The Manor

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Nov 14, 2023 3:35 am
Blornvid grunts and curses as he's whacked twice.


1st Save - (2d6)


2nd Save - (2d6)


Nov 14, 2023 3:48 am
Ealdwig, looking skeptically at the blue dot, sword hanging down by his side, so you're saying these are training exercises? How did we all of a sudden end up in a training simulator? Well, they... how did they?

Too young?

Ealdwig being a little miffed at what is happening, so this is the classroom? What am I going to be learning? Being forced or tricked into this "training" isn't cool. You know. Maybe ask next time. I've already had a lesson or two with Etcher and Edair. I asked them. You could have done that.

Should I mention my previous experiences? I can't say I am overly happy with the way this played out.

I must be crazy, talking to a blue dot.
Last edited Nov 14, 2023 3:51 am
Nov 14, 2023 1:19 pm
Skeeve will try his approach again. First telekinetically grabbing and slamming the dummy into the far wall and the defending with the Onyx shield.

Edit: Also, I assume my last defend action prevented the actual hit.
Last edited Nov 14, 2023 2:15 pm


Skeeve: Grab and slam - (2d6)


Nov 15, 2023 12:38 am
@ForeverDED Does Blornvid want to act?
Nov 15, 2023 12:55 am
Blornvid swings his axe at the pillars, hoping to disarm or disable them.


Attack with Axe 1 - (3d6)


Attack with Axe 2 - (3d6)


Nov 15, 2023 4:55 am
Skeeve knocks his opponent back with a simple blast of energy. As he does so he sees three green dots appear above the dummies head. One blinks then turns red.

Though one of the poles knocks Blornvid back he manages to avoid both of its poles and is not really hurt. He retaliates with his ax striking one of the rods. As he does so he sees three green dots appear above the dummies head. One blinks then turns red.
[ +- ] Ealdwigs Class Time
The golems strike back. The swordsman speeds up and slashes at Edair twice while Skeeve's sends two blasts at him. Blornvid watches as the thick pillars sudenly bend at various points and move more like limbs to strike at him than simple mechanisms. Blronvid is struck once by the large wooden mechanical limbs and is surrounded by a yellow halo.

Skeeve and Edair need to roll to Evade


attacks vs Edair - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (66)

2d6 : (44)

attacks vs Skeeve - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (36)

2d6 : (65)

attacks vs Blornvid - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (24)

2d6 : (63)

Nov 15, 2023 1:05 pm
OK, here is my evade roll.

Skeeve says, "Hey! You're supposed to be melee, not ranged!" The point of throwing it back was to get it out of melee range, which is what happened. But then it turned ranged, which is ... inconvenient.

Assuming we can roll on to the next attack, Skeeve is changing approach and shooting off two normal force blasts. No shield this time.

... At least he avoided one of the incoming attacks. No success on his own attacks, though. At least he didn't shoot himself ...
Last edited Nov 15, 2023 1:06 pm


Skeeve: Onyx Shield - (2d6)


Skeeve: Attack Bolt #1 - (2d6)


Skeeve: Attack Bolt #2 - (2d6)


Nov 15, 2023 2:13 pm
On evade/shield/etc, do I make one roll against one attack, one roll against all attacks, or one roll per attack for each attack. If I need another roll for the second successful attack against me, let me know and I can spit it out fast!
Nov 15, 2023 2:34 pm
Incredulously, what do I want to study? No one has ever asked that before.

Starting to understand what this place is about Ealdwig looks around. OK, so this is is a training center. It was created by the family of the manor to train their people in combat and other skills. Nodding his head, alright, I think I get it.

More confidently, well, I am pretty good at acrobatics, been doing that to try to make a living. When not available to me, I've, uh, um... played a few slight of hand games to make ends meet. My feet and fingers are pretty quick and agile.

