The Manor

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Sep 10, 2024 6:57 am
Sylvandur finally see his ferret jump from the bushes to run by the side of the path he was walking. Fur, his ferret, stops a few meters away looking intently to the distance and making some light squeaking, almost a giggle, in excitement.
"You found him already? He a dwarf.. did you find a dwarf?"

Sylvandur hurries to catch up with Fur ahead in the path, but once the ferret notices this, she runs away down the path. Sylvandur is not worried at all, Fur always comes back when her curiosity (or hunger) is satisfied.

As expected, the short and stock figure of a dwarf in armour is seen in the distance, and Sylvandur walks carelessly to meet him. A few minutes later...

"Greetings Blornvid, I'm Sylvandur Hathil Amdir of Eldergroove. Magian told me you were about to travel the mountains and, being an herbalist, I'd love to come along to better understand the plants around the area and explore other resources appropriate for healing that could be around. If that is alright with you and your party of course."
Sep 10, 2024 5:07 pm
daryen says:
Technically... Blornvid didn't help free Eldergrove. That was another group. Instead, Blornvid was part of the group that cleared the Manor grounds. But, I can imagine that who did what will get conflated in most prople's minds relatively quickly. :-D
Yeah, we didn't stay long. I had visions of vines strangling us to death, so we moved on.
Cathamber says:
"Greetings Blornvid, I'm Sylvandur Hathil Amdir of Eldergroove. Magian told me you were about to travel the mountains and, being an herbalist, I'd love to come along to better understand the plants around the area and explore other resources appropriate for healing that could be around. If that is alright with you and your party of course."
"Well met, Sylvandur. An herbalist and a healer, you say. Hmmmm, definitely could prove useful. Do you have any defensive skills, say if we run into trouble?"
Sep 10, 2024 5:46 pm
Sylvandur hears the dwarf with attention, not dour as other dwarves, but still talks to the point. Sure he can become a good friend.
"I see you maintain your axe and armor in top shape, sure you know how to handle yourself well in battle.

I don't have that experience, but only my slings for extreme situations, or for diversions that allow an escape. In a few battles I've been, I usually do more healing-friends than damaging-foes.

And Fur here..."
he points his ferret who had just climbed to his shoulder "... she is no warrior neither, but does hunt her one food, has a great sense of smell, and has some stealthy skill that allows for a good explorer."
Sep 10, 2024 9:46 pm
"That'll do," Blornvid replies with a smile. He holds out his burly mitt of a hand for a handshake.

"Fur the Ferret," Blornvid chuckles. "Seeing as you two have a bond, I'm sure she'll help out in her own way."

"Elyse is in charge of this expedition. She's out picking up supplies. I expect that she'll be back before long. I'm here to provide support in case she needs it. She's a smart goblin with an ability to use magic, so I imagine that she can handle herself in a scrap."

"You mentioned that yer from Eldergrove, right? I'd heard that there were some refugees from there that settled here at the Manor." Blornvid gives Sylvandur the option to expound on his experience or just provide simple confirmation. He won't push the point.
Sep 11, 2024 12:07 am
"Thanks a lot! What a friendly dwarf, right Fur?" Sylvandur smiles.
"So Elyse is in charge, hopefully we will meet soon... I don't know many goblins... I hope she enjoys nature."
But hearing the question about his hometown, he stops digressing... his smile also disappears "I lived there before coming here to the manor, I lived there for a long time. And I do count as one of such refugees." He stops a moment, as if recalling incomplete memories that should not be recalled superficially, and a veil of sadness crosses his eyes. "... I'm sorry, it is not easy for me to talk about what made us refugees, nor I have clear memories to make sense of them.

Nature wisdom balance all things respecting freedom, but some people go against nature, against wisdom and thus against freedom... Freedom should never be compromised, not even risked."
Sep 11, 2024 2:53 am
Blornvid's brow creases in concern. "No worries, Sylvandur. Healing takes time. Speak no more of it until you're able." Changing the subject for Sylvandur's sake, he says, "You and Fur ok with flying? Can't say that I'm too fond of it, but it's a lot faster than hoofin' it."
Sep 11, 2024 6:32 am
... Slow healing for a fast healer, such is also the way of nature...
Sylvandur doesn't even try to hide his releave at the change of topic as a thankful look is shown clearly...
"I fine with flying, I've always been curious about it, so I'll be happy to try it!"
Then he exchange a few looks and whispers with Fur... "she seems to be uninterested, like you said, not fond of it but will stand it if useful. Not interested even in the views!" and he laughs.
I haven't have time to read the events of Eldergrove, sorry about that! I'll play it as Sylvandur's lack of memory and some unwillingness to talk about it for now. When work goes back to normal, I'll give some time to read it. Thanks for understanding.
"And... thank you for accepting me to join. I appreciate it, I'll try to be as helpful as possible. Is there anything we can do before the flight?"
Last edited Sep 11, 2024 6:36 am
Sep 11, 2024 3:27 pm
No worries about Eldergrove. Sylvandur's memory gaps work with the story.
"Well, Elyse is gathering supplies. If there's anything you think you'll need for the expedition that isn't common, the journey itself won't take long, then get it now."
Sep 11, 2024 6:12 pm
As Blornvid and Sylvandur's conversation comes to a close, Elyse arrives on the scene.

