The Manor

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Dec 11, 2023 2:15 pm
Skeeve rolls his eyes and opens the door. Hopefully it doesn't try to eat him.
Dec 11, 2023 2:39 pm
The door opens to a marble floored room with several display cases and toppled tables and shattered chairs. This building is in state contrast to the carriage house where though things were old they were mostly maintained. This place seems to be worse than neglected, looking more like someone intentionally destroyed what you can see of it. It is the first room you entered when you found the fieldhouse. However, like the southern entrance, the door is no longer visible and only a simple blank wall exists where there should be a door. The door on the north and south walls are still there, as you saw them previously.
[ +- ] map
Dec 11, 2023 3:31 pm
Skeeve would like to check the door on the south wall of room 5. He is curious how that space fills out and to see if we can approach the iron door from the other side. Unless, of course, the southern door of room 5 is just a duplicate of the iron door in room 6.
Dec 11, 2023 8:13 pm
Exasperated, this place is crazy. How is this a training facility?
Dec 11, 2023 11:56 pm
Skeeve replies, "Honestly, I think the magic is broken. It might have originally been a training facility. But now it's just a malfunctioning magical device we're stuck in.
To keep things moving.
Skeeve steps into the room. Assuming that doesn't activate anything and he isn't attacked or whatever, he investigates the southern door in the room.


Skeeve: Investigate Door - (3d6)


Dec 12, 2023 12:42 am
Blornvid follows Skeeve into the room and has a look around.


Search with focus - (2d6)


Dec 12, 2023 2:27 am
Ealdwig will look around the room for any hidden doors, switches, cubbyholes, etc...


search - (2d6)


Dec 12, 2023 5:44 am
The stout mapple door set into a dark chestnut frame is unremarkable and has a simple latch to open it. There are no tiny rune, glyphs, symbols, holes, pressure plates, or magical auras. Blornvid and Ealdwig see all that the others found before. the previously open environment has had a detrimental effect on the furnishings, or rather what is left of them, but nothing left in the room stands out.

Opening the southern door leads to a short hallway with two doors to the south. the one to the west is another set of bars and lets you look into the room. Beyond the bars you see labyrinth of 2 foot high walls covers the floor, and in the back south east corner floats a glowing object that pulses and changes color. Craning to see as much as you can of the room you estimate that this room can be accessed by both doors in the hallway as well as by the iron door.

Dec 12, 2023 6:28 am
Can we have more context on the map? I'm not seeing the correspondence between the maze shown and the description given.
Dec 12, 2023 7:04 am
White is the path, black is the walls, Top left corner is the entrance beyond the currently closed bar door.
Dec 12, 2023 2:37 pm
Sorry I was not clear. I meant what is between the "stout maple door" (the south door in room 5 on the big map) and the "closed bar door" (that leads to the maze image)?
Dec 12, 2023 3:39 pm
OK, got it now. Thanks!
Skeeve checks the other door in the corridor.

Skeeve says, "Wasn't the last iron bar door we went through what first activated this whole thing?"


Skeeve: Check the "other" door in the corridor - (3d6)


Dec 12, 2023 4:58 pm
A simple wooden door with springs to close after use
Dec 12, 2023 5:18 pm
Skeeve turns to the others and says, "I'd like to open this door, if that's OK with everyone."
I mean the wooden one, not the see-thru one.
Last edited Dec 12, 2023 5:21 pm
Dec 12, 2023 7:21 pm
Blornvid scratches his head. "If this one leads to the same room as the iron door that gave rise to those metallic scorpion things, why isn't this door similarly magicked?"
Dec 12, 2023 8:14 pm
Skeeve says, "And that's why I want to try this door."
Dec 12, 2023 8:17 pm
"Alright then. Go for it."
Dec 12, 2023 10:28 pm
Oh boy! Here we go. Ealdwig takes out his sword and readies himself.
Dec 12, 2023 10:36 pm
Skeeve opens the door to find out what they see ...
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