Exploring the Shattered Matrix

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Sep 27, 2023 7:40 pm
Working together after seeing up a lead rope and shine rough climbing harnesses. Though the cleft of not to long the climb takes will over half an hour to get out of the cave and into the fresh air.

High in the rugged, snow-capped mountains, hidden amongst the craggy peaks and jagged cliffs, lies a cavern's entrance of a narrow cleft in the mountainside, barely noticeable from a distance. To access it, one must navigate a treacherous, winding trail that clings to the sheer face of the mountain. This journey is not for the faint of heart, as the path is often slick with ice and shrouded in mist. But for those who persevere, the reward is worth the effort.

Looking down from your high vantage point you see a wide valley far below. Above you snow clings to the mountain tops and a chill wind steals the heat from your bodies. Below the mountains shelter the valley which is filled with grass, trees, streams, and lakes. A ticket if smoke from below let's you know this place has a purple all is own.
Sep 27, 2023 10:03 pm
[ +- ] question 1
Skeeve takes some notes of about how high up they are in the mounts, where the other cavern is in relation to the cleft they just climbed out of, and a rough sketch of the valley below. Hopefully, the others are checking out our surroundings while he does that.
Sep 27, 2023 10:53 pm
[ +- ] answer 1
Sep 28, 2023 12:51 am
[ +- ] question 2
Sep 28, 2023 1:21 am
The hill is steep and the valley is large. It will take over an hour to get down off the high slopes of the hill and another hour or two to reach where the smoke is coming from.
[ +- ] answer 2
Sep 28, 2023 1:34 am
[ +- ] question 3
Sep 28, 2023 2:16 am
[ +- ] answer 3
Sep 28, 2023 2:41 am
[ +- ] question 4
Sep 28, 2023 3:51 am
[ +- ] answer 4
It will soon be noon and though the sun is warm the wind is cold. Looking down over the vast mountain side you try to plan out a pathway down but the rugged terrain makes you unsure that the plan will last. Still you have explored this node and have some idea of the area though you are unsure where in the world you are.
Sep 28, 2023 12:42 pm
Thank you for the answers! Now I have to wait for input from my compatriots.
Sep 28, 2023 5:19 pm
It may take me a bit to absorb this. Surgery went well, but recovery has been fraught with an anesthesia hangover and other things that might be TMI.
Sep 28, 2023 6:15 pm
post op cognitive functions tend to be slow. Take it easy
Sep 29, 2023 7:45 pm
Psybermagi says:
post op cognitive functions tend to be slow. Take it easy
Yeah, learning that the hard way. :/ Making progress though.
Blornvid is fine with hiking down from the portal crevice, but he doesn't plan on trying to get back tonight. His darkvision might serve him well enough, but a treacherous pass is still treacherous even in full daylight. "Maybe whoever we find will be friendly and less creepy than spiders."
Sep 29, 2023 8:10 pm
Skeeve says, "I'm up for making it an over-nighter. We just need to be very sure we can find this crevasse once again or we'll be stuck here!"

We have plenty of rope to get ourselves down. I'm not sure on how we might magically mark this location so we can be sure to get back to this spot.
Sep 29, 2023 8:12 pm
I don't suppose I can use my Dowsing Rod to find our way back.
Sep 29, 2023 9:01 pm
sure the dosing rod can help as can Gardakhan's spirits or a number of other thing. Again you will not be trapped but preparations do help speed things up
You all alook around for any good landmarks and Skeeve and Gardakhan take note of some landmarks above and to the side of the cove entrance that are large enough to spot form a distance. The simplest is the stream that flows into the cave but it is a bit small so they copy down the shape of a couple rock outcroppings for later comparison.

Feeling as confidant as you can, maybey next time you need to recruit a ranger or avian to come with you, you think.. So you set off heading down the mountain.

