could be needed? Ealdwig thinks for a second maybe a lock picking set. That could be beneficial, no? What else? Is there some items that might help disable traps or maybe set ones, to protect our back? I'll have to find someone who know about that stuff.

Smiling, Ealdwig looks around where is Skeeve, he seems to know a lot about this stuff. Unless you've got some ideas BV.
Jan 9, 2024 1:04 am
Skeeve says, "I specifically do NOT know about traps. However, I am sure some of the 'Ranger' types around here do."

Side note, I assume we top off our rations while we're here. Skeeve will also make sure he has enough writing supplies, as I am sure he's burned through a decent amount of what he found before.
Last edited January 9, 2024 4:07 am
Jan 9, 2024 3:45 am
Ealdwig, after taking with Skeeve and Blornvid, heads over to the shops to see if he can find what he looking for, lock picking set and or trap disabling and setting kits (if they exist), for the right price of course. He takes his time and enjoys being out and about in town.
Last edited January 9, 2024 3:45 am
Jan 9, 2024 3:47 am
Wonder what Etcher got up to. Hope everything is well with him. Miss that crazy birdman.
Last edited January 9, 2024 3:47 am
Jan 9, 2024 4:18 am
Blornvid offers his lockpick set. "Here, lad. You can have mine."

With regards to the gear question....

Blornvid listens to Ealdwig rattle off what he has. "Hmmmm. You've got more than I thought. Well, at some point you might want to become proficient with bows and arrows. Do you have any armor? I'm sure that ol' Mord can forge something for you. Unless, of course, you think it'll slow you down. But if you really do have all the gear you need, then maybe stocking up on some magic items might not be a bad idea after all."
Jan 9, 2024 4:44 am
Wow thanks! You're much too generous Blornvid. How can I repay you? Ealdwig searches his pack for something to trade or coin to pay. I don't have much by way of trade. I could pay you for them. How much? He pulls out the purse and starts to get some coin for Blornvid.

Hum, I am not sure if armor is a great idea. Then I wouldn't be able to do what I can do. Ealdwig does a little flip, turn kind of thing. That'll be tough in armor. Unless you know of a very flexible one that won't slow me down, make me less agile or noisy.

A bow, that could be good, though. I can then leave all the smashing and slashing to you.
Smiling, you guys are full of good ideas.

Aren't magic items expensive and hard to find? I don't have that much money even with your generosity. Let's go see what we can find.
So what's avail in town? I assume I can get a shortbow and some arrows or a small crossbow. Maybe someone here can teach me to make my own in case. Does the manor have the materials or arrows? Is there something that could help me stay alive in combat that won't slow me down or ruin my agility? I don't think Armor works the same in this game as it does in D&D so I am unsure if there is something beneficial.
Jan 9, 2024 5:25 am
For armor, in straight TD2e, there is just armor, Armor Master, and magic armor. I believe Psybermagi differentiates between unarmored and just armor. I am pretty sure you already have light armor, like classic leather armor. So, you're probably good on that for now.

I know Psybermagi proposed an advanced rule that gives distinction to Light Armor and Heavy Armor, but I don't remember if we're doing that or not. I didn't worry about it too much, as it wouldn't really affect Skeeve.

On the other hand, getting a bow or sling is a great idea. Pick whichever you think gives Ealdwig the best aesthetic. Note that you only get to use one die for the attack until you spend 8XP for the weapon proficiency.

From what I know, you can get pretty much any mundane item in town (supplies, weapons, armor, toolkits), magical supplies, potions, and scrolls. They do have various magical items and trinkets that they will lend out and occasionally give out (like the spell gem and tablet tracker Skeeve uses with the teleport pads, and the homunculus Ealdwig now has), but real magic you keep is acquired through adventuring (like Blornvid's new multi-weapon).

At least, that's what I have figured out thus far.
Jan 9, 2024 6:15 am
While in town you catch up on the local news and gossip. It seems the necromancers that were chased off the island to the east are back in business but to the north west this time. The experienced bands of scouts are out fighting them in some ancient cemetery. The hobgoblins are also getting more aggressive though they stay mostly to the north of the river. There are many theories discussed about the cause. Some say they are in conflict with the necromancers, other say it is the orcs they fight, or the kobolds. Others say they are in league with each other and this is just normal monsteroud in fighting.
There is also news of other scouts working on exploring the caves under the area that Skeeve and Blornvid found while cleaing the cellars under the base. Another group is scouting a city far to the north west in the woods somewhere, the one Skeeve and Blornvid scouted earlier. Ealdwig is a bit amazed at how much of the going on here have been started by the two and tries not to think too much about their earlier comment about "We need you to stick around. We're gettin' tired of burning through new recruits."

Ealdwig checks out the local shops and find a variety of adventuring and basic supplies along with a few interesting items in the artificers shop.
[ +- ] Deceptive Battleaxe
[ +- ] Master's Sickle
[ +- ] Fortune Teller's Hide Armor
[ +- ] Limbo Scabbard
[ +- ] Adamantine Helm
You won't find major magic in the shops but I will make minor magic things available if you ask. This is after all a major adventuring hub now in a high fantasy setting. :)

I am fine with the basic armor and Armor master as that is what Blornvid has
Magic armor can give temporary HP each fight. You could request to have some make or shipped but this would cost 500+GP

See the Shops spoiler in the Tiny Info sheet for what you can buy and the costs.

Let me know if I missed responding to any questions
Where to next? Back to the Manor, and if so what to do? Discuss things with Sylfir or strait to the next thing
Cellars, Gatehouse, Mew, Kennels, Orchard, check the carriage house again, . . .
Jan 9, 2024 2:33 pm
Cool! Good to know on the magic items! I will definitely keep that in mind when fall into actual money. Right now, even minor stuff is outside the budget for us. But it's good to have things to look forward to!

Since Skeeve has spent enough time working to get that signet done, he's kinda interested in getting to actually use it. So, he's up for doing more cleanup work at the Manor. He'll recommend they check in with Slyfir and Witic to see what else needs doing.

On the other hand, he isn't opposed to doing some more recon if there are new patterns to check. Also, he hasn't forgotten about the valley of Duende with their night terror problem. Maybe Ealdwig would have some fun there?
Skeeve suggests, "Let's check back in with Slyfir and get that signet. Then we can ask if there is a particularly pressing need. If not, I'd like us to check out the kennels. I haven't had a good 'low conversation' since Raggy and Ro were around."
Jan 9, 2024 4:15 pm
Arkmenos says:
Wow thanks! You're much too generous Blornvid. How can I repay you? Ealdwig searches his pack for something to trade or coin to pay. I don't have much by way of trade. I could pay you for them. How much? He pulls out the purse and starts to get some coin for Blornvid.
Blornvid shakes his head. "Keep your money, lad. I'm good."
Arkmenos says:
Hum, I am not sure if armor is a great idea. Then I wouldn't be able to do what I can do. Ealdwig does a little flip, turn kind of thing. That'll be tough in armor. Unless you know of a very flexible one that won't slow me down, make me less agile or noisy.
Blornvid watches Arkmenos perform his acrobatics, then says, "You're right. Can't really do that in heavy armor."
Arkmenos says:
A bow, that could be good, though. I can then leave all the smashing and slashing to you. Smiling, you guys are full of good ideas.
Blornvid nods. "Then spend some coin on that."
Arkmenos says:
Aren't magic items expensive and hard to find? I don't have that much money even with your generosity. Let's go see what we can find.
"Yeah, they are. Potions and scrolls are typically what's available here, and scrolls are the domain of our wizard friend, Skeeve."
Last edited January 9, 2024 4:16 pm
Jan 9, 2024 4:20 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve suggests, "Let's check back in with Slyfir and get that signet. Then we can ask if there is a particularly pressing need. If not, I'd like us to check out the kennels. I haven't had a good 'low conversation' since Raggy and Ro were around."
"Sure. Don't want them to think we got tired of doing chores." He winks.
Jan 9, 2024 4:30 pm
FYI minor magic items tend to run around 50 to 200 GP. Lesser magic is 250 up to 500. Those in the shop now are all some 100
Jan 9, 2024 4:45 pm
I think Ealdwig will pick up a shortbow, quiver and arrows. I guess that's around 27gp if i read the document correctly. Let me know and i'll remove the cash.
After catching up with the crew back at the tavern (I suppose) smiling, hey guys, check out the new gear. Pretty cool huh? Ealdwig is quite pleased with his new purchases. I even got a quick lesson. Thanks for the suggestion Blornvid. Now I just need practice.

Where to? Back to the Manor?
Jan 9, 2024 9:44 pm
"Back to the Manor. Get the Signet. Check out the Kennels."
Jan 9, 2024 11:30 pm
Having a short mixxer in the tavern on Base Go welcome the newcomers and maybe you can get another recruit
Jan 22, 2024 10:20 pm
Continued from here
Return to the Manor
With a fading of sensory overload then a return to the world you are back in the Manor basement.
Jan 23, 2024 3:40 pm
"Well lads, we may as well check in with the Lady of the Manor and see what's changed." He starts climbing out of the basement.
Last edited January 23, 2024 3:40 pm
Jan 23, 2024 4:23 pm
"And I wanna get that signet! That way I can wave it in the next blue light's non-face." Skeeve follows Blornvid up the stairs.
As an aside, @Arkmenos will need to decide whether he took the armor or gold at some point to finish off the loot discussion. It's all up to him and just helps close the books on that adventure. Based on prior comments by Ealdwig, my assumption is he just took the gold.
Jan 23, 2024 7:29 pm
With a laugh Skeeve adds, "You know, with that new backpack of yours, once we finish cleaning up the place, we should talk them into making it a BnB. It'll be the nicest place on the teleport network, and have the best possible beer available!"
Don't forget to update your character sheet with your new loot. And don't forget to spend some experience! If you're gonna keep using that crossbow, you can get Quick Shot or gain Mastery. Also, don't forget to note your multi-weapon!
Last edited January 23, 2024 7:35 pm
Jan 23, 2024 8:33 pm
Blornvid laughs heartily. "You've got that right!"
Yeah, I was waiting for the dust to settle after that last battle and everyone to have agreed on dividing the loot. Plus, Psybermagi had that family emergency, and he was re-working the character sheets. I'll get to it.
Update: I added the backpack keg and the multi-tool.
Last edited January 23, 2024 8:50 pm
Jan 24, 2024 12:42 am
No problem.
While at the manor, but before heading back out, Skeeve tries to make two more talismans. He's trying for one of each again, starting with the Sunburst, followed by the Tremor. All with focus, of course.


And that used all those supplies. Gotta find some more gold now. At least I got one of each out of the effort. Updated character sheet.
Last edited January 24, 2024 12:46 am


Skeeve: Create Sunburst Talisman - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Skeeve: Create Tremor Talisman - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Skeeve: Create Sunburst Try 2 - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Skeeve: Sunburst Try 3 - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Jan 24, 2024 12:46 am
While Skeeve is busy with the talismans, Blornvid makes repairs on anyone's armor that needs it and offers to spar with Ealdwig if he's bored.
Jan 24, 2024 12:50 am
Even with four tries, that was still less than an hour. So hopefully it wasn't too long for everyone.

Now, if I ever get the trait to try for actual scrolls, those will take more serious time and more serious money. It costs 10gp per attempt at a talisman. It takes 100gp to try for a lower scroll and 1000gp for a big scroll. But I have a more mundane trait I am gunning for before even trying to get the Scroll Scribe trait.
Last edited January 24, 2024 12:55 am
Jan 24, 2024 1:56 am
Taking the staris back to thee main level of the manor you find teh cook in a good mood and witic in a foul one. Bemised you move on to find Sylfir and Danoll standing together in the library looking over something on the table, leaning slightly together. Your entrance allerts them and Sylfir quickly steps to the side and pulls here hand off of danolls, blushing slightly.

They both quickly compose themselves and and inform you that they have made arrangements to hav Valpip visit in the next day to help craft a couple signets and household crests to mark servants and spokesment of the house. Sylfir and Danoll have visitied the field house and confirmed it is nascent while she is there but if she leaves then any inside are subjected to unrequested training and testing They suspect a security measure is faulty and triggers this portion of the enchantment.

They have been keeping a closer eye on the carriage house and have not yet seen any of the beast or former household enter or leave. Witic has stated that they know the carriage house is till used, withch matches with your observations while inside, but no reason for the absence of all can be guessed at this time.

You spend some time taking care of you gear and making preparations, as well as getting a good meal for lunch.
Date&Time(Alpha): 15@12:30
Jan 24, 2024 2:40 am
Again, I assumed Dannol and Sylfir were banging before she became an heiress. As a result, Skeeve is amused, but only because they thought the relationship was secret or something, not because the relationship exists.
"Well,I am not interested in doing any deep dives into buildings until those signets get made. So, should we check out the carriage house again before checking on the kennels?

"Also, once we have the signets, I think we should finish checking out the field house. I'm curious to see how different it looks when it's not in training mode."
Jan 24, 2024 3:38 am
Blornvid carries the backpack keg into the kitchen and shows it off to the cook. "This is a magic keg. It dispenses really potent ale. Don't drink from it until later. I'll demonstrate at supper. Trust me. Miss Sylfir won't approve if ye go and drink this stuff." He hopes that his warning is clear to the cook because he doesn't want to carry this thing around with him all day.
Jan 24, 2024 6:04 am
Ealdwig has been grinning constantly basically, since the Roper was defeated. When he sees Sylfir and Danoll, he gives a small giggle. Hey guys.

Ealdwig comfortable in his new hide armor he plays with the new charm hanging around his neck, completely agrees with the assessment of the Field House as well as Skeeve's thoughts, and says little. However, he does continue to smile.
Last edited January 24, 2024 8:45 pm
Jan 24, 2024 2:10 pm
Not sure if the Cold Iron Charm is a magical item or not. I don't know how to add magic items or traits to my sheet yet, sorry. The standard stuff I just edit.
Jan 24, 2024 2:30 pm
In your character thread I described how to edit your character sheet. I don't know if it helps, but I tried. If not, I recommend making a message in your character thread, tagging Psybermagi. Then tell him what you need changed and he can do it for you.

I doubt the Cold Iron Charm is magical. But it doesn't have to be overtly magical to be a problem for fey. I eagerly look forward to Witic's reaction to you wearing the thing ... 😈
Jan 24, 2024 3:28 pm
The cook takes the proffered drink and with a sip smiles before asking if it would be alright to get some from you later. He is familiar with items like the pack and believes their product loses efficacy after some time. So storing it would be useless.
cold iron says:
A rare mineral that loses all of its special properties if heated or worked in any way after being dug from the earth. This small lump of iron protect the wearer by granting them advantage on Saving Throws from fey magic.
updated it on your sheet
Jan 24, 2024 4:07 pm
@Psybermagi - Thanks. I did decide to take the magical armor. Does that hinder my movement at all? If so I'll pass otherwise, if you can add it to the sheet it would be appreciated. I got the one that Grin didn't take.

I'll check my character thread for Daryen's post to see if I can figure out how to do it in the future.

I already deducted the 100 gold for the armor and the 27 for the bow, arrows and quiver.
Jan 24, 2024 4:25 pm
The default armor is light and doesn't affect movement
If it is heavy then it would
Jan 24, 2024 8:16 pm
Alright excellent. Then we'll give it a shot. Thanks.
Jan 25, 2024 6:38 am
For the record, Skeeve will recognize the cold iron charm for what it is whenever Ealdwig allows him to see it. While it doesn't directly affect him or harm him, his base magical power was originally given by the fey, so he will instinctively avoid it. He does not like it, but he also is fine with Ealdwig using it.

On the other hand, he does look forward to when Witic sees the thing.
Jan 25, 2024 4:31 pm
I didn't realize it would have any effect on you. Sorry. He could remove it if Skeeve wants him to.

Will it cause issues if you try to use magic on Ealdwig? I wouldn't think so unless there was a saving throw involved.
Jan 25, 2024 4:53 pm
It doesn't affect him mechanically. It's just a "cultural" thing. And he's reasonably adapted by this point. He has no problem with Ealdwig having it. He just wouldn't use one himself.

I doubt it will affect Skeeve's magic. But that's a GM decision. I figure Skeeve's magic has adapted to this world regardless of how he got it in the first place.

So, don't sweat it. It's just a color thing, not a real concern.
Jan 26, 2024 4:19 pm
Reading back over this from the split. Assuming 1 down day in the manor then of the the next. If you let me know the plan of action I can drop the intro for you to play off while I play catch-up.
Jan 26, 2024 5:30 pm
I believe our plan was to go to the carriage house and give it a quick once-over to see if anything has significantly changed since our last visit, or if we can find anyone there.

After that quick check, we are going to check on the Kennels to see what we find there.
Jan 26, 2024 5:45 pm
I'm good with that.
Jan 26, 2024 6:26 pm
Awesome the kennels.
Jan 27, 2024 3:57 am
daryen says:
Create Sunburst Talisman] - (2d6)
I believe Sunburst is crafted with known words. Correct? If only known words then crafting it with advantage.
daryen says:
if I ever get the trait to try for actual scrolls.
Rules says:
Prestige Traits are a type of Trait that requires a qualifying Trait to take. They provide power beyond that of a normal trait, but you may only ever have one Prestige Trait. Prestige Traits are an optional rule and you must have the GM’s permission before taking one.
You already took Archmage so will not be able to craft scrolls.
You spend the rest of the afternoon crafting and pracitcing with Blornvid putting Ealdwig through some combat drills to practice moving in his armor and attacking with his newly mastered weapon. After the work out You take a break in the kitchens and remove your armor to relax. Ealdwig's cold iron charm gets a glance then chuckle from the cook who says something in sylvan
Psybermagi sent a note to daryen
Witic who comes in to serve you refreshments, the cook never serves anything and only prepares it, gasps when she sees it and grumbles something under her breath but continues to server but with a much stiffer expression.
Let me know if there was anything missed. I will get you started on the support buildings in a bit.
Jan 27, 2024 4:25 am
To Witic, everything ok?
Jan 27, 2024 4:26 am
Does Ealdwig know why she may have gasped?



Jan 27, 2024 4:29 am
Everything if fin Sir. If there is nothing else I have other duties to attend to. and the little fey quickly leaves the kitchen as the cook chuckles and gives Ealdwig a sneer as he returns to his perpetual task of cleaning and tending some pot or another.
As you why you have the clues and teammates to ask
Jan 27, 2024 4:42 am
Skeeve leans in to Ealdwig and whispers, "Please hide the iron charm. I can explain on our way to the carriage house."

daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
You already took Archmage so will not be able to craft scrolls.
I didn't realize it would be a prestige trait. Gotcha. I'm good with that, and I'm good with Archmage. I got other things to take!
Jan 27, 2024 12:58 pm
Oh sure. Sorry, I haven't been given a lot of things. So it's kind of special. Ealdwig tucks it into his shirt.
Jan 27, 2024 2:37 pm
One more thing. When are the signets being completed. Skeeve doesn't want to just sit around waiting, but he doesn't want to become trapped either.
Jan 27, 2024 7:35 pm
In the morning you chat with Sylfir and Danoll. Valpip should arrive before noon and the signets crafted before sunset if all goes well. After breakfast you move out to the carriage house that looks much the same.

In the front is a large yard, sections of which indicate is was paved but the weeds have grown through the crack, that separates the manor propper from the carriage house and beyond that still the gatehouse. Back behinds some trees a ways and off to one side between the carriage house and the manor are the kennels.

As you approach the carriage house you again note that it is well built but lacks any kind of of recent care. Large double doors allow access to the main carriage space with a smaller side door, though even this is much larger than normal households doors. Behind you know some screening trees and shrubs conceal the large paddock and stables that are connected to the carriage house. Entering the side door you pause. Something changed. . . . .
Roll perception and/or describe action/reaction to subtle/unknown changes to the room
Jan 27, 2024 7:38 pm
Blornvid asks, "Is something different about this place?"


Perception check - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Jan 27, 2024 7:42 pm
Skeeve stops right inside the door.

"I think so ..."
Last edited January 27, 2024 7:44 pm


Skeeve: Notice subtle change - (3d6)

(354) = 12

Jan 27, 2024 7:47 pm
You realize the furniture has been straightened. Then you hear a faint noise from upstairs. . . .
Jan 27, 2024 8:33 pm
Skeeve looks at his companions and calls out, "Hello? Is anyone here?" He does so in both Common and Sylvan.

Skeeve figures that since this is the Keeper's home, we should properly announce ourselves.
Jan 27, 2024 9:23 pm
You hear a muttered curse then heavy footfalls The steps move from the room that had shown signs of relatively recent use moving towards the stairs. A moment later a large, heavily muscled man descends the stair and looks you over. Besides the rather impressive size and muscles he has a pair or large wings and his features shift as you watch as feathers and fur shift across his form. This settles and the man(?) grunts and squats at the bottom of the stairs. Now however rather than looking like one of the people he looks more like a monster with the form of a person.



Jan 27, 2024 9:23 pm
Well, well, well. Looks like Witic finally found someone competent enough to bring in some help and he snorts. What can I do for you his deep voice rumbles as it carries a hint of power.
Jan 27, 2024 9:53 pm
Skeeve bows slightly in response and says, "Yes, there has been an heir for the Manor found and installed. The new head, her name is Sylfir, is trying to get the Manor back in order. We've been helping her do that, and we were told there had been some activity here in the Carriage House, so we came to check. May I presume you are the Grounds Keeper? Witic said you hadn't checked in for quite a while. I imagine they will be happy to hear you are back."

He uses whichever language the creature used. (I assume it was Common, but just in case, I wanted to note it.)
Is this a sphinx? If so, Skeeve is treading very carefully.
Jan 27, 2024 10:10 pm
Blornvid follow Skeeve's lead and bows as well.



Jan 27, 2024 10:18 pm
The form has features of a man, a lion, and an eagle. If it shifted but a bit more and walked on all 4 it might be a griffon or a sphynx. There are tales of shifters but this is a bit different from any creature you have heard of.

Me, no. I'm not the grounds keeper. When you meat him best be ready for a fight. He is almost as wild as his hounds now, and less trusting. I am Magian. I used to care for the families mounts. Now I take care of my friends. The lady Sylfir can have the house. But the house has no hold on my friends. For now, most have moved away as the new neighbors made them nervous. Though I swore to the family head in my youth that oath has been fulfilled.
At the mention of Witic he smiles I hope she is happy. She was always happy helping others and liked feeling important by serving those of power.

I acknowledge that these lands were shaped by her ancestors but they fled and abandoned them. Let me know if the lady of the house wants something of us. Perhaps a new understanding can be arranged.
Jan 27, 2024 11:40 pm
Skeeve says, "Please pardon my rudeness, but I failed to introduce us. My name is Skeeve. My companions are Blornvid and Ealdwig." Again, he motions to each in turn. "If I may try your patience, who are these friends of yours, and who are these new neighbors?

"We have no intent to impose anything on you. Lady Sylfir is still newly here, and still figuring things out. The biggest thing you can help with is filling in our understanding of the situation outside the house and in the surrounds. Witic and the Seer have been fairly restricted to the house itself prior to the very recent arrival of the new Lady. Any guidance on what is going on around the manor grounds would be very helpful. I am sure she would be delighted to meet you.

"Also, is the Grounds Keeper and his hounds still around, or are they gone? If they are a danger, it would be good to know if they are an immediate or eventual danger."
I kinda loaded up on the questions on this post. I envision it being more of a natural flow with alternating questions and answers, but did it this way to try and not slow things down too much. But Skeeve is very keen to get as much info from a willing source as that source will allow.
Last edited January 27, 2024 11:41 pm
Jan 28, 2024 1:56 am
Ealdwig, looks at the Skeeve and Blornvid bowing quizzically.
Jan 28, 2024 3:25 am
Blornvid listens to Magian's answers to Skeeve's questions and hopes that some new agreement can be reached.



Jan 28, 2024 3:54 am
If I may try your patience, who are these friends of yours, and who are these new neighbors?
As I said my friends are the descendants of this houses' mounts. They are griffons. Though they are not of the people they are intelligent beings with thoughts and feelings. After the house collapsed and abandoned this place the first generation stayed, much like Witic, hoping for it's restoration. But they took too long. Now the griffons are wild. The neighbors would be you and the ladies other staff he states with a deep rumbling chuckle.
We have no intent to impose anything on you. Lady Sylfir is still newly here, and still figuring things out. The biggest thing you can help with is filling in our understanding of the situation outside the house and in the surrounds. Witic and the Seer have been fairly restricted to the house itself prior to the very recent arrival of the new Lady. Any guidance on what is going on around the manor grounds would be very helpful. I am sure she would be delighted to meet you.
He looks slightly surprised. The seer? That little thing is still in there? Well, I guess it suits its development. As for imposing, it is nothing. I have been staying here and the pride returns to birth their young. But now that people are returning they will likely seek somewhere else. As I said we acknowledge their claim and simply with to have and understanding and curtsey be extended by all involved. The pride is not in residence now which is perhaps for the best.
Also, is the Grounds Keeper and his hounds still around, or are they gone?
That old coot is dangerous. He likely wont give you time to explain about the family being back, much less care. We have not talked in several years but his hounds are definitely still around. I saw him once last year. and he shrugs.

Listen. The pride does not need this place but it is a good place for birthing the young. Tell the mistress to come see me when she has time and we can work out the details, if she wants it back or would rather have some neighbors.
Jan 28, 2024 4:26 am
"We will definitely let the Lady know you would like to talk. Does the pride use the stables for their birthing? I ask only so that we avoid it while you and the Lady talk.

"Also, do the hounds use the kennel?"
Jan 30, 2024 12:27 pm
Mumbling a little, Skeeve, maybe we shouldn't go looking for the grounds keeper.

With a small wave, Magian, nice meet you. Maybe we can become friends. Big smile as always.
Last edited January 30, 2024 1:20 pm
Jan 30, 2024 2:14 pm
Skeeve whispers back, "I'll explain my ideas after this."
Jan 30, 2024 3:21 pm
Ealdwig gives a little head side tilt raise of his right shoulder gesture, as if to say, OK sure.



Jan 30, 2024 3:33 pm
I being the pride here. The groundskeeper leaves is alone and keeps other pests away. he shrugs We have an unspoken understanding. And yes the hounds use the kennels much as we do the stables but similarly are no longer bound to them.

Looking at the Duende the big man reverts to a human head and smiles That would be nice.
The ground aren't big on conversation. Maybe you can convince that little flint fisted Wittic, it the lady now I guess, to let me borrow a book from the library now and again.
Jan 30, 2024 4:54 pm
Sure, I'll ask for you. Anything in particular you like to read?
Jan 30, 2024 5:04 pm
Skeeve replies, "We will be sure to relay your request.

"Thank you so much for your time and for answering our questions, Magian. How long do you expect to be at the house currently? That way we can inform the Lady how much time she has to come talk with you."

Assuming the answer is that he'll be here through at least tomorrow, we'll take our leave.

Once we get outside, and start heading toward the kennels, Skeeve will say, "The stables are probably OK to leave alone for now, but I want to check on the kennels to see what's going on there. If they aren't there, we can at least do a quick look. If they are there, I want to try to talk with them. Regardless, if they are hostile, then we just back off. If they are willing to talk, then I'll talk. But we do need to at least check it all out.

When we're done there, I guess we need to head back to the Manor and check in with Sylfir and Witic. Maybe Valpip will be there by then."



Jan 31, 2024 3:34 am

Ealdwig says:
Sure, I'll ask for you. Anything in particular you like to read?
I preffer histories and books on natural philosophies or journals of those with similar intersts.
Skeeve says:
Magian. How long do you expect to be at the house currently? That way we can inform the Lady how much time she has to come talk with you.
I shall remain 3 more days that I may observe the house and meet the new lady if she wishes.

Date&Time(Alpha): 16@9:30
you return to the mannor house but it is sitll early in the day. You find and report your findings to both Witic and Sylfir. Sylfir is a bit excited at your story about the griffons and the 'stable master' as she calls him but Witic mutters asomething about "giving the boy airs" with such a title.

They have found a few old household emblems, one is an old iron amulet, another is a bracer, and the third is a scroll case used for formal communications.. Though not considered proff of representation or service to the house they may still be of use to you if you wish.
Jan 31, 2024 2:14 pm
For the record, I had intended to check the kennel before heading back, but we can work with this.
Jan 31, 2024 2:44 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Jan 31, 2024 4:12 pm
Ealdwig making sure his pendant is away under his shirt and new armor, smiling and good humored as always, Sylfir, Magian, stumbling and stuttering a little trying to find the right word, the, um, guy, um, person, uh, yeah, that we met...he asked if he might borrow a book from the library. Seems he likes to read histories and natural philosophies. Not sure what natural philosophies are but apparently he does. Think there is anything like this in the library? Mind if I get one for him?
Jan 31, 2024 7:20 pm
Skeeve says to Sylfir, "Or, perhaps you could pick a couple books, with Ealdwig's help, and bring them with you when you go to meet him. That might help present a good first impression."

Outta curiosity what is in the scroll case that was mentioned? Or is it empty?
Last edited January 31, 2024 7:24 pm
Jan 31, 2024 7:38 pm
And I still want to check out the kennels. Skeeve is literally built to talk to the hounds. I really, really want to try.
Feb 1, 2024 5:00 am
LOL, relax'll get to play with the doggies, soon enough.
Last edited February 1, 2024 12:11 pm
Feb 1, 2024 2:13 pm
Wittic grumbles something about "dirty paws" and "books leaving the library" but Sulfir seems excited about meeting Magian and enlists wittic and Ealdwig in selecting a couple of books before heading off to have the cook prepare a picnic basket to take lunch when they visit to the carriage house.

The scroll case is simply a permanant mark of official communication with the crest of the house on it in brass. The manor is in between the cariage hoouse and the kennels so you passed through it on your way to the kennels.

After you finish relaying all the information and aswering questions you make your way back to the fields and wood at the back of the manor. Knowing that you will likely have "opfficial" emblems of the house tomorrow you still can't wait and so move to scout out the area arround the kennels.

The large field that lies betweeen the mannor and fieldhouse is as it was before but this time you follow a branch in the overgrown path that lead north towards where you understand the kennels to be.
More later today/tonight. Let me know any plans
Feb 1, 2024 2:58 pm
I just looked at the map I had for the Manor grounds and realized I posted 1 version but was thinking of a different one. I will straiten it out this weekend.
Feb 1, 2024 3:17 pm
While Skeeve, Sylfir and Danol continue their discussion, Ealdwig heads off with Wittic to the library. Wittic you've been here a pretty long time. How is Sylfir doing? I assume she is learning the manor and what is required. She seems like someone who has it together.

And how are you, by the way? I bet it's nice having someone from the family back to look after the manor. This place is looking great. Keep up the good work.

Ealdwig seems to be walking for a while Wow this place is big, isn't it? Hard to get over when you never had much.

Upon entering the library, he asks Wittic so, do you know what books, um, he might like? Do we have any history or "natural" philosophy books here somewhere?
I assume we would have some kind of conversation and Ealdwig likes to chat, if even to himself. So I tossed in some conversation during the walk. Figured this would speed it up then waiting for the back and forth.

Assuming we find a book or two.
Ealdwig grabs the two books. Don't want to bring too many in case, um, he doesn't bring them back or take care of them. And besides, these are heavy.

Heading back to find the group. Wittick, do you think, um, he will like these? It's good to make a friend and have some allies. Never know when they might be needed. I didn't have too many fiends, allies, hum, or acquaintances for that matter, before I got to the base. Now, I've made a great deal of friends. Smiling as always, you included. I hope.

So what are the plans now that Sylfir is here? There must be some big plans in the works.
Feb 1, 2024 5:17 pm
Don't forget to give a very brief apology for that charm thing. You don't have to mean it. Just use it to smooth things over.

Worst case, just blame Skeeve for not warning you. :-)
Feb 1, 2024 6:43 pm
daryen says:
{Skeeve's plan snipped}

Obviously, Blornvid and Ealdwig will do what they want. :-) This is just the general plan that Skeeve has for approaching and investigating the kennels.
Works for Blornvid.
Feb 2, 2024 1:41 pm
Ealdwig says:
Wittic you've been here a pretty long time. How is Sylfir doing? I assume she is learning the manor and what is required. She seems like someone who has it together.
Witic replies The ladies is doind well but will do better when we are able to bring in more of her family as well as others to help run and manage things here. Fortunately she is touched with a gift of magic and has awakend her bloodline. Some day she will become a grand sorceress and witics eyes gleam with her dreamy vissions of the future.
Ealdwig says:
And how are you, by the way? I bet it's nice having someone from the family back to look after the manor. This place is looking great. Keep up the good work.
I a fine, Thank you
Ealdwig says:
so, do you know what books, um, he might like? Do we have any history or "natural" philosophy books here somewhere?
Wittick, do you think, um, he will like these? It's good to make a friend and have some allies. Never know when they might be needed. I didn't have too many fiends, allies, hum, or acquaintances for that matter, before I got to the base. Now, I've made a great deal of friends. you included. I hope.
I am sure I have no idea what that little scamp might like and she huffs in annoyance.

When Ealdwig tries to take the books Witic sternly forbids it. Stating that the lady will take the suggestion under advisement before makking her own coice then taing them to Magian herself when she goes visiting in a bit. It is important the lady give a good first impression. I am sure she will convey your interest and assistance with the book selection

[quote"Ealdwig"]So what are the plans now that Sylfir is here? There must be some big plans in the works.[/quote] I am sure the lady will reveal her plans in time

You get the impression that Witic tends to carry bad impressions and Magian and Ealdwig have both fallen out of grace with her.
Feb 2, 2024 1:42 pm
Skeeve goes ahead and borrows the scroll case.

As they go through the fields and woods, they do keep an eye out for anything coming in, stopping occasionally to let things be still so they can hear better. When they get in the vicinity of the kennel, they will slow down significantly to try and determine if there is any activity going on. Sounds of life, sounds of activity, any movement; that type of thing.

If there are indications something is there, Skeeve will step forward by a range band and call out to whomever/whatever is there. The intention is go non-threateningly attempt to communicate.

If there are no indications something is there, they will all slowly approach the kennel, confirm nothing is there, then explore a bit to see what can be seen.

