The Manor

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Feb 3, 2024 5:07 pm
Blornvid and Ealdwig blink at this charming and unassuming fellow smiling reassuringly at the rough giant. Must be something from his time among the fey?

The man seems uninterested as all he does is grunt in acknowledgement. He steps forward slightly to reveal his face and glares down at Skeeve. Fine. Tell the lady to stay away. then turns and steps back into the shadows of the building and whistling, which causes the two dogs to turn and move back into the building as well. You get the impression the man is not trying to be rude but he definitely lack much in the was of social skills.


Intimidation - (3d6)

(643) = 13

Feb 3, 2024 6:56 pm
Blornvid has seen and heard enough. "Right then. Back to the Manor. C'mon lads." He backs away several feet before turning around and returning along the path they came from.

Once they're far enough away, he asks Skeeve, "What was that you did back there?"
Feb 3, 2024 8:34 pm
Skeeve is happy. He got to have a little fun and definitively find out about the Kennels.

He laughs a bit, then replies, "Remember Raggy and Ro? And how I could talk with Ro? Well, I can do it with any animal. I just haven't been able to show that because we keep finding goblins, undead, aberrations, and other beasts that can already talk. So ... it was kinda fun to be able to exercise that muscle again, at least for a little bit.

As for the other bit, well, I can turn on the charm when I have to."
He breaks a bigger smile and continues, "That's probably why the fey sent me back, to be honest."
The last thing was just a critical success on Charismatic. Don't count on that. I'm just enjoying that it happened!
"Anyway, I got to have a little fun, and we all got what we came for from the kennels. We now know the situation and can make sure everyone knows it. Plus, we made contact, so if we ever need to talk to them in an emergency, we now have a chance to succeed."
Feb 4, 2024 6:15 am
Well that guy could use a lesson in manors. I thought I was rough around the edges. I look like a High Lord next to that guy. Ealdwig makes a "High Lord" gesture as he believes they act.

We're going to have to come back here again aren't we?
Feb 4, 2024 6:45 am
"I don't plan to. We found what we needed to and it's 'under new management'. I think we should be good for a while."
Feb 4, 2024 5:43 pm
As you head back to the manor you discuss your next objective. There is the maze north of the manor, the grove and mew to the south, the gatehouse to the west, and the basement. Really Sylfir just need to get her own people here to help manage the estate. You can always spend some time exploring the known Maytrix addresses and come back later. . .
A: Manor House ✅
B: Carriage House ✅
C: Gatehouse ❌
D: Kennels ✅
E: Mew ❌
F: Fieldhouse ✅
G: Maze Garden ❌
H: Orchard ❌
Feb 4, 2024 6:19 pm
Skeeve feels a bit of an obligation to at least identify and possibly neutralize any threats first. (For example he considers the kennel, Keeper and hounds neutralized.)

He would like to check the gatehouse and basement before moving on. That way she'll at least be relatively safe from immediate threats. He is more than willing to check out all of the areas, if Blornvid and Ealdwig want to. It is probably as cushy of an assignment as they are gonna get!
What is the Mew?
After that he is very interested in going back to the mountain valley and see if they can solve the night terror problem.

After that, he's wide open to anything, though checking out other points would be cool, too. Maybe the library and/or the Seer have some patterns they can check out?
Also, did we get any experience for the successful encounters? I have a normal trait I still wanna get! 😬
Finally, all of the above is purely Skeeve's preferences. He is completely open to Blornvid's and Ealdwig's preferences, too.
Last edited February 4, 2024 6:24 pm
Feb 4, 2024 6:27 pm
Oh! One more thing.

When the signets are made, he wants to test them out at the fieldhouse. Once we know it works, he wants to see what those final two rooms are, and wants to see if those two god rooms are still there, or just part of the "training".
Feb 4, 2024 8:57 pm
Blornvid says, "I'm all for finishing up checking on these parts of the manor's grounds and reporting our findings to the lady of the house. After that, she can decide what to do about it. Like those two we just dealt with. Magian seems like a stand-up guy, errr griffon or whatever he is exactly. And the Kennel Keeper was gruff but seems like if they leave him alone, he'll do likewise. Doesn't appeal to my sense of justice to evict someone who's been keeping up their end of things just because they offend someone's sensibilities. Let 'em negotiate."
Feb 4, 2024 11:44 pm
Ealdwig, pointing at the Mew anyone know what that is?

Agree, we should clear things out while we are here. Seems like a good place to stay and good allies to have.
Feb 5, 2024 2:05 am
@Psybermagi, looks like we're cool with finishing clearing out all these X locations before moving on. If that works for you.
Feb 5, 2024 3:16 pm
Also, when he gets back to the Manor, Skeeve wants to have a quick one-on-one with Witic, if he's able to.



Feb 5, 2024 4:04 pm
You head back to the manor and find Witic. She informs you Sylfir is in the tower with Danoll consulting with the seer on their plans to bring in more people. When you relay what happened at the kennels she is genuinely surprised. He spoke to you? she queries in befuddlement But he always just growls at me she says somewhat dispondantly.
Feb 5, 2024 5:17 pm
Skeeve says, "Eh, don't get too down on yourself. I probably just got lucky. Besides, his 'speaking' was pretty growl-like.

"If you don't mind, I do have two broad areas I would like to ask you about, though. First is, what were the nature of the previous masters of the Manor? Were they elves, humans, something else? What were they like? What was their greater family like? You picked Sylfir for a reason over any others. Are there others that might come calling as word about her 'return' gets out? I feel like there is something else going on, but I can't figure it out. I just want to make sure Sylfir and Danoll have the best chance for success.

