Session 5: Trek to Ten-Towns

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Godric Orchard


Oct 18, 2023 1:18 pm
Godric Orchard
After a brief shock, Izuhn quickly reacts and digs out the half-buried man. As soon as the man is freed, he ignores the dwarf's recommendation and instead starts looking in the snow for something "Where is it? Where did my flask go? I need to find it!"

CESN sent a note to testlum


Izuhn Frostbeard: Strength - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Ezahne Darmor


Oct 18, 2023 1:48 pm
CESN sent a note to riley
raising that roll would make you a bigger gap if you want to pay the fatigue cost
Oct 18, 2023 1:54 pm
testlum sent a note to CESN
Agna lets out a deep growl of frustration. Though the cold has little effect on her, the heavy blanket of snow weighs her down, making it a struggle to move. Pulling herself out by brute force wouldn't work. The orc flips herself around as well as she can to lie flat on her stomach. Putting away the soreness of her arms, she begins to tunnel forward instead, shoving snow to the side to find a different way out.
Last edited October 18, 2023 1:55 pm


Endurance - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f2-c0) - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Oct 18, 2023 7:39 pm
"Godric you fool, people's lives matter more than your flask."

Izuhn doesn't waste time arguing though. Once the man is free he immediately moves to the cart that he heard the cry from before.
Oct 18, 2023 8:44 pm
riley sent a note to riley,CESN
"Izuhn, Agna, Anybody out there, we're under this cart but okay for the moment!" Adaia will yell up the small hole she's carved, not too loud as to disturb any snow but hopefully loud enough to be heard.

Helda Silverstream


Oct 19, 2023 8:40 am
Let have another push for the wagon (+1 Adaia's help)
Helda Silverstream
Ignoring the man that is desperately scours the snow for his flask, Izuhn runs up to the wagon where the voice was asking for help, finding Adaia is also stuck inside. Together with the other two women, they put a coordinate effort to raise the wagon just enough for everyone to escape.

"Ye needin an hand there?" Helda shows up and helps them successfully managing to rescue everyone. "Beorne be checking em damages from the avalanche. It dinnea look good."


Izuhn Frostbeard: Strength - lv4, SR: 5-10 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Wounded guard


Oct 19, 2023 8:57 am
Wounded guard
CESN sent a note to testlum


Agna Moss: Search - lv5, SR: 5-10 (f2-c0) - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Oct 20, 2023 12:01 am
"It'll no doubt make a hard trip harder. Maybe even deadly if it isn't already. What's the damage?"
Oct 20, 2023 12:17 am
Pulling herself out of the snow, Agna looks up into a pair of yellow eyes. She staggers upright to her feet and rises to her full height. The wolves back off, seeing no clear sign of weakness, and slink away to chase easier prey. When the wolves are gone, the shaman allows her shoulders to slump.
Last edited October 20, 2023 12:18 am


Nature - lv5, SR: 5-10 (f2-c0) - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Helda Silverstream


Oct 20, 2023 8:50 am
Helda Silverstream
RAAMtentacles says:
"It'll no doubt make a hard trip harder. Maybe even deadly if it isn't already. What's the damage?"
"Still diggin people out of the snow. Some still missin, but thanks the Soul Forger was watching over us" she ends with a little dwarven prayer Izuhn barely manages to understand. "It's goin to take some time before we can be goin again"

CESN sent a note to testlum
Oct 20, 2023 8:54 am
"Sit ye down," Agna says. "Let's see what I can do fer your wound there."


Medicine - lv6, SR: 5-11 (f2-c0) - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Oct 20, 2023 11:22 am
Adaia dusts herself off, and helps the others up and out "Are you both okay?"

"Thanks for the save Izuhn, is everyone okay? Is there anything I can do to help Helda?"
Oct 20, 2023 7:51 pm
"You're welcome, Adaia. It seems we've got plenty of digging left to do. That and then salvaging what we can of our wagons and supplies."

With that, Izuhn trudges off through the deep snow to help free someone else.

Helda Silverstream


Oct 22, 2023 2:54 pm
Helda Silverstream
"Aye. There's another of em blizzards coming and night isn't too far. Best we can do is save all we can and set camp fer now I say." Helda replies to Adaia as she continues to look for survivors.

As Adaia looks around, she notices Izhun is already searching around trying to help. She also notices the human that is going around shouting about a flask, clearly not willing to give up on whatever he lost.


Izuhn Frostbeard: Tracking - lv3, SR: 5-8 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Aldo Fetcher


Oct 22, 2023 3:00 pm
Aldo Fetcher
Izhun levels up tracking
Izhun finds one of the merchants stuck between some boxes and easily manages to rescue the man. As they try move the boxes to make sure no one else got caught, the dwarf spots a shiny brass fittings of a sturdy lockbox partially buried. The box is locked and it seems the owner might have perished during the avalanche as no one claims it.
Well, no one will claim it but let's have it here now so you know it already.

Ibrahim Gordon


Oct 22, 2023 3:02 pm
Ibrahim Gordon
"Thanks!" the man says as Agna finished treating his wounds. It will take a while to fully recover, but at least they are stable now and the pain is gone. Hopefully, in this cold, any potential infection was also avoided. "Name's Ibrahim. You're that guide the dwarves keep talking about aren't you?"
Oct 22, 2023 3:21 pm
Agna's brow furrows. "You hit yer head or something? If you ain't remember seeing me before now, that can't be right. Better you sit 'ere and recover." With the worst of Ibrahim's wounds tended, Agna goes to see what she can do for the others. She searches for any survivors in need to rescue or medicine.


Search - lv5, SR: 5-10 (f2-c0) - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Oct 22, 2023 6:32 pm
Adaia joins in the search effort, mainly she'll just follow Izuhn around and help if needed.


Search - lv3, SR: 5-8 (f1-c0) - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Oct 22, 2023 6:55 pm
Izuhn will haul the trunk out but not spend much time with it as he continues to search for others and pull them from the snow.


Tracking - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)

(26) = 8



Oct 23, 2023 12:29 pm
Well, that was one of those 3 success before 4 fails tasks xD
Agna is so busy chastising the guard that she barely notices she is following the wolves tracks away from the caravan. The two happen to be rescued when the flask men notices them and shouts "Hey you there! Have you seem my flask?"

Adaia tries help and searches around but she only finds the corpse of of of the caravan members and next to it there's a potion box. Both where shattered by the force of the avalanche, leaving a mixture of blood red and spilled colorful concoctions, creating a slick of sticky liquid glowing in an eye-searing rainbow.

Izuhn comes across the remains of a wagon and finds a sturdy wooden crate about the size of a large shoebox, with a partial label indicating somewhere in Icewind Dale, but the address is gone.
So izuhn can add a wooden crate and an lockbox to his inventory.
With the storm getting nearer and the sun lower, Helda and Beorne decide it is best to camp nearby and let the exhausted survivors take a night break before continuing. The morale is too low for anyone to continue.
Anything else you guys want to do, or help prepare before calling it a night? Give me an endurance roll for the cold exposure.
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