The Manor

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Mar 6, 2024 6:15 pm
Blornvid points to the south door in room 10 and says to Ealdwig, "Hey lad, would you please check the door for traps?"
Mar 6, 2024 7:30 pm
Poking his head out of room 6, and pointing to his chest, Ealdwig says, are you talking to me? Um, sure. Ealdwig wonders over to check the door.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)


Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)


Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)


Mar 6, 2024 11:58 pm
The southern door is well built, is not locked and had no traps. With the locks not being an issue everyone stands back to allow Skeeve to open it.

The door opens to reveal a simple room with a couple of stools and a simple wooden table. A few items lay scattered on the table, covered in dust. On the far wall is another door leading south.
Mar 7, 2024 12:41 am
Blornvid has a peek at the items on the table.
Mar 7, 2024 1:22 am
After everyone gets a good look at the stuff in the room, Skeeve asks, "Ealdwig, ready for the next door? This should hopefully be the last one here, then we can go check out the door you wanted to."
Mar 7, 2024 2:08 am
Yeah sure. Ealdwig smiles. We need to clear the whole place at some point anyway right? Doesn't really matter where we go first.

Ealdwig walks over to the door and checks it out, carefully.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)


Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)


Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)


Mar 7, 2024 5:09 am
The items on the table are a set of cards or tiles that are about the size of a hand and less than half a finger thick. There are about 20 of them scattered across the table and nearby floor.

The door to the south us heavily bound with iron bands. Ealdwig determines that this door too is safe and unlocked, though again it has a quality lock. Stepping back to allow Skeeve to open it and a moment later you peer in to what must be a room with a couple of holding cells to the west. In the south east corner of the room is a pit ringed by metal spikes and a pully with a chain dangling overhead.
Mar 7, 2024 1:28 pm
Well isn't this great. Wonder how often they had to use this place? Skeeve, this can be your room. Ealdwig giggle at his joke. He avoids the pit but looks over the room for any spiders that may be around.

Heading back to room 13 Ealdwig picks up the tiles and looks them over.
Do I recognize the game? Is all of it here? If yes he'll pick up the tiles / cards and keep them. If not he'll toss them back on the table.
Ealdwig wonders around the room looking for anything hidden or trapped.
Mar 7, 2024 2:03 pm
The tiles are very light weight, you suspect they are made of bone, and the carvings are very detailed. The cards are unfamiliar and when organized look to be an incomplete set based on teh designs on them. Or the game is even more foreigh than you suspect.
Mar 7, 2024 2:16 pm
Skeeve looks over Ealdwig's shoulder while he examines the tiles. "Another minor mystery to solve? I am not familiar with these tiles or with the game or whatever they were used for. Maybe we'll find more as we keep searching.

"Hmm. If the south room was for a couple of holding cells, this was probably a guard's room where they would relax. I know there is another holding cell in the basement. Maybe there is another guard's room down there with more of the cards?"

Also, now that he thinks of it, Skeeve does a check of both rooms to see if he can find any keys. If this is where the guards were at a lot, there is a decent chance to find keys here.


Skeeve: Check room 13 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)


Skeeve: Check room 16 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)


Mar 7, 2024 2:26 pm
No keys are found in the rooms so far...
Mar 7, 2024 2:35 pm
What type of building is it? In one room we find very nice tapestry and in another one a museum of human barbarism?

Kaarik appears to be disgusted by all the tools in this room and makes sure he does not touch anything.
Mar 7, 2024 4:32 pm
Psybermagi says:
The tiles are very light weight, you suspect they are made of bone, and the carvings are very detailed. The cards are unfamiliar and when organized look to be an incomplete set based on teh designs on them. Or the game is even more foreigh than you suspect.
Made of bone with etchings I don't recgonize.
Ealdwig picks all of them up and puts them in his pack. I need to remember to talk to The Seer. See if he know what these are. Could be interesting stuff.
Mar 7, 2024 4:36 pm
MoyenBateau says:
What type of building is it? In one room we find very nice tapestry and in another one a museum of human barbarism?
True. Kind of strange, right? Weird, but does it matter? No keys to be found? There has to be some somewhere. We could lock off these two room and avoid the pit trap. That could make this a decent place to make a home base of operations. Of course, we'll need to deal with the spider before that can happen.

This seems to be a dead end. Where do we head next?
Mar 7, 2024 6:28 pm
"Aye, Kaarik. If we manage to make this place our own, there will definitely be changes."

Answering Ealdwig, he says, "Well, we could check out the north door back in the entrance room."
Mar 7, 2024 7:46 pm
Sounds good. Let's check it out.

When we are done with these rooms, Ealdwig heads back to the entrance room and check for traps on the door to the north.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)


Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)


Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)


Mar 7, 2024 11:29 pm
Just to clarify : The manor is in essence a small keep and its lord equivalent to a baron at the least. Thus the guards of the gatehouse would also have acted as regional constables/marshals. The 2 cells are easily enough explained but the pit would be more confusing to the PC
Ealdwig inspects the door north of the west entrance to the gatehouse and finds it is trapped. Surprise!!! He defty disables the trap be inserting a couple pins and thin but strong plates into a pressure plate. Should the trap have triggered something, likely bad and or gruesome, would have happened with the ceiling to any in front of the door.

Again another quality lock, but this one being unlocked. Ealdwig and Blornvid agree that should you ever find the keys to this place you will likely be able to disable all the traps and keep them for personal use if you desire. Otherwise disabling th traps via the lock mechanism is incredibly difficult.

Standing back you allow Skeve to open the door to reveal a large room. Scattered around the room are piles of bones, rusted and ruined weapons, and scraps of crumbling armor. Several of the bones look to have come from much larger creatures though still vaguely humanoid.
Mar 8, 2024 1:02 am
"Hmmmmm. Do you think this is where the spider queen discards what she can't digest?"
Mar 8, 2024 1:23 am
"I wonder what is in the cavity here."
I.e. the dark blue space surrounded by 2,3,6, and 8.
"Before we go up, I'd like to go down to see the rest of the basement."
Mar 8, 2024 2:32 am
If there are no other traps, Ealdwig is going to inspect the room. See if he can find any hidden areas or things of interest. He will inspect any clothing, or bags that are about to see if there is anything of interest to him.

What do you think these bones are? They don't seem to be humans, dwaves, elves or duende? What kind of creatures are these?
Does Ealdwig recognize any of the bones or markings on the armor?
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