Obviously, Blornvid and Ealdwig will do what they want. :-) This is just the general plan that Skeeve has for approaching and investigating the kennels.
Feb 2, 2024 1:55 pm
As you near the kennels you note an increasing number of dog tracks in the area, some of which are alarmingly large. It is not ultil you approach the structure that you catch sight of anything. Like the fieldhouse, the kennels are built of stone and wood. This structure, however, has been severly vandalized. All exterior doors have been removed as have all window coverings. It is through one of these gaps into the darker interior that you spot movement.

At Skeeves call you hear movement inside but no imedite responce. Stepping closer however does get a reaction. Almost simualtaniously several large canine beaste loom to almost fill several of the doorways. Long of leg and jaw, with two heads, these "dogs" are lean but well muscled and a low cautionary rumble is emitted by several, increasing in volume until you stop advancing in reaction.
Feb 2, 2024 2:24 pm
Are these things intelligent? Does he need to use Beastspeaker or just speak? I'll assume the former for the purpose of this post.
Skeeve puts out his open hands to show no weapons and to make himself bigger. Using Beastspeaker, he says, "Peace. We no attack. This your home?" He presents confident curiosity, but not hostility. Fundamentally, he wants to see if they will parley.


Skeeve: Attempt to be friendly with Death Dogs - (3d6)

(511) = 7

Feb 2, 2024 2:40 pm
Smiling and joking, sorry. You're wound a little tight Wittic. I think this place is taking a toll on you. Maybe you need a vacation.

We'll let Sylfir know then and she can bring them but I am pretty sure we were told to pick them out. I was just going to bring them to Sylfir and save the Lady a step.
Feb 2, 2024 2:49 pm
beast speaker works on anything without a language of its own, and then some. Ex : it will work on dolphins and whales and apes but not trolls or elementals or dragons. Brings up a good point. Griffins are intelligent but have no structured language, so I am thinking it would partially work with them. Ie as good as basic animals but you may miss some nuance
The growling pauses and a couple look at reach other before the third disappears back inside. One of the remaining ones looked at Skeeve and grunts and he understands it's intent
Ours. You back. Wait
Feb 2, 2024 3:00 pm
Skeeve responds, "Understand." He then takes a couple of steps back to demonstrate he understands.

Without breaking eye contact with the death-dog, he tells the others what was said. He then adds, "Please don't do anything rash, but do keep an eye out to make sure there's no ambush or anything going on."
EDIT: Approximately how many death-dogs has he seen?
Last edited February 2, 2024 3:01 pm
Feb 2, 2024 7:40 pm
Blornvid nods and backs up, not making any sudden moves, but keeping his eyes open for a potential ambush.
Rolling, just in case.


Awareness of ambush - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Feb 3, 2024 2:37 am
The 3 deathdogs were the only ones actually seen. Movement and shadows could have been these or other dogs. After several tense minutes with neither the large dogs or the party relaxing you hear movement from withing the building again. Heavy footfals announce the arival of a large man.

As he steps up to the door but not beyond you are slightly shocked by his size. Over 8 feet tall and probibly weighing more than all three of you put together. The mand is dressed is leathers, a vest, breeches, and soft boots. with a prace of knives at his waist. Two are likely short swords but next to him just look like slightly larger knives.

The mans face is sitll hidden in sahdows and his deep rumbling voice emits a growl as he skeaks a single word. What

His voice is slightly threatening and ealdwig shivvers as the man feels more like a beast or monster to him thant Magian ever made him feel.
Feb 3, 2024 4:48 am
Looks like we found the groundskeeper!
Skeeve calmly says, "There is a new Lady at the Manor. We've been sent out to see the state of the whole grounds. We just wanted to see if anyone was out here.

"We bring a message of peace and friendship. The Lady just wants to know better about her neighbors. We'd love to take any message you have back to her."
Feb 3, 2024 4:50 am
In case a roll is needed


Skeeve: Being friendly - (3d6)

(665) = 17

Feb 3, 2024 5:07 pm
Blornvid and Ealdwig blink at this charming and unassuming fellow smiling reassuringly at the rough giant. Must be something from his time among the fey?

The man seems uninterested as all he does is grunt in acknowledgement. He steps forward slightly to reveal his face and glares down at Skeeve. Fine. Tell the lady to stay away. then turns and steps back into the shadows of the building and whistling, which causes the two dogs to turn and move back into the building as well. You get the impression the man is not trying to be rude but he definitely lack much in the was of social skills.


Intimidation - (3d6)

(643) = 13

Feb 3, 2024 6:56 pm
Blornvid has seen and heard enough. "Right then. Back to the Manor. C'mon lads." He backs away several feet before turning around and returning along the path they came from.

Once they're far enough away, he asks Skeeve, "What was that you did back there?"
Feb 3, 2024 8:34 pm
Skeeve is happy. He got to have a little fun and definitively find out about the Kennels.

He laughs a bit, then replies, "Remember Raggy and Ro? And how I could talk with Ro? Well, I can do it with any animal. I just haven't been able to show that because we keep finding goblins, undead, aberrations, and other beasts that can already talk. So ... it was kinda fun to be able to exercise that muscle again, at least for a little bit.

As for the other bit, well, I can turn on the charm when I have to."
He breaks a bigger smile and continues, "That's probably why the fey sent me back, to be honest."
The last thing was just a critical success on Charismatic. Don't count on that. I'm just enjoying that it happened!
"Anyway, I got to have a little fun, and we all got what we came for from the kennels. We now know the situation and can make sure everyone knows it. Plus, we made contact, so if we ever need to talk to them in an emergency, we now have a chance to succeed."
Feb 4, 2024 6:15 am
Well that guy could use a lesson in manors. I thought I was rough around the edges. I look like a High Lord next to that guy. Ealdwig makes a "High Lord" gesture as he believes they act.

We're going to have to come back here again aren't we?
Feb 4, 2024 6:45 am
"I don't plan to. We found what we needed to and it's 'under new management'. I think we should be good for a while."
Feb 4, 2024 5:43 pm
As you head back to the manor you discuss your next objective. There is the maze north of the manor, the grove and mew to the south, the gatehouse to the west, and the basement. Really Sylfir just need to get her own people here to help manage the estate. You can always spend some time exploring the known Maytrix addresses and come back later. . .
A: Manor House ✅
B: Carriage House ✅
C: Gatehouse ❌
D: Kennels ✅
E: Mew ❌
F: Fieldhouse ✅
G: Maze Garden ❌
H: Orchard ❌
Feb 4, 2024 6:19 pm
Skeeve feels a bit of an obligation to at least identify and possibly neutralize any threats first. (For example he considers the kennel, Keeper and hounds neutralized.)

He would like to check the gatehouse and basement before moving on. That way she'll at least be relatively safe from immediate threats. He is more than willing to check out all of the areas, if Blornvid and Ealdwig want to. It is probably as cushy of an assignment as they are gonna get!
What is the Mew?
After that he is very interested in going back to the mountain valley and see if they can solve the night terror problem.

After that, he's wide open to anything, though checking out other points would be cool, too. Maybe the library and/or the Seer have some patterns they can check out?
Also, did we get any experience for the successful encounters? I have a normal trait I still wanna get! 😬
Finally, all of the above is purely Skeeve's preferences. He is completely open to Blornvid's and Ealdwig's preferences, too.
Last edited February 4, 2024 6:24 pm
Feb 4, 2024 6:27 pm
Oh! One more thing.

When the signets are made, he wants to test them out at the fieldhouse. Once we know it works, he wants to see what those final two rooms are, and wants to see if those two god rooms are still there, or just part of the "training".
Feb 4, 2024 8:57 pm
Blornvid says, "I'm all for finishing up checking on these parts of the manor's grounds and reporting our findings to the lady of the house. After that, she can decide what to do about it. Like those two we just dealt with. Magian seems like a stand-up guy, errr griffon or whatever he is exactly. And the Kennel Keeper was gruff but seems like if they leave him alone, he'll do likewise. Doesn't appeal to my sense of justice to evict someone who's been keeping up their end of things just because they offend someone's sensibilities. Let 'em negotiate."
Feb 4, 2024 11:44 pm
Ealdwig, pointing at the Mew anyone know what that is?

Agree, we should clear things out while we are here. Seems like a good place to stay and good allies to have.
Feb 5, 2024 2:05 am
@Psybermagi, looks like we're cool with finishing clearing out all these X locations before moving on. If that works for you.
Feb 5, 2024 3:16 pm
Also, when he gets back to the Manor, Skeeve wants to have a quick one-on-one with Witic, if he's able to.



Feb 5, 2024 4:04 pm
You head back to the manor and find Witic. She informs you Sylfir is in the tower with Danoll consulting with the seer on their plans to bring in more people. When you relay what happened at the kennels she is genuinely surprised. He spoke to you? she queries in befuddlement But he always just growls at me she says somewhat dispondantly.
Feb 5, 2024 5:17 pm
Skeeve says, "Eh, don't get too down on yourself. I probably just got lucky. Besides, his 'speaking' was pretty growl-like.

"If you don't mind, I do have two broad areas I would like to ask you about, though. First is, what were the nature of the previous masters of the Manor? Were they elves, humans, something else? What were they like? What was their greater family like? You picked Sylfir for a reason over any others. Are there others that might come calling as word about her 'return' gets out? I feel like there is something else going on, but I can't figure it out. I just want to make sure Sylfir and Danoll have the best chance for success.

"Second, are there any other hidden things we need to know about? The 'hounds' are death-dogs. The Keeper is most likely some kind of hill giant. The 'mounts' are griffons, and the Stablemaster is, uh, a sphynx? What should we expect in the gatehouse? Are there hangman trees in the orchard? How extensive is the 'basement'? Is it a full-blown dungeon?

"This whole place seems to be permeated and flowing with magic. I would like a better understanding of what that actually means."
Last edited February 5, 2024 5:18 pm
Feb 6, 2024 12:57 am
Thinking Ealdwig will wonder around the manor, probably heading to the kitchen for some food and the library for a new book, while Skeeve speaks with Wittic.



Feb 7, 2024 1:01 pm
Skeeve says:
... what were the nature of the previous masters of the Manor? Were they elves, humans, something else? What were they like? What was their greater family like?
Oh my, I thought you knew. The earlier masters of the house were a line of great mages and druids of the elven clan of the People. Elves of that time are not the same as they are today but . . . the difference is hard to explain. Humans are the closes to the original line of People but though association and occasional mixing of fey blood the elven clan gained some fey traits. The elven People, having been taught by the fey, has a closer connection and deeper understanding of the balance and harmony that can be established with the natural world. So the founders of the manor built this place at the edge of the woods to have a retreat from the social centers and claimed large tracts of wild lands to prevent others from doing the same and possibly despoiling it.
Skeeve says:
"Second, are there any other hidden things we need to know about? The 'hounds' are death-dogs. The Keeper is most likely some kind of hill giant. The 'mounts' are griffons, and the Stablemaster is, uh, a sphynx? What should we expect in the gatehouse? Are there hangman trees in the orchard? How extensive is the 'basement'? Is it a full-blown dungeon?
I am not sure. the hounds were originally a few moon-dogs and a pack of large hunting hounds. I have no idea how they were changed. I had already stated that the griffon was the household symbol and though I explained about them being used as mounts. I apologize if I did not make that clear. As for the stable boy well he always had a touch of fey magic. I assume he developed his gifts to strengthen his bond with his charges.

As for the rest. Well the gatehouse was never much special save for its wards. But once Valpip has crests and signets that the lady can attune to the manor magic those should not be much of an issue. You have passed through most of the basement already. There is however a connection to the underdark passages down there. Really your investigation there is likely to be more of a formality to give peace of mind.

Skeeve says:
"This whole place seems to be permeated and flowing with magic. I would like a better understanding of what that actually means."[/b]
Of course there is magic here. Magic is almost everywhere on teh mortal Realm. As I said the family has always had magical ties and they wove much of their magic into the manor and its grounds. Some work was assisted by fey like myself and others more gifted at crafting. Some had to be done by artificers and dwarf craftsman.
Feb 7, 2024 3:07 pm
OK, so no gatehouse until we have a signet. Cool. Good to know. At this point, since we just have part of a day to wait, I guess we will wait until Valpip arrives and finishes with the magics.
Skeeve responds, "Thank you for the explanations. Yes, you did mention the griffons before, so that was my mistake, not yours." With a small smile, he says, "I don't know what could have made me forget ..." His smile grows and he adds, "and I am self-aware enough to not criticize any mortal with a touch of fey magic!"

He thinks for a couple minutes and says, "Well, I think the new Lady will have to just accept that the size of the Manor's holdings have been reduced somewhat and that it is now a neighborhood, not a purely private estate. But that doesn't have to be bad. I imagine that having a pack of friendly death dogs on one side, and a family of griffons on the other will help keep outside problems at bay. We will need to check out the orchard to see what has grown there over time. And I am curious to see what is in the Mews. Hopefully, there isn't a fully established mini-town of goblins or something there."
I looked up "mews" and it looks like it means a street of businesses where the proprietors live in apartments above their shops, stores, and stables. In other words, it appears to be the on-premise servants homes. Do I have that correct?
Before finishing he adds, "One more thing: What are the chances of some other potential heir showing up and trying to claim rights? If one did, how would it be handled?"
Feb 7, 2024 3:28 pm
Ealdwig is sitting in the library with a book open on his lap. Wow this place is big. Can't get over how big this place is. Why did they make it so large? Did a 100 people live here in the past.

Ealdwig after leaving the library is carrying a bunch of books back to his room to consume as he rests and recharges.



Feb 8, 2024 1:47 am
The mews was a quiet and ordered place where the birds perched in silence on their individual stands, tethered by their jesses, and their heads..
Apparently the 's' changes its meaning and is not the plural form. Messed up on that
We know there are other heirs out there but none with a better claim than the lady that we know of. If someone does have a better claim and arrives they will have to prove it and have the backing to enforce it at this point. If that happens then Sylfir would have to be acknowledged as a member of thier house and left in charge of this estate as she has orchestrated its restoration. But that would be family politics so I hope it does not happen. It it possible but the chances are slim.

Ealdwig has picked up tidbit from Witic and his wandering of the house. This pace likely housed several families, at least 4, with their accompanyin staff, the household staff, and grounds staff. With the number of facilities and size of the estate it could have had around 100 at it peak though it likely had more like 60-80 most of the time.
Feb 8, 2024 3:11 am
Oh, OK. So, I was totally off on the mews. We'll be sure to check it out when we start exploring around again.
Skeeve considers all she told him and replies, "Thank you again for answering my questions. I greatly appreciate it.

"You have done a pretty remarkable job holding things together so you could have a chance to find Lady Sylfir. It could not have been an easy task, but you made it work.
Skeeve will also look for a chance to speak to the Seer when they are not busy with someone else. He wants to ask about the Matrix network.
Last edited February 8, 2024 3:12 am



Feb 8, 2024 8:24 pm
Skeeve heads up to the tower and upon opening the door doors not see the seer but calls out and gets a response from above

what is it you need, huemaan?
How about making the seer a bit ferangi? 😆
Feb 8, 2024 9:26 pm
Nice! 😊
Skeeve looks up to where the voice is coming, but only takes a single step forward. Replying to the unseen voice, "I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Matrix Network. I have traveled on it and can move the tiles and such, but cannot trigger it. I am seeking information and advise on how to more properly control and make use of it."



Feb 9, 2024 9:19 pm
The Matrix technology was created by artificers, and the specialty is often referred to as Array Masters, but can be used by any. The best way to get better at it is to practice with your own set of personal anchors. Beginners typically use 8 cubes, 4 white, 4 black, and arrange them in a variety of ways to create various effects. The more anchors in a pattern the stronger and more complex the effect it creates can be. Though this house house has a major Node none of the members were practitioners of the matrix practice so I doubt there are any anchors in the house. You can check with Sylfir to see if the vault or craftsroom have any. I believe the theory may be covered in one of the books in the library, check for magical array theory or general books on magical education. There may even be a few minor patterns you can practice and learn. Once you master the minor node you can apply it to a major node.

I myself am familiar with how to use the node for establishing and manipulating connections through the matrix but little else. I can help train you in manipulating a pattern to find other connections through the matrix and connect to the address in a variety of ways.
Feb 9, 2024 11:31 pm
"Thank you so much for the explanation. I have gone too far in my own magical studies to be able to turn in the direction of creating them. I simply seek to be able to use them effectively, without having to rely solely on borrowed power.

"I will ask about a personal anchor, and check in the library for a book like that.

"However, my main focus is on simply using the Matrix for transport, which is what you do know. I would be very grateful if you would train me in what you do know on the Matrix, though I do not know what I have that would help pay for such tutelage."
Feb 10, 2024 2:59 pm
As an aside, I don't mean to derail Arkmenos and ForeverDED. @Psybermagi, if it works better, we can have this background stuff happen in a different thread while we advance this thread to where everyone is participating again.



Feb 10, 2024 3:09 pm
I, like most of my kind, prize knowledge over material wealth. I can teach you what I know and direct you to the public references on the Matrix. You can repay me by keeping notes of all your own research and share all finding you have on all addresses you explore by taking a seer stone with you. This would allow me to observe the places you travel to.

I developed my knowledge of the Matrix for a short time before, during, and after the Shattering. Earlier uses of it were primarily as you have done, connecting to known pint. Recently I have used my knowledge to tap into the matrix to extend my scrying spells to find a new heir. Once the manor is properly staffed and defended I may try more risky addresses myself if the mistress permits. If you wish to experiment it will have to be from another location. But the basics of transport, communication, scrying, and defense can be taught here in a matter of days.

The basic patterns are simple. Once you have anchors to practice with I would suggest experimenting with those before tying any new patterns on the greater matrix.

You chat for a bit more and you learn that the manor has built in controls that allow the manipulations of the tiles, which are in fact greater anchors, but many of the functions are locked out and can only be accessed by authorized individuals. Even the Seer is not on that list. He believes all major matrix notes platforms have similar enchantments in place. If you can find the key or find and gain access control of a Node it would greatly expand what you may do. However he cautions you that you not "play" with it until you have your own anchors and can practice on the minor anchors. It is likely that the anchors will not be too hard to find. The trick will be to recognize them.

A full set is comprised of 4 black and 4 white cubes of about 1/2 inch per side. Some are larger and others smaller. Some may have marking, and he knows for a fact that some are misidentified and used as dice. Some of these "dice" can aid in divining information but their original and full purpose is not his expertise and he believes that most that find them may not know of their nature. As they are inherently either non magical or only minor magic at the most they would easily be seen as simple objects. Similar to how other spell components have a mundane meaning or are simply trash to most, the anchors were often used in "mysterious" ways by those that mastered them from the point of view of the commoner.
Feb 10, 2024 4:53 pm
Skeeve immediately thinks of the dice he and Ealdwig split up. He pulls out his pair and says, "So, something that would look like this? I have only half of the set, but know where the others are. Or are these just dice?"

He continues, "I know of three locations besides this one and the one at the base. I imagine the one at the base is off-limits, too, as I would not want to mess up what Fiznik and Valpip are doing. I also don't want to use one of the other three because I don't want to draw undo attention to those who reside nearby. After helping clean up here, I will seek out some more new patterns. I will look for those tomes in the library in the meantime."

Skeeve thinks for a couple minutes and says, "Yes, if you teach me how to use the nodes, I will carry a seer stone with me. My only request is that I will occasionally ask for you to leave a particular node alone in deference to those who are nearby. That will be rare though, and I will still share my findings, even of those places." As an act of good faith, he shares his notes on those three places they have already been to.

Finally, if there is a "trick" to recognizing the minor nodes, he asks how to do that so he has a better chance to find them. And if what he split with Ealdwig is actually such a set, he's gonna have to figure out how to bribe Ealdwig for the other pair.

After this, he either hunts down Ealdwig to get the other pair of dice (if I just got super lucky) or heads to the library as suggested until Valpip gets there, and the cleanup continues.
Last edited February 10, 2024 4:55 pm
Feb 10, 2024 6:50 pm
daryen says:
As an aside, I don't mean to derail Arkmenos and ForeverDED. @Psybermagi, if it works better, we can have this background stuff happen in a different thread while we advance this thread to where everyone is participating again.
I'm good with this. Had no idea it was going on, so it took me by surprise at first.
Feb 10, 2024 6:53 pm
Sooner or later, we're gonna be wandering the Matrix Nodes again. This time Skeeve doesn't want to be dependent on the Gem with only three charges.



Feb 12, 2024 5:22 am
Examining the cubes the Seer comments Those do look like a basic set of minor anchors. I can show you a couple of patterns that will let you focus you energies into them so you can determine for yourself if that is truly what they are. The books in the library would be a better resource to practice with.
daryen says:
As an aside, I don't mean to derail Arkmenos and ForeverDED. @Psybermagi, if it works better, we can have this background stuff happen in a different thread while we advance this thread to where everyone is participating again.
We can finish the side discussion on your side thread if you have more you wish to discuss/do
Feb 12, 2024 5:40 am
I think we're basically done here. But now I have to get the other two dice from Ealdwig.
Skeeve responds, "Thank you for the help so far. I will get the other two dice and check the library. Again, thank you so much!" Then before leaving, he shares the notes he has on the other three patterns with the Seer, but asks him to help protect the mountain valley pattern.

After this, Skeeve takes his leave and hunts Ealdwig down to try to talk him out of his dice.

Skeeve, once finding Ealdwig says, "I need the two dice from the set we split. I need all four of them because they are magical and I need them to learn how to control the Maxtrix portals. I need to learn how to trigger them on my own so that we don't risk getting stranded.

"However, I am willing to make it worth your while. I have a pair of non-magical bone dice that I can trade for them so that you will still have some dice. In addition, if you're interested, I have this cool crossbow that you might like. It isn't a weapon; it won't harm anyone. Instead, it launches a rope that will then tie itself off on the far end. Or I can just owe you one in the future. Whichever way, I need those two dice to complete the set so I can use them to train with."

After that, he'll go see if he can find the relevant book in the library. If we need to play that out, let's move that to my character thread. If he just finds it, then we can just move on.
Last edited February 12, 2024 5:44 am
Feb 12, 2024 1:29 pm
With the seers directions in mind Skeeve easily locates a couple of the books mentioned. One is indead a general introduction to multiple magical styles and includes several diagrams including some with 4 foci/anchors. The images of 4 foci are limited to simple . The principles it exaplins are simple enough in that all that you need to do is create the pattern and then push magic into the white and pull magic from teh black to create a flow of magic. The first pattern is used to test the anchors for their quality and ease of use while the 2nd and third are teh initial methods of training.
There are several paterns afterwards detailing the use of 8, which is statedas the standard level of proficency. It does mention that patterns with 18, 32, 50, and higher can be done these are the realm of array masters. This seems similiar to how scrolls are are broken divided in 1 and two word creations then the more powerful ones require more words by scribes.

You test the dice and though you easily create the flows for the 2nd and 3rd design it takes a bit of practice to get the 1st, checkered, pattern to become stable. Though you are uncertain, as you have litle to compare it with, you do feel that these "dice" may well have originally been either a trainier set or part of a larger set. The dice do noting on their own but are very easy to manipulate with mana.
What is the next plan so I can prep?
Feb 12, 2024 1:51 pm
Well, after the quick one-on-one with Ealdwig, Skeeve is hoping that Valpip came and made the signets. With signet in hand, Skeeve wanted to test it at the Fieldhouse.

Once confident it works, we were going to at least scout out the other locations. So, the gatehouse, mews, orchard and such, probably finishing with the basement and its connection with the Underdark.

After that, Skeeve still wants to check on the mountain valley and its night terror.

And after that, we need to find some new patterns. :-)

Anyway, those are Skeeve's thoughts on the matter. Given that the others have indulged him on this so far, he's more than willing to change plans if Blornvid and Ealdwig want something different.
Feb 12, 2024 6:18 pm
These plans sound good. I'm a bit busy with a bathroom renovation for the rest of the month, but I'll still show up once or twice/day.
Feb 13, 2024 1:07 pm
Valpip finishes working on the house hold badges and a signet for Sylfir. The badges have a clasp large and strong enough to allow them to be used as cloack pins or they may be worn as a pendant or just pinned to your clothes. Sylphir gives one to each of you. However as you prepare to leave the manor Wittic rushes in with an excited look on her face.

Mistres Syfir, Seer claims that communication from one of the branch families has been established. The mage has a family member who was seeking passage to Paphos but it appears that Fiznik has activated it's lockout features. Knowing this place was close and thought to be anbandoned they next connecting to the house node which allerted the Seer. What shal we do?
Feb 13, 2024 2:12 pm
After a short conference it is decided to allow the adventure to arrive. Seer locks the Matrix room doors then remotely enabled access to the node from the remote site.
Feb 13, 2024 2:43 pm
daryen says:
I think we're basically done here. But now I have to get the other two dice from Ealdwig.
Skeeve responds, "Thank you for the help so far. I will get the other two dice and check the library. Again, thank you so much!" Then before leaving, he shares the notes he has on the other three patterns with the Seer, but asks him to help protect the mountain valley pattern.

After this, Skeeve takes his leave and hunts Ealdwig down to try to talk him out of his dice.

Skeeve, once finding Ealdwig says, "I need the two dice from the set we split. I need all four of them because they are magical and I need them to learn how to control the Maxtrix portals. I need to learn how to trigger them on my own so that we don't risk getting stranded.

"However, I am willing to make it worth your while. I have a pair of non-magical bone dice that I can trade for them so that you will still have some dice. In addition, if you're interested, I have this cool crossbow that you might like. It isn't a weapon; it won't harm anyone. Instead, it launches a rope that will then tie itself off on the far end. Or I can just owe you one in the future. Whichever way, I need those two dice to complete the set so I can use them to train with."

After that, he'll go see if he can find the relevant book in the library. If we need to play that out, let's move that to my character thread. If he just finds it, then we can just move on.
Looking quizzically at Skeeve, That's a lot of "need".
Sorry guys busy couple of days. Trying to catch up.
Feb 13, 2024 2:48 pm
Ealdwig shrugs and pulls out the dice, and hands them to Skeeve. Here. Do you understand all that? I don't get it.
Feb 13, 2024 2:49 pm
To no one in-particular and everyone at the same time, do we need to be worried about this unannounced, um, guest? Are we gearing up?
Feb 13, 2024 3:49 pm
Not a problem!
Skeeve says, "Yes, it really is that big of a need. Simply put, they are practice tools to allow me to learn how to control the Matrix Nodes."

As he takes the dice from Ealdwig, Skeeve hands over the older dice he has, so Ealdwig will still have some dice to play with. He will turn over the Caster crossbow if Ealdwig wants it. And regardless, Skeeve will remember the "future considerations", too. Regardless, Skeeve finishes with a hearty, "Thank you!"

Skeeve also volunteers to go down and greet the visitor. He can wait either inside the room when the visitor arrives, or outside the door, then enter after the visitor arrives. He's flexible. :-)
Last edited February 13, 2024 3:51 pm
Feb 13, 2024 3:59 pm
Your can wait inside or out but Seer insists the door be locked until the transit is complete to ensure the Manor sits not get overwhelmed by an invasion force. As unlikely as that is
Feb 13, 2024 4:03 pm
Skeeve asks to make sure there is a window and a tiny hole in the door, then wait inside.
Feb 13, 2024 4:47 pm
Realizing that he is now in another room and suddenly alone Kaarik takes a look at the room.

He was sent here by his cousin and trusts that she would not send him in some sort of traps. So without hesitation, he walks to the door and knocks.
Feb 13, 2024 5:06 pm
daryen says:
Not a problem!
Skeeve says, "Yes, it really is that big of a need. Simply put, they are practice tools to allow me to learn how to control the Matrix Nodes."

As he takes the dice from Ealdwig, Skeeve hands over the older dice he has, so Ealdwig will still have some dice to play with. He will turn over the Caster crossbow if Ealdwig wants it. And regardless, Skeeve will remember the "future considerations", too. Regardless, Skeeve finishes with a hearty, "Thank you!"

Skeeve also volunteers to go down and greet the visitor. He can wait either inside the room when the visitor arrives, or outside the door, then enter after the visitor arrives. He's flexible. :-)
Thanks for the trade. But, I would have just given them to you. Do you need the dice and crossbow?

Inspecting the crossbow. This could come in handy. Does this shoot a rope? Wonder how it works

Hey Skeeve, how does this thing work? Well...I know how it works, point and pull this trigger here. What I guess I mean is what exactly does it do? It shoots a rope right? Does it automatically attach to something so you can climb it or is it meant to shoot it to someone else so you can pull?

Ealdwig, follows Skeeve to the library, chatting the whole way. I'll back you up. Hopefully, you won't need it. He hold the crossbow like it's a weapon using it as an intimidation tactic I guess since it's not an actual crossbow.
Feb 13, 2024 5:24 pm
Blornvid volunteers to join the "welcoming committee" in case it is indeed an invasion.
Feb 13, 2024 5:58 pm
OK, this suddenly gained a lot of threads. Let me try to keep them distinct.
Before all of the new stuff, Skeeve tells Ealdwig, "No I don't need either the old dice or the crossbow. However, I think the crossbow could be very useful to you. Basically, you just put the end of a rope in where a bolt would normally be placed, then shoot it. It will tie itself to whatever you aimed at. It can work on people, but only if they are willing. Just make sure you have the other end anchored before shooting the rope end. We can practice a bit when we get outside. It is pretty cool!"

On the way to the room with the Matix Node, he says to Blornvid and Ealdwig, "It is safest if I am the only one in the room. The reason for the hole is that I can escape through it if it is an invasion. Plus, since I am unarmed, no one has to be threatened. If there is no threat, then the Seer will quickly open the door. If it is a threat, then I will quickly be back on this side of the door helping hold the line!"

When Kaarik appears, he see a young human man of medium build standing before him. He is dressed in mostly browns, wearing some light armor, an odd wood-looking thing around his waist, and no discernable weapons. He is reasonably attractive with a head of brown hair and unusually green eyes, and a disarming smile on his face. The young man says, "Welcome to the Manor! My name is Skeeve. Sorry for the weirdness, but we didn't know who or what was going to show up. What brought you to this place?"
Last edited February 13, 2024 6:01 pm
Feb 13, 2024 8:07 pm
Skeeve sees a young elf, very well put, smiling he seems genuinely happy to see Skeeve.

I am so honored to meet you my lord, I was expecting the lord of this Manor to be one of my elf cousin but I am happy to see a human leading here.

I have been sent here by my cousin Skylla. I am here to explore the city, there seems to be several items to retrieve here and I would like to get my hands on them before someone less well-intentioned does.

Kaarik immediately realizes that he might have already said too much.
Feb 13, 2024 8:33 pm
Skeeve laughs good naturedly at Kaarik's greeting. He says, "No, I am not the lord of this Manor. The Lady Sylfir is the master of the Manor. (And she does have elven heritage.) I am merely the one here to greet you. I can take you up, however.

"As for the former city, it is just an outpost. The city itself is long dead, but there are still a lot of opportunities for exploration. As for important things to find, do you mean in the old ruins, or here in the Manor? If you mean the Manor, expect some unhappiness if you try to take things. You'll be better asking nicely, though still expect a no. If you mean the old city, it's just a bunch of dangerous ruins. If you have any way to magically detect for and get guided to them, then you have a chance if they still exist. Otherwise, you'll just have to claw your way through like everyone else does."

Turning slightly to talk into the air, Skeeve says, "I think we're good here. Please unlock the door."

When the door unlocks, Skeeve opens it and introduces Kaarik to Blornvid, a dour looking dwarf who is only now finally relaxing, and Ealdwig, a happy-go lucky Duende. "This is Blornvid and Ealdwig. The three of us are helping reclaim and explore the Manor grounds. We'll take you up to meet the Lady." He pauses for a second and says, "What name should I use when I introduce you?"

Figuring he will answer along the way, Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig lead Kaarik up and into the Manor.
Feb 13, 2024 8:45 pm
Oh I am so sorry, I was so glad to meet someone so welcoming I completely forgot my manners.

You can call me Kaarik.

Kaarik introduces himself to Blornvid and Ealdwig and follows Skeeve into the Manor
Feb 13, 2024 10:26 pm
Smiling as usual, Ealdwig speaks to Kaarik during the walk, nice to know you. What brings you to the manor? Are you another descendant? Thinking about that possibility, Ealdwig scowls a bid you're not here to try and take power of the manor are you? That would be unwise, I think.
Feb 13, 2024 10:47 pm
Blornvid bows his head upon meeting Kaarik.
Feb 14, 2024 7:05 am
Arkmenos says:
Smiling as usual, Ealdwig speaks to Kaarik during the walk, nice to know you. What brings you to the manor? Are you another descendant? Thinking about that possibility, Ealdwig scowls a bid you're not here to try and take power of the manor are you? That would be unwise, I think.
No need to worry friend, I am no descendant to this family, only a distant cousin, as we elves all are.
I have no interest in material power and I do not plan on staying here long, I have business in the city.

Having never met one Kaarik is not sure of how to greet a dwarf, he therefore clumsily tries to exactly imitate the head bow Blornvid did.
Feb 14, 2024 2:03 pm
Smiling broadly well in that case, welcome. I've wonder the manor quite a bit, let me know if you want a tour.
Feb 14, 2024 3:18 pm
To be clear, Skeeve is taking the guest to meet Slyfir.
Skeeve says, "Well, as I found out myself, there is no "city". There is a small settlement near where an ancient city used to exist, but there is no city in any sense of the word. What used to be the city is now just scattered ruins. Those ruins are also very dangerous, so I suggest going in a group; never alone. I did hear of a large library somewhere that was managed by ghosts and constructs with stringent check-out rules. I haven't been myself, so I can't say how true that story is. Honestly, the library in the Manor is surprisingly robust.

"And if you are looking for specific items, you better have a magic item that will guide you there. Otherwise you are hunting blind with no map.
" Skeeve chuckles for a moment, continuing, "Although, if you do have a map, guard it well and tell no one. Likewise, don't tell anyone if you do have a magic item that can find what you are looking for. People will kill you out of hand for something like that."
Feb 14, 2024 3:25 pm
@MoyenBateau : I would like Kaarik to play with this group a bit. No one is really in the city at this time but they all have access and this group is low on body count and I need to condense the number of threads running.

