Chapter 0 - Character Creation

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Sep 6, 2023 7:04 pm
I think it would add a fun dynamic if your character isn't our 'main bully' but does occasionally still act really mean to them, just as part of the group. I'm happy to work out how to still make it all work.

As for the hideout, either option works for me. Maybe if we go with you stumbled upon us there and didn't rat us out, that's the one small sign we have so far that we can trust you more than the other bullies.
Last edited September 6, 2023 7:04 pm
Sep 6, 2023 7:34 pm
Another option is that one day Robbie and Tanya went to the hideout, and found it occupied by Emilia.
Both factions are very territorial about it, but neither can do much about it for fear that the other will spill the beans.
Like a forced houseshare!
Sep 6, 2023 7:41 pm
That's also pretty cool. And then when things get tough during the adventure, we all know about the hideout and decide that okay, just this one time, we can all use it together.
Sep 6, 2023 7:50 pm
Is this adventure the catalyst for Emilia to start interacting with Tanya and Robbie? It sounds like they all know about each other, but Emilia wouldn't have reason to interact with them other than the discovery of the hideout.
Sep 6, 2023 8:13 pm
Dr_B says:
Another option is that one day Robbie and Tanya went to the hideout, and found it occupied by Emilia.
Both factions are very territorial about it, but neither can do much about it for fear that the other will spill the beans.
Like a forced houseshare!
This sound it could be fun.
SpiritualSock511 says:
Is this adventure the catalyst for Emilia to start interacting with Tanya and Robbie? It sounds like they all know about each other, but Emilia wouldn't have reason to interact with them other than the discovery of the hideout.
Definietly seems to be the case, which I do enjoy if the others are okay with it
Sep 6, 2023 8:17 pm
I think it sounds fun!
Sep 6, 2023 8:19 pm
Let's do it!
Sep 6, 2023 8:46 pm
Last bit of questions for everyone. Then I’ll create a new thread for Chapter 1.

- Emilia's character sheet says her dad left at the age of 1, but it sounds like she knew him based on your notes. Did her dad leave when she was older like age 10 or was it really age 1?
- Does Emilia have siblings?

- What do Tanya's parents do for work?

- What do Robbie's parents do for work?
- Does she have siblings?

Group Questions
- The game starts with everyone having an individual scene from everyday life. Does anyone want to go first? Otherwise I'll determine it randomly.
- I'm new to the play-by-post format, is there anything you'd like me to know or suggest? Or do you have any questions about the game, setting, etc?
Sep 6, 2023 8:52 pm
- What do Robbie's parents do for work?
They're farmers, and so is Robbie when she's not at school. It's not a glamorous life but they get by.
- Does she have siblings?
No, she's an only child.
- The game starts with everyone having an individual scene from everyday life. Does anyone want to go first? Otherwise I'll determine it randomly.
Happy to start or have someone else go first 🤷‍♀️
- I'm new to the play-by-post format, is there anything you'd like me to know or suggest? Or do you have any questions about the game, setting, etc?
I can't think of anything in particular but if I do, I'll let you know. Feel free to ask any questions you have, though. I spend way too much time on here, so I can probably answer most pbp/GP-related questions you may have.
Sep 6, 2023 9:19 pm
Whoops. Its 11 :P. So fairly recent. No to the siblings.

I don't mind order, however if you feel comfortable as a DM juggling one thing you could do is them all at the same time - but I do appreciate that if you are new to the format may a bit much.
Sep 6, 2023 9:24 pm
Tanya's Mother, Anna, works for Riksenergi as an engineer. Her dad Viktor is a bus driver.
[ +- ] portraits
I will let Robbie or Emilia open the dances!

For PbP technical things, maybe the easiest is to suggest you tips and tricks as they come into play? Or ask us any questions, we've been around here a while and should be able to help with most things! If there is something you see in another forum that you'd like to do, ask us!

Oh, maybe it would be useful for you to create and submit to your game a blank custom character sheet called "NPCs" or something, that can act as a container for all your NPCs.
There is a trick to post as an NPC from that one character sheet. If you write in the sheet this code format:


Name 1  | Portrait Image Web Link
Name 2  | Portrait Image Web Link
Name 3  | Portrait Image Web Link


It will give you a gallery of NPC names and portraits. You will be able to tap on the each one to post as that NPC.

For example:


Tanya  |
Anna  |
Viktor |


Would give you this:

(you will see a tag with your NPC 'container character sheet' at the bottom of any forum page of this game, clicking it would show the gallery of NPCs)
Sep 6, 2023 11:55 pm
Thanks everyone. I've created a new thread for Chapter 1.

Thread locked