Looking at the sword in his hand, what I don't know is how to use this? Don't get me wrong, I know how to swing it. Swinging the sword a bit wildly, but I don't know how to use it effectively. I need to be able to help my new friends. I don't want to be a detriment to them and put them in danger. I know there are other ways I can help, slight of hand, pick-pocketing if necessary, lock picking, climbing, but none of that has been useful so far. Looking out the window at the group muttering mostly to himself these could be my first real friends, I certainly don't want to be the reason anyone gets hurt, or Gods forbid dead.
Nov 15, 2023 6:17 pm
"Aren't we fancy," Blornvid mutters sarcastically.


First attack - (3d6)


Second attack - (3d6)


Nov 16, 2023 3:18 pm
waiting for Edair Duril / Elysium777 a bit longer
Nov 16, 2023 3:39 pm
Etcher was a good character. Know what happened to Solidgobi?
Nov 16, 2023 9:16 pm
Psybermagi says:
waiting for Edair Duril / Elysium777 a bit longer
Sorry! Been busy with work
Edair grimaces and attempts to evade the other strike


Evasion - (2d6)


Nov 16, 2023 9:44 pm
Again, do I need to make a second evade roll to have the second hit miss?

Also, Edair can probably make his next attacks already, as Blornvid and Skeeve have.
Last edited Nov 16, 2023 9:47 pm
Nov 17, 2023 1:59 am
yes, you get 1 evade roll at disadvantage per attack if you evad.
@Elysium777 Lucky Edail'rs first d6 was good. you dodge. You still get 2 actions this round.
@daryen Skeeve gets to use 2d6 to block with his spell, so another 2d6

Solidgobi has been off sight for 10 days. My guess is life happened. I sent him messages. If he does not come back by 14 days I will pull his character from the story and let him back in if he comes back.
Edail manages to avoid the golems blade as they face off.
Nov 17, 2023 2:04 am
Edair strikes the golem with the pommel of his great sword and gets into a defensive stance, preparing to evade any attacks


Attack - (2d6)


Nov 17, 2023 2:40 am
Skeeves attacks fail to land on his opponent. The golem aims its pole at Skeeve and releases a series of rapid fire blasts at him daryen roll 2 save tests to avoid the incoming arrage

Blornvid manages to get a second strike in and a second dot changes color. The arms move in agina with one striking at him while another spins at great speed as it moves at him. ForeverDED Roll 1 save test

As Edair strikes the golem again the third light changes and the golem collapses to the ground. As it does A door facing Edair appears in the central chamber.


attack Blornvid - (2d6)


Nov 17, 2023 3:09 am
Blornvid tries to dodge.


Dodge? - (2d6)


Nov 17, 2023 4:12 pm
Quick recap for Skeeve:
Round one:
Skeeve makes a single telekinetic attack and uses his shield magic. The attack fails.
The dummy spends an action to change its weapon and then attacks and hits.
Skeeve makes his shield roll, avoiding damage.

Round two:
Skeeve makes a single telekentic attack and uses his shield magic. The attack succeeds.
The dummy attacks twice and both hit.
Skeeve makes his first shield roll, avoiding that hit.
The second shield roll is below, results to be seen.

Round three:
Skeeve changes things up, and makes two attacks with no shield magic this time. The two attacks fail miserably.
The dummy has not made its attacks yet.

So, below, I am just making the second shield magic roll for Round Two. Waiting to see how successful the dummy's attacks in Round Three are.
Here's the second defense roll for Round Two.

... success!

No defense rolls for me in Round Three, though. I took a risk and failed in my attack. Waiting to see how badly I lose that gamble ...
Last edited Nov 17, 2023 4:13 pm


Skeeve: Onyx Shield #2 (rd 2) - (2d6)


Nov 17, 2023 4:41 pm
Psybermagi says:
Skeeves attacks fail to land on his opponent. The golem aims its pole at Skeeve and releases a series of rapid fire blasts at him daryen roll 2 save tests to avoid the incoming arrage
@daryen Since you kept blocking all its attacks the dummy went form direct attacks to an area attack that requires 2 save tests for you to avid damage.

We should be on round 4 so everyone can go again
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