The Manor

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Sep 4, 2024 3:01 am
I have another party in the River Deep thread you guys can join but they are a bit stuck at their location now
I have several NPC templates. We can add a healer or similar if you are interested. Also I try to scale things so don't worry. I will try to give hints about dangerous locations, they will still exist, but also give other opportunities.
Sep 4, 2024 3:17 pm
Oooo! The Underdark ... ?

We got some fun stuff down there ...
Sep 4, 2024 3:40 pm
I bet you do... ;)

I'm good either way. If Turanel has a particular hankering to explore a certain area, I'm good to tag along.
Sep 4, 2024 11:01 pm
Though the manor's depths are uncertain they are said to connect to the underdark and offer the quickest option and has the advantag of close support. However Elyse is well aware that distances in the underdark are as bad or worse as those on the surface. So each outing has pros and cons.
Sep 5, 2024 7:34 am
Hi all, if you need an extra member for the party to leave the manor in exploration, I'll be happy to play a healer for a while. Just drop me a message if so.
Sep 5, 2024 1:06 pm
Although the underdark is nearest, I think Elyse would lean towards the griffins and the mountains to the north. Maybe Magian can secure us a ride which would speed us along.
@Cathamber always happy to have you a long.
Sep 5, 2024 5:32 pm
@Cathamber Seconded
Sep 5, 2024 9:18 pm
@Turanel2 you are now a veteran so gain weapon mastery with ยน weapon gon you are proficient with

Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
Sep 5, 2024 9:45 pm
Cathamber sent a note to Psybermagi



Sep 6, 2024 6:21 pm

The stable-master is only all to willing to fly you to the mountains, a several days walk but mere hours by flight, and even has a spot in mind for your investigation. The region has multiple caves, some natural while others show signs of being expanded by tools.

Plans are made to set out the next day at dawn so that you will arrive shortly before dusk to allow you a glimpse of the area and time to prepare a camp before nightfall. Magian arranges to be in the area every half-week (5 days, twice per 10 day week) and as long as you are able to make some kind of signal will likely spot you even should you move miles from where you were dropped off. You begin making preparations of your own and soon have craftsmen working on climbers kits, a harness, extra rope, and rings and clips to secure items should you need to climb either in the mountains or depts of caves. You are free to request additional supplies to be sold to you. The climbing kits are a gift of good will and a hope for potential trade agreements from Elyse's family. During your preparations you are approached and asked if your expedition is open to an additional member. Though dangerous, the life of an adventurer often appears glamorous to many, especially the young, and is seems at least one of the locals has worked up the courage to join you.
Sep 6, 2024 9:15 pm
Blornvid is ready to interview this adventurer to see what skills they have.
I'm assuming that it's Cathamber's character.
Sep 7, 2024 5:54 pm
Blornvid, that sounds like a good idea. While you do that I'll go get some dry rations and other supplies. I'll get enough for three people and 15days. We can plan to come back in 10 and that will give us a buffer In case we miss Magian at the 10 day mark.
Last edited Sep 7, 2024 5:55 pm
Sep 9, 2024 6:06 am
So.. I've almost finish the druid character, and there is a final note that actually I wanted to ask you. Since I considered that small flaws may contribute to a PC depth, and fun to play (as long as it doesn't bother you guys), I was thinking about this character being naive, tactless, humourless or something similar. But I'd like your comments on it since I'm creating this PC to help, not to hinder, your party.

As a reference, my main character, Arc Zeekhad, is an avian scout/diplomat afraid of enclosed spaces... He avoids undergrounds as much as possible!

The flaws impact is roleplay based, it doesn't impact game mechanics.
Last edited Sep 9, 2024 6:08 am
Sep 9, 2024 12:33 pm
Naive works well along with a phobia of your choice. Sylvandur grew up in a prosperous city and fell under the cities own guardian curse to save him from a demon attack. Since then he has lived here in the manor, a tough life compared to his origin bot not relay all that hard.
Possible flaws could be a fear of anything otherworldly, being surrounded by plants that are touching him, as the curse infected him with plants that kept him alive and un-aging but no self control, fear of the dark (might be bothersome/unlikely as you plan to go underground next)
Sep 9, 2024 12:49 pm
Ok, I can play him somehow naive. But since he is a druid and herbalist, a phobia for plants or magic seems kind of strange to me. Let's just keep the naive thing and if something else happens we can take it from there...
Sep 9, 2024 1:07 pm
A druid could really view magic and such a being vastly different from their gifts of healing and controlling nature but it is up to you
Sep 9, 2024 1:21 pm
Ok thanks, I'll just play it naive.. in the sense of very trusting and extremely optimistic PC. :)
Sylvandur walks out of the stables. He had just spoken with Magian and is curious about this adventurers that are planning to head to the mountains.
His typical high quality elven clothes do not really match his old greenish brown elven cloak, but since he found it he hardly ever leaves home without it, as it reminds him of the force of nature. Also, he seems to be talking alone...

"Come on Fur, we are not playing that game now. I wish to find this blacksmith Magian mentioned, emm, Blornvid."

... while looking at some bushes to the side of the path.

"Why don't you help me find him? He should smell like.. well... blacksmiths... or forges?... or iron? Come out now and find him please."
Sep 9, 2024 11:41 pm
Having spent most of his time in the manor orchards and gardens Sylvandur has managed to not see Blornvid since he was rushed from his home of Eldergrove. He knows Blornvid and his companions helped break the curse on the city but his memories of the time under the curse and immediately after are all jumbled so all he has is a vague recollection of a heavily armored and stout figure, dwarf, definitely a dwarf. The last several weeks have been soothing but the constant pressure to lead from the others, as he is one of the others as one of the few able bodied adults that survived, has grown increasingly uncomfortable.

YOu guys can take it from here to manage your own intros.
Sep 10, 2024 2:13 am
Blornvid looks like most other dwarves: short and stocky with a long auburn beard. His armor and his axe stand out. Both are lovingly well maintained. The armor is scale mail with silver-threaded sleeves and skirt, but it doesn't appear to be steel.

But he lacks the dour nature of many a dwarf. He smiles as he watches the young guards of the Manor go about their duties, nodding approvingly like a proud mentor observing his students.
Sep 10, 2024 5:29 am
Technically... Blornvid didn't help free Eldergrove. That was another group. Instead, Blornvid was part of the group that cleared the Manor grounds. But, I can imagine that who did what will get conflated in most prople's minds relatively quickly. :-D
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