Chapter 4 - Feathered Conundrum

Sep 25, 2023 8:33 pm
As the group draws nearer to the colossal pigeon nest, an eerie hush falls over the hundreds of pigeons creating an unsettling silence that is only broken by the rhythmic splashing of waves against the cliffs below.

Suddenly, a metallic shout pierces the quiet, echoing ominously: "Now, now, now!" In response, multiple groups of birds abruptly dive toward the group with menacing intent.

Freddie takes flight, tugging on the leash, and urgently cries out, "Wait!" The approaching birds hesitate and then veer away just in the nick of time. Freddie lands gracefully and addresses the colossal assembly of pigeons in a scene that straddles both comedy and tension. He says "I am Freddie and these are my friends"

Every one of the hundred pigeons within the gigantic nest fixates its gaze directly upon the kids and Freddie. An intense silence hangs in the air for what feels like an eternity. Then, as if a dam has burst, an overwhelming eruption of noise ensues. The pigeons engage in a cacophonous symphony of speech and chirping, with phrases like "Welcome home,""The big birds attack," "Hi Freddie, I'm pigeon," and more, creating a bewildering and surreal auditory landscape.

All three kids get a sense that the pigeons, will tolerate their presence up to and near the nest, but it’s best to not go in. Only Freddie is willing to speak with them.
[ +- ] Nest Details
[ +- ] The Pigeons
Sep 25, 2023 9:42 pm
As the pigeons start to dive Emilia lets out a yelp and hides behind Robbie as if the taller girl can protect her from the pigeons. After a few moments of not being peck to deck she uncurls from her slight cower, looking slightly embarrassed at her reaction, before it slowly turns into one of fascination at all the pigeons and the nest, as the terror slowly subsides.

'This is.. actually quiet amazing..' She wasn't sure what they were going to find when she decided to stick with the pair, but it wasn't this.
Sep 25, 2023 9:48 pm
Robbie isn't sure whether to feel happy that Emilia thinks she could protect her, or unhappy at being reminded that she is the big one to hide behind of this group. But she stands strong in front of Emilia, glad that her resolve is not actually being tested when Freddy talks down the swarm from attacking them. She waves at the birds, unsure whether they understand the gesture, then she asks their feathered friend, "Freddie, why are you all building this nest? Pigeons don't usually build like this, right?"


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Sep 26, 2023 1:51 pm
Looking up at Robbie, Freddie shrugs his wings. "We're safer together and can get more done," he says. "But they're not as smart as Freddie. He has his own bird bath and toys."
Sep 26, 2023 2:46 pm
She ducks to the ground when the birds dive at them. Then in relief, she sits up. "Good boy, Freddie... phew."

She cautiously stands up. "I don't think we're very safe here... the pigeons could change their mind... or the large birds could come back. Shall we get out of here?"
Sep 26, 2023 3:46 pm
Emilia looks surprised but sligjtky relieved at Freddie's choice to stick with Robbie. 'Is there a reason you' re smarter Freddie' She doubted he would know. It was probably a silly question.

As Taya mention leaving she nods. 'Yeah.. You' probably right. '
Sep 26, 2023 3:53 pm
"Maybe he's learning from us," Robbie suggests in response to Emilia's question. "Because we're talking to him and that teaches him and the other birds don't have that." Of course, she has no idea if Freddie actually is smarter than the others or if he just says he is. "Come, Freddie, we're going home," she then says to the bird as she follows her friends back towards Kungsberga. "To your new home, I mean."
Sep 26, 2023 4:14 pm
As the Kids prepare to depart, several hundred meters away, they spot a young woman. She stands alone, peering through binoculars, her gaze fixed in their direction. Upon noticing their departure, she swiftly puts down her binoculars and rises to her feet. Without hesitation, she begins to sprint, heading in a southerly direction.
Sep 26, 2023 4:16 pm
"Should we run after her?" Robbie asks quickly, already preparing to break into a run. "I bet she knows something!"
Sep 28, 2023 7:39 am
"Well... She was looking at us... Doesn't seem like she wants to be followed... But maybe... Freddie? IF we freed you, would you come back to Robbie's farm, where your nice bird bath and food and toys will be waiting for you? "
thinking of asking Freddie to follow where the woman is going, then report back!


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Sep 28, 2023 1:33 pm
Freddie is not so sure about your request. It’s getting late and he rather be eating or sleeping.

To convince Freddie to follow the young woman, someone will need to make a successful CHARM roll. Success means that Freddie does as you ask. Failure will result in Freddie not doing as you ask and the young woman getting away.
Sep 28, 2023 1:39 pm
I'm at 3 dice total for Charm. I'd assume Emiliy would be best at that? If she would want to do it. I could help with some encouraging words for an extra die, though
Sep 28, 2023 3:13 pm
same here, 3 dice
Sep 28, 2023 9:09 pm
'How about if I make Robbie buy you some fancy treats? Also if we know where that woman is, if she knows something about the big birds we may learn how to protect your home from them! As she speaks Emilia crouches down by the bird trying to make eye contact.


Heart - (5d6)

(22311) = 9

Charm (Heart) - (3d6)

(364) = 13

Sep 28, 2023 9:18 pm
Oh sure, promise away my pocket money 😄
Sep 28, 2023 9:48 pm
Thrilled at the idea of fancy treats. Freddie happily takes off and follows the young woman.
What does the group do in the time when Freddie is gone? It's now late, and they'll need to use Robbie's flashlight as they walk. Do they plan on investigating things further tonight, do they meet back up at Robbie's farm the next day, or something else entirely?
Sep 28, 2023 9:53 pm
Freddie was told to go to the farm after this, so I think we're all heading home now. Robbie will definitely stay outside and wait for his return. She could not fall asleep without knowing that he's safe.
The others could choose whether to wait with her or go home and wait for her to tell them what Freddie said the next day at school.
Sep 28, 2023 9:57 pm
Tanya feels a little guilty having come up with the 'send Freddie' idea, in case Freddie does NOT come back. So she might stay with Robbie ti wait for the bird, phoning home to say she is working late on a school project.


SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Sep 28, 2023 10:23 pm
After about 40 minutes, Freddie returns to Robbie's farm, descending gracefully with a determined look in his eyes. He lands smoothly and turns his attention to the group, his metallic voice tinged with excitement. "I followed her all the way to a house," Freddie announces. "Who is she?"
Sep 29, 2023 3:38 pm
"Freddie!" Robbie exclaims happily when the bird returns. She immediately gives him some food to reward him for his work and for coming back. She even tries petting him a bit, though that isn't all that easy, considering how small he is. "We don't know who she is, but maybe we'll find out. Do you think you'll still remember where her house is tomorrow after school so you can show it to us?"
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