I will do Sylfir after work but feel free to chat till then
Feb 14, 2024 3:26 pm
Ealdwig listens intently to Skeeve's musings. There are ruins where a city once stood. There may be a ton of treasure there for the taking....huh, what was that? Did he say a library run by ghosts? That could be a fun place to visit....

Ealdwig's mind wonders to what it might me.
Feb 14, 2024 3:29 pm
the area around the base where the expedition is located is where the city ruins are.
There just happens to be a small war going on between the hobgoblin and orc forces. But there are still many places to explore there or at the Manor
Feb 14, 2024 3:52 pm
Kaarik looks more intensely at Skeeve at the mention of a library.

I would like to visit the ruins. It might not be a city anymore but I want to see with my own eyes the greatness of the past.
I am always willing to work with companions, I am a mediocre fighter and if I do not fear danger I would prefer not run into it without preparation.

However, I want to be able to talk with the lady before taking any decision.

You mentioned a library, could you show it to me after we have the honor of meeting the lady?
Feb 14, 2024 4:07 pm
Sure. Skeeve's main points are:
1) Exploring those ruins is very dangerous. Don't do it alone.
2) If you are looking for specific items, that is ludicrously hard.
3) Anything that you have that helps with item #2 will make you a massive target.

That's all. 🙂
Feb 14, 2024 4:08 pm
Skeeve replies, "Sure! Would be glad to."
Feb 14, 2024 8:00 pm
Psybermagi says:
@MoyenBateau : I would like Kaarik to play with this group a bit. No one is really in the city at this time but they all have access and this group is low on body count and I need to condense the number of threads running.

I will do Sylfir after work but feel free to chat till then
Sorry I missed this post while answering to the thread somehow.
Sure, really happy to play with this group!
Feb 14, 2024 8:59 pm
And we're happy to have you! It will keep you busy while the city ruins are otherwise inaccessible. Give you a little experience and maybe even a little loot along the way.
Last edited February 14, 2024 9:09 pm
Feb 15, 2024 3:29 am
Welcome aboard!

Sylfir Alderdrim


Feb 15, 2024 5:26 am
Sylfir Alderdrim
You find Sylfir in a somewhat heated discussion with Danoll and the two fall silent as you enter. Sylfir walks up to Kaarik smiling and greets him warmly Greetings. I am Sylfir Alderdrim. I am glad to meet another of my kin. According to Seer the mage tower you came from was related to this manor and my family before the Shattering. May I know your families' name and the name of the mage who is master of the tower you arrived from?
Feb 15, 2024 9:38 am
Kaarik bows respectfully and does his best to show the most reverence as he can. Kaarik also makes sure that Skeeve, Blornvid and Ealdwig enter the room as well.

It is an honor to meet you my dear lady Sylfir. I have heard that you retook possession of these lands and I am really glad to hear that. I am Kaarik of the Malthen family.

Our cousin Skylla is the mage who sent me here today. She was originally planning to send me to the city but it seems that there was some interference. I have talked to our good friends already and they warned me of the dangers of the city. That's why before taking any decisions I wanted to talk to you. Have you heard of any artifacts in the region? The fey are fearing that darker forces are trying to retrieve them.
Feb 15, 2024 1:42 pm
Darker forces! Did I hear that right?



Feb 15, 2024 1:44 pm

Sylfir looks over to a older human make that stands to one side of the room. Pushing himself off the wall he walks over and asks The fey of your lands fear this or are your people in contact with the fey of the city?

Danoll inroduces himself and explains that he was one of the first people to find the city, Paphos, and helped scout it out and assit in the founding and expantion of the expedition base. They have encountered multipe "artifact" but there are some that seemed unusually powerful. The are has alrady come under contention by both goblinoid, mostly the hobgoblins, and orc races.

If the things I am thinking of are what they fey fear then you will not be able to do much on your own. They are rather big and difficult to control. But if you have any specific informatino on them then I can ensure it gets to the expedition leaders.
Feb 15, 2024 3:14 pm
Skeeve, possibly oddly, has little to add to this conversation. While he is interested in one particular kind of artifact, the Matrix Node, it is primarily for its utility. For whatever reason the Matrix Node does seem to have any nasty side-effects that most artifacts have. He is generally leery of very powerful artifacts. He remembers, from his time with the fey, that often it is an open question of which is in control: the user or the artifact.
Feb 15, 2024 3:31 pm
Kaarik is unsure about who provided this information to Skylla and realizes that he probably should have asked more questions before setting out.

I am sorry Danoll, I haven't been thorough in my study of the situation and I have no more information, I do not know who informed Skylla and which item they meant.

I would be happy to serve in any way possible though.
Last edited February 15, 2024 3:31 pm
Feb 15, 2024 3:35 pm
When he gets a chance, probably after this main meeting, Skeeve will approach Sylfir on a one-on-one (or one-on-two if Danoll is present; either works) and make a request. Thus far, I am assuming that the three (Skeeve, Blornvid, Ealdwig) all have a room somewhere. Skeeve's request is for those room assignments to be permanent. He is quite happy for them to be small and way out of the way from the rest of the Manor. (In fact, he'd prefer that.) But he would like for them to be able to use those rooms as a safe base, where we can leave things and know they will be safe. And to always know that there is one place they can always come back to for a safe place to sleep and recover.

If no, then no. But he does ask.
Feb 16, 2024 2:15 pm
Dannol asks a few more questions about your family and Skylla but does not probe further when you skirts what you feel is internal family business. Now that the manor is in contact with Skylla via the Matrix he informs you that you are welcome to stay or move on to the city. He seconds Skeeves comments about needing a good party for some of the situations likely to occur in Pashos.

You private quarters are currently on the second floor of the manor. They are finalizing preparations to bring in more staff and family. They Plan to house them in the manor and hope to restore it to a self sufficient holding. While you are welcome to stay for at least the next season or two Sylfir is reluctant to permanently assign rooms in the manor to you but is perfectly fine with you taking a number of rooms in any of the outbuildings. The fieldhouse, gatehouse, or carriage house all have plenty of room. But she will talk with Wittic to see if there are any quarters that could be reserved for your groups use while you stay.

By time you finish talking and giving a brief tour of the manor to Kaaric, who finds the house oddly more human in its basic design than elvish though it does incorporate many elvish styles, it is time for the mid day meal. Retiring to the dinning hall you have a meal prepared by the cook and served by Wittic, in honor of the new guest/member, while you get to know each other better. During the meal Danoll points out that the trio who arrived from the city and have been helping Sylfir to secure and safeguard the grounds. Most of it has been scouted but there are a few more places to explore. He suggests Kaarik work with them for a day or so while Valpip tries to reestablish passage with the Seer to the city.
[ +- ] The Manor
[ +- ] Mannor Grounds
Plans says:
Gatehouse, mews, orchard, probably finishing with the basement and its connection with the Underdark before revisiting/exploring Matrix addresses. Kaarik would like to go to Paphos when possible.
Feb 16, 2024 3:34 pm
Sylfir is reluctant to permanently assign rooms in the manor to you but is perfectly fine with you taking a number of rooms in any of the outbuildings. The fieldhouse, gatehouse, or carriage house all have plenty of room.
Hmm. Skeeve is all-in on the idea of using one of the outbuildings. Not wild about the fieldhouse idea. That was a pretty dicey encounter, and it would take a lot of time to get that blue dot under control. (He'd want to figure out how to do it without the badge.) However the carriage house is a possibility if its master agrees. Since all of them would be in and out, they shouldn't mess with each other, and his presence alone should discourage visitors. But, before negotiating with him, let's go check out the gatehouse. So, now Skeeve really wants to investigate that gatehouse next!

Skeeve also says to Kaarik, "Do take the opportunity to speak with Valpip. He has been at the settlement longer than most and if there are any artifacts of relevance in the ruins, he would likely know about it. This is a great opportunity to ask." As he says this, Skeeve discretely points out who Valpip is.
Skeeve is assuming the others are all-in on this idea. It just seems like having a private space that is relatively secure that isn't just a cot in a barracks would be heavily advantageous. It certainly doesn't need to be in the Manor. The carriage house would be great if Magian agrees. But we have a day or so before he leaves, so let's do a quick check on the gatehouse to see who currently owns it ...

If I'm wrong and we don't have time, then Skeeve will quickly head over to the carriage house and see if Magian is willing to tolerate some flatmates.
Last edited February 16, 2024 3:36 pm
Feb 16, 2024 4:23 pm
After hearing Skeeve's discussion with Sylfir, Ealdwig contemplates the idea of a more "permanent home". He likes the idea of a place that's his and doesn't have to worry about where he'll lay his head next. Although, he isn't 100% happy to be relegated to an out building. Totally understandable, he isn't a member of the family and barely knows Sylfir but it still stings a little. It's still better than any other prospects he has. Maybe he can save his gold and get his own place some day.

Quietly speaking to Skeeve, trying not to draw too much attention, so, we can stay? Looking around, I'd rather stay here, in the main house, but a permanent place is good, no matter where it is.

Should we check out the other buildings. I don't think I'll want to stay with those, um...dogs and I don't think Magian is going to be interested in company. Even if I got him a book or two.
Feb 16, 2024 4:32 pm
Kaarik enjoys the meal and is a bit ashamed of the welcome he is receiving while he has nothing to offer in exchange.

As Skeeve points him towards Valpip, he makes sure that his new friends are aware that he can help with anything. I really feel bad staying idle while you obviously have so much to do. I will be here for a few days at least so use me as much as you can.

He then goes to have a chat with Valpip to try to have more information about the artifacts.
Feb 16, 2024 4:47 pm
To Ealdwig, Skeeve says, "I don't mean for us to always stay here. I just mean as a base that we can always safely return to. That way, no matter what, no matter where we wander to, we have a place we can come back to for rest and recovery. With the Matrix Node, and with the Seer here, it should always be a reasonable destination. Plus, isn't a bed better than a cot in a dormitory?"

If there is enough light left in the day after Kaarik finishes talking with Valpip, we head over to the gatehouse to check it out. Conveniently, the carriage house is on the way back, so we can always stop there if the gatehouse isn't working out.
Last edited February 16, 2024 4:48 pm
Feb 16, 2024 4:47 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
A bit embarrassed Sylfir tries to comfort Ealdwig You are welcome to stay here for some time. It was Skeeves request for a "permanent" residence that made me mention the other buildings. The manor will be reserved for family and those who work for us. While you are assisting, and some time after, you are welcome to stay in the manor house itself. I simply meant that if you wish to claim a portion of one of the out building as your own I see no problem with that. You did help reclaim this place after all. I hope by keeping others nearby, such as Malgrim and the the keeper, as neighbors and potential allies it will feel more like a community with others beside my family and staff.

The gnomish artificer is quite excited to talk shop with an up and coming artificer such as Kaarik and goes over what you already know to establish a basis of understanding. The orbs are likely the "artifacts" the fey mentioned to your cousin. Each alone is a great artifact of immense power tied to a specific outer realm and the forces they regulate in the universe. There is a tower, The Infinite Tower, that has 2 wardens that claim the orbs are a part of the tower and should be returns. My research reveals that their story is possibly true as the Infinite Tower was a massive undertaking of all the mortal People in the Dawn age. Some of our scouts have assisted the tower in reclaiming one of the orbs and the warden was able to control it and reverse much of the effect it had created, which lends credence to their claims. However I myself am hesitant to give such powerful items to the "wardens" without more information.

Date&Time(Alpha): 16@12:30
to the gatehouse later today
Feb 16, 2024 4:51 pm
So, she's willing to treat us like Magian and the kennel keeper? Sweet! Skeeve is so down for that!
Also, on the way to the gatehouse Skeeve will take the opportunity to show Ealdwig how to use the Rope Caster crossbow. I am sure he can come up with some devilish uses for it!
Last edited February 16, 2024 4:58 pm
Feb 16, 2024 6:11 pm
daryen says:
Sylfir is reluctant to permanently assign rooms in the manor to you but is perfectly fine with you taking a number of rooms in any of the outbuildings. The fieldhouse, gatehouse, or carriage house all have plenty of room.
Hmm. Skeeve is all-in on the idea of using one of the outbuildings. Not wild about the fieldhouse idea. That was a pretty dicey encounter, and it would take a lot of time to get that blue dot under control. (He'd want to figure out how to do it without the badge.) However the carriage house is a possibility if its master agrees. Since all of them would be in and out, they shouldn't mess with each other, and his presence alone should discourage visitors. But, before negotiating with him, let's go check out the gatehouse. So, now Skeeve really wants to investigate that gatehouse next!
Skeeve is assuming the others are all-in on this idea. It just seems like having a private space that is relatively secure that isn't just a cot in a barracks would be heavily advantageous. It certainly doesn't need to be in the Manor. The carriage house would be great if Magian agrees. But we have a day or so before he leaves, so let's do a quick check on the gatehouse to see who currently owns it ...

If I'm wrong and we don't have time, then Skeeve will quickly head over to the carriage house and see if Magian is willing to tolerate some flatmates.
"The fieldhouse is a non-starter for me, Skeeve. Nothing short of purging that place down to the studs would get me to stay there. And I don't really want to bother that Magian fellah. He's fine a chap and all, but I get the feeling that we'd—scratch that, make that me—would just get in his way. If we can make the gatehouse our space, I'd prefer that."
Feb 16, 2024 7:04 pm
"Well, let's hope for the best!"
Feb 16, 2024 8:15 pm
Not realizing he was talking loud enough for everyone to hear, Ealdwig blushes totally embarrassed. Sorry Lady Sylfir, Ealdwig remembers some of Skeeve's manners and gives a slight bow of his head. I didn't mean to offend. Your offer is more than generous. You honor me. I've grown very fond of this place.
Feb 16, 2024 10:59 pm
Walking past the carriage house you see and wave to Magian as you proceed to the gatehouse. The structure is 2 stories tall, square with 50' to a side, and has a parapet on top suggesting there is a roof access as well. The back has a single door and only high small barred windows on the first floor. The second story windows all have shutters covering them.
Feb 16, 2024 11:29 pm
Skeeve looks the tower up and down and says, "So, do we want to start at the bottom through the door, or from the top going down? I guess we might as well start with the door?"
Feb 17, 2024 7:42 am
Unsure of what is going on and if there is any danger. Kaarik follows the group to the gatehouse but stays 2 feet behind and makes sure that he has a close access to his bow.
Feb 17, 2024 1:37 pm
If no one objects, Skeeve remotely opens the door. If nothing happens, they move up and check out what they can see.
Feb 17, 2024 5:45 pm
The door proves stuck but with a bit of added magical might Skeeve manages to, not open the door. It is either stuck tighter than his Onyx magic can move or locked.
Feb 17, 2024 6:06 pm
"I'd rather not take an axe to it. Hate to ruin a solid door. Do ya think someone's living here?"
Feb 17, 2024 6:57 pm
Skeeve says, "Good point. I wasn't even thinking of that."

With that, he promptly moves to the door and knocks loudly.
Feb 17, 2024 7:20 pm
Blornvid joins him, but stands about five feet from the door.
Feb 17, 2024 7:39 pm
Now that you are closer you notice the wooden door is in good condition, being built of solid dense wood with metal banding, hinges, and handle with a keyhole. There is no response to knocking. Looking the door over you estimate it has been a long time since it was used based on the dust and leaves piled in the corners by the weather.
Feb 17, 2024 8:49 pm
Kaarik would like to spend a minute to try to create an animated rope as a trinket.
If he succeeds, he will try to control the rope in the hope of finding some way to have it attached to the parapet.


Animated rope creation test - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Feb 17, 2024 9:44 pm
The rope easily slithers up the side of the building and ties itself around a parapet stone.
Feb 18, 2024 1:23 am
Skeeve looks at Blornvid and Ealdwig and smiles, then says, "Before you clamor up the side of the tower, a couple of ideas. This has a lock, and our friend Ealdwig is pretty good at picking these things. I'd like to try that first. Second, I can just lift you up, if you'd rather."
Also, 50 feet should be in range for my Blink, correct? I would have to land on the parapet itself, not the actual roof, because I can only see the parapet. But, that is still less of a bother than climbing up a rope for 50 feet. 🙂
To Ealdwig, Skeeve says, "Would you mind checking for traps, then see if you can pick the lock if things look clear. The door looks in good repair, so it likely isn't stuck; just locked."
Feb 18, 2024 1:56 am
daryen says:
Also, 50 feet should be in range for my Blink, correct? I would have to land on the parapet itself, not the actual roof, because I can only see the parapet. But, that is still less of a bother than climbing up a rope for 50 feet.
Yep, you can reach the top, just don't fall off :)
Feb 18, 2024 4:20 am
Ealdwig, taking Skeeve's suggestion, heads over to check the door to see if it is trapped.
I assume Trapmaster lets me roll with advantage. If not you can drop the last die.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(445) = 13

Feb 18, 2024 4:22 am
To keep things moving
If the door is trapped he will try and disarm it. If it is not trapped he will try and open the lock.
Last edited February 18, 2024 4:23 am


Disarm trap (Trapmaster) - (3d6)

(263) = 11

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(264) = 12

Feb 18, 2024 6:44 am
Nice work!
Feb 18, 2024 5:46 pm
Blornvid says to Arkmenos Ealdwig with a bit of pride, "I knew that you'd put that lockpick set to good use."
Last edited February 18, 2024 11:59 pm
Feb 18, 2024 8:22 pm
Confused, who's Arkmenos? Smiling as usual, but, yeah, I'll take it. Thanks.
Feb 18, 2024 8:25 pm
I'll assume we now believe it is unlocked. If that is all wrong, then ignore the below.
We again step back a bit and Skeeve tries to open the door remotely again.
Feb 18, 2024 10:33 pm
Ealdwig is able to unlock the door, which was not trapped, and then opens it to reveal . . .

A ROOM!!!!!

The room has a large table in the center of the room. A simple oil chandelier hangs above the table. Next to the door on the east wall a fountain engraved with geometric patterns still tinkles with running water. A tapestry of arcane patterns hangs from the west wall.
Feb 18, 2024 11:36 pm
I assume the room numbers are a bit of a misnomer, as this is just a single room. Also, it looks like there are three doors (south, west, and north (facing west). Is there another door in the northwest corner?
Skeeve tentatively enters the room to make sure nothing is amiss (first roll). Assuming he doesn't trigger anything, he heads over to the tapestry to see if he recognizes any of the arcane patterns (second roll).


Skeeve: Checking out room - (3d6)

(632) = 11

Skeeve: Examining arcane patterns - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Feb 19, 2024 12:00 am
Arkmenos says:
Confused, who's Arkmenos? Smiling as usual, but, yeah, I'll take it. Thanks.
Blornvid never actually said Arkmenos; he just looked at him. ;)
Feb 19, 2024 12:03 am
Blornvid looks around to see if he can ascertain if the room has been occupied recently.
Rolling in case it's required.


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Feb 19, 2024 1:45 am
The room is dusty and has the looks of a dining area. The doors on the interior are of lower quality and show signs of their age more so than that of the exterior door. A few shelves hold rusty or dust covered cups, plates, pitchers, and other household items. The dust covers everything making it clear that if anything lives here it has not come to this room, except perhaps mice and spiders, as evidenced by droppings and webb.
Crossing the room to examine the tapestry Skeeve is certain it is magical but beyond that he is uncertain.
Yes, 1 room, I just tweaked a generic map to fit my needs.
Feb 19, 2024 1:59 am
"Which door? So many to choose from?"

If no objections from anyone, Skeeve will try the north-west door (just above and to the left of the "9").
Feb 19, 2024 2:33 am
Why that one? Just curious.

Ealdwig wonders around the room stopping to listen at each door. Do we happen to hear anything coming from behind any of the doors?

He lifts the tapestry and looks behind it. Anything there? Secret door maybe.

Anyone know what these markings represent?
Feb 19, 2024 3:29 am
Skeeve says, "No reason. Not even a hunch. It's just the one that popped into my head. Also, be gentle with that tapestry. It has some magic to it, so I'm going to want to investigate it some more later. I don't know what it means yet.

"And remember: we don't want to loot the place. We want the place as loot!

"Kaarik, as the new guy, is there any particular door you want to check first?"

Skeeve catches himself a bit, and says to Kaarik, "We kind of got a little system we've accidentally worked through. In general, when we open doors, I'll open them from a distance so we don't get hit with anything if it is trapped. Also, Ealdwig is really good with traps and locks, so he generally gets us through those. And Blornvid tries to split any opponents in half when we have to fight. We try to take turns figuring out where to go next, so please jump in with any ideas you have. Also, I am not sure of your favorite talents, so please let us know if you want to try something yourself."

As before, when Skeeve opens a door, he does it from a distance!
Feb 19, 2024 4:52 am
The door is a bit stuck but with a bit more effort Skeeve is able to pop it open to reveal the room beyond. The room is more of a short hall with a set of cubbies with hooks above them along the wall. Peering in you see an archway in the NE corner and across from it in the NW corner is a heavy wood door with metal hinges and handle, similar to the exterior door. In the SE corner of the hall is another door to the room you are in (NW of 7)
Feb 19, 2024 6:29 am
As he sees that his little rope trick was useless, Kaarik removes the rope and put it back in pack.

Still following the group with a 2 feets distance he is a bit overwhelmed as he sees everyone looking around methodically at the room and doors.

To Skeeve he answers: You can decide where you want to go, I will follow.
I do not have many skills as you my friends, however I have a bit of knowledge with magical items. Let me have a look at this tapestry

Kaarik walks toward the tapestry and starts investigating.
I make a test with advantage, so 3d6 right?


Magical item investigation - (3d6)

(261) = 9

Feb 19, 2024 12:42 pm
Kaarick recognizes several of the patterns as symbols and after reading for a while reaches out to tap a few of them. The pattern shifts to reveal a map. The lother look on and soon point out that the structures in the middle look like the Manor and it's outbuildings surrounded by trees, with lines for what must have been roads as well as other marks. Kaaric is confident the tapestry has other functions but it will take more time to figure it out.
Feb 19, 2024 2:03 pm
Skeeve says, "That was great! We'll need to check out some of those other items on the map when we're done with the gatehouse."
Last edited February 19, 2024 2:04 pm
Feb 19, 2024 2:32 pm
Kaarik says, I think that there is more than a map here. I cannot see anything for now but we could come back to the tapestry later. Maybe we could ask some help from Valpip as he has more experience than me with these things.
How long would it take me to study the tapestry further? And do I require just time or do I need something else?
Feb 19, 2024 3:10 pm
Skeeve says, "You can probably figure out more of its uses with just more time. Do you think it also has a map of the building in it? That would be useful.

"And please show me how you did it when we're done. I'd like to know if I can switch it around later, too."
Feb 19, 2024 3:23 pm
Quizzically, Ealdwig starts tapping the tapestry symbols. At least what he can reach. Weird. Then he move back and continues to look around the room and down the new hallway.
Last edited February 19, 2024 3:23 pm
Feb 19, 2024 5:20 pm
When Skeeve sees Ealdwig checking out the new mini-room, he says, "Please don't get too far ahead. Also, please check out whichever door you want to try next."
Feb 19, 2024 7:23 pm
Blornvid says to Kaarik, "Impressive."
Feb 19, 2024 7:39 pm
Smiling and with a trace of amusement, oh, you don't have to worry about that Skeeve. I'm not going anywhere. This place might be another house of horrors, and I don't want to get caught out alone.

I'm just looking around.
Last edited February 19, 2024 7:40 pm
Feb 20, 2024 2:19 am
Assuming no one has a door preference, Skeeve suggests opening the door in the SE corner of the new room to make sure it does indeed connect, then open the NE door to see if it hooks up with the northern-most door above the "7". (I.e. trying to be a bit systematic to open up the NE corner of this floor, so we can start moving around counter-clockwise to investigate the whole floor.)

When everyone is ready, he'll open the doors, one at at time, remotely.

Unless, again, someone else wants a different door.
Last edited February 20, 2024 2:20 am
Feb 20, 2024 3:32 am
I would've started with either the north door above the 7 or the door south of 12 back in the entrance room, but by the time I got here you guys had already done the north door above 9. At this point, so long as there's some kind of method, it's fine. In general, I don't like having doors behind me that haven't been checked.
Feb 20, 2024 4:23 am
Looking around the rooms you already have access to, without opening more doors unless you are confident of the outcome you get a good idea of the east end of the house.
North of where you entered you find the remains of a workshop (4) with a small anvil and furnace for heating metal. Though too little to do proper forging and smelting it would be good enough for repairing arms and armor. You not that over one of the doorways the words "Georguy's place" have been chiseled into the stone. North of that are a set of stone stairs leading up to the 2nd floor.
To the south is a small pantry with old and partially rotting shelves, a large cooking pot, iron cauldron, various ladles, knives, and scraps of packaging, pots, and jars. To the SW through an open connection you see a larger room or hallway. The far wall, to the west, has what looks to be targets. The doors and rooms of this place are narrower and have a lower ceiling than the manor or fieldhouse do.
map has a 2.5' grid, assume doors are 3' wide except the 5' heavy back door.
Feb 20, 2024 4:50 am
May I assume the only piece of magic we have found is the tapestry? Skeeve is scanning through each room to find 'pings' before doing a more specific scan.
And, in light of Blornvid's preferred approach, I guess we should next check out the opening in the NW corner of room 17.
Feb 20, 2024 1:44 pm
I will point out any magic sensed
Moving to the West end of hall you peer into the next room.
The room is darker, not having any windows to let in the little light available through the small high windows. Blornvid easily scans the room and reports to the others that there is a raised dais and many more webs as well a the floor is covered in a layer of debris scattered across the floor.
Feb 20, 2024 1:53 pm
Kaarik softly whispers, Do you guys need a bit of light or do we try to keep quiet?
Last edited February 20, 2024 1:54 pm
Feb 20, 2024 2:07 pm
dwarfs can see in natural darkness
Everyone's elder will have limits visibility in the darker rooms of the interior
Feb 20, 2024 2:12 pm
A little cleaning and this could be a good place.
Feb 20, 2024 2:29 pm
Skeeve says, "Blornvid didn't say he saw any movement, so, sure, go ahead and let's get a light going."

Once Skeeve gets a good view of what is going on, he will remotely open the door between 14 and 11 to try and get a little more light in that way, too.
Feb 20, 2024 2:54 pm
I can try to get us a bit of light, nothing crazy but at least we would have more visibility.

Kaarik spends a minute to try crafting a glow stone.


Glow stone trinket craft - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Feb 20, 2024 3:49 pm
Kaarik pulls out a stone that emits a gentle light. It takes a moment but be is able to increase the intensity to will above that is a torch.
MB Please keep adding rolls when applicable, as above, but when there are no consequences to failure and your have time I will usually allow automatic success.
Feb 20, 2024 3:55 pm
Oh sure, sorry for that. It makes complete sense. Somehow I thought I just failed but I did not think I have time to try again.
Feb 20, 2024 3:58 pm
Skeeve says, "Two lights will help." With that he pulls out Stick in its cudgel form and puts a light on the club end of it.
Last edited February 20, 2024 3:59 pm
Feb 20, 2024 4:06 pm
You all see the dusty room as Blornvid described it. littered with small objects and webs filling the corners of the room and drifting down from the ceiling.
Feb 20, 2024 4:20 pm
Skeeve will remotely open the door connecting rooms 14 and 11.

He will also look *up* and direct his light there, to see if there is anything to see there. Here's a roll just in case ...


Skeeve: Looking around DC: 4 - (3d6)

(231) = 6

Feb 20, 2024 5:05 pm
Wow, you guys are good. Thanks for the light. I couldn't see much without it.

Gods, this place is a mess. Doesn't look like anyone has been here in a while.
Last edited February 20, 2024 5:06 pm
Feb 20, 2024 6:16 pm
Upon spotting the anvil and furnace in what amounts to be a small blacksmith's workshop, Blornvid says, "I feel at home already. Now all we need is some place to set up the keg."

To Ealdwig's comments about the mess, "Hopefully that means they ain't coming back. I wonder if anyone back at the manor knows this Georguy fellah."
Feb 20, 2024 7:04 pm
"I'll ask Witic when we get back."
Feb 21, 2024 1:54 pm
The aged door, across the room (14) to the north, must have warped over time as Sleeve has to almost rip it from it's hinges as it squeals and groans but moves until it pops open. Immediately after being opened the area in front of it is hailed with a storm of needles that clatter to the floor.

Beyond the now open door is a dead end to the north with another door to the West, this one looks thicker and in better condition, while to the east are stairs heading up.
Feb 21, 2024 3:05 pm
Can we have an update map? I'm not visualizing it, unfortunately.
Feb 21, 2024 4:56 pm
grumble grumble, no. You I must visualize the scene. Stretch out your my imagination reading comprehension...
I will work on spacialy descriptive narrative, and read player posts more carefully, so a map isn't needed every 2 posts

Short hall T with door on left, stairs on right

If you want to see the map get a tableplop account and I can add a link to the info sheet
Feb 21, 2024 5:54 pm
Psybermagi says:
The aged door must have warped over time as Sleeve has to almost rip it from it's hinges as it squeals and groans but moves until it pops open. Immediately after being opened the area in front of it is hailed with a storm of needles that clatter to the floor.
Needles? As in pine needles? Splinters?
Feb 21, 2024 8:10 pm

OK, fair enough. I will just re-ask my question for a textual clarification:

I had thought Skeeve was opening the door in the SE corner of room 14 so that we could see back into a room we've already been in.
It sounds like he opened the door in the NW corner of room 14. Is that correct?

Assuming that the above is correct, Skeeve will still open the door in the SE corner of room 14.

Also, it looks like the eastern half of the north side of room 14 goes farther north. (I.e. that room 14 is "L" shaped.) Let's check that out before we go through the door in the NW corner of room 14.

@ForeverDED, I took it to mean it was a needle trap like we found in one of the doors of the Fieldhouse. So, if we'd have opened it normally by standing in front of it, that person would have taken damage. (And maybe would have been poisoned, too.)
Feb 21, 2024 9:20 pm
Ok I opened the wrong door :p
Grumble, sigh
The needles are tiny metal darts
Going back to the first room (11) and opening the door from there which is similarly stuck, but not trapped, you peer in to see even more webs.
Feb 21, 2024 9:42 pm
Psybermagi says:
Ok I opened the wrong door :p
Grumble, sigh
The needles are tiny metal darts
Oh ok. I wasn't expecting that.
Feb 21, 2024 9:42 pm
Kaarik looks at all the webs keeping some distance. Shouldn't we assume that webs mean spiders?

He makes sure his bow is still close to him.
Feb 21, 2024 9:48 pm
That's fine. We're opening all of the doors a some point. But at least now you know why I was confused.
Skeeve responds, "They certainly can. However, these don't appear to be dense enough to indicate big spiders."

Skeeve suggests opening the door in room 8's west wall. Remotely, of course.
Last edited February 21, 2024 9:49 pm
Feb 22, 2024 6:03 am
Give me a roll. Thats a bad angle and kind of far . . .
Feb 22, 2024 1:03 pm
To Kaarik, yeah, spiders probably won't be a ton of fun. But they won't be as bad as the greenhouse, or whatever that was. Slight shiver Gods it was bad. Barely got out of there alive. Ealdwig shivers again, harder this time remembering the swarms of bugs everywhere.
Feb 22, 2024 2:34 pm
Skeeve says, "Aww, it wasn't too bad. We still got them in the blast!"

Roll incoming!
Last edited February 22, 2024 2:36 pm


Skeeve: Remotely open door DC: 4 - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Feb 22, 2024 2:53 pm
The door creaks but didn't open. Locked out stuck you're not sure
Feb 22, 2024 2:58 pm
Skeeve says to Ealdwig, "So, we need a couple doors checked. Which do you want to start with, the creaky door that didn't open (the door on the west wall of room 8) or the bigger door at the base of the stairs (above the NW corner of room 14)?"

Whichever one he picks, Skeeve will also go to it and check it out.


Skeeve: Check door of Ealdwig's choosing DC: 4 - (3d6)

(265) = 13

Feb 22, 2024 3:09 pm
just a reminder to Ealdwig. Skeeve is perceptive but not with traps. He will notice details but don't assume he notices everything that would reveal a trap
Feb 22, 2024 4:06 pm
Ok good to know, thanks.
Not too bad? Not sure I want to know your definition of bad.

Sure lets check them out.
Ealdwig walks over to the door in Room 8 that Skeeve was unable to open.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(526) = 13

check door to see if locked - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Feb 22, 2024 5:50 pm
Though not trapped the door doors have a good lock . The luck and hinges all have enough rust to make any effort to open it difficult
Feb 22, 2024 6:05 pm
Skeeve attempts to use Topaz-Realign to clean up the lock enough for Ealdwig to pick it.


Skeeve: Clean Rust from Lock DC: 4 - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Feb 22, 2024 6:07 pm
Skeeve says to Ealdwig, "Guess not. Let's go try the door by the stairs, then."

Roll to check out the door.


Skeeve: Check out the Door DC: 4 - (3d6)

(611) = 8

Feb 22, 2024 6:21 pm
As you turn away from the door the dog sized spiders, who were nowhere to be seen when your entered the room, leap at Ealdwig, Skeeve, and Blornvid.
Skeeve takes 1 damage from the bite and must Save or take 1 more damage from poison. Also if you fail you have disadvantage on all rolls until you save but take no more damage


Spider attacks - (Ealdwig:3d6, Skeeve:3d6, Blornvid:3d6)

Ealdwig:3d6 : (322) = 7

Skeeve:3d6 : (364) = 13

Blornvid:3d6 : (343) = 10

Feb 22, 2024 6:34 pm
"Blasted spiders!" Blornvid gets to chopping with his axe.


Axe Attack #1 - (3d6)

(362) = 11

Axe Attack #2 - (3d6)

(124) = 7

Feb 22, 2024 6:39 pm
Kaarik cries out, aaaaaahhh I told you there would be spiders!!. He is completly pale and very scared.

