Exploring the Shattered Matrix

Sep 7, 2023 1:52 pm
Continues from The Tunnels
A surge of energy temporarily blinds you. As you blink back your sight you see a dim, overgrown, and dilapidated chamber. You stand in the middle on this channel on a square of times. A grey stone box covered in runic etchings encases black and white tiles that forms a checker pattern. You feel old traces of magic from the tile floor that hint of greater power. The tiles feel receptive to magical senses, as if awaiting a command.
[ +- ] Tiles
Sep 7, 2023 1:53 pm
@ForeverDED,@daryen,@GeneralET your story continues here
Sep 7, 2023 1:57 pm
Appearing in the middle of the tiles you blink back your sight you see a dim, overgrown, and dilapidated chamber.
Sep 7, 2023 2:03 pm
Blornvid looks around and listens for signs of life beyond the plant life that has colonized this place.
Sorry. Forgot that I probably should've rolled. Focused!
Last edited September 7, 2023 5:36 pm


Look and listen for something besides plants - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (6) = 6

Sep 7, 2023 2:20 pm
Gardakhan take a closer look at the runes next to the tiles, hoping to make sense of them.


Gardakhan: Decipher runes: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Sep 7, 2023 2:21 pm
Skeeve will concentrate and try to listen for anything unusual.

Once they are relative sure of their immediate safety, he will note this pattern.
As an aside, either this, or its color transposed mirror, was the first pattern he tried. Does this mean this pad is kind of in "neutral"?
Last edited September 7, 2023 2:23 pm


Skeeve: Listening Hard - (3d6)

(636) = 15

Sep 8, 2023 2:11 am
The runes are clearly Arcane in nature but they're function is unclear.

The tile grid is the only relatively clear area in the room. Though no plants grow through it a few have tendrils that over grew over it they have been shorn clearly though and now weep where they once had stems. The sound of a forest can be faintly heard outside. The only sounds you hear inside are the rustle of leaves and a few insects.

Though the plants now cover much of the room it looks fairly simple. The room is about twice as big as the tiles with several open doorways. A few rotting and crumbling doors partially full a few of the doorways. Through one doorway you see sunlight streaming in through an arches.
Sep 8, 2023 3:02 am
Blornvid has a look outside to see what the countryside looks like from here.
Sep 8, 2023 3:30 am
Skeeve will try to decipher the runes, too. Regardless of the result, he will copy them down to bring back to Valpip and Fiznik.


Skeeve: Decipher Runes - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Sep 8, 2023 3:42 am
Moving off the cleared tiles you crunch across the leaf strewn floor down the hall and cautiously peer outside. You see tall trees, plant covered ruins of a large city. Though you hear forrest sounds, birds, wind in the leaves, insects buzzing, it all seems oddly muted. As you listen you feel oddly oppressed almost as if you are sad and don't know why.
Sep 8, 2023 2:15 pm
"There's a pall hangin' over this place. I don't know if the place is cursed or an entrenched sadness resonates from the souls mourning the destruction of this city. Gardakhan, do you or your spirits sense it?"
Sep 8, 2023 3:21 pm
Skeeve doesn't move away until he finishes transcribing the runes he can't read, then moves to quickly catch up with his compatriots. He says, "Hmm. I was kinda hoping to get lucky and the rune would take us back to where you were from. However, maybe it's where your nightmare spider is from ..."

Skeeve thinks for a moment, then says, "Guys, before we go out and do any exploration, I want to ask you something. Neither Gardakhan nor I can move the tiles quickly. Should we pre-set the tiles to our home location now in case we need to leave in a hurry? Or should we not in case there is anyone here who can actually use the tiles?"
Sep 8, 2023 6:07 pm
"Good idea to prepare an escape route. Maybe leave only 1 or 2 bad tiles to avoid giving away our full address?"
He looks around nervously at the mention of the nightmarish spider. After all it had the power to become invisible.

Taking some confort in numbers, Gardakhan concentrates and asks the spirits about this place.
"What is this place? Why does it feels so sad?"
Sep 8, 2023 7:04 pm
GeneralET says:
"Good idea to prepare an escape route. Maybe leave only 1 or 2 bad tiles to avoid giving away our full address?"
Sep 8, 2023 7:51 pm
Skeeve says, "Good idea." While Gardakhan is searching the area with his spirits, Skeeve moves the tiles around to a pure V pattern. (It just pinches the bottom corners in one square.)
[ +- ] Tiles
"Do you think that works well enough?"

Once that is all done, he says, "I remember that we were told we can use the Tile Tablet to determine how far we are away from the other tablet. In other words, we can see how far we are away from the camp. But, we only get to do it once a day. Do we want to use it now?"
Last edited September 8, 2023 7:55 pm
Sep 8, 2023 11:00 pm
Your arrival obviously had some sort of affect on the tiles and thing on it. Based on your observations this is not likely to have been done recently or the plants would have grown to mostly avoid it. Skeeve and Gardakhan arrange the tiles together and soon have it prepared fo a quick get away should the need arise.
Sep 9, 2023 12:36 am

I thought I asked the spirits already about the place 😉
GeneralET says:

Taking some confort in numbers, Gardakhan concentrates and asks the spirits about this place.
"What is this place? Why does it feels so sad?"
Sep 9, 2023 12:48 am
Yeah, LOL. That confused me a bit as I thought you were talking to the party. In the future give me a roll any time you try to gain information from the spirits.
Gardakan focuses a moment and reaches out to any receptive spirits nearby. . . .
Soon a wisp of spiritual consciousness appears in front of him. The spirit has long lost all semblance of its former existence and is now simply a floating orb. It reaches out a ethereal tendril and upon contact with the shaman transfers a series of images accompanied by emotions.

The city, bright and vibrant, full of people working in harmony with nature and fey. Joy

The city troubled as more soldiers are trained and taken away Sorrow

A crumpled letter. Families crying and raging at soldiers. Grief/Rage

A massive elemental walking through the city casually shattering most buildings Fear

An archdruid restoring the heart of the city making it safa again Relief/Hope

The sky shattering as storms rage, people flee to the heart, a flash of green Fear

The city in ruins, animals do not stay here, the plants grow Weary


shaman Test - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Sep 9, 2023 6:11 pm
After Gardakhan passes this information along to Skeeve and Blornvid, Blornvid is at a loss for words. He shakes his head in dismay. He then proceeds to determine whether there's more to the building that they're in or if providing shelter to the stones is the purpose of the structure.
Sep 9, 2023 6:27 pm
The looking down the connected corridors building appears quite extensive. Walking a short ways down each you note that light spills into several of the rooms. You also find several staircases, two leading up and one down. (no sign of any creatures, or spider web). As you explore you occasionally hear a soft hissing noise but you can not isolate its source.
Sep 9, 2023 6:28 pm
Skeeve says, "OK, we have a peaceful city that gets involved in war, distant at first, but eventually war comes to it. It is devastated by by an elemental attack, but partially recovers, until it is finally smashed. And somehow the plants are the eventual victors with no survivors.

"Well, it looks like we can either try to find the city center, or move on to the next pattern."
Sep 10, 2023 9:04 pm
"I'm beginning to suspect that the plants here have taken over, and I'm not saying that it's just years, or decades, of abandonment. I'm thinking that they've literally taken over and snuff off any attempt to re-take this place by any building species, whether it be folk, beaver, or spider. That soft hissing sound we here: I think it's vines a creepin' up on us.

"I'm sure that sounds like paranoia, but if either of you feel compelled to stay and explore, I'll stay. But Skeeve should be ready to summon a wall of flame or somesuch if it comes down to it."
Last edited September 10, 2023 9:05 pm
Sep 11, 2023 2:48 am
Well, if we are right at the city center, we can try to find loot. I imagine there is likely to be some potent magic used in the final battles. And if the surrounds are potent enough, it is likely to not have been looted yet. Then again, they did lose and we are surrounded by the victors. As such, I'm up for trying the next pattern before the tree falls on us.
@Psybermagi, Just to be clear, Fiznik sent us here using his magic, not the gem. So the gem still has three charges, correct?
I do think we should use the tablet to determine distance and direction before leaving so we don't have to come back.
Last edited September 11, 2023 2:48 am
Sep 11, 2023 5:24 pm
Gardakhan agrees with Skeeve regarding the tablet.
"Let see how far we are from the cavern. Once back we might learn a thing or two about this place by asking around. Perhaps a legend or an old tale will come up."

Moving torwards the outside of the building.
"Let's get a quick view outside see if we can get a distinct feature to help our research, Then we are out of here. "
Last edited September 11, 2023 5:31 pm
Sep 11, 2023 6:03 pm
Fiznik powered your outbound teleport so you have 3 charges
Activation the tablet you learn Paphos, and the expedition base, is to the east-south-east about a days hard travel or 2 at an easier pace. (30 miles of so)

Moving out of the building cautiously you look around.

