Chapter 4 - Feathered Conundrum

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Oct 3, 2023 4:30 pm
The scene transitions into more of an investigative mode, with a slower pace and focus on gathering clues. You can continue with specific dialogues with Majsan, but you can also provide summary information/questions to advance the mystery-solving process. I think a combination of both approaches will ensure you have enough information to proceed.

Feel free to ask questions about anything and make rolls if you find it appropriate. For instance:

- Robbie asks Majsan more about the bird nest.
- What does Majsan look like?
-Emilia looks around the house for anything unusual or standout.
-Tanya quietly sneaks upstairs to investigate further. (roll SNEAK)
Oct 3, 2023 4:32 pm
[ +- ] Majsan
[ +- ] Inside of the house
Oct 3, 2023 9:51 pm
She thanks Emilia for letting her in, and looks in confusion at the house.
"I am sure this is Gunnar's address... YES! Look! That's him and Lena in the photographs! But if they don't live here anymore... where are they?"

She turns to Majsan, "do you know Gunnar and Lena? They're my parents' friends... Why are you here, in their house?"

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 3, 2023 10:16 pm
Majsan Sivertsson
Majsan's response carries a hint of annoyance. "More like, why are you here?" she retorts before sighing. "I guess you won’t leave until I tell you something. Gunnar is my uncle, and this is his house. I come here to visit sometimes when I need to. He must be away on some work trip, and I've never met Lena. She's just some lady that he works with. I imagine that she's the one in the pictures."
Oct 4, 2023 4:47 am
"Do you know where Gunnar is?" Robbie asks Majsan. When Emilia lets Tanya in, she smiles happily. "Freddie, you're okay!" she exclaims. "Come here!" She reaches out her arm towards him, hoping that he'll fly over and sit on her. But she also turns her eyes back to Majsan and asks, "Why did you run away from us yesterday? We wouldn't have hurt you or anything."

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 4, 2023 1:02 pm
Majsan Sivertsson
Tanya, Robbie, and Emilia quickly realize that Majsan doesn't seem the least bit surprised by the presence of talking pigeons, displaying an unusual level of nonchalance.

"I don't know where he is. I thought maybe... he might be by the nest. I haven't seen or heard from him. He's typically always home," she responds to Robbie's query about Gunnar's whereabouts. When addressing Robbie's question about running away, she says, "I didn't know... don't know if you are involved with these birds in some way," with a nod towards Freddie.

She then adds "Listen, if you're truly interested in learning more about birds, you should meet that guy from that show 'Squawk and Awe,' Mats Tingblad. He lives around here." The group gets the impression that Majsan is trying to nudge them out of the house. She seems nervous.

Majsan knows more, and It's clear that she's withholding information because she doesn't entirely trust the group. They know that she doesn't view the pigeons as a threat, judging by her casual attitude towards Freddie and his feathery friend. Additionally, Majsan appears to have suspicions that her uncle is involved with the birds.

Both CHARM and EMPATHIZE could be used to gain Majsan's trust. Failure in either will result in her trusting the group less and asking them to leave. Alternatively, someone could try to search around for clues with SNEAK, though you're limited in where you can look while Majsan is watching you. These are just suggestions, and I'm always open to other ideas. If you dream something up that's reasonable, I'm game for it to happen.
Oct 4, 2023 1:12 pm
"Mats Tingblad?" Robbie asks her friends. "Isn't he that half-bird-half-human that everyone at school was talking about?"

Noticing that Majsan seems wary about the birds at least, though she doesn't mind Freddie and his friend much, Robbie decides to play along with that and she explains, "We were a bit nervous about the birds as well. A dog got pecked to death at our school and Tanya said it was the pigeons but I think it was the big birds who are bullying the pigeons by the nest. We met Freddie and he's our friend now, so you definitely don't need to be scared of the pigeons, only maybe of the bigger birds. But unfortunately, we don't really know anything about the nest. We were hoping you could tell us something."
Does this count as an Empathize? If not, feel free to ignore the roll.


MIND, Empathize - (3D6, 1D6)

3D6 : (236) = 11

1D6 : (3) = 3

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 4, 2023 1:49 pm
Majsan Sivertsson
Majsan visibly relaxes and sets down the tennis racket after hearing Robbie's explanation. She sighs, her shoulders dropping in relief. "I'm sorry for being so defensive. I've been on edge lately, and you did sneak into this house. You see, a couple of days ago, I was attacked by some larger birds, and they hurt Bullen." She points to her dog, who's been watching the scene with curiosity. "He's been limping ever since. It makes me so angry, and I'm trying to do something about it."

She continues, "I know the pigeons aren't dangerous, they're just stupid, but these larger birds aren't." She gestures for the group to follow her to the garage.

