Responses to the notetaking questions:
◼ Sharing Info: It looks like I can create a player handout that you can click on at the top of the screen. I'll try to set that up this weekend, so you don't have to click into a separate thread to see current map, Humvee fuel, stored rations etc...
◼ Rations: For now, everyone put 3 rations in your personal gear. We'll keep the remaining in the Humvee (33 rations)
◼ Backpacks: I'm fine with everyone having one especially if you were under the impression you already had one. (Remember you need to drop the backpack when doing actions or receive a -2 modifier to MOBILITY.
◼ What Happened to Lt Baker Hunter?: Let's say was emotionally moved to stay at Piotr's settlement to help. She's a possible NPC helper with the ambush.
◼ Spare AK-74?: Lt Baker Hunter has it.
◼ Jakub: I'd say he's with you for now since the promise was to try and take him to the United States. He's kind of a burden, but I don't think he would stay with Lt Baker Hunter even though he likes her better than all of you.
◼ Humvee Fuel: I vote to put it all in the Humvee for ease of note keeping. It's going to sit in the Humvee anyway whether it's in a canister or the gas tank. If you want to use fuel for trade, I think we can narratively come up with a way to syphon it out.
◼ Ambush: I'm happy to adjudicate the encounter, but you don't have to set it up. Daniel's men are taking advantage of the settlement, but the people aren't in life threatening need. I don't think it breaks anyone's moral code to ignore it.
◼ Water: The settlement would be willing to trade bear meat for water. Let me know what you feel is a fair trade.