Chapter 4 - Feathered Conundrum

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Oct 2, 2023 6:15 pm
Holding off on Emilia’s and Robbie’s thread until Tanya has some time to act.
Oct 2, 2023 6:30 pm
Realised Tanya yelled out about Freddie.. Possibly in the crashing and nos cacophany Emilia at least didn't hear?
Oct 2, 2023 7:13 pm
Yes, no worries that sounds believable
Hearing Freddie's nonchalant report, then jolting for the barking and loud talking beyond the fence, Tanya thinks, oh shit and tries to jump to take a peek at what's happening.

"Hey guys? Everything OK there? Lena? Is that you?" she is not sure if the female voice belongs to Lena.
Oct 2, 2023 10:05 pm
Peering through the narrow slats in the fence, Tanya manages to catch a glimpse of Emilia's outfit through the screen door, confirming that her friends have successfully entered the house. However, her attempts to communicate with them yield no response.
The fence is quite high and she wouldn’t be able to jump and see over.
Freddie suddenly pecks at her ankles and directs her attention upward. Two large birds, gulls, are circling overhead. Freddie raises a question, "Should we stay here?"

These gulls appear to be behaving normally, without any unusual or alarming actions.
Oct 2, 2023 10:27 pm
"Damn it," she says seeing the situation, both outside and inside the house, is escalating.

She crouches near the pigeon.
"Freddie. We need to go inside that house. But if you let me hold you, I will protect you from the dog, from the seagulls and from anything else. We might find good food inside... what do you say?"
has Freddie still got the harness on him? And presumably whoever set him free last would have the leash?
Oct 2, 2023 10:30 pm
I’m assuming he’s free of the harness because he flew around the house. As for who has it, I think the group can decide. It’s probably Robbie or Tanya.


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Oct 2, 2023 10:42 pm
Freddie gazes at her thoughtfully, considering her proposal. "Where are you going to take me? Can we fly there instead? I'm good at flying," He inquires. The other pigeon behind Tanya chimes in, echoing Freddie's curiosity, "Yeah, where are we going?"


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Oct 2, 2023 10:47 pm
Freddie then says "Wait, this house? With the dog and weapon?"
Oct 2, 2023 11:56 pm
If the harness doesn't impede his flying, I feel he should still wear it. It would make it easier to recognize him as well. As for the leash, Robbie probably has that.
Oct 3, 2023 6:50 am
"Yes, this house. But you have nothing to fear if I am with you Freddie. I am bigger than that dog. OK, you want to fly, then follow me inside."

She looks for the easiest part of the fence, and tries to find foot holds to help her climb it.

come on bookworm, you can do this...


Body+move-condition - (3d6)

(224) = 8

Oct 3, 2023 6:53 am
She slides helplessly down on the sheer surface of the fence. She turns to the pigeons staring at her clumsy antics.
"Er... Maybe you are better at flying than I am at climbing. Let's go at the front. Can you follow me?"

She walks in haste to the front door of the house and starts ringing the doorbell.


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Oct 3, 2023 12:42 pm
The curious pigeons observe Tanya's attempts to climb over the fence, occasionally cooing softly to each other. The new pigeon glances at Freddie and remarks, "Do they always act this odd?" Freddie responds with a shrug of his wings, "I don't know how they manage without me." Together, they follow Tanya as she heads toward the front door.

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 3, 2023 12:45 pm
-Emilia and Robbie-
Majsan Sivertsson
The young woman slightly relaxes now realizing that she's dealing with two girls just barely younger than herself. She keeps both hands gripped on the tennis racket and inquires, "What kind of pet? And why did you come here? I saw you at that nest, and now you're here. That can't be a coincidence."
Oct 3, 2023 12:50 pm
Robbie exchanges a look with Emilia. Should they tell this woman about Freddie? She's not sure. "We thought maybe you know something about the nest," she then says to the woman. "So we wanted to ask you about it."
Freddie continues to be hilarious, btw. I love how you play him 😄
Oct 3, 2023 3:23 pm
Emilia winces slightly as Ronnie's story contradicts her own but then nods. 'Yeah, we were going to knock but then our pet ran off and we got worried. You' d be worried for your dog right?... Could you put the racket down?' She's still half hiding behind Robbie watching the makeshift weapon warily,
Oct 3, 2023 3:26 pm
Seeing Emilia still hiding behind herself, Robbie holds out one arm a bit to provide her with better cover. Part of her is glad that she gets a chance to protect her, but another part is also pretty stressed out by this situation and just wants it to be over.

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 3, 2023 3:45 pm
Majsan Sivertsson
The young woman processes the information and gradually shifts into a less defensive posture. She lowers the tennis racket with one hand, although Emilia and Robbie notice that she still keeps a firm grip on it. "Fine, I don't think you're lying," she concedes, though her tone lacks conviction.

Just then, the doorbell of the house rings. "I imagine that's your other friend? You can go let her in," she says, gesturing in the direction with her tennis racket.
Oct 3, 2023 3:48 pm
Robbie moves so that Emilia can get to the door while Robbie stays between her and the other woman. "What's your name?" she asks as she waits for Emilia to let Tanya in. "Is this your house?"
Oct 3, 2023 4:04 pm
Emilia warily goes to the door watching the girl and the dog. As she opens it she's clearly relieved to see the bookworm.

'Tanya. Hi. Don't worry everything is.. Freddie what the hell?' Her eyes widen as she spots the pigeon. Actually two pigeons. Was Tanya collecting them now?

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 3, 2023 4:25 pm
Majsan Sivertsson
"My name is Majsan, and no, this is not my house," the young woman introduces herself. Robbie anticipates an explanation for the latter part of her statement, but Majsan offers no further elaboration.
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