The Manor

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Jan 8, 2024 4:26 am
Skeeve looks over and find the following
antitoxin is common 50gp
Potion cure disease is uncommon 250gp
Scroll of cure disease (2 words) is only 150gp
This is due to the fact that it is easier for temples to craft scroll than potions and are better at that than alchemista are a potions to heal.
Jan 8, 2024 6:16 am
In that case, I'm only spending 30gp for supplies for three two-word scrolls talismans and saving the rest until our discussion on runes is done.
Last edited January 8, 2024 5:53 pm
Jan 8, 2024 6:16 pm
Unless a healer is joining our group, Blornvid is going to buy 2 healing potions.
Jan 8, 2024 6:39 pm
My new magic trait will give us some healing. It is half-speed (1 point per try, not 2) so it won't work great during combat, but it will definitely help between combats. As long as we have a few minutes between fights/encounters, we should be able to start fresh each time. It does NOT have any utility past pure healing, so the anti-toxin and any cure disease capabilities will still be very useful.

That all said, a couple of healing potions for using during a fight would be useful. Especially for Ealdwig, who has such a tight window between full health and death's door.
Last edited January 8, 2024 6:42 pm
Jan 8, 2024 8:37 pm
Ealdwig's eyes widen at the sack of gold that is handed to him. He's never seen that much in his life. Uh um, thanks. Not sure I earned all this though. Holding it up and weighing it in his hand. We barely found anything in the field house. Thanks guys.

Ealdwig chips in for healing potions let me know what I owe, we may want extra. And he gives a small smile. Handing over some of the gold for extra potions.

He can't decide what to do with all the left over gold. He could blow it on drinks and gambling or he could save it. Never having money before he is unsure. He sits at the bar with a beer and some food, chats with the bar keep and anyone around, and thinks about his new found collection of gold. Smiling the whole time.

I guess it was a good call coming out to the island.
Last edited January 8, 2024 8:40 pm
Jan 8, 2024 8:42 pm
Ok been thinking about it. We'll go with Trapmaster. We can say I got some good experience with them at the Field House and I can use that experience in the future.

I updated my sheet for the gold. Let me know, were potions 30 gold? I'll delete it if we need another one. Also whatever the food and drink costs.
Last edited January 8, 2024 8:43 pm
Jan 8, 2024 9:26 pm
Potions are 50GP a pop. As far as I can tell, barring something special or exceptional, food and drink are basically free. Room and board is part of the package for our employment.
Jan 8, 2024 9:29 pm
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig's eyes widen at the sack of gold that is handed to him. He's never seen that much in his life. Uh um, thanks. Not sure I earned all this though.
"Sure you did, lad. I seem to remember some really good whacks you had on the metal scorpions."
Arkmenos says:
Holding it up and weighing it in his hand. We barely found anything in the field house. Thanks guys.
"Eh, it's feast or famine on treasure. So enjoy it when you get it, but don't go spending it all at once. You never know how long you have to make it last."
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig chips in for healing potions let me know what I owe, we may want extra. And he gives a small smile. Handing over some of the gold for extra potions.
Blornvid holds up a hand. "Keep it. You can chip in on the next round. Get yerself some good gear." He gestures to himself and Skeeve. "We need you to stick around. We're gettin' tired of burning through new recruits." He adds a wink.

He raises his pint glass and toasts his friends. "Cheers!"
Jan 8, 2024 10:09 pm
Skeeve adds, "Yes! We are very glad you joined the group!


Now that I think we have the whole Scroll Reader thing nailed down for now, Skeeve will get supplies for four Talismans* and just keep the other 20GP for the future. The Cure Disease Scroll is a bit pricey, so I'll risk not getting it.

* The scrolls I made before were actually "talismans".
Jan 9, 2024 12:09 am
Ealdwig looks quizzically at Blornvid, gear? What gear would I need? Sword, check, dagger, check, acrobat pole, check, what else could be needed? Ealdwig thinks for a second maybe a lock picking set. That could be beneficial, no? What else? Is there some items that might help disable traps or maybe set ones, to protect our back? I'll have to find someone who know about that stuff.