A crumbling city dry into the forest and now overrun by it greets your searching gaze. Wide roads wander between massive trees that reach well over a hundred feet tall. Fountains have become ponds and thick vines have grown over most buildings. As your step outside you hear the rustling hiding sounds more clearly. The sound is nearly constant but it's source changes from moment to moment and comes from multiple directions at once making it hard to pinpoint.
Sep 11, 2023 6:47 pm
Do we appear to be in the heart of the city, or do we appear to be on the periphery?
Sep 11, 2023 7:39 pm
There city spreads out in all directions. There are a few larger building towards one direction.
Sep 11, 2023 8:22 pm
Immediately after getting the reading from the tablet, Skeeve writes down the information. After that he joins the others just outside the building we are in.

Pointing to the larger buildings, Skeeve says, "It looks like the city center is most likely over there. There seems to be some clear roads, but I'm ready for the next destination. I don't want to find out what all of that rustling noise is."

At that, Skeeve heads back to the tile platform and starts shuffling the tiles around to the next destination. He is using Pattern 1.
Sep 11, 2023 8:48 pm
Taking mental notes, Gardakhan follows Skeeve back to the tile room, ready for the next destination.
Sep 11, 2023 9:43 pm
Blornvid joins the others, keeping an ear open for any patterns to the rustling.
Sep 12, 2023 4:28 am
Assuming you meant pattern 2(?) as you arrived here with pattern 1. I updated the label on the ~Tiny Info~ sheet.
If you try pattern 1 it will have no affect. That you know of.... :)
Yeah, there is another player I was planning on having you run into here but they are MIA at the moment.
I let you check it out but as they have been offline for days now I see no reason to try to keep you here
Back in the tile chamber the rustling sound is muted and you hear it less often. Skeeve and Gardakhan work together to shift the tiles into a new arrangement.
Sep 12, 2023 1:26 pm
Well, before we go, all we need to hear is a cry out or something to indicate we really should check things out. It's just that if it is us against a whole actively hostile forest, we need to go. If the forest was hostile because of a separate intelligence, then we can investigate because that intelligence is probably gone now. Or at least in hibernation.

I hate thwarting the GM. (I enjoy beating or skipping a puzzle, trap, or encounter. I hate just outright circumventing a whole dungeon or adventure.) Give us an entry other that the forest's tendrils all searching for invaders and we will check things out!

On a totally separate point, I had originally wanted to use, and thought we had used, Gardakhan's pattern. That's why I moved to Pattern 1. Since I misunderstood, then, yes, Pattern 2 is what he'd try next.
Sep 12, 2023 2:42 pm
If the player returns I can always find another way to get them into the main story area so no worries.
I plan to use the tiles for future story expansion. As you have, at the moment, limited known addresses I am not going to give anymore spoilers on the location.
With the pattern set to the next stop Skeeve pulls out the gem and releases it's power into the tiles. Once again s surge of energy temporarily blinds you. As you blink back your sight you see that you now stand in a cavernous expanse, surrounded by forest of towering fungi that bathes the surroundings in an eerie, otherworldly glow. These luminescent mushrooms come in various colors, casting surreal, shifting patterns of light and shadow on the uneven stone floor. The tiles are in the midsts of a dense groove of the mushrooms. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth, and the hushed rustling of unseen creatures fills the cavern.

Heading the sounds of fishing eatery you peer through the first and see a vast river flowing through the fungal forest. The water glows with an eerie blue luminescence, revealing the sharp, crystalline formations that line the riverbanks. A small abandoned boat is pulled up on the river band nearby. A lantern attached to a pole from the prow is barely needed in the ethereal glow of the river waters.

Looking down the river towards a muted thunderous sound you see the river vanish into a massive abyss that stretches as far as the eye can see. A breeze from the casam is thin and acrid, and strange, otherworldly sounds echo from below. Perilous bridges of spider silk span the gap, offering the only means of traversing this perilous void.
Sep 12, 2023 5:22 pm
Not looking for more spoilers. :-)
I was just offering to back out of the decision to make the next jump if it would make things work better.

On to present circumstances: The river disappears into a massive chasm that appears as an abyss, likely due to the light quickly fading into darkness due to its vast size. Does the river flow INTO or OUT OF the chasm/abyss? How strong does the current look?

The "thunderous sound": in my mind, that evokes the loud sound of crashing water over a waterfall. Do we see such a waterfall, or is it in the darkness? Or is it a different type of thunderous sound all together?
Skeeve takes in their new surroundings and says, "Wow. It's been a while since I have seen anything like this. I wonder who owns the boat?"
Sep 13, 2023 12:58 am
The river flows from deep within or beyond the fungal forrext and pours into the depth of the gorge and faint clpouds of mist curl around the lip where it falls.. The river itself is over a hundred feet across but as for it's depth and current you will have to get closer to learn these things.
Sep 13, 2023 2:37 am
I guess we're walking down to the river where the boat is parked. Maybe we'll spot the owner.
Sep 13, 2023 2:56 am
Yeah, that seems to be a reasonable point to check out first. If we find someone, maybe they'll talk first.

Since we seem to have indication of some kind of wildlife here, I am sure we'll all keep a look out for such. And Skeeve will keep an eye out for Screaming and Violent Fungi, too. No reason to endure those again.

Also, as we move out, Skeeve will pay particular attention to where the pad is so we don't lose it. If necessary, he is not above causing some damage so it is easy to find again. He will also note that this pattern is for an underground fungal forest.
Sep 13, 2023 12:38 pm
The thick grove of fungus around the tiles is a bit too common in its appearance so Skeeve marks a few nearby stems to help locat it later if needed as you head towars the river. The high cavern ceiling is out of sight and both Blornvid and Skeeve are alert for any potentia attacks from above and remind Gardakhan about the fisher they encountered.

Moving through the mushroom that vary in size from a couple inches to tens of feet talll Skeeve does spot a vilent fungus and you skirt it area and soon reach the river bank. The boat is a simple canoe about 3 feet long made from a cut out fungus stem from the looks of it. Inside are a couple of paddles. The lantern has a fant scent of oil smoke making Blornvid guess it has not been here long but there are no noticable tracks in the nearby mud other than the ones you have made. The river is somewhat opaque making it hard to tell but it looks to be not too deep near the shore and a simple test reveals the current to be slow at this point. Tossing a mushroom head out as far as possible, turning out to be not that far due to the light nature of the thing, shows it is a bit faster futher out into the middle.
Sep 13, 2023 2:43 pm
Are there any small, flat, round river rocks nearby, or is it just mud? If there is, Skeeve will take a couple and skip them out into the water. The point is to see if there is any reaction from anything in the water. He doesn't expect anything, but might as well find out.

Also, he will try to look around and see if there is a path or anything that looks like it could be a path leading to or from the little dock river bank they are on. If someone landed here recently, then they had to have been going somewhere. He is trying to see if there is anything that would indicate where they were going.


Skeeve: Searching for a Path (with focus) - (3d6)

(633) = 12

Sep 14, 2023 2:11 am
The area is mostly mud and hard packed dirty but you find a stone to toss but get no reaction. This close to the waterfall, which is only a one to two hundred yards downriver. This doesn't really surprise you.

The river bank is bare of any trail other than being cleared off any fungus but the water. This must be used fairly frequently to keep the fungus from sprouting.
Sep 14, 2023 2:37 am
"Maybe we should consider heading upstream a bit before crossing? We're a wee bit too close to the crevasse for my taste. Of course, it would be nice if we could find who owns this boat. I don't want to be leave 'em stranded or be accused of stealing."
Sep 14, 2023 2:52 am
Gardakhan can use the boat himself, or Blornvid might be able to use it is he is careful, but there is no way two or three of you can use ut to cross the river.


Secret Roll

Sep 14, 2023 3:56 pm
"There is much risk in riding this boat that close to the waterfall. But someone must be doing it fairly frequently. Does one of you have a rope. I could try to summon a water spirit to counteract the current and go see what's on the other side. But I must admit I'm a bit scared of going alone. Perhaps first we should try to see if the person this boat belongs to is nearby? I'll check what the spirit of this place tells me.

Gardakhan close his eyes for a moment and ask the spirits to guide him torwards the owner of the boat.

