Exploring the Shattered Matrix

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Oct 2, 2023 3:04 pm
Not accusing you of monopolizing things, Daryen. Clearly, you were inspired and wrote up some excellent solutions. I see no reason to "challenge" them.

This is all I can see Blornvid doing. Let me know if I need to roll or not.
A. If moving the rockslide doesn't seem to be within the range of Skeeve's magic, they can just climb over it. Blornvid helps moves some rocks, particularly unstable ones, and assists anyone who may have gotten a foot stuck after slipping between rocks.

B. Blornvid offers his rope to ensure they have enough to make it down the cliff. If they can't tie the rope off, he uses his strength to ensure that whoever is descending makes it down safely.

C. Blornvid offers his rope to ensure they have enough to tie to one another and cross the river.
Oct 5, 2023 2:13 pm
Skeeve knocks some of the more loose rocks further down the hill but the jumble is so larger that it would take qute a while to ensure it is entirely stable. After getting the worst of the loose rocks cleared you make your way across the scree carefully.

Descending the cliff is no problem with all the rope you have, though tying it off proves a problem as there are no convienient place to tie it off so Blornvid and Gardakhan have to hold it while Skeeve descends. Lucily you do find a place to brace yourselves and manage to not drop Skeeve. The experience of having yoruselves moved magically out over a cliff to "fall" down to join Skeeve is a bit unsetleing but all ends well.

At the river you do find a place with trees to tie off and cross it safely, if a bit wet afterwards.

You manage to make your way down the hill with the sun still in the sky. You head towards the area you saw the smoke rising from. The air is cool here in the high mountain valley but fresh and welcomeing. Birds and other small creatures can be heard as you move though the trees, crossing small streams and glens
After a pleasent hike you reach a clear sectino of the valley snf see a cluster of small hills with paths winding between them a couple hundred feet away from the thicker treeline. Thin trails of smoke rise form concealed chimneys and it takes a bit of effort to spot the cleverly hidden doors and windows to the houses built into the mounds (hobbit holes, welcome to the shire) A few small figures, duende by the look of them can be seem moving around the hills.
Oct 5, 2023 4:56 pm
"Looks a lot more welcoming than a city covered in vines and thought-probing spiders. Shall we, lads?"
Oct 5, 2023 5:28 pm
Quick question: Which "kind" of duende are these? Hobbits/halfings, gnomes, goblins, something else? Given the description, I am going hobbits all the way.
Skeeve smiles at the thought of maybe, possibly, actually having a friendly encounter. Not that he is expecting the encounter to be friendly, but just the thought it could be makes him smile.

"Yes, let's! Hopefully they are as friendly as they look and not xenophobic or hostile to outsiders or turn into hideous monsters when seemingly threatened."

The three friends quietly and carefully proceed to where the people are seen to be. When they get in range, Skeeve steps forward (with his hands out where they can be easily seen) and says, "Hello! We are wandering travelers that are hoping you can help us with some general information and directions."

Here is a roll for the first impressions. With focus.


Skeeve: Trying to make a good impression ... - (3d6)


Oct 5, 2023 5:32 pm
Forgot to mention in the prior post that at strategic points, Skeeve is making sure he turns around and studies the view from that location so he has a chance to remember the path back. He is more than willing to trust Gardakhan's spirits and Blornvid's divination, but he still wants to try and keep his bearings.
Oct 6, 2023 1:29 am
These duende look like small elves ranging from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall. The shorter ones act like children and youths and as soon as you step into clear sight there is shrill whistle and they al disapear. Behind a bush, into some tall grass, through a small open window. In moments they are all gone and those that remain have moved to cover and some have pulled small pows and spears out.

The small village watches you with cautions and a bit of fear. From somewhere you recieve a call in return. Well this is our valley and we haven't had visitors for qute some time. I believe you are lost. We can see you down out of the mountains. as the speakers steps out
https://i.imgur.com/dQ8xKNx.jpg The man looks to be a fierce, if small, hunter or warior and is obviously in command of the others as most pull back to the mounds but a few move behind the fellow to support him against the giants.
Oct 6, 2023 1:40 am
"Hello there! My name's Blornvid. This is Skeeve and Gardakhan. We don't mean you any harm. We're explorers, and we're just passin' thru."
Is that alligator really there at his feet or just a by-product of wherever you grabbed that image?
Oct 6, 2023 1:47 am
Gator is not at his feet, SHHHH you see no aligator
Oct 6, 2023 3:45 am
The leader looks at you for a moment before continuing. We are the Anhasa, peaceful folk, who prefer our to stay aaway from the world. It is why we live here in the mountains. You may call me Asa. If you are really passing through may w ask how you got here? We had thought all passages to this place too much touble for people to travel.
Oct 6, 2023 1:13 pm
Skeeve responds, "Again, I just want to stress that we don't mean you any harm. We came through a cave in the mountains above us and we have never been here before. We'd like to know more about this valley and where it is overall. If you are willing to help us, we're more than willing to show you where that cave is."
Oct 6, 2023 3:09 pm
He looks you over and waves to a small hill a ways away, while heading that easy himself Let's talk on the knoll. We have not had strangers in over a generation. I am sure you understand that your arrival has caused some concerns.

