The Manor

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Feb 13, 2024 3:59 pm
Your can wait inside or out but Seer insists the door be locked until the transit is complete to ensure the Manor sits not get overwhelmed by an invasion force. As unlikely as that is
Feb 13, 2024 4:03 pm
Skeeve asks to make sure there is a window and a tiny hole in the door, then wait inside.
Feb 13, 2024 4:47 pm
Realizing that he is now in another room and suddenly alone Kaarik takes a look at the room.

He was sent here by his cousin and trusts that she would not send him in some sort of traps. So without hesitation, he walks to the door and knocks.
Feb 13, 2024 5:06 pm
daryen says:
Not a problem!
Skeeve says, "Yes, it really is that big of a need. Simply put, they are practice tools to allow me to learn how to control the Matrix Nodes."

As he takes the dice from Ealdwig, Skeeve hands over the older dice he has, so Ealdwig will still have some dice to play with. He will turn over the Caster crossbow if Ealdwig wants it. And regardless, Skeeve will remember the "future considerations", too. Regardless, Skeeve finishes with a hearty, "Thank you!"

Skeeve also volunteers to go down and greet the visitor. He can wait either inside the room when the visitor arrives, or outside the door, then enter after the visitor arrives. He's flexible. :-)
Thanks for the trade. But, I would have just given them to you. Do you need the dice and crossbow?

Inspecting the crossbow. This could come in handy. Does this shoot a rope? Wonder how it works

Hey Skeeve, how does this thing work? Well...I know how it works, point and pull this trigger here. What I guess I mean is what exactly does it do? It shoots a rope right? Does it automatically attach to something so you can climb it or is it meant to shoot it to someone else so you can pull?

Ealdwig, follows Skeeve to the library, chatting the whole way. I'll back you up. Hopefully, you won't need it. He hold the crossbow like it's a weapon using it as an intimidation tactic I guess since it's not an actual crossbow.
Feb 13, 2024 5:24 pm
Blornvid volunteers to join the "welcoming committee" in case it is indeed an invasion.
Feb 13, 2024 5:58 pm
OK, this suddenly gained a lot of threads. Let me try to keep them distinct.
Before all of the new stuff, Skeeve tells Ealdwig, "No I don't need either the old dice or the crossbow. However, I think the crossbow could be very useful to you. Basically, you just put the end of a rope in where a bolt would normally be placed, then shoot it. It will tie itself to whatever you aimed at. It can work on people, but only if they are willing. Just make sure you have the other end anchored before shooting the rope end. We can practice a bit when we get outside. It is pretty cool!"

On the way to the room with the Matix Node, he says to Blornvid and Ealdwig, "It is safest if I am the only one in the room. The reason for the hole is that I can escape through it if it is an invasion. Plus, since I am unarmed, no one has to be threatened. If there is no threat, then the Seer will quickly open the door. If it is a threat, then I will quickly be back on this side of the door helping hold the line!"

When Kaarik appears, he see a young human man of medium build standing before him. He is dressed in mostly browns, wearing some light armor, an odd wood-looking thing around his waist, and no discernable weapons. He is reasonably attractive with a head of brown hair and unusually green eyes, and a disarming smile on his face. The young man says, "Welcome to the Manor! My name is Skeeve. Sorry for the weirdness, but we didn't know who or what was going to show up. What brought you to this place?"
Last edited Feb 13, 2024 6:01 pm
Feb 13, 2024 8:07 pm
Skeeve sees a young elf, very well put, smiling he seems genuinely happy to see Skeeve.

I am so honored to meet you my lord, I was expecting the lord of this Manor to be one of my elf cousin but I am happy to see a human leading here.

I have been sent here by my cousin Skylla. I am here to explore the city, there seems to be several items to retrieve here and I would like to get my hands on them before someone less well-intentioned does.

Kaarik immediately realizes that he might have already said too much.
Feb 13, 2024 8:33 pm
Skeeve laughs good naturedly at Kaarik's greeting. He says, "No, I am not the lord of this Manor. The Lady Sylfir is the master of the Manor. (And she does have elven heritage.) I am merely the one here to greet you. I can take you up, however.

"As for the former city, it is just an outpost. The city itself is long dead, but there are still a lot of opportunities for exploration. As for important things to find, do you mean in the old ruins, or here in the Manor? If you mean the Manor, expect some unhappiness if you try to take things. You'll be better asking nicely, though still expect a no. If you mean the old city, it's just a bunch of dangerous ruins. If you have any way to magically detect for and get guided to them, then you have a chance if they still exist. Otherwise, you'll just have to claw your way through like everyone else does."