He nocks an arrow and shoots.
I am assuming I was in view of the rest of the group and close enough.
If not, I first get closer and next move I will shoot.


Ranged attack - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Feb 22, 2024 6:46 pm
Skeeve says, "There were spiders!"

Here's the save attempt ...

And he fails. Down 2 HP and has Disadvantage.

Two Shatter attempts this turn.

And that was all utterly pointless. :(
Last edited February 22, 2024 6:47 pm


Skeeve: Save Test DC: 5 - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Skeeve: Shatter 1 DC: 5 - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Skeeve: Shatter 2 DC: 5 - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Feb 22, 2024 7:08 pm
Ealdwig after being lucky enough to dodge the spider that lept at him, pulls his short sword and tries to defend himself.


Attack with sword - (2d6)

(11) = 2

attack with sword - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Feb 22, 2024 7:33 pm
Did Ealdwig ever pick a Mastered weapon? Dagger, sword, pole? I don't see it on your sheet. You should do that
Feb 22, 2024 9:15 pm
matter weapon? Dagger did pole? - sorry not quite understanding what is being asked.

My sheet shows the dagger, goblin sword (from Skeeve), the bow I just purchased, all under gear and the acrobats pole under magic items.

Chromacloth hasn't been used today and Lucky was used in the underdark, not sure how long it's been since we were there.
Feb 22, 2024 10:16 pm

You have three weapons: the dagger, goblin sword, and your pole. You need to pick one of them that has advantage when you make an attack. But only one of them gets this bonus. (The bow is not in the discussion because you don't have proficiency with ranged weapons yet.) Make the choice and mark that choice in your character sheet. Pick the weapon you will be using the most when fighting.

Psybermagi is asking because if your choice is the goblin sword, you get to roll the third die for each attack and perhaps hitting after all.

(I also ask that you make your character sheet viewable by others.)
Feb 22, 2024 10:42 pm
daryen says:

You have three weapons: the dagger, goblin sword, and your pole. You need to pick one of them that has advantage when you make an attack. But only one of them gets this bonus. (The bow is not in the discussion because you don't have proficiency with ranged weapons yet.) Make the choice and mark that choice in your character sheet. Pick the weapon you will be using the most when fighting.

Psybermagi is asking because if your choice is the goblin sword, you get to roll the third die for each attack and perhaps hitting after all.

(I also ask that you make your character sheet viewable by others.)
Thanks for the clarification. I thought because I took Trapmaster, that I wasn't able to get advantage on a weapon. I don't think of the acrobats pole as a weapon, since I've been using it for years as part of my routine. I've used it to hit things but that was an after effect. So if I do pick one it would be the sword. I've been practicing with Blornvid and on my own.

All for making the character sheet viewable, just don't know how to do it. Can't find the button for it.
Feb 22, 2024 11:55 pm
During our big fight with the Roper/Darkmantles, Psybermagi re-adjusted our character progression. So, multiple of us (including Skeeve and Ealdwig) gained Mastery pretty much mid-fight. So, you're good with that and it doesn't affect what you have already taken.

OK, since you picked the sword, be sure to mark that in your character sheet. Then, make two 1d6 rolls that will serve as additions to your existing attack rolls. (Basically, adding the "missing" third die to your attack.) Then Psybermagi can continue the fight. In your next attacks with the sword, you will use 3d6 for the attack rolls.

Finally, to make the character sheet visible, go to the top gray toolbar at the top of the screen and click on "Characters". Then click on "All Characters". This will show you all of the characters you have created on Gamers Plane. Each entry will have four icons on the right hand side: A gear, a pencil, a rectangle, and an X. Whatever you do DO NOT CLICK THE X!! If you click the X you will delete your character and you will NOT be asked if you wanted to do that. The gear, pencil, and X are all red; the rectangle is gray. Click on the gray rectangle and it will turn red. Once that is red, your character will be visible for others to see. (If it is any consolation, it took me a while to figure this out.)

Hope this all helps!
Last edited February 22, 2024 11:57 pm
Feb 23, 2024 2:14 am
I only see a pencil (edit) which is red and a flag (favorite) with is grey. I made the flag red. let me know if you can see it.

Don't see a gear or an X.
Feb 23, 2024 4:22 am
I'll post with pictures in your character thread. Regardless, please make the two d6 rolls.
Feb 23, 2024 4:42 am
Blornvid chops one of the spiders, followed by Kaarik shooting at one but missing. Skeeve stumbles back with the spider atop him and tries to channel his magic but can't concentrate as the pain of the venom courses through his veins. Ealdwig tries to drive the spiders off but fumbles and fails to connect.



Feb 23, 2024 4:44 am
The spiders jump forward to attack with Blornvid getting bit on the neck. Immediately after that they fade and become translucent as they scurry through the walls.
Ealdwig 1 damage and Blornvid 2 damage (crit) booth need to save vs poison for 1 damage and disadvantage on rools


Spider attack - (Ealdwig:3d6, Skeeve:3d6, Blornvid:3d6)

Ealdwig:3d6 : (462) = 12

Skeeve:3d6 : (335) = 11

Blornvid:3d6 : (664) = 16

Feb 23, 2024 5:20 am
Here's Skeeve's next Save Test to get past the disadvantage penalty. I assume the saves are at disadvantage, too.

Well, that didn't work. I am also assuming that one Save Test covers it regardless of how many bites he has suffered.

Also, he got hit again. Does that mean he is taking two damage points per hit because his Save Test rolls suck? Or does the poison only affect once in the combat, meaning he has only taken three damage points so far?

If he has taken 4 HP already, he says, while still feeling ill, "Perhaps we should pull back to the other room, or even outside, to recover." He will back up, at least to the door to room 11 with his first Action while waiting to see what everyone else is going to do.
Last edited February 23, 2024 5:29 am


Skeeve: Save Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

standard save - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Feb 23, 2024 9:00 am
Kaarik remains where he is standing, he knocks and arrow and shouts: I am covering you! You can retreat!

He shoots.

I realize that I might not have visibility on the spiders... So you can ignore my action in that case. I will try to be more awake in the future :D
Last edited February 23, 2024 9:04 am


Ranged attack - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Feb 23, 2024 1:47 pm
I can use agility to try and evade the hit correct?

I also rolled the two additional 1d6 if it's not too late.

Since Evade worked, I don't need to roll for a save, correct?
Ealdwig dives and rolls out of the way and just barely escapes the spider's bite. Staring in disbelief did they just go through the walls!? Hells, that's not good.
Last edited February 23, 2024 1:50 pm


Evade attack using Agility trait - (1d6)

(6) = 6

attack with sword - (1d6)

(1) = 1

attack with sword - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 23, 2024 4:26 pm
You only take 1 damage from the poison but the disadvantage persists until you save. So Skeeve and Blornvid take the bite damage, both blocked by their armor, then the poison damage once if they fail the save.

The spiders fled through the walls and can not be targeted from where you are. You can try to give chase or prepare to attack if/when they return.

This enemy is a bit complicated as they can move through things to to make it manageable with the Tiny system.
I will allow you to act once each time they appear as long as you have an action available. This will let you get in one when the spiders appear regardless of their actions.
Ealdwig avoids the spiders attack and Skeeve continues to struggle under the poisons effect (antidote anyone?) as Kaarik , who stands a bit behind the others loads his bow looking for a target and edges closer to the others.
Feb 23, 2024 4:38 pm
Skeeve says, "Give me a moment while I try to recover. That gave me more of a shock than I would have thought. We probably ought to stay in the center of the room to give us reaction time if they come back."

I assume Skeeve had to use his first Action to move around and out of harms way. He uses his second action for a heal attempt (two rolls) on himself, since he did get hit twice. He will hold off on the anti-toxin until he is sure they are going to keep attacking. He has to succeed at a roll at some point ...

To Kaarik, he says, "You were absolutely correct to worry about spiders. I was totally wrong. I apologize."
Last edited February 23, 2024 4:53 pm


Skeeve: Heal DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Skeeve: Heal DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Feb 23, 2024 6:05 pm
Rolling for poison save


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Feb 23, 2024 6:06 pm
"Who needs a poison antidote? I've got two."

"I wonder if those bastard spiders moved in after Georguy left, or if they're the reason he ain't around no more."
Last edited February 23, 2024 6:09 pm
Feb 23, 2024 6:07 pm
Give me one more turn. I've gotta make a roll some time ...

Skeeve is the only one currently poisoned.
Last edited February 23, 2024 6:08 pm
Feb 23, 2024 7:50 pm
Kaarik joins the group as they regroug.
He puts a hand on Skeeve's shoulder, "Do not worry for that, I was being a bit paranoid, the fact that there happen to really be spiders was just bad luck. You should more worry about yourself now, are you badly hurt?"

He turns toward Blornvid and Ealdwig, "You both received bad blows, are you fine?"
Feb 23, 2024 7:51 pm
daryen says:
Give me one more turn. I've gotta make a roll some time ...
um yeah, sure, they fates are against you this time. Absolutely not reference the behind the scenes interlude between Destiny, Fate, Chance, and Luck. Nop, not at all. :) Good luck?

Just to make sure we're on the same page Skeeve took 4 damage - 1 for his armor, so is at 3/6 HP, right?
Poison in the system is not cumulative. Any single save will negate both effects.

Those that acted without a target are assumed to be waiting for a spider to appear
After that second surprise attack Skeeve is not looking too good and tries to heal himself as the toxin sends fire through his nerves.

Two of the spiders fall ontop of Blornvid, targeting the armorer dwarf that already stuck back at them. The other goes for Kaarik. Both Kaarik and Blornvid are bit. Roll Save vs 1 damage and poisoned till save Then all three again begin to fade from view as they move off through walls or the floor.


Spider attack - (Kaarik:3d6, Blornvid:3d6, Blornvid:3d6)

Kaarik:3d6 : (355) = 13

Blornvid:3d6 : (453) = 12

Blornvid:3d6 : (434) = 11

Feb 23, 2024 8:14 pm
When you said the poison wasn't cumulative, I thought you meant that the damage also wasn't, so he only took one damage on the second attack. Now that I see I'm wrong, let's fix my mistake ...

Also, you said that when they appeared, we all have the opportunity to get an attack in, so I'll be using that, too.
For his first Action, Skeeve quaffs his anti-toxin, which won't give him the hit points back, but will negate the continuing effects. It should also inoculate him from the extra poison damage from future bites. For his second Action, he tries to hammer the spider that hit Kaarik.
I assume I still need to make my save to ward off the effects whenever the anti-toxin expires.


Skeeve: Spider Attack DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(315) = 9

Skeeve: Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Feb 23, 2024 8:15 pm
Hells! If they just come out of no where, attach and fade back into the walls, how are we suppose to deal with them? We can't make this our place with those...things running around.

Skeeve, you alright? You're not looking so good.

Should we retreat and come back with more of a plan?

Ealdwig will keep his sword out and attach anything he sees.
Do we know how many of these spiders we have to deal with?
Last edited February 23, 2024 8:17 pm


attack closest spider with sword - (3d6)

(134) = 8

2nd attack - (3d6)

(524) = 11

Feb 23, 2024 8:17 pm
As long as you are in range, you still get your counter-attack before they fade away. So go ahead and make your rolls!
Feb 23, 2024 8:19 pm
Man they're quick! Ealdwig keeps his head on a swivel looking all over the room.
Feb 23, 2024 8:57 pm
Trying to ignore the pain Kaarik shoots at the spider that hit him.
I should have rolled the attack after the save, my bad. So the attack fails.
Last edited February 23, 2024 8:59 pm


Save test - (2d6)

(34) = 7

ranged attack - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Feb 23, 2024 10:07 pm
@daryen Is that one of Blornvid's anti-poison potions that he offered Skeeve?

Crap! Failed the poison save so another point of damage and attack at disadvantage, right?

How long do one of those anti-poison potions last? If I take one now for an action, then get bit again, does that mean I have to go through all of this again?
Last edited February 23, 2024 10:09 pm


Poison Save - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Feb 24, 2024 12:11 am
@ForeverDED, it was his own one anti-toxin Skeeve used. Blornvid's supplies are unchanged.

@Psybermagi has to answer how the anti-toxin works. My understanding ... is probably wrong, so there is no reason for me to guess. It should last past this fight, regardless.
Feb 24, 2024 2:36 am
As you were waiting for targets to appear I feel it appropriate that your attacks happen before theirs so Kaarik hit with their attack.
The most you have seen are 3 spiders at once. So either they coordinate well, probability is a spy, or there are 3
Antitoxin lasts 1 minute minimum
Feb 24, 2024 3:53 am
Not knowing how long combat rounds are, I'll just attack at disadvantage this round so I don't hold things up further. Not sure when I'm logging in on Saturday.

Yikes, that was bad.
Last edited February 24, 2024 3:53 am


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Advantage before being poisoned - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 24, 2024 10:13 pm
In pain, nauseous and still keeping an eye on the walls in case the spiders would reappear, Kaarik says, "Maybe we should try to retreat and find a way to get into the room adjacent, the one from where they come from".
Feb 25, 2024 1:25 am
Antitoxin says:
Drinking this potion removes existing poison effects or grants advantage on Save tests VS poison for 1 minute
I recall the antitoxin as above, so when you drink it existing effects are gone but so are its benefits.
Skeeve smacks one of the spiders as they move through the room and is able to finish it off. Ealdwig ties as well but his first strike misses and the second is a moment too late as they phase through the walls. Kaarik gets off a shot on one before another spider bites his arm then jumps back. Blronvid is unable to land a blow to the leaping and skittering creatures.
These spiders are acting more like a wolf pack, harrying prey with hit and run, circling around to attack the flanks, than the standard spider tactics.
Spider actions incoming... tomorrow
Feb 25, 2024 6:21 am
Skeeve says to the others, "I recommend we retreat all the way outside to heal up. We can come back and try again after that."

His intended next two actions are to get outside the building. However, he won't leave anyone behind. If no one else is retreating, he isn't retreating either, even at the risk of his life.
I have three HP. Assuming he just runs, takes a hit, fails his save, then he should make it outside next turn with one HP. If we fight another round, that gives them one more round of attack which could kill him. We have to leave this round to be able to make sure we make it out. Do note that this assumes they will not follow us out. That may not be a completely safe assumption.
Feb 25, 2024 4:12 pm
Ealdwig continues to keep his eyes open looking for any spiders phasing through the walls, ready to protect whomever he can. These things are killing us. We should get out of here and regroup with a plan. Anyone have a way of stopping these things from phasing?



Feb 25, 2024 5:50 pm
The group rushes back the way you came into the building with Skeeve and Kaarik in the lead and Blornvid and Ealdwig bringing up the rear.

The spiders pouce on their fleeing prey then fade back into the ether.
Ignore attack to Kaarik


Spider attack - (Skeeve:3d6, Blornvid:3d6, Kaarik:3d6)

Skeeve:3d6 : (464) = 14

Blornvid:3d6 : (342) = 9

Kaarik:3d6 : (155) = 11

Feb 25, 2024 5:52 pm
Staggering and bleeding you rush out the door and continue to move away from the gatehouse but thankfully the phase spiders do not pursue you outside.
Feb 25, 2024 6:55 pm
"Blasted spiders! Now those intelligent spiders were creepy, but there was a chance we could deal with them. These! I've never seen anything phase in and out like that." Blornvid goes on a little bit longer, venting his frustration.
Feb 25, 2024 7:22 pm
Anyone ok?

Any ideas how to deal with them?
Feb 25, 2024 7:32 pm
Normal spiders could not be enough it seems, we had to face something than see and go through walls...

We cannot even see from where they come from...
I still have 3 HP (and I guess I am poisoned), how do I get my HPs back?
Feb 25, 2024 11:06 pm
Skeeve can heal everyone outside of combat. Inside combat is way dicier. He will do so once he recovers from his second poisoning.
While healing everyone, Skeeve says, "Well, that went poorly. I do have an area of effect spell, but that requires them to stick around long enough to get hit by it, and I don't know if they were. We could just hit them as when they appeared, but we aren't doing damage fast enough to make up for the hurt their poison does against us. We need a way to keep them from doing their hit-n-run tactics, and I am not sure how to do that. Or we need to be able to negate their poison."
As a side note, I thought you said that Skeeve's one hit finished off one of the spiders, yet three still attacked us at the end. So that means there are likely more than three of them, correct?
Feb 26, 2024 1:04 am
Poorly!? That's an understatement.
Feb 26, 2024 2:33 am
MoyenBateau says:
I still have 3 HP (and I guess I am poisoned), how do I get my HPs back?
Without magic, you get 1 HP back per hour of complete rest. There are also healing potions that will heal 2HP per potion. Anyone with the Healer trait can try to heal 2HP per attempt and can remove disease and poison. We don't have that in our group. However, Skeeve does have an a magical ability that can heal HP (but not disease or poison). However it only works well in between combat. It doesn't keep us in the fight longer, but it does let us get back to combat much more quickly

I hope that helps explain things!
Feb 26, 2024 3:54 am
"They must have a nest somewhere. Maybe if we can find it, we can destroy it, drive 'em off."
Feb 26, 2024 4:36 am
Yep, forgot to adjust attack. Kaarik was not biten that last round.
Feb 26, 2024 2:36 pm
Oh, OK! Good to know!
With a little more resolution, and once everyone is healed and recovered from their poisoning, Skeeve says, "Well, we did whittle them down from three to two. So, let's get back in there and try again, but this time we will be better prepared.

"Blornvid, you still have two anti-toxin potions, correct? If you and Ealdwig take them, then you two will have a better chance to get through the fight unscathed. I will use my shielding ability to try and avoid getting hit. The three of us will encircle Kaarik, hopefully allowing you to take pot-shots with your bow while we keep you from getting bitten.

"How does that sound?"
Last edited February 26, 2024 2:38 pm
Feb 26, 2024 3:05 pm
Holding the anti-toxin potion out in front of himself, you take this before being bitten? Does it keep the venom from taking effect or help to heal you after you are poisoned?

Sorry, I've never had the need to take one of these before.

Looking at Skeeve a little dubiously, is that the best plan we've got?
Feb 26, 2024 3:30 pm
"Don't take it yet! The potion does one of two things. If you are already poisoned, it will eliminate the poison and be done. If you are not yet poisoned, it makes you resistant (but not immune) for a minute."

Skeeve chuckles at the last question. "It's the best plan I've got. I am completely open to a better plan!"

Thinking for a moment, he then adds, "Actually, I have another idea. I haven't done this before, but I can try to put up a force wall to mess with their phasing. I don't have complete control over it yet, but maybe I can delay their retreat for a moment, giving us a better chance to hit them. Regardless, that's just a modification of the idea I stated before. The base idea is to keep Kaarik clean for his arrows, and us to hit them as they appear."
Basically, plan for whack-a-mole and just execute the process. Put another way, we plan for their game and play it better than they do.
Last edited February 26, 2024 5:26 pm
Feb 26, 2024 4:29 pm
Kaarik seems to be much better thanks to Skeeve's help.

I agree with Skeeve's plan. They will not have the advantage of surprise anymore.
We can do it.
Feb 26, 2024 5:24 pm
Laughing a little, sorry Skeeve, didn't mean to be rude. Just a little stressed.

Looking through is bag, I have the homunculus. He pulls it out. I can send this in to survey the place. Frowning. Not sure how that could help, we know they are coming at us through the walls. And too many doors are closed to try and find there nest.

Yeah sorry, I've got nothing better.
Ealdwig puts the homunculus away.
Feb 26, 2024 6:00 pm
daryen says:
With a little more resolution, and once everyone is healed and recovered from their poisoning, Skeeve says, "Well, we did whittle them down from three to two. So, let's get back in there and try again, but this time we will be better prepared.

"Blornvid, you still have two anti-toxin potions, correct?"
daryen says:
"If you and Ealdwig take them, then you two will have a better chance to get through the fight unscathed. I will use my shielding ability to try and avoid getting hit. The three of us will encircle Kaarik, hopefully allowing you to take pot-shots with your bow while we keep you from getting bitten.

"How does that sound?"
"It's a better plan than the one we had. Let's do it."
Feb 26, 2024 9:19 pm
After Blornvids comment, Ealdwig looking confused at the ground, quietly talks to himself, we had a plan? Wish someone would have told me. Gives a little shake of his head.

Ok guys, let's go. Ealdwig adjusts his equipment draws his goblin sword and heads toward the door. We're taking the potion just before we head into the room, correct? 1 minute of resistance right? Curing it after the effect is good to, if you live of course.
Feb 26, 2024 9:47 pm
Skeeve pats Ealdwig on the back and says, "We'll live. We might have to retreat a second time and come back to finish the job, but we'll live."

Skeeve thinks for a moment, then adds, "We probably ought to focus on one spider at a time, as one will be easier to handle while damaged, instead of two."
Feb 26, 2024 10:02 pm
Arkmenos says:
After Blornvids comment, Ealdwig looking confused at the ground, quietly talks to himself, we had a plan? Wish someone would have told me. Gives a little shake of his head.
Blornvid answers Ealdwig, "The original plan was just to go room by room, searching the house. It wasn't much of a plan, so that's why you may have missed it." He adds a wink.
Feb 26, 2024 10:32 pm
Ealdwig giggles. Yeah, not much as far as plans go.
Feb 27, 2024 3:15 am
OK, it looks like we have an approach, such as it is.
We'll try to go in with our formation in mind, and get back to the room that triggered them. Skeeve will then toss small puffs of flame into the webs. It should be enough to burn the webs some, but not enough to set the room or building on fire. Blornvid and Ealdwig will have to state the timing of their potion consumption. Skeeve will have his shield up the entire time, only dropping it when either the fight is over or we have to run away again.
Feb 27, 2024 3:37 am
Since we only have a minute, Blornvid will use a combat action to drink the potion after he fails a poison save.
Feb 27, 2024 1:54 pm
Ealdwig being young and inexperienced will follow Blornvid's lead.
Feb 27, 2024 1:58 pm
After healing and discussing you plans you cautiously head back to the gatehouse. Blornvid takes the lead with Skeeve and Ealdwig behind and Kaarik at the rear(center?). Moving up to the door then entering the large kitchen commons you head for the spiders den.
currently assuming everyone is moving slowly while holding an attack for anything that presents itself
Feb 27, 2024 3:01 pm
Skeeve wants to project a 10x10 square plane behind the spiders. They seem to be emerging, attacking, the retreating. If Skeeve can create the wall behind them, that will prevent them from being able to immediately leave. Of course, they can quickly knock it down, but that takes an extra turn, giving us another attack. Assuming Skeeve successfully invokes it, of course. Everyone else should just attack.

Skeeve has his Shield up and thus just gets one Standard Test to invoke the square plane.
Last edited February 27, 2024 3:01 pm
Feb 27, 2024 3:26 pm
As Blornvid enters the room he is dropped on by a spider while another jumps through the wall to attack Skeeve. Both then move away as they fade into insubstantiality.
1 action each for now.
If Skeeve succeeds blocking the spider then it remains otherwise it retreats though the wall.
Skeeve can dodge the critical hit, hopefully


Spider attacks - (Blornvid:3d6, Skeeve:3d6)

Blornvid:3d6 : (365) = 14

Skeeve:3d6 : (166) = 13

Feb 27, 2024 4:01 pm
Well, here it goes ...

Oh well, no plan works if the dice don't cooperate. :-(

Adding the Save Test ...

Well, hopefully others roll better.

Skeeve is down three HP and is poisoned. Bummer.
Last edited February 27, 2024 4:04 pm


Skeeve: Block spiders' retreat DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Skeeve: Shield Dodge DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Skeeve: Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Feb 27, 2024 4:06 pm
Ealdwig flinches when the spiders attack. It's like they were waiting for us to come back! We barely got into the room.
Since I am behind Skeeve and Blornvid, I am not sure I could reach for attack. Ignore the roll if I can't doing it to speed things along. Guess it doesn't matter if I could reach or not.
Ealdwig swings wildly after being surprised by the spiders. Stupid things! Hells!

Kaarik, I hope you get a good shot!
Last edited February 27, 2024 4:10 pm


attack with sword - (3d6)

(144) = 9

Feb 27, 2024 4:19 pm
In the rear, well protected by the others, and feeling a bit bad about that, Kaarik shoots an arrow at the spider.


Ranged attack - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Feb 27, 2024 4:35 pm
and the new guy carries the team 😁
Feb 27, 2024 7:09 pm
Once again, the spiders get the jump on Blornvid. While bitten, he manages to avoid the venom. He swings his axe at the bastard that bit him and gets it.
Last edited February 27, 2024 7:11 pm


Poison Save - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Swing of the axe - (3d6)

(236) = 11

Feb 28, 2024 4:31 am
Skeeve raises his mystic shield but the spiders rapid movement is able to bypass it to bit him vissiously and Skeeve staggers back as the toxin injected does its work in weakening him again. Ealdwig slashes with his sword and Kaarik loses an arrow that strikes true as the spider it leaps back before Skeeve can block it's retreat. Though Blornvid is bitten again he manages to resist the toxins with his hearty dwarvish fortitude and land a solid blow to the creature.
This is still part of the same conflict, though round 2, so armor bonuses are not yet back in effect and all damage goes to the character.
The ability of these spiders to to phase in and out only allows a single attack.
Pressing on you continue your advance. As soon as you enter the room you see both spiders rush you in a craze. Kaarik, at the back of the party raises his bow and spots movement at the north end of the room. Another spider, even bigger with a large white mass on the top of it's bulbous abdomen that remain to the rear of the fight clinging to webs.


Spider attack - (Blornvid:3d6, Blornvid:3d6, Ealdwig:3d6, Ealdwig:3d6)

Blornvid:3d6 : (654) = 15

Blornvid:3d6 : (146) = 11

Ealdwig:3d6 : (222) = 6

Ealdwig:3d6 : (161) = 8

Feb 28, 2024 5:35 am
Just to be clear, there are now three spiders, one of whom isn't joining the fight yet. The two combatants are now doing an all out attack and haven't phased away. Do I have that correct?
Feb 28, 2024 12:24 pm
Ealdwig dodges the spider and swings his sword in retaliation.

To Hells with you!

Blornvid, you ok!?
Just remembered evade is only 1d6. I guess two 6s is hard to argue with though.
Last edited February 28, 2024 1:28 pm


Evade attack using Agility trait - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Attack with sword - (3d6)

(565) = 16

Feb 28, 2024 12:35 pm
Kaarik looks in the direction of the new spider.
Not sure that anyone in the group was able to see it, he says:
"There, in the back. There is a bigger spider! It looks like their leader. Maybe we should focus on it?"

So far, not wanting to alert the new spider too much since it did not attack yet, he shoots at the spider that attacked Ealdwig.


Ranged attack - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Feb 28, 2024 12:46 pm

daryen says:
Just to be clear, there are now three spiders, one of whom isn't joining the fight yet. The two combatants are now doing an all out attack and haven't phased away. Do I have that correct?
Correct. Ealdwig can attack once more. Noce dodging action :)
Feb 28, 2024 1:30 pm
Lucky dodge, but I'll take it. My new armor let's me roll evade again if I fail correct?

Sorry forgot the second attack. I am slowly getting better. Also the Evade is only one die, screwed that up too.
After connecting on his first strike, Ealdwig goes in for the kill.
Last edited February 28, 2024 1:30 pm


Attack with sword - (3d6)

(363) = 12

Feb 28, 2024 4:06 pm
Ealdwig finishes off one of the spiders with a deft thrust then a follow up slash.
Feb 28, 2024 4:09 pm
Woohoo! Got one! Ealdwig scans the room looking for new attacks.
Feb 28, 2024 4:57 pm
Rolling for 2 poison saves.


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Feb 28, 2024 5:00 pm
Upon hearing that Ealdwig slew one of the spiders, Blornvid shouts, "Well done, lad!" While bitten again, twice, Blornvid manages to resist the venom. He presses the attack with two swings of his axe.


1st Axe Swing - (3d6)

(561) = 12

2nd Axe Swing - (3d6)

(514) = 10

Feb 28, 2024 5:38 pm
Skeeve tries a recovery Save Test. He will wait to act after Kaarik.

... still Disad on everything. Will still wait for Kaarik to go before I post Skeeve's actions. Basically, if the second spider goes down, he will try to heal himself up a bit. If the second spider is still standing, he will zap from a distance to try to help take it out. (This isn't trying to "defer" any actions. It is just trying to go last in our part of the turn.)
Last edited February 28, 2024 5:40 pm


Skeeve: Save Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 28, 2024 5:49 pm
I think I am done for this turn.
Might be wrong though.
Feb 28, 2024 6:06 pm
Blornvid finishes off the other spider. The larger spider in the background enjoys a good and bends it's legs behind jumping backwards as is fades from view. You ready to face the creature but after several moments of it not returning you begin to wonder if it truly left...
Kasric had quick shot so could have gone again as the spiders were fully focused on attacking so did not phase out and prevent more attacks.
That was a bit of an advanced combat. Thanks for working through it
Feb 28, 2024 7:09 pm
All good. It was entertaining and worked out well.
Where did the big one go? Is it coming back?
Feb 28, 2024 7:30 pm
Here are Skeeves four Healing rolls ...


Skeeve: Heal 1 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Skeeve: Heal 2 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Skeeve: Heal 3 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Skeeve: Heal 4 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Feb 28, 2024 8:26 pm
Oh right, I completely forgot about quick shot.
Well done guys! You did great! Is everyone well? I think we should go in the direction of the big spider, we have to neutralize it as soon as possible.
Feb 28, 2024 8:33 pm
Do you know where it went? Can't follow it through the wall.

We're going to have to clear the place, of all the spiders and whatever else might be in here if we're going to make this a home base. I certainly don't want to be surprised in my sleep.
Feb 28, 2024 8:49 pm
what? Your don't want Shelob as a neighbor? But she's so tidy. Cleans up the neighborhood and helps cut down on unruly parties. The HOA loves her.

( Human opposition association)
Feb 28, 2024 9:20 pm
Blornvid is a little beat up. If he gets his armor points back, he'll be good to go. Skeeve should probably work that poison through his system before we even think about dealing with "Shelob."
Feb 28, 2024 9:25 pm
LOl, nope. Not really interested in Shelob as a neighbor.
Feb 28, 2024 9:40 pm
If we are out-of-combat, Skeeve will heal everyone up. Sadly, his ability works equally well, whether poisoned or not ...
Feb 28, 2024 9:52 pm
Several more moments pass and Skeeve bears with the toxins effects while healing everyone.
Feb 28, 2024 10:13 pm
Let's see how long it takes to make Skeeve's Save Test ...

How about that. Got it in one!

(And you can tell I didn't expect that, since I called it "Save Test 1". I honestly thought it would take a few more tries.)
Last edited February 28, 2024 10:14 pm


Skeeve: Save Test 1 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 29, 2024 12:56 am
Skeeve, why don't you do some of that magic stuff and find the mommy spider? We need to take it down?
Feb 29, 2024 2:44 am
"My magic mostly works directly with physical interaction. It doesn't do much for concepts or remote detection.

"Should we loop around to the other side of the building to see if there is an entrance that way? In the end, we have to just use Blornvid's axe to go directly through the wall."
Feb 29, 2024 3:00 am
"Might as well. We need some kind of advantage against that big one."
Feb 29, 2024 1:38 pm

You look around and remember that Wittic said the gatehouse only has 2 doors and the front door is likely locked. Pursuit of the female phase spider with the egg sack on its abdoment will be quite difficult until you have cleared the rest of the rooms. Especialy sice it can climb walls making the 2nd floor a possible escape route for it.
updated Info sheet to replace fieldhouse map with one of the gatehouse
Feb 29, 2024 2:43 pm
Think we can lure it into a trap. That would be easier than trying to find it and taking it on it's terms.
Feb 29, 2024 6:07 pm
"So someone goes alone, finds it, hopes it chases them, and runs back to us where we're in a kill zone. Is that what you had in mind, lad?"
Feb 29, 2024 7:56 pm
Well, um, not exactly that. But if you think it'll work...
Feb 29, 2024 8:09 pm
It's a great idea Blornvid! But will you be fast enough to avoid to make sure the spider does not keep up with you?
Feb 29, 2024 8:55 pm
Finally feeling better, Skeeve says, "I am up for whichever. Finish looking through the first floor, going out and poking into the front door, or trying to bait it. I'm up for any of them."
Anyone hurt has now been healed, though armor is still damaged.
Mar 1, 2024 1:11 am
Ealdwig says:
Well, um, not exactly that. But if you think it'll work...
Blornvid laughs. "I have no idea, primarily because we don't know how smart that spider is."
Kaarik says:
It's a great idea Blornvid! But will you be fast enough to avoid to make sure the spider does not keep up with you?
"Dwarves ain't exactly known for their speed."
Skeeve says:
Finally feeling better, Skeeve says, "I am up for whichever. Finish looking through the first floor, going out and poking into the front door, or trying to bait it. I'm up for any of them."
"We seem to have hit a bit of an impasse going the way we have. I wouldn't mind checking out the front door. By the way, good to see you feeling better, Skeeve."
Mar 1, 2024 3:19 am
We better find that thing before it has babies. We don't want to deal with all here offspring.

It was pregnant right? It looked pregnant.

Thinking, don't spiders have a ton of babies? Ealdwig shivers, thinking about it.
Mar 1, 2024 3:33 am
Arkmenos says:
Thinking, don't spiders have a ton of babies? Ealdwig shivers, thinking about it.
"Even if they hatch today, I doubt they grow up that fast. And as long as they stay small, I have a talisman (scroll) for that!

How are you feeling about picking another lock?"
Mar 1, 2024 1:52 pm
Sure, I can try that. I'm getting better at that.