Well met Blornvid, is this our third? I'm Elyse Solstice, offering her hand to the elf hope you are ready for a week or spelunking looking for raw gem veins?

After the introductions, Best to check in with the stable master and see when our expedition can get underway. I secured us standard rations enough for a week and a half in the mountains. If there are any special needs, you might want to get on that before we set out. I'm hoping at first light on the morrow.
Sep 11, 2024 7:22 pm
"Greetings Elyse, I'm Sylvandur Hathil Amdir of Eldergroove, herbalist and healer. And this one here..." As Sylvandur is about to introduce Fur, she runs down from his shoulder to the ground, and approaches Elyse to smell her shoes and squeaks a few time (which, in ferrets sound a bit like a giggle).

"Come here Fur, don't be so impatient, I was about to introduce you... Sorry about that Elyse, seems like Fur is so excited that she wanted to introduce herself. You must be a lucky one. I'm glad I met you both."

Hearing. Elyse with attention... "I don't remember ever going spelunking" says with curiosity "I've never flown before either. With this beginning, I can't wait to see what we will find and learn this week!"

Ay the mention of special travel needs, he checks his herbalists kit, his healers kit, his advertiser's knife and his sling... Everything seems to be ir order, and so he motions he is ready.
Last edited Sep 11, 2024 7:32 pm
Sep 12, 2024 1:50 am
Are you guys up for a bit of interactive navigation and story between the two of you as I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment?

Each of you crate a scenario with challenged for the group to overcome but try to keep it focused on the other players character (PC)
Try to keep it in line with the setting as explained so far. Once the other player creates a scenario you try to resolve it in a narrative form. You can direct the entire party during your turn with a solution but focus on your own character and how they overcome the challenge. No dice need to be rolled but you can add some for flair and to indicate how much the party has to struggle to win out.

These challenges do not need to be anything massive Think of it as a way to add your own view of the region and time traveling to the story
Sep 12, 2024 12:04 pm
I'm game.
Sep 12, 2024 4:46 pm
Sure, but my caveat still stands: I'm going to be away on vacation from the 14th through the 21st, so I'm going to be scarce around GP.
Sep 12, 2024 4:51 pm
If you don't mind an outside suggestion, I suggest this: @Cathamber be the presenter and @Turanel2 be the one to figure it out. I recommend this because Cathamber is most familiar with the setting to this point.
Sep 12, 2024 10:25 pm
I am happy to take a break until the 22ns of September. Role playing isn't a sprint for me and if our DM needs sometime I am perfectly willing to give it some time. We are actually at a good place to pause.
Sep 13, 2024 2:58 am
Works for me. :)
Sep 13, 2024 5:34 am
I'm fine either way. If you both prefer a week's break, then let's do that. I'm also around for a long run, and have needed some small breaks in the past.
Sep 16, 2024 12:36 pm
OK last week was crazy and this will be a bit busy still but I can manage some game play. I still want to go on with the Player taking turns proposing challenges and solutions if you are up for it. But if you are all good with a week of down time thats fine by me.
Sep 23, 2024 9:42 pm
As Sylvandur, Blornvid and Elyse get dropped off at what was thought to be a promising crag that has evidence of old tool work in the mountain face that was spotted from the sky. As the party starts to investigate the come to a deep crevice. Blornvid's keen eyes can see 160 feet down and on the other side of the crevice are carved stone steps... Well that is even more promising than we expected, but how will we get access to stone stairs? says Elyse.
Turanel2 sent a note to Psybermagi
Last edited Sep 23, 2024 9:42 pm
Sep 24, 2024 12:39 am
That is perfect! Thanks :) I am back but if you are up for it feel free to continue swapping challenges.
The story continues HERE
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