Sorry busy day yesterday...
Trying to get a direction on the boat owner similarly to what was done to track the spider


Gardakhan: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Sep 14, 2023 4:25 pm
Did not realize it was a one-small-person boat. (And that Skeeve is not small enough to even try.) Good to know.
Skeeve says, "Well, we could bring out the little metal monster Valpip gave us and have it fly around taking a look. We just have to be careful to protect the operator. Also, I'd rather not go floating around in the boat, especially considering I can't even use it. I think if we are going to explore more, it should be around here, not across the river. I think we should look a bit either going up or down the side of the river. The shore is too well-trod. There has to be something or someone near here. And with a manually built boat, there has to be a thinking person somewhere nearby. No guarantee they are friendly, of course, but someone should be relatively close by on this side of the river."
Based on the tiny boat and based nature of the flora here, Skeeve is expecting some kind of subterranean fey or fey-adjacent type creature. He is continually looking around the shore and edges of the muddy area to see if he can spot anything.
Sep 14, 2023 4:49 pm
To Gardakhan: "Aye, I do. But only 50 feet. Not enough to span this river."

To Skeeve: "Let's see what we can spot with our own eyes before we start futzin' with Valpip's contraption."
Sep 14, 2023 5:23 pm
Skeeve says, "The river is too wide to get across with rope. If it was narrower, I could use my magic crossbow to anchor it to a fungus trunk on the far side, but here it is just too wide to even see the far side. I still think out best chance to find someone is on this side of the river."

On the metal monster, Skeeve says, "I'm OK with waiting. I was just thinking it could help us look where we can't reach. Like we can't see the far side of the river or even see the roof of the this giant cavern."
Sep 15, 2023 1:31 am
Gardakhan calls on the spirits but these spirits are odd anf treat him hostily. Though he gets no help from them imediately he keeps trying .As you move upriver you see a some signs of animal life including a few insects, some scat, and a few particular mushrooms show signs of being grazed upon.
Gardakhan finally gets a better feel for the local spirits and manages to get the vaguest of responces from one in reguards to his inquiry.
Back and forth it goes crawling morning and night. On the boat and on its many legs it goes.

Everyone discribe you actions as you head upstream and roll a save test
Sep 15, 2023 1:53 am
Blornvid has been looking around for signs of animal life and intelligent life.


Mystery Upriver Save - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Sep 15, 2023 4:26 am
Skeeve is scouring for clues himself.


Skeeve: Mystery River Save - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Sep 15, 2023 4:43 am
Besides the canoe landing near the tile grove you have bit seen any signs of intelligence though you do notice more signs of animal life the further from the falls for travel up the river.
Sep 15, 2023 4:50 am
I don't think we want to go too far. We have already had some success here. While meeting a non-enemy would be a huge win, just seeing what we've seen will likely be useful to our patrons.
Sep 15, 2023 2:31 pm
"The spirits talks about a crawling thing with many legs. Considering the spider web all around I'm considering it might be the lair of the one that plagues my tribe. If its the case be careful it can turn invisible"

He tries to call forth a water spirit to create fog around the group and below the dwarf shoulder hoping it would reveal the movements of invisible foes approaching.


Gardakhan: Call water spirit Test DC: 5 - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Sep 15, 2023 3:11 pm
The spirit tries to fill as large an area as possible an manages to fill an area low to the ground 10' around you. Gardakhan is slightly distracted as he keeps part of his powers focused on guiding the spirit to stay close and following his wishes.
[ +- ] OOC FYI : spell touched/shaman effects & reasoning
Sep 15, 2023 3:52 pm
Skeeve says, "I don't want to go too far up the river. If we don't find anything or anyone, I'm willing to call it a try and head back to the tiles."
Seeing the comment about spider webs, I went back and rechecked all the descriptions. I didn't see anything about spider webs directly, but I *did* see mention of bridges crossing the river that were made of spider silk. How many bridges? How frequently? How high up? And, no, I don't want to try to use them at the moment.
Sep 15, 2023 6:06 pm
Several bundles of strands were seen crossing the crevice but you never walked up to look down in.
Sep 15, 2023 6:14 pm
How long have we been walking upstream? An hour? Less?
Blornvid sighs. "I'm starting to think that what there is to see here is down by the falls. The increase in animal sounds as we get further away from the falls tells me that this leads to more wilderness. There may be settlements, but not for awhile.

"Of course, that could also mean that there's a predator lurking near the falls that scares the wildlife away."
Sep 15, 2023 6:36 pm
That's up to you. You traveled at least 10 minutes
You make your way back to the area you started in and the boat is gone.


Secret Roll

Sep 15, 2023 7:09 pm
10-15 minutes is about a good time to check.
Skeeve says, "Well, so much for meeting the boat pilot. Obviously, they are not interested in meeting us. Let's go see how close we can get to those falls and see if there is anything down there."
Skeeve is not looking to use the bridges. He's just curious about them.
Sep 15, 2023 7:17 pm
Blornvid tries to scout the other shore to see if he can spot the canoe and its owner, wondering how long ago the boatman left.
Obviously, if there's nothing to see, then there's nothing to see.
Last edited September 15, 2023 7:18 pm


scouting river and opposite riverbank for canoe - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Sep 15, 2023 8:21 pm
Blornvid notices the boat out of the river. It is low on the water and he can't see anyone sitting up in it. though he does catch the occasional splash of water indicative of someone paddling.
The boat is about halfway across the river and downstream. Judging by their position and progress it looks like the boat will reach the fast side before they reach the falls.
Sep 15, 2023 8:24 pm
To the others, he says, "I see the bloke. Should we shout across the river to contact 'im?"
Sep 16, 2023 2:12 pm
Let's give it a try
Sep 16, 2023 4:05 pm
Calling out over the roar of the falls that the boat is nearing proves unsuccessful as far as you can tell for a moment. But then the boat suddenly vanishes. You catch a few splashes, likely form the paddles striking the water but soon loose track of it. Whatever was on the boat did not want you to track it.


Calling out over the waterfall sounds - (2d6)

Sep 16, 2023 6:22 pm
"Oh well. Guess we should take a look at the view from the falls."
Sep 16, 2023 7:12 pm
Skeeve says, "I am pretty sure it was avoiding us. Let's get a look at the falls. After that, I guess we move on to the last pattern.
Sep 17, 2023 7:12 pm
As you approach the edge of the ravine, the first thing that strikes you is the overwhelming darkness. The air is heavy with a damp, earthy scent, and the silence is broken only by the echoing sound of water. Your torchlight reveals a vast, yawning chasm that drops away into the depths below.

To your left a majestic waterfall cascades from a the mushroom forest, tumbling into the abyss with a deafening roar. The water glow fades as it descends into the depths below, creating a mesmerizing display of shimmering droplets that seem to hang in the air before disappearing into the darkness below.

The sheer walls of the ravine are jagged and uneven, covered in a patchwork of bioluminescent fungi that cast eerie, shifting patterns of light and shadow. Stalactites hang like monstrous teeth from the ceiling, adding to the otherworldly beauty of the scene.

But what truly makes this place unique are the intricate spiderwebs that crisscross the ravine like delicate bridges. These are obviously not the ordinary webs of common spiders, but the creations of an intelligent race that calls the Underdark home.

The spiderwebs stretch from one side of the chasm to the other, forming intricate, ethereal walkways that seem to defy gravity. Some are sturdy, with glistening threads as thick as ropes, while others are delicate and almost invisible to the naked eye. They sway gently in the draft created by the waterfall, creating an eerie, swaying motion.

Below, in the abyssal darkness, you catch occasional glimpses of motion.
Sep 17, 2023 8:54 pm
"I'm not lovin' the idea of crossing one of these bridges uninvited. It looks like whoever lives here can command armies of spiders." He gestures to the walkways. "If they don't like the look of us, they can probably get their eight-legged minions to bind us up faster than we can fight 'em off. I'd imagine that Gardakhan here isn't too keen either."
Sep 17, 2023 9:13 pm
With the river to one side you scab the ravine on your side and spot a single bridle that starts at the ravine top and angles across and down. . .
Sep 18, 2023 12:10 am
LOL! Looks like the GM is trying to tempt us!
Sep 18, 2023 12:19 am
Skeeve says, Honestly, things could go either way. Let's assume Gardakhan's spider came from here. Is it an agent of this place meaning they are hostile, if not outright evil? Or is it an exile because it's malevolence is unwanted and unaccepted? We have no way of knowing.

Also, the boat spider actively avoided us. If it was as powerful as Gardakhan's spider, it could have outright attacked us and had a chance to succeed. That it outright avoided us likely means they are not overtly hostile.

