The Manor

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Sep 26, 2023 2:05 am
After getting his bearings, Ealdwig looks around and smiles wide. That was amazing. Where am I?.

Ealdwig looks at Witic, he pauses for a second she is even smaller than me. Oh, hi. I am Ealdwig Swiftfoot, nice to meet you Witic. That was a hell of a thing. One minute I am there now I am here. Still amazed and excitedly Ealdwig continues, Witic, I have a ton of questions? Where are we? How does that thing work? Pointing at the tiles and runes. Can they hear us back at the base like we were hearing you? How come everyone couldn't come? You should have seen the look on Fiznik's face, he was disappointed for sure. Hey Etcher, that was amazing, how many times have you don't that? Still smiling like a kid in his first toy or candy shop.

Looking back at Witic, Sorry, I get excited sometimes and when I do I can ramble. Looking at Etcher for any help he can provide, honestly, I don't know what they are looking for, what will convince Sylfir to come here. Would she be safe? I don't believe she knows anything about this place. So I guess the more you can tell me the more I can tell her. If you are the caretaker, why do you need Sylfir to come here. Where is here? What manor are we talking about? How can we prove she is the descendant of a once great house? How do we restore it to glory? Lots of questions.

Ealdwig pauses and looks around again, and addresses Witic, I have to say that Etcher's story was a little out there. I can't blame anyone for being skeptical. He looks at Etcher, and who are you in relation to this great house? Why were you on the mission?

Back to Witic, can I meet The Seer? Or is it just Seer?



Sep 26, 2023 3:05 am
Witic calmly answers all of Ealdwig's questions and he chatters on.
We are currently below the manor is the Matrix Node chamber.
I have no idea how it works, human magic and fey power are not very similar.
The communication was cut once the transportation was activated.
The Seer felt that a group of powerful individuals entering the Manor would constitute an attack and so refused to allow anyone deemed a threat.
As the caretaker I can only help maintain thing to keep them running but even in that much of the house maintenance is beyond me. When we have a descendant once again managing the house they can make decisions, that are beyond my preview, that should hopefully let us get things working once more. Seer claims the wealth of the household should be more than sufficient and once a mistress or master is appointed they can bring over more people, preferably family or those sworn to their service.
The house is set in the countryside and was located about a days ride north west of Paphos but I don't think we are that close anymore. We will likely need to use the Matrix to bring in additional help but that is a decision for the head of the house.

As you talk she lead you upstairs and gives you a brief tour.
[ +- ] The Manor
Sep 26, 2023 5:38 am
Etcher caws in excitement seeing Witic once again. He starts pantomiming what has happened to him since he left the house. Portraying a wizard shooting spells at him, from what the fey can gather from the impromptu performance, the wizard is bad and stupid. After he finishes he points to himself, interjecting as Ealdwig bombards the fey with questions. Bodyguard! Seemingly proud of himself, he considers this is an upgrade from his previous title of Knight-Errant. He follows the fey upstairs and talks while walking.

Etcher ponders Ealdwig’s first question. How many times have I been through the portal… Two! Etcher strikes a pose leaning against the nearest wall, arms folded. Yeah I look tough. As for the second question, Etcher stands up straight and places a hand on his chin. Who was I in relation to the house? No relation at all really. I crashed and found it randomly. I agreed to do some chores for them in return for a bath and a chance to use the observatory.

I was just passing through. But the house is wild, dangerous. Witic was scared of the Seer and I felt like I had to return the house to its rightful owner before the Seer or the little fey got hurt. They needed help so I helped them. That’s what heroes do. At least that's what my brother Alejandro told me. He always laughed afterwards when he told me this. I’ll do the same! No relation. Help, justice! Etcher again strikes his pose and lets out a monotone laugh.
Last edited Sep 26, 2023 5:40 am
Sep 26, 2023 9:07 pm
Ealdwig, to Etcher, that was only your second time through the portal? Once to get to the base and once to get back. Frowning, and where are we exactly? Etcher looks proud of himself. Good for him.

Ealdwig smiles while touring the house. This house is pretty amazing, old and dusty, but amazing. I've never seen a place so big. Can you call a place this big a house? Seems more like an estate or something. My whole village would fit in here.

During the tour of the "house", Ealdwig looks around for windows to see what is outside.
Do I recognize anything? Any idea as to where I was teleported to? Feywild?
To Witic, this place is amazing. Straining to look up at all the paintings of the family, being short can suck sometimes. What happened to the people? Where is everyone? Are you here alone?

Looking confused wait, huh? Where is Paphos, never heard of it? And what do you mean "but I don't think we are that close anymore"? Incredulously Ealdwig asks, Does the house move?!

So, you believe that you'll need additional help, or The Mistress will and you plan to use the matrix, that's what we used to get here, right, to get that help? What do you need help with?