Which one?
Rolling for the possibilities so I don't hold up the game.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(366) = 15

Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)

(351) = 9

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(361) = 10

Mar 1, 2024 2:26 pm
With those rolls, we all hurry outside and run around to the front door!
Once unlocked, we step back and Skeeve opens the door remotely.
Mar 1, 2024 8:38 pm
Going back outside you enjoy a few minutes of fresh air and beautiful weathers. Strolling casually to the front of the building you take you time and examine carefully before picking the lock. Ealdwig is a bit confused as he is sure the lock is tied to a trap but the exterior of the building is solid and there are no traps around the door. During the examination he notes the lock is very well built but he is confident it is possible to pick. He gets to work with his pry bars, probes, oil, and after several minutes of this finally gets the stubborn lock to pop free. Blornvid nods his head in appreciation of a well built mechanism and thinks it might be worth it to take it apart later for reference. Stepping back, just in case, Skeeve tries to open the door, only to find his magic slips off of it like trying to grip a ice cycle while hanging from it. It is obviously warded against magical intrusion. With a bit of experimentation the three of you work out a system where a bit of rope tied to Ealdwigs pole allows Blornvid to lift the rather stubborn latch while Skeeves magic pushes it open.

With the door open you look inside to see a bare room of simple stone with 2 doors, to the north and east, as well as an open archway to the south. The dust on the floor shows the room to have been unused for a long time.
Mar 1, 2024 8:43 pm
Skeeve enters the room cautiously checking for any oddities. When done with that, he moves to check out the archway in the south wall.

(Two rolls: one for the room, the other for looking through the archway.)


Skeeve: Checking out entry room DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(623) = 11

Skeeve: Looking through archway DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(115) = 7

Pit Trap advantage due to caution - (3d6)

(342) = 9

Mar 1, 2024 8:54 pm
As Skeeve steps over the threshold the ground suddenly collapses out from under his feet! A 10' square section of the floor falls into several section, pivoting down and Skeeve disappears from sight as he falls and the door slams shut. Behind the once again closed door you hear sounds of mechanisms' at floor level.
Psybermagi sent a note to daryen
Mar 1, 2024 9:03 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Mar 1, 2024 9:15 pm
Kaarik is shocked by Skeeve's fall. He hurries to the edge of the hole and shouts:

Skeeve? Are you ok?
Mar 1, 2024 9:15 pm
"Skeeve! Damn this cursed place. C'mon lads, give me a hand with the door."
Once we get the door opened, we'll try to trigger the trap with something, either a log or a stone with a rope tied around it. Failing that, we'll try Ealdwig—sorry—also with a rope tied around his waist, but keep the rope taut so that he doesn't fall. Hopefully, we find something to keep the floor open and find Skeeve.
Mar 1, 2024 9:28 pm
As the entry to the guard house of the manor I just thought this door would be a bit above par so raised the stakes with a little narrative licence to 2 successes to totally bypass the trap. Your success granted advantage on the Save but it wasn't enough. You will note that Ealdwid did determine there was likely a trap but could not locate it in my earlier post.
[ +- ] The Trio Topside
[ +- ] The Sufferings of the Solitaire Skeeve
Mar 1, 2024 9:46 pm
"Let's look for a log to trigger the trap door. And then something to wedge into the space to keep the trap from resetting."
Mar 1, 2024 9:58 pm
[ +- ] The Topside Trio
Mar 1, 2024 9:59 pm
Fair enough on requiring two successes. No problem with that. And you did warn us. Also completely fair.
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Mar 1, 2024 10:30 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to daryen
Mar 1, 2024 11:09 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi


Skeeve: Look through first room DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(352) = 10

Skeeve: Look through second room DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(613) = 10

Mar 2, 2024 4:41 pm
Surprised, Skeeve! oh Hells! Can you hear me? Any idea where that might go?

Wonder if I can open or disable it without falling into it? Ealdwig give it a shot.

Blornvid, I can't help much with something heavy to trigger it with, but we can use my pole to hold it open, um, maybe? We'll have to get it in the opening fast.

Does Ealdwig see a mechanism nearby or anywhere in the room that may hold it open or turn it off?
For my clarity of the situation, occasionally I have had trouble visualizing what is happening. The trap is immediately on the threshold on the other side of the door? One step in and you're on the trap? So to get over it, you'll have to go 10' straight ahead, there is now way to skirt around it? How did it open? Did it slide, fall completely, is it on a hinge? If a hinge which side is the hinge on, the door side, the room side, left or right?
Last edited March 2, 2024 4:42 pm


disable / open floor trap (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(453) = 12

Mar 2, 2024 4:49 pm
It's immediately inside the door and hinged, as it quickly snapped shut after Skeeve fell through. I don't know for sure where the hinge is, but it would make most sense if it were on the edge closest to the door and fell down, then snapping back up.
Mar 2, 2024 5:18 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos,MoyenBateau
Mar 2, 2024 9:02 pm
ForeverDED sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos,MoyenBateau
Mar 2, 2024 9:06 pm
MoyenBateau sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos,MoyenBateau,Psybermagi
Mar 2, 2024 9:09 pm
ForeverDED sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos,MoyenBateau
Mar 3, 2024 4:28 am
I am up for anything. Whatever is going to work. I can try and pole vault across? I am pretty good with that. Worked well against the construct a few days ago, right? Ealdwig is smiling thinking about it Maybe I can lay the pole over the trap, bracing on both sides of the door and walk across? That way my weight won't be on it.
Do we know how much weight triggers the trap? Maybe I'm too light and I can walk across. Or skirt the side, so not all of my weight is on the trap. I don't weight much.
I have this fancy rope cannon thing that Skeeve gave me. I pull it out and show it to the guys. We can shoot it and it'll grab onto something then we can hold it tight. Could also work to pull Skeeve out if we can get the trap door open.

I figure we need to get down there or at least get it open so we can pull Skeeve out.
When I called out to Skeeve, could he hear me? Could I hear him?
Mar 3, 2024 4:29 am
Not sure if that came up as a private note, I used the box with the lines in it and picked you three, but on my end it doesn't show as a "note".
Mar 3, 2024 4:40 am
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Mar 3, 2024 3:04 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to daryen
While trying to decide the best method to bypass or lock upen the trap the topside trio hear muffled shouting from Skeeve. The words are lost but do not sound panicked. When you call back Skeeve gets a similar result. You exchange shouts a bit and by using simple single syllable words you manage to establish communication of sorts. Tapping the floor/ceiling, with Skeeve using telekinesis, is also useful.

Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos,MoyenBateau
Mar 3, 2024 6:54 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Skeeve is waiting for the rest of the to open the trap door.
Last edited March 3, 2024 7:49 pm
Mar 3, 2024 7:37 pm
MoyenBateau sent a note to ForeverDED,Arkmenos,Psybermagi


Rope test - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Climbing test - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Mar 4, 2024 12:44 am
"Whichever one of you lads wants to try and make it across, be my guest. Let me know if you need me to do anything."
Mar 4, 2024 2:24 am
Responding to Kaarik, sure, I'll try and trigger the trap. Let me know when.

Ealdwig tries to trigger the trap without stepping on it.


Trigger trap (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(445) = 13

Mar 4, 2024 3:07 am
Triggering the trap is easily accomplished with the assitance of the weight Blornvid has gathered. Tying the logs to a rope and securing them so that they do not fall in when the trap is triggered you drop them on the floor and it opens. What ensues is a cycle of the trap dropping open then after a couple seconds swinging back up into place, shoving the logs up as the floor swings back into place, only to have the entire process repeat every 6 seconds of so. As this is going on Skeeve gets a good look at how the gate works from below as it turns out to be a set of bars 20' tall that spin like a windmill or water wheel as the trap move to close. the spinning of of the bars 2 arms forces any near the gate back as the bars in the room spin into the room and up into the ceiling and the other half of it moves out into the chute, forcing any that are in the chute into the room.
Mar 4, 2024 4:05 am
Can Skeeve use his Realign power to UNfix something. Not break it entirely, but at least gum up the works? Specifically the axis of the spinning bars? I just need it to slow down. Also, during the short period it is open, can Skeeve see up through the chute to the upper room? If so, he'll try to Blink up.
Skeeve calls up, "Let it keep cycling. I'm trying a couple things with it! It won't take long."
Mar 4, 2024 12:59 pm
No. Realign can only restore a previous state. However "Apophenia" can help analyze the mechanism as it is a system to let you find what to break with other mean . Or, how about using "Affix" to lock it in place?
Mar 4, 2024 2:19 pm
Ealdwig says to the Blornvid and Kaarik, I guess this is the back door from now on. This is ridiculous.
Mar 4, 2024 2:42 pm
I didn't think Affix would work as it only takes a single HP to break. But I should try. Never assume. :)

And good point on Apophenia ...
First, he will try Affix.

"Please stand back a bit so I have a clear open target!"

He positions himself so that he has a good view up to a good landing spot. Then he generates a thin transparent wall sufficiently large to maintain that good view. If it holds, he will then Blink up to the landing spot. Assuming the Affix holds, he should be able to retry until it works for each power, so no rolls here.

If that doesn't work, he will try to us Apophenia to understand the mechanism enough to find a weakness. Maybe a pin he could pull, or an axle rod he can pull out or something like that. Here, however, I assume there are a limited number of chances to make this work. So, I include a couple rolls just in case.

Also, if he was injured, he has already fixed that.


Skeeve: Apophenia Test 1 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Skeeve: Apophenia Test 2 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Mar 4, 2024 6:07 pm
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig says to the Blornvid and Kaarik, I guess this is the back door from now on. This is ridiculous.
"Agreed. But if we can find the controls, we can shut this contraption off until needed. Then again, we still have to find a way to evict Momma Spider." Blornvid suddenly has an idea. "If we can lure that spider here, I'm sure she weighs enough to fall in. But I've got no idea if there's another way out down there. Guess we'll have to wait and ask Skeeve when he gets out."
Mar 4, 2024 7:04 pm
It's a great idea Blornvid! We could try to smoke the building to lure the spider in that direction.
Mar 4, 2024 8:12 pm
MoyenBateau says:
It's a great idea Blornvid! We could try to smoke the building to lure the spider in that direction.
That sounds like a good idea! Where do we get that much smoke without setting the building on fire? Think it'll work? Ealdwig furrows his brows, but, couldn't a spider climb out pretty easily? Maybe we'd be able to burn it while it's at the disadvantage of being down a pit. Hum...

You know, I almost forgot, I could use the homunculus to see if I can find it. Of course it can't go through walls and would require access to wherever it is.
Mar 4, 2024 8:39 pm
Skeeve will have inputs to this plan ...
Mar 4, 2024 9:39 pm
With the bars sweeping the chute clear every couple of seconds Skeeve tries to set up a barrier to block it but the first wall only slows it for a moment before shattering. Shifting his senses Skeeve analyzes the trap movement, timing, and based on those factors makes another attempt. As soon as the bars have room behind them for him to stand and before they start swinging up with the next trigger he blinks through them to look up and crates another fixed field flush with the bars to hold them in place. When the trap opens up he blinks up to the doorway and is helped out of the building by his companions.

Gathered together once more, not outside the front door you consider your options. The idea to smoke the building out seems very doable. There is a ready amount of dry wood to burn and green wood and leaves for smoke. It may also affect any other pests that have moved in while the house was abandoned.
Mar 4, 2024 9:51 pm
Once up, Skeeve fills the other in on the two rooms down there. "The first one is a holding cell with a bar door. The second one is probably the guard's room or an interrogation room. The guard's room has two doors in different walls that I didn't investigate. So, there is likely a pretty decent basement down there. If there are no rooms around the other three walls of the holding cell, then the spider many not be able to phase through them, thus actually serving to hold it, even if only temporarily. I'll probably have to try to set up a force wall against the gated wall to prevent escape from that direction. However, I have to set that up beforehand, and I am not sure how long I can keep it up, and I'll be pretty useless in the fight while keeping the wall up. I might not even be able to effectively read a talisman while maintaining the wall. Plus it will be broken through quickly, so we'll have to kill it quickly."
Mar 4, 2024 9:52 pm
Psybermagi says:
When the trap opens up he blinks up to the doorway and is helped out of the building by his companions.
And there was much rejoicing. Yay!
Mar 4, 2024 9:55 pm
Skeeve thinks for a bit, the asks, "Ealdwig, could you use your homunculus to go scout the roof? Have it fly up there and see if the roof floor looks solid and if there are any trapdoors or anything like that? If we want to try that approach, it will be good to know what that looks like before we try to get on it."
Mar 4, 2024 9:58 pm
Blornvid listens to Skeeve as he explains what he saw of the basement. "Maybe we should just try to drive it out of the house. If we're constantly worrying about it phasing through walls, getting it outside may afford us a chance to strike at it without fear of it dropping on us from above. Otherwise, we may have to investigate the basement to determine if we can trap it there."
Mar 4, 2024 9:58 pm
That sounds like a lot of if's. Lots that can go wrong.
Mar 4, 2024 10:04 pm
First try, What could possibly go wrong, Seems perfectly safe to me, ... 😁
Mar 4, 2024 10:16 pm
"I dunno. We should be able to easily hop over the trap, now that we know it's there, and at least finish mapping out the first floor. The access to the basement has to be in there somewhere. We got half of it mapped out, we could check out the rest and just fight it if it pops back out of the walls again. Hopefully, it is just one this time, instead of three."
Also, we found two staircases. They both went up, correct?
Mar 5, 2024 2:03 am
The stairs in the NE corner (North of 4) lead up but the ones in the middle of the building (NW corner of 14) went down.
Mar 5, 2024 3:31 am
I forget. Did the spiders attack us in 8 or 14?
Mar 5, 2024 3:41 am
yes, they are connected. The one that fled was nesting in 8
Mar 5, 2024 11:32 am
Kaarik puts a hand on Skeeve's shoulder, It's good to see you safe, you scared us..

To the group, I think we should make sure to secure the path between the front and back doors before checking anything else.
In other words, I suggest that we open the door between 8 and the room next to 5.
Mar 5, 2024 1:23 pm
MoyenBateau says:
Kaarik puts a hand on Skeeve's shoulder, It's good to see you safe, you scared us..

To the group, I think we should make sure to secure the path between the front and back doors before checking anything else.
In other words, I suggest that we open the door between 8 and the room next to 5.
Good idea. I'll check to see if it is trapped


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(613) = 10

Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)

(364) = 13

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(224) = 8

Mar 5, 2024 1:57 pm
Skeeve uses Affix to create a solid, though slick, surface in the air above the trap and you all easily cross to the far side. From there you look around as Ealdwig checks the far east door.
Blornvid spots a lever in the room to the south as well as a couple of door and a rusty and rotting balista that looks to have fired multiple spears at once.
Ealdwig finishes checking the door and though it is in good condition and has a lock it is not secured and is trap free. Standing back he lets Skeeve open it and it swings in to reveal another room with a tile mosaic that covers the floor, a couple chairs with a table, a faded and torn tapestry hangs from the south wall, and 2 more doors.
Mar 5, 2024 4:07 pm
Leary of more pit traps or any other traps for that matter, Ealdwig searches around to make sure entering the room is ok.

Assume everything is good to go, Ealdwig enters and searches around looking for hidden nooks, levers, spiders, and any other threats, magical items or treasures.
Last edited March 5, 2024 4:09 pm


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(446) = 14

Mar 5, 2024 6:02 pm
Blornvid's eyes go wide at the sight of the ballista. "Oh wow. I'd love to get this thing working."
Is it salvageable?
Mar 5, 2024 6:06 pm
Just don't shoot it in here.
Mar 5, 2024 6:11 pm
I am so, so, so glad we talked you into Trapmaster!
Was Ealdwig checking room 10 or 6?

"I'd like to keep the door between that room (room 6) and the spider room closed for now. No reason to poke the spider right now.

"Instead, how about seeing what is south of other room (room 10) so we can close off that corner of the floor? Or we can check the basement."
Mar 5, 2024 6:22 pm
"Let's give the other room (room 10) a go."
Mar 5, 2024 10:35 pm
I was searching the room, the tapestry, stuff like that, not the doors. I wanted to make sure if we walked in someone wouldn't fall through the floor or get shot.

I opened the eastern door and am currently in room 6 if I am getting all the directions right.
Maybe we should try that one? Ealdwig points toward the north door in room 6
Mar 5, 2024 11:59 pm
In the southern room Blornvid examins teh balista and deems it in drastic reapir. The wood has sat too long without attention and will likely snap if the bow is cocked. Blornvid figures he can pollish and tool up the metal but he will need a woodworker to re-carve the wooden pieces.

In the east room (6) the furniture is plain but well built. This tapestry shows a sceen of woods and glen. Though fadded it still shows its quality. Ealdwig finds nothing amiss in his search.
Mar 5, 2024 11:59 pm
In the southern room Blornvid examins teh balista and deems it in drastic reapir. The wood has sat too long without attention and will likely snap if the bow is cocked. Blornvid figures he can pollish and tool up the metal but he will need a woodworker to re-carve the wooden pieces.

In the east room (6) the furniture is plain but well built. This tapestry shows a sceen of woods and glen. Though fadded it still shows its quality. Ealdwig finds nothing amiss in his search.
Mar 5, 2024 11:59 pm
In the southern room Blornvid examins the balista and deems it in need of reapir. The wood has sat too long without attention and will likely snap if the bow is cocked. Blornvid figures he can pollish and tool up the metal but he will need a woodworker to re-carve the wooden pieces.

In the east room (6) the furniture is plain but well built. This tapestry shows a sceen of woods and glen. Though fadded it still shows its quality. Ealdwig finds nothing amiss in his search.
Mar 6, 2024 2:52 pm
Just out of curiosity, for the ballista, where is it pointed? Is it pointed through a slit in the exterior wall? Is it pointed at either door? Or is just "aimlessly" pointed at whatever direction it was left in because it is being stored here, not used here?
Mar 6, 2024 3:43 pm
more like shoved out of the way, not loaded, pointed into a corner
Mar 6, 2024 4:40 pm
Cool! Thanks! That's what I thought, but figured I should check!
Skeeve is going to let Blornvid and Ealdwig hash out our path forward on the next rooms. Maybe Kaarik can tie-break?
Last edited March 6, 2024 4:41 pm
Mar 6, 2024 6:15 pm
Blornvid points to the south door in room 10 and says to Ealdwig, "Hey lad, would you please check the door for traps?"
Mar 6, 2024 7:30 pm
Poking his head out of room 6, and pointing to his chest, Ealdwig says, are you talking to me? Um, sure. Ealdwig wonders over to check the door.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(522) = 9

Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)

(642) = 12

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(422) = 8

Mar 6, 2024 11:58 pm
The southern door is well built, is not locked and had no traps. With the locks not being an issue everyone stands back to allow Skeeve to open it.

The door opens to reveal a simple room with a couple of stools and a simple wooden table. A few items lay scattered on the table, covered in dust. On the far wall is another door leading south.
Mar 7, 2024 12:41 am
Blornvid has a peek at the items on the table.
Mar 7, 2024 1:22 am
After everyone gets a good look at the stuff in the room, Skeeve asks, "Ealdwig, ready for the next door? This should hopefully be the last one here, then we can go check out the door you wanted to."
Mar 7, 2024 2:08 am
Yeah sure. Ealdwig smiles. We need to clear the whole place at some point anyway right? Doesn't really matter where we go first.

Ealdwig walks over to the door and checks it out, carefully.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(663) = 15

Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)

(565) = 16

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(542) = 11

Mar 7, 2024 5:09 am
The items on the table are a set of cards or tiles that are about the size of a hand and less than half a finger thick. There are about 20 of them scattered across the table and nearby floor.

The door to the south us heavily bound with iron bands. Ealdwig determines that this door too is safe and unlocked, though again it has a quality lock. Stepping back to allow Skeeve to open it and a moment later you peer in to what must be a room with a couple of holding cells to the west. In the south east corner of the room is a pit ringed by metal spikes and a pully with a chain dangling overhead.
Mar 7, 2024 1:28 pm
Well isn't this great. Wonder how often they had to use this place? Skeeve, this can be your room. Ealdwig giggle at his joke. He avoids the pit but looks over the room for any spiders that may be around.

Heading back to room 13 Ealdwig picks up the tiles and looks them over.
Do I recognize the game? Is all of it here? If yes he'll pick up the tiles / cards and keep them. If not he'll toss them back on the table.
Ealdwig wonders around the room looking for anything hidden or trapped.
Mar 7, 2024 2:03 pm
The tiles are very light weight, you suspect they are made of bone, and the carvings are very detailed. The cards are unfamiliar and when organized look to be an incomplete set based on teh designs on them. Or the game is even more foreigh than you suspect.
Mar 7, 2024 2:16 pm
Skeeve looks over Ealdwig's shoulder while he examines the tiles. "Another minor mystery to solve? I am not familiar with these tiles or with the game or whatever they were used for. Maybe we'll find more as we keep searching.

"Hmm. If the south room was for a couple of holding cells, this was probably a guard's room where they would relax. I know there is another holding cell in the basement. Maybe there is another guard's room down there with more of the cards?"

Also, now that he thinks of it, Skeeve does a check of both rooms to see if he can find any keys. If this is where the guards were at a lot, there is a decent chance to find keys here.


Skeeve: Check room 13 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(361) = 10

Skeeve: Check room 16 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(652) = 13

Mar 7, 2024 2:26 pm
No keys are found in the rooms so far...
Mar 7, 2024 2:35 pm
What type of building is it? In one room we find very nice tapestry and in another one a museum of human barbarism?

Kaarik appears to be disgusted by all the tools in this room and makes sure he does not touch anything.
Mar 7, 2024 4:32 pm
Psybermagi says:
The tiles are very light weight, you suspect they are made of bone, and the carvings are very detailed. The cards are unfamiliar and when organized look to be an incomplete set based on teh designs on them. Or the game is even more foreigh than you suspect.
Made of bone with etchings I don't recgonize.
Ealdwig picks all of them up and puts them in his pack. I need to remember to talk to The Seer. See if he know what these are. Could be interesting stuff.
Mar 7, 2024 4:36 pm
MoyenBateau says:
What type of building is it? In one room we find very nice tapestry and in another one a museum of human barbarism?
True. Kind of strange, right? Weird, but does it matter? No keys to be found? There has to be some somewhere. We could lock off these two room and avoid the pit trap. That could make this a decent place to make a home base of operations. Of course, we'll need to deal with the spider before that can happen.

This seems to be a dead end. Where do we head next?
Mar 7, 2024 6:28 pm
"Aye, Kaarik. If we manage to make this place our own, there will definitely be changes."

Answering Ealdwig, he says, "Well, we could check out the north door back in the entrance room."
Mar 7, 2024 7:46 pm
Sounds good. Let's check it out.

When we are done with these rooms, Ealdwig heads back to the entrance room and check for traps on the door to the north.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(153) = 9

Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)

(252) = 9

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(461) = 11

Mar 7, 2024 11:29 pm
Just to clarify : The manor is in essence a small keep and its lord equivalent to a baron at the least. Thus the guards of the gatehouse would also have acted as regional constables/marshals. The 2 cells are easily enough explained but the pit would be more confusing to the PC
Ealdwig inspects the door north of the west entrance to the gatehouse and finds it is trapped. Surprise!!! He defty disables the trap be inserting a couple pins and thin but strong plates into a pressure plate. Should the trap have triggered something, likely bad and or gruesome, would have happened with the ceiling to any in front of the door.

Again another quality lock, but this one being unlocked. Ealdwig and Blornvid agree that should you ever find the keys to this place you will likely be able to disable all the traps and keep them for personal use if you desire. Otherwise disabling th traps via the lock mechanism is incredibly difficult.

Standing back you allow Skeve to open the door to reveal a large room. Scattered around the room are piles of bones, rusted and ruined weapons, and scraps of crumbling armor. Several of the bones look to have come from much larger creatures though still vaguely humanoid.
Mar 8, 2024 1:02 am
"Hmmmmm. Do you think this is where the spider queen discards what she can't digest?"
Mar 8, 2024 1:23 am
"I wonder what is in the cavity here."
I.e. the dark blue space surrounded by 2,3,6, and 8.
"Before we go up, I'd like to go down to see the rest of the basement."
Mar 8, 2024 2:32 am
If there are no other traps, Ealdwig is going to inspect the room. See if he can find any hidden areas or things of interest. He will inspect any clothing, or bags that are about to see if there is anything of interest to him.

What do you think these bones are? They don't seem to be humans, dwaves, elves or duende? What kind of creatures are these?
Does Ealdwig recognize any of the bones or markings on the armor?
Mar 8, 2024 3:37 am
Does Skeeve recognize any of the creatures from their bones?
Mar 8, 2024 4:31 am
As you look around the room a dim pulse of light and subtle vibrations fills the room. The jumble of bones begins to shift and sort itself out to rise, forming multiple skeletons. One of the skeletons is large and has thick bones with scraps of armon on it. Two are smaller than any of you with elongated jaws like that of a dog. Two are about 5 feet tall with oddly shaped skulls and one of them has 4 arms. The last is about 6' tall and almost looks normal save it is made of dark bones and its eye sockets flicker ominously with eldritch light. As they put themselves together you note that each bone has a rune that glows with dim light as they arrange themselves.
Mar 8, 2024 9:53 am
Trying to ignore his initial shock, Kaarik tries to look at the runes to check if he can recognize any.

Without really believing it would work, he tries to address the skeletons in a friendly manner before they attack :"We are sorry to disturb you friends..."
Mar 8, 2024 1:59 pm
Oh that's not good. Ealdwig backs up and away to the door. Ealdwig turns and dashes for the door. Everyone back! Out! Ealdwig waits by the door slamming it shut the second everyone is out and leans on it.

With a small smile, think that'll work?
Not sure if anyone was in the room or not.

There are 6 of them? Do we know what triggered them to rise? Was it the tiles / cards from the other room?
Last edited March 8, 2024 2:00 pm
Mar 8, 2024 3:12 pm
Skeeve agrees with Ealdwig and retreats with him, pulling the other two along with him. Even if the door doesn't hold, fighting them one at a time as they come through the door is better than a wild melee in an open room.
Mar 8, 2024 4:38 pm
I assumed you were in the room to "inspect the room. See if he can find any hidden areas"
You quickly retreat out of the room but before closing the door you pause as you realize the skeletons have not moved. From behind you hear a voice

Phantom Guard
They won't attack unless commanded to or your attack first.. Turning around you see a ghostly figure floating in the air. It's form is encased in phantasmal armor but it's stance is unthreatening and seems to be simply watching you.
Mar 8, 2024 4:57 pm
Startled Ealdwig spins around. Holy Hells! Taking a breath, you startled me.

Well, please don't command them to attack. Um, I assume you're the leader. We don't want any trouble. We've been asked by the Matron of the manor to inspect the grounds and make them safe. We are hoping to make this this facility our base of operations.
Smiling, we kind of need a place to crash.

Realizing that he was rambling, oh, sorry, I can ramble. Um, I'm Ealdwig, this is Skeeve, Karrik and Blronvid gesturing around the room. And you are?
Mar 8, 2024 5:44 pm
Yeah, we were all in the room checking things out.
Skeeve looks down to his shirt, then looks up, points to the Manor badge and says, "Are you reacting to this?"

After that answer, he says, "How aware are you? Are you able to answer general questions we may have?"
Skeeve interweaves his questions with Ealdwig's.
Last edited March 8, 2024 5:44 pm
Mar 8, 2024 6:24 pm
Blornvid rolls his eyes and mutters, "This place is full of surprises."

Darian Masym


Mar 8, 2024 7:27 pm
Darian Masym

I can't command them anymore. I'm dead. Didn't you notice? No one is their commander they are training automatons tied to that room.

As for making my home your base, . . . well I guess we can come to an arrangement.

As Ealdwig introduces himself the phantom give a half bow and replies. I am corporelle Darian Masym. You may call me Darian

At Skeeve's interjection he glances at the emblem then to Skeeve. What sort of reaction would you like? I'm certainly not going to bow down and swear undying servitude just because someone from the family finally found their way back here. As for my awareness, I am probably more aware than you. The loss of my former body realy freed up much of my mind. As for answering more questions. . . . Why should I? At least the young duende had the decency to introduce himself.
Although that was after declaring his intent to move in without consulting me first.
Mar 8, 2024 7:44 pm
Kaarik bows toward Darian.

Please forgive us dear Darian for entering your residence without asking for your perminsion first. Is there anything you would like us to help you with?
I will keep assuming that everyone is a potential friend, seems to be working well. I don't know why it should end badly for me one day :D
Last edited March 8, 2024 7:47 pm

Darian Masym


Mar 8, 2024 7:50 pm
Darian Masym

It is of no account. It is not as if I could answer the door or tidy up. and Darian's voice conveys hints of humor and regret. I thank you for your offer but I want for nothing you can give. And how may I address you young sir? and another half bow is given to Kaarik.
If you want I can give you a tour of the facilities. Such as they are at this point.
Mar 8, 2024 8:00 pm
Skeeve says, "I apologize for being rude. As my friend Ealdwig mentioned, my name is Skeeve. Please forgive the rudeness of my questions. We had, uh, some other interactions where not having the badge meant we were trapped and attacked. It is not my intention to order you or anyone around; it is simply to not be attacked. That you are a fully thinking being is good to know.

"The last time we ran into a blue floating entity, it was at least partially running things. That's why we were wondering if the skeletons were under your direction. That they are not is good to know. Thank you."

Skeeve pauses to give him a chance to respond if he so desires. Assuming he allows the opportunity, Skeeve continues with, "It was our understanding this building was empty of prior occupants as all such had moved on over the time the Manor was left fallow. That this is not the case does indeed change things. Our primary goal is to make sure that there is nothing in the building that will be harmful to the new Lady of the Manor. You do not need to serve her; we just want to make sure no one is hostile. To demonstrate that, we have met both the stable master and the kennel keeper, and they and their charges are not being attacked or driven out. The Lady is fully aware that making friends is far more valuable than making enemies. As for us moving in, now that we know this building is legitimately inhabited, then, yes, we would need to negotiate any possible occupancy with the current residents.

Speaking of which, aside from the phase spider, are there any other residents in the building we should be aware of?"

Skeeve is working to be gracious through this whole process, after the initial screw-up.
Last edited March 8, 2024 8:10 pm
Mar 8, 2024 9:57 pm
Blornvid sighs in disappointment that this place is already someone's home. He was really looking forward to getting that forge going again.

Darian Masym


Mar 9, 2024 1:35 am
Darian Masym

The ghostly guard sighs It is fine. I just get annoyed. I've been trapped here since I died years ago and have only had the uninvited monsters for company.

A glowing blue . . . Do you mean in the Field house? That thing survived without maintenance. Wow. It only part of it was working then that could have been most difficult. The lord used to use that place for military drills and taming monsters with the gamekeepers.

As for the building, well I assume you were the ones to drive of the phase spiders so no one is really living here. I mean I can't leave and don't really feel like going of to live in some gods domain is all that better than just staying around here so I will be here for the forceable eternity.

Hmmm . . . The stable master . . . Kenner Keeper . . . you say. Do you know their names? I wonder if they remember me. No one has come to visit since this place since I 'awoke'. I do believe I died as the evacuation was underway but the first thing I recall in this state
and he waves a hand through himself was likely several seasons after that based on the decomposition of my body and the dust all over the place.

It's not like I can stop you from moving in, or that I would even mind. But yeah, I won't be taking orders from that family again. However as I appear to be stuck within the walls of this building I would ask that you be considerate of my status as a permanent and pre-existing tenant
and he chuckles a bit at this Though I can not touch you or anything else I have learned that there are ways to express my displeasure to those beings within these wall that prove to not be worth my time or the effort of good manners. at this last bit his form fades into a darker state as a deep but non-physical chill emanates from him.

But I'm sure we won't have that problem. You seem nice enough.
Mar 9, 2024 6:01 am
"The stable master's name is Magian. If you'd like, we can ask him to come visit. He isn't far away. The kennel keeper is not very sociable, however, so I wouldn't expect a visit from him.

And, yes, we'd love a tour of the building!"
Last edited March 9, 2024 6:03 am
Mar 9, 2024 5:32 pm
Darian takes you through the first floor pointing out a trap you missed between one of the front rooms (10) and the stairs leading down to the basement. He also helps you to uncover the vault in the room with the undead/construct training creatures. Darian says it is of little use to him and you would likely find it eventually anyhow.
vault says:
30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; Full Plate (1500 gp); 4000 cp; Hourglass (25 gp); Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp);
The upstairs has a similar layout, though fewer and less deadly trapps. It has a large barracks room for up to 20 guards, an armory of gear in need of repair and polish, several commons areas, and a few officer quarters and offices. Here there is evidence of a hurried departure. Fortunately there is a set of keys to the building. There should be three but the other 2 sets were probably taken when the family left.

The basement is less impressive with storage rooms, the cell Skeeve dropped into, and is home to many rats and smaller pests but nothing of interest.
Mar 9, 2024 5:41 pm
At the end of the house tour, Kaarik will want to ask Darian about the tapestry.

Master Darian, we have discovered a tapestry with arcane power in the gatehouse, it revealed itself to be a map of the manor, however I feel that it had another purpose. Would you have any idea?
Mar 9, 2024 6:38 pm
Darian, so you've been here a while. And you can't leave the building, um, your stuck? Do you know why this is, why you're here, why your stuck? Can we provide any assistance? He looks to the guys for confirmation that they would be willing to help, after he said it of course.

Darian Masym


Mar 9, 2024 7:22 pm
Darian Masym

Ah yes. That tapestry was tied to the security magics. It allows us to monitor any ware outside within the manor grounds. I am not sure how well it may still work but it likely retains some functionality
Mar 9, 2024 7:46 pm
Skeeve says, "Master Darian, thank you so much for your help and showing us around! I want to echo Ealdwig's offer: if there is something we can do for you, please let us know. If you'd like, we will ask Magian to come and pay you a visit before he leaves for a while with his griffons. We will also let the Lady know you are here. Though you have stated you have no desire to serve the new Lady, it is still probably good for them to know you are here. She has been very respectful of everyone we have found so far.

"Also, two others who remain in the Manor from the old days are Witic and the Seer. Do you know anything of them?"
Mar 9, 2024 8:51 pm
"Thank you, Master Darian, for the tour and for, uh, being a gracious host given your present state. Your willingness to share this place with us is most kind.

"By the way, did you happen to know of a 'Georguy'? We spotted his name chiseled into the stone over near the forge. And speaking of which, would you be alright with me getting the forge working again?"
Mar 9, 2024 9:31 pm
Thanking Darian for his answer Kaarik will know study a little more the tapestry to see if he can make it work as initially intended.