"Second, are there any other hidden things we need to know about? The 'hounds' are death-dogs. The Keeper is most likely some kind of hill giant. The 'mounts' are griffons, and the Stablemaster is, uh, a sphynx? What should we expect in the gatehouse? Are there hangman trees in the orchard? How extensive is the 'basement'? Is it a full-blown dungeon?

"This whole place seems to be permeated and flowing with magic. I would like a better understanding of what that actually means."
Last edited February 5, 2024 5:18 pm
Feb 6, 2024 12:57 am
Thinking Ealdwig will wonder around the manor, probably heading to the kitchen for some food and the library for a new book, while Skeeve speaks with Wittic.



Feb 7, 2024 1:01 pm
Skeeve says:
... what were the nature of the previous masters of the Manor? Were they elves, humans, something else? What were they like? What was their greater family like?
Oh my, I thought you knew. The earlier masters of the house were a line of great mages and druids of the elven clan of the People. Elves of that time are not the same as they are today but . . . the difference is hard to explain. Humans are the closes to the original line of People but though association and occasional mixing of fey blood the elven clan gained some fey traits. The elven People, having been taught by the fey, has a closer connection and deeper understanding of the balance and harmony that can be established with the natural world. So the founders of the manor built this place at the edge of the woods to have a retreat from the social centers and claimed large tracts of wild lands to prevent others from doing the same and possibly despoiling it.
Skeeve says:
"Second, are there any other hidden things we need to know about? The 'hounds' are death-dogs. The Keeper is most likely some kind of hill giant. The 'mounts' are griffons, and the Stablemaster is, uh, a sphynx? What should we expect in the gatehouse? Are there hangman trees in the orchard? How extensive is the 'basement'? Is it a full-blown dungeon?
I am not sure. the hounds were originally a few moon-dogs and a pack of large hunting hounds. I have no idea how they were changed. I had already stated that the griffon was the household symbol and though I explained about them being used as mounts. I apologize if I did not make that clear. As for the stable boy well he always had a touch of fey magic. I assume he developed his gifts to strengthen his bond with his charges.

As for the rest. Well the gatehouse was never much special save for its wards. But once Valpip has crests and signets that the lady can attune to the manor magic those should not be much of an issue. You have passed through most of the basement already. There is however a connection to the underdark passages down there. Really your investigation there is likely to be more of a formality to give peace of mind.

Skeeve says:
"This whole place seems to be permeated and flowing with magic. I would like a better understanding of what that actually means."[/b]
Of course there is magic here. Magic is almost everywhere on teh mortal Realm. As I said the family has always had magical ties and they wove much of their magic into the manor and its grounds. Some work was assisted by fey like myself and others more gifted at crafting. Some had to be done by artificers and dwarf craftsman.
Feb 7, 2024 3:07 pm
OK, so no gatehouse until we have a signet. Cool. Good to know. At this point, since we just have part of a day to wait, I guess we will wait until Valpip arrives and finishes with the magics.
Skeeve responds, "Thank you for the explanations. Yes, you did mention the griffons before, so that was my mistake, not yours." With a small smile, he says, "I don't know what could have made me forget ..." His smile grows and he adds, "and I am self-aware enough to not criticize any mortal with a touch of fey magic!"

He thinks for a couple minutes and says, "Well, I think the new Lady will have to just accept that the size of the Manor's holdings have been reduced somewhat and that it is now a neighborhood, not a purely private estate. But that doesn't have to be bad. I imagine that having a pack of friendly death dogs on one side, and a family of griffons on the other will help keep outside problems at bay. We will need to check out the orchard to see what has grown there over time. And I am curious to see what is in the Mews. Hopefully, there isn't a fully established mini-town of goblins or something there."
I looked up "mews" and it looks like it means a street of businesses where the proprietors live in apartments above their shops, stores, and stables. In other words, it appears to be the on-premise servants homes. Do I have that correct?
Before finishing he adds, "One more thing: What are the chances of some other potential heir showing up and trying to claim rights? If one did, how would it be handled?"
Feb 7, 2024 3:28 pm
Ealdwig is sitting in the library with a book open on his lap. Wow this place is big. Can't get over how big this place is. Why did they make it so large? Did a 100 people live here in the past.

Ealdwig after leaving the library is carrying a bunch of books back to his room to consume as he rests and recharges.



Feb 8, 2024 1:47 am
The mews was a quiet and ordered place where the birds perched in silence on their individual stands, tethered by their jesses, and their heads..
Apparently the 's' changes its meaning and is not the plural form. Messed up on that
We know there are other heirs out there but none with a better claim than the lady that we know of. If someone does have a better claim and arrives they will have to prove it and have the backing to enforce it at this point. If that happens then Sylfir would have to be acknowledged as a member of thier house and left in charge of this estate as she has orchestrated its restoration. But that would be family politics so I hope it does not happen. It it possible but the chances are slim.

Ealdwig has picked up tidbit from Witic and his wandering of the house. This pace likely housed several families, at least 4, with their accompanyin staff, the household staff, and grounds staff. With the number of facilities and size of the estate it could have had around 100 at it peak though it likely had more like 60-80 most of the time.
Feb 8, 2024 3:11 am
Oh, OK. So, I was totally off on the mews. We'll be sure to check it out when we start exploring around again.
Skeeve considers all she told him and replies, "Thank you again for answering my questions. I greatly appreciate it.

"You have done a pretty remarkable job holding things together so you could have a chance to find Lady Sylfir. It could not have been an easy task, but you made it work.
Skeeve will also look for a chance to speak to the Seer when they are not busy with someone else. He wants to ask about the Matrix network.
Last edited February 8, 2024 3:12 am
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