That all said, we're just trampling around the fungal forest which appears to be outside their territory proper. We have no idea what their reaction will be if we enter their territory.
Sep 18, 2023 1:54 am
[ +- ] rpg perceived reality
No idea what you're talking about.
What do you do? 😈 😁 😈
Sep 19, 2023 3:05 am
Well, we are at a decision point. Do we walk into the GM's tra- err, uh, opening? Or do we head back to the tile pad and try the last pattern?
Skeeve says Well, we seem to have a choice. Do we give that bridge a try, or do we go back to the tiles and try the last pattern? While our investigations have been pretty surface level, we have still gain a lot of information I am sure Fiznik and Valpip will be glad to have. I am up for either.
Sep 19, 2023 1:51 pm
"Maybe we say hello." With that, he heads over to one of the spiderweb bridges and starts shaking it, hoping the vibration gets someone's attention.
He has no intention of either trying to break it or stepping on it. If his hand gets stuck, he'll alert the others and ask for help.
Sep 20, 2023 12:58 am
As Blornvid taps the thread a slight vibration spreads through the bridge structure acompanied by a nearly inadible hum. After several seconds you see some movement on the far side of the bridge. Two spider like creatures, with bodies the size of a duende, scury out onto the bridge but stop halfway across and wave at you in clear indications for you to join them in the middle of the bridge.
Sep 20, 2023 2:27 am
Blornvid exchanges a look of confusion with the others. "Should we do this? Should we trust them? Should I go alone in case this is a trap, and the two of you can get away?"
Sep 20, 2023 1:43 pm
How big is the bridge? Are we restricted to just one abreast, or can we have at least two stand side-by-side? For the below, I am assuming we can have two stand side-by-side, given that there are two of them, not just one.
Skeeve says, "At this point we are committed. Someone needs to go out to greet them. I would like to go. It is relatively unlikely that they are going to sabotage the bridge when they are standing on it, too."

Assuming we aren't running away, Skeeve steps onto the bridge, then pauses. Turning around a bit, he says, "Gardakhan, do those guys look anything like the spider creature you fought? Your description made that one see pretty small compared to these guys."
Sep 20, 2023 1:48 pm
I want to freely admit that this isn't the safest idea, but at the same time, this still leaves a clear path for us to run away if the meeting doesn't work out. Besides, I don't think the idea of teleporting around is just to pop in, take a quick look, then pop on to the next. We should explore, at least a bit. And, unlike plant-city, this has a pretty clear path for us to run away if something goes south.

Besides, this is all assuming we have a common language to talk in, anyway ...
Sep 20, 2023 3:08 pm
Blornvid places a hand on Skeeve's shoulder. "Laddie, I think I should go. I don't know how to use those tiles. You and Gardakhan do. If something happens to you, I'm no help to Gardakhan with figuring those things out."
Sep 20, 2023 3:34 pm
The bridge is a "V" suspension bridge with vertical ties between the base cord and two handrails. Other web stands spread out at either end to keep it taut and reduce swaying.
Sep 20, 2023 3:48 pm
Skeeve says, "OK. Fair enough. I'll wait here. Just remember one thing: If you feel a weird tug or pull or a rope wrapping itself around you, do not resist. It will be me."
How far out is the meeting place? How far does my Onyx powers extend to? If Blornvid falls, can I grab him with Onyx powers or do I need to rely on my rope caster?
Sep 20, 2023 3:54 pm
Blornvid smiles. "Wish me luck." Keeping his weapons sheathed, Blornvid sets out across the bridge. He hopes that by not openly wielding any weapons, these creatures will think he isn't hostile, which he isn't right now. He also hopes that this isn't a trap. He'll proceed until he gets about 20 feet away from the creatures, or he suspects that this is either a trap or they realize that he's a dwarf and not an Underdark denizen.
Let me know if I need to roll anything.
Sep 20, 2023 4:51 pm
At the point of the waterfall the gorge is about 100 feet wide. It gradually widens the further from the falls it is. At the point of the bridge the Asian is over 150 feet. Blornvid is impressed by the materials used and notes it looks to be what he assumes to be spider silk spun then braided then twisted into larger ropes. The foot path is a braided bundles of 5 or so ropes the size of the hand rails with a thinner know rope wound around it. It gives remarkably good traction despite being wet.
without getting to nitro gritty on mechanics let's say most powers work within 50 yards, so 150 feet
As you move onto the bridge over of the spiders moves out while the other stays in the middle. It stops about 10 feet from you and waves two hands on the air as it chitters. A moment later a normal sounding voice emanates from thin air
Welcome traveler. We do know recognize you or your companions. You come to us so we ask, what is it you wish of us?
Psybermagi sent a note to GeneralET
Sep 20, 2023 4:53 pm
Gardakhan wishes luck to the dwarf and hope for the best.
Does Gardakhan recognize the type of spider as the same species as the one he fought?

P.S sorry for last few days. Kids got sick and it took all of my time. Should be able to restart posting at a expected rate
Sep 20, 2023 5:02 pm
These spiders look very similar to the Dream Eater that is plaguing Gardakhan's village.
no worries GeneralET life happens
Sep 20, 2023 5:09 pm
So he is within reach. Good.

And these *are* the spiders. Also good!
Sep 20, 2023 6:35 pm
"We're travelers, passing through. We saw these bridges and decided to say 'hello.' If you feel we're trespassers or just not welcome here, we'll turn around and leave. We don't wish to offend."



Sep 20, 2023 8:32 pm
If you are peaceful there is no harm. You are obviously from the surface and since the Sharing trade with the surface has become rare and difficult. We would be willing to work with you to create trade. If this is not agreeable the we can also pay you for information on how you reached our city.


Secret Roll

Sep 20, 2023 8:48 pm
Skeeve, while continuing to watch Blornvid, says to Gardakhan,
"Can you send a whispering spirit to Blornvid's ear to have him ask about Dream Eaters? It would be a bit of a risk, but it might tell us if we are dealing with someone who can help you."
Last edited September 20, 2023 8:51 pm
Sep 23, 2023 6:18 pm
I screwed up my prior post. That was supposed to be a bold quote, not an OOC.

Changing tack, I figure the spirit powers and spell-touched are fairly equivalent, so Skeeve tries to send a whispered message to Blornvid's ear. The message is: "Please ask them about Dream Eaters. That's what Gardakhan's spider called itself."

In case a roll is needed, it is below. It is focused.


Skeeve: Send a Message to Blornvid - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Sep 23, 2023 8:01 pm
I am thinking about adding some optional rules to your session and possibly others. Take a look here.
If you guys want to add the optional rule we can discuss more on grappling and targeted attacks.
Sep 23, 2023 8:23 pm
I do have comments on those suggestions. However, that thread is locked and this thread isn't appropriate. Can you either unlock the thread, or let us know the best thread for the discussion?
Sep 23, 2023 8:32 pm
I coppied the rules to the Q&A and we can discuss there
One thing to note is that if you opt for these some of your existing armor may be modified to fit this system
Sep 24, 2023 4:40 pm
Gardakhan watch for hostile spider approaching keeping a close eye on the surrounding fog in case this meeting is a trap. After all, his previous encounter with one of them had not been pleasant.


Gardakhan: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Sep 24, 2023 5:20 pm
"Oh we're not really traders; we're explorers. We report back who and what we find to our bosses, and they send the traders out—Hey! Are you trying to read my mind? You're not one of those Dream Eaters, are you?" Blornvid backs up a couple of steps.
Sep 24, 2023 5:38 pm
Not how I expected you to do it, but it works. :-)
Skeeve gets ready to "yoink" Blornvid back if something goes wrong ...

Spirit Weaver


Sep 24, 2023 6:32 pm
Gardakhan sweeps the area but doesn't see any threat, except the two spiders on the silk thread bridge over the gaping chasm.
Spirit Weaver
Yes, of course I was scanning your thoughts. Is this a problem? It is just that the "body language" and "facial features" of your kind are so hard to understand. As naturally gifted with spiritual senses we always monitor the surface thought of those we interact with. I am sorry if you feel this is rude, but to tell us not to is like us telling you to close your eyes. I will however limit myself to sensing your aura emenations.

As for being a "Dream Eater" I am unsure of what you mean. We eat the body fluids of our prey, preferably while immobilized yet alive. I understand most of your kind consume the flesh of plant and animal alike. Why is my diet pertinent?
The spider seems to tense up at Blornvids reaction. On the far side of the bridge you see a bit of movement and another spider begins making its way across the bridge.

Ah good the trade ambassador is here. They are who you should be speaking with.

As the third draws near, the second begins backing up followed by the first. As the third and first pass they make some kind of exchange but soon you face another spider. This maneuvering on the bridge all seems too well executed to be anything but planned out rehearsed.

Good day. The guard reported to me as soon as you arrived. I do hope you were not disturbed too much by their rudeness. In a society where all are spiritually gifted it is common to touch the surface mind of those you talk with. No offense was meant, please accept our apologies. I am curious, the guard reported you asked about a "Dream Eater". Please explain.
Sep 24, 2023 6:46 pm
"One of my fellow explorers, his village was attacked by a spider being that referred to herself as a 'Dream Eater.' Not being aware that your people are spiritually gifted, I was concerned that the guard was conducting some kind of attack, hence why I brought up the Dream Eater question. Those of us that lack your gift tend to be concerned that having their thoughts read is a prelude to having their thoughts controlled."

