The Manor

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Feb 18, 2024 11:36 pm
I assume the room numbers are a bit of a misnomer, as this is just a single room. Also, it looks like there are three doors (south, west, and north (facing west). Is there another door in the northwest corner?
Skeeve tentatively enters the room to make sure nothing is amiss (first roll). Assuming he doesn't trigger anything, he heads over to the tapestry to see if he recognizes any of the arcane patterns (second roll).


Skeeve: Checking out room - (3d6)


Skeeve: Examining arcane patterns - (2d6)


Feb 19, 2024 12:00 am
Arkmenos says:
Confused, who's Arkmenos? Smiling as usual, but, yeah, I'll take it. Thanks.
Blornvid never actually said Arkmenos; he just looked at him. ;)
Feb 19, 2024 12:03 am
Blornvid looks around to see if he can ascertain if the room has been occupied recently.
Rolling in case it's required.


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Feb 19, 2024 1:45 am
The room is dusty and has the looks of a dining area. The doors on the interior are of lower quality and show signs of their age more so than that of the exterior door. A few shelves hold rusty or dust covered cups, plates, pitchers, and other household items. The dust covers everything making it clear that if anything lives here it has not come to this room, except perhaps mice and spiders, as evidenced by droppings and webb.
Crossing the room to examine the tapestry Skeeve is certain it is magical but beyond that he is uncertain.
Yes, 1 room, I just tweaked a generic map to fit my needs.
Feb 19, 2024 1:59 am
"Which door? So many to choose from?"

If no objections from anyone, Skeeve will try the north-west door (just above and to the left of the "9").
Feb 19, 2024 2:33 am
Why that one? Just curious.

Ealdwig wonders around the room stopping to listen at each door. Do we happen to hear anything coming from behind any of the doors?

He lifts the tapestry and looks behind it. Anything there? Secret door maybe.

Anyone know what these markings represent?
Feb 19, 2024 3:29 am
Skeeve says, "No reason. Not even a hunch. It's just the one that popped into my head. Also, be gentle with that tapestry. It has some magic to it, so I'm going to want to investigate it some more later. I don't know what it means yet.

"And remember: we don't want to loot the place. We want the place as loot!

"Kaarik, as the new guy, is there any particular door you want to check first?"

Skeeve catches himself a bit, and says to Kaarik, "We kind of got a little system we've accidentally worked through. In general, when we open doors, I'll open them from a distance so we don't get hit with anything if it is trapped. Also, Ealdwig is really good with traps and locks, so he generally gets us through those. And Blornvid tries to split any opponents in half when we have to fight. We try to take turns figuring out where to go next, so please jump in with any ideas you have. Also, I am not sure of your favorite talents, so please let us know if you want to try something yourself."

As before, when Skeeve opens a door, he does it from a distance!
Feb 19, 2024 4:52 am
The door is a bit stuck but with a bit more effort Skeeve is able to pop it open to reveal the room beyond. The room is more of a short hall with a set of cubbies with hooks above them along the wall. Peering in you see an archway in the NE corner and across from it in the NW corner is a heavy wood door with metal hinges and handle, similar to the exterior door. In the SE corner of the hall is another door to the room you are in (NW of 7)
Feb 19, 2024 6:29 am
As he sees that his little rope trick was useless, Kaarik removes the rope and put it back in pack.

Still following the group with a 2 feets distance he is a bit overwhelmed as he sees everyone looking around methodically at the room and doors.

To Skeeve he answers: You can decide where you want to go, I will follow.
I do not have many skills as you my friends, however I have a bit of knowledge with magical items. Let me have a look at this tapestry

Kaarik walks toward the tapestry and starts investigating.
I make a test with advantage, so 3d6 right?


Magical item investigation - (3d6)


Feb 19, 2024 12:42 pm
Kaarick recognizes several of the patterns as symbols and after reading for a while reaches out to tap a few of them. The pattern shifts to reveal a map. The lother look on and soon point out that the structures in the middle look like the Manor and it's outbuildings surrounded by trees, with lines for what must have been roads as well as other marks. Kaaric is confident the tapestry has other functions but it will take more time to figure it out.
Feb 19, 2024 2:03 pm
Skeeve says, "That was great! We'll need to check out some of those other items on the map when we're done with the gatehouse."
Last edited Feb 19, 2024 2:04 pm
Feb 19, 2024 2:32 pm
Kaarik says, I think that there is more than a map here. I cannot see anything for now but we could come back to the tapestry later. Maybe we could ask some help from Valpip as he has more experience than me with these things.
How long would it take me to study the tapestry further? And do I require just time or do I need something else?
Feb 19, 2024 3:10 pm
Skeeve says, "You can probably figure out more of its uses with just more time. Do you think it also has a map of the building in it? That would be useful.

"And please show me how you did it when we're done. I'd like to know if I can switch it around later, too."
Feb 19, 2024 3:23 pm
Quizzically, Ealdwig starts tapping the tapestry symbols. At least what he can reach. Weird. Then he move back and continues to look around the room and down the new hallway.
Last edited Feb 19, 2024 3:23 pm
Feb 19, 2024 5:20 pm
When Skeeve sees Ealdwig checking out the new mini-room, he says, "Please don't get too far ahead. Also, please check out whichever door you want to try next."
Feb 19, 2024 7:23 pm
Blornvid says to Kaarik, "Impressive."
Feb 19, 2024 7:39 pm
Smiling and with a trace of amusement, oh, you don't have to worry about that Skeeve. I'm not going anywhere. This place might be another house of horrors, and I don't want to get caught out alone.

I'm just looking around.
Last edited Feb 19, 2024 7:40 pm
Feb 20, 2024 2:19 am
Assuming no one has a door preference, Skeeve suggests opening the door in the SE corner of the new room to make sure it does indeed connect, then open the NE door to see if it hooks up with the northern-most door above the "7". (I.e. trying to be a bit systematic to open up the NE corner of this floor, so we can start moving around counter-clockwise to investigate the whole floor.)

When everyone is ready, he'll open the doors, one at at time, remotely.

Unless, again, someone else wants a different door.
Last edited Feb 20, 2024 2:20 am
Feb 20, 2024 3:32 am
I would've started with either the north door above the 7 or the door south of 12 back in the entrance room, but by the time I got here you guys had already done the north door above 9. At this point, so long as there's some kind of method, it's fine. In general, I don't like having doors behind me that haven't been checked.
Feb 20, 2024 4:23 am
Looking around the rooms you already have access to, without opening more doors unless you are confident of the outcome you get a good idea of the east end of the house.
North of where you entered you find the remains of a workshop (4) with a small anvil and furnace for heating metal. Though too little to do proper forging and smelting it would be good enough for repairing arms and armor. You not that over one of the doorways the words "Georguy's place" have been chiseled into the stone. North of that are a set of stone stairs leading up to the 2nd floor.
To the south is a small pantry with old and partially rotting shelves, a large cooking pot, iron cauldron, various ladles, knives, and scraps of packaging, pots, and jars. To the SW through an open connection you see a larger room or hallway. The far wall, to the west, has what looks to be targets. The doors and rooms of this place are narrower and have a lower ceiling than the manor or fieldhouse do.
map has a 2.5' grid, assume doors are 3' wide except the 5' heavy back door.
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