The Manor
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The stone door has a large bronze lock set into it and is otherwise plain.
I'll do two rolls: One for the scan and one for the glyphs. Both with focus.
Skeeve: Deep Magic Scan - (2d6)
Skeeve: Recognize the Glyphs - (2d6)
recgonize glyphs at disadvantage - (1d6)
Magic Test with advantage to open the door without triggering its trap
Once they are out of the blast zone, Skeeve attempts to open it magically. With focus.
Well, that's a bummer. Hopefully it does less than six damage.
Skeeve: Safely open magic door - (3d6)
The door stretches and flows taking shape into soething familiar before the door returns to its previous state and the decapede snaps it's jaws at you, with what you somehow feel to be malicious glee.
Skeeve yells, "Stay back and hit it with ranged weapons!" He himself pulls out his Stick, mentally turning it into a club (I assume this doesn't cost an action). He then activates his Onyx shield and tries to hit it with his Stick.
Skeeve: Attack with Stick - (2d6)
Skeeve's club dents the snout of the golem
BTW, Blornvid and Ealdwig should feel free to hang back. It was Skeeve's hubris to think he could succeed on a Focused roll with Advantage. Foolish young man!
Blornvid, you know we need to get you a nickname, that's a mouthful. How about Vid or Blorn? Blorn sounds kind of wierd. Ealdwig talks slowly and exaggerates it Balllllooooorrrrrnnnna. Smiling and giggling, yeah that's not gonna' stick.
As we move out through the door way, Ealdwig says to Vid
Hearing Skeeve yelling about ranged weapons, that was fast, I guess that's our cue. Ealdwig gets up and heads for the doorway. Seeing this second construct and not having any ranged weapons Ealdwig pulls out the pole says the command word and runs in. Another one! Smiling a devious smile and calling back over his shoulder Vid! You with us?
Remembering his success from last time, if possible, Ealdwig uses his pole to vault over the creature trying to surround it. He'll then take two wacks at it to see if he can hurt it.
Pole vaulting over creature - Agility - (3d6)
Attack creature from behind after vaulting with pole - (2d6)
2nd attack - (2d6)
Attack with Axe 1 - (3d6)
Attack with Axe 2 - (3d6)
last attack vs Skeeve - (2d6)
Oh, wait! I had my onyx shield up. Let's see if I avoided that damage ...
Nope, didn't avoid it. Still just his first post-armor hit.
To Ealdwig, he responds, "I'm good. It's just a flesh wound.
"My name? Have you ever heard of foundlings? You know, where fey steal a baby and replace it with something else? Well, I was one of those stolen babies. The name 'Skeeve' was given to me by my fey masters. Since it is the only name I have know, it's the one I still use. I honestly have no idea what my original name was."
Skeeve: Defense roll against successful attack - (2d6)