The Manor

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Feb 8, 2024 8:24 pm
Skeeve heads up to the tower and upon opening the door doors not see the seer but calls out and gets a response from above

what is it you need, huemaan?
How about making the seer a bit ferangi? 😆
Feb 8, 2024 9:26 pm
Nice! 😊
Skeeve looks up to where the voice is coming, but only takes a single step forward. Replying to the unseen voice, "I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Matrix Network. I have traveled on it and can move the tiles and such, but cannot trigger it. I am seeking information and advise on how to more properly control and make use of it."



Feb 9, 2024 9:19 pm
The Matrix technology was created by artificers, and the specialty is often referred to as Array Masters, but can be used by any. The best way to get better at it is to practice with your own set of personal anchors. Beginners typically use 8 cubes, 4 white, 4 black, and arrange them in a variety of ways to create various effects. The more anchors in a pattern the stronger and more complex the effect it creates can be. Though this house house has a major Node none of the members were practitioners of the matrix practice so I doubt there are any anchors in the house. You can check with Sylfir to see if the vault or craftsroom have any. I believe the theory may be covered in one of the books in the library, check for magical array theory or general books on magical education. There may even be a few minor patterns you can practice and learn. Once you master the minor node you can apply it to a major node.

I myself am familiar with how to use the node for establishing and manipulating connections through the matrix but little else. I can help train you in manipulating a pattern to find other connections through the matrix and connect to the address in a variety of ways.
Feb 9, 2024 11:31 pm
"Thank you so much for the explanation. I have gone too far in my own magical studies to be able to turn in the direction of creating them. I simply seek to be able to use them effectively, without having to rely solely on borrowed power.

"I will ask about a personal anchor, and check in the library for a book like that.

"However, my main focus is on simply using the Matrix for transport, which is what you do know. I would be very grateful if you would train me in what you do know on the Matrix, though I do not know what I have that would help pay for such tutelage."
Feb 10, 2024 2:59 pm
As an aside, I don't mean to derail Arkmenos and ForeverDED. @Psybermagi, if it works better, we can have this background stuff happen in a different thread while we advance this thread to where everyone is participating again.



Feb 10, 2024 3:09 pm
I, like most of my kind, prize knowledge over material wealth. I can teach you what I know and direct you to the public references on the Matrix. You can repay me by keeping notes of all your own research and share all finding you have on all addresses you explore by taking a seer stone with you. This would allow me to observe the places you travel to.

I developed my knowledge of the Matrix for a short time before, during, and after the Shattering. Earlier uses of it were primarily as you have done, connecting to known pint. Recently I have used my knowledge to tap into the matrix to extend my scrying spells to find a new heir. Once the manor is properly staffed and defended I may try more risky addresses myself if the mistress permits. If you wish to experiment it will have to be from another location. But the basics of transport, communication, scrying, and defense can be taught here in a matter of days.

The basic patterns are simple. Once you have anchors to practice with I would suggest experimenting with those before tying any new patterns on the greater matrix.

You chat for a bit more and you learn that the manor has built in controls that allow the manipulations of the tiles, which are in fact greater anchors, but many of the functions are locked out and can only be accessed by authorized individuals. Even the Seer is not on that list. He believes all major matrix notes platforms have similar enchantments in place. If you can find the key or find and gain access control of a Node it would greatly expand what you may do. However he cautions you that you not "play" with it until you have your own anchors and can practice on the minor anchors. It is likely that the anchors will not be too hard to find. The trick will be to recognize them.

A full set is comprised of 4 black and 4 white cubes of about 1/2 inch per side. Some are larger and others smaller. Some may have marking, and he knows for a fact that some are misidentified and used as dice. Some of these "dice" can aid in divining information but their original and full purpose is not his expertise and he believes that most that find them may not know of their nature. As they are inherently either non magical or only minor magic at the most they would easily be seen as simple objects. Similar to how other spell components have a mundane meaning or are simply trash to most, the anchors were often used in "mysterious" ways by those that mastered them from the point of view of the commoner.
Feb 10, 2024 4:53 pm
Skeeve immediately thinks of the dice he and Ealdwig split up. He pulls out his pair and says, "So, something that would look like this? I have only half of the set, but know where the others are. Or are these just dice?"

