The Manor
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Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)
Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)
Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)
The door opens to reveal a simple room with a couple of stools and a simple wooden table. A few items lay scattered on the table, covered in dust. On the far wall is another door leading south.
Ealdwig walks over to the door and checks it out, carefully.
Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)
Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)
Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)
The door to the south us heavily bound with iron bands. Ealdwig determines that this door too is safe and unlocked, though again it has a quality lock. Stepping back to allow Skeeve to open it and a moment later you peer in to what must be a room with a couple of holding cells to the west. In the south east corner of the room is a pit ringed by metal spikes and a pully with a chain dangling overhead.

Heading back to room 13 Ealdwig picks up the tiles and looks them over.
"Hmm. If the south room was for a couple of holding cells, this was probably a guard's room where they would relax. I know there is another holding cell in the basement. Maybe there is another guard's room down there with more of the cards?"
Also, now that he thinks of it, Skeeve does a check of both rooms to see if he can find any keys. If this is where the guards were at a lot, there is a decent chance to find keys here.
Skeeve: Check room 13 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
Skeeve: Check room 16 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
Kaarik appears to be disgusted by all the tools in this room and makes sure he does not touch anything.
This seems to be a dead end. Where do we head next?
Answering Ealdwig, he says, "Well, we could check out the north door back in the entrance room."
When we are done with these rooms, Ealdwig heads back to the entrance room and check for traps on the door to the north.
Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)
Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)
Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)
Again another quality lock, but this one being unlocked. Ealdwig and Blornvid agree that should you ever find the keys to this place you will likely be able to disable all the traps and keep them for personal use if you desire. Otherwise disabling th traps via the lock mechanism is incredibly difficult.
Standing back you allow Skeve to open the door to reveal a large room. Scattered around the room are piles of bones, rusted and ruined weapons, and scraps of crumbling armor. Several of the bones look to have come from much larger creatures though still vaguely humanoid.

What do you think these bones are? They don't seem to be humans, dwaves, elves or duende? What kind of creatures are these?