The Manor

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Jan 5, 2024 12:49 pm
Ealdwig, being the impatient one, pulls the handle. Maybe that will turn off the flames?
Jan 5, 2024 2:07 pm
Since Skeeve was helping him, that means he is right there. When Skeeve sees him go to pull the handle, Skeeve attempts to grap him and pull him away before he can do it. Assuming he succeeds, he says, "Hold on a minute! How about if I pull it from back over there?" Skeeve points to the entry doorway. "Alternatively, wait a minute and let me and Blornvid leave the room first."

If Skeeve succeeds, he does whichever choice Ealdwig chooses.

If Skeeve fails, he looks on in horror.


Skeeve: Grab Ealdwig before he pulls the handle. - (2d6)


Jan 5, 2024 3:31 pm
The impetuous duende is too quick for Skeeve to stop, and nothing happens. Still Alive!!!!
Jan 5, 2024 3:38 pm
Psybermagi says:
The impetuous duende is too quick for Skeeve to stop, and nothing happens. Still Alive!!!!
Turning around Ealdwig gives a quizzical look at Skeeve, what's wrong? A little impatiently, well, open the door. Let's see if we turned off the flames. What?

I ask Blornvid, what's going on with Skeeve? He looks...weird.
Jan 5, 2024 3:40 pm
With a sense of relief that he can't even hide, Skeeve breaths out, realizing he wasn't breathing while Ealdwig pull the handle. Quickly gathering himself back together, he says, "Well, let's find out if that worked!"

He quickly gets everyone back to the one-box corridor and remotely opens the door again. Assuming no flames, they all make a quick scamble to get out of the building!
Jan 5, 2024 3:55 pm
The door opens and you see the light of day
Jan 5, 2024 3:55 pm
Grass, bushes, trees, birds, crickets, a lovely open sky . . .
Date&Time(Alpha): 12@15:30



Jan 5, 2024 3:58 pm
Congratulations on completing the initial assessment. I am sorry that two of your party failed to complete this. Please gain approval of a house member before using these training facilities again in the future or the difficulty will be increased and all safety precautions removed. The glowing blue ob appears behind you all, startling you as it speaks.
Jan 5, 2024 5:22 pm
Skeeve fumes, "Safety precautions!? Someone died in there!

"Also, can we at least retrieve the body of our dead companion without you trying to kill us again?

"And where is the other one? Did you kill him, too, or is he at least alive after all of this?"



Jan 5, 2024 5:50 pm
When you mention someone dying the orb flickers and pops out of existence for a second before returning

You are free to move about the facility. As long as you do not touch anything that you did not bring in with you the facility will remain inactive.

Again at the mention of killing the orb flickers, changes color, and pops out of existence for several more seconds.

Other than the 3 individuals present there are no other being within these facilities.
If you plan to return I suggest you first contact the owners as regular maintenance on these facilities has not been completed in several decades and there have been a few minor glitches.

flicker, pulse, flicker
Jan 5, 2024 6:02 pm
Arkmenos says:
I ask Blornvid, what's going on with Skeeve? He looks...weird.
"He's just very cautious."

Later, after they've been freed from the Field House of Fear and listen to the twitchy Trainer, he says, "Yeah. One dead; one lost. But these were just 'minor glitches.' I think we're wasting our time talking to this broken blue ball. Let's just find Edair and get back."
Jan 5, 2024 6:15 pm
Skeeve politely ignores the side conversation. 😊

He says, "Let's walk around the outside of the building to the door what we left Edair just inside and see what is there now. I don't trust the blue psychopath to not do something stupid if we try to cut through." He assumes Etcher was otherwise released independently, but will ask if he showed up when they get back to the manor.

And, hey, at least we looted the ghast's equipment! Nothing magic, but at least we should be able to trade it in for something. Maybe.

Anyway, Skeeve would like to go retrieve the body (if it can be found without going into the building) and heading back to the manor. Once there, he would like to:
1) Get those stupid signets (or whatever).
2) Heal up.
3) Study a bit. (I feel a new Trait coming on ...)
4) If I have the gold necessary, I'd like to write a couple more scrolls. They came in very handy. I want more. I'll swap out a gem if necessary.

Oh, yeah:
5) Have Blornvid repair his and Skeeve's armor. (BTW, let me know if Blornvid needs anything in return for all the armor repair!)
Last edited Jan 5, 2024 6:20 pm
Jan 5, 2024 7:47 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve says, "Let's walk around the outside of the building to the door what we left Edair just inside and see what is there now. I don't trust the blue psychopath to not do something stupid if we try to cut through."
daryen says:
5) Have Blornvid repair his and Skeeve's armor. (BTW, let me know if Blornvid needs anything in return for all the armor repair!)
Nothing for labor. If there's a material expenditure, he'll take it out of the group fund. Speaking of which, might have to disburse some of that between the three of us.
Jan 5, 2024 9:07 pm
I'll assume we are able to retrieve Edair's body (or maybe even him if he isn't really dead, though I assume he is). I'm guessing it is where we left it, as I figure a dead body doesn't count as a "being". Just to be safe, Skeeve will remotely retrieve the body and his equipment using TK. I really don't want to step back in the building again without a signet.

