Grim City - A PBtA homebrew hack

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ClosedPowered by the ApocalypsePrivate5 / weekFalconloft

So you want a good life in the big city, huh? Good luck, but lemme tell you somethin’ first. The thing you have to understand about the city is it doesn’t care. This city wasn’t just built. It grew outta concrete and steel and outta the greed of men, always tryin’ to separate themselves from those that didn’t quite have as much as they did, the ones that might be just a little bit out of place at a dinner party, or might not be able to afford the same excess as them. The high-rises grew out of ambition and avarice and the penthouses were furnished with envy and spite. Meanwhile, down on the streets, it's always rainin', and when it rains, it pours, and brother.... If you get stuck out in it, you better pray that you have your own umbrella, ’cuz no one’s gonna lend you theirs just to let their own head get wet. The city doesn’t care that you’re not lucky enough to be up at the top of those towers above the rain, it’s gonna keep on raining until it’s either washed you clean or washed every trace of you away, and then it’ll find somebody else, somebody new, and start the whole process over again. But like I said, good luck.

Aug 17, 2023 8:46 pm
The game will use a hack of several pbta hacks of my own mixture that feels like it will feel right. It's a bit of an experiment in that the players will be creating much of the world, and the confines of the story. It's also an experiment because we're going to be trying to emulate film noir, in the vein of The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, The Asphalt Jungle, or any of the other numerous Article Adjective Noun black and white films of the early 20th century. That's not always an easy thing to do, as many movies since then have proved.

I'd like no more than four players. More would probably slow the pacing down some, as everyone follows their own storylines. The relationships between the characters will be a prime part of the story and the main source of drama, so be prepared to flesh that out before we begin.

I don't foresee any adult content - that sort of stuff was often the cause of the plot, but was almost never part of it (that's censorship for you, kid).

This is not an extended campaign and the game deliberately controls the length of the game, much like a director does a movie. I will be attempting to post at least three times a week, and I shoot for once per day M-F, but this can be interrupted by work since I am pretty much on call at all times. I have a discord channel that is optional but that will help immensely with communication when I do not have time to sit down at a computer.

I am looking for players that like to write for this game. Evocative prose and snappy dialogue are staples of noir. You don't have to be perfect at this; I know I'm not. But that's what we're aiming for.

This game is noir so is inherently not friendly to anyone (see the intro), but is also not explicitly unfriendly to LGBT or any other minorities or marginalized groups.

Please apply HERE, and if possible, also let me know which role you're interested in. They're listed in the game details.

Did I cover everything? I think I covered everything. If I didn't, feel free to ask.
Last edited August 18, 2023 3:17 pm
Aug 17, 2023 9:04 pm
This game is the stuff dreams are made of.

Seriously, I'm currently running a film noir challenge on Letterboxd and watch about 100+ noirs a year. I'm so in for this if you have a slot.

If you get more interest and want to hold a lottery or have us apply, that works, too. But Mr. Falconloft, I'm ready for my closeup...
Aug 17, 2023 9:09 pm
I did forget one thing. Please apply here: and if possible, also let me know which role you're interested in. They're listed in the game details.

@SavageBob, just so you see this.
Aug 17, 2023 9:11 pm
And yeah, I've been waiting quite a while to do this myself. I just wanted to make sure I got it as right as possible.
Aug 17, 2023 9:14 pm
ABSOLUTELY interested. Sign me up.
Aug 17, 2023 9:16 pm
GM, the link says to apply in the Games Tavern and directs you back here. Scratch that - I’d love to be considered for the ADVOCATE role
Last edited August 17, 2023 9:21 pm
Aug 17, 2023 9:22 pm
Hi, I'd be interested in joining. I've always wanted to try the PbtA system, and this sounds like an uber fun setting!

I'm thinking either the Glitterati or Big Shot.
Last edited August 17, 2023 9:54 pm
Aug 17, 2023 10:01 pm
Would be interested in the Mug or the Bull, maybe. As long as I can belt out a proper private eye monologue and peep through a few Venetian blinds.
Aug 17, 2023 10:12 pm
I'd love to join another falconloft game. it's been too long. I'm up for the Flatfoot
Aug 18, 2023 12:12 am
It looks like you got enough applicants. But I'll throw my fedora in as an alternate just in case.
Probably the Outsider or Patsy.
Aug 18, 2023 1:54 am
Falconloft says:
I did forget one thing. Please apply here: and if possible, also let me know which role you're interested in. They're listed in the game details.

@SavageBob, just so you see this.
Ah, gotcha. Looks like most roles have been spoken for, but a lot of folks have mentioned more than one possibility. So I'd be interested in the Advocate, the Bull, the Outsider, or the Patsy. My favorite Dasheill Hammett novel is The Glass Key, so a Ned Beaumont type might be fun, and he'd fit most of these roles.
Aug 18, 2023 2:32 am
I've only got two so far who've applied on the game page, but there's seven here. If everyone here plus one more apply, I might just run two games.
Aug 18, 2023 3:29 pm
I think for now I'm going to take @Savage Bob, @TheHumbug, @ctme2000 and @therecusant.

If there's more interest in the next few days I'll go ahead and poke you, @The_Librarian and @Rabbits, and start up a second one. If there's not, then I'll see if maybe we can run a smaller one with you guys.

I may also bring you guys in if it seems like we need another Role that's not covered. So either way, stand by. Please do not adjust your set.
Last edited August 18, 2023 3:39 pm
Aug 20, 2023 2:26 am
Please consider me as a backup! Big fan of noir, as a film major in college my Sophomore project was a film noir called Absolution ;)
Aug 21, 2023 5:31 pm
I've got a full game and possibly another nearly full one, so I'm going to stop actively watching this thread now. If you see this in the next couple days and want in, I may have one space left. DM me either here or in discord - I'm on the GP server.

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