The Hexcrawl

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Oct 26, 2023 2:48 am
As the other lieutenant ponders her response, Baker puts his helmet on his head, strapping it on. "We'll need to be careful in there, you all know that. Watch for mines on the way in, Reed, and hidden emplacements on the sides of the road. What've we got that we can trade for ethanol?"
SpiritualSocket says:
He can repair a weapon in the vehicle. However, he needs tools and a spare part.
Ah right, got it!
Oct 26, 2023 1:23 pm
As the Humvee eases into the settlement at a slow pace, the group observes the few residents braving the rain. They conspicuously avert eye contact, some swiftly changing course or seeking refuge within tents and structures. After a few minutes of this curious reception, a man emerges from the settlement and ambles towards the Humvee. His approach is unthreatening, as though he's been expecting their arrival. He has a PMK-60 slung over his shoulder.
[ +- ] PMK-60
Coming to a halt near Reed's window the man says "Jesteś wcześnie. Nie spodziewaliśmy się ciebie przez jeszcze kilka dni."

Jakub says a few words in Polish, and the man continues, this time in English. "You're early. We weren't expecting you for a few more days." He looks at your group again, prompting the man to add, "You don't resemble Daniel's men. He typically has someone who speaks Polish, and I doubt he's resorted to recruiting child soldiers," he glances at Jakub before concluding, "except for hostages. Anyhow, if you're not affiliated with Daniel, I'd strongly advise you to move on. There's nothing of value here, and we have no interest in trouble."
Oct 26, 2023 5:25 pm
Was Daniel in our convoy that got ambushed? The answer to that colors Cunningham's response.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 26, 2023 5:35 pm
T2K Referee
He’s mistaking you as part of a different group that he interacts with regularly. You’ve not met this Daniel before.
Oct 26, 2023 9:24 pm
Cunningham isn't keen on the insinuation. "Not that you care, but we were part of a convoy escorting civilians. Got ambushed. We're all that survived, including the kid. His parents were killed, so we're trying to get him out of the war zone. But thanks for the update, we'll be on our way." To the rest of his group, "Let's roll out. There's nothing for us here."
Let me know if I need to make a Persuasion/Psy Ops roll.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 26, 2023 10:04 pm
T2K Referee
ForeverDED says:
Let me know if I need to make a Persuasion/Psy Ops roll.
If you want to persuade him to be more welcoming or that your part of Daniel’s crew go ahead and make the PERSUASION roll with your psy ops benefit. Otherwise you don’t need a roll.
Oct 26, 2023 10:11 pm
Hey group, do you want me to try or just move on?

If I'm reading it right, I get a d8 for Empathy C and a d8+1 for Persuasion skill plus Psy Ops specialty.
Oct 26, 2023 10:27 pm
Go for it. If it doesn't work out, we could at least ask about what a good next destination would be so we can get out of his hair faster.
Oct 27, 2023 7:41 pm
Ok, going for it.


Empathy - (d8)

(8) = 8

Persuasion + Psy Ops - (d8+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 27, 2023 7:57 pm
T2K Referee
Which would you prefer?
1. Be more welcoming
2. Convince him you’re working with/for the mysterious Daniel.
Oct 27, 2023 8:02 pm
Be more welcoming. Not comfortable with lying in this instance.
Oct 27, 2023 8:12 pm
The man's gaze softens as he looks at Jakub again, his expression reflecting the harshness of life in these challenging times. "I'm sorry, but these days are just tough," he begins. "You're welcome to stay here for a while, but it's the unfortunate truth that we have very little. We're struggling to make ends meet. My name's Piotr, and I, along with my brother, help oversee this camp."

He continues to explain that there's not much to offer in terms of food or water, but there might be some leftover gear stored in the collection tent. Piotr points towards a shed at the far end of the settlement, set apart from the rest of the structures and positioned closest to the city's ruins.