Smiling, Ealdwig looks around where is Skeeve, he seems to know a lot about this stuff. Unless you've got some ideas BV.
Jan 9, 2024 1:04 am
Skeeve says, "I specifically do NOT know about traps. However, I am sure some of the 'Ranger' types around here do."

Side note, I assume we top off our rations while we're here. Skeeve will also make sure he has enough writing supplies, as I am sure he's burned through a decent amount of what he found before.
Last edited January 9, 2024 4:07 am
Jan 9, 2024 3:45 am
Ealdwig, after taking with Skeeve and Blornvid, heads over to the shops to see if he can find what he looking for, lock picking set and or trap disabling and setting kits (if they exist), for the right price of course. He takes his time and enjoys being out and about in town.
Last edited January 9, 2024 3:45 am
Jan 9, 2024 3:47 am
Wonder what Etcher got up to. Hope everything is well with him. Miss that crazy birdman.
Last edited January 9, 2024 3:47 am
Jan 9, 2024 4:18 am
Blornvid offers his lockpick set. "Here, lad. You can have mine."

With regards to the gear question....

Blornvid listens to Ealdwig rattle off what he has. "Hmmmm. You've got more than I thought. Well, at some point you might want to become proficient with bows and arrows. Do you have any armor? I'm sure that ol' Mord can forge something for you. Unless, of course, you think it'll slow you down. But if you really do have all the gear you need, then maybe stocking up on some magic items might not be a bad idea after all."
Jan 9, 2024 4:44 am
Wow thanks! You're much too generous Blornvid. How can I repay you? Ealdwig searches his pack for something to trade or coin to pay. I don't have much by way of trade. I could pay you for them. How much? He pulls out the purse and starts to get some coin for Blornvid.

Hum, I am not sure if armor is a great idea. Then I wouldn't be able to do what I can do. Ealdwig does a little flip, turn kind of thing. That'll be tough in armor. Unless you know of a very flexible one that won't slow me down, make me less agile or noisy.

A bow, that could be good, though. I can then leave all the smashing and slashing to you.
Smiling, you guys are full of good ideas.

Aren't magic items expensive and hard to find? I don't have that much money even with your generosity. Let's go see what we can find.
So what's avail in town? I assume I can get a shortbow and some arrows or a small crossbow. Maybe someone here can teach me to make my own in case. Does the manor have the materials or arrows? Is there something that could help me stay alive in combat that won't slow me down or ruin my agility? I don't think Armor works the same in this game as it does in D&D so I am unsure if there is something beneficial.
Jan 9, 2024 5:25 am
For armor, in straight TD2e, there is just armor, Armor Master, and magic armor. I believe Psybermagi differentiates between unarmored and just armor. I am pretty sure you already have light armor, like classic leather armor. So, you're probably good on that for now.

I know Psybermagi proposed an advanced rule that gives distinction to Light Armor and Heavy Armor, but I don't remember if we're doing that or not. I didn't worry about it too much, as it wouldn't really affect Skeeve.

On the other hand, getting a bow or sling is a great idea. Pick whichever you think gives Ealdwig the best aesthetic. Note that you only get to use one die for the attack until you spend 8XP for the weapon proficiency.

From what I know, you can get pretty much any mundane item in town (supplies, weapons, armor, toolkits), magical supplies, potions, and scrolls. They do have various magical items and trinkets that they will lend out and occasionally give out (like the spell gem and tablet tracker Skeeve uses with the teleport pads, and the homunculus Ealdwig now has), but real magic you keep is acquired through adventuring (like Blornvid's new multi-weapon).

