The Manor

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Mar 8, 2024 3:37 am
Does Skeeve recognize any of the creatures from their bones?
Mar 8, 2024 4:31 am
As you look around the room a dim pulse of light and subtle vibrations fills the room. The jumble of bones begins to shift and sort itself out to rise, forming multiple skeletons. One of the skeletons is large and has thick bones with scraps of armon on it. Two are smaller than any of you with elongated jaws like that of a dog. Two are about 5 feet tall with oddly shaped skulls and one of them has 4 arms. The last is about 6' tall and almost looks normal save it is made of dark bones and its eye sockets flicker ominously with eldritch light. As they put themselves together you note that each bone has a rune that glows with dim light as they arrange themselves.
Mar 8, 2024 9:53 am
Trying to ignore his initial shock, Kaarik tries to look at the runes to check if he can recognize any.

Without really believing it would work, he tries to address the skeletons in a friendly manner before they attack :"We are sorry to disturb you friends..."
Mar 8, 2024 1:59 pm
Oh that's not good. Ealdwig backs up and away to the door. Ealdwig turns and dashes for the door. Everyone back! Out! Ealdwig waits by the door slamming it shut the second everyone is out and leans on it.

With a small smile, think that'll work?
Not sure if anyone was in the room or not.

There are 6 of them? Do we know what triggered them to rise? Was it the tiles / cards from the other room?
Last edited Mar 8, 2024 2:00 pm
Mar 8, 2024 3:12 pm
Skeeve agrees with Ealdwig and retreats with him, pulling the other two along with him. Even if the door doesn't hold, fighting them one at a time as they come through the door is better than a wild melee in an open room.
Mar 8, 2024 4:38 pm
I assumed you were in the room to "inspect the room. See if he can find any hidden areas"
You quickly retreat out of the room but before closing the door you pause as you realize the skeletons have not moved. From behind you hear a voice

Phantom Guard
They won't attack unless commanded to or your attack first.. Turning around you see a ghostly figure floating in the air. It's form is encased in phantasmal armor but it's stance is unthreatening and seems to be simply watching you.
Mar 8, 2024 4:57 pm
Startled Ealdwig spins around. Holy Hells! Taking a breath, you startled me.

Well, please don't command them to attack. Um, I assume you're the leader. We don't want any trouble. We've been asked by the Matron of the manor to inspect the grounds and make them safe. We are hoping to make this this facility our base of operations.
Smiling, we kind of need a place to crash.

Realizing that he was rambling, oh, sorry, I can ramble. Um, I'm Ealdwig, this is Skeeve, Karrik and Blronvid gesturing around the room. And you are?
Mar 8, 2024 5:44 pm
Yeah, we were all in the room checking things out.
Skeeve looks down to his shirt, then looks up, points to the Manor badge and says, "Are you reacting to this?"

After that answer, he says, "How aware are you? Are you able to answer general questions we may have?"
Skeeve interweaves his questions with Ealdwig's.
Last edited Mar 8, 2024 5:44 pm
Mar 8, 2024 6:24 pm
Blornvid rolls his eyes and mutters, "This place is full of surprises."

Darian Masym


Mar 8, 2024 7:27 pm
Darian Masym

I can't command them anymore. I'm dead. Didn't you notice? No one is their commander they are training automatons tied to that room.

As for making my home your base, . . . well I guess we can come to an arrangement.

As Ealdwig introduces himself the phantom give a half bow and replies. I am corporelle Darian Masym. You may call me Darian

At Skeeve's interjection he glances at the emblem then to Skeeve. What sort of reaction would you like? I'm certainly not going to bow down and swear undying servitude just because someone from the family finally found their way back here. As for my awareness, I am probably more aware than you. The loss of my former body realy freed up much of my mind. As for answering more questions. . . . Why should I? At least the young duende had the decency to introduce himself.
Although that was after declaring his intent to move in without consulting me first.
Mar 8, 2024 7:44 pm
Kaarik bows toward Darian.

Please forgive us dear Darian for entering your residence without asking for your perminsion first. Is there anything you would like us to help you with?
I will keep assuming that everyone is a potential friend, seems to be working well. I don't know why it should end badly for me one day :D
Last edited Mar 8, 2024 7:47 pm

Darian Masym


Mar 8, 2024 7:50 pm
Darian Masym

It is of no account. It is not as if I could answer the door or tidy up. and Darian's voice conveys hints of humor and regret. I thank you for your offer but I want for nothing you can give. And how may I address you young sir? and another half bow is given to Kaarik.
If you want I can give you a tour of the facilities. Such as they are at this point.
Mar 8, 2024 8:00 pm
Skeeve says, "I apologize for being rude. As my friend Ealdwig mentioned, my name is Skeeve. Please forgive the rudeness of my questions. We had, uh, some other interactions where not having the badge meant we were trapped and attacked. It is not my intention to order you or anyone around; it is simply to not be attacked. That you are a fully thinking being is good to know.