Darian Masym


Mar 10, 2024 3:50 am
Darian Masym

Visitors would be nice . . . . Magian . . . I think I recall him. But the guard did not always get along with the others and it has been a while. Plus you know, the whole death thing made some memories a bit . . . . garbled. Now Witic I remember. A rather annoying by the rule book fey that worked as part of the household staff as I recall. Seer, nope, nothing rings a bell on that. But I would not mind talking with others who may be able to answer some of my own questions about the past.

Georguy. Yeah he was one of the old timers and a good hand at minor repair for armor and getting weapons sharpened properly. I am sure he would be glad his little forge had a good master once again.

Darian explains what he knows of the tapestry, merely from observation and not from use, as Kaarik studies it. He does quickly confirm that while the tapestry magic is intact it also interfaces external enchantments that are either inactive, dysfunctional, or teetering on the edge of failure.
Mar 10, 2024 4:52 am
Alright the Manor is in a decently stable state so I will begin prepping for the next scenario.
Eldergrove also finished up and lost some players so they have 2 veterans looking to join a story
Character Player
Barley microtheMacroBear
Vaun Stalker05

This new story may involve migrating to another game. As I mentioned the current number of players has gotten a bit large. Working out details.

Kaarik / @MoyenBateau : You can either stay with this group or we can use this opportunity to get you to another story. Another newcomer just arrived at the base near the tower so you can go there and work with them.
Mar 10, 2024 3:26 pm
A couple points to make sure of.

First, there is still a spider on the loose. Unless it is a friend of Darian's, we'll want to get rid of it and its egg sacks. Otherwise, we'll need to recruit it. Either way, we don't want it to be a loose end.

I would still like to use the building as our "home base" unless that is infeasible because of moving games. If it isn't feasible, then so be it and we move on. On the loot, if we are going to use it as our base, he recommends leaving the armor here. If not, we should cash it out. Regardless, let's take the cash. (He has more magical supplies to buy!) For the non-armor items, I recommend that we take the holy symbol and hour glass with us to present as gifts to the Lady as tokens of her family's past. For the price of 50 gp we hopefully garner some more goodwill. We don't mention the armor, though ...

On the way back to the Manor, we will stop by the Carriage House and ask Magian to go talk with Darian. It will probably do both of them some good.

Back at the Manor, we provide a report on the current state of the gatehouse, minus anything about the vault contents. We present the gifts to Sylfir. If it works for the game, we ask for use of the gatehouse. (If not, we don't.) We tell them about Darian still being there, and his condition (can't leave the building, won't move on, not gonna serve). If Witic isn't there, he will make sure to find her and tell her, too.

Finally, Skeeve will check in with the Seer and check in with his progress learning with the dice.

After all of that, it's on to the base to spend the loot!

Also, did we get XP? I have a trait I wanna buy!
Last edited March 10, 2024 3:29 pm
Mar 10, 2024 6:14 pm
daryen says:
First, there is still a spider on the loose. Unless it is a friend of Darian's, we'll want to get rid of it and its egg sacks. Otherwise, we'll need to recruit it. Either way, we don't want it to be a loose end.
I was wondering that myself.
daryen says:
I would still like to use the building as our "home base" unless that is infeasible because of moving games. If it isn't feasible, then so be it and we move on.
daryen says:
On the loot, if we are going to use it as our base, he recommends leaving the armor here. If not, we should cash it out. Regardless, let's take the cash. (He has more magical supplies to buy!) For the non-armor items, I recommend that we take the holy symbol and hour glass with us to present as gifts to the Lady as tokens of her family's past. For the price of 50 gp we hopefully garner some more goodwill. We don't mention the armor, though ...
daryen says:
On the way back to the Manor, we will stop by the Carriage House and ask Magian to go talk with Darian. It will probably do both of them some good.

Back at the Manor, we provide a report on the current state of the gatehouse, minus anything about the vault contents. We present the gifts to Sylfir. If it works for the game, we ask for use of the gatehouse. (If not, we don't.) We tell them about Darian still being there, and his condition (can't leave the building, won't move on, not gonna serve). If Witic isn't there, he will make sure to find her and tell her, too.
Sounds good to me.
daryen says:
After all of that, it's on to the base to spend the loot!

Also, did we get XP? I have a trait I wanna buy!
Yeah, I gotta make a decision for Blornvid.
Mar 10, 2024 9:56 pm
Darian confirms that the spider fled after you defeated the others.

Magian is slightly curious about the phantom but does not recall him personally. Still he says he will visit the building now that you disabled all the traps.

Sylphir accepts the gifts graciously and says that you are free to use the gatehouse. They have begun working on a community charter and for when additional people are involved and says that you will need to review it and sign it when it it ready. Essentially it is is a cooperative agreement. It is essentially a non-aggression pact with mutual defense and trade options.

The seer is impressed with Skeeve's progress with the dice but suggests testing his ability to activate the Matrix in a non-emergency condition first.
Kaaric is now a veteran so he gains a weapon mastery with his bow. Everyone else got +3 XP
Base thread is open and you guys know the way
After making arrangements you go down into the basement to use the use the Matrix Node and all four of you are enveloped in a pulse of light then appear within a large cavern. The three veterans take Kaarik out the path and up to the base. The trek takes about an hour and you surface into a bustling town of researchers, guards, workers, and adventurers.
May 9, 2024 9:42 pm
Blornvid emerges from the pulse of light at the Matrix Node and finds himself back in the basement of the Manor. He greets anyone who he encounters there, or on his way upstairs, and explains that he is on his way to the Gatehouse to restore it and get the forge working again.

If he encounters Sylphir or anyone else in charge, he will also state that if the community charter has been formalized to let him know so that he can review and sign it.
May 14, 2024 5:20 pm
Blornvid takes his leave of the Manor and makes his way to the Gatehouse. He takes note of the changes on the grounds along his walk. Progress seems slow. He wonders if any progress has been made on the refugee relocation idea that people back at the base were bantering about.

Danoll (Manor)


May 15, 2024 12:52 am
Blornvid makes his way out of a much noisier Manor than he is used to. Sylfyr has taken a couple older widows from Eldergrove along with all the unclaimed young children into her care. Those old enough to work or with families have moved to the Fieldhouse.

When questioned about the charter they affirm that it was decided to let a year pass before organizing anything as many from Eldergrove still hope to return and some of the existing residents are having trouble adjusting to all the new neighbors. A basic compact, that mostly defines lands and buildings along with their residents and a few basic laws for general safety. Such as trespassing, theft, assault, murder, and the like.

Danoll accompanies Blornvid as they head out to the gatehouse The area around the manor has obvious signs of recent care. Danoll informs you that the garden and area between the fieldhouse and manor has changed even more as it has been partitioned into several fields for crops.

In the gatehouse Blornvid finds that a couple of youth have taken up residence within, under Danolls instructions. They have been maintaining it in the hopes of some adventurers return. They ask if they can stay and continue to work on cleaning and doing the minor repairs they are capable of. In return they ask for martial training and to hear of your adventures.

Danoll (Manor)

Another lad took up with Magian, in similar conditions, but none have been brave enough to approach the kennels. If you don't want to be bothered we ask that you allow them to stay till they finish tidying up and we finish making the field house and mew useful for habitation.

The small forge is still cold but you find that a supply of coal has been stored in the hopper and most of the basic tools cleaned and the area kept neat. The youth explain they only tended the tools they were familiar with as they know that smiths can be very particular about their instruments.
May 16, 2024 6:59 pm
Blornvid sees the work that the two young ones have done and nods his head in appreciation. "Oh no, they can stay. I don't mind having company. I don't know how social Darian is going to be these days." Seeing the puzzled looks on everyone's faces, Blornvid explains, "Darian is the name of the ghost that haunts this place. Have you seen him? He's fine. Just a bit miserable since he really doesn't know how to leave this place. Oh, and I hope you stayed out of the room that has the undead training things. They're scary looking, but Darian says they won't attack unless attacked. Still, kinda creepy to look at."

"As for martial training, I'd be happy to. I think the Manor's gonna need to be able to defend itself someday, preferably later than sooner. And if you two lads pay attention, you might be able to lead the troops someday. By the way, what are yer names?"
May 27, 2024 12:45 am
The next day, Blornvid gets to work on the forge. He inspects it for signs of any physical damage then examines the tools, comparing them to his own. He then gets to work bringing it back to life.
No idea if this is a matter of hours or days.
Blornvid smiled at the glowing coals. When the boys come by to check it out, he warns them about the immense heat and what it will do to them. He makes sure to point out the protective gear. "If yer going to be in here, yer gonna have to wear the gear." He then recruits them to help find any weapons in the gatehouse. "Gotta see about repairing them, making them sharp for battle."
Jun 6, 2024 7:07 pm
With the help of the boys, the upstairs armory is brought downstairs to the forge where items are sorted. Blornvid then gets to work getting the weapons and armor back into fighting shape. When finished and cool, he shows the boys how to polish the armor. To reward them for their help, he starts with the basics of combat: proper stances, movement, how to hold a weapon, etc. He has them train with wooden replicas, promising that when they've mastered these, and grown strong enough to actually carry a blade, they can practice with the real deal.
Jun 18, 2024 5:33 pm
With the salvaged armor and weapons restored, Blornvid has a look at the ballista again. Rather than take it apart to refurbish the metallic pieces, he decides to leave it until he can get a carpenter or some other craftsman to come in and have a look at making new wooden pieces.
Jul 2, 2024 3:05 am
During an afternoon rainstorm, Blornvid has a look at the magic map tapestry. He studies it, trying to gauge how well it still works. He looks for signs of movement. He suggests to the boys to go out and run around the gatehouse. He gets up close to the map to see if he can see them on the tapestry.
Jul 2, 2024 4:03 am
Ok, time for a reaction :)
The two lads are quite motivated to lean what Blornvid will teach. No only fighting but about monsters, traps, scouting, and it quickly becomes apparent they play to learn what they can then help with reclaiming their previous home town.

You help outfit the boys, who spend hours polishing old pieces of armor before you will rework them into fitting the boys. A couple decent shields, and a sword and ax before you get to working on restoring a couple crossbows for them as well.

The drills are tedious but they don't give up. And when you introduce them to the undead "training dummies" they don't run screaming.

When the boys see you eyeing the ballista and ask about it they inform you there is a woodworker and several with basic wood working skill in the refugee numbers. The woodworker you learn is a specialized druid who has learned to control plant grown and can even restore old woods. He comes to take a look and deems the existing wood not worth the effort but brings in a carver to trace out some templates for parts so they can work on crafting the needed pieces.

The map has slowly begun adding more details to the icons on the map. Blornvid learns that it works better for Dannol and best of all for Sylfir. Is seems the magic is still attuned to her family and those in her service but with the change in arrangements around the manor the enchantments are shifting as well. Those sworn to the defense of the area can easily identify friend and foe while most others can only identify their immediate family if all are now members of the community.
Jul 7, 2024 10:04 pm
I was wondering if I should bring up the "training dummies," but wasn't sure if the kids would be ready for them.
Blornvid is proud of the progress the boys are making with training, and he always makes sure to praise their efforts at the end of each training session. "It won't be long before you'll be ready to lead a garrison in defense of this place."

Blornvid makes sure that the woodworker and carver know that he will be paying them to restore the ballista frame. "If you'd like, you can grow the trees here on the grounds of the gatehouse."

Blornvid is pleased to see that the map is still functioning, moreover that he's able to make some sense of it, as limited as it may be. Skeeve will be pleased. I wonder what he can get the map to do." He takes a moment to think about his friends, Ealdwig and Skeeve, and a smile crosses his face. I wonder what they're up to. He starts to feel a bit melancholy, so he grabs a beer from the keg and watches the stars in the heavens.
Jul 22, 2024 2:51 am
Blornvid has Danoll over for a pint or two from the keg to discuss plans for defending the Manor. He informs him of the work being done on the ballista.
Aug 6, 2024 4:34 am
Danol and Blornvid go over mattera about the comunity. The gameskeeper is still difficult to deal with but as long as people give the kennels a wide berth there are no issues. Magian is more willing to interact with the rest of the new community but the griffins are very territorial of the stables and as it is closer to everyone else there have been a few incidents that have caused tension, though luckily there have not been any fatalities. Magian claims it will take a generation for the griffin to adapt to other occupying areas so close to their summer home. Magian seems to want this but sides with the griffin any time there is an issue, which is not helping matters.

The Eldergrove refugees are adapting well enough and the manor is looking much better with regular use and maintenance. The younger generation is being encouraged to try various things and Danoll and Sylfir have arranged for a them to move through a rotation of all jobs and professions to every two weeks. Luckily the "guardsmen" joined Blornvid are old enough to be exempt from this and they take over managing the other youth that take turns in the guardhouse.
If you are looking to jump back in there are a couple stories ongoing. Just let us know as adding another character to most would not be much of an added load.
1/d Exploring Paphos
1/d Exploring Underdark (daryen DM, need to see if there is room)
3/w Infinite Tower (Have not gone to town yet but we can work out an intersection of stories if you are interested)
3/w Stormy Beginning (still inbound but you can meet them when they get to town)
Aug 7, 2024 2:17 am
Well, if you'll have me stick around, I will. :)

I like the 3/w option. While the multiple posts/day adventures were great early on, it got to be a bit of work to keep up, especially when the group expanded in size. I can only imagine what it was like for you.

What sort of role do you envision for Blornvid should he join the Stormy Beginning group? I don't mind playing a support role (guardian?) so that the newcomers can enjoy developing their characters and exploring the world.
Aug 7, 2024 4:07 am
Well there is a wandering swordswoman and a merchant spelltouched/craftsperson so a bit of the grizzled veteran blacksmith should bridge the two nicely. I can move then to intercept the manor but think it might be easier if you explore the area and encounter then beyond the cultivated grounds. Why don't you wrap up anything you have left in the monor/guardhouse and put yourself out on patrol/exploration or some such. I may give you a story hook to further lead you out but go ahead and kick yourself out of the house :)
Aug 7, 2024 5:22 pm
Blornvid's meeting with Danol goes well. The Manor's recovery is going as well as can be hoped for. The stables will no doubt remain off limits for its bipedal residents for some time. Maybe they can co-exist. Who knows? Diplomacy was never Blornvid's strong suit. He was the sort of guy they called in when diplomacy failed.

Blornvid secretly hoped that either Skeeve or Ealdwig were able to take a break from their adventuring to address their respective rooms and workshops in the gatehouse, but it didn't happen. No big deal. It could wait.

The gatehouse restoration was close to completion. The forge worked well. Rooms were clean, beds made. The wooden ballista parts were being grown. It was "homey." He never saw Darian the ghost. He wondered if he approved or found some way to move on.

The smithy work backlog was taken care of. Danol had seen fit to assign regular guards to keep an eye on things and oversee the training of the lads and lassies who were inclined to defend their new home. There was little left here for Blornvid to do.

"I s'pose that it's time for me to head back into the world," he said to the empty gatehouse one evening. He toasted the idea with an ale.

The next day he packed his things and informed Danol of his decision. "Me or one of the lads will be back. Don't know when. If you should be needin' me for anything, just send a message back to the base and I'll be back as soon as I get it."

He thanked Danol and gave his regards to the Lady of the Manor and sought out the Matrix node in the cellar.
Ok, over to you. :)
Aug 8, 2024 5:06 am
I was actually thinking of having you encounter the duo closer to the manor, so . . . . Narrative powers activate, form of a re write :)
As you are heading to the manor you hear a commotion around the back of the building and several shouts tinged with panic pull you to quicken your step as you make your way through the building and out to the gardens. There you see the shaggy figure of the Houndmaster with more of his pack in tow than you have ever seen at once. The twenty large hounds are obviously on edge and as soon as he sees you the man heads straight for you.

Something is changing in the plains to the south. The pack came back from the hunt last night with several wounded. They know better than to bother those that are a threat to them. I followed them back to where they fought and found tracks that are not normal. I was on my way to talk with Magian to see if he would accompany me. You would be a welcome addition.

Your presence calms the panicking people and you encourage them to retire inside the house for a while and get the Keeper to send most of the pack to back into the woods while you accompany him to go see Magian. There the Keeper explains more on what he found. Far to the south the pack encountered something with tracks indicating it is far larger than any beast he had previously seen. He intends to go out with the rest of the pack and hunt down this new threat.

Magian listens intently to the Keeper but looks to you as he responds. I agree we should investigate but if it already faced the pack do you think returning to the hunt immediately is the best option? If we take the griffins we can get there quicker and together we can search the area.
If it is truly soo large then we will likely be able to easily find it form the sky.

Turning to look to you. Would you accompany us? I believe I can get a couple of griffin to bear the both of you and this would be a good test for them. What say you?
Aug 8, 2024 9:24 pm
Psybermagi says:
Narrative powers activate, form of a re write :)
LOL: Wonder Twins reference.

Ok, that's fine. Assumed he was heading back to base. This is more dramatic.
Magian says:
Would you accompany us? I believe I can get a couple of griffin to bear the both of you and this would be a good test for them. What say you?
"Of course!"
Aug 9, 2024 5:28 am
The three of you quickly make arrangements and with a bit of encouragement and reassurance from Magian the Keeper is persuaded to stay close while you and the stable master fly out to investigate. Flying south for about an hour you spot a rather odd transition that Magian says was not there before. Gliding low you land and quickly dismount form the only partially trained and domesticated griffin to look out across a swath of the plains that looks to have been plucked from a distant land. While still consisting of rolling hills the grass of this section has grown to over 4 feet in height and exceeding 6 or even 8 feet high in places. Trees of the area are usually scarce and scattered but in this odd region they are taller and clustered in groves and thickets dozens of feed wide. It is only now as you look out over this area that you realize how much you did not understand the Keepers description of where the pack encountered the large creature.

You reluctantly allow Magian to help you once again mount up onto the griffin and take to the air to begin searching the area for the signs of conflict. It does not take too long for you to find the site and upon landing once again realize you failed to fully understand the Keepers description. The print of whatever fought the pack are larger than a griffin and deep enough to make you think dragon or dinosaur but the shape is all wrong. Magian is equally stumped, not having any ideas what the thing might be.

Give me a plan of investigation with test rolls to support it.
Aug 9, 2024 9:12 pm
Blornvid asks Magian, "Do you think the change in the landscape is some ripple or echo from the Shattering?"

After looking over the tracks, Blornvid says, "Hunting isn't my specialty, so I have no idea what this may be. However, if we can measure the size of these footprints and sketch them, we should be able to bring them to a hunter or some mage that specializes in the study of living things. And if we can identify a matching pair of prints, a left foot and right foot, we should measure the gap between them. Taller creatures have a wider stance."

Another idea comes to him. "If you spot any blood on a leaf or branch or the ground, we should try to collect that as well. Might be useful for identification."
Is this what you had in mind?


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Aug 10, 2024 2:00 am
That works. If you are unfamiliar with aspects of the game feel free to give broad stroke ideas and/or questions and throw in a roll or two and I will go with best interpretation. I;m no woodsman so make most of my facts/skills/lore up :)
You search the area for clear signs and make some rough sketches and use a length of rope to record measurements. Once done you approximate the creature to have legs well over 20' long so the creatures is likely 30' tall and even longer. The tracks are odd but it does not appear bipedal but beyond that you are not sure.

Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED
Aug 11, 2024 1:25 am
Deciding to see if you could track the strange creature you return, somewhat reluctantly, to the air to try and track it. You spend some time following the track, an easy task due to their size and depth, despite staying higher in the sky than you would like. Fortunately the creature does not seem to like the more heavily wooded region around the Manor and eventually wanders back to the south. It is just as you are about to turn back and head towards home that you catch sight of what you can only assume to be the creature in the distance. It begins to stand, which is why you noticed it at all as while it was laying down it looked much like any other hill nearby. Then you spy a lone wagon with moving away from the thing you guess to be a massive earth elemental.

Go ahead and join the duo of newcomers in the Stormy Beginning
Aug 11, 2024 6:09 pm
Heading there after this.
Blornvid points at the hill-creature and says to Magian, "Let's get down there and see if we can help those folks."
Aug 29, 2024 4:01 am
Getting down to business
The story of @Turanel2,@desekat is continued form HERE
With the arrival of a merchant traveling the old road by wagon the manor is put into a frenzy of speculation and chatter as the residence, both old and new, wonder as the arrival. Along with the merchet are a couple guards and companions, a strange beast of burden, and a telepathic insect a bit bigger than a duende.

Aug 29, 2024 4:11 am
Danoll (Manor)
Danol escorts you into the manor, through the interior of the once prosperous manor house which exudes an air of faded grandeur and eerie enchantment, frozen in time from its glory days. Freshly cleaned there are still signs of neglect, such as cracked windows and weathered tapestries that hang from the walls. The scent of aged wood and a hint of magic permeates the air.

You are guided to the drawing room, which showcases worn but still luxurious furnishing. Threadbare velvet sofas and chairs surround a marble fireplace, adorned with aged family portraits in gilded frames. Faded drapes frame the windows, revealing overgrown gardens outside. A grand piano sits in one corner, its keys untouched for years, but the music it once produced still lingers in the air. Gilded frames hold paintings of idyllic landscapes and family members from generations past. He tells you to make yourselves comfortable and that drinks will arrive shortly before excusing himself to fetch the lady of the house.

You all get comfortable and Ambasador begins inspecting all the fabricated goods and you are brough drinks of either cool water or chilled mild wine. A few minutes pass before Danoll returns with a young half-elven lady.

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)
Greeting! I can not tell you how surprise I am to learn that the wheels of commerce have found their way to this remote settlement. I have so many questions for you and can not wait to hear how you found us. The lady is a mixture of polite grace and youthful exuberance and bubbling curiosity, and awaits your tale to be shared with her.
Aug 30, 2024 9:15 pm
Elyse introduces herself and the ragtag group aligned with the Merchant. She uses her spell touched ability to paint the scenes of their adventures from when she first met July and Hazel, just illusory stills that fade from one image to the next to enhance the story being told.

So Lady Alderdrim, this all brings us to your parlor...


spell touched story telling - (2D6)

(45) = 9

Aug 31, 2024 4:48 am
Your story goes well and is well received. After you chat for a while you are allowed to freshen up and rest for a time before dinner, where Sylfir tells you that you may be asked for a bit of your tale again as many of the communities leaders are eager for news. The building continues to reveal its age, but it's quality seems up for the task and the care it is now receiving make it quite comfortable. You spend the rest of the day getting clean and a bit of rest before joining the dozens of locals in the dining hall. Hear you learn that most of the people were recently rescued from the city Eldergrove, which fell during the Dawn War. Its protector cursed the city and remaining inhabitants to defeat the demon attackers and protect as much as possible. Now free of the curse they are staying at the manor, some in hope of returning to reclaim the city while other are content in this new home. They are in contact with Paphos but only via magic as the road between the manor and city passes through territory claimed by aggressive and contending forces.

Though Paphos was Hazel's original destination she is only all too happy to forgo that opportunity for one closer and safer to reach. She and Sylfir chat much of the night about possible trade arrangements while you talk with Danolle and others of this odd settlement.
Feel free to interact with the NPC, ask questions, etc as you wish. Let me know of any interests you have. Your characters can stay around the manor, which Belonid is familiar with, or continue on to Paphos. Both locations will have opportunities for exploration, interaction, and conflict.
Sep 3, 2024 12:59 pm
In the morning you learn that Zeva has set out as her sword claims to have recognized something from last nights talk and is leading her to where they believe the grave to be. Hazel informs you that she will be staying here a couple days before heading back to the towns you came from. A couple of the local plan to go with her so they too will know the way and there are plans to begin work on restoring the roads fur future travels.
Sep 3, 2024 2:47 pm
Perhaps Ambassador could be bargained with to help restore the trade route? There may also be opportunities for them to guard the trails that run though their lands... Elyse explains to Sylfir and Dannol what she witnessed of the Formian's ability for craftmanship and the speed at which they restored the roads through their lands to help us arrive here.

To Blornvid: So, do you think you might want to help me find some raw gems in the area? If we can find some before Hazel packs up to go, I could bundle them up and ship them back to the family business? Any old mines or caverns that we could explore around the manor?
Sep 3, 2024 5:20 pm
Blornvid scratches his bearded chin. "I don't recall any old mines or caverns near the Manor, but my explorin' has been admittedly limited. After me and the old lads cleared out the problem areas, I've been primarily working on the gatehouse and its immediate surroundings. Perhaps Danol knows of some." He smiles. "Either way, I'd be quite willing to help you track down some gems."
Sep 3, 2024 5:41 pm
What about it Danoll, any ideas where we might go looking?

Danoll (Manor)


Sep 3, 2024 10:26 pm
Danoll (Manor)

The retired rogue replies quickly. I know of 2 possible sourcs of gemstones. The city of Paphos has tnnels leading from its cewars and basements that wind and eventually lead to the underdark. As I understand it even the caverns above the true depths of the underdark has some crystals. The manor itself has a passage that may lead to the underdarkas well but none have ventured down its winding length.

In additin Magian tells uf mountains to the north where he and the grifons spend much of their time. The are is rough and filled with caves. Though neither he nor I are great experts on locating the treasures of the earth I am sure that there must be someoportunities there in the mountains.

The mountains are an unknown but all I know of the unddark says that it is the more dangerous of the two options.
Sep 4, 2024 2:28 am
"Aye. Danoll is certainly correct about the danger of the Underdark. You'd need more than just me to venture there."
Sep 4, 2024 3:01 am
I have another party in the River Deep thread you guys can join but they are a bit stuck at their location now
I have several NPC templates. We can add a healer or similar if you are interested. Also I try to scale things so don't worry. I will try to give hints about dangerous locations, they will still exist, but also give other opportunities.
Sep 4, 2024 3:17 pm
Oooo! The Underdark ... ?

We got some fun stuff down there ...
Sep 4, 2024 3:40 pm
I bet you do... ;)

I'm good either way. If Turanel has a particular hankering to explore a certain area, I'm good to tag along.
Sep 4, 2024 11:01 pm
Though the manor's depths are uncertain they are said to connect to the underdark and offer the quickest option and has the advantag of close support. However Elyse is well aware that distances in the underdark are as bad or worse as those on the surface. So each outing has pros and cons.
Sep 5, 2024 7:34 am
Hi all, if you need an extra member for the party to leave the manor in exploration, I'll be happy to play a healer for a while. Just drop me a message if so.
Sep 5, 2024 1:06 pm
Although the underdark is nearest, I think Elyse would lean towards the griffins and the mountains to the north. Maybe Magian can secure us a ride which would speed us along.
@Cathamber always happy to have you a long.
Sep 5, 2024 5:32 pm
@Cathamber Seconded
Sep 5, 2024 9:18 pm
@Turanel2 you are now a veteran so gain weapon mastery with ¹ weapon gon you are proficient with

Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
Sep 5, 2024 9:45 pm
Cathamber sent a note to Psybermagi



Sep 6, 2024 6:21 pm

The stable-master is only all to willing to fly you to the mountains, a several days walk but mere hours by flight, and even has a spot in mind for your investigation. The region has multiple caves, some natural while others show signs of being expanded by tools.

Plans are made to set out the next day at dawn so that you will arrive shortly before dusk to allow you a glimpse of the area and time to prepare a camp before nightfall. Magian arranges to be in the area every half-week (5 days, twice per 10 day week) and as long as you are able to make some kind of signal will likely spot you even should you move miles from where you were dropped off. You begin making preparations of your own and soon have craftsmen working on climbers kits, a harness, extra rope, and rings and clips to secure items should you need to climb either in the mountains or depts of caves. You are free to request additional supplies to be sold to you. The climbing kits are a gift of good will and a hope for potential trade agreements from Elyse's family. During your preparations you are approached and asked if your expedition is open to an additional member. Though dangerous, the life of an adventurer often appears glamorous to many, especially the young, and is seems at least one of the locals has worked up the courage to join you.
Sep 6, 2024 9:15 pm
Blornvid is ready to interview this adventurer to see what skills they have.
I'm assuming that it's Cathamber's character.
Sep 7, 2024 5:54 pm
Blornvid, that sounds like a good idea. While you do that I'll go get some dry rations and other supplies. I'll get enough for three people and 15days. We can plan to come back in 10 and that will give us a buffer In case we miss Magian at the 10 day mark.
Last edited September 7, 2024 5:55 pm
Sep 9, 2024 6:06 am
So.. I've almost finish the druid character, and there is a final note that actually I wanted to ask you. Since I considered that small flaws may contribute to a PC depth, and fun to play (as long as it doesn't bother you guys), I was thinking about this character being naive, tactless, humourless or something similar. But I'd like your comments on it since I'm creating this PC to help, not to hinder, your party.

As a reference, my main character, Arc Zeekhad, is an avian scout/diplomat afraid of enclosed spaces... He avoids undergrounds as much as possible!

The flaws impact is roleplay based, it doesn't impact game mechanics.
Last edited September 9, 2024 6:08 am
Sep 9, 2024 12:33 pm
Naive works well along with a phobia of your choice. Sylvandur grew up in a prosperous city and fell under the cities own guardian curse to save him from a demon attack. Since then he has lived here in the manor, a tough life compared to his origin bot not relay all that hard.
Possible flaws could be a fear of anything otherworldly, being surrounded by plants that are touching him, as the curse infected him with plants that kept him alive and un-aging but no self control, fear of the dark (might be bothersome/unlikely as you plan to go underground next)
Sep 9, 2024 12:49 pm
Ok, I can play him somehow naive. But since he is a druid and herbalist, a phobia for plants or magic seems kind of strange to me. Let's just keep the naive thing and if something else happens we can take it from there...
Sep 9, 2024 1:07 pm
A druid could really view magic and such a being vastly different from their gifts of healing and controlling nature but it is up to you
Sep 9, 2024 1:21 pm
Ok thanks, I'll just play it naive.. in the sense of very trusting and extremely optimistic PC. :)
Sylvandur walks out of the stables. He had just spoken with Magian and is curious about this adventurers that are planning to head to the mountains.
His typical high quality elven clothes do not really match his old greenish brown elven cloak, but since he found it he hardly ever leaves home without it, as it reminds him of the force of nature. Also, he seems to be talking alone...

"Come on Fur, we are not playing that game now. I wish to find this blacksmith Magian mentioned, emm, Blornvid."

... while looking at some bushes to the side of the path.

"Why don't you help me find him? He should smell like.. well... blacksmiths... or forges?... or iron? Come out now and find him please."
Sep 9, 2024 11:41 pm
Having spent most of his time in the manor orchards and gardens Sylvandur has managed to not see Blornvid since he was rushed from his home of Eldergrove. He knows Blornvid and his companions helped break the curse on the city but his memories of the time under the curse and immediately after are all jumbled so all he has is a vague recollection of a heavily armored and stout figure, dwarf, definitely a dwarf. The last several weeks have been soothing but the constant pressure to lead from the others, as he is one of the others as one of the few able bodied adults that survived, has grown increasingly uncomfortable.

YOu guys can take it from here to manage your own intros.
Sep 10, 2024 2:13 am
Blornvid looks like most other dwarves: short and stocky with a long auburn beard. His armor and his axe stand out. Both are lovingly well maintained. The armor is scale mail with silver-threaded sleeves and skirt, but it doesn't appear to be steel.

But he lacks the dour nature of many a dwarf. He smiles as he watches the young guards of the Manor go about their duties, nodding approvingly like a proud mentor observing his students.
Sep 10, 2024 5:29 am
Technically... Blornvid didn't help free Eldergrove. That was another group. Instead, Blornvid was part of the group that cleared the Manor grounds. But, I can imagine that who did what will get conflated in most prople's minds relatively quickly. :-D
Sep 10, 2024 6:57 am
Sylvandur finally see his ferret jump from the bushes to run by the side of the path he was walking. Fur, his ferret, stops a few meters away looking intently to the distance and making some light squeaking, almost a giggle, in excitement.
"You found him already? He a dwarf.. did you find a dwarf?"

Sylvandur hurries to catch up with Fur ahead in the path, but once the ferret notices this, she runs away down the path. Sylvandur is not worried at all, Fur always comes back when her curiosity (or hunger) is satisfied.

As expected, the short and stock figure of a dwarf in armour is seen in the distance, and Sylvandur walks carelessly to meet him. A few minutes later...

"Greetings Blornvid, I'm Sylvandur Hathil Amdir of Eldergroove. Magian told me you were about to travel the mountains and, being an herbalist, I'd love to come along to better understand the plants around the area and explore other resources appropriate for healing that could be around. If that is alright with you and your party of course."
Sep 10, 2024 5:07 pm
daryen says:
Technically... Blornvid didn't help free Eldergrove. That was another group. Instead, Blornvid was part of the group that cleared the Manor grounds. But, I can imagine that who did what will get conflated in most prople's minds relatively quickly. :-D
Yeah, we didn't stay long. I had visions of vines strangling us to death, so we moved on.
Cathamber says:
"Greetings Blornvid, I'm Sylvandur Hathil Amdir of Eldergroove. Magian told me you were about to travel the mountains and, being an herbalist, I'd love to come along to better understand the plants around the area and explore other resources appropriate for healing that could be around. If that is alright with you and your party of course."
"Well met, Sylvandur. An herbalist and a healer, you say. Hmmmm, definitely could prove useful. Do you have any defensive skills, say if we run into trouble?"
Sep 10, 2024 5:46 pm
Sylvandur hears the dwarf with attention, not dour as other dwarves, but still talks to the point. Sure he can become a good friend.
"I see you maintain your axe and armor in top shape, sure you know how to handle yourself well in battle.

I don't have that experience, but only my slings for extreme situations, or for diversions that allow an escape. In a few battles I've been, I usually do more healing-friends than damaging-foes.

And Fur here..."
he points his ferret who had just climbed to his shoulder "... she is no warrior neither, but does hunt her one food, has a great sense of smell, and has some stealthy skill that allows for a good explorer."
Sep 10, 2024 9:46 pm
"That'll do," Blornvid replies with a smile. He holds out his burly mitt of a hand for a handshake.

"Fur the Ferret," Blornvid chuckles. "Seeing as you two have a bond, I'm sure she'll help out in her own way."

