The Manor

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Jan 5, 2024 11:55 pm
perhaps I am in too many games. I have always had trouble keeping names strait. sigh. Fixed earlier post
Sylfir Alderdrim
Sylfir is able to shut down the fieldhouse using a signet ring and amulet along with here authority as the current head of the household.

As for a valid signet, they begin working on it. As it is technically a magic item, though minor, it will take about a week to create. Between Witic, Dannol, and the Seer they figure out how to do it but none of them are true enchanters or craftsmen. Blornvid can help with the smelting portion and Skeeve can help a bit of some of the minor enchantment but there are portions of its crafting that will require a higher level of arcane knowledge.
Jan 6, 2024 12:20 am
LOL! Not a problem, I figured it out. Just a little jarring at first.
Well, Fiznik and Valpip are our "higher level of arcane knowledge". We can consult with them, either through the Seer's connection, or through the tile tablet on what is the best way to accomplish this. Then do it. And Skeeve is willing to be the errand boy if needed.

And if there is a week for all of this, then in addition to making his two scrolls, he's gonna go and see if he can find any more runes in the library.
Jan 6, 2024 4:39 am
Ealdwig uses the time to rest, recover and explore the manor and grounds. He keeps a wide birth around the field house. Over the next week he take a little time to visit Edair and drop off "gifts". Never having lost anyone before he is having a little issue dealing with it. He hopes to put it behind him soon.

He spends time at the library and practicing with the sword.
We can pick a new trait?
Where can I find the options available?
Last edited Jan 6, 2024 4:40 am
Jan 6, 2024 5:36 am
Look at you character sheet. At the lower right edge, you will see your Experience Point totals. If the "Remain" number is high enough you can improve your character. As long as you have 10, you can select a new trait. Alternatively, you can get an extra HP for 6 or improve your weapon expertise for 8.(Do note you get two HP with the Tough trait.)

For traits, go here. This gives a list of potential traits. Alternatively, tell us what you wanna do new and we can help you pick something appropriate. I can explain the standard options. However Psybermagi is very open to custom traits, too. So, really, you have a lot of options open to you.
Jan 6, 2024 7:37 pm
Blornvid repairs his and Skeeve's armor (materials' cost deducted).

Assuming that it's possible to do here, he looks to sell the breastplate (100 gp) and jewelry (70 gp). Combine that with 10 gp from petty cash and we can distribute 60 gp to each of us survivors.
Blornvid will bank his XP for now.

Do we have access to stores here? I'd like to look into buying stuff.
Jan 7, 2024 1:55 am
Thanks for the list. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain them. It's just a list.

Probably going to go with Sneaky. If I survive till the next one, i'll probably go with tough. The more knocks I take the tougher I'll get right?
Jan 7, 2024 2:14 am
Given your demonstrated proclivities, here are some options:
Acrobat - you already have this, correct?
Charismatic - gain advantage when trying to influence or convince people.
Fleet of Foot - gain advantage when running, fleeing, or chasing.
Lucky - free reroll once per session.
Nimble Fingers - gain advantage when trying to steal, pick locks, pick pockets, or do sleight of hand. (Do you already have this?)
Sneaky - gain advantage when trying to hide or sneak around.
Trapmaster - gain advantage when creating, locating, or disarming traps.
Vigilant - gain advantage on initiative tests.

Those are all standard traits. Not sure on any custom ones. But, again, if these don't do it for you, ask for something different. The above should give guidelines for scaling.

Just some things for you to think on ...
Jan 7, 2024 5:38 am
I have Acrobat, Lucky and Nimble Fingers already.

So I think Sneaky and Trapmaster sound pretty good. I'll think on those.

I guess you've played this game a bunch.
Jan 7, 2024 6:16 am
I've read this game a bunch. I haven't been able to play it until this campaign. So, I have decent game knowledge, but it's mostly theoretical. Practical is finally coming into play!

Also, I have the rules, so for the standard ones, I just had to look them up. It certainly wasn't from memory!
Jan 7, 2024 5:17 pm
Yeah, Trapmaster seems like it will definitely come in handy.
Jan 7, 2024 6:57 pm
Pick what you want, but Trapmaster would be a great choice!

I'm picking some more magic toys, but part of it will give us HP healing so we can fix ourselves up as we go.
Jan 8, 2024 12:11 am
Both are good choices. Since I don't know what the future holds, I don't know what will work the best. Hummm, they both work well for an adventurer. Maybe I'll flip a coin....
Jan 8, 2024 12:21 am
Lemme put it this way: you are wandering around with an armor-clad dwarf and a blast-y sorcerer. How many opportunities are there going to be for Ealdwig to be sneaky? On the other hand, how many doors do you think we're going to run into? Every single one of those doors will need to be checked. Plus, you then get the chance to actually disable them, instead of Skeeve just remotely triggering them all the time. And ... you also get the chance to try and set some, too, if you want.

Just sayin'. 😁
Jan 8, 2024 1:01 am
Setting them, that's new and pretty cool.

True what you are saying, but if no one is sneaky than that could blow up in our face as well. What if we need to steal something or try and find info? Blornvid isn't going to do it.
Jan 8, 2024 1:02 am
With the work needed on the field house you are sent to the expedition base via the matrix node and arrange to have an afternoon or two there as well as a night at the tavern to take in the lively atmosphere full of other people with stories to tell
Still reading through posts but for future reference any Manor downtime > 1 day allows you to visit the base.
Jan 8, 2024 1:54 am
Excellent, after a all that, a night at the tavern is just what I needed. I'll be ready.
Jan 8, 2024 2:42 am
Skeeve and Blornvid say, "Shopping trip!"

While Skeeve will use the shopping trip to get supplies for making new scrolls, he's gonna actually (try to) write them at the Manor's library. He's also going to do some research to see if he can find more runes. Please let me know if I can make some rolls for that kind of research. Or if it is even possible?

He will also gladly ferry whatever he needs to back and forth to get Fiznik and Valpip to help with that signet.
Jan 8, 2024 3:07 am
Blornvid sells off the goods at the base with little trouble and Ealdwig catches a few greedy eyes on the fat purses you carry. But a nudge to his companions who glare at the offenders with ax and spell to hand causes the would be opportunists to fade quickly to the back of the tavern or around the closest corner on the streat.
I forgot about Ealdwig being lucky. I put a Checkbox on his sheet and a note that it can be used weekly
That means I can throw nastier things at you guys. Thanks for the reminder! >:)
Jan 8, 2024 3:30 am
Arkmenos says:
What if we need to steal something or try and find info? Blornvid isn't going to do it.
You got that right. ;)
Psybermagi says:
Blornvid sells off the goods at the base with little trouble
Ok, so as stated above, taking some gold from the group fund to round our haul up to an even 60 gp each. I'm updating my character sheet accordingly.

I'll have a look at what's available at the shops. Will let you know what Blornvid is buying tomorrow.
Jan 8, 2024 3:52 am
Are there any "cure disease" potions or scrolls? There is anti-toxin for poison, but I want something for disease. Also, what does a remove curse scroll cost? I assume there is no potion for that!

Skeeve is gonna spend out for supplies for five 2-word scrolls. He won't write them until getting back to the manor, however. (He still has supplies for four one-word scrolls.) That leaves him with 10 gold, plus whatever he had before. If there is a cure disease potion, he'll sell a gem for it.
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