Exploring the Shattered Matrix

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Sep 20, 2023 3:48 pm
Skeeve says, "OK. Fair enough. I'll wait here. Just remember one thing: If you feel a weird tug or pull or a rope wrapping itself around you, do not resist. It will be me."
How far out is the meeting place? How far does my Onyx powers extend to? If Blornvid falls, can I grab him with Onyx powers or do I need to rely on my rope caster?
Sep 20, 2023 3:54 pm
Blornvid smiles. "Wish me luck." Keeping his weapons sheathed, Blornvid sets out across the bridge. He hopes that by not openly wielding any weapons, these creatures will think he isn't hostile, which he isn't right now. He also hopes that this isn't a trap. He'll proceed until he gets about 20 feet away from the creatures, or he suspects that this is either a trap or they realize that he's a dwarf and not an Underdark denizen.
Let me know if I need to roll anything.
Sep 20, 2023 4:51 pm
At the point of the waterfall the gorge is about 100 feet wide. It gradually widens the further from the falls it is. At the point of the bridge the Asian is over 150 feet. Blornvid is impressed by the materials used and notes it looks to be what he assumes to be spider silk spun then braided then twisted into larger ropes. The foot path is a braided bundles of 5 or so ropes the size of the hand rails with a thinner know rope wound around it. It gives remarkably good traction despite being wet.
without getting to nitro gritty on mechanics let's say most powers work within 50 yards, so 150 feet
As you move onto the bridge over of the spiders moves out while the other stays in the middle. It stops about 10 feet from you and waves two hands on the air as it chitters. A moment later a normal sounding voice emanates from thin air
Welcome traveler. We do know recognize you or your companions. You come to us so we ask, what is it you wish of us?
Psybermagi sent a note to GeneralET
Sep 20, 2023 4:53 pm
Gardakhan wishes luck to the dwarf and hope for the best.
Does Gardakhan recognize the type of spider as the same species as the one he fought?

P.S sorry for last few days. Kids got sick and it took all of my time. Should be able to restart posting at a expected rate
Sep 20, 2023 5:02 pm
These spiders look very similar to the Dream Eater that is plaguing Gardakhan's village.
no worries GeneralET life happens
Sep 20, 2023 5:09 pm
So he is within reach. Good.

And these *are* the spiders. Also good!
Sep 20, 2023 6:35 pm
"We're travelers, passing through. We saw these bridges and decided to say 'hello.' If you feel we're trespassers or just not welcome here, we'll turn around and leave. We don't wish to offend."



Sep 20, 2023 8:32 pm
If you are peaceful there is no harm. You are obviously from the surface and since the Sharing trade with the surface has become rare and difficult. We would be willing to work with you to create trade. If this is not agreeable the we can also pay you for information on how you reached our city.


Secret Roll

Sep 20, 2023 8:48 pm
Skeeve, while continuing to watch Blornvid, says to Gardakhan,
"Can you send a whispering spirit to Blornvid's ear to have him ask about Dream Eaters? It would be a bit of a risk, but it might tell us if we are dealing with someone who can help you."
Last edited September 20, 2023 8:51 pm
Sep 23, 2023 6:18 pm
I screwed up my prior post. That was supposed to be a bold quote, not an OOC.

Changing tack, I figure the spirit powers and spell-touched are fairly equivalent, so Skeeve tries to send a whispered message to Blornvid's ear. The message is: "Please ask them about Dream Eaters. That's what Gardakhan's spider called itself."

In case a roll is needed, it is below. It is focused.


