The Manor
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Oct 13, 2023 3:07 pm
Have a good time, Arkmenos!Oct 13, 2023 3:11 pm
Skeeve says, "Ooo. That's a good idea. We can have you and Ealdwig with torches by me as I cast the spell. That way if the spell doesn't go off on the first try, we can keep them at bay so I can have a second try."
Last edited Oct 14, 2023 7:25 pm
Oct 14, 2023 5:34 pm
With a couple lit torches for Ealdwig and Blornvid you advance on the shed. Etcher leads the way, pausing at the door as the others get into position, then steps inside. The shed is the size of a large closest or small room though the vegetation now grown over it makes it a bit bigger. The door is still mostly covered but easily cleared. The door stands slightly ajar from Etcher's last foray inside and spills light into a small area of the gloomy interior. Shelves line 2 of the walls with a workbench attached on the third. The last wall holds several tools hanging from pegs on the wall.
The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Familiar with the bugs Etcher steps deeper within to lure the bugs out of hiding he is ready when the walls, shelves, and various items suddenly erupt forth streams of dark shape that flit and fly about the room, cutting off the light. Etcher dives back for the door.
Etcher needs to roll, with advantage (3d6) to escape the swirling darkness of the scarab swarm.
The others witness the interior suddenly fill with a swirly cloud or moving darkness that is oddly discomforting and dizzying to look at. The edges of the swam come up the the door and the light it lets in but instantly turn back in to the shed, offering you only brief glimpses of the small fast flying swarm of beetles.
The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Familiar with the bugs Etcher steps deeper within to lure the bugs out of hiding he is ready when the walls, shelves, and various items suddenly erupt forth streams of dark shape that flit and fly about the room, cutting off the light. Etcher dives back for the door.
Etcher needs to roll, with advantage (3d6) to escape the swirling darkness of the scarab swarm.
The others witness the interior suddenly fill with a swirly cloud or moving darkness that is oddly discomforting and dizzying to look at. The edges of the swam come up the the door and the light it lets in but instantly turn back in to the shed, offering you only brief glimpses of the small fast flying swarm of beetles.
Oct 14, 2023 7:23 pm
Honestly, I expected Etcher to escape through the roof, not the door. EDIT: Thank the gods for Focus!
Last edited Oct 14, 2023 7:24 pm
Skeeve: Cast scroll spell Sunburst - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Oct 15, 2023 3:04 am
Thanks. it's been a blast so far. Saw a dueling piano concert last night as well as a comedian. And RIT hockey is two and 0 this weekend. Women won yesterday against Union and the men won today against Notre Dame.I look over a Blornvid, and give a look to suggest, not sure this was the best idea, but we're in it now.
Oct 15, 2023 2:30 pm
Etcher had seemed calm and resolute. Then the bugs came. As the Avian is engulfed by the darkness of the swarm the party hears a very clear and not confident at all yell. BUGS! BUGS! BUGS! The plan had been for Etcher to escape via the roof, he instead barrels straight through the door which he had entered. In full retreat, he manages to land behind Skeeve. FIRE FIRE! The Avian yells.
Last edited Oct 15, 2023 2:34 pm
Escape the Swarm - (3d6)
Oct 15, 2023 4:27 pm
Skeeve has to pause only a moment before Etcher burst backwards out through the door. He quickly reads the scroll, not quite panicking, and a sudden flare of brilliance fills the interior of the shed. Meanwhile Ealdwid and Blornvid stand to either side of the door and wave their torches in front of it. The humming buzz raises to a frantic while as you hear thousands of tiny popping noises. Some of the Dimndank scarabs fly out the door and others out of the hole in the ceiling while a few other crawl out of small holes around the shed. However this is only a fraction of what must have been the swarm inside and you get to work swatting and stomping those that linger.
After getting those you can on the outside you peak inside. The interior of the shed smells awful as the tiny smoldering corpses of thousand of the beatles lie scattered on every surface. You are forced to wonder how and where all fo these hid in the small shed. Swatting any that twicht you note that the spell lightly seared the interior of the shed and all the tools but luckily no real harm was done. Witic joins you as you look around and comments that she and the cood can take care of cleaning the shed in a couple of days. Unfortunately the spell has burned away all the paper labels on the stored potions in the shed, though a few had theirs painted or etched into the clay containers and you recover some of the herbicide to prevent any nasty weeds from growing back. A point Etcher squawks with joy over as he pantomimes his great battle with those he had to weed out earlier.