I really don't understand any of this. Tell me a story, what's going on here?

Etcher, how did you get here? If you aren't part of the house, how did you get involved in finding the Mistress?
Sep 27, 2023 3:16 am
Out the windows can be seen trees of a great forest looming high in the sky beyond the manors grounds. The grounds have a few smaller buildings and walls but they have fared far worse to the ravages of time than the house itself.

The last of the family was called up to aid the war effort. A few staff stayed on for a while but when the Shattering occurred they fled through the Matrix. Without a family member in residence the house reverted to a defensive state and the Node was lock as private to prevent any entry. If Etcher had not found a house descendant Seer would not have been able to bring you here at all. As it is, the mistress will have to be the next to come or both Seer and myself will be removed from accessing any household magics.

Though all the people of the house left there are still a few fey attendants in residence. Myself, the cook, a gardener, and one of the stable hands. The gardener comes around occasionally but I rarely see the stable hand though I do see him releasing some of the beasts from time to time to hunt and catch their own meals. I doubt they will let anyone ride them anymore. It would be best no one go to the carriage house until we have the house settled and it's magic put back in order.

When asked about the house moving Witic gives you an odd look. No, but the Shattering did move many places. The magic of the house helped preserver much of its structure but after everything settled down the lands beyond the manner walls looked very different.

As you ask about what help will be needed she shrugs The mistress will have to determine that. But obviously we will need help. I am not enough to manage the house and keep it clean. I mean the mistress could just come and take everything of value but the house itself is more than half the wealth the family had. A private Matrix Node, the observatory with the Seer, the wards built into the grounds, the garden that quite frankly produces far too many things for a few simple fey to eat. But that is something she will have to decide.
You can read this thread from the beginning if you want the full story. Etcher can give you a reacap.
Sep 27, 2023 4:13 am
As Ealdwig moves around the house, he touches a few things here and there, trying to be discrete. As if to make sure everything was real. Wow Witic, this place is great! I can't believe you can keep this up by yourself, it's huge. I imagine in it's prime it was a wonderful place to be. You've done a great job looking after the place while the family is gone.

Ealdwig listens intently and nods along. Witic seems like a nice and honorable fey. Oh ok. I think I am starting to understand. So, if an ancestor of the existing came back to the house, the house would regain it's magic? That's pretty amazing. Is the house currently dying, for lack of a better term?

When Witic give Ealdwig the odd look, he looks around sheepishly, yeah sorry, what was I thinking houses can't move. That was dumb. Sorry, I am a little out of my element here. I normally do some acrobatic work maybe a few slight of hand games, then it's off to find food and bed. This is the biggest adventure I've ever had. Ealdwig smiles wide, and states sincerely Witic, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am glad that I did.

Are you bound to the house and it's Masters or Mistresses, Witic? How long have you been here?

Continuously moving, with nervous energy, Ealdwig asks Witic, Are you sure you've got the right person in Sylfir? She doesn't seem to have any magic that I noticed.
Sep 27, 2023 5:12 am
Etcher gives Ealdwig a short performance to explain how he got to the house. He conveys his meaning through a series of, what some people who are polite would call an "interpretive dance". Ealdwig is able to suss out Etcher’s view of the events so far.

After he was abandoned by his brothers and sisters, who from what Ealdwig can surmise seem to be more of a group of "adopted brothers and sisters". This group that Etcher was a part of were obviously bandits, though Etcher portrays them as wandering heroes. Etcher was traveling towards the Base to find "Justice and Shinies". He seemed to have slammed into something or was shot down. He crashed and lost consciousness. When he awoke he found himself near the Manor. After a brief negotiation with Witic, Etcher agreed to do some "chores" for the fey since the house had grown wild.

Etcher’s first task was to garden, Etcher’s eyes go wide while he explains this part. He attempts to show his skill as a swordsman, it takes a moment but Ealdwig figures that some sort of giant plant attacked Etcher. After Etcher had defeated the plant, he went to a shed to get pesta…Etcher calls it, "Water, bug, kill." In the shed Etcher barely manages to escape a swarm of insects. He manages to finish his first chore and enters the kitchen where his "friend" the cook lives.

Etcher wanted to find a vantage point to figure where he could fly to in order to join a new group of "brothers and sisters". He soon realized that the Seer and Witic have a somewhat uneasy alliance and that the small fey was quite afraid of the Seer. Etcher swears an oath to the fey that he would make sure no harm would come to her. Etcher confronts the Seer and after a brief misunderstanding, (Ealdwig suspects that Etcher didn’t win this fight) the Seer reveals a room of as the avian describes it "magic mirrors." Etcher in his opinion was able to settle the feud between the Seer and Witic.

Etcher was told he could look for anything he wanted, but he chose to honor his promise to the fey. He said he would make sure Witic was safe and restoring the house by finding the mistress was the most obvious way to do so. Etcher does not seem to understand why he needs more motivation than that.