"The last time we ran into a blue floating entity, it was at least partially running things. That's why we were wondering if the skeletons were under your direction. That they are not is good to know. Thank you."

Skeeve pauses to give him a chance to respond if he so desires. Assuming he allows the opportunity, Skeeve continues with, "It was our understanding this building was empty of prior occupants as all such had moved on over the time the Manor was left fallow. That this is not the case does indeed change things. Our primary goal is to make sure that there is nothing in the building that will be harmful to the new Lady of the Manor. You do not need to serve her; we just want to make sure no one is hostile. To demonstrate that, we have met both the stable master and the kennel keeper, and they and their charges are not being attacked or driven out. The Lady is fully aware that making friends is far more valuable than making enemies. As for us moving in, now that we know this building is legitimately inhabited, then, yes, we would need to negotiate any possible occupancy with the current residents.

Speaking of which, aside from the phase spider, are there any other residents in the building we should be aware of?"

Skeeve is working to be gracious through this whole process, after the initial screw-up.
Last edited Mar 8, 2024 8:10 pm
Mar 8, 2024 9:57 pm
Blornvid sighs in disappointment that this place is already someone's home. He was really looking forward to getting that forge going again.

Darian Masym


Mar 9, 2024 1:35 am
Darian Masym

The ghostly guard sighs It is fine. I just get annoyed. I've been trapped here since I died years ago and have only had the uninvited monsters for company.

A glowing blue . . . Do you mean in the Field house? That thing survived without maintenance. Wow. It only part of it was working then that could have been most difficult. The lord used to use that place for military drills and taming monsters with the gamekeepers.

As for the building, well I assume you were the ones to drive of the phase spiders so no one is really living here. I mean I can't leave and don't really feel like going of to live in some gods domain is all that better than just staying around here so I will be here for the forceable eternity.

Hmmm . . . The stable master . . . Kenner Keeper . . . you say. Do you know their names? I wonder if they remember me. No one has come to visit since this place since I 'awoke'. I do believe I died as the evacuation was underway but the first thing I recall in this state
and he waves a hand through himself was likely several seasons after that based on the decomposition of my body and the dust all over the place.

It's not like I can stop you from moving in, or that I would even mind. But yeah, I won't be taking orders from that family again. However as I appear to be stuck within the walls of this building I would ask that you be considerate of my status as a permanent and pre-existing tenant
and he chuckles a bit at this Though I can not touch you or anything else I have learned that there are ways to express my displeasure to those beings within these wall that prove to not be worth my time or the effort of good manners. at this last bit his form fades into a darker state as a deep but non-physical chill emanates from him.

But I'm sure we won't have that problem. You seem nice enough.
Mar 9, 2024 6:01 am
"The stable master's name is Magian. If you'd like, we can ask him to come visit. He isn't far away. The kennel keeper is not very sociable, however, so I wouldn't expect a visit from him.

And, yes, we'd love a tour of the building!"
Last edited Mar 9, 2024 6:03 am
Mar 9, 2024 5:32 pm
Darian takes you through the first floor pointing out a trap you missed between one of the front rooms (10) and the stairs leading down to the basement. He also helps you to uncover the vault in the room with the undead/construct training creatures. Darian says it is of little use to him and you would likely find it eventually anyhow.
vault says:
30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; Full Plate (1500 gp); 4000 cp; Hourglass (25 gp); Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp);
The upstairs has a similar layout, though fewer and less deadly trapps. It has a large barracks room for up to 20 guards, an armory of gear in need of repair and polish, several commons areas, and a few officer quarters and offices. Here there is evidence of a hurried departure. Fortunately there is a set of keys to the building. There should be three but the other 2 sets were probably taken when the family left.

The basement is less impressive with storage rooms, the cell Skeeve dropped into, and is home to many rats and smaller pests but nothing of interest.
Mar 9, 2024 5:41 pm
At the end of the house tour, Kaarik will want to ask Darian about the tapestry.

Master Darian, we have discovered a tapestry with arcane power in the gatehouse, it revealed itself to be a map of the manor, however I feel that it had another purpose. Would you have any idea?
Mar 9, 2024 6:38 pm
Darian, so you've been here a while. And you can't leave the building, um, your stuck? Do you know why this is, why you're here, why your stuck? Can we provide any assistance? He looks to the guys for confirmation that they would be willing to help, after he said it of course.

Darian Masym


Mar 9, 2024 7:22 pm
Darian Masym

Ah yes. That tapestry was tied to the security magics. It allows us to monitor any ware outside within the manor grounds. I am not sure how well it may still work but it likely retains some functionality
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