Sep 10, 2023 2:11 pm
Group Scene
-- Early Monday Morning Summary--
If you're pressed for time, here are the key moments of the events at school.
Izzy Eriksson is the undisputed queen bee of the school, and she revels in the power it brings her. With her long, sleek blond hair, perfectly manicured nails, and a wardrobe that seems to be straight out of a fashion magazine, she's the epitome of teenage glamour. Her icy blue eyes can switch from charming to menacing in the blink of an eye, and she knows how to use them to her advantage.
Izzy is charismatic, cunning, and always surrounded by a group of followers eager to please her. She's skilled at reading people and knows how to manipulate situations to maintain her position at the top of the social hierarchy. She's known for her biting sarcasm and often uses it to humiliate those she sees as beneath her.
-- Early Monday Morning Details--

Tanya and Robbie bump into each other outside the school gates. In a matter of seconds of meeting, a group of popular girls led by Isabella "Izzy" Eriksson, the undisputed queen bee of the school, swarms around Tanya and Robbie. Their presence is unmistakable, and it's clear that Izzy thrives on the power her popularity affords her.
This morning’s group of bullies is made up of Izzy, two of her friends, and Emilia.
Izzy’s eyes gleam with mischief as she surveys Tanya and Robbie. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the farm giant and the bookworm," she taunts with a smirk. She turns to Emilia, a sly grin on her face. "I heard a rumor," she says in a low, mocking tone, "that our dear giant here has been collecting worms in her backpack. Isn't that just the most disgusting thing you've ever heard?"
Laughter erupts from Izzy's followers, except for Emilia, who manages an uncomfortable smile. In an unexpected turn of events, Izzy grabs a small container from one of her laughing friends. "Here's something for your collection, girls," she announces with a wicked glint in her eye, ready to throw the container.

But before she can launch it a ball suddenly sails through the air and hits Emilia squarely in the back. The force of impact sends her stumbling forward, and she collides with Izzy. In the chaos that ensues, the container meant for Tanya and Robbie is flung backward, its contents, a mix of worms and dirt, scattering onto Izzy and her two laughing friends.
Izzy's scream cuts through the commotion, drawing the attention of Mr. Andersson, one of the teachers. He hurries toward the group with a clear expression that his patience is already worn thin.
The teacher, visibly flustered, scans the group and declares that everyone not covered in dirt: Emilia, Robbie, and Tanya will remain after school. He refuses to listen to arguments. Emilia turns to Izzy for support, but Izzy simple shrugs her shoulders and walks away.
-- Early Monday Morning Summary--
If you're pressed for time, here are the key moments of the events at school.
[ +- ] Summary of Morning Events
Tanya and Robbie encounter a group of popular girls, which includes Emilia, led by Izzy. Izzy tries to embarrass them. However, her plan fails. Despite the failure Emilia, Robbie, and Tanya end up getting in trouble and have to stay after school.
[ +- ] Isabella "Izzy" Eriksson

Izzy Eriksson is the undisputed queen bee of the school, and she revels in the power it brings her. With her long, sleek blond hair, perfectly manicured nails, and a wardrobe that seems to be straight out of a fashion magazine, she's the epitome of teenage glamour. Her icy blue eyes can switch from charming to menacing in the blink of an eye, and she knows how to use them to her advantage.
Izzy is charismatic, cunning, and always surrounded by a group of followers eager to please her. She's skilled at reading people and knows how to manipulate situations to maintain her position at the top of the social hierarchy. She's known for her biting sarcasm and often uses it to humiliate those she sees as beneath her.
-- Early Monday Morning Details--

Tanya and Robbie bump into each other outside the school gates. In a matter of seconds of meeting, a group of popular girls led by Isabella "Izzy" Eriksson, the undisputed queen bee of the school, swarms around Tanya and Robbie. Their presence is unmistakable, and it's clear that Izzy thrives on the power her popularity affords her.
This morning’s group of bullies is made up of Izzy, two of her friends, and Emilia.
Izzy’s eyes gleam with mischief as she surveys Tanya and Robbie. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the farm giant and the bookworm," she taunts with a smirk. She turns to Emilia, a sly grin on her face. "I heard a rumor," she says in a low, mocking tone, "that our dear giant here has been collecting worms in her backpack. Isn't that just the most disgusting thing you've ever heard?"
Laughter erupts from Izzy's followers, except for Emilia, who manages an uncomfortable smile. In an unexpected turn of events, Izzy grabs a small container from one of her laughing friends. "Here's something for your collection, girls," she announces with a wicked glint in her eye, ready to throw the container.

But before she can launch it a ball suddenly sails through the air and hits Emilia squarely in the back. The force of impact sends her stumbling forward, and she collides with Izzy. In the chaos that ensues, the container meant for Tanya and Robbie is flung backward, its contents, a mix of worms and dirt, scattering onto Izzy and her two laughing friends.
Izzy's scream cuts through the commotion, drawing the attention of Mr. Andersson, one of the teachers. He hurries toward the group with a clear expression that his patience is already worn thin.
The teacher, visibly flustered, scans the group and declares that everyone not covered in dirt: Emilia, Robbie, and Tanya will remain after school. He refuses to listen to arguments. Emilia turns to Izzy for support, but Izzy simple shrugs her shoulders and walks away.