He and 4 duende men accompany you, while maintaining a gap between the two groups. After a couple minutes you walk to the top of the hill. It looks to be a place used for gatherings as the grind is packed hard and the grass is short. Stones and logs are arranged around the area and you Asa settles onto one guessing you to take others. His men stay standing behind him
Oct 6, 2023 4:21 pm
"I fully appreciate your apprehension and caution. We do not have a problem with you being cautious and will respect that. Thank you for your patience and indulging us. What do you know of the Shattering? Was this area affected by it?"
Skeeve has a lot of questions for them, such as their patience permits. Rather than do a slow back-and-forth which will take too long, let me list out questions Skeeve has so you can answer as many as possible in a single go of it. Hopefully we can cover more ground this way. Obviously Blornvid and Gardakhan can and will interject as they want. This is just to get a framework going.
Further questions from Skeeve:
- What do you know to lay beyond this valley?
- How far is it to the exits of the valley?
- Why did you try to isolate yourselves? Did something bad drive you to that?
- How much have you explored of the valley?
- Are there other settlements like yours in the valley?
- Have you explored the mountains any? Do any live up there? (Whether you or others.)
- How conversant with magic are you?

The main goal is to just figure out who they are and where they are. Skeeve himself is more than willing to let them keep their secret. He just wants to try and figure out just how screwed they are. If they are really isolated, then they should be safe for a while and he can leave it at that. If, however, they are not as isolated as they think, he wants them to know it. Unless the others object, he is willing to lead them to the cave so they know where we came from and let them fill it in after we leave, assuming they are otherwise isolated. He is happy there is a least one fairly idyllic location in the world, and if he can help keep it that way, he would like to.

The secondary goal is to get information on the valley. If they are the only group, it probably isn't worth tromping around the valley. If we are going to let them remain isolated, there isn't a point to find anything of long-term value as it is either meaningless or we ruin their situation. No win either way. On the other hand, if they have a side-quest for us, that would work out nicely.

Once the conversation is almost finished and assuming they still just want us to go away, he will also ask, "The day is getting late. Is it OK if we camp out here for the night? We will depart in the morning."
Oct 6, 2023 5:07 pm
I'm good with all of this.
Oct 7, 2023 4:34 pm
@GeneralET you still with us? Even if Gardakhan is passive it would be great if you just added a short bit each week to let me know. Thanks

Bulk Q&A is totally fine Not all scenes have to be done word for word. Broad strokes to get through things if fine.
You chat for several minutes
What do you know of the Shattering? Was this area affected by it?
They have a different term for it, simply referring to it as the Uplift and Fall. At that time the region was raised to great heights though their immediate area had previously been known to be in loland hills. Since that time they have had no contact with any of the People. This was not unheard of during the Shattering and though they lost contact they seem otherwise to have weathered the Shattering quite well.
- What do you know to lay beyond this valley?
- How far is it to the exits of the valley?
- How much have you explored of the valley?
- Why did you try to isolate yourselves? Did something bad drive you to that?
- Have you explored the mountains any? Do any live up there? (Whether you or others.)
- Are there other settlements like yours in the valley?
They never leave the valley. Early on they tried to explore but soon found that the surrounding mountains proved to be a maze that few could return from. There is a mysterious force that changes the land beyond and as you move through the mountain passes, of which there are several. You recognize this a the Border and inform them of what you know about them. According to Asa the Border entirely surrounds their and a few small neighboring valleys and since the Shattering none have left and come back so they have stopped trying. There are other small villages in the valley but this is by far the most prosperous and large, with the others being comprised of 2 to 5 families at the most. There are no other People in the area though several of the neighboring valleys have some Fey but they do not associate much since the Shattering. There are few large predators in the valleys though occasionally large beasts wander down out of the mountains.
- How conversant with magic are you?
They are familiar with magic and have a few that practice various forms. Primarily healers and a few that speak with beasts.
The day is getting late. Is it OK if we camp out here for the night? We will depart in the morning.
You are free to stay if you like but I suggest you find some shelter. Nights of late have been plagued by strange shadows that move about and attack those who are alone or careless. He directs you to an abandoned home hole a couple miles away, saying the family that lived there moved into the village after the trouble started over a month ago, and simply asks that if you use it you treat is with respect.

