Arkmenos / Ealdwig Swiftfoot

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Jan 8, 2024 2:32 am
Arkmenos says:
Any opinion, Trapmaster or Sneaky? both seem pretty good. and I want them to be useful.
Both are good. Trap master would have been great in the field house. It would definitely help your team and goes will with Nimble Fingers
Jan 12, 2024 6:20 pm
I did see your question in the action thread, but I'll give a quick answer here.

There are three primary weapons groups: light melee, heavy melee, ranged. In Tiny Dungeon, there is just one "ranged" group, not two. Light melee requires one hand, does one damage. Heavy melee requires two hands, does two damage. Ranged requires two hands, does one damage. There are other aspects I ignoring.

For those three weapons groups, you get proficiency in one of them at the start. You chose (wisely) light melee. For any weapon in the group with which you have proficiency, you roll 2d6 to hit. For any weapon in a group you do not have proficiency in, you roll 1d6 to hit. If you choose mastery, then you pick a single weapon (e.g. "goblin sword" or "short sword") from a group you have proficiency with and you roll 3d6 to hit. (Obviously, special circumstances can impose disadvantage, meaning you roll 1d6 no matter what. Another thing I am ignoring for expediency. There are other weapons groups, but they have special rules, so I am ignoring them, too.)

For Ealdwig right now, his primary combat focus is with light melee weapons (i.e. the goblin sword). The bow is just so he has a back-up weapon with opponents at range so he can contribute. While it is annoying that he is entering a fight, at range, immediately after getting a trait that has nothing to do with combat, that's actually OK. Once we get back to the manor, that Trapmaster is going to help a LOT as they dig through more buildings (aka "dungeons above the ground") and more actual dungeons.

Does that help?
Jan 12, 2024 9:59 pm
Yeah thanks. Think so.
Jan 24, 2024 6:42 am
To keep this from bogging down the other threads, the magic armor available was the Feinting Hide Armor. By all appearances, it will not affect your ability to use your traits or be sneaky (whether that is normal sneaky or Sneaky sneaky eventually). It should also not affect your ability to do your acrobatics or flying leaps. (That was a great move on the roper!)

The benefit of the Feinting Hide Armor is that once a day you can reroll any Evade die roll that you fail. Since you always get a free Evade roll every turn in combat, it's always applicable. Think of it as a specialize extra Luck opportunity.

No matter what, you get your pair of bone dice and 90gp. After that, you get two independent choices:
1) Either the magic armor or another 100gp.
2) Either the pretty chalice or another 25pg.

Once you make your choice, just update that info in the character sheet. To make the changes, go to the bottom of the screen, select Characters, then select Ealdwig. When your character sheet comes up, click on the little pencil icon in the way upper right corner. That puts it into a text editor and the sheet is actually in an XML format. Just mimic the style of the text to add the magic item. The two mundane items can likely just be added in the appropriate text section. You shouldn't have to play with the XML to update the gold. If you just don't want to figure that all out, ask Psybermagi to edit it for you. 🙂

I hope that helps and isn't too pedantic.
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 6:42 am
Jan 24, 2024 8:43 pm
daryen says:
To keep this from bogging down the other threads, the magic armor available was the Feinting Hide Armor. By all appearances, it will not affect your ability to use your traits or be sneaky (whether that is normal sneaky or Sneaky sneaky eventually). It should also not affect your ability to do your acrobatics or flying leaps. (That was a great move on the roper!)

The benefit of the Feinting Hide Armor is that once a day you can reroll any Evade die roll that you fail. Since you always get a free Evade roll every turn in combat, it's always applicable. Think of it as a specialize extra Luck opportunity.

No matter what, you get your pair of bone dice and 90gp. After that, you get two independent choices:
1) Either the magic armor or another 100gp.
2) Either the pretty chalice or another 25pg.

Once you make your choice, just update that info in the character sheet. To make the changes, go to the bottom of the screen, select Characters, then select Ealdwig. When your character sheet comes up, click on the little pencil icon in the way upper right corner. That puts it into a text editor and the sheet is actually in an XML format. Just mimic the style of the text to add the magic item. The two mundane items can likely just be added in the appropriate text section. You shouldn't have to play with the XML to update the gold. If you just don't want to figure that all out, ask Psybermagi to edit it for you. 🙂

I hope that helps and isn't too pedantic.
Thanks, I got it to work.
Jan 25, 2024 3:30 am
Hey, here’s the description for that charm Grin gave you:

Cold Iron Charm: A rare mineral that loses all of its special properties if heated or worked in any way after being dug from the earth. This small lump of iron protects the wearer by granting them advantage on Saving Throws from fey magic. (Previous description: A simple lump of iron without any embellishments on a simple leather string. Claimed to make the effects of fey magic less potent.)
Jan 25, 2024 6:41 am
That's funny. You took that from my character sheet (because of the "previous description" thing that I added) but I took the first part from The Manor, te-hee.