Turning slightly to talk into the air, Skeeve says, "I think we're good here. Please unlock the door."

When the door unlocks, Skeeve opens it and introduces Kaarik to Blornvid, a dour looking dwarf who is only now finally relaxing, and Ealdwig, a happy-go lucky Duende. "This is Blornvid and Ealdwig. The three of us are helping reclaim and explore the Manor grounds. We'll take you up to meet the Lady." He pauses for a second and says, "What name should I use when I introduce you?"

Figuring he will answer along the way, Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig lead Kaarik up and into the Manor.
Feb 13, 2024 8:45 pm
Oh I am so sorry, I was so glad to meet someone so welcoming I completely forgot my manners.

You can call me Kaarik.

Kaarik introduces himself to Blornvid and Ealdwig and follows Skeeve into the Manor
Feb 13, 2024 10:26 pm
Smiling as usual, Ealdwig speaks to Kaarik during the walk, nice to know you. What brings you to the manor? Are you another descendant? Thinking about that possibility, Ealdwig scowls a bid you're not here to try and take power of the manor are you? That would be unwise, I think.
Feb 13, 2024 10:47 pm
Blornvid bows his head upon meeting Kaarik.
Feb 14, 2024 7:05 am
Arkmenos says:
Smiling as usual, Ealdwig speaks to Kaarik during the walk, nice to know you. What brings you to the manor? Are you another descendant? Thinking about that possibility, Ealdwig scowls a bid you're not here to try and take power of the manor are you? That would be unwise, I think.
No need to worry friend, I am no descendant to this family, only a distant cousin, as we elves all are.
I have no interest in material power and I do not plan on staying here long, I have business in the city.

Having never met one Kaarik is not sure of how to greet a dwarf, he therefore clumsily tries to exactly imitate the head bow Blornvid did.
Feb 14, 2024 2:03 pm
Smiling broadly well in that case, welcome. I've wonder the manor quite a bit, let me know if you want a tour.
Feb 14, 2024 3:18 pm
To be clear, Skeeve is taking the guest to meet Slyfir.
Skeeve says, "Well, as I found out myself, there is no "city". There is a small settlement near where an ancient city used to exist, but there is no city in any sense of the word. What used to be the city is now just scattered ruins. Those ruins are also very dangerous, so I suggest going in a group; never alone. I did hear of a large library somewhere that was managed by ghosts and constructs with stringent check-out rules. I haven't been myself, so I can't say how true that story is. Honestly, the library in the Manor is surprisingly robust.

"And if you are looking for specific items, you better have a magic item that will guide you there. Otherwise you are hunting blind with no map.
" Skeeve chuckles for a moment, continuing, "Although, if you do have a map, guard it well and tell no one. Likewise, don't tell anyone if you do have a magic item that can find what you are looking for. People will kill you out of hand for something like that."
Feb 14, 2024 3:25 pm
@MoyenBateau : I would like Kaarik to play with this group a bit. No one is really in the city at this time but they all have access and this group is low on body count and I need to condense the number of threads running.

I will do Sylfir after work but feel free to chat till then
Feb 14, 2024 3:26 pm
Ealdwig listens intently to Skeeve's musings. There are ruins where a city once stood. There may be a ton of treasure there for the taking....huh, what was that? Did he say a library run by ghosts? That could be a fun place to visit....

Ealdwig's mind wonders to what it might me.
Feb 14, 2024 3:29 pm
the area around the base where the expedition is located is where the city ruins are.
There just happens to be a small war going on between the hobgoblin and orc forces. But there are still many places to explore there or at the Manor
Feb 14, 2024 3:52 pm
Kaarik looks more intensely at Skeeve at the mention of a library.

I would like to visit the ruins. It might not be a city anymore but I want to see with my own eyes the greatness of the past.
I am always willing to work with companions, I am a mediocre fighter and if I do not fear danger I would prefer not run into it without preparation.

However, I want to be able to talk with the lady before taking any decision.

You mentioned a library, could you show it to me after we have the honor of meeting the lady?
Feb 14, 2024 4:07 pm
Sure. Skeeve's main points are:
1) Exploring those ruins is very dangerous. Don't do it alone.
2) If you are looking for specific items, that is ludicrously hard.
3) Anything that you have that helps with item #2 will make you a massive target.

That's all. 🙂
Feb 14, 2024 4:08 pm
Skeeve replies, "Sure! Would be glad to."
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