Chapter 4 - Feathered Conundrum

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Sep 30, 2023 9:47 pm
The compliment from the boys clearly stokes Emilia ego as she smiles as the pair dissapears of. At Robbie repeating and agreeing with it gets her to look away and go red slightly. 'Well of course.. Lots of people do... Like me I mean. Nothing special.

As Tanya speaks she stares at her for a moment. 'Are you saying we just traipsed every which way and hit absolutely covered in nature just to get to your parents friends house?' Emilia gives Tanya an unamused look before sighing and nodding in agreement to watch for a while
Oct 1, 2023 12:30 am
The three patiently watch the house for about 40 minutes. During that time, they think they hear a dog bark from inside, followed by a shadow passing by one of the windows. However, apart from these two occurrences, there are no signs of anyone being in the house. No lights flicker to life, no curtains open or close – it remains seemingly still and quiet.
Oct 1, 2023 6:18 am
"Freddie, do you want to fly over to the house and look in through the windows for us?" Robbie asks the pigeon next to her. "You can let us know if the woman from yesterday is there. Or anyone else."
Oct 1, 2023 9:57 am
'Freddie, when the woman entered the house, was it by the front door? Emilia ponders, thinking Tanya's suggestion that it was her who broke in.

She nods at Robbie suggest of Freddie looking in widows. ' If he can't se anyone maybe we knock, and then if no answer we.. Consider other options. Or just go home.'


SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 1, 2023 12:07 pm
Freddie looks at Emilia and says "The back of the house." he then looks over to Robbie and says "OK."

With that, Freddie takes to the air with a determined purpose, gracefully soaring over Gunnar's house. His wings cut through the air as he scans the building for windows or any signs of activity. After a few moments, Freddie makes a decisive turn, vanishing around the back of the house.

However, as time ticks by, a quarter of an hour passes, and there is still no sign of Freddie's return.
Oct 1, 2023 12:11 pm
At first, Robbie is proudly smiling at Freddie's help, but then a minute passes and he doesn't return. And another. And another. And with each passing minute, she grows visibly more nervous. "We should go check on him," she tells her friends, looking worried about her bird friend. "What if he got hurt or something?"
Oct 1, 2023 12:21 pm
Emilia also looks worried, but also nervous at the suggestion they go after thebird. If something happened to him it could happen to them.

'.. Okay. But we need to be careful...'
Oct 1, 2023 12:26 pm
"I'll go first, but you two back me up, okay?" Robbie says. She usually wouldn't be so brave as to go into potential danger first, but this is about saving Freddie. She sneaks up to the building and tries to get to its back, where Freddie disappeared to before not coming back.
Oct 1, 2023 12:38 pm
The rear of Gunnar's house has a high fence that encircles the entire area. It's not immediately apparent how one would easily access the house from the back, as Freddie had suggested.

The fence itself is constructed from a sturdy, dark-colored wood, standing as a formidable barrier to the uninvited. Robbie is confident that with some effort, she might be able to scale it, although it would certainly require some physical exertion and ingenuity. There are no signs of Freddie.
Oct 1, 2023 12:43 pm
Emilia eyes the fence. 'I could.. Try and boost you over?'
Oct 1, 2023 12:55 pm
Robbie turns bright red, imagining the much smaller and lighter Emilia trying to heave her over the fence. "Uhm, no, I think I can manage on my own," she says, avoiding her friends' eyes. "I can actually climb pretty well. When the gate for the goat pen broke, I always had to climb over."
Still not quite happy with the thought of Emilia and Tanya just watching her climb over, she suggests, "Maybe you can look for another way in. Maybe there's a hole in the fence. Somehow, that woman must have come into the backyard as well."
Rejecting the help to try and get over the fence.


BODY, Move - (5D6, 1D6)

5D6 : (14162) = 14

1D6 : (3) = 3

Oct 1, 2023 12:59 pm
"Er... guys? I don't think I want to trespass in my parents' friends' house... I'll wait, and if you see someone inside, get out and we go knock at the door. Gunnar and Lena look like..."
She proceeds to give them a brief description of the couple.
Oct 1, 2023 1:04 pm
Emilia looks a bit surprised then annoyed at her help being rejected. 'Fine. Then I'll just come with you.' She starts to also climb befor Tanya speaks.

'.. Freddie could be hurt though. We' ll be quick. If you want you could knock, distract who ever is in there? '

With that she attempts to follow the bigger girl.


Body - (3d6)

(622) = 10

Move (Body) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Oct 1, 2023 1:08 pm
Will Tanya still wait, or will she now attempt to climb the fence now that she's been left alone?
Oct 1, 2023 6:45 pm
she'll wait, doesn't want to be surprised by Gunnar or his wife trespassing, she'd get in trouble with her parents
Oct 1, 2023 7:38 pm
-Emilia and Robbie, Backyard-
Robbie hoists herself up and over the fence, landing gracefully on the other side. Emilia follows suit shortly after.

Once inside the backyard, they are met with a scene of neglect. The yard appears overgrown, the grass not having seen a mower in quite some time. A once-promising garden in the back is now withering, its plants parched and thirsty from lack of water. To add to the ambiance, there are a couple of unsightly piles of dog droppings scattered on the ground.

The outer door leading to the kitchen stands ajar, offering a glimpse of a screen door and the dimly lit interior. Despite their proximity to the house, there is still no audible sign of activity from within, and no lights can be seen emanating from the darkened interior.

-Tanya, Outside the Fence-
Does Tanya remain by the fence or does she go back to the front?
Oct 1, 2023 7:40 pm
Suddenly, Robbie realizes that they're actually, for real trespassing. They're basically burglars right now! It makes her nervous and she moves in closer to Emilia. In a whisper, she asks, "Do you think Freddie flew inside?"
Oct 1, 2023 7:50 pm
Emilia looks around the garden confused at its state. Hadn't Tanya said some she knew loved he? Why was it in this state.

Why was she doing this again? For a pigeon? Still Robbie would have gone in regardless, and ut probably wasnt safe alone.. Though why was she caring about that either?

She jumps as Robbie move closer, caught in her own thoughts before trying to act calm. 'Maybe.. We should just... Go in quickly, find him and get out.'
Oct 1, 2023 7:55 pm
Robbie nods, then hesitates. She tries to be brave and go in first, but is she really willing to break into a stranger's house? She looks at Emilia, hoping for her to take the lead. She's the cool, popular girl after all. "Uhm, I'll protect you," she says in an uncertain voice that almost sounds more like a question than a statement. Protect her from what even? Robbie looks down at the ground. Why does she have to be such a dork?
Oct 1, 2023 8:06 pm
Tanya lingers at the back of the fence, waiting for news from her companions.
"Everything good in there?" she whispers against the fence.
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