Spirit Weaver


Sep 24, 2023 7:54 pm
Spirit Weaver
Attacked by one of us claiming to be a Dream Eater?Perhaps they ran afoul of of the the Dream Cult. This is a splinter group of fanatics who delve into fowl necromantic practices of syphoning off the life force of others after gaining access to their souls through their dreams. We all naturally shield our minds, even while we sleep, so the Dream Cult tends to prey on outsiders. We recently had trouble due to this cult attacking neighbors we regularly trade with. We were forced to take action and capturing most of the offenders and drove out the rest. I know you only have our word on this but there is little I can do to prove the validity of my words other than directing you to the others they attacked.

As for your concerns on mind control you should understand this to be incredibly difficult. While we can affect the minds of other creatures this is usually limited to sending false senses, paralysis, or direct attacks. This is similar to the magics many of your kind use. It should be possible for you to find magical items from your mages that would protect your from most of these effects. Beyond that you must decide, as must we, whether or not to trust.
Sep 24, 2023 8:43 pm
"I very much appreciate your candor. I make it a habit to take beings at their word until they give me a reason not to trust them.

"Do these fanatics have some kind of sigil or markings that we may be able to identify them should we encounter them?"

Spirit Weaver


Sep 24, 2023 9:08 pm
Spirit Weaver
Their dark arts leave markings on their spirits that we can easily discern but physically they appear much as we do. Though their eyes will turn white the more they use their necromantic powers.

You say you are explorers. Would you be willing to sell us a map of your journeys. I believe the guard may have told you that trade with the surface is currently quite hard to maintain. We are eager to explore alternate options.
Sep 25, 2023 12:07 am
Given that things seem to be going much better, Skeeve relaxes somewhat. He magically "whispers", So, can we come join the conversation yet?

Assuming we can hear the conversation well enough, Skeeve also asks Gardakhan, Did the spider you fought have white eyes?
Sep 25, 2023 2:33 am
"I think so. Will you excuse me? My companions are better at explaining our map than I am. As there is only really room for one of us on your bridge—not a criticism, just an observation—I'd like to switch places with one of them if that's ok."
I hope you guys are ok with them knowing about the tiles.
Sep 25, 2023 3:18 am
The ambassador had no problem with you trading out
Sep 25, 2023 1:48 pm
He waves to the others, assuming that Skeeve will go, considering that Gardakhan is justifiably reluctant to have dealings with any spider.

"Thank you. For future reference, my name's Blornvid. And yours?"

After getting the ambassador's name, he will say some other pleasantries and then make his way back.
Sep 25, 2023 2:13 pm
I assume they already know about the tile pad. It is the most likely way they were trading before. I will assume Blornvid quickly briefs Skeeve on anything he couldn't hear. I will also assume that the answer to the white eyes question to Gardakhan is, "Yes."
Skeeve swaps places with Blornvid. Of course, it is not done as elegantly as they did it because Skeeve waits for Blornvid to come back, then goes out to meet the ambassador. When he reaches the ambassador, he says, "I am very pleased to meet you. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us!

"As my compatriot said, we are explorers, not emissaries. However, we are exploring on behalf of others and I believe they will be very interested to meet you.

"We don't have any maps exactly. Instead, we are using a portal device for travel. Are you familiar with the one near here?"
I am doing a slight hedge here by just referring to it generically. Assuming the ambassador already knows about it, I will talk more about what (little) we know. Assuming things continue to stay friendly, he will get around to asking for more useful patterns they may know about. He will freely share the two others they know (Pattern #1 and Gardakhan's), but hold the return pattern for a bit.

Spirit Weaver


Sep 25, 2023 4:22 pm
Spirit Weaver
You may refer to me as Ambassador. My title is actually Speaks for the Mute, referring to my role in speaking with those who lack mental speech.

Gardakhan is unsure at it was a quick and aggressive encounter but the Dream Eater may have had white eyes.

are you referring to the Matrix Node nearby? If so that would be most convenient. Or ancestors had use of the node but it's secrets were mostly lost during the Shattering. Or records were insufficient to help us connect to any other sites so we accounted it years ago. If you use some other portal we can work out actual usage with an authorized representative after you return should your people be interested. But I must inform you, when you leave this place you will be followed by some of our rangers while in the caverns nearby our city. This is a security precaution. I hope you can understand the need for this.
Sep 25, 2023 4:25 pm
Gardakhan nods at the mention of the white eyes. He refrains from being hostile to the spiders but still he can't bring himself to fully trust them. As the discussions continues he stands at the back and look nervously for signs of a trap.

Pretty busy week ahead of me.
I'll still try to post at least once every day but feel free to advance the plot if I'm lagging to much.
Sep 25, 2023 6:33 pm
Skeeve replies, "We don't know it by that name, but the Matrix Node is likely what I am referring to. We will take your message for desiring trade back to our leaders. Is there any kind of token or message you would like us to deliver? We didn't know what we would find, so we have no token of our own to provide, unfortunately.

"Also, assuming we are talking about the same thing, it operates by using patterns as keys. Do your old records show any patterns for the Matrix Node?

"And it is fully understood that we will be tracked upon leaving the bridge. We appreciate you openly telling us, Ambassador."
Skeeve is not asking for anything of particular value (other than the patterns, of course). Just if the Ambassador has a message or some other kind of sigil he would like to send with us.

Spirit Weaver


Sep 25, 2023 7:17 pm
Spirit Weaver
You may take this. It is a spirit emblem. Any mage may channel energy into it too activate it. It will produce an image of me and speak a few words. It is a minor magic and easily produced so you may examine it and not return it if needed. and the spider takes a small crystal from a pouch at it's waist and roses it to you.

As for the records on the Matrix I will look through the records. This will likely take some time. It has not been used in many years. I am only aware of it from it being referenced in historical usage agreements.
Sep 25, 2023 7:34 pm
Skeeve graciously takes the offered crystal and says, "May it be activated any number of times? Is it OK if I try it first so I can tell our leaders what to expect?"

Once that is handled (I assume no roll is needed if it really is such a simple thing), he continues, "More information on the Matrix will be greatly desired. Quite frankly, that is likely a potential trade item."

After that, he will head back to the other guys and recommend that they get on back to the tile pad. They do appear to be genuine, but at the same time they were a bit stand-offish and didn't invite us into their territory. Probably best to call this one a success and move on. He lets the other two know that they will be followed.

Skeeve will recommend trying the last unused pattern before returning home. That way the spiders won't necessarily know where we are really going. We have two charges left, so we should be able to hit the last pattern, then go back to the Expedition. Skeeve will make notes on what they saw, where the main bridge is, where the dock is, and what the spiders look like. He'll also note the comment about the white eyes. He figures they can take a few minutes when they get back to the tile to do that, since we'll basically have a couple guards. :-) I figure Skeeve can write while Gardakhan moves the tiles, if he's OK with that.
Sep 25, 2023 8:53 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve will recommend trying the last unused pattern before returning home. That way the spiders won't necessarily know where we are really going.
"Aye. Better safe than sorry." Continuing, he adds, "If these spider-folk are as genuine as they come across, color me surprised. Either they're playing the long game, hoping to lure the lot of us into becoming their food supply, or they've found a way to go from 'everything is food' to 'we can trade with the ones that make things.' This batch of 'em anyway."
Sep 25, 2023 9:29 pm
Skeeve says, "Yeah, I don't know how to really read them, either. But I'm not gonna worry about it until Fiznik or Valpip are interested in sending us back. Even then they would have to send someone with actual authority to negotiate anything, and that's above our pay grade."
Sep 27, 2023 2:47 am
You make your way back to the tiles and Skeeve and Gardakhan spend a few moments arranging them into the proper pattern. You then step onto the tiles, take out the gem and it activates the tiles. The glow pulses up from the tiles and border washing over you only to fade again revealing another new chamber.

Upon arriving in the cavern, the world transforms. The damp coolness of the underdark is replaced by a dry and bitter cold. The air is cool and crisp but lacks the frigid bite of the wind you hear not to far off outside the cavern. A thin cleft in one wall of the cavern lets the wind and a trickle of water into the cave. The cavern's ceiling is adorned with massive, glittering stalactites that hang like ancient chandeliers, their pointed tips glistening with moisture. Beneath them, stalagmites rise from the rocky floor, their smooth surfaces polished by centuries of water droplets slowly dripping and depositing minerals.

The small crystal-clear underground stream meanders through the cavern, its waters reflecting the low light from glow of the moss. The sound of trickling water reverberates, filling the space with a soothing, melodic rhythm. The stream disappears into the cavern's depths.
Sep 27, 2023 2:52 am
Moving around you find the cleft leads up and you can see a patch of bright sky. Getting up there will be a bit of a climb. The stream winds through the cavern and and enters a steeply sloped passage heading down into the depths of the earth. Faint echoes of the wind from above are carried back from the dark passage down. The cave shows faint signs of small animal life but other than the tiles there are no signs of civilization or any people in the cave.
Sep 27, 2023 3:19 am
Skeeve is absolutely ready for climbs these days!

