The Hexcrawl

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Oct 29, 2023 9:33 pm
Piotr responds, "You're welcome to stay here for a day. However, I should warn you that Daniel's men might arrive the following day, and they won't react kindly to finding you here. You don't need to relocate the vehicle; it's not obstructing anyone's path."

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Oct 29, 2023 9:49 pm
T2K Referee
It is the middle of the afternoon shift. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone willing to give you food in a trade here. They do however have information if someone takes the time asking around. Some information is free, some can be obtained with a RECON roll, and some can be traded for.

Not all information is reliable. The free info is reliable. The RECON information is reliable on a success: information on a failed RECON has a 1 in 2 chance of being false. Traded information is reliable. You can be specific with the info you’re looking for or you can just see what’s around.

If you spend the evening and night shifts here you don’t need to roll to set up camp.

You’re also free to take any of the actions listed in the reference thread (such as hunting)

Notable Areas and People
- The shed used to store and sort scavenged gear.
- The road south of the settlement where you could set up an ambush for Daniel’s men.
- Piotr
- Piotr’s brother
- The radioactive wasteland of Kielce
Oct 30, 2023 3:51 pm
We don't have much food. Does anyone feel like heading off into the surrounding woods and hills to go hunting and/or foraging? As that's Survival and Recon rolls and Intelligence is the controlling attribute, Cunningham gets a d6 and d12 for the former and d8 and d12 for the latter. So if we want to do that, he'd volunteer to go. Plus, if we found enough to share, that might go a long ways with the locals.

If we just want intel on where to find gas, I guess there's that, too, but I'm not sure anyone here would even know the answer.

Oct 30, 2023 5:07 pm
How does the ‘bullet’ currency work? Can we turn reloads into currency?

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Oct 30, 2023 5:19 pm
T2K Referee
You are free to remove bullets from your magazines to use as currency.

Blurb from rules:
[ +- ] The Value of Ammo
Oct 31, 2023 12:31 am
Tedic could probably handle trade. Hopefully Russian is good enough to pass in this camp.
Oct 31, 2023 6:09 am
I think we definitely should trade bullets for food -- we should have some extra 5.45x39 if we found AK-74s.

Sheepdog will also recon the road, try to trade for spare parts and a toolkit / gun repair kit, and if there's time, he can hunt as well. Happy to RP these scenes.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Oct 31, 2023 12:16 pm
T2K Referee
It looks like the group will stay for the rest of the afternoon shift, evening shift, and night shift. Go ahead and declare actions. I'll RP and resolve actions as they come in. You are all free to split up.

Everyone will need to consume one ration and water during the evening shift including Jakub.

Afternoon Shift: Try to trade for bullets
Evening Shift: Recon the southern road.
Night Shift: Sleep.
Oct 31, 2023 4:38 pm
Someone else's turn to feed Jakub. Cunningham fed him yesterday.
Cunningham notifies the others that he's going hunting.
I'm guessing Hunter is staying in camp with the others.
Reference says:
Survival roll to track, each success you manage to track several pray. Recon roll to move into position to kill. Ranged attack to kill the pray.
Cunningham uses the AK-74 since it has a greater range than his pistol.
Let me know if I did any of this wrong.


Tracking: Survival & Intelligence - (d6, d12)

d6 : (4) = 4

d12 : (9) = 9

Move into Position: Recon & Intelligence - (d8, d12)

d8 : (6) = 6

d12 : (7) = 7

Kill Prey: Ranged Combat & Agility - (d6, d10)

d6 : (4) = 4

d10 : (5) = 5

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Oct 31, 2023 7:46 pm
T2K Referee
Leaving the settlement, Cunningham embarks on an exploration of the surrounding landscape, scouting for an ideal location for a hunting expedition. The area boasts a substantial expanse of forested terrain, promising the potential for a successful hunt. As luck would have it, Cunningham soon comes across the tracks of a large animal, gradually discerning the telltale signs of a moose. Following the trail, he methodically moves forward, and before long, the moose materializes not too far ahead.

