@Kaneda_Shepard feel free to jump in whenever here- we will assume you were there at the start but just generally quiet.
You are led into the throne room where an aging white haired, black skinned halfling sits in an ornate outfit atop an ancient looking throne of burnished gold.
There are a dozen spear wielding guards here lining the entrance walk, even though your weapons were left at the gatehouse it is clear that pomp and ceremony are of high value here. In a row of benches near the front of the room, robed halflings which appear to be various court officials sit, several of them of advanced age as well.
The leader of the palace guard approaches the front, dressed identically to the other guards save the noticably ornate sword at his side- it almost sings of the history of the blade the way it stands there, undoubtedly a family hierloom from the days of the halfing's empire.
"His Immortal Majesty, Beylerbey of All the Southern Tribes, Protector of the Shield of Munron, Negus of Narport, Negusa Nagast in Exile Adalamous XXIII," the guard captain says in a booming voice, punctuating it with a stamp of the spear on the ground.
The Negus looks at you assembled before him, then speaks before you have the chance,
"I am to understand you are the representatives of the Church of Hapi? Come to replace High Reaper Dominity?"OOC:
Anyone with Knowldge (Nobility) can make a check here, will also take Knowledge (History) and then another one that can be either Perception or Linguistics.