He continues, "I know of three locations besides this one and the one at the base. I imagine the one at the base is off-limits, too, as I would not want to mess up what Fiznik and Valpip are doing. I also don't want to use one of the other three because I don't want to draw undo attention to those who reside nearby. After helping clean up here, I will seek out some more new patterns. I will look for those tomes in the library in the meantime."

Skeeve thinks for a couple minutes and says, "Yes, if you teach me how to use the nodes, I will carry a seer stone with me. My only request is that I will occasionally ask for you to leave a particular node alone in deference to those who are nearby. That will be rare though, and I will still share my findings, even of those places." As an act of good faith, he shares his notes on those three places they have already been to.

Finally, if there is a "trick" to recognizing the minor nodes, he asks how to do that so he has a better chance to find them. And if what he split with Ealdwig is actually such a set, he's gonna have to figure out how to bribe Ealdwig for the other pair.

After this, he either hunts down Ealdwig to get the other pair of dice (if I just got super lucky) or heads to the library as suggested until Valpip gets there, and the cleanup continues.
Last edited Feb 10, 2024 4:55 pm
Feb 10, 2024 6:50 pm
daryen says:
As an aside, I don't mean to derail Arkmenos and ForeverDED. @Psybermagi, if it works better, we can have this background stuff happen in a different thread while we advance this thread to where everyone is participating again.
I'm good with this. Had no idea it was going on, so it took me by surprise at first.
Feb 10, 2024 6:53 pm
Sooner or later, we're gonna be wandering the Matrix Nodes again. This time Skeeve doesn't want to be dependent on the Gem with only three charges.



Feb 12, 2024 5:22 am
Examining the cubes the Seer comments Those do look like a basic set of minor anchors. I can show you a couple of patterns that will let you focus you energies into them so you can determine for yourself if that is truly what they are. The books in the library would be a better resource to practice with.
daryen says:
As an aside, I don't mean to derail Arkmenos and ForeverDED. @Psybermagi, if it works better, we can have this background stuff happen in a different thread while we advance this thread to where everyone is participating again.
We can finish the side discussion on your side thread if you have more you wish to discuss/do
Feb 12, 2024 5:40 am
I think we're basically done here. But now I have to get the other two dice from Ealdwig.
Skeeve responds, "Thank you for the help so far. I will get the other two dice and check the library. Again, thank you so much!" Then before leaving, he shares the notes he has on the other three patterns with the Seer, but asks him to help protect the mountain valley pattern.

After this, Skeeve takes his leave and hunts Ealdwig down to try to talk him out of his dice.

Skeeve, once finding Ealdwig says, "I need the two dice from the set we split. I need all four of them because they are magical and I need them to learn how to control the Maxtrix portals. I need to learn how to trigger them on my own so that we don't risk getting stranded.

"However, I am willing to make it worth your while. I have a pair of non-magical bone dice that I can trade for them so that you will still have some dice. In addition, if you're interested, I have this cool crossbow that you might like. It isn't a weapon; it won't harm anyone. Instead, it launches a rope that will then tie itself off on the far end. Or I can just owe you one in the future. Whichever way, I need those two dice to complete the set so I can use them to train with."

After that, he'll go see if he can find the relevant book in the library. If we need to play that out, let's move that to my character thread. If he just finds it, then we can just move on.
Last edited Feb 12, 2024 5:44 am
Feb 12, 2024 1:29 pm
With the seers directions in mind Skeeve easily locates a couple of the books mentioned. One is indead a general introduction to multiple magical styles and includes several diagrams including some with 4 foci/anchors. The images of 4 foci are limited to simple . The principles it exaplins are simple enough in that all that you need to do is create the pattern and then push magic into the white and pull magic from teh black to create a flow of magic. The first pattern is used to test the anchors for their quality and ease of use while the 2nd and third are teh initial methods of training.
There are several paterns afterwards detailing the use of 8, which is statedas the standard level of proficency. It does mention that patterns with 18, 32, 50, and higher can be done these are the realm of array masters. This seems similiar to how scrolls are are broken divided in 1 and two word creations then the more powerful ones require more words by scribes.