(I also kept your original description of it because it sounded cool)
Jan 25, 2024 12:25 pm
Yup, I stole that straight from your sheet :D
Jan 27, 2024 3:53 am
What is Ealdwig taking as his weapon of mastery? Dagger, pole, or something else?
Did you want to take another trait at this point? I should have expanded traits and prestige worked out in a couple of weeks if you want to wait.
Feb 23, 2024 5:39 am
Here's what I was talking about in pictures.

So, the first thing is to go to the top toolbar and pick "Characters" -> "All characters". This is highlighted by the purple arrow. You have to select "All characters".

You should then see the following image. The icons I am talking about are circled in purple. Whatever you do, don't click the big red X.

I hope that helps explain it!

And thank you for trying!
Feb 23, 2024 2:04 pm
Daryen, thanks. I only have the one character, so I never thought to check the "all characters" area. I found it and updated it.
Feb 23, 2024 2:05 pm
Great! Thanks!
Mar 11, 2024 7:21 pm

Just wanted to touch base on the loot. The loot from the gatehouse was:
30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; Full Plate (1500 gp); 4000 cp; Hourglass (25 gp); Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp)

Talked with ForeverDED (Blornvid) in his character thread, and this is what we came up with to divide the loot:
- Hourglass and Silver Holy Symbol: We gave these to Sylfir.
- Full Plate: We left this in the vault. We can use it later to help set up the gatehouse, give to Sylfir, or whatever we need it to do.
- 30 pp: Since Kaarik is probably going to get absolutely nothing out of the Plate, this compensates him for that loss.
- gp, sp, cp: Convert as much as possible to gp, then evenly split so everyone gets some spending money.

End result:
Ealdwig, Blornvid, and Skeeve get: 72 gp, 5 sp.
Kaarik gets: 30 pp, 72 gp, 5 sp.

If you're good with all of that, we should be set.
May 6, 2024 4:19 pm
daryen says:

Just wanted to touch base on the loot. The loot from the gatehouse was:
30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; Full Plate (1500 gp); 4000 cp; Hourglass (25 gp); Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp)

Talked with ForeverDED (Blornvid) in his character thread, and this is what we came up with to divide the loot:
- Hourglass and Silver Holy Symbol: We gave these to Sylfir.
- Full Plate: We left this in the vault. We can use it later to help set up the gatehouse, give to Sylfir, or whatever we need it to do.
- 30 pp: Since Kaarik is probably going to get absolutely nothing out of the Plate, this compensates him for that loss.
- gp, sp, cp: Convert as much as possible to gp, then evenly split so everyone gets some spending money.

End result:
Ealdwig, Blornvid, and Skeeve get: 72 gp, 5 sp.
Kaarik gets: 30 pp, 72 gp, 5 sp.

If you're good with all of that, we should be set.
Sorry I always forget to check this thread. That works for me. I'll add it to my sheet.
May 9, 2024 3:04 pm
I wouldn't mind taking the downtime to practice with the bow. Not sure if I need to have a teacher for that. Do I need to hire someone?
May 9, 2024 4:42 pm
To get better with the bow, you need to gain one three more XP and spend 6 8 XP on Ranged Weapon Proficiency. Then, BAM!, you get to use two dice instead of just one.

(After that you have to decide if you want to go all in on ranged weapons. If you do, then you'll want to spend another 6 8 XP to specialize in a specific weapon [your bow], and 10 XP more on the Quick Shot trait so that you can load and fire in one Action instead of having to use one Action for each.)
May 9, 2024 5:43 pm
Experience Points
At the end of every session, the GM will award experience. You
may buy upgrades with the following costs.
• 6 Experience = a permanent increase to your HP of 1.
• 8 Experience = a new Proficient or Mastered Weapon.
• 10 Experience = a new Trait.

I will tally up the XP for the last scoring mission but I think it is only 1 or 2
May 9, 2024 5:56 pm
Ooops! Sorry. I should have said 8 XP above! I am so sorry. I fixed the previous post.
May 9, 2024 8:18 pm
Well I guess I'll just keep shooting until I hit something.
May 10, 2024 5:32 pm
I will think about boosting XP for a specific skill in weapons or any other general skill but it would still take time and you saying you're practicing etc
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