So, a couple things:
1) There's the ole rope crossbow. If there are stalactites near to where we want to be, can he shoot it and use the rope to help us climb up?
2) Are there any platforms or ledges up there? If so, he can just magically lift either Blornvid or Gardakhan up to the platform. They can then either look out for us, or anchor a rope for Skeeve. (Or, worst case, Skeeve lifts them up one at a time, and they both serve as the anchor for Skeeve.)

Will either of these approaches work?
Sep 27, 2023 11:47 am
The stelatites are only in the cave. the cleft is a large crack in the stone that ca be climbed up. The crossbow will definitely help as long as the target has something to tie around, unlike most of the lage flat but rough surface of the cleft.
As for mooving others withh your magic, well technically the is possible. However as it is a new ability I might require some tests for delicate work, like getting someone to the rock ledge without bashing them and making sure they have a grip before letting go. But not worries I am sure it will all work out :) (texting voice inflection is nigh imposible, even with emoji, so please not that this is me joking around)
The cleft witht the stream running down it can easily be reached and clambered into by the group The crack varies from 2 to 6 feet wide and is from 6 to 30 feet tall as it winds up and around. The biggest problem climbing up it seems to be the stream itself as it makes the rocks and boots that get wet very slipery.
Sep 27, 2023 2:13 pm
Then I guess we do it the old-fashioned way! Skeeve will be alert to make sure he can catch someone if they slip. If he slips, I guess he's screwed. :-)
Skeeve is not interested in delving deeper into the cavern system. He is very interested in seeing what can be found outside.

"Well, I guess we get to climb now. Do we want to tie ourselves together to hopefully make things safer?"

Once we all get ready, I guess we start climbing up the cleft to see what is outside.
Edit: BTW, how long of a climb up will it be to get outside?
Last edited September 27, 2023 2:16 pm
Sep 27, 2023 2:40 pm
[ +- ] climbing difficulty
The cleft varies from a 3 to a 4 on the difficulty scale. See the top half of the illustration, image 1,2,3, for examples.
But don't worry. You will get to employee all your ideas soon 😜 😈 😜
Sep 27, 2023 6:01 pm
You are not inspiring confidence on getting through this cleft. Which means even if we do make it through, it may be hard to get back down. (Or at least, back down uninjured.)

But, we are explorers and we are here to explore, dammit!
Sep 27, 2023 7:40 pm
Working together after seeing up a lead rope and shine rough climbing harnesses. Though the cleft of not to long the climb takes will over half an hour to get out of the cave and into the fresh air.

High in the rugged, snow-capped mountains, hidden amongst the craggy peaks and jagged cliffs, lies a cavern's entrance of a narrow cleft in the mountainside, barely noticeable from a distance. To access it, one must navigate a treacherous, winding trail that clings to the sheer face of the mountain. This journey is not for the faint of heart, as the path is often slick with ice and shrouded in mist. But for those who persevere, the reward is worth the effort.

Looking down from your high vantage point you see a wide valley far below. Above you snow clings to the mountain tops and a chill wind steals the heat from your bodies. Below the mountains shelter the valley which is filled with grass, trees, streams, and lakes. A ticket if smoke from below let's you know this place has a purple all is own.
Sep 27, 2023 10:03 pm
[ +- ] question 1
Skeeve takes some notes of about how high up they are in the mounts, where the other cavern is in relation to the cleft they just climbed out of, and a rough sketch of the valley below. Hopefully, the others are checking out our surroundings while he does that.
Sep 27, 2023 10:53 pm
[ +- ] answer 1
Sep 28, 2023 12:51 am
[ +- ] question 2
Sep 28, 2023 1:21 am
The hill is steep and the valley is large. It will take over an hour to get down off the high slopes of the hill and another hour or two to reach where the smoke is coming from.
[ +- ] answer 2
Sep 28, 2023 1:34 am
[ +- ] question 3
Sep 28, 2023 2:16 am
[ +- ] answer 3
Sep 28, 2023 2:41 am
[ +- ] question 4
Sep 28, 2023 3:51 am
[ +- ] answer 4
It will soon be noon and though the sun is warm the wind is cold. Looking down over the vast mountain side you try to plan out a pathway down but the rugged terrain makes you unsure that the plan will last. Still you have explored this node and have some idea of the area though you are unsure where in the world you are.
Sep 28, 2023 12:42 pm
Thank you for the answers! Now I have to wait for input from my compatriots.
Sep 28, 2023 5:19 pm
It may take me a bit to absorb this. Surgery went well, but recovery has been fraught with an anesthesia hangover and other things that might be TMI.
Sep 28, 2023 6:15 pm
post op cognitive functions tend to be slow. Take it easy
Sep 29, 2023 7:45 pm
Psybermagi says:
post op cognitive functions tend to be slow. Take it easy
Yeah, learning that the hard way. :/ Making progress though.
Blornvid is fine with hiking down from the portal crevice, but he doesn't plan on trying to get back tonight. His darkvision might serve him well enough, but a treacherous pass is still treacherous even in full daylight. "Maybe whoever we find will be friendly and less creepy than spiders."
Sep 29, 2023 8:10 pm
Skeeve says, "I'm up for making it an over-nighter. We just need to be very sure we can find this crevasse once again or we'll be stuck here!"

We have plenty of rope to get ourselves down. I'm not sure on how we might magically mark this location so we can be sure to get back to this spot.
Sep 29, 2023 8:12 pm
I don't suppose I can use my Dowsing Rod to find our way back.
Sep 29, 2023 9:01 pm
sure the dosing rod can help as can Gardakhan's spirits or a number of other thing. Again you will not be trapped but preparations do help speed things up
You all alook around for any good landmarks and Skeeve and Gardakhan take note of some landmarks above and to the side of the cove entrance that are large enough to spot form a distance. The simplest is the stream that flows into the cave but it is a bit small so they copy down the shape of a couple rock outcroppings for later comparison.

Feeling as confidant as you can, maybey next time you need to recruit a ranger or avian to come with you, you think.. So you set off heading down the mountain.

Time for another round of travel trials.
Below are 3 challenges for you to overcome
I need every character to describe their contributions to the safe descent down the hill. Either in general or a pick one of the challenges to overcome. You don't need to overcome all three but bypassing a challenge will add time to your traveling. Roll at least one test with the appropriate background, trait, etc.
You can make assumptions on teraing and einviromental factors, just dont bypass the challenge or minimize it too much. Stay heroic! :)
I need each player to propose an obstacle the group needs to overcome.
Once you have posted you can reply to any other players posted problem. When resolving a challange try to make your character the primary contributor to overcoming the challange but feel free to draw on the other character

On your way down you encounter
A: rock slide . The trail leads to a steep mountainside that is now covered in a rock slide about 50 yards wide at the trail. You see the trail beyond the skree but can also try skirting the loose rock but will loose the trail.
B : Cliff : the trail tuns out to be an animal trail. Likely mountain goats as you find the trail leads to a clliff face wihth "steps" leading down. The cliff is about 60 feet high wiht the steps being small ledges about 6 to 12 inches wide and 1 to 3 feet apart as they zigzag down the cliff.
C: River a narrow river, only about 20 feet across blocks your way. The trail follows it down the hill but if you can manage to cross the river you see a much easier small canyon leading down the mountain side.


Blornvid, Skeeve, Gardakhan - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (11) = 2

2d6 : (34) = 7

2d6 : (41) = 5

Sep 30, 2023 5:47 pm
A. Landslide

Skeeve tries to find the linchpin boulder in their way and move it using his Onyx magic, thus releasing enough of the blockage to allow them to cross it more safely. He tries multiple boulders, from different spots. There is a single roll, at disadvantage, to represent the sum result of the entire effort. (These are big rocks, and there may not even be a key rock to release the others. I assume he does successfully remove a few no matter what, but without a successful roll, they just don't matter.) Success means that the way is cleared to allow everyone to pass. Failure means another solution is needed.

B. Cliff
Skeeve ties his two ropes together, and ties off one end. He then uses the length of rope to descend to the entire length. He will try to use the ledges, but uses the rope to make sure nothing really bad happens. The roll here is for the descent. Success means he made it unscathed and unharmed. Failure means he takes a point of damage on the descent.

Once he makes it to the bottom, Blornvid unties the rope so Skeeve can reel it in for another time. He then uses his Onyx magic to carry them down to his location one at a time. Ordinarily this should not require a roll since they within his "free" weight limit, but since all of this is new to him, I provide one roll for each at advantage. I choose advantage because it shouldn't require a roll normally, but does this time. Failure means they take a point of damage.