Inside the garage, there is a workbench, and on it is a large bird she killed and examined with a knife, a pair of pliers, and some scissors. Next to the dead bird and dried blood is a microchip and some papers containing drawings of birds and microchips. She starts to explain, "I found this device in a bird, and my uncle's papers..." But her words are cut off abruptly as Freddie and his friend react to the sight of the dead bird. Freddie lets out a mechanical scream and panics, fluttering wildly throughout the garage. His feathered friend faints in response to the gruesome scene.
Oct 4, 2023 1:56 pm
"Freddie isn't stupid!" Robbie protests. Sure, he's not really smart either, but he managed to track Majsan here and then fly home to the farm to tell Robbie and her friends and then also managed to lead them back here. But before she can make any more of an argument, Freddie begins to panic - for an understandable reason - and that takes up her full attention. "No, Freddie, wait!" she exclaims. "Nobody's going to hurt you, I promise. Look, it's one of the mean birds! Freddie, you're our friend!" The upset in her own voice probably doesn't really make her sound calming to the pigeon.
Oct 4, 2023 3:12 pm
Emilia keeps giving Freddie the stink eye as the others talk with Masjan, grumbling about being worried about him and nearly getting attacked by a dog for him.

As he starts to frak she grabs his fainted friend. 'Freddie uts fine. Look come with me and your friend, we' ll leave and calm down. The bird was already dead. Right? She gives Masjan a clear look to agree with her even if it's a lie.
Oct 4, 2023 3:42 pm
Tanya cowers as Freddie goes crazy, annoyed rather than scared. She secretly wishes it just flew away.
Addressing Majsan over the bird racket, she says loudly "I hope your uncle is OK... I mean, this house looks like he hasn't been here in a while... when did you last hear from him?"

"And do you know if he is the one inserting those... those things inside the birds?"

Tanya would then be curious about the papers and drawings, and would examine them closely.


Mind+Investigate - (7d6)

(4425553) = 28

Majsan Sivertsson

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 4, 2023 4:56 pm
Majsan Sivertsson
Robbie's voice, filled with concern, seems to have the opposite effect on Freddie, further agitating him.

Majsan, responding to Emilia's comment, adopts an unamused and unconvincing tone as she replies, "Sure, it was already dead when I found it." However, her words eventually help calm Freddie, and he regains his composure, deciding to follow Emilia.

Shifting her focus to Tanya, Majsan begins to explain, "I saw him last Christmas briefly and haven't heard from him since. We don't talk a whole lot, just when I come during the summers sometimes. I was surprised to find the house like this." Addressing Tanya's questions about the bird and the chips, she continues, "I don't know if he's the one inserting these things. I know he researches animals, but I don't talk to him about his work. I think he might be involved, or maybe he got caught up in something." She then expresses her own concern, saying, "Yeah, thanks. I hope he's doing okay too."

Tanya carefully examines the papers, discovering that they contain designs for some sort of machine. However, the details of its intended function or operation remain elusive. Notably, she spots a serial number, "IEX-4Z32," in a couple of places on the documents, though its significance remains uncertain.
Oct 4, 2023 5:41 pm
Tanya writes down the serial number in her trusted notebook, and points it out to the others.
Next, she looks closely at the microchip... and pockets it after examining it (wiping any gory bits!)
Oct 4, 2023 5:58 pm
'...Okay now what do I do with an unconscious bird?'Emilia mutters to herself as she looks at the pigeon in her hands She hopes it didn't have fleas or anything. 'Tanya's the smart one...'She looks over to Freddie and back at his friend.'Don't suppose you're chips came with first aid training?' She tries to joke as she looks for somewhere to put the bird to try and do... cpr or something. She wasn't sure yet.

Other Pigeon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 4, 2023 6:31 pm
Other Pigeon
The bird in Emilia's hands abruptly stirs, its beady eyes locking onto Emilia. It chirps with a sense of awe and wonder, "You saved me! You must be the greatest person in the entire world!"

The bird is now overly attached to Emilia.
Oct 4, 2023 6:53 pm
We can continue to play this scene out if there is more you would like to do. I've created the next chapter here when you feel ready to move on.
Oct 4, 2023 7:28 pm
'I..well I am pretty great' Emilia lets the pigeon stroke her ego before careful extend a hand to se it she can pet it. 'So Freddie is Freddie, do you hae a name?'

Other Pigeon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 5, 2023 1:17 pm
Other Pigeon
The pigeon appears perplexed by Emilia's question. It becomes clear to Emilia that the pigeon doesn't have a name, as the concept of names is likely foreign to these birds. As she observes the pigeon more closely, she notices that it is smaller than Freddie, with a slightly more rounded head. Emilia deduces that this pigeon is a female.

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