Time for another round of travel trials.
Below are 3 challenges for you to overcome
I need every character to describe their contributions to the safe descent down the hill. Either in general or a pick one of the challenges to overcome. You don't need to overcome all three but bypassing a challenge will add time to your traveling. Roll at least one test with the appropriate background, trait, etc.
You can make assumptions on teraing and einviromental factors, just dont bypass the challenge or minimize it too much. Stay heroic! :)
I need each player to propose an obstacle the group needs to overcome.
Once you have posted you can reply to any other players posted problem. When resolving a challange try to make your character the primary contributor to overcoming the challange but feel free to draw on the other character

On your way down you encounter
A: rock slide . The trail leads to a steep mountainside that is now covered in a rock slide about 50 yards wide at the trail. You see the trail beyond the skree but can also try skirting the loose rock but will loose the trail.
B : Cliff : the trail tuns out to be an animal trail. Likely mountain goats as you find the trail leads to a clliff face wihth "steps" leading down. The cliff is about 60 feet high wiht the steps being small ledges about 6 to 12 inches wide and 1 to 3 feet apart as they zigzag down the cliff.
C: River a narrow river, only about 20 feet across blocks your way. The trail follows it down the hill but if you can manage to cross the river you see a much easier small canyon leading down the mountain side.


Blornvid, Skeeve, Gardakhan - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (11) = 2

2d6 : (34) = 7

2d6 : (41) = 5

Sep 30, 2023 5:47 pm
A. Landslide

Skeeve tries to find the linchpin boulder in their way and move it using his Onyx magic, thus releasing enough of the blockage to allow them to cross it more safely. He tries multiple boulders, from different spots. There is a single roll, at disadvantage, to represent the sum result of the entire effort. (These are big rocks, and there may not even be a key rock to release the others. I assume he does successfully remove a few no matter what, but without a successful roll, they just don't matter.) Success means that the way is cleared to allow everyone to pass. Failure means another solution is needed.

B. Cliff
Skeeve ties his two ropes together, and ties off one end. He then uses the length of rope to descend to the entire length. He will try to use the ledges, but uses the rope to make sure nothing really bad happens. The roll here is for the descent. Success means he made it unscathed and unharmed. Failure means he takes a point of damage on the descent.

Once he makes it to the bottom, Blornvid unties the rope so Skeeve can reel it in for another time. He then uses his Onyx magic to carry them down to his location one at a time. Ordinarily this should not require a roll since they within his "free" weight limit, but since all of this is new to him, I provide one roll for each at advantage. I choose advantage because it shouldn't require a roll normally, but does this time. Failure means they take a point of damage.

C. River
In this case Skeeve simply repeats what he, Khaguran, and Rikia did with a much bigger river. He ties off the rope again to a nearby tree, then uses the crossbow to tie off the other end to a tree on the far side. We all scootch across and he "mage hand"s the knot on the far end to retrieve the rope. (If he can't this time, he'll leave the rope.)

If there is nothing to tie off on, he ties both ropes to himself and one rope end to each of the other two. (So, one rope is Skeeve to Blornvid, the other is Skeeve to Gardakhan.) Skeeve uses Onyx magic to put Blornvid on the far side. (Blornvid will hold Skeeve's pack during this.) He then crosses the river the hard way, using the other two as anchors. On the other side, he then uses Onyx magic to bring Gardakhan across.

With the prior lesson, I'm not rolling for the others. The roll is Skeeve's manual crossing. Success means he gets wet, but that's it. Failure means he takes damage while fumbling around during the crossing.


Skeeve: Clear Landslide - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Skeeve: Move Blornvid - (3d6)

(664) = 16

Skeeve: Move Gardakhan - (3d6)

(345) = 12

Skeeve: Cross River - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Oct 1, 2023 7:11 pm
After reading what Skeeve's doing, I have no idea what or how to contribute. All Blornvid has is 50 feet of rope and physical strength. Sorry.
Oct 1, 2023 8:06 pm
the idea is to give a 1 general idea of how your character helps then 2 specifically solve one of mine then 3 solve a player challenge. Not all mine. Then 4 leave a challenge for the others.

if you guys don't want to challenge each other I can just go with Skeeve getting endings down the mountain
Oct 1, 2023 8:52 pm
For the record, I'm not trying to monopolize anything. It's just that I got the Onyx magic to do exactly this type of thing. The second two challenges are exactly the type of utility function of that magic that I wanted to be able to do.

Also, despite the lucky roll for the landslide, I have no idea if that idea actually works because of how heavy the boulders can be. I was actually hoping someone would come up with a better idea.
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