After he is done with his performance, the Avian holds his final heroic pose for a moment, expecting applause. Whether or not he gets it he caws afterwards, seemingly happy with his explanation. Etcher proclaims, Sylfir, best! Wise! She is the one, both the fey and the Seer chose her.



Sep 27, 2023 12:04 pm
With the tour over you have retired to the drawing room to chat. The old sofa turns out ot be quite comfortable and witic steps out to get the cook to prepare some refreshments while you talk.
Are you bound to the house and it's Masters or Mistresses, Witic? How long have you been here?
Are you sure you've got the right person in Sylfir? She doesn't seem to have any magic that I noticed.
You can tell Witic is getting a bit flustered by the chatter and questioning but tries to kep a profesional calm as she answers I am boind to the house but is is a magical contract if you will. Both parties must keep the contract of it failes. Technically the family failed to uphold their side many years ago and I could have left anytime I wished. However, not all bonds are odius. I have served thie house for over a century now but since the Shattering and the loss of the family it has been hard.

The mistress doe not need to be magical nor does the house's magic need to work for it to be restored. All she has to do is come here, accept her birthright, and decide what to do. I am sure someone will want the house if she does not and she can simply sell it. Should she do that i will leave. The cook, gardener, and stablehand will likely stay no matter who runs the house and I didn't even know the Seer was attached to the house intil Etcher told me. It is something that will just have to be discovered though the passage of time.

Witic pauses and looks both of you over for a minute Are you familiar with Sylfir? She will likely want to come to the house with someone she knows and I doubt Seer will let that wizard in until the house has a new head. Once the house is claimed it will take some time and effort to restore it. Etcher helped a bit already but there are still things that will need bravery and skill to resolve. But that is a decision for the new head of the house, whomever it may be.

Do you have anymore qeations from Sylfir? What is it she wishes to know before coming here to make a decision?
Sep 27, 2023 12:42 pm
Ealdwig climbs up onto the sofa. He looks like a small child with his legs dangling, so he decides to sit all the way back against the back of the couch. It doesn't look much better.

Watching Etcher's interpretative dance routine Ealdwig smiles along, loving it. He gets the idea of Etcher's story. Ealdwig ask Etcher with concern Are you ok? Based on your story it looks like you crash landed here. I hope you weren't hurt.

Looking at Witic to answer your question, I have no idea what information Sylfir needs. She didn't give me a list of questions or anything. I think her first thought was Ealdwig with excitement "wow, really, yeah let's do this," right Etcher? Ealdwig looks over to Etcher for confirmation. Then with consultation from the others, got more cautious. I think her first and only concern is, is it safe for her to come here? Apparently, she heard some stories growing up, but that is what they were stories, nothing more. She was surprised to learn some might be true.

Thinking thought Etcher's story, Ealdwig frowns a little it seems safe here. I see no reason for her not to claim her birthright. But what is up with the Seer. Looks like he and Etcher had a fight and from the story Etcher thought Witic was scared of him.

Smiling wildly, This place seems great, and Sylfir should claim her birthright, but that is up to her. More seriously In Etcher's story it looks like he and the Seer got into a little bit of a disagreement. Was there a fight, Etcher? Ealdwig looks to Etcher for confirmation. Why did you try and fight him? From your story I got the impression that you lost, true? Ealdwig waits for an answer. Sorry buddy.

I have a feeling she is going to ask me about him. Can you tell me about him and his place here? Bottom line is will she be safe?
Sep 28, 2023 1:56 pm
Guys, I am going away for the weekend to see some family. I should be able to check in, just not sure how much or often, tomorrow and Saturday. I'll be home at some point on Sunday. Just wanted you to know.
Sep 28, 2023 3:50 pm
Hey I'm in a similar boat! Hope things go well. I have family visiting so I'm a bit slow on my updates for the next 5 days or so. I'll try and keep my daily post going, but I apologize if I'm a bit slow.
Etcher slowly nods. Yes. Fight. It was sort of my fault I suppose. He seems to be VERY protective of the shiny room. I lost my patience and tried to fly past him, but he didn't kill me. Seems like a nice enough fellow. I’d hate for that stupid wizard to hurt him. The Seer at least had the guts to handle his problems on his own. That room sure was something else. Lots of windows… Etcher’s voice is the usual monotone high pitched cry. Seer, protect, room. The Avian points to his arms and then to his sword. No! No! Draw! I never lose, not counting the times that I did lose! Etcher crouches into a battle stance and pretends to draw his blade and slice in the air. He stands up seemingly pleased.

Maybe Ealdwig could talk with the Seer and get an agreement with him. OH A LETTER, Sylfir likes letters. Etcher tugs on Ealdwig’s sleeve, leaning in attempting to whisper his voice echos through the room. Meet Seer! Get Letter!

