To keep this from bogging down the other threads, the magic armor available was the Feinting Hide Armor. By all appearances, it will not affect your ability to use your traits or be sneaky (whether that is normal sneaky or Sneaky sneaky eventually). It should also not affect your ability to do your acrobatics or flying leaps. (That was a great move on the roper!)
The benefit of the Feinting Hide Armor is that once a day you can reroll any Evade die roll that you fail. Since you always get a free Evade roll every turn in combat, it's always applicable. Think of it as a specialize extra Luck opportunity.
No matter what, you get your pair of bone dice and 90gp. After that, you get two independent choices:
1) Either the magic armor or another 100gp.
2) Either the pretty chalice or another 25pg.
Once you make your choice, just update that info in the character sheet. To make the changes, go to the bottom of the screen, select Characters, then select Ealdwig. When your character sheet comes up, click on the little pencil icon in the way upper right corner. That puts it into a text editor and the sheet is actually in an XML format. Just mimic the style of the text to add the magic item. The two mundane items can likely just be added in the appropriate text section. You shouldn't have to play with the XML to update the gold. If you just don't want to figure that all out, ask Psybermagi to edit it for you. 🙂
I hope that helps and isn't too pedantic.
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 6:42 am