You get to work and hack several "weed" that throw thorns, attack with vines, spray noxious clouds at you and generally give you a bad impression of magical plants in general. All that remains is the the Vicious Creeper that serves to deter unwanted guests from entering. Witic explains that the grounds keeper would have kept it in hand by feeding it potions mixed with a drop of blood from those who live and work in the manor. After a few months of this the plant recognized the locals and leaves them alone provided it is fed regularly. However 50 years without attention has turned it feral.
You will have to find each walls main stalk and cut it off.
This will mean we will have to nuture it back to health but that will allow us time to re-tame it.
You look over the three walls that need to be fought. Thick growths of leaves with pleasant looking flowers hide threats that Witic has detailed to you . Thick vines with nasty thorns on vines that can shoot out from the tangled mass. Seed pods can shoot deadly thorns if the plant is attacked from a range. And word of all, if any attack hits you too much it's poisons will cause you to fall asleep and the vines will wrap you up as it's next meal.
After getting those you can on the outside you peak inside. The interior of the shed smells awful as the tiny smoldering corpses of thousand of the beatles lie scattered on every surface. You are forced to wonder how and where all fo these hid in the small shed. Swatting any that twicht you note that the spell lightly seared the interior of the shed and all the tools but luckily no real harm was done. Witic joins you as you look around and comments that she and the cood can take care of cleaning the shed in a couple of days. Unfortunately the spell has burned away all the paper labels on the stored potions in the shed, though a few had theirs painted or etched into the clay containers and you recover some of the herbicide to prevent any nasty weeds from growing back. A point Etcher squawks with joy over as he pantomimes his great battle with those he had to weed out earlier.
You get to work and hack several "weed" that throw thorns, attack with vines, spray noxious clouds at you and generally give you a bad impression of magical plants in general. All that remains is the the Vicious Creeper that serves to deter unwanted guests from entering. Witic explains that the grounds keeper would have kept it in hand by feeding it potions mixed with a drop of blood from those who live and work in the manor. After a few months of this the plant recognized the locals and leaves them alone provided it is fed regularly. However 50 years without attention has turned it feral.

This will mean we will have to nuture it back to health but that will allow us time to re-tame it.
You look over the three walls that need to be fought. Thick growths of leaves with pleasant looking flowers hide threats that Witic has detailed to you . Thick vines with nasty thorns on vines that can shoot out from the tangled mass. Seed pods can shoot deadly thorns if the plant is attacked from a range. And word of all, if any attack hits you too much it's poisons will cause you to fall asleep and the vines will wrap you up as it's next meal.
Oct 15, 2023 6:25 pm
Skeeve is beyond thrilled that his first written scroll worked so well! He is very happy about that. Assuming that the anti-toxin won't work like I hope, Skeeve suggests we tackle the vines in teams of two. Blornvid and Etcher take the brute force method of chopping it out and be ready to pull the other out if they get in trouble. Skeeve and Ealdwin take a different vine. Skeeve uses Onyx Shield and his blast to work on it. Ealdwin uses his sling, but uses Skeeve as a shield. He will pull Skeeve out if he's hit too many times.
Just an idea. Hopefully someone has a better plan.
Question: can anti-toxin be taken preventatively, or only as a cure? If preventative works, how long do we have? How many hits can it counter? Also, they never said if we could borrow the gloves. Just an idea. Hopefully someone has a better plan.
Oct 15, 2023 6:48 pm
antitoxin will work for 10 minutes to give you advantage on all poison saves. each antitoxin can cure a single poison
no borrowing the gloves, you have to come back to the house to use them
Oct 15, 2023 9:56 pm
Blornvid gives Ealdwig a reassuring nod as they set to work on the scarabs. Afterwards, he says with a wink, "See? Nothing to it."
Having moved on to the Vicious Creeper, he says to Ealdwig, "This might take a bit more work." He says to Skeeve, "I imagine that that if we'd stayed in the overgrown city, we woulda had to face a whole lot of something like this." He adds, "I've got two poison antidote potions for after this thing pricks us."
He rubs his beard while Skeeve lays out his plan. "Aye, we're definitely going to have to work in pairs. One fellah goes down, the other pulls him out of reach of the vines."
Having moved on to the Vicious Creeper, he says to Ealdwig, "This might take a bit more work." He says to Skeeve, "I imagine that that if we'd stayed in the overgrown city, we woulda had to face a whole lot of something like this." He adds, "I've got two poison antidote potions for after this thing pricks us."