Further elaborating, he reveals that roughly once a week, a mercenary group, led by a man named Daniel, arrives and demands supplies, threatening violence if their demands aren't met. Piotr informs them that this group is headquartered in Chęciny, comprising a small yet heavily armed faction of around 15 members.

To fulfill their demands, this settlement sends individuals into the city's ruins to scavenge for gear. They always return with severe radiation poisoning.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 27, 2023 8:18 pm
T2K Referee
Whether you decide to leave, gather intel, or rest, you are currently free to be in the camp. Please describe the characters next actions either as a group or individually.
Oct 28, 2023 12:57 am
Sheepdog, who has been listening to the conversation, shakes his head slightly from the back seat.

"Ain't right, taking from people like that." Then, leaning forward, between the seats, he quietly adds, "I bet they don't show up fifteen strong when they come here. If we know what way they come... we could probably bushwhack 'em somewhere outside of town. Syphon some gas." Another pause, then, "Maybe ask him where they's from. Don't sound like good American boys."
I'm okay moving on, but we -could- stick around for a shift, help out where we can, make some allies that we might rely on in the future. This would be a place to fall back to if nothing else. And we could ask around about the surrounding countryside, cities, and potential sources of fuel.
Oct 28, 2023 5:12 pm
Cunningham listens to Piotr's tale. He hates bullies to begin with, and hearing how these downtrodden people are their target makes him sick. And the fact that they come from Chęciny, means they'd have no luck finding a friendly source of food and fuel.
Harrigan says:
"Ain't right, taking from people like that."
Harrigan says:
"I bet they don't show up fifteen strong when they come here. If we know what way they come... we could probably bushwhack 'em somewhere outside of town. Syphon some gas." Another pause, then, "Maybe ask him where they's from. Don't sound like good American boys."
Cunningham nods. He asks Piotr, "You say they come from Chęciny. How many do they normally send to collect their 'tribute'? Do they drive a vehicle or come on foot? And could you show us the way they come from? If they're American, maybe we could talk to them, get them to stop. If they're not, well, maybe we can still get them to stop."

Cunningham knows that those sorts of people aren't the kind to just stop if you ask them nicely. They have to be made to stop. He and Sheepdog were on the same page.

They'd have to do something about Jakub though. No sense getting the kid in a firefight if he could be put up here for a bit.
Oct 28, 2023 10:26 pm
Piotr explains, "They usually come in a group of 4 or 5, driving a vehicle like this one, he pats the top of your humvee "but theirs is more armored than this. They also have a machinegun attached to the roof of theirs. One always follows that vehicle with a truck or van. They swap out their second vehicle with one that we've loaded up with found supplies. You're making me nervous with these plans. I fear that they might expect that we tipped you off and retaliation might be inevitable. I have all these people to think about."

Although hesitantly, he points out the south road they always come up on. He also describes them as polish military personal.
Oct 29, 2023 5:57 am
Tedic considers the situation. It seems like if they were to take on the trading group, they would either be of roughly equal strength or slightly outmatched. He looks at the others to see what they think about it.
Oct 29, 2023 4:32 pm
Cunningham nods. "I understand your concern. The last thing we'd want is to make your lives any worse." He recalls Piotr saying that the other Daniel's group wasn't expected for a few more days. That would give them plenty of time to make a decision and either plan for a way to deal with them or avoid being targeted by them.
Oct 29, 2023 6:21 pm
"We don't gotta decide right now, right? Maybe stop here and let everyone rest up a little, see if we can trade for some food?" Sheepdog quietly says from the back. "I'm for it, but we can also keep cruising, LT."
Oct 29, 2023 9:15 pm
I think we're in the midst of the afternoon shift, so we can spend the rest of that here. Do we have anything to trade for food?
Cunningham asks Piotr, "Mind if we get out and stretch our legs here for a bit? We can move the Humvee somewhere out of sight if it being here is a problem."
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