He turns the Witic. Things that require more bravery? What has this little fey gotten herself into. I better make it clear that I am willing to help…. But why? My obligations are over right? Etcher’s right eye twitches for a moment. What might be interpreted as a sigh, escapes from his beak. What chores? I’ll keep helping them, someone’s gotta clean up this mess, it's the right thing to do…the just thing to do.



Sep 28, 2023 4:07 pm
Witic explains that the Seer is "trapped" in the observatory. She didn't even know it was there until the family all left and it broke out of it's own little chamber above some time latter.The cook gets a bit surly when people enter the kitchen and prefers doing all the chores there itself but wont complain to having staff to boss around should the manor be resorted. The carriage house and garden are not safe but those are things that can be rmodies with time and help may be forthcoming from the gardener and stable boy
.Any further chores will have to be assigned by the mistress or master now that I know there are some candidates the only job I can assign is to help bring them here.
Sep 28, 2023 11:59 pm
Ealdwig, watches Etcher's miming and smiles wide. He is growing to like the Avian and his performance art. Draw, huh? Hum. Really?

A little confused Ealdwig asks, the Seer is "trapped"? What does that mean? Like... incredulously a prison?"

Ealdwig, feeling a little self-conscious tries to mime his statement by moving his hands around in a grand gesture Etcher, what do you think? Do you like this place? Is it safe? Yeah that didn't feel right. Probably didn't look right either, ugh! Idiot.



Sep 29, 2023 2:37 am
I am not sure he is trapped, but he can not come downstairs.
The fact I did not know he was there and then he opened his room into the observatory's indicates to me at least that he was not so much cages as quartered, or possibly confined to quarters.
she says speculatively and shrugs.
Sep 29, 2023 4:17 pm
Not safe! Etcher squawks. Bring Mistress, safe! The magic will become less wild once the ruler of the house returns, that is what Witic promised right? Do I like this place? It’s big and fancy and has a room that houses infinite possibilities, but it does have bugs. Lots of bugs. Etcher feathers ruffle a bit and he seems to shake his head slightly as if trying to forget something. I need a new family and home, maybe this is my new home? Make safe! Etcher points once again to his sword. Promise! Give letter! Sylfir loves letters, she will join us here if she gets one. The Seer needs to find one. Or make one I suppose. Seer give letter!
Sep 29, 2023 8:42 pm
Ealdwig smiling, Etcher, you think the Seer should give a letter to the Mistress? Ealdwig cocks and scratches his head thinking about this for a few seconds. You think that'll work? Hum, maybe.

Witic, do you have anything that can prove this is Sylfir's house, that she is a descendant? What about something to prove that she will be safe here? Etcher doesn't seem to confident in this place at the moment. Looking at Etcher, "Not safe", right? But you do think the Mistress, Sylfir can make it safe? How would she do that?
Sep 29, 2023 8:43 pm
Sorry, I keep forgetting to change the "Post As". Any way to make it default to the character?



Sep 29, 2023 10:04 pm
I have the same problem and dont' know of a way to change default post as. i asked the comunity, so we will see if there is a way out there. Or maybey they can add one?
The tiny fey shrugs I don't knwo what else to do or say to prove she will be safe. If she will not come we will have to move to the next candidate. You came here Do you feel safe?
She does not have to stay here. Once she is recognized by the house the pendant we gave Etcher will allow her to command those aspects of the house magic that are still active, including the Matrix Node. She is free to leave once she takes her place on the head of the house seat for the magic to recognize her.

She fetches some paper and ink and quill. Drafting a short message she hands teh supplies to Ealdwig ans says You will have to talk with Seer about geting him to write a letter. and she guides you upstaris to a door that leads into a tower structure at a corner of the manor. She explains that she still does not feel comfortable with the seer so will lock you in the stairs until you are done and have closed and locked the upper doorway to the observatory after talking with Seer.
Sep 30, 2023 5:54 am
Yeah, I feel safe here. Etcher?

The pendant will react to her if she touches it? That's good information.

Locked in? That doesn't sound good.

Ealdwig nervously takes the materials and follows along. Great, I personally would like to meet him. Hope this isn't a mistake.
Sep 30, 2023 3:47 pm
The self proclaimed Knight Errant and bodyguard supervises the drafting of Witic’s letter, cawing occasionally and pointing dramatically at empty parts of the paper while the fey writes. Do I feel safe here? I suppose I do. Though I feel safe everywhere I go. I can provide my friends with the same feeling. As long as I am here no one under my protection will be unsafe. Yes. Safe. The avian caws, his monotone voice echoing throughout the empty manor. Promise! He runs a bit ahead of the Ealdwig and Witic, waving them to follow after him. Seer here! Come. Let’s see if the Seer is feeling cooperative today.
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