Lothar leans against the wall and listens, trying not to doze through the monologue. It's all a bit for show, of course, and he's actually listening attentively and many elements of the tale catch his attention.
"So let's get this straight. This magical sword, the Duran Duran... it's hidden in a crypt, yeah? Is that the very same crypt where, what's-his-name, Azrael Goth, is still imprisoned? You know, in the remote valley. 'Neath the island in the lake. Guarded by the immortal warriors."
Glancing at Kris, the man lifts an eyebrow and lowers his voice conspiratorially.
"Sounds like child's play."
Before the not-really-a-barmaid can answer, Lothar pushes himself off the wall and hones the point of Silvergrin's question, adding,
"And who is it you work for then, if not the dragons? Or the demons. Or the orcs. Or the goblins. This fuckin' valley's full of bad actors, innit?"
Last edited March 12, 2024 12:31 am