In the first few hours you don't encounter anything too notable, although Korban stops for a few minutes to point out an edible plant that is abundant in this area.
About half way through your journey, you all enter a clearing with a circle of stones in the middle. Korban stiffens suddenly, and starts to look around in concern.
Dreli and Hilmir realize that the path they were walking on has vanished, and the trees around them have moved closer together. The five stones in the middle of the clearing hum with a soft white glow, before returning to their normal gray color. The trees around you feel terrible and foreboding.
Korban grabs a stick, and draws a key into the dirt. Then they point to the stones in the middle and shrug.
The closer anyone gets to the trees, they feel more and more overwhelmed with fear. If any of you attempt to push through, saves will be required to prevent taking mental damage.