C. River
In this case Skeeve simply repeats what he, Khaguran, and Rikia did with a much bigger river. He ties off the rope again to a nearby tree, then uses the crossbow to tie off the other end to a tree on the far side. We all scootch across and he "mage hand"s the knot on the far end to retrieve the rope. (If he can't this time, he'll leave the rope.)

If there is nothing to tie off on, he ties both ropes to himself and one rope end to each of the other two. (So, one rope is Skeeve to Blornvid, the other is Skeeve to Gardakhan.) Skeeve uses Onyx magic to put Blornvid on the far side. (Blornvid will hold Skeeve's pack during this.) He then crosses the river the hard way, using the other two as anchors. On the other side, he then uses Onyx magic to bring Gardakhan across.

With the prior lesson, I'm not rolling for the others. The roll is Skeeve's manual crossing. Success means he gets wet, but that's it. Failure means he takes damage while fumbling around during the crossing.


Skeeve: Clear Landslide - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Skeeve: Move Blornvid - (3d6)

(664) = 16

Skeeve: Move Gardakhan - (3d6)

(345) = 12

Skeeve: Cross River - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Oct 1, 2023 7:11 pm
After reading what Skeeve's doing, I have no idea what or how to contribute. All Blornvid has is 50 feet of rope and physical strength. Sorry.
Oct 1, 2023 8:06 pm
the idea is to give a 1 general idea of how your character helps then 2 specifically solve one of mine then 3 solve a player challenge. Not all mine. Then 4 leave a challenge for the others.

if you guys don't want to challenge each other I can just go with Skeeve getting endings down the mountain
Oct 1, 2023 8:52 pm
For the record, I'm not trying to monopolize anything. It's just that I got the Onyx magic to do exactly this type of thing. The second two challenges are exactly the type of utility function of that magic that I wanted to be able to do.

Also, despite the lucky roll for the landslide, I have no idea if that idea actually works because of how heavy the boulders can be. I was actually hoping someone would come up with a better idea.
Oct 2, 2023 3:04 pm
Not accusing you of monopolizing things, Daryen. Clearly, you were inspired and wrote up some excellent solutions. I see no reason to "challenge" them.

This is all I can see Blornvid doing. Let me know if I need to roll or not.
A. If moving the rockslide doesn't seem to be within the range of Skeeve's magic, they can just climb over it. Blornvid helps moves some rocks, particularly unstable ones, and assists anyone who may have gotten a foot stuck after slipping between rocks.

B. Blornvid offers his rope to ensure they have enough to make it down the cliff. If they can't tie the rope off, he uses his strength to ensure that whoever is descending makes it down safely.

C. Blornvid offers his rope to ensure they have enough to tie to one another and cross the river.
Oct 5, 2023 2:13 pm
Skeeve knocks some of the more loose rocks further down the hill but the jumble is so larger that it would take qute a while to ensure it is entirely stable. After getting the worst of the loose rocks cleared you make your way across the scree carefully.

Descending the cliff is no problem with all the rope you have, though tying it off proves a problem as there are no convienient place to tie it off so Blornvid and Gardakhan have to hold it while Skeeve descends. Lucily you do find a place to brace yourselves and manage to not drop Skeeve. The experience of having yoruselves moved magically out over a cliff to "fall" down to join Skeeve is a bit unsetleing but all ends well.

At the river you do find a place with trees to tie off and cross it safely, if a bit wet afterwards.

You manage to make your way down the hill with the sun still in the sky. You head towards the area you saw the smoke rising from. The air is cool here in the high mountain valley but fresh and welcomeing. Birds and other small creatures can be heard as you move though the trees, crossing small streams and glens
After a pleasent hike you reach a clear sectino of the valley snf see a cluster of small hills with paths winding between them a couple hundred feet away from the thicker treeline. Thin trails of smoke rise form concealed chimneys and it takes a bit of effort to spot the cleverly hidden doors and windows to the houses built into the mounds (hobbit holes, welcome to the shire) A few small figures, duende by the look of them can be seem moving around the hills.
Oct 5, 2023 4:56 pm
"Looks a lot more welcoming than a city covered in vines and thought-probing spiders. Shall we, lads?"
Oct 5, 2023 5:28 pm
Quick question: Which "kind" of duende are these? Hobbits/halfings, gnomes, goblins, something else? Given the description, I am going hobbits all the way.
Skeeve smiles at the thought of maybe, possibly, actually having a friendly encounter. Not that he is expecting the encounter to be friendly, but just the thought it could be makes him smile.

"Yes, let's! Hopefully they are as friendly as they look and not xenophobic or hostile to outsiders or turn into hideous monsters when seemingly threatened."

The three friends quietly and carefully proceed to where the people are seen to be. When they get in range, Skeeve steps forward (with his hands out where they can be easily seen) and says, "Hello! We are wandering travelers that are hoping you can help us with some general information and directions."

Here is a roll for the first impressions. With focus.


Skeeve: Trying to make a good impression ... - (3d6)

(526) = 13

Oct 5, 2023 5:32 pm
Forgot to mention in the prior post that at strategic points, Skeeve is making sure he turns around and studies the view from that location so he has a chance to remember the path back. He is more than willing to trust Gardakhan's spirits and Blornvid's divination, but he still wants to try and keep his bearings.
Oct 6, 2023 1:29 am
These duende look like small elves ranging from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall. The shorter ones act like children and youths and as soon as you step into clear sight there is shrill whistle and they al disapear. Behind a bush, into some tall grass, through a small open window. In moments they are all gone and those that remain have moved to cover and some have pulled small pows and spears out.

The small village watches you with cautions and a bit of fear. From somewhere you recieve a call in return. Well this is our valley and we haven't had visitors for qute some time. I believe you are lost. We can see you down out of the mountains. as the speakers steps out
https://i.imgur.com/dQ8xKNx.jpg The man looks to be a fierce, if small, hunter or warior and is obviously in command of the others as most pull back to the mounds but a few move behind the fellow to support him against the giants.
Oct 6, 2023 1:40 am
"Hello there! My name's Blornvid. This is Skeeve and Gardakhan. We don't mean you any harm. We're explorers, and we're just passin' thru."
Is that alligator really there at his feet or just a by-product of wherever you grabbed that image?
Oct 6, 2023 1:47 am
Gator is not at his feet, SHHHH you see no aligator
Oct 6, 2023 3:45 am
The leader looks at you for a moment before continuing. We are the Anhasa, peaceful folk, who prefer our to stay aaway from the world. It is why we live here in the mountains. You may call me Asa. If you are really passing through may w ask how you got here? We had thought all passages to this place too much touble for people to travel.
Oct 6, 2023 1:13 pm
Skeeve responds, "Again, I just want to stress that we don't mean you any harm. We came through a cave in the mountains above us and we have never been here before. We'd like to know more about this valley and where it is overall. If you are willing to help us, we're more than willing to show you where that cave is."
Oct 6, 2023 3:09 pm
He looks you over and waves to a small hill a ways away, while heading that easy himself Let's talk on the knoll. We have not had strangers in over a generation. I am sure you understand that your arrival has caused some concerns.

He and 4 duende men accompany you, while maintaining a gap between the two groups. After a couple minutes you walk to the top of the hill. It looks to be a place used for gatherings as the grind is packed hard and the grass is short. Stones and logs are arranged around the area and you Asa settles onto one guessing you to take others. His men stay standing behind him
Oct 6, 2023 4:21 pm
"I fully appreciate your apprehension and caution. We do not have a problem with you being cautious and will respect that. Thank you for your patience and indulging us. What do you know of the Shattering? Was this area affected by it?"
Skeeve has a lot of questions for them, such as their patience permits. Rather than do a slow back-and-forth which will take too long, let me list out questions Skeeve has so you can answer as many as possible in a single go of it. Hopefully we can cover more ground this way. Obviously Blornvid and Gardakhan can and will interject as they want. This is just to get a framework going.
Further questions from Skeeve:
- What do you know to lay beyond this valley?
- How far is it to the exits of the valley?
- Why did you try to isolate yourselves? Did something bad drive you to that?
- How much have you explored of the valley?
- Are there other settlements like yours in the valley?
- Have you explored the mountains any? Do any live up there? (Whether you or others.)
- How conversant with magic are you?

The main goal is to just figure out who they are and where they are. Skeeve himself is more than willing to let them keep their secret. He just wants to try and figure out just how screwed they are. If they are really isolated, then they should be safe for a while and he can leave it at that. If, however, they are not as isolated as they think, he wants them to know it. Unless the others object, he is willing to lead them to the cave so they know where we came from and let them fill it in after we leave, assuming they are otherwise isolated. He is happy there is a least one fairly idyllic location in the world, and if he can help keep it that way, he would like to.