At least, that's what I have figured out thus far.
Jan 9, 2024 6:15 am
While in town you catch up on the local news and gossip. It seems the necromancers that were chased off the island to the east are back in business but to the north west this time. The experienced bands of scouts are out fighting them in some ancient cemetery. The hobgoblins are also getting more aggressive though they stay mostly to the north of the river. There are many theories discussed about the cause. Some say they are in conflict with the necromancers, other say it is the orcs they fight, or the kobolds. Others say they are in league with each other and this is just normal monsteroud in fighting.
There is also news of other scouts working on exploring the caves under the area that Skeeve and Blornvid found while cleaing the cellars under the base. Another group is scouting a city far to the north west in the woods somewhere, the one Skeeve and Blornvid scouted earlier. Ealdwig is a bit amazed at how much of the going on here have been started by the two and tries not to think too much about their earlier comment about "We need you to stick around. We're gettin' tired of burning through new recruits."

Ealdwig checks out the local shops and find a variety of adventuring and basic supplies along with a few interesting items in the artificers shop.
[ +- ] Deceptive Battleaxe
[ +- ] Master's Sickle
[ +- ] Fortune Teller's Hide Armor
[ +- ] Limbo Scabbard
[ +- ] Adamantine Helm
You won't find major magic in the shops but I will make minor magic things available if you ask. This is after all a major adventuring hub now in a high fantasy setting. :)

I am fine with the basic armor and Armor master as that is what Blornvid has
Magic armor can give temporary HP each fight. You could request to have some make or shipped but this would cost 500+GP

See the Shops spoiler in the Tiny Info sheet for what you can buy and the costs.

Let me know if I missed responding to any questions
Where to next? Back to the Manor, and if so what to do? Discuss things with Sylfir or strait to the next thing
Cellars, Gatehouse, Mew, Kennels, Orchard, check the carriage house again, . . .
Jan 9, 2024 2:33 pm
Cool! Good to know on the magic items! I will definitely keep that in mind when fall into actual money. Right now, even minor stuff is outside the budget for us. But it's good to have things to look forward to!

Since Skeeve has spent enough time working to get that signet done, he's kinda interested in getting to actually use it. So, he's up for doing more cleanup work at the Manor. He'll recommend they check in with Slyfir and Witic to see what else needs doing.

On the other hand, he isn't opposed to doing some more recon if there are new patterns to check. Also, he hasn't forgotten about the valley of Duende with their night terror problem. Maybe Ealdwig would have some fun there?
Skeeve suggests, "Let's check back in with Slyfir and get that signet. Then we can ask if there is a particularly pressing need. If not, I'd like us to check out the kennels. I haven't had a good 'low conversation' since Raggy and Ro were around."
Jan 9, 2024 4:15 pm
Arkmenos says:
Wow thanks! You're much too generous Blornvid. How can I repay you? Ealdwig searches his pack for something to trade or coin to pay. I don't have much by way of trade. I could pay you for them. How much? He pulls out the purse and starts to get some coin for Blornvid.
Blornvid shakes his head. "Keep your money, lad. I'm good."
Arkmenos says:
Hum, I am not sure if armor is a great idea. Then I wouldn't be able to do what I can do. Ealdwig does a little flip, turn kind of thing. That'll be tough in armor. Unless you know of a very flexible one that won't slow me down, make me less agile or noisy.
Blornvid watches Arkmenos perform his acrobatics, then says, "You're right. Can't really do that in heavy armor."
Arkmenos says:
A bow, that could be good, though. I can then leave all the smashing and slashing to you. Smiling, you guys are full of good ideas.
Blornvid nods. "Then spend some coin on that."
Arkmenos says:
Aren't magic items expensive and hard to find? I don't have that much money even with your generosity. Let's go see what we can find.
"Yeah, they are. Potions and scrolls are typically what's available here, and scrolls are the domain of our wizard friend, Skeeve."
Last edited January 9, 2024 4:16 pm
Jan 9, 2024 4:20 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve suggests, "Let's check back in with Slyfir and get that signet. Then we can ask if there is a particularly pressing need. If not, I'd like us to check out the kennels. I haven't had a good 'low conversation' since Raggy and Ro were around."
"Sure. Don't want them to think we got tired of doing chores." He winks.
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