He rubs his beard while Skeeve lays out his plan. "Aye, we're definitely going to have to work in pairs. One fellah goes down, the other pulls him out of reach of the vines."
Oct 16, 2023 2:34 am
How big is Skeeve? Will I be able to pull him out?Skeptically, Ealdwig asks Skeeve are you sure you want me gesturing to his lack of physicality to pull you out of there? And before you ask, no I don't really have any better ideas.
Looking around at the shed, within close proximity to the door and the hole in the roof, thinking out loud, hum, do we have any extra strength weed killer that is capable of taking care of that? Maybe I can climb to the roof and poor it on the vines, through the hole. That might work, if it can't reach me up there.
Whatda you think? Will that'll work?
Oct 16, 2023 3:42 am
The vines are outside, not in the shed. It was only the beetles in the shed."Also, we can't poison the vines because they want to use the base plant. We are only supposed to prune it. A lot."
Oct 16, 2023 6:21 am
Etcher slowly stands up brushing off the dirt from his clothes, the avian had dove to avoid both the bugs and the fire. While the spell went off he hadn’t moved while being face down and covering his head. He dutifully joins the group as Skeeve begins to speak.
Etcher nods along with the plan. Seemingly delighted when he is finally mentioned. Immediately copying Skeeve, squawking, Brute force! He walks next to Blornvid, cawing Partners! Pointing back and forth between the two. He places his hand on his sword hilt. I’ve always been good at chores, and taking down that plant will restore order around here. Cut plant!
Etcher nods along with the plan. Seemingly delighted when he is finally mentioned. Immediately copying Skeeve, squawking, Brute force! He walks next to Blornvid, cawing Partners! Pointing back and forth between the two. He places his hand on his sword hilt. I’ve always been good at chores, and taking down that plant will restore order around here. Cut plant!
Oct 16, 2023 1:30 pm
Ealdwig looks skeptically at Skeeve Ok let's test it. Let's see if I can move you. Ealdwig tries to drag Skeeve
Strength to pull Skeeve - (2d6)
Oct 16, 2023 2:33 pm
Skeeve compliantly gets on the ground so they can test it.
I was assuming it was possible without a roll. If it isn't, then we will just tackle the vines one at a time as a group. Let's not be too fancy then.Oct 16, 2023 3:02 pm
Blornvid nods in agreement with Etcher and raises his axe to emphasize the point.
Oct 16, 2023 4:00 pm
Ealdwig struggling to move Skeeve, sarcastically thinks to himself yeah I wish I had and axe.Well are you going to help or not? You're heavy!
Maybe a roll isn't needed if you are going to be helping to move. If you are dead weight then I don't know. Up to the GM.Oct 16, 2023 6:07 pm
Skeeve says, "Well, if you have to drag me, then I am guaranteed to be dead weight because I'll be out cold. So ... let's just work on one vine at a time. We'll just need to be vigilant to how many hits each of has taken so we can pull anyone who is drowsy out."
With that, Skeeve pulls out his goblin sword and says, "Ready to have at it?"
With that, Skeeve pulls out his goblin sword and says, "Ready to have at it?"
Last edited Oct 16, 2023 6:12 pm
Oct 16, 2023 7:50 pm
Hum, yeah sorry. I am not the biggest guy Ealdwig smiles apologetically.
Ealdwig pulls out the sling, looks at it quizzically, not sure how this is going to help us, then puts it away again. Anyone see any sharp gardening tools around here? Ealdwig looks around for sheers or something that can cut. If we can find something sharp, I am sure my agility can help me get close enough to cut that thing.You see Ealdwig change the Chromacloth to green. That'll help if I get hit. Looking around at the group, I can change it to red, which will do some fire damage, but that might not be a great idea if we are only trying to trim the vines not kill them.
Ealdwig pulls out the sling, looks at it quizzically, not sure how this is going to help us, then puts it away again. Anyone see any sharp gardening tools around here? Ealdwig looks around for sheers or something that can cut. If we can find something sharp, I am sure my agility can help me get close enough to cut that thing.
Anything nearby Ealdwig can use to cut the vines?Oct 16, 2023 9:33 pm
Skeeve says, "Here, use this. I'll use something else instead." With that, he flips the goblin sword around and offers the hilt to Ealdwig. "It isn't the prettiest thing, but it is sharp and it will cut."
Skeeve will just use his magic blasts instead.
Skeeve will just use his magic blasts instead.
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