On the way back, Skeeve asks Blornvid, "I remember earlier you said you had a divining rod. What exactly does it do?"

After covering that, he'll ask Ealdwig, "Do you have a little magic device, too? What does it do?"
Skeeve figures every trick he knows about is another tool we can try to use when needed. Might as well know the options available!
Jan 5, 2024 9:54 pm
If we walk around the outside of the building and try to go in to get Edair won't that stupid blue dot just close the door and make us do this crazy maze again? I guess there is nothing stopping it, but it's word of course, for starting the maze all over again if we go back the way we came. Hells, I really dislike this place.

Reacting to Skeeve's question, Who me? I've got this pretty cool headband. Saved my butt in there at the beginning. It does a couple of cool things. It only seems to work once a day though. Ealdwig explains what he knows about it.
This silken cloth is enchanted using a unique blend of magic, allowing it to be used for a number of purposes. At any one time it can be one of four colors: red, yellow, green, or blue. You can change the chromacloth’s color to another one as an action. The chromacloth can be worn as a headband and will emit light dim light on command. In addition once let day it can have an additional affect with the following options that can be activated at any time and the effects are applied for 1 round.
Color Effect
Red/Fire non ranged attacks that damage you deal double damage to the attackers
Yellow/Lightning Fly twice as far as you can normality move
Green/Wood Heal 1d3+1 damage to yourself
Blue/ Water Reduce all damage taken by half

Of course, I've got my acrobats pole, which you've seen. That also came in handy with the constructs. Stupid things. And the homunculus Blornvid gave me. That would be all of it.
Jan 5, 2024 10:01 pm
daryen says:
On the way back, Skeeve asks Blornvid, "I remember earlier you said you had a divining rod. What exactly does it do?"
"It's supposed to help me find water, metal, stone, oil, and so on. Basically any kind of mundane material that I need. It never lies, but its accuracy and range shrink if I stray beyond simple things. I really haven't used it since I came to the base, but I've kept it since it's worked in the past and I never know when it might come in handy."
Jan 5, 2024 10:02 pm
To Ealdwig: "We're not going into the building to get Edair's body. I'm going to float it out so we don't have to go inside. Besides, the first room or two were 'free' before, so it's probably safe. I'm still not taking the risk without an 'approved resident' signet."
It was the acrobat pole I was curious about. I forgot you used it. I remembered the other two. 🙂
To Blornvid: "Ah, OK. I can see where that'd be very useful at times!
Last edited Jan 5, 2024 10:04 pm
Jan 5, 2024 10:13 pm
You circle the building and find both doors where they were originally and retrieve Edair's body. You chat as you head back to the manor, happy to be free and alive but the corpse of your companion a somber reminder that not all is well. You are given food and bathe before resting for the night and spending several days reviewing the events with Sylfir and Dannol, who seem to be getting closer to each other. Everyone returns to the fieldhouse and Sylfir manages to disable all magics until she can hire a qualified enchanter to fix it properly. Skeeve studies both the fieldhouse enchantments and theoretical texts in the manor library while Blornvid repairs the armor and practices with his other skills.
Field house is done and XP awarded
Let me know in your personal threads what traits or weapons skills you are taking.
Jan 5, 2024 11:24 pm
OK, got some serious questions for you ...

1) Who is Dasyra? Do you mean Sylfir? The barmaid who became the designated heir? Did she change her name and I missed it? And, honestly, I thought they were already, uh, involved. That's why she picked him from the start.

Also, is Dasyra/Sylfir now magically adept, or does she just use her magical authority to make the stupid blue dot shut everything down?

2) I assume you meant "Skeeve" rather than "Etcher" above ... ?

Just checking, since the names got me all confused at first.
Jan 5, 2024 11:52 pm
Aside from all the other things going on, Skeeve wants to try to create a sunburst and tremor scrolls again. Can he do that at the manor, or would it require going back to the base camp? I figure there are resources here to do it, the question is if Sylfir and Witic will allow Skeeve to use them to create his scrolls. If so, he can sell off the Jasper or a Diamond, depending on how many tries I need to create one of each.

Also, will Sylfir and Witic allow us to use or buy potions from them? Blornvid and Skeeve each have an anti-toxin potion, but I think it would be good to get one for Ealdwig, and then to give the three of us a 'cure disease' potion, too. Just in case, mind you ...

If we can't get or buy the supplies from the manor from Sylfir and Witic, can Skeeve use the tile tablet to "order" supplies from Fiznik and Valpip, then have the beholder zap me there and Fiznik zap me back? (Or, I guess, just put the stuff on the pad and zap it to us. One less zap that way.)

On a different subject, Skeeve does ask Slyfir and Witic for the "approved agent of the manor" signet. Whether we need one or three, he most definitely asks for it/them so we can avoid getting trapped like that again (at least for that reason).
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