"Elyse is in charge of this expedition. She's out picking up supplies. I expect that she'll be back before long. I'm here to provide support in case she needs it. She's a smart goblin with an ability to use magic, so I imagine that she can handle herself in a scrap."

"You mentioned that yer from Eldergrove, right? I'd heard that there were some refugees from there that settled here at the Manor." Blornvid gives Sylvandur the option to expound on his experience or just provide simple confirmation. He won't push the point.
Sep 11, 2024 12:07 am
"Thanks a lot! What a friendly dwarf, right Fur?" Sylvandur smiles.
"So Elyse is in charge, hopefully we will meet soon... I don't know many goblins... I hope she enjoys nature."
But hearing the question about his hometown, he stops digressing... his smile also disappears "I lived there before coming here to the manor, I lived there for a long time. And I do count as one of such refugees." He stops a moment, as if recalling incomplete memories that should not be recalled superficially, and a veil of sadness crosses his eyes. "... I'm sorry, it is not easy for me to talk about what made us refugees, nor I have clear memories to make sense of them.

Nature wisdom balance all things respecting freedom, but some people go against nature, against wisdom and thus against freedom... Freedom should never be compromised, not even risked."
Sep 11, 2024 2:53 am
Blornvid's brow creases in concern. "No worries, Sylvandur. Healing takes time. Speak no more of it until you're able." Changing the subject for Sylvandur's sake, he says, "You and Fur ok with flying? Can't say that I'm too fond of it, but it's a lot faster than hoofin' it."
Sep 11, 2024 6:32 am
... Slow healing for a fast healer, such is also the way of nature...
Sylvandur doesn't even try to hide his releave at the change of topic as a thankful look is shown clearly...
"I fine with flying, I've always been curious about it, so I'll be happy to try it!"
Then he exchange a few looks and whispers with Fur... "she seems to be uninterested, like you said, not fond of it but will stand it if useful. Not interested even in the views!" and he laughs.
I haven't have time to read the events of Eldergrove, sorry about that! I'll play it as Sylvandur's lack of memory and some unwillingness to talk about it for now. When work goes back to normal, I'll give some time to read it. Thanks for understanding.
"And... thank you for accepting me to join. I appreciate it, I'll try to be as helpful as possible. Is there anything we can do before the flight?"
Last edited September 11, 2024 6:36 am
Sep 11, 2024 3:27 pm
No worries about Eldergrove. Sylvandur's memory gaps work with the story.
"Well, Elyse is gathering supplies. If there's anything you think you'll need for the expedition that isn't common, the journey itself won't take long, then get it now."
Sep 11, 2024 6:12 pm
As Blornvid and Sylvandur's conversation comes to a close, Elyse arrives on the scene.

Well met Blornvid, is this our third? I'm Elyse Solstice, offering her hand to the elf hope you are ready for a week or spelunking looking for raw gem veins?

After the introductions, Best to check in with the stable master and see when our expedition can get underway. I secured us standard rations enough for a week and a half in the mountains. If there are any special needs, you might want to get on that before we set out. I'm hoping at first light on the morrow.
Sep 11, 2024 7:22 pm
"Greetings Elyse, I'm Sylvandur Hathil Amdir of Eldergroove, herbalist and healer. And this one here..." As Sylvandur is about to introduce Fur, she runs down from his shoulder to the ground, and approaches Elyse to smell her shoes and squeaks a few time (which, in ferrets sound a bit like a giggle).

"Come here Fur, don't be so impatient, I was about to introduce you... Sorry about that Elyse, seems like Fur is so excited that she wanted to introduce herself. You must be a lucky one. I'm glad I met you both."

Hearing. Elyse with attention... "I don't remember ever going spelunking" says with curiosity "I've never flown before either. With this beginning, I can't wait to see what we will find and learn this week!"

Ay the mention of special travel needs, he checks his herbalists kit, his healers kit, his advertiser's knife and his sling... Everything seems to be ir order, and so he motions he is ready.
Last edited September 11, 2024 7:32 pm
Sep 12, 2024 1:50 am
Are you guys up for a bit of interactive navigation and story between the two of you as I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment?

Each of you crate a scenario with challenged for the group to overcome but try to keep it focused on the other players character (PC)
Try to keep it in line with the setting as explained so far. Once the other player creates a scenario you try to resolve it in a narrative form. You can direct the entire party during your turn with a solution but focus on your own character and how they overcome the challenge. No dice need to be rolled but you can add some for flair and to indicate how much the party has to struggle to win out.

These challenges do not need to be anything massive Think of it as a way to add your own view of the region and time traveling to the story
Sep 12, 2024 12:04 pm
I'm game.
Sep 12, 2024 4:46 pm
Sure, but my caveat still stands: I'm going to be away on vacation from the 14th through the 21st, so I'm going to be scarce around GP.
Sep 12, 2024 4:51 pm
If you don't mind an outside suggestion, I suggest this: @Cathamber be the presenter and @Turanel2 be the one to figure it out. I recommend this because Cathamber is most familiar with the setting to this point.
Sep 12, 2024 10:25 pm
I am happy to take a break until the 22ns of September. Role playing isn't a sprint for me and if our DM needs sometime I am perfectly willing to give it some time. We are actually at a good place to pause.
Sep 13, 2024 2:58 am
Works for me. :)
Sep 13, 2024 5:34 am
I'm fine either way. If you both prefer a week's break, then let's do that. I'm also around for a long run, and have needed some small breaks in the past.
Sep 16, 2024 12:36 pm
OK last week was crazy and this will be a bit busy still but I can manage some game play. I still want to go on with the Player taking turns proposing challenges and solutions if you are up for it. But if you are all good with a week of down time thats fine by me.
Sep 23, 2024 9:42 pm
As Sylvandur, Blornvid and Elyse get dropped off at what was thought to be a promising crag that has evidence of old tool work in the mountain face that was spotted from the sky. As the party starts to investigate the come to a deep crevice. Blornvid's keen eyes can see 160 feet down and on the other side of the crevice are carved stone steps... Well that is even more promising than we expected, but how will we get access to stone stairs? says Elyse.
Turanel2 sent a note to Psybermagi
Last edited September 23, 2024 9:42 pm
Sep 24, 2024 12:39 am
That is perfect! Thanks :) I am back but if you are up for it feel free to continue swapping challenges.
The story continues HERE



Dec 13, 2024 9:19 pm
The story continues from HERE.
You suddenly appear in the basement of the Manor. Since the Seer had permitted you to come without warning anyone, there was no one there to receive you. However, as you took a few minutes to reorient yourselves, Witic comes flying in (literally).

She is clearly surprised by the group's appearance and says, "Why are you here? We had no warning you would be coming!"

Skeeve calmly responds, "Don't worry. We're not here to cause issues or anything. We're just here to say, 'Hi!' and check on Blornvid and the Gatehouse. We will not be bothering you." He pauses a moment, and says with a mischievous smile, "Unless you want us to."

Witic rolls her eyes at the comment and says, "Then get on your way! I have a lot of things to take care of!" At that she flitters away.
OK, Skeeve intends to just head on to the Gatehouse to not see Blornvid. :-) However, if there is anything else in the area you want to take a look at, that can easily be done. Don't mind Witic. She's just a worry-wort.
Dec 14, 2024 2:37 am
good to go. Aizashi just makes in the sights while moving ahead.
Dec 14, 2024 7:48 pm
Blornvid will be disappointed he missed you.
Dec 15, 2024 8:22 pm
Kaarik is good to go as well :)
Dec 16, 2024 11:19 pm
Before heading out, Skeeve checks to see if Danoll or Sylfir are around, but they are both busy with house business. Figuring that the attendant he checked with or Witic will let them know of the group's arrival, Skeeve leads the group over to the Gatehouse. Skeeve notices, and points out, some of the changes from when he was last here and how things seem to be becoming much more "civilized". When they get to the Gatehouse, Kaarik remembers their efforts to clear it out, and gives some highlights of their spider fight with Aizashi and Arc.

Approaching the Gatehouse, Skeeve is surprised that there is no apparent activity going on. Entering the building, he quickly confirms that there is indeed no one present, which he finds odd. He does a quick look around and sees that everything is in order, that his and Ealdwig's rooms are neatly in order, and that the guards' bunk room appears to have about five occupants, none of whom are present. It is strangely quiet. Even the ghost doesn't make an appearance, which is also somewhat of a surprise. He does take a look at the tapestry, but because of his absence, it doesn't show him much at all.
While Skeeve is looking around, are there any questions you have or things you want to look at before the inciting incident?
Dec 18, 2024 7:40 am
Arc is somewhat disappointed, he wished to have a private talk with lady Sylfir. Hopefully there will be time in the future for that.
He keeps himself busy checking the normal activity of the manor. Which remember him of his time tending his parents' store back in the town he used to consider home.
Dec 18, 2024 9:33 am
While listening to the story about the fight with the spider a shiver runs down Aizashi's spine but he enjoyed hearing about the fight.
He is a little surprised by the changes that Skeeve is pointing out but it makes him hopeful that things are going the right direction.
good to move on, I think :)
Dec 18, 2024 9:44 pm
Ready to move on as well :)
Dec 19, 2024 1:05 am
Sounds good!
Skeeve is still upstairs when you hear activity at the door. You open the door and see five boys (two are in their late teens; the other three are all three or so years younger), all looking very rough, all having taken obvious damage. The two older ones look to still be OK, but the other three are pretty messed up, and one looks to be at death's door. The boys freeze when they see you, not recognizing the elf, badger-kin, or avian.
What do you do now? Remember, Skeeve can heal. From this point on, he is an NPC, so he can no longer drive your actions.
Dec 20, 2024 6:16 am
wooha. It's alright. Get inside we can help you. We are friends. Aizashi tells the boys upon seeing them frezze and the state they are in.
He turns to the others Get Skeeve, I'll need help with this!
With that he ushers the boys inside and begins to try and heal the first one.
I'm assuming my 'water bending' needs 2d6? So here goes
well... That could have gone better
Last edited December 20, 2024 6:17 am


Healing chi - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Dec 21, 2024 10:00 am
Kaarik gets closer and ask one of the older boy while Skeeve will proceed with some healing on the younger ones.
"Are you alright? What happened? Is there any immediate danger coming here?"
Dec 22, 2024 2:03 pm
Arc allows his actions speak for himself: he immediately helps them inside and get them ready for healers. Once they are all sitting or laying comfortable, he checks for any evident loose of blood (to try to cover it with pieces of cloth), otherwise he brings some water.
Dec 22, 2024 8:09 pm
The boys are all hesitant and taken aback with strangers in their home. However, with everyone helping them, they relax a bit in order to attend to matters at hand.

While Aizashi's first attempt to help didn't have an affect, the healing starts flowing and you are able to at least stabilize the critical boy. By this point Arc's mental call to Skeeve has him appearing quickly enough. Between the Aizashi and Skeeve, you are able to make sure no one is in danger anymore. Skeeve is able to show that he knows Blornvid, plus the older two recognizing his name from comments from Blornvid, helping put them all more at ease.

Once reassured, one of the older boys says, "Melene has gone crazy! We tried to stop her, but we had no chance!" You all look at each other, and finally Skeeve says, "I am sorry, but you are going to have to explain a little more. Who is Melene and what is she doing?"

The boy stops himself, calms himself down a bit, and explains, "Recently some weird stuff has happened around the area. That's why Blornvid isn't here right now; he went to check out some of that. Melene is only a little older than us, but she is too curious and is touched with magic. She has always been exploring, even when told not to. Her most recent wandering was taking longer than expected, so we were asked to go look for her. We found her, but she is acting crazy, unlike anything we've seen before. We have no idea what happened!"

Skeeve says, "Can you two", pointing to the two oldest, "lead my friends to her? They will do everything they can to help you bring her back safely. I'll stay here with the other three and make sure they are well. Arc, remember you can call me if something truly weird happens."

The two boys look at each other and say, "Yes. We'll do it."
Again, I am leaving Skeeve behind because he is now an NPC. The boys are really just there to give directions, though they can fight a little if needed. They will be very reluctant to fight Melene directly, however, both because they don't want to hurt her, and because they are afraid of her now. The object is to not kill her, though.
Dec 23, 2024 5:35 pm
Arc seems a bit disappointed that he will need to postpone his meeting with the Lady of the manor... again. But there is a problem at hand that needs solving, and that's where he shall head to.
"We'll see what we can do about this Menere girl. Skeeve, please do research here about this magic surge of late, and how can it affect untrained casters. It would be great to have some insight into what kind of crazy they are talking about, even better, a way to unwind or cure it.
Guys, we shall depart in no time. Gather yourselves, drink some water, eat a fruit, and join us outside.
Witik, please let the Lady know about this issue, and that she can contact us through Skeeve. Aizashi, Kaarik, are you ready?"
Last edited December 23, 2024 5:36 pm
Dec 23, 2024 9:17 pm
Just for clarity, you are now at the Gatehouse, which is physically some distance from the Manor. Ergo, the only people here right now are the three of you, Skeeve, and the five boys/young men. Witic is way back at the Manor and busy with other things.

Here is a map for the area.
[ +- ] Manor
You, specifically, are at C. Witic (and the others) are at A. Many of the refugees are down at E, which functions as kind of a mini-village.
Dec 24, 2024 3:32 am
Nodding at Arc, Aizashi gets up and straps on his pack.
Thank you for the help Skeeve.
He turns to the door, I'm good to go.
Dec 24, 2024 1:28 pm
"Let's go.".
Kaarik asks the two boys to show the direction but to always stay one just behind his back, not even one step behind as he does not want them to be in any danger.

To the others he says. "I do not want to hurt this poor girl in any way, we will need to find a way to restrain her without creating more pain than there already is".
Dec 24, 2024 11:24 pm
I'll do the lead-in to the encounter later today or tomorrow.
Dec 25, 2024 11:52 pm
daryen says:
Just for clarity, you are now at the Gatehouse, which is physically some distance from the Manor. Ergo, the only people here right now are the three of you, Skeeve, and the five boys/young men. Witic is way back at the Manor and busy with other things.

[ooc]So, let's say Arc asked Skeeve, not Witic, to let the lady
of the manor know about this mission... just to keep her informed of what is going on.

Dec 28, 2024 5:17 pm
Sorry for the delay. Things got busier than I expected!
Skeeve tends to the three younger boys. He says to Arc, "Don't worry. We can all go visit the Lady when you get back."

The two older boys lead you out of the Gatehouse and directs you south toward the southern edge of the Manor's unofficial boundary. After about an hour you notice some weirdness going on. Every now and them you see a plant has an odd color to it, and any insect on it has a weirdly bright color to them. One of the boys says, "That's different. We didn't see that before!" Despite this, you all press on. As you progress, the incidences of weird plants increases.

After an other hour you come up to what looks to be a Barrier. However, it looks different that barriers you have seen before. Unwilling to try and just cross it, you follow it around for a little ways and see what looks like a break in the barrier. As you approach the break, a very large squirrel suddenly stands up on its hind legs and says clearly, "Are you looking for the interloper?"
Dec 30, 2024 12:35 am
The... Interloper?
Aizashi responds and only afterwards realizes who/what he is talking to, because he was somewhat lost in the oddities surrounding him and his friends.
Dec 31, 2024 6:19 am
"Yes," replies the squirrel, "She is causing quite the mess. I do not think I should be able to talk."
Jan 1, 2025 12:37 am
Ah, umm... Maybe, maybe not. Do you know where we can find her?
happy new year
Last edited January 1, 2025 12:38 am
Jan 1, 2025 5:26 am
The squirrel points to the break in the barrier and replies, "She went through there."
Jan 1, 2025 10:56 am
Happy New Year :)
Let's go. says Kaarik before leading the group towards the barrier's gap.
Jan 1, 2025 6:00 pm
Happy New Year!

As an aside, what are you doing with the two boys? Take them in with you, leave them behind, or send them back to the Gatehouse?

Their stats are basically that they are proficient with their melee weapon, have two random Traits I haven't determined yet, and 4 HP. (The younger ones had no proficiency, one Trait, and 2 HP.) This means they can contribute, but they are squishy, so you'll have to manage that if they follow you in.
Jan 1, 2025 9:40 pm
I think we might should send them back.
Jan 4, 2025 5:30 pm
I'll take silence as agreement. :-)
Aizashi thanks the boys for bringing them this far, but tells them they need to return to the Gatehouse and tell Skeeve what they have found so far. The boys hesitate for a moment, but acquiesce and head back. Steeling yourselves, you all turn and head through the gap in the barrier.

You feel a weird sensation, but it is not horrible or painful like the Barriers you are used to. Rather, it is odd in a disconcerting way. Something just feels off. When you pass through, it looks similar to what was on the other side, but now everything is ridiculously vibrant, with wild, vibrant colors. The plants are unusually larger and the leaves and flowers have an odd shape to them. Despite the sheer variety of colors, the predominant one is just a vibrant, throbbing green. You see one or two animals, but they barely react to your presence and just seem ... confused?

You proceed a bit deeper into the area when you hear a young woman's voice challenge, Who intrudes on my domain!? Looking towards the source of the voice, you see a young woman how is likely to be the one you are searching for. However, she looks like she has gone feral, as her dress is dirty from her time out in the wilderness, her hair has leaves and twigs embedded throughout, and she is smudged with dirt, too. She does seem healthy though, and uninjured. Most noticeably, she seems to have a slight green glow to her, and her eyes are just a green glow. She has obviously just stood up from a kneeling position, where an unnaturally large (like its wing span is almost two feet wide) butterfly sits on a log next to her.
Jan 4, 2025 10:01 pm
Yes, we can say that if I do not react it means I agree.
Kaarik will try to get closer and see if he can detect the origin of what is obviously some magic.
It is his elfic heritage but I will still make a test for it.
While advancing he says: "We come in peace and are sorry to trespass your land. We would like to offer you our help".


detect magic - (3d6)

(164) = 11

Jan 5, 2025 12:42 am
Seeing Kaarik approach the woman Aizashi holds back to make sure she doesn't feel threatened.
Jan 6, 2025 7:38 pm
The young woman scowls and responds, "Help with what? As I said, I am in my domain and wish to be left alone while I practice." As she finishes the sentence, she looks down to the huge butterfly.

As you look between her and the butterfly, you could swear that the butterfly looks very angry and worried at your presence.

The source of the magic seems to be the young woman, though it "feels" odd somehow. As explained, you know she has magical ability, but it doesn't "feel" right. It's like there is some other influence involved.
Jan 9, 2025 12:27 am
Aizashi will take a look around to see if he can locate any indication for the influence.

Not sure what to roll for... Just observation or perception
or something I guess
Last edited January 9, 2025 12:28 am


Observation - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Jan 11, 2025 7:40 am
Wow. Good roll!
The large butterfly seems to be the center of the "other influence". It does not seem to be happy that you are here. It is becoming more agitated the more the standoff continues.
Jan 12, 2025 3:07 pm
Arc looks confused, as he is not very well versed in magic. But the behaviour of the butterfly seems odd... He tries to speak with it... to greet it kindly and ask what is it angry about. Furthermore, if his skill is enough, he will try to learn why it is angry from non-verbal communication (physical posture, sounds, etc).
Arc is using his beast -speaking skill all along.


Speaking with butterfly - (3d6)

(222) = 6

Jan 12, 2025 9:23 pm
Despite the failure of the beast-speaking ability, Arc quickly realizes that the butterfly is not a beast!
Jan 13, 2025 5:17 am
Arc tells the butterfly "Oh, I'm so sorry we didn't greet you properly. Being in the form of butterfly, you must understand our confusion. Greetings oh wise mage! We are just passing by, and seek no I'll. Please dismiss our lack of kindness as ignorance.
My name is Arc the Scout, please do share your name so we can all recognise you from now on as the wise sage you are."

Arc is no expert in royal etiquette, so his bow may seem somehow exaggerated, but honest enough. And him addressing the butterfly before the young lady should give the rest of the group the clue they need as to who is really in charge of the place and source of stronger influence.
Jan 13, 2025 10:30 pm
While Aizashi notices that the butterfly seems a little odd, he surprised by how Arc addresses it.
Jan 14, 2025 11:02 pm
The young woman
whom I really need to name
briefly loses the green glow to her eyes. She looks confused and very unsure of herself. However, the glow quickly returns and she angrily states, "Why are you not talking to me? This is my domain, and you are not wanted here! Why have you come to bother me?" As she speaks, you see that she is taking an aggressive stance towards you.
Jan 15, 2025 10:44 am
Arc walks slowly, a couple of steps, towards the butterfly, with arms by the sides (away from any weapon as he is physically stating his peacefulness). In doing so, he clearly ignores the girl. He bows a bit lower than the first time now, then stands strong as he addresses again the butterfly...

"You have made you power clear, there is no need to keep talking through the puppet. Even more as we can all see that she is suffering from your control. Please, let's keep the conversation civil, we are no thread to you, we do need to talk.
I have introduced myself formally, we would be thankful if you could do so too.
And if you will stay in such form, it is your decision, although we would be thankful if you could return to yourself for the conversation as it would be considered of mutual respect."

Then Arc waits for the butterfly answer.
Jan 15, 2025 5:41 pm
Arcs speech causes the butterfly to look even more annoyed. However, the young woman becomes angered, yelling "I will not be ignored." She attempts to hit Arc with a blast of force that would push him back. It connects and Arc is pushed back a few steps. (She didn't do it hard enough to cause HP damage or send him flying. More like a strong push from an angry person shoving him.) "You will talk to me!"


Blast of Force DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Jan 15, 2025 7:56 pm
Kaarik will turn his attention to the woman and ignores the butterfly.
I am kind of hopping to create some confusion here.
"My Dear Lady, please excuse my friend. I am here to serve you.
However, I am afraid to be a little confused, do you want us to leave or to talk to you?"
Jan 16, 2025 10:40 pm
OK, that was a little longer than a few minutes.
After Kaarik's query, she looks confused for a moment. But, right then you all hear a noise and involuntarily turn around to see three more people enter through the rift.

Original three: You see three people entering the area. They are a dwarf (whom Kaarik recognizes as Blornvid), a female duende, and an elf.

Newcomers: You enter an area that looks quite ... odd. The area is like a lurid version of reality, with brightly colored plants that are the wrong color, but still vibrant and vibrating with life. But, before you can really take in your surroundings, you see what looks like kind of a stand-off. Closest to you, but facing away, you see an avian, an elf who was just talking, and a badgerkin. Facing you is a young woman who has an aggressive stance and green eyes, with a butterfly of very unusual size sitting next to her. The woman is wearing a very nice dress, but it is disheveled and dirty from being out and about for longer than it was designed to be worn. Her features are also smirched with some dirt. Van recognizes her as one of his fellow refugees who has always been known as a bit of a loner.

The sudden arrival of new interlopers snaps her back. "More invaders!? If you will not leave my realm, I will throw you out!" she stands fully upright to face you. As she does, the butterfly lifts into the air and you see three more appear out from the foliage surrounding the young woman. However, despite all of this, she does not make an attack. Yet.
Jan 17, 2025 5:36 pm
This will be fun! Considering that Van recognise her... What is her name? We're they close friends ?
Last edited January 17, 2025 5:37 pm
Jan 17, 2025 7:11 pm
Upon recognizing Kaarik, Blornvid says, "Kaarik, good to see you, lad. We just got back from the mountains up north. Magian saw this rift from up above and asked if we could check it out. I take it that this lass and her butterflies are the source?"
Jan 17, 2025 7:44 pm
Kaarik's face lit up as he sees Blornvid. "Blornvid, my friend! It is good to see you!
Yes, the source of the magic seems to be coming from them. I am concerned for the woman's safety and so far we have not been able to calm her down."
Jan 17, 2025 10:55 pm
@Cathamber, they we not close friends; merely acquaintances as fellow refugees. She is a very late teen who has no direct family as they were all lost. She is a bit of a loner and wasn't too social. She was known for wandering off now and then after moving to the Manor. Her name is, uh, ah, ... she goes by Kaleen.
Jan 18, 2025 12:41 am
Aizashi looks at the newcomers approaching but keeps most of attention on the girl and her butterflies.
Jan 18, 2025 5:07 pm
Elyse slides behind Blornvid keeping a warry eye on the arguing parties in case things escalate.
Jan 18, 2025 5:33 pm
The first butterfly's wings start pulsing a bit, causing Kaleen to gain a glowing aura and her eyes to truly glow. "Leave my domain or be removed!" As she says this, the first butterfly's wings start moves to about a foot above her head, and the other three spread out in a semi circular pattern, facing you.
At this point you can attack or attempt more parley. All up to you ...
Jan 18, 2025 7:32 pm
To Kaleen: "Just a minute, Miss. We're tryin' to get things sorted out."

To Karrik: "This here is Elyse," introducing the duende woman. "She knows a thing or two about magic. Not the grand wizard level of our good friend Skeeve, but she can handle her own."

He turns to Elyse. "Can you make sense of this girl and her butterflies, lass?"
Jan 19, 2025 1:48 pm
Sensing the situation is arising from Kaleen discovering access to arcane powers, Elyse Steps to the side of Blornvid and says: Kaleen, we are just as confused as you are as to why we are in your domain. My magic is new to me still and what the mage says can be true about how powers can overwhelm or even hurt us, take a deep breath, we will give you space and lets learn about this magic about you. It may even be that magic that allowed us to enter your domain...


Charismatic, attempt to calm Kaleen and de-escalate the situation - (3d6)

(454) = 13

Jan 19, 2025 3:14 pm
Sylvandur checks what's going on, and among people he doesn't know, he recognises Kaleen as fellow refugees from the manor. Both Kaleen and Van were loners, and as such, he thought of her as someone with whom he could develop a strong friendship, even if it would grow slowly.
He approaches the girl with confidence and huge happiness to see a known face "Hello Kaleen! how nice to see you again! Hey you don't need to shout like that, I'll help you! what's going on? And who are our winged friends?" He approaches her unarmed, with his usual friendly demeanor.

Of course Fur, his ferret companion, is already running around free. If she reacts somehow to either Kaleen or the butterflies, Van should notice it.
Jan 19, 2025 7:21 pm
Elyse and Van's words seem to have some effect on the Kaleen and she hesitates, seemingly unsure of what to do. Suddenly she clutches her head and screams, then falls to the ground limp. You all then hear a voice in your head that says, Curse you for your interference!

The next thing you know, the four butterflies let loose with magical bolts! Arc, Elyse, Kaarik, and Van are the targets.
To attack the butterflies, you will Attack at Disadvantage. You can use ranged attacks with no other difficulty, but to use a melee attack, you have to spend a Move Action each round to be able to make an attack. (They are constantly moving a fluttering. You will always be able to get a melee attack, but you have to chase them down a bit to do so.)
OK, lesse what happens:
Arc takes one HP damage.
Kaarik takes three(!) HP damage.
Van takes two HP damage.
Elyse gets away unharmed.


Magic Bolt 1 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Magic Bolt 2 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Magic Bolt 1 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Magic Bolt 2 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Magic Bolt 1 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Magic Bolt 2 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Magic Bolt 1 at Van DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Magic Bolt 2 at Van DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Jan 19, 2025 7:49 pm
Elyse,rushes forward and places herself protectively over Kaleen. Then unleashes a magic bold of her own at the nearest butterfly...


intiative - (2D6)

(53) = 8

Magic Bolt - (1D6)

(5) = 5

Jan 19, 2025 9:27 pm
"Damn bugs." With all of their fluttering about, Blornvid is forced to focus on the butterflies before firing his crossbow.
If that's not allowed in this situation, then please ignore.


Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Dis - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 20, 2025 11:29 am
"Finally you show yourself, hateful beast!"
And shoots to the butterfly that Elyse shot.


Shot 1 - (3d6h1)

(142) = 4

Shot 2 - (3d6h1)

(134) = 4

Jan 20, 2025 11:33 am
Van is taken by surprise!
But as soon as he sees a fellow elf get shot, he jumps to help.
As Combat Medic, he moves without using an action.
Then uses Healer trait: it cures for 2 HP each try.

As the first attempt was successful, he uses his 2nd action to cure himself.
Edit2: Sorry for the typos, I'm not sure how to read that, so I'm rolling again.
Van is glad he could help. Kaarik recovers 2 HP so he is only 1 down, and Van is back to full health. Only the avian is left without cure, but -1 is not that bad.
Last edited January 20, 2025 11:43 am


Cure Kaarik - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Cure self - (2d68)

(5927) = 86

Cute self - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Jan 20, 2025 5:45 pm
Still waiting on Kaarik and Aizashi before I finish the round and move to the next one.

For Van, well ignore the screwed up roll and let him use the roll that makes him look absolutely fabulous!
Jan 20, 2025 6:45 pm
Of course Van is amazing! This future ArchDruid is already a great combat healer.
Jan 20, 2025 6:57 pm
Cute self - (2d6) (6,6)
This must be some new form of polymorph or shape changing ability! Does it make Sylvandur get those oversized cat eyes and be covered in fur?
That is such a totally awesome typo!
Jan 20, 2025 7:32 pm
Sorry guys, honestly completely forgot to check the game during the weekend.
Revigorated by Van cure, Kaarik shoots at the closest butterfly with his bow.


shot 1 - (3d6)

(236) = 11

shot 2 - (3d6)

(225) = 9

Jan 20, 2025 9:17 pm
Note that shooting (or swinging at) the butterflies is at Disadvantage. This overrides any Advantage. These little monstrosities are very annoying and hard to hit!
Jan 21, 2025 6:09 am
Turanel2 says:
Cute self - (2d6) (6,6)
This must be some new form of polymorph or shape changing ability! Does it make Sylvandur get those oversized cat eyes and be covered in fur?
That is such a totally awesome typo!

Hahahaha, seems his druidic abilities take the form they wish!! Maybe Van polyphorms into a cute brown-yellowish cat with long hair, 7ft/2.1m long... jumping around the battlefield curing everyone... closer to a friendly lion than to a house cat... Who would have thought ? But of course, the DM has the final word on how this area's magic affects people...
Last edited January 21, 2025 6:11 am
Jan 22, 2025 12:21 am
To be clear, I was just making fun of the humorous typo. Van still looks like Van, and he successfully healed himself. He does still look fabulous, though.

I was waiting for @ChrSch to post, but if nothing tonight, I will continue in the morning. He can always jump back in when he is able.
Jan 22, 2025 8:10 am
I know, I know... A 3 seconds polymorph to lion would have been spectacular. But Van was still fabulous, didn't he? ;)
Jan 22, 2025 2:24 pm
sorry for the delay. Work trip got a little out of hand. Back now
Aizashi goes after one of the other butterflies (which ever one is closest to him, unless that is the one already being shot at) hoping to distract them from the healer and the wounded.


Unarmed attack - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 22, 2025 6:57 pm
When too many dice are rolled, I take only the part needed, and treat each roll separately. So, if you roll three dice when we only needed one and do it twice, I will take the first die of each set of three. I am pretty sure that's what Psybermagi did, too. Just so everything is clear ...
The butterflies prove surprisingly difficult to hit. Only Elyse and Blornvid are able to land hits, though Van mostly mitigated the damage the butterflies did in this round. All of the butterflies are still active, though the one hit by Elyse and Blornvid is looking pretty bad. It's like it is being drained of color.

End of Turn 1

Start of Turn 2
As an aside, because of how things flowed in the start of the conflict, the butterflies effectively won initiative.
The butterflies seem to be particularly annoyed at Elyse because of her actions to defend Kaleen and the one that had attacked Van switches to her. The other two continue with their chosen targets.

Arc takes a point of damage, Elyse takes two, and Kaarik takes two. I need two 1d6 rolls for Elyse for her Evasive ability.


Magic Bolt 1 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Magic Bolt 2 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Magic Bolt 1 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Magic Bolt 2 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Magic Bolt 1 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Magic Bolt 2 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Magic Bolt 1 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Magic Bolt 2 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Jan 22, 2025 7:36 pm
Elyse attempts to evade the magic bolts and when appropriate in turn order she returns fire with two bolts of her own using both her actions for round 2.


Evade 1 - (1D6)

(6) = 6

Evade 2 - (1D6)

(4) = 4

Magic Bolt 1 at wounded butterfly - (1D6)

(3) = 3

Magic Bolt 2 at wounded butterfly - (1D6)

(1) = 1

Jan 22, 2025 9:10 pm
Elyse avoided one of the blasts, so only takes a single point of damage. Both of her bolts unfortunately miss.
Jan 22, 2025 9:23 pm
Kaarik starts feeling weak and despairs to see how easy the butterflies can hurt him while he cannot even defend himself.

He will shoot two more shots to the butterfly targetting him.


shot 1 - (2d6)

(65) = 11

shot 2 - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Jan 23, 2025 8:17 am
Arc fires at the weakest butterfly he sees, if he kills it in the first shot, he will aim the 2nd shoot at the next weakest. Hopefully, he can reduce their numbers soon...


1st shot - (3d6)

(211) = 4

2nd shot - (3d6)

(621) = 9

Jan 23, 2025 8:22 am
Van continues to focus on his combat medic skills.
He sees that Kaarik keeps getting hit and, since he is by his side, he cures him first.
Then he runs to the avian and tries to cure him too.
If Van's track is ok, Kaarik has 1HP of damage, Arc has 2HP of damage and Elise has 1 HP of damage.
Last edited January 23, 2025 8:25 am


Cure Kaarik - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Cure Arc - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Jan 23, 2025 7:39 pm
Blornvid continues to focus on the butterfly before firing his shot.


Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 23, 2025 10:17 pm
You have much more success this round!

While both of Elyse's bolts miss their mark, Blornvid finishes off one of the butterflies harrassing her.

Kaarik successfully hits the butterfly attacking him. (The first die was a success; the other didn't matter.) With the previous damaged butterfly gone, Arc tries to help Kaarik and his second arrow strikes true, dropping a second butterfly. (Again, only the first die counted.)

Van's healing provides 2 HP to Kaarik, but isn't able to help Arc this round.

Aizashi still has his Turn to go. I'm going to end this turn but he can still take his Actions when able to.

There are two butterflies left, and their tiny little faces appear to be very angry.