The secondary goal is to get information on the valley. If they are the only group, it probably isn't worth tromping around the valley. If we are going to let them remain isolated, there isn't a point to find anything of long-term value as it is either meaningless or we ruin their situation. No win either way. On the other hand, if they have a side-quest for us, that would work out nicely.

Once the conversation is almost finished and assuming they still just want us to go away, he will also ask, "The day is getting late. Is it OK if we camp out here for the night? We will depart in the morning."
Oct 6, 2023 5:07 pm
I'm good with all of this.
Oct 7, 2023 4:34 pm
@GeneralET you still with us? Even if Gardakhan is passive it would be great if you just added a short bit each week to let me know. Thanks

Bulk Q&A is totally fine Not all scenes have to be done word for word. Broad strokes to get through things if fine.
You chat for several minutes
What do you know of the Shattering? Was this area affected by it?
They have a different term for it, simply referring to it as the Uplift and Fall. At that time the region was raised to great heights though their immediate area had previously been known to be in loland hills. Since that time they have had no contact with any of the People. This was not unheard of during the Shattering and though they lost contact they seem otherwise to have weathered the Shattering quite well.
- What do you know to lay beyond this valley?
- How far is it to the exits of the valley?
- How much have you explored of the valley?
- Why did you try to isolate yourselves? Did something bad drive you to that?
- Have you explored the mountains any? Do any live up there? (Whether you or others.)
- Are there other settlements like yours in the valley?
They never leave the valley. Early on they tried to explore but soon found that the surrounding mountains proved to be a maze that few could return from. There is a mysterious force that changes the land beyond and as you move through the mountain passes, of which there are several. You recognize this a the Border and inform them of what you know about them. According to Asa the Border entirely surrounds their and a few small neighboring valleys and since the Shattering none have left and come back so they have stopped trying. There are other small villages in the valley but this is by far the most prosperous and large, with the others being comprised of 2 to 5 families at the most. There are no other People in the area though several of the neighboring valleys have some Fey but they do not associate much since the Shattering. There are few large predators in the valleys though occasionally large beasts wander down out of the mountains.
- How conversant with magic are you?
They are familiar with magic and have a few that practice various forms. Primarily healers and a few that speak with beasts.
The day is getting late. Is it OK if we camp out here for the night? We will depart in the morning.
You are free to stay if you like but I suggest you find some shelter. Nights of late have been plagued by strange shadows that move about and attack those who are alone or careless. He directs you to an abandoned home hole a couple miles away, saying the family that lived there moved into the village after the trouble started over a month ago, and simply asks that if you use it you treat is with respect.

As you have talked Asa seems relaxed and attentive asking questions of you in kind, seming most interested in you arival method. The guards however are tense and fidgety, though keeping keen watch on you and the surroundings, the entire time.
Oct 7, 2023 5:24 pm
Skeeve says, "Thank you for the warning and use of the shelter. Do you have any more information on the source of these attacks?" Skeeve is wondering if Blornvid, Gardakhan, and he could help with diverting or removing this threat.
Sounds like a side-quest. Just checking :-)
In questions on how they got here, he tells them about the tile pad, but not on their dependence on the gem of spell storing or the tablet. When they head out Skeeve offers to have some of them accompany the group back to the cavern so they know where it is and can either try to wall it off or use it themselves. He does offer that it hasn't seemed to be used much, but he stops short of saying it hasn't been used for a long, long time.
Once by themselves in the shelter, Skeeve wants to have a group meeting to discuss things. But I'll wait on that until we're there.
Ooo. Maybe we can use the metal monster to scope out these shadow thingies!
Also, in the morning, he will activate the pad for distance and direction and write down the info in his notes, but will put it code. I'll ask about options for that in my character thread.
Oct 7, 2023 6:02 pm
Blornvid nods along in agreement as Skeeve explains the magic tile portal.
Oct 9, 2023 12:34 am
I would like to get your group together with the other daily post group that is using the tile Matrix. Neither is in the middle of anything too deep at the moment so once it get you all together you can talk options.

I will have the base use the tablet to call you back in the game time morning when I have more time to post.
Oct 9, 2023 1:09 am
I have no problem joining the groups, so that works for me. Plus, I know Skeeve will enjoy exploring the manor and interacting with the denizens.
Again, on the way out Skeeve will offer to have any number of them come back to the cavern with us. Based on what they have described about the valley, they should be very safe here from conventional entry points. The only vector would be the tile pad. Skeeve will directly ask them if they plan on blocking off the cave or not. If they do, there is no reason to come back. If they don't, Skeeve will keep this place open as an option to visit again. They seem nice enough. :)
Oct 9, 2023 1:52 am
As a note on side quests. Yes they exist. But as this is more a freeform campaign it is more like driving through a major city and deciding which street to take with an old paper map. Ooops, that street was one way and you pulled up to a cop car going the other way, good luck! (Actually happened to me in college) Current quests are
1. Gardakhan's village needs saving (dream eater quest)
2. Explore the Matrix (ongoing)
3. options
3.a. underdark tunnel
3.b. high mountain valley curse (where you are now)
3.c. ??? others characters have opened but not finished and I lost track of as I am not perfect at the moment :)
Asa seems reluctant to talk much about the attack details and the guards get obviously nervous. You can tell there is a problem and they are not comfortable sharing. You do get though that it is a new thing but the attacks seem to be from unrelated creatures that had previously not been threatening to the Anhasa.

At your tail of a magical set of floor tiles he seems a bit skeptical but also curious and expresses a desire to see them for himself. He will return in the morning to accompany you with another tracker who is more familiar with the highland slopes.
"metal monster"?
In the morning you get a reading on the tablet indicating the expedition is far to the SW. When you looked at the tablet it had a short message asking you return as quickly as was safely possible as there was a potential breakthrough with the Matrix. Well rested you extract yourselves from the home to a beautiful crisp morning. Asa and another hunter stand ready in clear view nearby chatting idly and wave to you as you emerge. They seem more relaxed now and wait patiently for your to finish your morning preparations.

With the aid of the other tracker, who is called Sanoan, you begin heading back up the slope to the cave. He points out a couple small side canyons that he says offer safer and quicker access and will point out their access from above but for the most part retrace your steps that you used to get down. Sanoan helps you ford the river at a convenient location with several large boulders and some strategically placed that look quite natural except for the fact that they create a rather fortunate path across the river.
Let me know if there is anything you wish to do before leaving or as you near the cave etc.
Oct 9, 2023 2:33 am
"Metal Monster" refers to that contraption we got on loan from Valpip.

I can't think of anything to add to what Daryen has indicated.

Did we lose GeneralET/Gardakhan? Is that why we're merging?
Oct 9, 2023 2:46 am
Ah, the clockwork homunculus (added to Blornvid)
@GeneralET / Gardakhan was still active on the site a week ago but I have not seen him post here for longer. He may just be more passive or need to move to a less active group so I will send a PM if no response is forthcoming in the next day or two. The merge is to get all you rapid play people in one post thread so I don't have to juggle stories as much. It is fun but can be a bit hectic.
Oct 9, 2023 3:04 am
The only thing before we leave is Skeeve will say to Asa, Is it ok if we return at some later? If you say no, I won't come back. I can't promise no one else won't, but I will work to keep people away. If you say yes, if I get a chance, I will come back and see if I can help with you night issue. But I am not sure when I might be able to do it.

If Asa doesn't want us to return, he will tell Fiznik that and ask that he suppress this pattern and not mention it to others. Skeeve will do his best to honor Asa's wishes, but he can promise anything other than his own efforts as a small cog in a bigger world.
Oct 9, 2023 3:08 am
Oh, and with the homunculus, the idea was to stay safe within the shelter, but let it go outside and serve as a remote control drone. Hopefully it could let the controller see and hear things before it got destroyed so we'd know what was going on. Best case, it would be ignored as it is fundamentally inanimate and isn't alive.

But, we can pick up the idea some other time after we check out the manor.
Oct 9, 2023 3:21 am
You mayt return. We will bring a horn back and leave it in this cave. If you sound it on your way down we will know you are coming and be able to come and greet you. We will need to discuss things amongst ourselves and would appreciate if you would do this. It will allow those who are nervous or afraid time to hide or retreat. We always knew we could not stay isolated forever. I believe it is best to welcome those who show restraint and manners than to send all away until some refuse.

If you return then you may talk with out leaders. Till then, thank your for your courtesy and safe travels.
Oct 9, 2023 3:28 am
Stepping onto the Matrix tiles you arrange them into the proper pattern and activate the last charge of the rod. As the light and energies fade you are back in the cavern and a couple of guards are watching anxiously but calm upon recognizing you. They wave you over to a tent that has been set up nearby and one rushes ahead to announce your arrival.
Story moved to the Base Thread

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