"Los Angeles weather is the weather of catastrophe... of apocalypse."
--- Joan Didion
The Current State of Things
Six months have passed since the 2023 Los Angeles Earthquake and the resulting Devil’s Night Riots. Electricity and running water have been restored to all the neighborhoods in the city. Much of the merely cosmetic damage caused by the quake and the riots has been cleaned up and repaired. News reports have shifted focus from tragedy to "the triumph of the human spirit." The city works to rebuild those structures that were more seriously damaged, and construction crews seem to be nearly omnipresent. A movie about the inherent drama of it all (starring Mark Wahlberg) is already in the works. Despite the hundreds who died and the tens of billions of dollars in damage, life in Los Angeles is slowly returning to what passes for normal.
It's widely accepted among demons in L.A. that the earthquake and the riots were not entirely natural occurrences. On the night in question, many of the fallen sensed incredibly powerful infernal magic at work in the city. The popular speculation is that one or more Earthbound are responsible and currently residing somewhere in the area. The possibility is very much a concerning one, and several demons have made efforts to find signs of their cults.
The public has not forgotten about what has been dubbed the "Devil's Night Miracle." When the violence and destruction of the riots had reached their apex, a glorious figure of light revealed itself to the crowds. It blazed across the night sky and stared down at the city in judgment. Though the being only remained visible for a few moments, it was enough to quell the riots and awaken the once-dormant faith of the people of Los Angeles. News crews and bystanders with smart phones recorded the fateful event, disseminating footage of the miracle all over television and social media. While many mortals have been quick to dismiss the miracle as a hoax, just as many are convinced that God (or some sort of higher power) took a direct hand that night. The initial upwelling of faith among Los Angelinos has not died down, leaving a gold mine of potential power for demons to tap.
Most fallen in L.A. are certain it was the Son of the Morning who appeared and that he may be hiding somewhere in the city. Every demon still grapples with the immensity of that bittersweet revelation and what it means to them. It has long been assumed that the Morningstar betrayed the rebels in order to avoid an eternity in the Abyss. Thus, seeing him now has ripped open old wounds and reignited inter-faction hostilities. Debates rage throughout the Infernal Court as to how best to proceed. A number of fallen, especially Luciferans, chose to abandoned their courtly duties, having decided that locating their Prince takes priority over all other concerns. Others, notably Raveners, have formed the equivalent of lynch mobs intended to flush out the Morningstar and destroy him (if such a thing is even possible). Even worse, new demons have been arriving in the city each week, drawn by the footage of the Devil's Night Miracle and the promise of Lucifer. These newcomers have only added to the weakening court's problems. Spenta Mainyu, the local Tyrant, and his ministers are working hard to keep a stranglehold over an increasingly chaotic situation.
For those fallen who can see past their personal desires and resist the pain of their Torment, they will see that there is a great opportunity set before them in the aftermath of the quake. There is a chance to build something better from the ruins. They can use their power to remake the City of Angels according to their ideals, creating a new kind of garden where the seeds of human creativity can bear fruit for the sake of the entire world. It is a chance to prove that it’s possible to turn back humanity’s slow slide into destruction, and in so doing the fallen might redeem themselves of their past sins. It is a slim hope to be sure, but for beings who helped create the universe, no challenge is too great to overcome.
And so we begin.
Date: March, 2024
Time: 7:14 pm
Location: Griffith Park, the Los Feliz neighborhood of L.A.
You wait in a medium-sized parking lot.
The lot is mostly empty. You are surrounded by rows of unused parking spaces. Beyond the lot's edge is the thick greenery that forms L.A.'s 4,200-acre Griffith Park. At this point in the day, the sun has just dropped below the horizon, leaving a darkening twilight in its place. There are no street lamps here, so only the glow of a waxing moon and the lights of nearby Downtown Los Angeles are providing you with illumination. Even in the disappearing light, you can still see the distant peaks of the Santa Monica Mountains, and you can make out, just barely, the blocky white letters of the HOLLYWOOD sign on Mount Lee's southern slope. Most hikers and visitors have left, and very few vehicles are remaining. Though the park is open till 10pm, people tend to leave before nighttime arrives. Nighttime is when the park becomes home to coyotes, bobcats, and less savory types of mortals. But it's good if you're hoping for some privacy.
Earlier this evening, your Celestial name was invoked. You felt a pull at your mind as the name was recited. It wasn't a matter of someone off-handedly uttering your name. No... you were purposely addressed. An attempt at communication, or what some fallen sardonically refer to as "demon radio." The speaker wanted your attention.
The person contacting you identified himself as Hector Campos. You know him, or at least know of him. In the ancient days when the world was young, before the poisonous touch of the Abyss had its malforming effect upon you all, he was known as Fell Knight Shemyaza, the Slayer of Mountains. Once a warrior of the Alabaster Legion, he now serves at the whim of the Ministry of Lions. For those of you who make regular attendance to meetings of the court, his face is a familiar one.
Campos sends an urgent request that you come meet him. He claims that it's a matter of grave importance, and that he's attempted to contact several other fallen but you're the only ones to respond. He doesn't quite have the courtly authority or eminence to compel your obedience, nor does he know True Names with which to subjugate you to his will. Thus, all he can do is make a request and promise that Lord-General Abezethibou, senior minister of the Swords, will look favorably upon your assistance.