Is there a relatively "safe" pivot point one can stand at?
The Manor
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Dec 20, 2023 10:32 pm
The floor rotation is 5'wide x 10'long/tall. Jamming it with scraps of the defeated construct seems a viable plan.
As I have said you can try anything. Results may vary. :)Dec 20, 2023 11:09 pm
As I said earlier, I have no idea if this will actually work. But, I figure even if it fails, it should be quite the show!Skeeve (and hopefully Blornvid) will drag in as many large pieces as they can find to see if they can interfere with the rotation of the wall. Then we step *way* back to watch the fun. In fact, Skeeve will use one Action to trigger the door, but the second action to put up his magic shield.
Dec 21, 2023 4:42 am
To Blornvid, sorry, I didn't know. No I probably wouldn't have said that then. Smiling again, good news is you're ok now.
To Skeeve, you want to what? Try and jam the floor with the constructs? Hum, sounds like it could work, but what do I know. Great idea, let's give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?
Ealdwig does his best to help drag the constructs into the space.
To Skeeve, you want to what? Try and jam the floor with the constructs? Hum, sounds like it could work, but what do I know. Great idea, let's give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?
Ealdwig does his best to help drag the constructs into the space.
Dec 21, 2023 3:47 pm
Grabbing the largest and most solid pieces of scrap you can find. Blornvid hammers a few thing to create overlapping folds of metal as the segmented body was thoroughly smashed by you. Bracing it in the corner as best you can you stand back and trigger the door.
Use the shield first, it last 1 round
The quick snap of the door shifts the metal, almost flinging it free but pinches is when the floor is about 2/3 of the way upright. You now can see under the floor into a gap that connect to the pit beyond the door. The spinning section of the floor is a flat 5x20 section, 10' on either side of the door. The 20' stone pinwheel is pointing at 1 and 7 on the face of a 12 hour clock, creating a small gap you can climb though.
Ealdwig is sure he can get past the door but the speed of its movements and the power it crushed the metal with makes the move a bit risky if anything goes wrong. Once through Ealdwid can help the other to reach the far side. Alternately you can check out the pit with a rope.
Use the shield first, it last 1 round
The quick snap of the door shifts the metal, almost flinging it free but pinches is when the floor is about 2/3 of the way upright. You now can see under the floor into a gap that connect to the pit beyond the door. The spinning section of the floor is a flat 5x20 section, 10' on either side of the door. The 20' stone pinwheel is pointing at 1 and 7 on the face of a 12 hour clock, creating a small gap you can climb though.
Ealdwig is sure he can get past the door but the speed of its movements and the power it crushed the metal with makes the move a bit risky if anything goes wrong. Once through Ealdwid can help the other to reach the far side. Alternately you can check out the pit with a rope.
jamming the door DC 4 - (3d6)
Dec 21, 2023 4:22 pm
So, if we go down into the pit, it will take us to the pit it would have thrown us into? How deep is the pit? Is the pit reasonably safe if the metal gives way?I figure the fastest way to get down there is to TK the other two down, then Skeeve would just jump and take the hit. On the other side, he can TK them up and use a rope to get him up the other side.
Dec 21, 2023 6:33 pm
Psybermagi says:
Not that you are whining. It just brought the quote to mind due to the situation of nearly dying, which happens often in RPG. :) OOC:
Right. Not that Blornvid would know. Was just having an in-character moment as Blornvid, relating a story to the less experienced Ealdwig about the perils of taking doors for granted. :)Dec 21, 2023 8:55 pm
The pit is over 20' deep and it's base is lined with sharp spikes. The section under the trap floor is carved in a curve to allow it to swing. It curves down to 10' below the door then angles down the rest of the way. If you enter the pit in a controlled manger you can avoid the spikes.
Dec 21, 2023 9:53 pm
Skeeve says to the other two, "I can lower you down to the pit with my magic, then you can catch me as I slide down after you. Once we're down there, we should be safe from the wall flipping."
Assuming they are willing, I quickly lower them down into the pit, then I slide down the side after they brace for me. That should keep all of us out of the spikes, though I might take some damage from the initial drop. We negotiate our way into the new room, I magic them out of the pit with one end of a rope. They then pull me up out of the pit.
Assuming they are willing, I quickly lower them down into the pit, then I slide down the side after they brace for me. That should keep all of us out of the spikes, though I might take some damage from the initial drop. We negotiate our way into the new room, I magic them out of the pit with one end of a rope. They then pull me up out of the pit.
Dec 22, 2023 4:04 pm
Lowering his companions to the base of the pit then sliding down after them, to be caught by them in return. Skeeve then lifts the pair up and out of the pit to the far side of the pit where they lower a rope and after gingerly navigating the spikes climbs up and out. The area beyond has 3 doors. To the north a polished wooden door, to the east a more basic wooden door, and on the south this side of the pit is an iron bound heavy wooden door. Other than the spirals of blue stones covering the floor, and the pit, the room is bare.
Dec 22, 2023 4:29 pm
Skeeve checks and is confident the stones are just decorative. But why put them here in a trapped room? Some things in this building just dont make sense, yet.
Dec 22, 2023 6:29 pm
Blornvid recommends the north door, but will wait for the others to voice their opinions.
Dec 23, 2023 5:39 am
Sorry guys been busy lately. Probably going to continue till Christmas. Have a busy few days.OOC:
Nice spell. You can do any weight or size?Rolls
check door to see if trapped - (2d6)
check door to see if locked - (2d6)
Dec 23, 2023 6:42 am
On the TK, I can do roughly my weight or less with no roll. More than me requires a roll. Much more than me is at Disadvantage. Too much and I can't do it. The dividing lines are a bit fuzzy and subject to GM call. I specifically got it for the utility, not the combat abilities. The inspiration for me wanting it kinda funny. I played the video game LEGO Skywalker Saga, and the Jedi characters basically had this ability (though only on droids and objects) and it was incredibly useful. So I got it for here.
Last edited Dec 23, 2023 6:42 am
Skeeve: Checking Door - (3d6)
Dec 24, 2023 3:37 am
daryen says:
On the TK, I can do roughly my weight or less with no roll. More than me requires a roll. Much more than me is at Disadvantage. Too much and I can't do it. The dividing lines are a bit fuzzy and subject to GM call. I specifically got it for the utility, not the combat abilities. The inspiration for me wanting it kinda funny. I played the video game LEGO Skywalker Saga, and the Jedi characters basically had this ability (though only on droids and objects) and it was incredibly useful. So I got it for here.
Sounds like a perfectly valid reason to me.Dec 24, 2023 3:40 pm
As Ealdwig examines the door, checking the simple latch, hinges, and frame, he is looking up and notices the ground in front of the door has an odd marbled pattern. Upon further inspection it becomes plain that there is something off with the area and he suspects a trap tied to the door somehow triggering a reaction from the floor. His best guess is more darts or spikes erupt from the floor when the door is opened. With this bit of distraction he becomes a bit nervous and can't tell if the door is locked as he is a bit hesitant to actually move the latch. Best leave the experimentation to Skeeve. Skeeve scans the door and surrounding area and feels no magic.
Dec 24, 2023 10:29 pm
Can we have a map update of the room?OOC:
Since we don't have a trap master, this is how we try to avoid getting flamed by a door again. :) Dec 25, 2023 12:07 am
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