As you have talked Asa seems relaxed and attentive asking questions of you in kind, seming most interested in you arival method. The guards however are tense and fidgety, though keeping keen watch on you and the surroundings, the entire time.
Oct 7, 2023 5:24 pm
Skeeve says, "Thank you for the warning and use of the shelter. Do you have any more information on the source of these attacks?" Skeeve is wondering if Blornvid, Gardakhan, and he could help with diverting or removing this threat.
Sounds like a side-quest. Just checking :-)
In questions on how they got here, he tells them about the tile pad, but not on their dependence on the gem of spell storing or the tablet. When they head out Skeeve offers to have some of them accompany the group back to the cavern so they know where it is and can either try to wall it off or use it themselves. He does offer that it hasn't seemed to be used much, but he stops short of saying it hasn't been used for a long, long time.
Once by themselves in the shelter, Skeeve wants to have a group meeting to discuss things. But I'll wait on that until we're there.
Ooo. Maybe we can use the metal monster to scope out these shadow thingies!
Also, in the morning, he will activate the pad for distance and direction and write down the info in his notes, but will put it code. I'll ask about options for that in my character thread.
Oct 7, 2023 6:02 pm
Blornvid nods along in agreement as Skeeve explains the magic tile portal.
Oct 9, 2023 12:34 am
I would like to get your group together with the other daily post group that is using the tile Matrix. Neither is in the middle of anything too deep at the moment so once it get you all together you can talk options.

I will have the base use the tablet to call you back in the game time morning when I have more time to post.
Oct 9, 2023 1:09 am
I have no problem joining the groups, so that works for me. Plus, I know Skeeve will enjoy exploring the manor and interacting with the denizens.
Again, on the way out Skeeve will offer to have any number of them come back to the cavern with us. Based on what they have described about the valley, they should be very safe here from conventional entry points. The only vector would be the tile pad. Skeeve will directly ask them if they plan on blocking off the cave or not. If they do, there is no reason to come back. If they don't, Skeeve will keep this place open as an option to visit again. They seem nice enough. :)
Oct 9, 2023 1:52 am
As a note on side quests. Yes they exist. But as this is more a freeform campaign it is more like driving through a major city and deciding which street to take with an old paper map. Ooops, that street was one way and you pulled up to a cop car going the other way, good luck! (Actually happened to me in college) Current quests are
1. Gardakhan's village needs saving (dream eater quest)
2. Explore the Matrix (ongoing)
3. options
3.a. underdark tunnel
3.b. high mountain valley curse (where you are now)
3.c. ??? others characters have opened but not finished and I lost track of as I am not perfect at the moment :)
Asa seems reluctant to talk much about the attack details and the guards get obviously nervous. You can tell there is a problem and they are not comfortable sharing. You do get though that it is a new thing but the attacks seem to be from unrelated creatures that had previously not been threatening to the Anhasa.

At your tail of a magical set of floor tiles he seems a bit skeptical but also curious and expresses a desire to see them for himself. He will return in the morning to accompany you with another tracker who is more familiar with the highland slopes.
"metal monster"?
In the morning you get a reading on the tablet indicating the expedition is far to the SW. When you looked at the tablet it had a short message asking you return as quickly as was safely possible as there was a potential breakthrough with the Matrix. Well rested you extract yourselves from the home to a beautiful crisp morning. Asa and another hunter stand ready in clear view nearby chatting idly and wave to you as you emerge. They seem more relaxed now and wait patiently for your to finish your morning preparations.

With the aid of the other tracker, who is called Sanoan, you begin heading back up the slope to the cave. He points out a couple small side canyons that he says offer safer and quicker access and will point out their access from above but for the most part retrace your steps that you used to get down. Sanoan helps you ford the river at a convenient location with several large boulders and some strategically placed that look quite natural except for the fact that they create a rather fortunate path across the river.
Let me know if there is anything you wish to do before leaving or as you near the cave etc.
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