Session 4: Shelter from the Storm

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Beorne Steelstrike


Sep 18, 2023 11:23 am
Beorne Steelstrike
Rushed by Agna, Beorne quickly gets the the merchants to move the wagons, forming an improvised shelter around the hut. Adaia's magic makes the entire process smoother than expected, though it would looks like Nass Lantomir and Ezahne Darmor also helped, though Adaia recognizedthe gestures performed as small cantrips of questionable use...

Once the wall of wagons was almost done, Borne turns to Agana and the tall man. "Beorne Steelstrike, it be nice to meet a friendly face in this weather." he offers his hand to the human who identifies himself as Alvan Shorthelm. ""We be setting camp jut ere outside the hut if ye nae mind that. The wagons keep us shelter from em freezing winds and the guard keep a look fer em beasts"
Anything else you want to do? Will you stay in the camp or inside the hut? Izuhn might recognize the name of the human... though that was supposed to be from a dwarf
Sep 18, 2023 1:17 pm
Rolling nature to check if Agna's familiar with the monsters.
testlum sent a note to CESN
Last edited September 18, 2023 1:19 pm


Nature - lv5, SR: 5-10 (f0-c0) - (2d6)

(52) = 7



Sep 19, 2023 9:30 am
CESN sent a note to testlum
Sep 19, 2023 10:03 pm
"Aye, we'll be thankful to stay here 'til the storm dies down a bit," Agna says. "Most likely the yeti won't be back prowling if she sees more o' us here." She eyes the tall man. "You do anything to bother it, or was that attack just bad luck?"
Last edited September 19, 2023 10:04 pm
Sep 19, 2023 10:18 pm
Adaia will be looking for the most comfortable place, that is likely to be inside the hut. She is interested in the conversation so she'll be hanging around like a bad smell.

Alvan Shorthelm


Sep 20, 2023 9:32 am
Alvan Shorthelm
The man looks surprised at Agna's question. "Me? No. The two beasts came out of nowhere. I got caught by the storm when returning from town and these things probably have been stalking me for awhile." he thinks for a moment. "You think they could have been attracted here by something?"
riley says:
Adaia will be looking for the most comfortable place, that is likely to be inside the hut. She is interested in the conversation so she'll be hanging around like a bad smell.
Adaia will sleep inside then 👍 We can call it a night whenever you're ready. Waiting to see if @RAAMtentacles wants to add anything.
Sep 20, 2023 12:20 pm
Agna scowls. "Don't know. Don't like not knowin' neither." She stares beyond the arranged wagons into the distance, but the falling snow proves an effective curtain at obscuring what hid beyond. "It'd be a hard winter comin'," she says without looking away. "You out 'ere on yer own, you'd best make ready for it."
Sep 20, 2023 1:34 pm
Izuhn glances at the slain yeti again and then moves into the circle of wagons. "Shorthelm? You wouldn't happen to know a Fallstaff would you?"

Alvan Shorthelm


Sep 21, 2023 10:13 am
Alvan Shorthelm
"I know it doesn't looks like it in this storm, but the town is not too far so I'm not as isolated as it looks." he tells Agna to reassure her. Noticing Adaia eyeing the inside of the hut, Alvan shows her way in and offers some warm furs and a place by the fire. As he opens the door he stops to look back at Izuhn. "Fallstaff? You mean the old dwarf in town?" he laughs. "Yes I do. He's my father. Well, adoptive father."
Sep 21, 2023 10:24 am
"Thank you sir, my name is Adaia. We're you hurt? Id be happy to patch anything up for you, it's the least I can do for your hospitality"
Sep 21, 2023 11:33 am
"Harumph. Young folk these days," Agna grumbles at the man's reply. Seeing Adaia and Izuhn occupying his attention, she goes around the halted caravan to see if any harm had come to those others who'd joined the trip with Beorne.


Medicine - lv6, SR: 5-11 (f0-c0) - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Sep 22, 2023 8:05 pm
Izuhn looks the man up and down. "Aye, adoptive will be right. You'd make two dwarves stacked!" Izuhn follows inside as well. "Assuming the storm lets up a little and we get to move again, how far would you say town is?"

Alvan Shorthelm


Sep 25, 2023 11:02 am
Alvan Shorthelm
"Ah thanks. Those beast sneaked up on me. Before I could tell, their claws were on me" He sort of half shows his arm to Adaia. Though it doesn't look too bad at first, as the elf sits the man down and starts to bandage him, she noticed Alvan has been badly wounded.

"ahahah ouch" Alvan laughs at the idea of his parents staked and then stops to check what sort of concoction the elf is applying, trying to deal with the unexpected burning on his skin. "The town you... The town is at most ... At most one hour walking from here. Probably best... best waiting for the morning."
I'm going to have adaia take one fatigue from having to heal more than she expected, though she'll heal it in two or three posts 🤣


Adaia: Medicine - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f1-c0) - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Beorne Steelstrike


Sep 25, 2023 11:12 am
Beorne Steelstrike
In the mean time, Agna leaves the hut and checks if everyone in the caravan is ok. "Ah! Comin to check how the caravan be doing now? " Beorne laughs as he turns to Helda. "This one be very good indeed. Always takin good care of us". The dwarf gives Agana strong and friendly dwarven pat in the back as he takes her around the camp showing the guard posts and the tent organization. As far as she can tell, no one was harmed by the brief encounter.
Sep 25, 2023 9:54 pm
"Aye, and we're much obliged that you offered us stay. That does beg the question though. Why is it that you're out here?"

Alvan Shorthelm


Sep 27, 2023 9:28 am
Alvan Shorthelm
"Me? Out here?" Alvan looks a bit surprise by the question at first. "Ahah, well I guess you have to leave and get your own life at some point." he chuckles nervously as, for a human, he looks a bit too old to live with his parents . "But I like enjoy the quiet life in wilderness, you know, trapping, exploring, gathering local herbs. It's really nice out here"
Sep 27, 2023 9:38 am
"You're more hurt than you're letting on, this will take me a while. Is this your first run in with the creatures? Say Izuhn, that was quite the intimidating show, looked like it wasn't expecting us to put up a fight."
Sep 27, 2023 9:02 pm
"It's a humble life but a rewarding one. I lived that way for a while myself, back when I was young that is." Izuhn flashes a smile followed by a hearty laugh.

Izuhn's smile and laugh is replaced with a slightly worried look. "Those creatures aren't to be trifled with. They're smarter than they let on and dangerous to most anything living that they think they can kill. I think the only reason that one left is because it saw how out numbered it was."
Sep 27, 2023 11:36 pm
The dwarf's brief tour around their makeshift camp shows Agna no sign of serious harm. With that check done, the orc shaman finds a secluded spot where she can put up shelter for the night. Time spent waiting out the blizzard would be paid in full later on, but there was naught to do about it. She goes to sleep.
Last edited September 27, 2023 11:36 pm



Sep 29, 2023 9:35 am
After a few more moment of get ready to sleep. The camp falls silent as everyone is tired from the day's travel.
Agna stays outside, so I'm gonna do a perception check.
When morning comes, Alvan offers to lead the caravan northward to Hundelstone as he will be joining his mother, Grimelda Shorthelm, to continue his apprenticeship.
Do you want to stop by Hundelstone or just move on. Let's say it will be like 1h detour or so.
CESN sent a note to testlum


Agna Moss: Search - lv5, SR: 5-10 (f0-c0) - (2d6)

(21) = 3

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