You test the dice and though you easily create the flows for the 2nd and 3rd design it takes a bit of practice to get the 1st, checkered, pattern to become stable. Though you are uncertain, as you have litle to compare it with, you do feel that these "dice" may well have originally been either a trainier set or part of a larger set. The dice do noting on their own but are very easy to manipulate with mana.
What is the next plan so I can prep?
Feb 12, 2024 1:51 pm
Well, after the quick one-on-one with Ealdwig, Skeeve is hoping that Valpip came and made the signets. With signet in hand, Skeeve wanted to test it at the Fieldhouse.

Once confident it works, we were going to at least scout out the other locations. So, the gatehouse, mews, orchard and such, probably finishing with the basement and its connection with the Underdark.

After that, Skeeve still wants to check on the mountain valley and its night terror.

And after that, we need to find some new patterns. :-)

Anyway, those are Skeeve's thoughts on the matter. Given that the others have indulged him on this so far, he's more than willing to change plans if Blornvid and Ealdwig want something different.
Feb 12, 2024 6:18 pm
These plans sound good. I'm a bit busy with a bathroom renovation for the rest of the month, but I'll still show up once or twice/day.
Feb 13, 2024 1:07 pm
Valpip finishes working on the house hold badges and a signet for Sylfir. The badges have a clasp large and strong enough to allow them to be used as cloack pins or they may be worn as a pendant or just pinned to your clothes. Sylphir gives one to each of you. However as you prepare to leave the manor Wittic rushes in with an excited look on her face.

Mistres Syfir, Seer claims that communication from one of the branch families has been established. The mage has a family member who was seeking passage to Paphos but it appears that Fiznik has activated it's lockout features. Knowing this place was close and thought to be anbandoned they next connecting to the house node which allerted the Seer. What shal we do?
Feb 13, 2024 2:12 pm
After a short conference it is decided to allow the adventure to arrive. Seer locks the Matrix room doors then remotely enabled access to the node from the remote site.
Feb 13, 2024 2:43 pm
daryen says:
I think we're basically done here. But now I have to get the other two dice from Ealdwig.
Skeeve responds, "Thank you for the help so far. I will get the other two dice and check the library. Again, thank you so much!" Then before leaving, he shares the notes he has on the other three patterns with the Seer, but asks him to help protect the mountain valley pattern.

After this, Skeeve takes his leave and hunts Ealdwig down to try to talk him out of his dice.

Skeeve, once finding Ealdwig says, "I need the two dice from the set we split. I need all four of them because they are magical and I need them to learn how to control the Maxtrix portals. I need to learn how to trigger them on my own so that we don't risk getting stranded.

"However, I am willing to make it worth your while. I have a pair of non-magical bone dice that I can trade for them so that you will still have some dice. In addition, if you're interested, I have this cool crossbow that you might like. It isn't a weapon; it won't harm anyone. Instead, it launches a rope that will then tie itself off on the far end. Or I can just owe you one in the future. Whichever way, I need those two dice to complete the set so I can use them to train with."

After that, he'll go see if he can find the relevant book in the library. If we need to play that out, let's move that to my character thread. If he just finds it, then we can just move on.
Looking quizzically at Skeeve, That's a lot of "need".
Sorry guys busy couple of days. Trying to catch up.
Feb 13, 2024 2:48 pm
Ealdwig shrugs and pulls out the dice, and hands them to Skeeve. Here. Do you understand all that? I don't get it.
Feb 13, 2024 2:49 pm
To no one in-particular and everyone at the same time, do we need to be worried about this unannounced, um, guest? Are we gearing up?
Feb 13, 2024 3:49 pm
Not a problem!
Skeeve says, "Yes, it really is that big of a need. Simply put, they are practice tools to allow me to learn how to control the Matrix Nodes."

As he takes the dice from Ealdwig, Skeeve hands over the older dice he has, so Ealdwig will still have some dice to play with. He will turn over the Caster crossbow if Ealdwig wants it. And regardless, Skeeve will remember the "future considerations", too. Regardless, Skeeve finishes with a hearty, "Thank you!"

Skeeve also volunteers to go down and greet the visitor. He can wait either inside the room when the visitor arrives, or outside the door, then enter after the visitor arrives. He's flexible. :-)
Last edited Feb 13, 2024 3:51 pm
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