With utmost care, he raises his AK-74, takes careful aim, and pulls the trigger. However, his shot goes wide, and the moose bolts, vanishing into the distance. Throughout the remainder of the afternoon shift, Cunningham's efforts yield no further opportunities to encounter game.


Animal - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Nov 1, 2023 2:26 am
Disappointed, Cunningham returns to the refugee camp. It doesn't seem like a good idea to be out alone after dark.
Nov 1, 2023 4:19 pm
Tedic's plan is:
- See up's up for trade
- Hunt (mostly to see if I can get the prerequisite success for learning the Survival skill)
- Sleep
He'll feed Jakob today.
You'll have to tell me what the modifier is going to be for this roll.
Well, that's that. I'll spend my exp to get the Survival skill up to d6.
Last edited November 1, 2023 4:20 pm


Track - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Recon - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Attack (yes, i am using the lmg lol) - (1d10)

(1) = 1

Nov 1, 2023 5:53 pm


Animal - (1d6)

(1) = 1

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 1, 2023 6:02 pm
T2K Referee
Following Cunningham's hunting excursion, Reed sets out on his own hunt. As they cross paths, Cunningham shares the valuable information about the moose, kindling hope that Reed may soon have a successful encounter. Reed ventures further into the wilderness and begins noticing the telltale signs of a bird. Eager to sneak up on the animal, he advances cautiously, but unfortunately, his movements prove too loud, and he startles a grouse, causing it to take off before he can even take a shot.

Upon reflection of the events, Reed realizes that even if he had managed to approach the grouse stealthily, he would have needed a shotgun to hunt it effectively.
Your calculations look correct to me, and the grouse is the one animal that requires a specific gun for hunting. Although, I love the idea of someone hunting with an lmg.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 1, 2023 6:22 pm
T2K Referee
Trading InfromationScouring the camp for potential trade goods proves to be a challenging endeavor due to the scarcity of available items.

A visit to the collection shed situated at the rear of the camp reveals a grim sight. Next to the shed, a man suffers from severe radiation poisoning, doubled over and vomiting uncontrollably. Inside the spacious shed, two women are meticulously sifting through various items. One pile comprises items designated for Daniel's men, while the other heap consists of miscellaneous goods that, while perhaps not of great value, could still prove useful to the settlement.

Here are the various things available for trade in the settlement, the person trading them, and their cost. Note that the items set aside for Daniel's men are not for trade, but you should know they exist.

Collection Shed - The Two WomenSet Aside for Daniel
-An SVD-63.
[ +- ] SVD-63
-Two perfectly good truck tires.
-A Car Battery

Other Gear
-A pack of playing cards: Cost 3 bullets
-A frying pan: Cost 20 bullets
-A charcoal grill: Cost 100 bullets
-A fire extinguisher: Cost 150 bullets

Outside the Collection Shed - The Man Puking his brains out- Location of a large usable military vehicle inside of Kielce's radiation zone. -Cost 30 bullets

Piotr-2 days rations and water: Cost An AK-74 with 1 full mag.

Old hunter near entrance of settlement-Secret location of a working gas station: Cost 4 grenades

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 1, 2023 6:25 pm
T2K Referee
Actions for the afternoon and evening shifts as of the moment:

Afternoon: Hunting
Evening: TBD

Afternoon: Scouring the camp for trading information
Evening: Hunting

Afternoon: TBD
Evening: TBD
Nov 1, 2023 10:05 pm
How much value does a car tire have? Seeing as they gathered tires for Daniel, it seems like the spare tire Reed found earlier would be rather valuable.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 1, 2023 11:26 pm
T2K Referee
saevikas says:
How much value does a car tire have?
50 Bullets
Nov 2, 2023 2:45 am
If I were to trade it to the hunter, how much would that cover?
Nov 2, 2023 4:18 am
The Hunter gazes at Reed and speaks with a sly grin, "Here's the deal. I'll point you in the right direction to find that gas station for the tire and two grenades. To be honest, I've got a hankering to blow something up."
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