End of Turn 2.
Jan 25, 2025 3:21 pm
Does the butterflies still have the initiative or can we attack first?
Jan 25, 2025 4:40 pm
Aizashi is surprised by the butterflies speed but attempts a second attack at the same one.


Unarmed attack - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 25, 2025 5:16 pm
Arc sees Aizashi's attack and shots too, at Aizashi 's target


Shot1 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Shot2 - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 26, 2025 3:12 pm
The butterflies still have initiative.

The way I've been doing initiative is that I let the narrative decide it for the most part. If it is wide open, then it's time for a die roll. Once determined, I just keep alternating, unless something narrative changes that. Like, for example, if a combat where to pause for talking, then I'd figure out a new initiative order. But that's pretty rare, so that hasn't happened yet.
Aizashi's attack last turn successfully struck one of the surviving butterflies, damaging it. Seeing that the battle is not going in their favor, you hear in your head, You took our agent from us. We won't forget that!

With that pronouncement, you feel the very reality of the area ripple and close in on you. As it does, each of you finds yourself back outside the rift, one at a time, starting with the one farthest from Kaleen, and ending with Elyse and Kaleen together. As things close in, only Arc is able to loose an attack, which hits the other butterfly. Arc hears in his head, I'll remember that in particular.

You look around and see that you are now basically back where you started from close by where the rift had been. The barrier is now completely gone, along with the rift through the barrier. However, the area is not unscathed, as many of the plants and nearby animals still seem to be affected by whatever happened. Elyse notices that Kaleen starts to rouse and move.

As Kaleen starts to rouse, she sees a large group of people, some armed, standing around her. A panicked look crosses her face until she sees Van. Not entirely relieved, but not in full-on panic yet, she says, "Van ... what's going on here? Who are all of these people?"
Jan 26, 2025 4:38 pm
Van, familiar as he is with magic, is not surprised to be vanished from where they were. His eyes run around him fast, a quick check for everyone 's health.

Finally, seeing Kaleen recovering, he approaches her while hearing her voice... "I'm glad to see you recovering! They are all friends." Then he offers his hand and helps her stand up, if she still looks emotionally in shock Van will also offer her a hug.
"You were kidnapped by a group of four magic giant butterflies, I think they may be fey. They were using you as an agent, to speak for them, to keep everyone else away from that forest area. These adventures here saved you. Now, the 2 fey that survived are specially angry, and used their magic to throw us away and close the rifts, so please don't go back there. Do you remember anything??."
Jan 26, 2025 6:52 pm
Arc looks angry. It is strange to see him like this, he is almost never angry! But now he clearly is: walking fast, in circles, his wings half unfolded and his bow still in his left hand grip.

He starts muttering, low voice as if talking to himself..
"I tried to talk with them, I addressed them with respect, they denied every attempt aggressively. Even hit me before anyone drew weapons! They should have known battle would start when they didn't want to talk. Now they cowardly push us away when they are loosing, furthermore, they say they will remember... what a !! ... they should remember and be smart in the future, talk instead of fight..."

After a moment, Arc recovers his usual self and puts away his bow.
"I see that the lady is recovering, I'm glad. Whenever you all feel rested enough, we should go back to the manor."
Is there a reason for Arc's last shot to be aimed at 'the other' butterfly? I remember that Arc was aiming at the same one Aizashi kicked...
Last edited January 26, 2025 6:55 pm
Jan 26, 2025 10:29 pm
Blornvid nods at the conclusion of the battle, satisfied with the victory. While Sylvandur talks to the troubled girl, he looks over the group. "Everyone ok?" Sylvandur made for a great battlefield healer. He's sure that they might've taken casualties were it not for him.

At some point, someone will have to talk to the girl about how she came to be under the influence of the butterflies. Sylvandur said that might be fey, and that made sense to Blornvid. Unless of course, this batch had somehow become altered by the Shattering. He's momentarily reminded of the psychic spiders and wonders if there's a connection, assuming that Sylvandur was wrong about his fey assessment.

Blornvid decides to look to see if the dead butterflies were ejected from the rift.
Jan 27, 2025 7:38 pm
Cathamber says:
Is there a reason for Arc's last shot to be aimed at 'the other' butterfly? I remember that Arc was aiming at the same one Aizashi kicked...
Nothing intentional. I misunderstood. Doesn't matter, as two hits don't kill them. Whichever one you hit was the one cross at you ...
There are no dead butterflies to be found. Van is pretty sure they were fae, but he doesn't know for 100%. The only uniform thing about the fae is that they are always agents of chaos. A few are good-inclined; some are malevolent; most are just self-centered. These appeared to have a bigger plan going on, but the extent isn't obvious and why chose Kaleen also isn't obvious.

Van having reassured her that she is now with friends lets her loosen up, but just a little. (There isn't really an opening for a hug.) She does explain, "I saw those weirdly colored plants and followed them until I found a shiny colorful wall of some kind, with an opening just hovering in the wall. Outside it was a pair of large butterflies that invited me in to see what it looked like. They said I was special and would be able to appreciate things better than other people. Curious, I stepped through the opening to see a fantastical environment. One of the butterflies had me sit down while they tried to teach me something. Unfortunately, that is the last thing I remember, other than a brief flash where I was angry for some reason, then suddenly getting a huge pain inside my head. Next thing I know, I am waking up here."

As you are talking, Magian conveniently appears and seems to examine the scene as he comes in for a landing. "I see you have taken care of the barrier. I asked if anyone was missing and they said no one had seen a girl named Kaleen for a couple days, but she was prone to wandering off and they didn't see overtly concerned." He looks down at Kaleen and continues, "May I assume this is Kaleen?"

Kaleen looks up grumpily at Magian, seemingly not intimidated by his imposing form, and says, "I am not a girl; I am a woman."
OK, where do you want to go next? The Gatehouse to update Skeeve and the boys? Or directly to the Manor?
Jan 27, 2025 8:52 pm
"We should go to the gatehouse to inform Kaleen's young companion who were concerned for her. They will be relieved to see her."
Jan 27, 2025 9:02 pm
"Of course, you are right Kaarik. We should go to the gatehouse."
Jan 27, 2025 9:05 pm
Van after listening to Kaleen story, and considering that the battle of over, heals everyone.

Then will stay close to Kaleen, suggest her not to wonder off too much nor trust Fae, and help her recover the best he can.
Jan 27, 2025 9:11 pm
Elyse follows along which ever way the party chooses.
Jan 27, 2025 11:05 pm
After the battle Aizashi rejoins his friends and listens to Kaleen's story.
Once everyone seems ready to go he realizes he doesn't know most of the people here and decides to quickly introduce himself.

Um, I'm sorry. My name is Aizashi and thank you for your assistance.
He says with a slight chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
Jan 27, 2025 11:09 pm
Blornvid will report in to give his account of the butterfly rift and the mountain expedition. After that, he'd like to check in on the Gatehouse as he hasn't been there in a few weeks.
He probably isn't aware of Skeeve and Ealdwig, and, as such, he'll be glad to see them both as he hasn't seen them in months.
Jan 27, 2025 11:32 pm
ChrSch says:
After the battle Aizashi rejoins his friends and listens to Kaleen's story.
Once everyone seems ready to go he realizes he doesn't know most of the people here and decides to quickly introduce himself.

Um, I'm sorry. My name is Aizashi and thank you for your assistance.
He says with a slight chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
Blornvid hears the badgerkin introduce himself, nods, and introduces himself, "Blornvid."
Jan 28, 2025 9:38 pm
He, also realises that he also doesn't know everyone.. "I'm Arc, nice meeting you all"
Jan 29, 2025 3:52 pm
Elyse Solstice she says with a small wave of her hand in greeting.
Jan 29, 2025 9:36 pm
Kaarik bows, "As you have heard from Blornvid, my name is Kaarik. We haven't met in the best circonstances but I would be happy to get to know you all around a drink"
Jan 30, 2025 6:10 am
Van, standing close to Kaleen to help her recover, replies...
"Not the best circumstances, I agree, and I'll happily share a drink with you. I'm called Sylvandur Hathil but most call me Van, my path is that of nature and of the druids, and "he does a soft whistle after which a ferret runs from the woods and jumps to his arms "this little lady is Fur."
Jan 30, 2025 2:34 pm
Kaleen is reacting poorly to Van's efforts to help her. She initially tries to keep separation, but when she sees that isn't succeeding, she sullenly allows everyone to guide her back.

Once Magian says, "It sees the initial excitement is over, and there doesn't appear to be anything left to do, so I will head back to the Stables." With that, he takes flight and leaves you behind.

It takes about two hours for you to retrace your steps to the Gatehouse. The trip is uneventful, and the day is late when you get back. The two older boys come out to greet you when you arrive, and one says, "You made it back! And you found her!" Still sullen, Kaleen mutters to herself, "Why all the concern now?" As you return, Skeeve arrives and is genuinely happy that you have all made it back safe and with Kaleen. He says, "Good to see everyone ma - Blornvid? How did you join the group?" Then he realizes there are three more he doesn't recognize and continues, "And who are the newcomers?" Then his gaze turns stern and falls to Kaleen, "And you must be the wanderer who caused the commotion in the first place."

He steps up to her and before she can react, he touches her shoulder, then withdraws his hand quickly. His touch, however, and completely cleaned her up. Her dress, while still ragged along the edges, is now clean. And, while her hair is still unkept, the dirt and grime has left her and she is as clean as her dress. With a wave of his hand ... nothing happens. However, with a second wave of his hand, the dirt and grime that had fallen from her disappeared from the floor around her. Once she realizes what he has done, she looks up and says, "How did you do that?"

"The same way you can, if you'll take the time to learn."

She doesn't reply and decides to keep quiet. For now.

Skeeve returns his attention to the rest of the group and gets introductions to all of those he doesn't know yet. Knowing that Arc is keen on going to the Manor proper, he says, "It is getting late. I think there is enough room here for everyone to stay the night before heading to the Manor in the morning, or you can head over to the Manor tonight and watch Witic's stress levels blow a hole in the ceiling. Either way, we won't be able to talk to anyone until the morning."
OK, you can either head to the Manor immediately, or in the morning. Either way, Skeeve will wait to head over in the morning. You can do some more introductions if you want, or we can just skip to the Manor in the morning. Either way, you're gonna have a nice big party soon! But if you want drinks, it's probably better to wait until the morning. 😁
Jan 30, 2025 4:29 pm
I'm good waiting till morning to head to the Manor and skimming over the introductions.
Jan 30, 2025 5:18 pm
I am fine with whatever is easiest for you Daryen. If you are gathering everyone at the manor, it might be easier for you if we just go there.
Jan 30, 2025 6:25 pm
daryen says:
As you return, Skeeve arrives and is genuinely happy that you have all made it back safe and with Kaleen. He says, "Good to see everyone ma - Blornvid? How did you join the group?" Then he realizes there are three more he doesn't recognize and continues, "And who are the newcomers?"
"Skeeve! How are ya, lad?" He grabs Skeeve's forearm to shake it and pats Skeeve's upper arm with his left. "This group? We," he gestures to Elyse and Sylvandur, introducing them by name, "were up in the northern mountains scoutin' the area. On our way back, Magian saw the rift and asked if we would check it out while he reported it in to the boss. I spotted Kaarik and so we lent a hand saving the lass from the butterflies who, I'm told, are likely fae."
daryen says:
Skeeve returns his attention to the rest of the group and gets introductions to all of those he doesn't know yet. Knowing that Arc is keen on going to the Manor proper, he says, "It is getting late. I think there is enough room here for everyone to stay the night before heading to the Manor in the morning, or you can head over to the Manor tonight and watch Witic's stress levels blow a hole in the ceiling. Either way, we won't be able to talk to anyone until the morning."
"Oh, I'm staying here, lad. There's a keg that needs tapping, and you have to tell me what you've been up to, besides becoming a grand magus." He says the last part with a wink.
Jan 31, 2025 12:01 am
Good either way as well. Which ever is easiest.
Jan 31, 2025 5:12 am
We'll go with everyone staying at the Gatehouse for the night, then heading to the Manor the next day. Blornvid has a cool item that will get everyone on board with waiting! I'll pull everyone in to the Manor tomorrow.
Jan 31, 2025 2:05 pm
Happy to have Arc rest and go to the manor in the morning with everyone else.

Last edited January 31, 2025 7:23 pm
Jan 31, 2025 6:14 pm
Once everyone has been assigned a bunk, Blornvid says, "Come downstairs for supper and some ale." In the meantime, he proceeds to head downstairs and fire up the Dwarven Boozehound's Backpack, a trophy from past successful expeditions. He pours up a drink for quality control purposes, of course, before serving it up to others. Then, before everyone else joins them, he catches up with Skeeve about what each of them have been doing since they last saw each other.
Unless there's something that Skeeve needs to tell Blornvid, there isn't a need to roleplay it.
Jan 31, 2025 7:22 pm
Arc is fast to leave his backpack in the assigned bunk and to go downstairs. Once there, he can't hide (nor try to) his surprise when he sees the dwarven artifact! And asks Blornvid about it... while also trying a mug of that ale 'for quality control purposes'... sure mate, that excuse will do for the first couple of mugs :)
Blornvid, feel free to roleplay it, or let it go as small talk before the actual feast.
Jan 31, 2025 7:38 pm
Blornvid is happy to oblige Arc. He looks around for a drinking vessel that he thinks will work for the Avian. Finding one, he pours as he explains, "Not only does it have medicinal qualities, it magically refills itself every morning! Cheers!"
Jan 31, 2025 9:43 pm
Skeeve regales Blornvid with the story of their goblin bargaining, hobgoblin decapitation, spy mission, bar fight, and running from the dragon. He'll even conjure up exaggerated illusions illustrating specific scenes to help with the story. (A trick he learned from his brief encounters with Grin.) He also goes light on the ale, as he knows he is a scrawny human, not a dwarf or duende!
Feb 1, 2025 12:21 am
Aizashi joins the others and can't help but chuckle at Skeeve's retelling of their last adventure. As he tells about the dragon encounter he chimes in: 'Good times, good times' with a grin as he remembers the chaotic escape.
Feb 1, 2025 12:12 pm
"It refills itself in the mornings? This much ale? That sounds dangerously appealing..."

Later, Arc happily relives all this scenes... except the underground escape, he hates the feeling of being trapped that underground places gives him.

But he does toast to it all with a big grin!
Last edited February 1, 2025 2:31 pm
Feb 1, 2025 5:32 pm
Skeeve looks to Elyse and says, "How did you end up with this motley assembly? This is a pretty odd lot you've found yourself among!"
Feb 1, 2025 11:17 pm
Well the road is a pretty dangerous place, all my original companions have abandoned their journeys and headed back to their homes. After the massive magic shift where hills became golems and our horse metamorphized in another type of beast, Blornvid and Arc came to our rescue and I have been Keeping close to Blornvid ever since, he has saved my life a few time in fewer days. Not sure if I just have a danger magnet on me somewhere, but I haven't found it.
Feb 3, 2025 11:37 pm
Before the party started, Skeeve sent the three younger boys (who seem to have recovered from their previous encounter) over to the Manor to let Witic and the others know they were going to get a group visiting the following morning. (That it would keep them away from the alcohol was merely a bonus.) The two older boys and Kaleen we included in the party.

Everyone seemed to have a good time (except for Kaleen who still seems to be completely uncomfortable in such a large group). With all of the stories and talk and magically generated alcohol, it lasts longer than expected. Still, everyone gets to sleep and feels surprisingly well in the morning. When they get up, everyone but the older boys all get read to head to the Manor.

When they reach the doors of the Manor, Witic is there to greet them. Glancing at Skeeve she says something quietly, then to the group, "The Lady Sylfir is expecting you. It appears some have requests, so this should be a good time to address them." She then leads you all into a dining hall where a breakfast is prepared. Oddly, the places and food present imply that there are more expected than just your group. At the head of the table is Lady Sylfir and at her side is Danoll.

Lady Sylfir
"Welcome to the Manor! Good to see some familiar faces again." She nods towards Blornvid and Skeeve. "And we will need to figure out what to do with you," she says to Kaleen. Turning to the group at large she continues, "And to what do I owe the honor of this assemblage?"

Before anyone at the breakfast can really get started, another four individuals show up. They are an Otterkin, a human, and a pair of duende.
Feb 3, 2025 11:52 pm
After appearing in the basement a fae appears to greet them. "Good timing, even if not all company is good to see." She seems to glare at Ealdwig when she says that last line. "You are expected. Please follow me." With that she leads you upstairs and to a large dining hall.

You see that there is a breakfast where the other attendees are already seated, but nothing has yet started. Despite this, there appear to be four extra seats available for you. Around the table, you see an odd assortment. The head of the table is a now regal half-elf lady, with a human male by her side. Around the table are a human, a dwarf, a badgerkin, an avian, and a pair of elves (all male). In addition there is a female duende.

As you seat yourselves. Ealdwig rushes over to greet the human and dwarf, who return his enthusiasm.

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)
The half-elf lady says, "For those who are new, I am Lady Sylfir of the Manor, and this," she motions toward the human by her side, "is Dannoll. Let's begin the meal while we talk and hear what you wish to talk about."
Feb 4, 2025 9:05 am
Oliver, the otterfolk, had round vials of swirling shiny liquids on his belt pouch and wore a black decorated robe with the recent addition of a few gold runes around the cuffs. His weapons were stowed away, but a sling and a bat could be seen slightly protruding from his backpack. His attire contrasted with his delighted shriek when he saw the familiar faces. He waved enthusiastically and rushed forward to meet them.

"Blornvid, Skeeve, Arc! It's been a while! I think I really lost track of time in the underdark! Treading loong tunnels, dealing with very civilized goblins, omnivorous pink slime, a questioning sphinx, well-dressed duergars, reaching a lovely dwarven city, and did I mention the looong dark tunnels? Well, just saying it makes me lose track of time again!"

He stopped to stare around, bowing at those he was just meeting.

"Oliver Otter, at your service!"
Feb 4, 2025 6:04 pm
Blornvid's eyebrows go up upon seeing Oliver. "It has been quite a while, Oliver. Good to see you alive and well." Lowering his voice, he adds, "You'll have to tell me about the duergar and dwarven city after all this is done."
Feb 4, 2025 10:27 pm
Stee walks to the room with his friends and Wreak."Well met all I am Stee Jans and this is Wreak. I met up with this ragtag bunch in the underdark."
Feb 4, 2025 11:02 pm
Hello there, I'm Aizashi. Pleased to meet you all
Feb 4, 2025 11:32 pm
Right in the middle of introductions, Witic reappears, with a human in tow. "I don't know which group this one belongs to, but he seemed lost and I figured this would be the best place for him to go." With that introduction, she leaves. Oddly, it appears that there is an extra spot for him to sit at, though none of you remember seeing it before.
We have a new player joining in, and since we are in the middle of introductions, this seems the perfect time! Please welcome @WanderOne and his character Cords!
Feb 5, 2025 12:27 am
Feb 5, 2025 1:04 am is husky man and has short straight black hair. He is wearing simple clothing with a full waterskin, cloak & belt with pouch & rucksack. Pack on a bedroll, 50' of rope & hooded lantern on the side says he is prepared to travel. Has a handaxe to his side. You're seeing a country man.

To be sure he looks a bit lost or complexed but seems to be following the notion to sit down which he does ever so quietly. He feels so out of place for sure. Not knowing to introduce himself or not, he opts for the quiet not. He tries not to stare as he looks about.

Traveling is something he has always done but not like this. He wonders what possessed him to step on that patterned floor. Mostly because he didn't have the slightest idea what was going to happen. World of magic always takes him off guard. Seeing fey doesn't at all surprise him.
Last edited February 5, 2025 1:23 am
Feb 5, 2025 5:53 am
To help everyone, at the head of the table sits the Lady Sylfir, master of the Manor. At her right hand is Danoll. He was once captain of the guard at the outpost now known as New Paphos, but now the Lady's right hand and consort. Around the table sits a motley crew of characters: They are, in no particular order:
Blornvid: a traditional looking dwarf. He is sitting next to his two friends Skeeve (a human) and Ealdwig (a duende/halfling).
Arc: an avian scout. He has features and coloring reminiscent of a crow in humanoid form.
Kaarik: an elf who is slight even for an elf. He looks bookish, even though he doesn't appear to have a book at hand.
Aizashi: a badger-kin who has no obvious weapons, but looks to be quite dangerous even so.
Elyse: a green skinned duende/goblin who has a serious air about her, but seems friendly in spite of that.
Oliver: an Otter-kin who has a backpack situated nearby filled with vials and containers of numerous, interesting but unidentifiable contents. Close to him is Grin, a duende/Halfling who is checking on an empty bottle in his pack.
Stee: a human who has an impressive bow placed nearby and who looks to be quite an outdoorsman.
Van: an elf who cuts a dashing figure, but looks quite distracted.
To this group, Cords is now added.
The PCs are all in bold.
Feb 5, 2025 2:09 pm
Arc is gladly surprised to see lots of friends and some new faces! He introduced himself as Arc Zeekhad, the flying scout. His bow at his back, and his huge black wings folded not to hit anybody.
He sits close to Oliver and Ealdwig, whom he has not seen for some time! Eager to listen to their stories and share lots of ale.
Sorry for the brief part, but RL is hectic this week. I still wanted to say hi to all!!
Last edited February 5, 2025 2:11 pm
Feb 5, 2025 2:16 pm
"Greetings everyone, I'm called Sylvandur Hathil Andir, I'm a healer and a druid. And this brave ferret with me is Fur."

Sylvandur enjoys the company of adventurers, although he enjoys wilderness even more. His call as a druid and a medic is so strong, he keeps the drinks low, his head clear, and his sight glances the trees beyond the windows more frequently than he would like to admit.

He plans to approach Lady Sylfir and Danoll after the meal to ask where can he, as a druid, help the area around the manor prosper.

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)


Feb 6, 2025 4:49 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)

The meal progresses well, and at its end, the Lady says, "I know several of you wish to speak with me individually. After that, I have a request of those of you who would be willing, so please remain here while I handle the individual audiences first." She frowns slightly and continues, "First, however, I wish to speak with Kaleen." Kaleen does not look pleased with this development, but dutifully follows after Sylfir and Dannoll. Before they fully leave, Skeeve speaks up and says, "May I join this discussion? I think I may be able to help." She pauses for a moment, then nods in accent, at which all four leave the room.

After a surprisingly short period of time, Skeeve and Kaleen emerge and Skeeve says, "Arc, you're up next." Skeeve and Kaleen then move over to where Ealdwig and Grin are and join their conversation, where Grin is explaining an idea he has.
OK, we can do these in-character, or just as a quick post, or I can quickly summarize any. For example, I already know what Van wants and I know the answer. I can just describe that and move on, if you'd like. Once that is done, Sylfir will propose a "quest" if the group is interested. The NPCs will then depart on their own little quest.
Feb 6, 2025 6:05 pm
Arc stands up happily, eager to talk with both Lady Sylfir and Dannoll.
"Sure! Thanks for receiving me." And dutifully follows the Lady.

Last edited February 6, 2025 6:06 pm
Feb 6, 2025 11:48 pm
Stee looks around. As an outsider he has no idea what is going on. He just wishes he could get back outdoors. He was in the underdark to long. He will take a piece meat and give it to Wreak and give a quick scratch under the chin.
Feb 7, 2025 12:39 am
Lost Cords quickly decides that soon or later, talk will explain the situation he has found himself in, but till then he is hungry and there is far too much devour able food available here to let waste. And traveling Cords has a hardy appetite too. As they say, 'Waste not want not.' He will only sample the alcoholic drinks. Obviously not a drinker. Not even beer and certainly not wine. He has always kept away from the even harder stuff. Wasn't a matter of avoiding getting drunk or impairment, he just didn't care for the flavor of it.

He dines with the average of colinearly skill. He may be a country traveling man, but he is used to dining in buildings. He doesn't do so good sometimes out in the wilds. He favors idea of roadside camping for the wilds. He leaves no doubt that he isn't a vegetarian. Although he does avoid any strange foods that he can't recognize. He eyes to see what he might scavenge for later dinning. Waste not theory.

With the vain attempt, he tries for table talk, "Lady Sylfir does put out quite a spread." Her name is extent of his knowledge. He really has no concept of where he is. At the moment it doesn't bother him. He is used to traveling into the unknown. Later he will figure this all out. Filling his tummy is the current goal at hand.
Last edited February 7, 2025 12:40 am
Feb 7, 2025 9:45 pm
Van hears Cords comment about Lady Sylfir, after she left... "She is admirable. Even though she comes from noble family, she discovered that only lately, she lived a simple life before coming here. But her willingness to help everyone and her responsibility to care of this manor shows her real nobility.

She received several of us, when we escaped from... well..."
Van is clearly not comfortable talking about his past, not yet. "... she didn't have to, but she did, and gave a big group of my people a place to call home. So, even if she is far from perfect, she earned admiration, respect and the heart of lots of us." The Van gently drinks some water from his glass...
Feb 8, 2025 12:14 am Cords will raise a table glass to what he just heard told about Lady Sylfir. A silent salute and returns again to his devouring. He thinks, "This isn't the time for questioning."
Last edited February 8, 2025 12:20 am
Feb 8, 2025 12:49 am
Not entirely sure of the situation and maybe a little intimidated by all the additional and more seasoned adventurers Aizashi just observes for now. He does notice however, that his companions seem to trust the Lady and the others so he is relaxed and enjoys the meal.
Feb 8, 2025 11:54 pm
OK, I have the direction we're gonna go in.
There really only ended up being three audiences with the Lady: Kaleen (who didn't ask for the audience ...), Arc, and Van. The result of Kaleen's audience is that she is now Skeeve's apprentice. Arc's audience was pretty uneventful. And Van now is the Watcher of the Woods, as he gets to patrol the area that used to be the Orchards. It can be a dangerous place, and it's now his job to figure out how to deal with it. But he has a bear to help him, so he's probably OK. Probably.

Once they are done, the Lady returns to the hall and addresses the group ...

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)

"While the griffons are at the Carriage House, Magian and they will do surprisingly regular patrols around the Manor region. That's why he found out about the barrier that affected you," she nods towards Elyse, "and where you," she looks towards Kaleen, "were digging into things you weren't prepared for."

She looks over the group as a whole again and continues, "The Manor grounds are along the edge of the swamp region, on the far side from the Base - err - New Paphos. The griffons have a pretty broad range, and they have noticed some very unusual activity well to the northwest of here. They first noticed it a couple months ago, but it didn't seem major at first. However, over time things have progressed, and Magian now says that it appears that a full border region has appeared where there wasn't one before. We don't know if this is a permanent change, or is just temporary. But, either way, it is a change that seems to be affecting the area around it in ways that are increasing instability. In fact, it could have even been distantly related to what you had encountered." She nods at Elyse when she says the last part.

"We have mentioned it to the leaders at the B- ... New Paphos, but they said they don't have any adventurers currently on site that are interested in exploring it. So, I turn to you all here to ask if you would go check out what is going on and make sure it isn't a threat to us or anyone around it. I will ask Magian if he can take those who accept there to make that part of the journey easier, but you will be on your own to make your way back. I would be greatly appreciative if you could do this, and while I can only offer a token reward for it, you will always be welcome back here at the Manor to stay as long as you wish."
Feb 9, 2025 12:08 am
Stee will stand up "I would be honored to take up this mission and also to get out in the wild again after the closeness of the Underdark. Count me and Wreak in my lady." Stee will sit back down and take a drink of ale.
Last edited February 9, 2025 2:49 pm
Feb 9, 2025 1:16 pm
If this is the same phenomenon that destroyed the caravan I was travelling with, there will be transformations of truly epic proportions. A hillock literally got up and started walking about, crushing everything in it's path. Had it not been for Blornvid and Magian showing up when they did, I am not sure we would have survived. We didn't manage to defeat it, we just led it away from us. Elyse uses her magic to show glimpses of what they encountered in a floating illusion above the table as she speaks. Our horse transformed into a Quilin
and then we met the Formians. A new race, I believe to be another product of the storm. We brought their ambassador to meet the Lady. I fear this adventure will not be for the faint of heart, but having lived the border storm once, I am willing.
She allows the illusions to fade away.
I didn't bother rolling for the illusions since it is narrative. It's how I got free room and board when travelling. let me know if I should have rolled.
Last edited February 9, 2025 1:49 pm
Feb 9, 2025 3:26 pm
"After this nice meal, and tonight's rest, I'll be happy to go and check this new change."
Feb 9, 2025 4:10 pm Cords rises from his chair and speaks, "I may be a lost sole but I feel the need join in this mission. I'm just simple 'Cords'"
Feb 9, 2025 4:27 pm
Oliver takes the opportunity during one of the private conversations to address Skeeve and put him up to date on his recent arcane discoveries.

After the feast and the adventure proposal Oliver felt in a great mood. He hadn't eaten this good in ages, and the problems at hand seemed much more fascinating with a full stomach.

"Well, if it isn't magic, I don't know what else could make those borders appear all of a sudden. I'm all in to find out! (Who wouldn't?) Also, danger or no danger, I hope we get to see one of those Quillin. They're absolutely mesmerising. I thank you for your trust, Lady Alderdrim, and take no offense if it's a last resort rather than trust." He chuckled.
Feb 9, 2025 7:57 pm
"Aye. I'm in."
Feb 10, 2025 12:48 am
It's non-combat and narrative, so the magic just works. Feel free to add in fun little touches on how it sputters or doesn't immediately respond occasionally (if you want to). But, yes, if there are no time constraints or penalties for failure, then the magic has its desired effect with no roll needed.
Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)
"It's trust. You come highly recommended from your prior exploits. Thank you for taking this on. It will take a day or so for Magian to be ready. In that time, you can make preparations."

During the preparation time, Skeeve takes Oliver to the side to teach him what he knows about making use of the Matrix Nodes. He takes note of the pattern for th dwarves city and provides Oliver the patterns for the the Manor and New Paphos. Ealdwig gives Oliver the gem he used to return from Brahdhavehl, saying "Fiznik recharged the gem, probably because he knew about this task. Since I am not going, you should have it."
The result of this is that Oliver knows how to set the pattern on a Matrix Node, how to trigger it with the gem, and how to talk to the guardian of the gate if there is one. The gem is also keyed to allow you to get to the New Paphos Node without explicit permission (it's pre-approved, as it were). You still can't trigger it on your own without the gem yet.

Skeeve, Ealdwig, and Grin also turn over their communication crystals, plus you got the ones used by Brewner and Yoci. This means everyone going should have one, and I think you even have an extra in case you need it.
Feb 10, 2025 1:06 am Lost Cords takes in all this new information with a grain of salt. He understands little of what is discussed and asks nothing. He thinks, "Hmm. I have a day to find out where I am perhaps and the layout around here." He so much wants a map that has where he was and where he is now. Not that he had left anything behind.

As a token of the meal, he leaves a carved toy wooden horse next to his plate and scavenges some more beef like jerky for tomorrow's exploring. Exploring him favors to munch on such when he is able. The toy wooden horse only stands two and half inches tall but has fine detail workmanship as he always does. Would be a treasure to any child which he has created many of them. It has no extras on it. It is just wood. A fair quality of wood too.

He will accept the communication gem crystal with exactly no idea why. He only knows what is said about it and not the slightest how to use or who he would be talking to. He just gives a weak smile when he accepts it. He believes it must be normal for those around these parts as the other stuff too. Such a strange land.
[ +- ] Toy Wooden Horse
Edit: That dear horse sells for $3,900 if it was life size and not toy size.
Last edited February 10, 2025 1:16 am
Feb 10, 2025 6:22 pm
Nice horse!

I am not sure where Cords came from. Just that he's here now. That's the beauty of a teleportation system that can have a Node virtually anywhere! I figure it was from somewhere within this broken world, but it could have even been from a different time. You have the choice of either leaving it vague or defining where you came from to a certain extent.
Feb 10, 2025 6:51 pm
daryen says:
Nice horse!

I am not sure where Cords came from. Just that he's here now. That's the beauty of a teleportation system that can have a Node virtually anywhere! I figure it was from somewhere within this broken world, but it could have even been from a different time. You have the choice of either leaving it vague or defining where you came from to a certain extent.
Probably vague as there is no connection to where he was which he will discover. He will get a map of this area and set himself up here.

Cords is a craftsman and does a lot of kids toys but also some furniture. He frequently makes toys in his time off and also purchases block of wood for such. He has rather incredible skill with detail when he does work.

Due to recent troubles, he is now fairly good with a handaxe. But really, he is okay with anything in his hands. Beer bottles are fine too. He is well acquainted with bar fights. He has even used a wood chisel rather handily for slashing.

He has a fairly wide stride and covers ground usually faster than most and he is also very introductive & preceptive. He can usually tell when people are lying to him, and he takes in all that is around. Fine for spotting things out of place. Will not take him long to adjust to here.
Being a traveling man, thoughts too settled down really never cross his mind. He has never encountered anything that would change his way of life. He just spread some happiness here and there and it has done him well.

He has always been rather benevolent and helpful. Willing to lend a hand. And really never had a problem with the many races of the world. He is one that never figures to amount to a whole lot. Just passing through. He has found it to respect most everything around him. Makes life easier.
Last edited February 10, 2025 6:57 pm
Feb 11, 2025 1:24 am
I will join this adventure as well. It sounds many hands are needed
Aizashi enjoyed the meal and the shared stories. But he is also looking forward to a new adventure, even if it sounds dangerous.
Feb 12, 2025 5:32 pm
Everyone gets a good day's rest, except for Oliver. You mill about exploring the Manor, getting well fed, annoying Witic, and just preparing for the trip the following day.

Oliver, however, gets a crash-course lesson on how to move tiles on a Matrix Node, how to activate it with the gem, and how to set and activate a City Node. (Oliver can use Aizashi's or Arc's citizen token to get access, if needed on a City Node.) It is pretty intensive for Oliver, this all being so new to him, but he adapts pretty well and has a decent handle on it by the time comes to leave.

Early on the second morning after the big breakfast, Magian shows up with a group (flock? pride?) of griffons that are ready to transport you to the starting point. You all mount up, and take off on your journey. Arc shows hesitancy (since, he can fly on his own), but is persuaded to save his energy for when they get there.
The story continues HERE.

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