Skeeve: Send a Message to Blornvid - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Sep 23, 2023 8:01 pm
I am thinking about adding some optional rules to your session and possibly others. Take a look here.
If you guys want to add the optional rule we can discuss more on grappling and targeted attacks.
Sep 23, 2023 8:23 pm
I do have comments on those suggestions. However, that thread is locked and this thread isn't appropriate. Can you either unlock the thread, or let us know the best thread for the discussion?
Sep 23, 2023 8:32 pm
I coppied the rules to the Q&A and we can discuss there
One thing to note is that if you opt for these some of your existing armor may be modified to fit this system
Sep 24, 2023 4:40 pm
Gardakhan watch for hostile spider approaching keeping a close eye on the surrounding fog in case this meeting is a trap. After all, his previous encounter with one of them had not been pleasant.


Gardakhan: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Sep 24, 2023 5:20 pm
"Oh we're not really traders; we're explorers. We report back who and what we find to our bosses, and they send the traders out—Hey! Are you trying to read my mind? You're not one of those Dream Eaters, are you?" Blornvid backs up a couple of steps.
Sep 24, 2023 5:38 pm
Not how I expected you to do it, but it works. :-)
Skeeve gets ready to "yoink" Blornvid back if something goes wrong ...

Spirit Weaver


Sep 24, 2023 6:32 pm
Gardakhan sweeps the area but doesn't see any threat, except the two spiders on the silk thread bridge over the gaping chasm.
Spirit Weaver
Yes, of course I was scanning your thoughts. Is this a problem? It is just that the "body language" and "facial features" of your kind are so hard to understand. As naturally gifted with spiritual senses we always monitor the surface thought of those we interact with. I am sorry if you feel this is rude, but to tell us not to is like us telling you to close your eyes. I will however limit myself to sensing your aura emenations.

As for being a "Dream Eater" I am unsure of what you mean. We eat the body fluids of our prey, preferably while immobilized yet alive. I understand most of your kind consume the flesh of plant and animal alike. Why is my diet pertinent?
The spider seems to tense up at Blornvids reaction. On the far side of the bridge you see a bit of movement and another spider begins making its way across the bridge.

Ah good the trade ambassador is here. They are who you should be speaking with.

As the third draws near, the second begins backing up followed by the first. As the third and first pass they make some kind of exchange but soon you face another spider. This maneuvering on the bridge all seems too well executed to be anything but planned out rehearsed.

Good day. The guard reported to me as soon as you arrived. I do hope you were not disturbed too much by their rudeness. In a society where all are spiritually gifted it is common to touch the surface mind of those you talk with. No offense was meant, please accept our apologies. I am curious, the guard reported you asked about a "Dream Eater". Please explain.
Sep 24, 2023 6:46 pm
"One of my fellow explorers, his village was attacked by a spider being that referred to herself as a 'Dream Eater.' Not being aware that your people are spiritually gifted, I was concerned that the guard was conducting some kind of attack, hence why I brought up the Dream Eater question. Those of us that lack your gift tend to be concerned that having their thoughts read is a prelude to having their thoughts controlled."

Spirit Weaver


Sep 24, 2023 7:54 pm
Spirit Weaver
Attacked by one of us claiming to be a Dream Eater?Perhaps they ran afoul of of the the Dream Cult. This is a splinter group of fanatics who delve into fowl necromantic practices of syphoning off the life force of others after gaining access to their souls through their dreams. We all naturally shield our minds, even while we sleep, so the Dream Cult tends to prey on outsiders. We recently had trouble due to this cult attacking neighbors we regularly trade with. We were forced to take action and capturing most of the offenders and drove out the rest. I know you only have our word on this but there is little I can do to prove the validity of my words other than directing you to the others they attacked.

As for your concerns on mind control you should understand this to be incredibly difficult. While we can affect the minds of other creatures this is usually limited to sending false senses, paralysis, or direct attacks. This is similar to the magics many of your kind use. It should be possible for you to find magical items from your mages that would protect your from most of these effects. Beyond that you must decide, as must we, whether or not to trust.
Sep 24, 2023 8:43 pm
"I very much appreciate your candor. I make it a habit to take beings at their word until they give me a reason not to trust them.

"Do these fanatics have some kind of sigil or markings that we may be able to identify them should we encounter them?"
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